table of contents - simio · 2 table of contents list of tables ..... 4

Final Report Implementation of EV Cost Metrics for Lockheed Martin Team 15 Members: Dylan McJimsey Sambridhi Bhandari Armel Djiogan Submitted to fulfill the requirements for final report ISEN 459 Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering Texas A&M University 05/06/2014 Course Teaching Team: Dr. César Malavé Dr. Tanya Wickliff Mr. José Vázquez Advisor: Dr. Andy Banerjee Project Sponsor: Dr. John T. Carson

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Final Report Implementation of EV Cost Metrics


Lockheed Martin

Team 15 Members: Dylan McJimsey

Sambridhi Bhandari Armel Djiogan

Submitted to fulfill the requirements for final report

ISEN 459

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering

Texas A&M University


Course Teaching Team: Dr. César Malavé

Dr. Tanya Wickliff Mr. José Vázquez

Advisor: Dr. Andy Banerjee

Project Sponsor: Dr. John T. Carson


Table of Contents

List of Tables ................................................................................................................................................ 4

List of Figures ............................................................................................................................................... 4

List of Equations ........................................................................................................................................... 4

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................... 5

1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 6

1.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................................................ 6

1.2 Background ......................................................................................................................................... 6

2.0 PROBLEM .............................................................................................................................................. 6

2.1 Final Deliverables ............................................................................................................................... 7

3.0 LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................................................................................................... 7

3.1 Simulation Modeling Technique in Simio .......................................................................................... 7

3.2 Risk-based Simulation ........................................................................................................................ 8

4.0 APPROACH ........................................................................................................................................... 8

4.1 Earned Value ....................................................................................................................................... 9

4.2 Simio Model........................................................................................................................................ 9

4.2.1 Aircraft ....................................................................................................................................... 10

4.2.2 Order releasers ........................................................................................................................... 10

4.2.3 Material delivery ........................................................................................................................ 10

4.2.4 Basic and assembly stations ....................................................................................................... 11

4.2.5 Transporter ................................................................................................................................. 11

4.3 Variability ......................................................................................................................................... 12

4.3.1 Learning curve ........................................................................................................................... 12

4.3.2 Material defect rate .................................................................................................................... 12

4.3.3 Crew size .................................................................................................................................... 12

4.3.4 Machine reliability ..................................................................................................................... 13

4.3.5 Transporter availability .............................................................................................................. 13

4.3.6 Material availability ................................................................................................................... 13

4.4 Model Validation .............................................................................................................................. 14

4.5 Cost Model ........................................................................................................................................ 15

4.6 Data Collection ................................................................................................................................. 16

4.7 Simio Output ..................................................................................................................................... 16

4.8 Data Organization and Manipulation ................................................................................................ 17

5.0 RESULTS ............................................................................................................................................. 17


5.1 Earned Value Tool ............................................................................................................................ 17

5.1.1 Input Interface ............................................................................................................................ 18

5.1.2 Output Interface ......................................................................................................................... 19

5.1.3 Analyze Interface ....................................................................................................................... 19

5.2 Case Study ........................................................................................................................................ 19

5.2.1 Scenario I ................................................................................................................................... 19

5.2.2 Scenario II .................................................................................................................................. 21

6.0 CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................................... 22

7.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................................................................................................... 22

8.0 APPENDIX ........................................................................................................................................... 23


List of Tables Table 1: Control .......................................................................................................................................... 14

Table 2: Scenario Outcomes ....................................................................................................................... 15

Table 3: Scenario I - Inputs ......................................................................................................................... 20

Table 4: Scenario I - Inputs Cont. ............................................................................................................... 20

Table 5: Scenario I - Week 10 Analysis ................................................................................................. 20

Table 6: Scenario II - Week 10 Analysis ................................................................................................ 21

List of Figures Figure 1: Outline of Approach ...................................................................................................................... 9

Figure 2: Earned Value Chart ....................................................................................................................... 9

Figure 3: Process Flow Diagram for Car Production Model ...................................................................... 10

Figure 4: Transporter Availability .............................................................................................................. 13

Figure 5: Material Availability ................................................................................................................... 14

Figure 6: Metalworking Cost Table in MySQL .......................................................................................... 17

Figure 7: EV Tool Process .......................................................................................................................... 18

Figure 8: Scenario I - EV Chart ............................................................................................................... 20

Figure 9: Scenario II - EV Chart .............................................................................................................. 21

List of Equations Equation 1: Processing Time Calculation ................................................................................................... 11

Equation 2: Learning Curve ........................................................................................................................ 12

Equation 3: Earned Value Calculation ........................................................................................................ 17



Lockheed Martin desires the ability to forecast Earned Value performance at any future

date. However, there are no risk-based simulation tools that also include Earned Value

analysis. Therefore, the goal of this project was to provide Lockheed Martin with a simulation-

based Earned Value tool to forecast project performance given expected resources and

operational risks. With the use of Simio®, MySQL®, and Microsoft Excel 2010®, we created an

Earned Value analysis technique that integrates cost and schedule data into a single tool. This

tool quantifies the risk associated with a project manager’s decisions regarding a production

plan, thus helping them identify resources to reduce those expected risks. Our recommendation

is that Lockheed Martin implement our Earned Value tool into their F-35 simulation to gain the

ability to forecast cost and schedule performance.



1.1 Purpose

This project was completed to provide Lockheed Martin with a simulation-based Earned Value

tool. The tool allows Lockheed Martin to look at a project’s future risk based on present

assumptions and understand the cost implications associated with these risks. This report

addresses the scope of the project and the approach taken to fulfill the project requirements.

1.2 Background

Earned Value (EV) is a project management technique used to ensure proper monitoring of

project costs. It is used to identify problems in the project and provide a means to adjust

estimates of cost and schedule over the course of the project. There are three main reporting

metrics used during EV analysis: Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled (BCWS), Budgeted Cost of

Work Performed (BCWP), and Actual Cost of Work Performed (ACWP). BCWS is also referred

to as the Planned Value because it describes the sum of budgets for all work scheduled to be

completed within a given time frame. ACWP is the cost incurred in completing the work

performed during a given time frame and is also referred to as the Actual Cost. BCWP, also

referred to as Earned Value, is the sum of budgets for all completed work to date. BCWP is

compared to BCWS and ACWP to determine two other metrics, Cost Variance (CV) and

Schedule Variance (SV). CV is the difference between Earned Value and Actual Cost, while SV

is the difference between Earned Value and Planned Value. Therefore, if both CV and SV are

negative, the project is both over budget and behind schedule. All of these metrics aid in

reporting the status of the project and in identifying potential issues in advance.

The Department of Defense requires Lockheed Martin to have a certified technique for

determining EV for all projects. The ability to keep track of government funds through EV is a

key measure for awarding future contracts.


The use of EV analysis is becoming increasingly important to Lockheed Martin, given their

high-cost projects. Lockheed Martin currently uses EV reporting tools combined with data from

the F-35 manufacturing floor. These tools and data are only used for reporting purposes, not

forecasting, due to the complexity of the system. Lockheed Martin wants the ability to forecast

EV performance at any future date. However, there are no risk-based simulation tools that also

include EV analysis.

Lockheed Martin created a simulation model in Simio® (hereafter Simio) that simulates the

production of their F-35 aircraft. They want to expand this simulation model to include elements

of cost so as to simulate the completion cost of each plane. Lockheed Martin would also like to

include EV into the simulation so that operational risks such as defective material, change in

crew size, or variable efficiency can be evaluated within the EV language: BCWS, BCWP, and

ACWP. Evaluating these risks will give Lockheed Martin the opportunity to mitigate them


Our task was to provide a simulation-based EV reporting tool, based on Lockheed Martin’s

Simio model, to forecast project performance given expected resources and operational risks.


2.1 Final Deliverables

The final deliverables for this project are:

A working simulation with associated cost model.

o Create a generalized production simulation based on numerous resource

assumptions. These assumptions made use of a probability distribution to

introduce performance variation in future work. The variation in this model

provides a measure for the cost of risk assumed in production resources.

Earned Value reporting by department, contract, and entity.

o An EV analysis tool showing future EV status and projected risk. This EV tool

creates charts based on the data set provided by Simio.

Thorough methodology of the cost model for Earned Value analysis.

o A report documenting the methodology for integrating the cost model into

simulation is provided. This methodology will help Lockheed Martin implement

our cost model into their F-35 simulation and potentially be used in a larger scale

as well.


The information provided from the following sources helped us understand how to incorporate

risk and cost aspects into our simulation model.

3.1 Simulation Modeling Technique in Simio

Pegden, C. Dennis. Simio. Computer software. Vers. 6.97. N.p., 2009. Web. 31 Jan. 2014.

In this version of the software, Pegden includes a support function called SimBit that contains

small examples that demonstrate how to do common tasks. One example, titled Financials,

involves calculating various costs in a simple manufacturing facility. The model shows how to

use different costing features in Simio, such as the capital cost property, the holding cost

property, and using an assign step to manually apply costs. It also shows how to associate costs

for every entity that rides on a vehicle.

A cost center can be created for a workstation, server, or vehicle by expanding the financials

property category and selecting “Create New” from the parent cost center property drop down

menu. The cost center will accumulate any costs incurred by the object. A cost center can also

be created manually from the elements panel in the definitions window. The costs from these

cost centers are applied by using the assign step in an add-on process trigger.

The capital cost is created from the financials category to create a one-time cost for a workstation

or server. A holding cost is applied by expanding the buffer costs subcategory and then the input

buffer category. Setting this cost will add to the workstation or server cost center based on the

average number of entities in the input buffer. Each entity’s cost per hour is configured by

expanding the financials property category on the model entity and setting the initial cost

rate. The cost per rider is set by expanding the transport costs subcategory from the financials

category. This cost will be added to the vehicle’s cost center each time an entity is loaded onto

the vehicle.


In regards to our simulation model, these Simio cost features were used to calculate the material,

labor, and capital costs.

3.2 Risk-based Simulation

Carson, John T., Dr. Aligning Supply Chain and Business Capture Strategies Through

Risk-Based Planning and Scheduling (RPS). Rep. Fort Worth: Lockheed Martin

Corporation, 2011. Print.

Christopher, Martin, Omera Khan, and Oznur Yurt. "Identifying Risk Issues and

Research Advancements in Supply Chain Risk Management." Supply Chain

Management: An International Journal 16.2 (2011): 67-81. Web.

Research shows that most companies do not apply scientific method for risk assessment despite

the heavy influence of risk on organizational strategies. Christopher et al. (2011) concludes that

companies do not have a systematic approach to mitigate risk while making supply chain

decisions. The use of simulation integrates process and supply risk in the model, thus proving to

be a better approach for strategic decision making for businesses.

Carson et al. affirms that the use of risk-based modeling and simulation in production system is

important for managing complex buyer-supplier relationship. Simulation lets a business explore

various outcomes in a virtual environment so that application of an idea can be evaluated before

executing them. It is necessary to account for both breadth (integration) and fidelity (hierarchy)

of models when building an enterprise simulation system and Simio models support both breadth

and fidelity with risk analysis. Carson further explains how an F-35 object library was created for

construction of highly detailed models and how models created using both basic Simio library

and custom F-35 library were combined hierarchically for complete enterprise modeling. The F-

35 enterprise production simulation was developed with different assumptions such as

deterministic demand, stochastic supply, product variants, learning curve, dynamic changes to

network and solid-chain production system. The operations data describes the capacity and

variations from operations like crew sizes, efficiency rates, and work schedules. Sensitivity

analysis is performed using simulation output as it helps the user to understand the relation

between cost, schedule, and risk in a given scenario for any sub-model within the model.


Figure 1 below shows the overall approach taken in this project. Although most of these

processes are sequential, some tasks can be performed simultaneously, such as developing the

cost model and implementing variation.


Figure 1: Outline of Approach

4.1 Earned Value

In order to create the EV analysis tool in Microsoft Excel 2010® (hereafter Excel), we determined

what data would be needed from Simio. Therefore, we researched different EV techniques to

understand how the EV analysis was performed. We found that EV reporting is plotted in a cost

vs. time graph as shown below in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Earned Value Chart

With regard to our Simio model, the following data were required for each entity in order to

track cost and schedule of a project at each week of production:

Number of hours spent processing at each station for each week

Cost incurred at each operation for each week

4.2 Simio Model

When creating the simulation model in Simio, our team chose to model the production of cars

due to the abundant information available for this process. Rather than create an exact

representation of a car production facility, our model was tailored to include only the necessary

elements to achieve the requirements for this project. Therefore, our model was broken into four

main processes: stamping, welding, painting, and assembly. The figure below shows an


overview of our simulation model. A picture of the actual Simio model can be seen in

Appendix A.

Figure 3: Process Flow Diagram for Car Production Model

Lockheed Martin has a Simio library that is used to model their F-35 production. Our car

production model was created using this same Simio library, thus allowing for an easy transition

when integrating our methodology into their F-35 simulation. The objects we used from

Lockheed Martin’s library are explained in detail below.

4.2.1 Aircraft

The Lockheed Martin library includes an object called Aircraft that functions similar to the

Model Entity from Simio’s standard library. If an equation references Aircraft, it is referring to a

particular car. The Aircraft object is used three times in our model for each car type: A, B, and

C. When each entity is created in Simio, it is “tagged” with attributes (car number, variant type,

and contract) so that it can be easily identified at each stage of production. There are four

contracts labelled A, B, C, and D that each contain 50 cars with a different mix of car types.

4.2.2 Order releasers

An order releaser is an object that represents material suppliers in our production model. Before

material is released, the order releaser references a table called Orders (See appendix B). This

table contains data including the release date for each material and the associated car number,

variant type, and contract. The material for each car is released to material delivery according to

the release dates on the Orders table. To limit the complexity of our car production model, we

assume all but the metal materials are pre-assembled before arrival.

4.2.3 Material delivery

The delivery of each material is represented with servers that have distinct properties. In order to

replicate the delivery of material, each server has a zero output buffer capacity and variable

processing time. The server’s processing time represents late deliveries (discussed in section

4.3.6). The output buffer capacity is set to zero so that material will remain in the server until the

downstream process needs it.


4.2.4 Basic and assembly stations

The basic station and the assembly station are two more objects that are specific to the Lockheed

Martin library. The basic station object is used in our model for stamping, welding, and each

paint station. Each basic station operates on a 16-hour workday with two 8-hour shifts to

simulate Lockheed Martin’s operational hours. They also have built-in process logic that

includes characteristics such as labor hours required and crew efficiency. To obtain values for

these characteristics, each basic station references a Simio data table called Station Data (see

Appendix D).

The Station Data table includes three columns that are directly used by the basic stations to

determine the processing times for each entity: labor hours required, average crew efficiency,

and average crew size. The processing times for each station are calculated using the following



The expression used for each station’s labor hours required includes three Boolean expressions

that determine the car’s variant type. When one of these three Boolean expressions is true, the

logic references the standard hours column within the Station Data table for the variant type that

is being processed. The standard hours columns include the times that each process (stamping,

welding, etc.) is expected to take for each variant type. The standard hours columns may seem

redundant at the moment, but they are necessary when implementing variability (discussed in

section 4.3). The basic station then uses Equation 1 to calculate the processing time.

The assembly station object functions very similar to the basic station in that it also operates on

the same work schedule and also references the Station Data table. The main difference is that

the assembly station requires the user to input the number of components required to begin

processing. We have set this value to five because our car requires five different materials

(engine, metal, glass, rubber, and plastic) in order to be assembled. There is a node before the

assembly stations that acts as a “gatekeeper”. The process logic at the node checks for station

availability and only passes material if the assembly station is available and other materials

already at that station are of the same car type.

Both the basic and assembly station operate with zero buffer capacities. Therefore, an entity

cannot exit a station unless there is available capacity at the following station. Lockheed

Martin’s F-35 production operates in this way because the aircraft’s large size causes a lack of

buffer space between operations.

4.2.5 Transporter

We included a transporter named “Forklift” after the assembly stations to transport the finished

cars out of the facility. A transfer node with transport logic enabled is required to make the

transporter operational. A bidirectional path connects the transfer node to the “Exit” sink so the

transporter can travel to and from the transfer node. The transporter operates on the same 16-

hour workday as the assembly and basic stations.


4.3 Variability

In order to provide a measure for the cost of risk assumed in production resources, we added

many sources of variability into our simulation model. The variability was included by

implementing a learning curve, material defect rate, changes in crew size, machine reliability,

transporter availability, and material availability. We were then be able to understand how each

variability affects cost and schedule through EV analysis.

4.3.1 Learning curve

Learning curve refers to a worker’s ability to progress over time due to familiarity with a

process. This is necessary to include in our simulation because the initial labor hours required

will not accurately represent future labor hours required. This is due to improvements made by

employees over the course of time to decrease processing times. A learning curve was

implemented into the model for all basic/assembly stations except for paint. Paint does not

include a learning curve due to its process being mostly automated. The mathematical function

that models the learning curve effect is shown below in Equation 2:



Tn = time required to complete the nth unit

T1 = time required to produce the first unit

n = the cumulative number of units produced

b = log(learning curve rate)/log(2)

In order to incorporate this equation into our model, we first added a learning curve rate column

to the Station Data table so the values could easily be adjusted. Next, we added integer state

variables for each station so that the number of entities that have been processed can be

dynamically tracked. These state variables were initialized to one and an add-on process was

included for each station that added one to the station’s state variable each time an entity was

processed. With this, we were then able to incorporate Equation 2 into the labor hours required

column as seen in Appendix D. The standard hours column is representative of the time required

to produce the first unit, T1. Although the paint stations include the learning curve equation, the

learning curve rate is set to one; therefore, the labor hours required is not affected by the learning

curve equation.

4.3.2 Material defect rate

Material defects for each station were incorporated by adding two columns to the Station Data

table called Defect Rate and Defect Repair Time. The Defect Rate column uses a discrete

function that outputs 0 for non-defective units and 1 for defective units based on the defect

probability. The Defect Repair Time column reflects the time required to rework a defective

unit. An expression was then included into each labor hours required equation that added the

defect repair time if the unit was defective.

4.3.3 Crew size

As previously mentioned, the processing time for each station is calculated using the labor hours

required, average crew size, and average crew efficiency columns. Once the simulation run is


initialized, the basic and assembly stations assign values for the average crew size based on the

average crew size column. This means that any variability included with this column will only

be applied once, at the simulation’s start. Therefore, in order to make this value vary throughout

the simulation, we added state variables that define the crew sizes for each station. Through add-

on processes, these state variables are assigned values using the Station Data table’s crew size

column each time an entity enters the station.

Next, we assigned each row on the average crew size column the value of one so it no longer has

an effect on the processing time. We then divided the standard hours column by the

corresponding station crew size state variable. This allows the crew size to directly affect the

labor hours required for each station. The crew size state variables are also used when

calculating the labor cost for each station.

4.3.4 Machine reliability

In order to incorporate machine reliability within each station, add-on processes and state

variables must be used because the basic and assembly stations do not include built-in reliability

logic. A Boolean state variable was created for each station. The variable is assigned a value of

0 or 1 when an entity enters the station based on the distribution in the Station Data table’s

machine reliability column. A value of 1 represents a machine failure and results in an

additional 24 hours of labor for the entity currently at the station.

We then created state variables for each station to store the station repair costs. We added an

assign step that assigns the repair cost value to the corresponding state variable. If the machine

fails at a station, the assign step randomly assigns either $1000 or $3000 to the repair cost

variable to represent both small and large repairs.

4.3.5 Transporter availability

The availability of the transporter used to transport entities from assembly to the sink is varied

using the reliability logic that is built into the object according to Figure 4.

Figure 4: Transporter Availability

A row was added to the Station Data table for the transporter so that the uptime between failures

can reference the table’s machine reliability column. This cell in the table uses a triangular

distribution to determine the number of days between failures. As seen in the figure, the time to

repair is set to 10 hours.

4.3.6 Material availability

To represent late delivery of material, we added a processing time to each storage server as

shown in Figure 5. Therefore, once material is released into the system, it will not immediately

be available for use if the processing time is greater than zero.


Figure 5: Material Availability

According to the above function, there is an 85% probability of no delay in delivery, a 10%

probability that there will be a 16-hour delay, and a 5% probability that a delay of 80 hours will


4.4 Model Validation

After completing the car production model with variability, various test runs were carried out to

test the goodness of the model. The goodness of the model is based upon how accurately the

performance measures such as processing times at each station and time in system for an entity

will correspond to the changes in properties of the system such as labor hours required and crew

size. We tested goodness of model by confirming our model in two major categories of

validation: structural and operational.

Structural validation checks if a model is arranged in such a manner that mimics an actual

system. So to accurately develop our car production model, we researched different production

facilities. Our team found that most car production facilities are designed in a similar manner.

The processes are usually broken into stamping, welding, painting, assembly and final

inspection. Stamping stage includes the stamping and cutting of metals to form the chassis where

the body and underbody will be mounted onto. The chassis, the underbody and the body are

welded together in the welding stage. The car at this point is just a frame, called body in white.

The body in white is inspected and sent for painting and then assembly. In the assembly

department, the interior components are added followed by the tires, batteries and

gasoline. After assembly the car goes through the final inspection before shipping. Our model is

very similar to a typical car facility except for a few features. For instance, we do not have a

specific inspection department. At each stage, the outgoing product is inspected before it moves

to the next. Also, the sub stages at each department were compressed into one. For example,

cutting metal and creating a chassis were merged into our stamping department.

For the operational validation, our team created a control experiment with specified values for

each variability, shown in Table 1. We then recorded the throughput observed after running the


Table 1: Control


Learning Curve Rate 0.9

Crew Size 3

Defect Rate 0.5

Machine Breakdown Rate 0.5

Transporter Availability 10


Next, we altered the values for each variability to see their effect on the throughput. Predictions

about the model behavior were established so that we could compare the results against the

assumptions. Table 2 below shows the altered parameters and their effects on throughput.

Table 2: Scenario Outcomes

Scenario Throughput

Control 144

Learning Curve Rate = 0.6 194

Learning Curve Rate = 0.99 101

Crew Size = 1 45

Crew Size = 5 192

Defect Rate = 0 169

Defect Rate = 1 126

Machine Breakdown Rate = 0 150

Machine Breakdown Rate = 1 136

Transporter Availability = 1 120

Transporter Availability= 60 151

Parameters like the learning curve, defect rate and the machine breakdown have an inverse

relationship with the throughput. By reducing the learning curve from 0.9 to 0.6, making the job

easier to learn, raises the throughput from 144 to 194. Alternatively, when the learning curve

increases the throughput decreases to 101. The other parameters have a direct relationship with

throughput. For example, raising the crew size increases throughput, while decreasing crew size

decreases throughput.

All outcome results were as expected, thus validating our simulation model.

4.5 Cost Model

There are five different costs integrated into our simulation model: material, labor, capital,

repair, and holding. The values used for each cost were determined from research on car

production and can be seen in Appendix C.

Material, labor, and capital costs are calculated using Simio’s cost center properties. The labor

cost is incurred per hour on-shift and is multiplied by the crew size to determine the total labor

cost for each process. The material and capital costs are incurred on a cost per job basis.

Material costs are divided amongst each process that uses the material. For example, metal costs

are split between stamping, welding, paint, and assembly because all of these stations require

metal to process. Capital costs are accumulated by determining the value of machinery at a


process and dividing it by the total number of entities that use the machine during the entire

simulation. The salvage value of the machinery at the end of the simulation is also taken into


The holding cost was calculated by taking the total time material spends at a process and

multiplying it by an hourly rate. For our model, the hourly rate used at each process was 10% of

the material value at the particular process. Finally, repair costs are added when a machine

breaks down as discussed in section 4.3.4.

4.6 Data Collection

The station objects in our model were grouped into two departments: metalworking and

assembly. The metalworking department includes stamping, welding, and paint, while the

assembly department includes the assembly stations.

To obtain the cost data on a weekly basis, add-on processes and state arrays were used. For both

the metal working and assembly departments, two state arrays were created: one that stores the

weekly cost for each car number and one that stores each car’s total cost for each week. An add-

on process was created for each station to calculate each cost and store them into the weekly cost

array when it exits the station. This allows multiple costs that occur in one week for the same car

to be added together within the department’s weekly cost array. A timer was added to the model

so that at the end of each week a process was triggered for each station that calculates and adds

the incurred cost to the weekly cost array if a car has not exited that station. A separate process

was then added for each department that stores the weekly cost array into the total cost array at

the end of each week. The weekly cost array was then emptied so the next week’s costs could be


The weekly schedule data was obtained using a similar process with two state arrays and add-on

processes. The main difference is that the schedule data (hours processing) is stored into the

weekly schedule array when the car completes processing, not when it exits the station. To

calculate the number of hours processing, three state variables are used for each station: one that

stores the time each car starts processing, one that stores the downtime during processing, and

one that stores the processing hours. The downtime is calculated using a separate process for

each station that adds the off-shift time while a car is at the station. The processing hours was

then calculated by subtracting the downtime and processing start time from the time it finishes


4.7 Simio Output

To create the EV chart in Excel, we required the weekly cost and schedule data from multiple

replications in our Simio model. We used an external database software, MySQL® (hereafter

MySQL), to get this data from Simio which could then be easily exported to Excel. Simio has

out-of-the-box support for MySQL that allows for reading data from or writing data to specific

tables during the simulation run using custom elements and steps.

The express edition of MySQL was downloaded as required. We then created cost and schedule

tables for both the metalworking and assembly departments in MySQL. Figure 6 below shows

an example of how the tables are coded in MySQL.


Figure 6: Metalworking Cost Table in MySQL

Next, in the Simio model, we used the DbWrite step in the process logic to write the data from

each department’s total cost and total schedule state arrays to the corresponding tables created in

our MySQL database. After the data was stored in the MySQL tables, each table was then

exported to Excel using Excel’s data connection wizard. The tables in Excel contain the

information needed to create EV charts.

4.8 Data Organization and Manipulation

Both the metalworking and assembly departments have data tables for planned cost, planned

schedule, actual cost and actual schedule information. The planned cost and schedule tables for

each department were generated from running the simulation without incorporating variability

and the actual cost and schedule tables were generated from running the simulation with

variability. The planned cost tables were used to calculate the total approved budget for each car

on a weekly basis. This data was used to create the Planned Value curve. The actual schedule

and planned cost tables were used in Equation 3 to calculate EV and create the EV curve.


Finally, the actual cost tables were used to calculate costs incurred for each car on a weekly

basis. This data was used to create the Actual Cost curve.


After importing the data from MySQL database into Excel, we used VBA to create the EV

analysis tool.

5.1 Earned Value Tool

The EV tool consists of three main features in the dashboard (See appendix E, Figure E-1):

1. Input Interface

2. Output Interface

3. Analysis Interface

The tool works as a five-step process, as shown below:


Figure 7: EV Tool Process

To be able to smoothly run all the features of the tool, the connection between Simio, Excel and

MySQL needs to be established beforehand as the input interface binds the data from Excel to

Simio and the output data from Simio is written into MySQL database which is then imported

back to Excel.

5.1.1 Input Interface

The input interface (Appendix E, Figure E-2) works as the bridge between the user and the

simulation model. It allows the user to enter information for different stations in their simulation

model and make decisions regarding the level of variability they want to incorporate into their

production simulation. For every station, there are a set of variabilities that can be altered by the

users. These variabilities include learning curve rate, crew size, material defect rate, machine

breakdown rate, and transporter reliability (See section 4.3). For each variability, the user is

prompted to set minimum, maximum and expected values. After entering the values for all data

fields, the user clicks “Ok”. These entered values are then stored in an Excel sheet in the

appropriate format so that it can be bound to Simio and used directly as the Station Data table in

our simulation model. Through the input interface, the user can set values for different

variabilities in the model to see their effect on the cost and schedule performance of a project.

After entering the data in input interface, the user will be informed that he needs to open Simio

and run the simulation. During the simulation, the data is automatically written into the MySQL

database (See Section 4.7). After the simulation is complete, the user will need to click on

“Refresh Data” button in the main dashboard so that the new data is imported from the MySQL

database to the appropriate Excel sheets.


5.1.2 Output Interface

The output interface (Appendix E, Figure E-3) allows the user to generate EV charts for different

hierarchy levels in the facility. At the top of the hierarchy is the department level, consisting of

both the metalworking and assembly departments. Next is the contract level, consisting of each

contract in our model: A, B, C, and D. Finally, there is the entity level that contains each

individual car within the model.

First, the user enters the top level of the hierarchy, where he selects either “Plant”, which

includes all departments, or “Department” to individually select a department to evaluate. Then,

the user enters the contract level, where he can select either “All Cars” to populate the available

cars list box with all available cars, or “Contract” to populate the list box with available cars

within the selected contracts. Next, the entity level is entered, where the user now has the ability

to individually select which cars he would like to evaluate from the available cars. Any

combination of cars is allowed to be selected. Once the cars are selected, the user clicks the

“Add” button to move them to the selected cars list box.

After the user has made the selections, the “Ok” button is then pressed to create the EV chart in

the main dashboard (See Appendix E, Figure E-4). Since data from multiple replications was

used for the Earned Value and Actual Cost curves, area charts instead of lines are created for

better comprehension. This chart can then be analyzed using the Analyze interface.

5.1.3 Analyze Interface

The analyze interface prompts the user to enter the week for which they want to analyze the

chart. The week values that can be entered range from the start to the end of the Planned Value

curve. After the user enters a valid week number and clicks “Ok”, Cost Variance, Schedule

Variance, probabilities of being ahead or behind schedule and over or under budget are put in the

table to the right of EV chart in the main dashboard (See appendix E, Figure E-6). The user can

click on “Analyze” multiple times to analyze different weeks for the same EV chart.

5.2 Case Study

The following shows an example of how the EV analysis tool can be used to identify the risks

associated with the user’s assumptions about the model and how risk can be reduced.

5.2.1 Scenario I

The inputs entered by the user for scenario I are shown below in Tables 3 and 4.


Table 3: Scenario I - Inputs Table 4: Scenario I - Inputs Cont.

After running the simulation with the above inputs, the EV graph was output for cars 1-5 across

the plant, as shown below in Figure 8.

Figure 8: Scenario I - EV Chart

As visible in the EV chart, this group of cars is behind schedule and over budget for most of the

duration. Using the analyze interface, the following data was determined for week 10.

Table 5: Scenario I - Week 10 Analysis


Based on the analysis, there is zero probability that the project will be on or ahead of schedule

and zero probability that it will be on or under budget.

5.2.2 Scenario II

After analyzing the output from scenario I, the user can now make adjustments to reduce the risk

for cost and schedule performance. This is done in scenario II by adding one crew member to

each station’s crew size input. All other inputs will remain constant.

After running the simulation with the altered inputs, the EV chart was output for cars 1-5 across

the plant, as shown below in Figure 9.

Figure 9: Scenario II - EV Chart

When comparing the EV charts from each scenario, it is visible that the overall cost and schedule

performance has improved drastically. When analyzing week 10 for scenario II, the

improvements become more apparent.

Table 6: Scenario II - Week 10 Analysis


The probability of being on or ahead of schedule has improved to 1, while the probability of

being on or under budget has risen to 0.96.

This case study shows how a project manager can use the EV analysis tool to forecast project

cost and schedule performance based on certain inputs and also make adjustments to these inputs

to reduce risk.


We are confident that our EV analysis tool will fulfill Lockheed Martin’s need/requirement for

simulation-based EV tool to forecast future cost and schedule performance as well as risk

associated with that forecast. Our EV analysis tool incorporates the use of Simio, MySQL and

Excel to assess Earned Value in a risk-based environment. With use of Earned Value, this tool

quantifies the risk associated with a project manager’s decisions regarding a production plan,

thus helping them identify resources to reduce those expected risks.


We recommend the use of our EV analysis tool for forecasting future cost and schedule

performances of a project with expected risk issues. To use our EV analysis tool, the cost

methodology documented in this report should be implemented into Lockheed Martin’s

simulation so that necessary cost and schedule data can be obtained.

Also, this tool could be expanded to allow the user to input real time data at any point during the

project and then run simulation from that point. This would allow EV analysis for projects that

are currently in progress.

Our team recommends that Lockheed Martin add reliability functionality to their assembly and

basic stations. This would eliminate the need to use additional state variables and process logic,

thus making it easier to implement machine reliability into the model.

To make this tool more effective, the entire process can be automated so that the user does not

have to manually open Simio and run replications after entering data in input interface. This

would save the user’s time and make the process easier to follow.



Appendix A

Figure A-1: Simio layout


Appendix B: Orders

Appendix C

Table C-1: Material Cost Table C-2: Holding Cost

Table C-3: Capital Cost


Appendix D: Station Data


Appendix E: Earned Value Tool

Figure E-1: Main Dashboard


Figure E-2: Input Interface


Figure E-3: Output Interface


Figure E-4: Sample EV chart


Figure E-5: Analyze Interface

Figure E-6: EV Analysis