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Page 1: Table of ContentsBelieve it or not, every physical, emotional or mental state of unhappiness you experience is your doing. It’s not someone else’s fault that you can’t lose weight
Page 2: Table of ContentsBelieve it or not, every physical, emotional or mental state of unhappiness you experience is your doing. It’s not someone else’s fault that you can’t lose weight

Table of Contents

Introduction 3 ........................................................................................

Negative Thoughts, Positive Thoughts 4 ........................................................

Gratitude Gives Back! 5 ............................................................................

Read All About It! ⎯ What You’ll Learn From This Book 6 ....................................

The Science Behind the Magic Method of Attraction 7 .......................................

Affirming a Positive Mindset 8 ....................................................................

Applying Attraction in Just Three Steps 10 ....................................................

The Frequency Formula 13 ........................................................................

Attracting Your Ideal Body 15 .....................................................................

Attracting Eternal Youth: How Old Do You Feel? 18 ..........................................

From Self-Love to Your Soul Mate 20 ............................................................

Your Dreams and Goals Are Waiting 23 .........................................................

Intuitive Decision Making 25 ......................................................................

The Five-Minute Money Magnet Trick 26 ........................................................

One Final Thing to Remember… 28 ..............................................................

Recommended Reading: 29 .......................................................................

Free Report: “How to Make Your Mind a Money Magnet” 29...............................

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Page 3: Table of ContentsBelieve it or not, every physical, emotional or mental state of unhappiness you experience is your doing. It’s not someone else’s fault that you can’t lose weight


It may have happened to your coworker, your best friend or your neighbor, and at some point, it’s happened to you. You wake up on the wrong side of the bed, and as you go through your day, bad things keep happening.

It may be that you spill coffee all over your white shirt as you head out the door to work. Then, you get caught in gridlock traffic, which prevents you from arriving to work on time. You get scolded by your boss, feel moody by lunchtime and when arriving home from work at the end of the day, you feel as if nothing will go right.

The truth is nothing will. Why? Because from the moment you woke up on the “wrong side of the bed,” you thought negatively about how your day will go.

Wait! Before you continue reading click the link below to find out how you can open the flood gates to unending cash flow with the FREE report “How to Make Your Mind a Money Magnet”

How to Make Your Mind a Money Magnet

Do you want rapid life-changing results? Uncover the secret to endless money, power and love in your life! Page 3

Page 4: Table of ContentsBelieve it or not, every physical, emotional or mental state of unhappiness you experience is your doing. It’s not someone else’s fault that you can’t lose weight

Negative Thoughts, Positive Thoughts

You may not be conscious of it, but negative thoughts (which we all experience daily) have the power to bring about catastrophically negative events, people and circumstances into our life.

But there’s good news ⎯ when you attract a different method of thought, positive thought, you can transform those negative people, events and circumstances into something positive and helpful, which will bring about more abundance than you could imagine!

Have you ever felt the following?

Emotionally drained after a hard day without being able to “snap out of it”?

Not making as much money as you feel you deserve?

In a dead end job, marriage or relationship pattern?

Chronic illness, depression or fatigue?

Believe it or not, every physical, emotional or mental state of unhappiness you experience is your doing. It’s not someone else’s fault that you can’t lose weight or that you’re in a loveless marriage.

The truth is you attract everything you have to you ⎯ all by the thoughts you think.

The law of attraction works like this: Everything in the Universe works off a certain vibration. You, the chair you’re sitting on, the trees, a computer, the clouds in the sky and your refrigerator all work on a vibration.

Ever looked at somebody you know, say a coworker who seems to have impeccably good luck at getting everything he or she wants in life? Perhaps your coworker just scored that promotion at work, has a loving relationship and a beautiful family ⎯ all the things you want but don’t have?

It’s not luck that your coworker has those things in life. It’s his or her thought process. He or she projects loving thoughts of gratitude, and he or she gets it back.

In other words, anyone who seems to have “all the luck” is really just working from a higher vibrational state ⎯ a state you can exist at too, by thinking good thoughts in order to receive good things back.

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Page 5: Table of ContentsBelieve it or not, every physical, emotional or mental state of unhappiness you experience is your doing. It’s not someone else’s fault that you can’t lose weight

Gratitude Gives Back!

Give out good things ⎯ gratitude, appreciation, self-love and thoughts of prosperity, and you’ll get those good things back. It could be an unexpected romance, a bonus on an upcoming paycheck, a job opportunity, a gift from a neighbor or a reminder from a stranger that you’re not alone.

The law of attraction is real and alive. It responds to your actions, your thoughts and your attitudes, so make it count!

If you’re feeling restless, unsettled, unhappy, depressed or “stuck” in your work life or your love life or simply want to find new ways to accomplish your biggest dreams and goals, this book is your ticket to ride. Climb aboard!

Do you want rapid life-changing results? Uncover the secret to endless money, power and love in your life! Page 5

Page 6: Table of ContentsBelieve it or not, every physical, emotional or mental state of unhappiness you experience is your doing. It’s not someone else’s fault that you can’t lose weight

Read All About It! ⎯ What You’ll Learn From This Book

This book is packed to the brim with tools, information and tricks to speed up the positivity of your life. Learn how the law of attraction works and how to successfully visualize good health, your soul mate and wealth into your life.

Read about negative and positive vibrations and how to heighten your vibrational state to achieve all of the love and good fortune you can handle. Are you a money magnet? If you’re not making as much money as you’d like, this guidebook has all the info you need to attract a prosperous life to you and with ease.

Learn how to eradicate fear, hesitation and doubt from your relationships, so that you can find your true life partner and eliminate negative past relationship patterns. Finally, learn the three important steps to cultivating a law of attraction mindset! No goal is too big for you to tackle after you begin following the tips outlined here.

Read every page carefully because no matter what you may struggle with or find challenge in, attracting what you want is the fastest, and most guaranteed, surefire way to land the life of your dreams.

Do you want rapid life-changing results? Uncover the secret to endless money, power and love in your life! Page 6

Page 7: Table of ContentsBelieve it or not, every physical, emotional or mental state of unhappiness you experience is your doing. It’s not someone else’s fault that you can’t lose weight

The Science Behind the Magic Method of Attraction

The first thing to learn is why the law of attraction works, before you can make it work for you. Since the beginning of time, ancient civilizations have used tools to make abundance come to them. Buddhists, Christians and Catholics have one thing in common ⎯ thoughts of gratitude for nature, health and money have come their way through chants, “magic potions” and free will.

Sending out thoughts of excellent health, a thankful spirit and an active imagination ⎯ all geared for the positive, led to positive results, back in ancient times and now today. The law of attraction isn’t a new age practice; it’s as real and as alive as the trees in your backyard or your veins that pump blood into your vital organs. The trick is developing a lifestyle of positive thought, so that you can reap the positive results you want in your life.

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Page 8: Table of ContentsBelieve it or not, every physical, emotional or mental state of unhappiness you experience is your doing. It’s not someone else’s fault that you can’t lose weight

Affirming a Positive Mindset

Most people think thoughts from a place of lack:

“I’m stuck in a dead end job.”

“I can’t lose weight. After all, I’ve failed so many times, so what makes me think I can do it this time?”

“I’m not pretty enough, handsome enough, smart enough or make enough money to offer someone else. I’ll probably be single forever.”

These fearful thoughts aren’t just a flittering, negative way of daydreaming your life away. It’s much more than a mere thought or attitude. Whether you realize it or not, these “thoughts” are creating the reality you exist in today. Negative thoughts about money, love, health, your goals, dreams and ambitions are sending out a vibration to the universe what you want more of.

Even if there are things in your life you want (but you’re thinking of those things in a doubtful, negative, fearful manner) and coming from a place of lack, you’ll never receive what you want. You’ll only receive more of a lack. Your lack created your mindset, and life will be a struggle.

Why? Because your thoughts may go like this: You don’t have enough money in your checking account. You’re miserable in your relationship, and you can’t seem to stop the cycle of attracting volatile, codependent partners from appearing in your life.

You want to stop smoking but just don’t think you can. More than anything, you want to start your own business but can’t seem to muster up the courage to really “go for it.”

But isn’t life meant to be easy, joyful and full of abundance? Yes, it sure is.

In other words, what feelings, attitudes, perceptions of yourself and thoughts you send out, you get back (either immediately or with time). On the other hand, if you begin transforming negative thoughts into positive ones, your reality will begin to shift, and almost as if by magic, change for you and for the taking.

Opportunities will open up. Experiences you never had before will present themselves to you. Life, and everything you have always wanted, will appear for you to absorb, enjoy and receive with ease.

The rule about the law of attraction is this ⎯ send good thoughts out and receive good things back. Raise your vibrational state (by clear, focused, positive thinking), and you’ll Do you want rapid life-changing results? Uncover the secret to endless money, power and love in your life! Page 8

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meet your soul mate. You’ll rake in multiple streams of income. You’ll witness your health improve, and every area will work for you, instead of against you.

How differently would your life be if it was no longer a struggle? Put the practice of attraction into your daily life as mentioned in this book, and you’ll no longer read about other people’s stories of success. You’ll know for yourself just how prosperous your life could truly be.

Do you want rapid life-changing results? Uncover the secret to endless money, power and love in your life! Page 9

Page 10: Table of ContentsBelieve it or not, every physical, emotional or mental state of unhappiness you experience is your doing. It’s not someone else’s fault that you can’t lose weight

Applying Attraction in Just Three Steps

You’re telling the universe to send you more money, job opportunities, adventure, love, passion, creativity and good health. To top it off, you’re actually receiving it. Why?

Because your thoughts dictate your reality, and your reality dictates your happiness. Do you want to be happier, healthier and receive more abundance? What if every time you thought about money, you had the attitude that instead of chasing down your next big deal, everything you touch turns to gold?

All it takes is the ability to cultivate a rich mindset, instead of one that thinks in terms of what you lack or don’t have enough of. Change your thoughts, raise your vibrations and finally have the life you really want ⎯ instead of what you’re merely settling for.

Attracting your dream life isn’t complicated. In fact, it’s one of the easiest, and over time with some practice, one of the most natural things you can do. Here’s how (no matter what the past has shown what you can or can’t have) in three easy and applicable steps.

Step 1: Watch the Movie of Your Life (as You Want It to Play Out)

If you’re single and want that ideal love to come into your life, you may have experienced feelings of longing after watching a romantic movie. In it, the actors meet, fall in love and live happily ever after. But is that possible for you? Sure it is ⎯ if you believe it is.

Use your imagination to attract that ideal love life to your advantage! Here’s how:

Visualize your life as a romantic blockbuster movie. Just spending five minutes a day (and everyone has five minutes a day to spare) to visualize what you want can have huge, impactful results.

Begin by closing your eyes and picture anything you want to have happening. Focus not on what that person or job opportunity looks like (trust us, the universe will work out those details for you) but what it feels like.

Watch the movie of your life unfold as it will by focusing on the big details. Imagine what it feels like to hold your partner’s hand in yours, how your wallet feels as money is spilling out of it or what those leather seats in your brand-new luxury car feels like. Imagine sensations of happiness, love and gratitude for that thing surrounding you and spilling out of you.

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Send out feelings of love to everyone in your life. When you focus on negative thinking and all that you don’t have, you’re stopping love from coming into your life.

The quickest way to unblock negativity is by sending out thoughts of love, so if you want to make your physical health a priority in your life and eliminate the pain in your joints or lose weight, send out thoughts of love for your already healthy body.

Send thoughts of love to your knees, your throat, your legs and arms, which carry you through each and every day. As you practice this daily positive train of thought, you’ll receive a healthier body, a vibrant love life and a thriving career immediately.

Accept love into your life without fear of what the future brings. Many people subconsciously block prosperity from coming to us by sending out feelings of low self-worth and doubt, which all stems from fear.

To eliminate these emotional or mental roadblocks, turn the switch from dark to light on! This means that when you are aware of negative thoughts coming into your consciousness, such as “I could never do that,” or “I’m just determined enough to lose weight to have that kind of body,” transform it to a positive variation of the negative.

Think, “I’m taking the first step to good health right now by eating this apple instead of chips,” or “I believe in myself and respect my body.” Feeling fear is normal; staying stuck in the fear is a hazard to your entire life.

Take action by allowing the good to come without fear of what it will look like, how long it may take and without putting particular expectations on your goal. Trust in the universe ⎯ as you think good thoughts, it will take care of the rest.

Step 2: Be Specific About the Details

Some folks don’t know the secret to the law of attraction. They think that simply by imagining what they want will attract it to them, but it goes deeper than that. Like anything, it’s a commitment to work hard, patience and let it come as and when, it will.

Most of all, it’s not a process of instant gratification. It’s a lifestyle and a state of mind. You can’t think negatively one day and then positively the next, while being frustrated that your dreams aren’t coming true as fast as you’d like them to.

It’s your belief in yourself that will set the stage for prosperity and along with that, being as specific about your life plan as you can. Follow these steps to help you specify your desires:

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Be clear about your intentions. If you’re vague about what you want, the universe will give you mixed results. Know what you want by focusing on how your body reacts.

Are you at peace when you think about starting your own business or are you filled with anxiety because it doesn’t seem like the perfect fit for your life at this time? Know what you want and fiercely commit to visualizing it in your mind.

Hone in on the object of your affection. Once you know what you want ⎯ that love of your life, to travel around the world, to have the means to buy your first home or to support your growing family ⎯ focus on the details of that object.

Focus on the feeling of your new living room carpet as you walk barefoot or on turning the wheel of your new car, or on walking on the beach with your lover as the sun beats down on you and the waves wash over your toes.

Focus on the sensations and feelings it will bring you. This is one of the most important aspects of the law of attraction, and it is critical to speeding up the results in your life!

How does that object, person or circumstance make you feel? What emotions does it bring you? As you visualize, feel the sensation of happiness, joy, comfort, financial security and adventure it brings. Focus ⎯ and this is key ⎯ on these emotions for as long as possible. Aim for one minute a day or more, as you’re able.

Step 3: Receive It Without Fear, Doubt or Hesitation

If you are hard at work manifesting what you want but also experience fear of the outcome, you’re blocking the universe from bringing it to you. Why? Because the universe responds to the sensations associated with the things you want more powerfully than the object of desire they.

Don’t control every little detail of what you visualize. It’s your job to imagine and believe in what you desire most in life, not in the many ways it can come to you. Trust the process. Don’t get stuck wondering, doubting or fearing how it will arrive in your life. Instead, spend your energy focused on the “what” and ”how” ⎯ how that person or thing will make you feel, what it is and how it will change your life. The universe will respond and will grant it to you in new forms of opportunity that you didn’t previously realize you had.

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The Frequency Formula

For most of us, our thoughts are on autopilot. We have specific attitudes (which were created in childhood or adolescence) about our bodies, our self-worth, the money we deserve to make and what type of partner we will have.

So, how’s that working for you?

If the majority of your thoughts are worry, stress, pressure, disappointment, anger or despair, you’re on a lower, negative vibrational frequency. If you feel joy, excitement, hope, gratitude and love, your frequency is at an all-time high, and you’ll receive more of the same into your life.

In other words, you’re a money magnet or a deterrent of money. You’re a love magnet or you’re a love repellent. Whatever you think throughout the day, the universe will hand you and sometimes immediately!

If you’re not satisfied, you have your thoughts to blame. The more you focus on good thoughts ⎯ gratitude, appreciation, self-love and joy instead of feelings of negativity, such as fear, jealousy, anger and doubt ⎯ the higher a frequency you’ll exist in and the more prosperous you’ll find your life to be.

Fortunately, if you want to speed up the law of attraction, there are many tools you can use. From vision boards to daily affirmations, it’s all in your hands and in your control.

Avoid negative people at all costs! Negative coworkers and family members can act like a virus. Negativity is powerful and can spread like wildfire. Instead, remove yourself from negative situations, such as eliminating your habit to gossip at work or speculate about others.

Once you do, you’ll begin to send a clear message to the universe that you’re open, you’re receptive and you’re attracting only good, positive situations into your life.

Transform negative thoughts into positive ones through guided imagery. Guided imagery can instantly take you away from negative thought into a happy, blissful and joyous state of being. If you’re used to thinking thoughts of anger toward an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend, focus on a positive image.

It can be anywhere that you feel safe and loved. From a white sand beach to your childhood home, just fixating on the smells, sights and sounds of this place can make you feel at peace and receptive to positive thinking.

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Page 14: Table of ContentsBelieve it or not, every physical, emotional or mental state of unhappiness you experience is your doing. It’s not someone else’s fault that you can’t lose weight

What activities bring you joy? If a mindset of lack has plagued your life, such as focusing on what you don’t have ⎯ “I don’t have enough money in the bank, I don’t have as good of health as I need to have, and I don’t have someone to come home to,” reverse it!

When you train your mind to focus on those feel-goods in your life ⎯ a roof over your head, a steady paycheck or how good a long run feels after a long day of work ⎯ you’ll multiply the amount of joy, excitement and passion for your life, which will result in more joy, excitement and passion than you know what to do with!

How do you love spending your time? Is it by writing creative short stories, kayaking on the lake, lifting weights, painting or cooking?

Spend time doing anything you love and that makes you feel happy, and you’ll multiply your happiness and raise your vibrations (thus, eliminating your obsession with thinking about what you don’t like in your life.)

Practice daily affirmations. If you’re not used to doing affirmative work, affirmations work like this. They are short sentences of positive thought that gear your mind to focus on the positive. It can be as simple as, “My body is healthy, agile and energetic,” or something such as, “I am surrounded by multiple streams of income, and I continually increase my income.”

As you focus on a daily affirmation (read one each morning to start your day off in the best way possible!), take a minute to not just read the words (which you can post on your bathroom mirror or anywhere you’re able to see it multiple times in a given day) but to feel it take place in your day.

Affirmations are powerful because they don’t just make you happier for the moment as you read them, but they also heighten your vibration so that you can receive positive circumstances throughout your life. Get into the habit of daily affirmations, and you’ll receive all of the good you could ever hope for.

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Page 15: Table of ContentsBelieve it or not, every physical, emotional or mental state of unhappiness you experience is your doing. It’s not someone else’s fault that you can’t lose weight

Attracting Your Ideal Body

It doesn’t matter whether you want to lose your belly fat, gain more muscle, ease your risk of disease or stop mistreating your body with fast food and alcohol. Do you want to feel confident about the way you look, and become healthier and more energetic, but nothing else has worked?

Cultivating a positive mindset will change your entire body – and then some!

Before exercising your muscles and joining the latest fad diet plan, exercise your method for attracting a healthy mindset by attracting it to you with ease– then you’ll have the good health, a fit body and endless energy you’ve been waiting a lifetime for.

You won’t ever have a strong, fit and healthy body if you focus on how much you hate, detest or loathe the way you think your body looks. Think you’re overweight? Then you’ll always be overweight. Think you’ll never be able to stop smoking, cut out processed foods from your diet, or give up happy hour? Then you will never be able to.

Every part of your body is listening and responding to your thoughts. If you wake up every morning and think, “I’m always so tired. Nothing ever wakes me up!” than the very molecules in your body program themselves to carry out that demand.

You’ll always be fatigued. You’ll always lack the energy you need to drive out your many tasks and responsibilities of each day, and you’ll never have the energy you need to feel youthful, vibrant and alive.

On the other hand, if you tell yourself each and every day how grateful you are for your body (even when you wake up feeling tired, for example) and express feelings of gratitude for your arms, legs, beating heart, eyes, ankles, and strong abdomen for working and taking you through your day with good health, you’ll receive an abundantly, healthy body, day after day.

Just like any other area of your life, negative thoughts perpetuate nothing more than more negative thoughts, and thus, negative situations to appear in your life.

With each thought of, “I can’t stand the way I look in this top,” and “I feel awful, but I’m so unhealthy so it’s no wonder I don’t have more confidence than I do,” the Universe is hearing you loud and clear. And, it’s responding by giving you more opportunity to hate, loathe, or doubt that you’ll ever shape up your body and your mindset.

All of us at some point or another (most likely in our early childhood) learned how to feel about our body. Whether it was from older siblings, parents or the media, we were

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Page 16: Table of ContentsBelieve it or not, every physical, emotional or mental state of unhappiness you experience is your doing. It’s not someone else’s fault that you can’t lose weight

taught that a thin body makes you worthy of love, and an overweight frame makes your worthless.

But what’s the real truth?

You are perfect as you are, and a healthy body shouldn’t be achieved through deprivation, or by struggling. Many people spent years buying into fad diets, expensive diet pills and muscle building protein powders just to gain or lose weight, and ultimately, to feel more worthy, desirable, and loveable.

This isn’t the way to a happy life, and certainly not a happy body. A happy body will never come until you cultivate a happy mindset. Need help eliminating negative thoughts about your body image? Attract it to you, with the following tips:

Focus on gratitude for the body you have. Whether you realize it on a conscious level or not, you’re constantly sending hateful messages about yourself into the universe.

It could be out of frustration, impatience or disappointment about what you think you should look like, but regardless, it’s blocking you from having the body you want.

Attract the best health of your life by feeling sensations of gratitude for what you do have ⎯ two working legs that take you from place to place with ease, arms that painlessly move from side to side, and the perfect body you were born to love.

Focus on gratitude for the body/good health you want to have. Now, take the law of attraction one step further by giving thanks and appreciation for the body you want by acting as if you already have it.

This may feel unnatural at first to express gratitude for what you don’t really have (but act as though you do). However, soon it will feel as natural as brushing your teeth or eating breakfast.

It will feel natural because gratitude stems from feelings of self-love, and after all, aren’t we all beings of perfect love, joy and harmony? We are, despite the struggles you may have experienced in your lifetime, meant to get back to that place of love and acceptance.

You’re also meant to have everything you want, especially that ideal body that will healthfully take you from place to place.

Take a few moments each day to imagine having the endurance to run a marathon or a thin body that provides you confidence to wear slim-fitting clothing; a commitment to

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eating healthy, “real” food (as opposed to fast food); happily working out, instead of sitting in front of the TV; and enjoying being comfortable in your own skin, instead of hiding behind alcohol, cigarettes or recreational drugs to feel better about yourself.

As you imagine these things, give thanks for your strong, fit and healthy body as it takes you everywhere you need to go with energy, ease and strength.

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Page 18: Table of ContentsBelieve it or not, every physical, emotional or mental state of unhappiness you experience is your doing. It’s not someone else’s fault that you can’t lose weight

Attracting Eternal Youth: How Old Do You Feel?

Have you ever experienced feeling physically tired, emotionally drained and depleted with your career, and your coworkers are the first to point it out to you? It may go something like this: “Wow. Maybe you should grab an extra cup of coffee this morning. You look awful!”

No one wants to hear that they look awful, and it’s not that you look bad. It’s just that how you feel outside will manifest itself to your outer appearance. Every part of your body is responding to your emotions, so when you feel tired, fatigued and emotionally drained, you will begin to look past your age.

Feeling like your 50 years old when you’re only the ripe age of 35? Here’s how to attract your own internal and external fountain of youth!

• Meditate for five minutes a day. Meditation is something that can be done anywhere and at any time. If you just experienced a breakup from a long-term relationship or suffered a bad injury from a car accident, nothing can accelerate your age as quickly as something life-changing as that.

Begin quieting your mind for just five minutes a day through meditation and before doing anything else. Through a morning routine, meditation can help you center and refocus on your self ⎯ without your ego to distract you from your many responsibilities that the day holds.

Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and begin breathing slowly. Inhale through your nose while counting to five, and exhale through your mouth by counting to five again.

Let your thoughts come as they may, give thanks for them and release them. Sitting and being with your true spirit has the power to increase happiness, decrease stress and even restore your youth (no matter how tired you may have previously looked!).

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Page 19: Table of ContentsBelieve it or not, every physical, emotional or mental state of unhappiness you experience is your doing. It’s not someone else’s fault that you can’t lose weight

As you make meditation a priority in your life ⎯ just as much as you do brushing your teeth or checking your inbox ⎯ you’ll discover that it also has the power to powerfully attract youth and everything else you could possibly want.

• Visualize what youth looks like and feels like to you. Age is only a number, so why do some many people past the age of 21 dread their birthday or spend money on expensive wrinkle creams and anti-age Botox treatments?

Using the law of attraction for your health isn’t just about reversing Father Time. It’s true that attracting a youthful body and mind can be achieved by meditation, vision boards and meditation, but what it can also do is transform your thinking about what aging means.

This can be done by putting your active imagination to good use. After your daily five-minute meditation, or while taking a bath, cooking dinner or driving to work, focus on what your health means to you.

Attracting a divine, healthy and vibrant body is conducive to the feelings and emotions you put behind it, so focus on how your total health makes you feel.

As you visualize your energetic body with a lean and slim frame, with glowing skin, free of cancer and any other ailments and disease, think about your emotions. Do you feel confident? Empowered? Happy? Blissful? Are you doing and accomplishing things in life you never thought you could before?

Focus on those feelings this aligned, youthful body is providing you, and in very little time, you won’t just feel those emotions (which you attracted to you!), but you’ll begin to look different. You’ll radiate those very emotions that will allow you to look as if you drank from the fountain of youth.

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Page 20: Table of ContentsBelieve it or not, every physical, emotional or mental state of unhappiness you experience is your doing. It’s not someone else’s fault that you can’t lose weight

From Self-Love to Your Soul Mate

You may be in a long-term relationship, single, married with children or recently divorced, but whatever your situation, you’re not completely happy. You’re not happy because your blocking the universe from sending you the things, people and opportunities you really want in life.

When you change your thoughts and raise your vibrational frequency, you will change your love life ⎯ guaranteed.

Most people are stuck in a relationship that isn’t fulfilling them. They may choose the same type of partner over and over again, such as someone who is codependent, fearful of commitment or doesn’t value them.

Whether you realize it on a conscious level or not, your subconscious is always on and is always attracting to you what you feel you deserve. You may feel fearful of intimacy, so life brings to you a partner who isn’t committed fully to you, which results in a relationship that is a dead end.

You may want to feel worthy of love (which you never received as a child), and you play out, over and over again, the role of your partner’s mother, or father, heroically stepping in to “save them.” But as time dictates to you, they don’t want to be saved, and you ultimately resent them for it.

Instead, why not opt for another scenario for your love life and one that will give you the happily-ever-after ending you really want and need? For long-lasting, healthy and functional love, try this: self-love.

Loving yourself first is the fastest way to attract a loving partner to you, and as you send out thoughts of love, passion, adventure, excitement and respect for yourself, you’re also sending a clear message to the universe that you’ll tolerate nothing less.

It doesn’t matter what type of negative, dysfunctional or unfulfilling relationship you are in right now. If you start focusing on feelings of love, you’ll receive love back in abundance.

Give love out to strangers and loved ones, alike. If you’re single and waiting for “the one” with hope (but some occasional hopelessness), you’ll attract more hopelessness. This is because you’re giving out mixed signals to the universe, and as mentioned before, when you give out mixed emotions and thoughts, you’ll wind up with mixed results.

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Page 21: Table of ContentsBelieve it or not, every physical, emotional or mental state of unhappiness you experience is your doing. It’s not someone else’s fault that you can’t lose weight

Redirect your feelings of hopelessness, fear or doubt with love for yourself. Make a list in your head of everyone in your life you appreciate. It could be the garbage man, your children, your boss, your mother and even your gossipy coworker.

Picture yourself sending them a thought of love, respect and appreciation. As you do, you’ll not only attract an abundance of love into your life, but your mood will dramatically improve.

The more your mood elevates to happy, positive thinking, the higher your vibrational state will become and the more powerful you will be to attract love into your life.

Focus on the good in all of your current relationships. If you’re currently in a romantic relationship, but you’re not feeling loved in return, or for whatever reason not completely satisfied, your negative thinking is to blame.

It could be that you have a mother that is always asking you when you’re going to finally find a boyfriend, a sister who is always complaining about her job, a wife who never seems happy with life as it is, or a son who doesn’t seem happy about anything.

Focus on the negative attributes of your relationships, and you’ll get back more negative opportunities to gripe about! But focus on the positive attributes about everyone in your life, and you’ll receive opportunity for more love than you ever thought was possible!

Sure, you are not responsible for other people’s actions, such as a partner who made the decision to cheat on you or when your parents yelled at you out of the blue for something that really had nothing to do with you, but your thoughts aren’t doing you any favors and are actually making matters worse by perpetuating a negative love life.

Your thoughts are responsible for attracting a volatile partner, a non-communicative partner or a romantic situation that has you feeling depleted rather than uplifted. Begin each day by focusing on the good in your love life. If you’re with someone, make a mental list of his or her best qualities. If you’re single, send out thoughts of love for the qualities you need in a partner.

Visualize the qualities of your ideal partner. There’s a difference between “wishing” to have a partner fulfill your expectations and “programming” yourself to receive him or her. It doesn’t matter what your past love life has shown you about love, and it doesn’t even matter what your current one is telling you now.

The trick is to start today in this very moment by watching the movie of your life as you insist it to play out. It’s OK to not know what life has in store for you, but eliminate negative, self-sabotaging thoughts by thinking about the qualities you want in someone:

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kindness, thoughtfulness, intention, positivity, sticking to their word, faithfulness and self-respect.

It may be hard for you to visualize the “right” partner when all you’ve experienced is the “wrong” one, so don’t focus on what he or she may look like or how you’ll meet. Instead, spend a few moments each day focusing on his or her wonderful qualities.

Picture your hand in your partner’s as the two of you are laughing so hard you can’t speak. Picture sitting together on the couch and feeling safe, worthy and loved in your partner’s arms. Imagine the feeling your partner gives you as he or she accepts you for all that you are.

As you focus on your partner’s characteristics and the emotions involved, you’ll not only unblock obstacles from receiving it, you’ll receive it without struggle. You won’t have to “chase them down” or play mind games to hold your partner’s interest.

As a result, your love life ⎯ real and true love that you deserve ⎯ will attract itself to you with ease instead of the struggle that you’ve known it to be in the past.

Make a list of your best qualities. Pay attention because this is the best possible tool you can use to heighten your power to attract the right love into your life! Whatever your current love life looks like, switch your mindset from what you lack to what you have.

You have a great sense of humor, a kind heart, the ability to go above and beyond for anyone in need, and don’t forget how deep your skills and talents run. Now, what other unique attributes do you currently have that sets you apart from everyone else?

Once a week (or as often as needed), make a list of every characteristic you’re proud of. Are you a hard worker? Do you have a knack for cooking delicious, mouthwatering Sunday breakfast for your friends or family?

When you focus on what you have, instead of what you’re lacking, you’ll witness for yourself love falling into your lap. Send out love, and get it back ⎯ just as the universe intended for you.

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Page 23: Table of ContentsBelieve it or not, every physical, emotional or mental state of unhappiness you experience is your doing. It’s not someone else’s fault that you can’t lose weight

Your Dreams and Goals Are Waiting

Are you giving into your current detrimental thoughts as the truth of your reality or sending them away as you do a pesky little fly? Are you accepting your negative thoughts as a permanent fixture in your life or insisting on a positive thought to replace its spot in your mind?

Whether you are working on accomplishing your goals or not, your thoughts play a huge part in your happiness and contentment. It also weighs heavily on your confidence, self-respect and excitement for the future. If you aren’t goal-oriented, your negative thoughts are in the driver’s seat, steering you into a self-loathing future.

Do you dream of opening up your first restaurant, traveling to China or leaving your current office job to pursue a new career as a photographer? The truth is your biggest and most seemingly impossible dreams are not out of your reach; they’re not impossible at all. What they are is on stand-by until you transform your thinking into thoughts of love and acceptance for however it comes!

So many people stop the opportunity to give their goals and dreams a chance to become a reality for the fear, hesitation and self-doubt that dominates their thinking.

What chance are you giving yourself if every time you consider writing that book, you think thoughts such as, “Whom am I kidding? No one will take me seriously. Who would ever read this book?”

When you think that you can’t make it as a writer, a painter, an entrepreneur or a world traveler, you’re right. You’re already telling yourself that you won’t be taken seriously and you’re not worth the dream. It’s fear stopping you, and you’re on a low vibrational frequency.

Heighten that vibration, and align yourself with thoughts of love, and your biggest goals will become ripe with opportunity you never had before. Here’s how to start out feeling love instead of fear and hopefulness instead of despair!

Vision boards. Whether you want to turn your entry-level job into a managerial position or you want to move into a bigger home, your dream is yours for the taking!

A vision board is a visual tool that trains your subconscious mind to believe the images you’re seeing to become your reality. If you want to own your own home, for example,

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Page 24: Table of ContentsBelieve it or not, every physical, emotional or mental state of unhappiness you experience is your doing. It’s not someone else’s fault that you can’t lose weight

cut out pictures in magazines or print them out from the Internet, brochures or pamphlets you receive.

Post them on your vision board, and place it somewhere in your bedroom, kitchen or living room where you can focus for several minutes at a time on your dream. It may help to also post detailed phrases, sentences or affirmations, such as, “My dream home is spacious, clean and modern,” or “I love coming home to this gorgeous house every day.”

Create the perfect day scenario in your mind. Close your eyes for a minute or two, and watch your perfect day play out, as if it’s a movie. What would the perfect day in your dream career, love life or adventurous journey to a foreign land look like, feel like and taste like?

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Page 25: Table of ContentsBelieve it or not, every physical, emotional or mental state of unhappiness you experience is your doing. It’s not someone else’s fault that you can’t lose weight

Intuitive Decision Making

Are you stuck in a job that just allows you to survive, or are you working toward accomplishing your true calling in life?

Most of us want to achieve a career, a relationship or a goal that will allow us to not feel like we’re “working,” but we’re living to our highest, most productive self. When you work in a job that just allows you to pay your bills or you’re in a relationship just so you won’t be alone, you’re not being authentically you. Instead, it’s just a quick fix for your most immediate needs.

But when you work toward your dreams and focus on the love you have for your dream (instead of focusing on the fear of going outside your comfort zone), you are existing on a high vibrational state and accurately making those impossible dreams become possible.

Try this: for every challenge that comes your way and every decision you have to make in order to accomplish your goals, think from your “gut,” your intuition, instead of your intellect.

Most of us are trained to think with our brain. If we are uncertain about what career path to take in our 20s, we ask those around us for guidance. If we are unsure about whether we should fully commit ourselves to a relationship with someone, we go over the pros and cons, but is it really that complicated?

No, it’s not. Life is meant to be yours to fully enjoy, learn from and find love in. It’s not meant to be a struggle, and if you are struggling with striving for your goals, you’re not thinking from an intuitive standpoint but an intellectual one.

With any decision you have to make, focus on the feelings of your body. What is it telling you? If you’re contemplating taking a job offer that’s just been given to you, do you feel anxiety or calm and confident?

Respond to that feeling, and send out appreciation for the offer (which as the law of attraction shows, you’ll receive many more offers in the future!).

You have the power to attract anything and as much of it as you want. There is no limit to what the universe can provide you, so come from a place of gratitude, love, joy, excitement and passion, and watch your dreams attract themselves to you, one by one.

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The Five-Minute Money Magnet Trick

There’s no “abundance cap” the universe puts on you. You won’t be “cut off” by asking for too much or rejected by the law. The only limitation you experience when it comes to money is the one you put on yourself.

What are your attitudes about money? If you don’t have enough money in your life, you’re thinking negatively about what money means. Did you learn as a child that making too much money correlated to being greedy or that you’ll need to struggle for years and years before making the income you’d like?

Everything in life is yours for the taking, as long as you allow it to come instead of fearing it. The only question is, what’s stopping you from making more money than you currently are? Attract wealth before your very eyes by applying these tips to your life:

Practice daily gratitude for all that you have! There is no easier, better and faster way to attract more money into your life than by being grateful for what you currently have.

If you struggle financially, spend a few moments daily giving thanks for what you do have. You have a roof over your head, a steady paycheck, a car that runs… Focus on those things with feelings of love and appreciation, and trust us ⎯ more money will begin to appear in your life.

Write yourself a blank check. This tool can be applied to your vision board or taped up on your bedroom mirror. It’s a tool for achieving wealth, especially when worries of money are heavy on your mind.

Write yourself a check. It could be a small amount or it could be a very large amount. The trick is to write in an amount that will most easily allow your mind to believe it. Magic happens when you believe it will, so if you’re new to this, start with a smaller number. When that amount appears into your life, then create another check with a larger number and so on.

Focus on this check every day and several times a day if you can. Picture in your mind what this check will provide for you and map out all the details ⎯ a new sports car, the ability to dine out at five-star restaurants, a new home, lavish vacations or paying off your credit card debt.

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Focus on the sensations of joy, relief and tears of happiness that this check provides you. Here’s the trick ⎯ as you practice this check exercise, visualize it not happening in the future but right here in the present moment.

When you picture yourself having these things that you want today and a check with a specific amount in front of you, today, the universe is receiving a clear message from you that right now, your reality is wealth, and it will be provided for you.

Send out your love, wherever you go. The bank doesn’t move money; your love does. No matter what predetermined attitudes you have about money, feelings of love will attract money to you.

It doesn’t matter what you’ve had in the past. As long as you think about abundance in terms of your present life as it is, you’ll receive it effortlessly.

Chasing down money will no longer be a struggle and won’t be something you will have to do any longer. Instead, you’ll find opportunities to make money, have money delivered, donated or handed to you and come as easily as the mail is delivered daily to your home.

If you’re not making money, focus on your thoughts. Are you complaining about how little you have or focusing on an attitude as you go through your day of resentment for others who have more than you do?

That’s the root of any money problems you have because just as everything in the universe is made up of energy, your thoughts are too. As the golden rule of attraction goes, fix your thoughts by sending out love and gratitude for what you have and you’ll receive it back.

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One Final Thing to Remember…

When it comes down to it, there is only one person responsible for your life, and that’s you. You steer it left or right. You speed up or slow down. And you attract the adventures, opportunities and triumphs experienced ⎯ no one else.

Why not make it the best journey it can be and become happier, prosperous and joyful as a result? Sending out thoughts of love, exuberance, joy, anger, hate, gratitude and jealousy are really just about two sensations ⎯ love or fear.

Love yourself, your job, your health, your friends and family and your paycheck, and you’ll become able to reap the rewards of a higher vibrational state. Hate your job, loathe your coworkers, feel jealous about your friend with the perfect body you want and feel anger toward your ex-spouse, and you’ll stay in that reality forever with plenty of opportunity to continue experiencing feelings of hate and hurt.

Who you really are is someone without limits, except for the limits you place on yourself. Become a money magnet, a love magnet and a good health magnet just be rewiring your thoughts. Use this book daily as a reminder that you can truly have everything you want and will ⎯ as long as you come from a place of love and gratitude.

Your life is meant to be a shining, happy and radiant life. Use your vision boards, thoughts of gratitude, meditation and daily affirmations to play out the movie of your life ⎯ just the way you insist it to be. It’s all there for the taking, so take it, live well and give and receive to everyone you meet along the way.

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Recommended Reading:

Free Report: “How to Make Your Mind a Money Magnet”

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