tables & structure

INITIAL SCREEN FOR CUSTOMER CREATION TABLE Table name - ZZT_SD_T_CUS_INI FIELD NAME DATA ELEMENT DESCRIPTION MANDT MANDT Client KUNNR KUN16 Customer Account Number KTOKD KTOKD Customer Account Group BUKRS BUKRS Company Code VKORG VKORG Sales Organization VTWEG VTWEG Distribution Channel SPART SPART Division REF_KUNNR REF_KUNNR Reference for customer (matchcode field) REF_BUKRS REF_BUKRS Reference Company Code REF_VKORG REF_VKORG Reference sales organization REF_VTWEG REF_VTWEG Reference distribution channel REF_SPART REF_SPART Division that is used as a reference STRUCTURE STRUCTURE NAME - ZZT_SD_CUS_STR_INISCR FIELD NAME DATA ELEMENT DESCRIPTION KUNNR KUN16 Customer Account Number KTOKD KTOKD Customer Account Group BUKRS BUKRS Company Code VKORG VKORG Sales Organization VTWEG VTWEG Distribution Channel SPART SPART Division REF_KUNNR REF_KUNNR Reference for customer (matchcode field) REF_BUKRS REF_BUKRS Reference Company Code REF_VKORG REF_VKORG Reference sales organization REF_VTWEG REF_VTWEG Reference distribution channel REF_SPART REF_SPART Division that is used as a reference

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Page 1: Tables & Structure



Table name - ZZT_SD_T_CUS_INI

FIELD NAME DATA ELEMENT DESCRIPTIONMANDT MANDT ClientKUNNR KUN16 Customer Account NumberKTOKD KTOKD Customer Account GroupBUKRS BUKRS Company CodeVKORG VKORG Sales OrganizationVTWEG VTWEG Distribution ChannelSPART SPART DivisionREF_KUNNR REF_KUNNR Reference for customer (matchcode field)REF_BUKRS REF_BUKRS Reference Company CodeREF_VKORG REF_VKORG Reference sales organizationREF_VTWEG REF_VTWEG Reference distribution channelREF_SPART REF_SPART Division that is used as a reference



FIELD NAME DATA ELEMENT DESCRIPTIONKUNNR KUN16 Customer Account NumberKTOKD KTOKD Customer Account GroupBUKRS BUKRS Company CodeVKORG VKORG Sales OrganizationVTWEG VTWEG Distribution ChannelSPART SPART DivisionREF_KUNNR REF_KUNNR Reference for customer (matchcode field)REF_BUKRS REF_BUKRS Reference Company CodeREF_VKORG REF_VKORG Reference sales organizationREF_VTWEG REF_VTWEG Reference distribution channelREF_SPART REF_SPART Division that is used as a reference



Table name- ZZT_SD_T_CUS_GD

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FLGDEFAULT AD_FLGDFNRStandard Sender Address in this Communication Type

FLG_NOUSE AD_FLNOUSEFlag: This Communication Number is Not Used

COMM_TYPE AD_COMMCommunication Method (Key) (Business Address Services)

REMARK AD_REMARK2 Communication link notesCONSNUMBER AD_CONSNUM Sequence numberNATION AD_NATION International address version IDNATION_TEX AD_NATTEXT International address version nameVERS_MAINT AD_VER_MNT Address Version MaintainedTITLE_MEDI AD_TITLETX Title text F4COUNTRY LAND1 Country Key F4NAME1 AD_NAME1 Name 1NAME2 AD_NAME2 Name 2CITY1 AD_CITY1 CityPOST_CODE1 AD_PSTCD1 City postal codeREGION REGIO\ Region (State, Province, County) F4STREET AD_STRSPP1 Street 2HOUSE_NUM1 AD_HSNM1 House NumberLANGU SPRAS Language Key F4TEL_NUMBER AD_TLNMBR1 First telephone no.: dialling code+numberFAX_NUMBER AD_FXNMBR1 First fax no.: dialling code+numberTITLE AD_TITLE Form-of-Address KeySEARCHTERM AD_SORT1 Search Term 1PO_BOX AD_POBX PO BoxPOST_CODE2 AD_PSTCD2 PO Box postal codePOST_CODE3 AD_PSTCD3 Company postal code (for large customers)

DEFLT_COMM AD_COMMCommunication Method (Key) (Business Address Services)


TEL_EXTENS AD_TLXTNS1 First Telephone No.: ExtensionFAX_EXTENS AD_FXXTNS1 First fax no.: extensionFLAGCOMM6 AD_FLGCM06 Indicator: E-Mail Address(es) MaintainedSTR_SUPPL1 AD_STRSPP1 Street 2STR_SUPPL1 AD_STRSPP1 Street 2STR_SUPPL2 AD_STRSPP2 Street 3STREET AD_STREET StreetHOUSE_NUM2 AD_HSNM2 House number supplementSTR_SUPPL3 AD_STRSPP3 Street 4

Page 3: Tables & Structure

LOCATION AD_LCTN Street 5CITY2 AD_CITY2 DistrictPO_BOX_LOC AD_POBXLOC PO Box cityDFT_RECEIV AD_FLGSMS Indicator: Telephone is SMS-EnabledAD_PRFCOMM AD_PRFCOMM Preferred Telephone TypeNAME3 AD_NAME3 Name 3NAME4 AD_NAME4 Name 4PAGER_SERV AD_PAGSERV Pager Service F4PAGER_NMBR AD_PAGNMBR Pager number PRINT_DEST RSPOPNAME Spool: Output device SYMB_DEST AD_SYMBDST Symbolic destination

UMAND AD_UMANDRML- Client (Remote Mail, SAP - SAP - Communication)

UNAME AD_UNAMERML Name (Remote Mail, SAP - SAP - Communication)

SSF_SCREEN AD_SSFSCR SSFID field for screen display TLX_NUMBER AD_TLXNMBR Telex number TTX_NUMBER AD_TTXNMBR Teletex number X4COUNTRY AD_X4CNTRY X.400 country code X4ADMIN AD_X4ADMIN X.400 administration domain X4PRIVD AD_X4PRIVD X.400 private domain X4ORG AD_X4ORG X.400 organization X4ORG1 AD_X4ORG1 X.400 organizational unit 1 X4ORG2 AD_X4ORG2 X.400 organizational unit 2 X4ORG3 AD_X4ORG3 X.400 organizational unit 3 X4ORG4 AD_X4ORG4 X.400 organizational unit 4 X4LNAME AD_X4LNAME X.400 last name X4FNAME AD_X4FNAME X.400 first name X4INI AD_X4INI X.400 Initials

EXTENSION1 AD_EXTENS1Extension (only for data conversion) (e.g. data line)

EXTENSION2 AD_EXTENS2Extension (only for data conversion) (e.g. telebox)

TAXJURCODE AD_TXJCD Tax JurisdictionX4GENER AD_X4GENER X.400 generation


Structure name - ZZT_SD_CUS_STR_GENDATA

FIELD NAME DATA ELEMENT DESCRIPTIONFAX_EXTENS AD_FXXTNS Fax no.: ExtensionFLGDEFAULT AD_FLGDFNR Standard Sender Address in this Communication TypeFLG_NOUSE AD_FLNOUSE Flag: This Communication Number is Not Used

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COMM_TYPE AD_COMMCommunication Method (Key) (Business Address Services)

REMARK AD_REMARK2 Communication link notesCONSNUMBER AD_CONSNUM Sequence numberNATION AD_NATION International address version IDNATION_TEX AD_NATTEXT International address version nameVERS_MAINT AD_VER_MNT Address Version MaintainedTITLE_MEDI AD_TITLETX Title textCOUNTRY LAND1 Country KeyNAME1 AD_NAME1 Name 1NAME2 AD_NAME2 Name 2CITY1 AD_CITY1 CityPOST_CODE1 AD_PSTCD1 City postal codeREGION REGIO Region (State, Province, County)STREET AD_STRSPP1 Street 2HOUSE_NUM1 AD_HSNM1 House NumberLANGU SPRAS Language KeyTEL_NUMBER AD_TLNMBR1 First telephone no.: dialling code+numberFAX_NUMBER AD_FXNMBR1 First fax no.: dialling code+numberTITLE AD_TITLE Form-of-Address KeySEARCHTERM AD_SORT1 Search Term 1PO_BOX AD_POBX PO BoxPOST_CODE2 AD_PSTCD2 PO Box postal codePOST_CODE3 AD_PSTCD3 Company postal code (for large customers)

DEFLT_COMM AD_COMMCommunication Method (Key) (Business Address Services)

TEL_EXTENS AD_TLXTNS1 First Telephone No.: ExtensionFAX_EXTENS AD_FXXTNS1 First fax no.: extensionFLAGCOMM6 AD_FLGCM06 Indicator: E-Mail Address(es) MaintainedSTR_SUPPL1 AD_STRSPP1 Street 2STR_SUPPL1 AD_STRSPP1 Street 2STR_SUPPL2 AD_STRSPP2 Street 3STREET AD_STREET StreetHOUSE_NUM2 AD_HSNM2 House number supplementSTR_SUPPL3 AD_STRSPP3 Street 4LOCATION AD_LCTN Street 5CITY2 AD_CITY2 DistrictPO_BOX_LOC AD_POBXLOC PO Box cityDFT_RECEIV AD_FLGSMS Indicator: Telephone is SMS-EnabledAD_PRFCOMM AD_PRFCOMM Preferred Telephone TypeNAME3 AD_NAME3 Name 3NAME4 AD_NAME4 Name 4PAGER_SERV AD_PAGSERV Pager Service

Page 5: Tables & Structure

PAGER_NMBR AD_PAGNMBR Pager numberPRINT_DEST RSPOPNAME Spool: Output deviceSYMB_DEST AD_SYMBDST Symbolic destination

UMAND AD_UMANDRML- Client (Remote Mail, SAP - SAP - Communication)

UNAME AD_UNAMERML Name (Remote Mail, SAP - SAP - Communication)

SSF_SCREEN AD_SSFSCR SSFID field for screen displayTLX_NUMBER AD_TLXNMBR Telex numberTTX_NUMBER AD_TTXNMBR Teletex numberX4COUNTRY AD_X4CNTRY X.400 country codeX4ADMIN AD_X4ADMIN X.400 administration domainX4PRIVD AD_X4PRIVD X.400 private domainX4ORG AD_X4ORG X.400 organizationX4ORG1 AD_X4ORG1 X.400 organizational unit 1X4ORG2 AD_X4ORG2 X.400 organizational unit 2X4ORG3 AD_X4ORG3 X.400 organizational unit 3X4ORG4 AD_X4ORG4 X.400 organizational unit 4X4LNAME AD_X4LNAME X.400 last nameX4FNAME AD_X4FNAME X.400 first nameX4INI AD_X4INI X.400 InitialsX4GENER AD_X4GENER X.400 generation

Control data:



FIELD NAME DATA ELEMENT DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONMANDT MANDT ClientKUNNR KUNNR Customer Number F4LIFNR LIFNR Account Number of Vendor or Creditor F4VBUND RASSC Company ID of trading partner F4STCEG STCEG VAT Registration NumberTXJCD TXJCD Tax Jurisdiction F4BAHNE BAHNE Express train stationBAHNS BAHNS Train stationBBBNR BBBNR International location number (part 1)BBSNR BBSNR International location number (Part 2)BRSCH1 BRSCH Industry key F4COUNC COUNC County Code F4CITYC CITYC City Code

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STCD1 STCD1 Tax Number 1STCD2 STCD2 Tax Number 2FISKN FISKN Account number of the master record with the fiscal address F4STKZN STKZN Natural PersonLAND1 LAND1_GP Country KeyTRANSPZONE LZONE Transportation zone to or from which the goods are delivered F4STKZA STKZA Indicator: Business Partner Subject to Equalization Tax?STKZU STKZU Liable for VATBEGRU BEGRU Authorization GroupKONZS KONZS Group keyBUBKZ BUBKZ Check digit for the international location numberLOCCO LOCCO City CoordinatesSTCD3 STCD3 Tax Number 3STCD4 STCD4 Tax Number 4STCDT J_1ATOID Tax Number TypeFITYP J_1AFITP_D Tax type

TAXGR TAXGR Category indicator for tax codes F4

TEXT30 TEXT30 Text (30 Characters)

EXNR J_1AEXNR Number of exemption certificate

EXRT J_1AEXRT Exemption rate

SBJDF J_1ASBJDF Subjected from F4

SBJDT J_1ASBJDT Subjected until F4

EXDF J_1AEXDF Start date of exemption F4

EXDT J_1AEXDT End date of exemption F4


Structure name - ZZT_SD__CUST_STR_CTRLDATA

FIELD NAME DATA ELEMENT DESCRIPTIONLIFNR LIFNR Account Number of Vendor or CreditorVBUND RASSC Company ID of trading partnerSTCEG STCEG VAT Registration NumberTXJCD TXJCD Tax JurisdictionBAHNE BAHNE Express train stationBAHNS BAHNS Train stationBBBNR BBBNR International location number (part 1)

Page 7: Tables & Structure

BBSNR BBSNR International location number (Part 2)BRSCH1 BRSCH Industry keyCOUNC COUNC County CodeCITYC CITYC City CodeSTCD1 STCD1 Tax Number 1STCD2 STCD2 Tax Number 2FISKN FISKN Account number of the master record with the fiscal addressSTKZN STKZN Natural PersonLAND1 LAND1_GP Country KeyTRANSPZONE LZONE Transportation zone to or from which the goods are deliveredSTKZA STKZA Indicator: Business Partner Subject to Equalization Tax?STKZU STKZU Liable for VATBEGRU BEGRU Authorization GroupKONZS KONZS Group keyBUBKZ BUBKZ Check digit for the international location numberLOCCO LOCCO City CoordinatesSTCD3 STCD3 Tax Number 3STCD4 STCD4 Tax Number 4STCDT J_1ATOID Tax Number TypeFITYP J_1AFITP_D Tax typeTAXGR TAXGR Category indicator for tax codesTEXT30 TEXT30 Text (30 Characters)EXNR J_1AEXNR Number of exemption certificateEXRT J_1AEXRT Exemption rateSBJDF J_1ASBJDF Subjected fromSBJDT J_1ASBJDT Subjected untilEXDF J_1AEXDF Start date of exemptionEXDT J_1AEXDT End date of exemption

Payment Transactions:TABLEZTable - ZZT_SD_T_CUS_PT

FIELD DATA ELEMENT DESCRIPTION FunctionMANDT MANDT ClientKUNNR KUNNR Customer NumberBANKS BANKS Bank country key F4BANKL BANKK Bank KeysBANKN BANKN Bank account numberKOINH KOINH_FI Account Holder NameBKONT BKONT Bank Control KeyIBAN IBAN IBAN (International Bank Account Number)BVTYP BVTYP Partner Bank Type

Page 8: Tables & Structure

BKREF BKREF Reference specifications for bank detailsXEZER XEZER Indicator: Is there collection authorization ? F4KNRZA KNRZA Account number of an alternative payerXZEMP XZEMP Indicator: Alternative payee in document allowed ?BANK_NAME EBPP_ACCNAME User-Defined Name of Bank DetailsPROVZ REGIO Region (State, Province, County)ORT01 ORT01_GP CitySTRAS STRAS_GP House number and streetSWIFT SWIFT SWIFT Code for International PaymentsNAME NAME1_GP Name 1BRNCH BRNCH Bank BranchBANKA BANKA Name of bankBGRUP BGRUP Bank group (bank network)XPGRO XPGRO Post Office Bank Current Account F4BANKLZ BANKL Bank numberEMPFD EMPFD Customer, Permitted as Payer



FIELD DATA ELEMENT DESCRIPTIONBANKS BANKS Bank country keyBANKL BANKK Bank KeysBANKN BANKN Bank account numberKOINH KOINH_FI Account Holder NameBKONT BKONT Bank Control KeyIBAN IBAN IBAN (International Bank Account Number)BVTYP BVTYP Partner Bank TypeBKREF BKREF Reference specifications for bank detailsXEZER XEZER Indicator: Is there collection authorization ?KNRZA KNRZA Account number of an alternative payerXZEMP XZEMP Indicator: Alternative payee in document allowed ?

BANK_NAMEEBPP_ACCNAME User-Defined Name of Bank Details

PROVZ REGIO Region (State, Province, County)ORT01 ORT01_GP CitySTRAS STRAS_GP House number and streetSWIFT SWIFT SWIFT Code for International PaymentsNAME NAME1_GP Name 1BRNCH BRNCH Bank BranchBANKA BANKA Name of bankBGRUP BGRUP Bank group (bank network)XPGRO XPGRO Post Office Bank Current Account

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BANKLZ BANKL Bank numberEMPFD EMPFD Customer, Permitted as Payer

Marketing :TABLEZTable - ZZT_SD_T_CUS_MAR

FIELD DATA ELEMENT DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONMANDT MANDT ClientKUNNR KUNNR Customer NumberNIELS NIELS Nielsen ID F4KUKLA KUKLA Customer classification F4BRSCH BRSCH Industry key F4BRAN1 BRAN1_D Industry Code 1 F4RPMKR RPMKR Regional MarketHZUOR HZUOR Assignment to HierarchyUMSA1 UMSA1 Annual sales F4UWAER UWAER Currency of sales figureUMJAH UMJAH Year For Which Sales are GivenJMZAH JMZAH Yearly number of employeesPERIV PERIV Fiscal Year Variant F4GFORM GFORM Legal status F4BRAN2 BRAN2 Industry code 2 F4BRAN3 BRAN3 Industry code 3 F4BRAN4 BRAN4 Industry code 4 F4BRAN5 BRAN5 Industry code 5 F4


Structure name - ZZT_SD_CUST_STR_MARK

FIELD DATA ELEMENT DESCRIPTIONNIELS NIELS Nielsen IDKUKLA KUKLA Customer classificationBRSCH BRSCH Industry keyBRAN1 BRAN1_D Industry Code 1RPMKR RPMKR Regional MarketHZUOR HZUOR Assignment to HierarchyUMSA1 UMSA1 Annual salesUWAER UWAER Currency of sales figureUMJAH UMJAH Year For Which Sales are GivenJMZAH JMZAH Yearly number of employeesPERIV PERIV Fiscal Year VariantGFORM GFORM Legal status

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BRAN2 BRAN2 Industry code 2BRAN3 BRAN3 Industry code 3BRAN4 BRAN4 Industry code 4BRAN5 BRAN5 Industry code 5

Unloading Points:TABLEZTable - ZZT_SD_T_CUS_UP

FIELD DATA ELEMENT DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONMANDT MANDT ClientKUNNR KUNNR Customer NumberABLAD ABLAD Unloading PointDEFAB DEFAB Default unloading pointKNFAK KNKAL Customer's factory calendarWANID WANID Goods receiving hours ID (default value)MOAB1 WAMOAB1 Goods receipt times: Monday morning from ...MOBI1 WAMOBI1 Goods receiving hours: Monday morning until ...MOAB2 WAMOAB2 Goods receiving hours: Monday afternoon from ...MOBI2 WAMOBI2 Goods receiving hours: Monday afternoon until ...DIAB1 WADIAB1 Goods receiving hours: Tuesday morning from...DIBI1 WADIBI1 Goods receipt times: Tuesday morning until ...DIAB2 WADIAB2 Goods receiving hours: Tuesday afternoon from ...DIBI2 WADIBI2 Goods receiving hours: Tuesday afternoon until ...

MIAB1 WAMIAB1Goods receiving hours: Wednesday morning from ...

MIBI1 WAMIBI1 Goods receiving hours: Wednesday morning until ...

MIAB2 WAMIAB2Goods receiving hours: Wednesday afternoon from ...

MIBI2 WAMIBI2Goods receiving hours: Wednesday afternoon until ...

DOAB1 WADOAB1 Goods receiving hours: Thursday morning from ...DOBI1 WADOBI1 Goods receiving hours: Thursday morning until ...DOAB2 WADOAB2 Goods receiving hours: Thursday afternoon from ...DOBI2 WADOBI2 Goods receiving hours: Thursday afternoon until...FRAB1 WAFRAB1 Goods receiving hours: Friday morning from ...FRBI1 WAFRBI1 Goods receiving hours: Friday morning until ...FRAB2 WAFRAB2 Goods receiving hours: Friday afternoon from ...FRBI2 WAFRBI2 Goods receiving hours: Friday afternoon until ...SAAB1 WASAAB1 Goods receiving hours: Saturday morning from ...SABI1 WASABI1 Goods receiving hours: Saturday morning from ...SAAB2 WASAAB2 Goods receiving hours: Saturday afternoon from ...SABI2 WASABI2 Goods receiving hours: Saturday afternoon until ...SOAB1 WASOAB1 Goods receiving hours: Sunday morning from ...

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SOBI1 WASOBI1 Goods receiving hours: Sunday morning until ...SOAB2 WASOAB2 Goods receiving hours: Sunday afternoon from ...SOBI2 WASOBI2 Goods receiving hours: Sunday afternoon until ...VTEXT VTEXT DescriptionABTNR ABTNR Department number F4EMPST EMPST Receiving pointLTEXT FKTEXT Object Text


Structure name - ZZT_SD_CUST_STR_UNLPT

FIELD DATA ELEMENT DESCRIPTIONABLAD ABLAD Unloading PointDEFAB DEFAB Default unloading pointKNFAK KNKAL Customer's factory calendarWANID WANID Goods receiving hours ID (default value)MOAB1 WAMOAB1 Goods receipt times: Monday morning from ...MOBI1 WAMOBI1 Goods receiving hours: Monday morning until ...MOAB2 WAMOAB2 Goods receiving hours: Monday afternoon from ...MOBI2 WAMOBI2 Goods receiving hours: Monday afternoon until ...DIAB1 WADIAB1 Goods receiving hours: Tuesday morning from...DIBI1 WADIBI1 Goods receipt times: Tuesday morning until ...DIAB2 WADIAB2 Goods receiving hours: Tuesday afternoon from ...DIBI2 WADIBI2 Goods receiving hours: Tuesday afternoon until ...MIAB1 WAMIAB1 Goods receiving hours: Wednesday morning from ...MIBI1 WAMIBI1 Goods receiving hours: Wednesday morning until ...MIAB2 WAMIAB2 Goods receiving hours: Wednesday afternoon from ...MIBI2 WAMIBI2 Goods receiving hours: Wednesday afternoon until ...DOAB1 WADOAB1 Goods receiving hours: Thursday morning from ...DOBI1 WADOBI1 Goods receiving hours: Thursday morning until ...DOAB2 WADOAB2 Goods receiving hours: Thursday afternoon from ...DOBI2 WADOBI2 Goods receiving hours: Thursday afternoon until...FRAB1 WAFRAB1 Goods receiving hours: Friday morning from ...FRBI1 WAFRBI1 Goods receiving hours: Friday morning until ...FRAB2 WAFRAB2 Goods receiving hours: Friday afternoon from ...FRBI2 WAFRBI2 Goods receiving hours: Friday afternoon until ...SAAB1 WASAAB1 Goods receiving hours: Saturday morning from ...SABI1 WASABI1 Goods receiving hours: Saturday morning from ...SAAB2 WASAAB2 Goods receiving hours: Saturday afternoon from ...SABI2 WASABI2 Goods receiving hours: Saturday afternoon until ...SOAB1 WASOAB1 Goods receiving hours: Sunday morning from ...SOBI1 WASOBI1 Goods receiving hours: Sunday morning until ...SOAB2 WASOAB2 Goods receiving hours: Sunday afternoon from ...

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SOBI2 WASOBI2 Goods receiving hours: Sunday afternoon until ...VTEXT VTEXT DescriptionABTNR ABTNR Department numberEMPST EMPST Receiving pointLTEXT FKTEXT Object Text

Contact Person


FIELD DATA ELEMENT DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONMANDT MANDT ClientKUNNR KUNNR Customer NumberANRED ANRED_AP Form of address for contact person (Mr, Mrs...etc) F4NAME1 NAME1_GP Name 1NAMEV NAMEV_VP First nameTELF1 TELF1 First telephone numberABTNR ABTNR_PA Contact person department F4VTEXT VTEXT DescriptionPAFKT PAFKT Contact person function F4VTEXT1 VTEXT DescriptionFAX_NUMBER AD_FXNMBR1 First fax no.: dialling code+numberE_MAIL AD_SMTPADR E-Mail AddressCITY1 AD_CITY1 CityPOST_CODE1 AD_PSTCD1 City postal codeSTREET AD_STRSPP1 Street 2HOUSE_NUM1 AD_HSNM1 House NumberLANGU SPRAS Language Key F4TEL_NUMBER AD_TLNMBR1 First telephone no.: dialling code+numberCOUNTRY LAND1 Country Key F4TITLE AD_TITLE Form-of-Address KeySEARCHTERM AD_SORT1 Search Term 1PO_BOX AD_POBX PO BoxPOST_CODE2 AD_PSTCD2 PO Box postal codePOST_CODE3 AD_PSTCD3 Company postal code (for large customers)

DEFLT_COMM AD_COMMCommunication Method (Key) (Business Address Services)

TEL_EXTENS AD_TLXTNS1 First Telephone No.: ExtensionREGION REGIO Region (State, Province, County)FAX_EXTENS AD_FXXTNS1 First fax no.: extensionROOMNUMBER AD_ROOMNUM Room or Appartment NumberBUILDING AD_BLDNG Building (Number or Code)FLOOR AD_FLOOR Floor in buildingPARAU PARAU Notes about contact person

Page 13: Tables & Structure

PARH1 PAAT1 Contact person: Attribute 1 F4PARH2 PAAT2 Contact person: Attribute 2 F4PARH3 PAAT3 Contact person: Attribute 3 F4PARH4 PAAT4 Contact person: Attribute 4 F4PARH5 PAAT5 Contact person: Attribute 5 F4

MOAB1 BEMOAB1Contact person's visiting hours: Monday morning from ...


MOBI1 BEMOBI1Contact person's visiting hours: Monday morning until ...


MOAB2 BEMOAB2Contact person's visiting hours: Monday afternoon from ...


MOBI2 BEMOBI2Contact person's visiting hours: Monday afternoon until ...


DIAB1 BEDIAB1Contact person's visiting hours: Tuesday morning from...


DIBI1 BEDIBI1Contact person's visiting hours: Tuesday morning until ...


DIAB2 BEDIAB2Contact person's visiting hours: Tuesday afternoon from..


DIBI2 BEDIBI2Contact person's visiting hours: Tuesday afternoon until ...


MIAB1 BEMIAB1Contact person's visiting hours: Wednesday morning from...


MIBI1 BEMIBI1Contact person's visiting hours: Wednesday morning until ...


MIAB2 BEMIAB2Contact person's visiting hours: Wednesday afternoon from ..


MIBI2 BEMIBI2Contact person's visiting hours: Wednesday afternoon until..


DOAB1 BEDOAB1Contact person's visiting hours: Thursday morning from ....


DOBI1 BEDOBI1Contact person's visiting hours: Thursday morning until ....


DOAB2 BEDOAB2Contact person's visiting hours: Thursday afternoon from...


DOBI2 BEDOBI2Contact person's visiting hours: Thursday afternoon until ..


FRAB1 BEFRAB1 Contact person's visiting hours: Friday morning from ... F4FRBI1 BEFRBI1 Contact person's visiting hours: Friday morning until ... F4FRAB2 BEFRAB2 Contact person's visiting hours: Friday afternoon from ... F4FRBI2 BEFRBI2 Contact person's visiting hours: Friday afternoon until ... F4

SAAB1 BESAAB1Contact person's visiting hours: Saturday morning from ...


SABI1 BESABI1Contact person's visiting hours: Saturday morning until ...


SAAB2 BESAAB2 Contact person's visiting hours: Saturday afternoon F4

Page 14: Tables & Structure

from ...

SABI2 BESABI2Contact person's visiting hours: Saturday afternoon until ..


SOAB1 BESOAB1 Contact person's visiting hours: Sunday morning from ... F4SOBI1 BESOBI1 Contact person's visiting hours: Sunday morning until ... F4

SOAB2 BESOAB2Contact person's visiting hours: Sunday afternoon from ...


SOBI2 BESOBI2Contact person's visiting hours: Sunday afternoon until ...


PAKN1 PAAT6 Contact person: Attribute 6 F4PAKN2 PAAT7 Contact person: Attribute 7 F4PAKN3 PAAT8 Contact person: Attribute 8 F4PAKN4 PAAT9 Contact person: Attribute 9 F4PAKN5 PAAT0 Contact person: Attribute 10 F4SORTL SORTL Sort fieldTITEL_AP TITEL_AP Title of contact person (description of function) F4


Structure name - ZZT_SD_CUST_STR_CNTPR


ANRED ANRED_AP Form of address for contact person (Mr, Mrs...etc)



TELF1 TELF1 First telephone number

ABTNR ABTNR_PA Contact person department

VTEXT VTEXT Description

PAFKT PAFKT Contact person function

VTEXT1 VTEXT Description

FAX_NUMBER AD_FXNMBR1 First fax no.: dialling code+number



POST_CODE1 AD_PSTCD1 City postal code


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HOUSE_NUM1 AD_HSNM1 House Number

LANGU SPRAS Language Key

TEL_NUMBER AD_TLNMBR1 First telephone no.: dialling code+number


TITLE AD_TITLE Form-of-Address Key



POST_CODE2 AD_PSTCD2 PO Box postal code

POST_CODE3 AD_PSTCD3 Company postal code (for large customers)

DEFLT_COMM AD_COMM Communication Method (Key) (Business Address Services)

TEL_EXTENS AD_TLXTNS1 First Telephone No.: ExtensionREGION REGIO Region (State, Province, County)

FAX_EXTENS AD_FXXTNS1 First fax no.: extension

ROOMNUMBER AD_ROOMNUM Room or Appartment Number

BUILDING AD_BLDNG Building (Number or Code)

FLOOR AD_FLOOR Floor in building

PARAU PARAU Notes about contact person

PARH1 PAAT1 Contact person: Attribute 1

PARH2 PAAT2 Contact person: Attribute 2

PARH3 PAAT3 Contact person: Attribute 3

PARH4 PAAT4 Contact person: Attribute 4

PARH5 PAAT5 Contact person: Attribute 5

MOAB1 BEMOAB1 Contact person's visiting hours: Monday morning from ...

MOBI1 BEMOBI1 Contact person's visiting hours: Monday morning until ...

MOAB2 BEMOAB2 Contact person's visiting hours: Monday afternoon from ...

Page 16: Tables & Structure

MOBI2 BEMOBI2 Contact person's visiting hours: Monday afternoon until ...

DIAB1 BEDIAB1 Contact person's visiting hours: Tuesday morning from...

DIBI1 BEDIBI1 Contact person's visiting hours: Tuesday morning until ...

DIAB2 BEDIAB2 Contact person's visiting hours: Tuesday afternoon from..

DIBI2 BEDIBI2 Contact person's visiting hours: Tuesday afternoon until ...

MIAB1 BEMIAB1 Contact person's visiting hours: Wednesday morning from...

MIBI1 BEMIBI1 Contact person's visiting hours: Wednesday morning until ...

MIAB2 BEMIAB2 Contact person's visiting hours: Wednesday afternoon from ..

MIBI2 BEMIBI2 Contact person's visiting hours: Wednesday afternoon until..

DOAB1 BEDOAB1 Contact person's visiting hours: Thursday morning from ....

DOBI1 BEDOBI1 Contact person's visiting hours: Thursday morning until ....

DOAB2 BEDOAB2 Contact person's visiting hours: Thursday afternoon from...

DOBI2 BEDOBI2 Contact person's visiting hours: Thursday afternoon until ..

FRAB1 BEFRAB1 Contact person's visiting hours: Friday morning from ...

FRBI1 BEFRBI1 Contact person's visiting hours: Friday morning until ...

FRAB2 BEFRAB2 Contact person's visiting hours: Friday afternoon from ...

FRBI2 BEFRBI2 Contact person's visiting hours: Friday afternoon until ...

SAAB1 BESAAB1 Contact person's visiting hours: Saturday morning from ...

SABI1 BESABI1 Contact person's visiting hours: Saturday morning until ...

SAAB2 BESAAB2 Contact person's visiting hours: Saturday afternoon from ...

SABI2 BESABI2 Contact person's visiting hours: Saturday afternoon until ..

SOAB1 BESOAB1 Contact person's visiting hours: Sunday morning from ...

SOBI1 BESOBI1 Contact person's visiting hours: Sunday morning until ...

SOAB2 BESOAB2 Contact person's visiting hours: Sunday afternoon from ...

SOBI2 BESOBI2 Contact person's visiting hours: Sunday afternoon until ...

Page 17: Tables & Structure

PAKN1 PAAT6 Contact person: Attribute 6

PAKN2 PAAT7 Contact person: Attribute 7

PAKN3 PAAT8 Contact person: Attribute 8

PAKN4 PAAT9 Contact person: Attribute 9

PAKN5 PAAT0 Contact person: Attribute 10

SORTL SORTL Sort field

TITEL_AP TITEL_AP Title of contact person (description of function)




MANDT MANDT ClientKUNNR KUNNR Customer Number F4LNDEX LNDEX Country key for export control in customer master F4TDODA TDODA Date of last check of TDO list for export control F4TDOCO TDOCO ID: TDO boycott list for export control F4SDNDA SDNDA Date of last check of SDN list for export control F4SDNCO SDNCO ID: SDN boycott list for export control F4

DHRDA DHRDADate of last check in inter. boycott list for exp. Control


DHRCO DHRCO ID: Customer boycott list for export control F4CIVVE CIVVE ID for mainly non-military use F4MILVE MILVE ID for mainly military use F4CCC01 CCC01 Indicator for biochemical warfare for legal control F4

CCC02 CCC02Indicator for nuclear nonproliferation for legal control


CCC03 CCC03 Indicator for national security for legal control F4CCC04 CCC04 Indicator for missile technology for legal control F4


FIELD DATA ELEMENT DESCRIPTIONLNDEX LNDEX Country key for export control in customer masterTDODA TDODA Date of last check of TDO list for export controlTDOCO TDOCO ID: TDO boycott list for export controlSDNDA SDNDA Date of last check of SDN list for export control

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SDNCO SDNCO ID: SDN boycott list for export controlDHRDA DHRDA Date of last check in inter. boycott list for exp. ControlDHRCO DHRCO ID: Customer boycott list for export controlCIVVE CIVVE ID for mainly non-military useMILVE MILVE ID for mainly military useCCC01 CCC01 Indicator for biochemical warfare for legal controlCCC02 CCC02 Indicator for nuclear nonproliferation for legal controlCCC03 CCC03 Indicator for national security for legal controlCCC04 CCC04 Indicator for missile technology for legal control


FIELD DATA ELEMENT DESCRIPTION functionMANDT MANDT ClientKUNNR KUNNR Customer NumberAKONT AKONT Reconciliation Account in General Ledger F4ZUAWA DZUAWA Key for sorting according to assignment numbers F4KNRZE KNRZE Head office account number (in branch accounts)

BLNKZ BLNKZSubsidy indicator for determining the reduction rates

BEGRU BRGRU Authorization GroupFRGRP FRGRP Release Approval Group F4VZSKZ VZSKZ Interest calculation indicator F4ZINDT DZINDT Key date of the last interest calculation F4ZINRT DZINRT Interest calculation frequency in months F4DATLZ DATLZ Date of the last interest calculation run F4EKVBD EKVBD Account Number of Buying Group F4ALTKN ALTKN Previous Master Record Number F4FDGRV FDGRV Planning group F4PERNR PERNR_D Personnel Number F4


FIELD DATA ELEMENT DESCRIPTIONMANDT MANDT ClientKUNNR KUNNR Customer NumberAKONT AKONT Reconciliation Account in General LedgerZUAWA DZUAWA Key for sorting according to assignment numbersKNRZE KNRZE Head office account number (in branch accounts)

BLNKZ BLNKZSubsidy indicator for determining the reduction rates

BEGRU BRGRU Authorization Group

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FRGRP FRGRP Release Approval GroupVZSKZ VZSKZ Interest calculation indicatorZINDT DZINDT Key date of the last interest calculationZINRT DZINRT Interest calculation frequency in monthsDATLZ DATLZ Date of the last interest calculation runEKVBD EKVBD Account Number of Buying GroupALTKN ALTKN Previous Master Record NumberFDGRV FDGRV Planning groupPERNR PERNR_D Personnel Number

Payment TransactionsZTable - ZZT_SD_T_CUS_CPT

FIELD DATA ELEMENT DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONMANDT MANDT ClientKUNNR KUNNR Customer Number F4ZTERM DZTERM Terms of Payment Key F4ZWELS DZWELS List of the Payment Methods to be Considered F4KNRZB KNRZB Account number of an alternative payer F4ZAHLS DZAHLS Block Key for Payment F4HBKID HBKID Short Key for a House Bank F4

TOGRU TOGRUTolerance group for the business partner/G/L account


URLID URLID Short Key for Known/Negotiated Leave F4

WAKON WAKONTerms of payment key for bill of exchange charges


XZVER XZVER Indicator: Record Payment History ? F4KULTG KULTG Probable time until check is paidWEBTR WEBTR Bill of exchange limit (in local currency)ZGRUP ZGRUP Key for Payment Grouping F4XPORE XPORE Indicator: Pay all items separately ? F4XEDIP XEDIP Indicator: Send Payment Advices by EDI F4REMIT REMIT Next payee F4

LOCKB LOCKBKey of the Lockbox to Which the Customer Is To Pay


VRSDG VRSDG Reason Code Conversion Version F4SREGL SREGL Selection Rule for Payment Advices F4



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ZWELS DZWELS List of the Payment Methods to be ConsideredKNRZB KNRZB Account number of an alternative payerZAHLS DZAHLS Block Key for PaymentHBKID HBKID Short Key for a House BankTOGRU TOGRU Tolerance group for the business partner/G/L accountURLID URLID Short Key for Known/Negotiated LeaveWAKON WAKON Terms of payment key for bill of exchange chargesXZVER XZVER Indicator: Record Payment History ?KULTG KULTG Probable time until check is paidWEBTR WEBTR Bill of exchange limit (in local currency)ZGRUP ZGRUP Key for Payment GroupingXPORE XPORE Indicator: Pay all items separately ?XEDIP XEDIP Indicator: Send Payment Advices by EDIREMIT REMIT Next payeeLOCKB LOCKB Key of the Lockbox to Which the Customer Is To PayVRSDG VRSDG Reason Code Conversion VersionSREGL SREGL Selection Rule for Payment Advices

CorrespondenceTABLEZTable - ZZT_SD_T_CUS_COR

FIELD DATA ELEMENT DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONMANDT MANDT ClientKUNNR KUNNR Customer NumberMAHNA MAHNA Dunning ProcedureKNRMA KNRMA Account number of the dunning recipientMADAT MADAT Last dunned onMANSP MANSP Dunning blockGMVDT GMVDT Date of the legal dunning proceedingsMAHNS MAHNS_D Dunning levelMGRUP MGRUP Key for dunning notice groupingAKONT AKONT Reconciliation Account in General Ledger F4

ZAMIM DZAMIMIndicator: Payment notice to customer (with cleared items)?

ZAMIV DZAMIV Indicator: payment notice to sales department?ZAMIR DZAMIR Indicator: payment notice to legal department?

ZAMIB DZAMIBIndicator: Payment notice to the accounting department ?

ZAMIO DZAMIOIndicator: payment notice to customer (w/o cleared items)?

ZSABE DZSABE_D User at customerKVERM KVERM MemoTLFXS TLFXS Accounting clerk's fax number at the customer/vendor

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TLFNS TLFNS Accounting clerk's telephone number at business partnerINTAD INTAD Internet address of partner company clerkPERKZ_KNB1 PERKZ_KNB1 Collective invoice variantEIKTO EIKTO_D Our account number at customerXAUSZ XAUSZ Indicator for periodic account statementsMABER MABER Dunning AreaDAT DATS Field of type DATS


Structure name - ZZT_SD_CUS_STR_CORR

FIELD DATA ELEMENT DESCRIPTIONMANDT MANDT ClientKUNNR KUNNR Customer NumberMAHNA MAHNA Dunning ProcedureKNRMA KNRMA Account number of the dunning recipientMADAT MADAT Last dunned onMANSP MANSP Dunning blockGMVDT GMVDT Date of the legal dunning proceedingsMAHNS MAHNS_D Dunning levelMGRUP MGRUP Key for dunning notice groupingZAMIM DZAMIM Indicator: Payment notice to customer (with cleared items)?ZAMIV DZAMIV Indicator: payment notice to sales department?ZAMIR DZAMIR Indicator: payment notice to legal department?ZAMIB DZAMIB Indicator: Payment notice to the accounting department ?ZAMIO DZAMIO Indicator: payment notice to customer (w/o cleared items)?ZSABE DZSABE_D User at customerAKONT AKONT Reconciliation Account in General LedgerKVERM KVERM MemoTLFXS TLFXS Accounting clerk's fax number at the customer/vendorTLFNS TLFNS Accounting clerk's telephone number at business partnerINTAD INTAD Internet address of partner company clerkPERKZ_KNB1 PERKZ_KNB1 Collective invoice variantEIKTO EIKTO_D Our account number at customerXAUSZ XAUSZ Indicator for periodic account statementsMABER MABER Dunning AreaDAT DATS Field of type DATS




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VRBKZ VRBKZExport credit insurance institution number

VLIBB VLIBB Amount InsuredVERDT VERDT Insurance validity dateVRSZL VRSZL Insurance lead monthsVRSPR VRSPR Deductible percentage rate


Structure name - ZZT_SD_CUST_STR_INSR

FIELD NAME DATA ELEMENT DESCRIPTIONVRSNR VRSNR Insurance numberVRBKZ VRBKZ Export credit insurance institution numberVLIBB VLIBB Amount InsuredVERDT VERDT Insurance validity dateVRSZL VRSZL Insurance lead monthsVRSPR VRSPR Deductible percentage rate




FIELD NAME DATA ELEMENT DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONMANDT MANDT ClientKUNNR KUNNR Customer Number F4BZIRK BZIRK Sales district F4VKBUR VKBUR Sales Office F4VKGRP VKGRP Sales Group F4KDGRP KDGRP Customer group F4BEGRU BEGRU Authorization GroupVSORT VSORT Item proposal F4EIKTO EIKTO Shipper's (Our) Account Number at the Customer or VendorMEGRU MEGRU Unit of Measure Group F4KURST KURST Exchange Rate Type F4PVKSM PVKSM Customer procedure for product proposal F4KONDA KONDA Price group (customer) F4KALKS KALKS Pricing procedure assigned to this customer F4

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PLTYP PLTYP Price list type F4VERSG STGKU Customer Statistics Group F4VKORG VKORG Sales Organization F4VTWEG VTWEG Distribution Channel F4SPART SPART Division F4KLABC KLABC Customer classification (ABC analysis)WAERS WAERS_V02D Currency F4AWAHR AWAHR Order probability of the item F4HITYP HITYP_KH Customer hierarchy type F4HKUNNR HKUNNR_KH Customer number of the higher-level customer hierarchy F4DATAB DATAB_KH Start of validity period for assignment F4DATBI DATBI_KH End of validity period for the assignment F4EIKTO1 EIKTO Shipper's (Our) Account Number at the Customer or VendorMEGRU1 MEGRU Unit of Measure Group F4RDOFF RDOFF Switch off rounding? F4PRAT1 KUAT1 ID for product attribute 1 F4PRAT2 KUAT2 ID for product attribute 2 F4PRAT3 KUAT3 ID for product attribute 3 F4PRAT4 KUAT4 ID for product attribute 4 F4PRAT5 KUAT5 ID for product attribute 5 F4PRAT6 KUAT6 ID for product attribute 6 F4PRAT7 KUAT7 ID for product attribute 7 F4PRAT8 KUAT8 ID for product attribute 8 F4PRAT9 KUAT9 ID for product attribute 9 F4PRATA KUATA ID for product attribute 10 F4AGREL AGREL Indicator: Relevant for agency business F4


Structure name - ZZT_SD_CUS_STR_SASALES

FIELD NAME DATA ELEMENT DESCRIPTIONBZIRK BZIRK Sales districtVKBUR VKBUR Sales OfficeVKGRP VKGRP Sales GroupKDGRP KDGRP Customer groupBEGRU BEGRU Authorization GroupVSORT VSORT Item proposalEIKTO EIKTO Shipper's (Our) Account Number at the Customer or VendorMEGRU MEGRU Unit of Measure GroupKURST KURST Exchange Rate TypePVKSM PVKSM Customer procedure for product proposal

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KONDA KONDA Price group (customer)KALKS KALKS Pricing procedure assigned to this customerPLTYP PLTYP Price list typeVERSG STGKU Customer Statistics GroupVKORG VKORG Sales OrganizationVTWEG VTWEG Distribution ChannelSPART SPART DivisionKLABC KLABC Customer classification (ABC analysis)WAERS WAERS_V02D CurrencyAWAHR AWAHR Order probability of the itemHITYP HITYP_KH Customer hierarchy typeHKUNNR HKUNNR_KH Customer number of the higher-level customer hierarchyDATAB DATAB_KH Start of validity period for assignmentDATBI DATBI_KH End of validity period for the assignmentEIKTO1 EIKTO Shipper's (Our) Account Number at the Customer or VendorMEGRU1 MEGRU Unit of Measure GroupRDOFF RDOFF Switch off rounding?PRAT1 KUAT1 ID for product attribute 1PRAT2 KUAT2 ID for product attribute 2PRAT3 KUAT3 ID for product attribute 3PRAT4 KUAT4 ID for product attribute 4PRAT5 KUAT5 ID for product attribute 5PRAT6 KUAT6 ID for product attribute 6PRAT7 KUAT7 ID for product attribute 7PRAT8 KUAT8 ID for product attribute 8PRAT9 KUAT9 ID for product attribute 9PRATA KUATA ID for product attribute 10AGREL AGREL Indicator: Relevant for agency business



FIELD NAME DATA ELEMENT DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONMANDT MANDT ClientKUNNR KUNNR CUSTOMER NUMBER F4LPRIO LPRIO Delivery Priority F4VSBED VSBED Shipping Conditions F4VWERK DWERK_EXT Delivering Plant (Own or External) F4PODKZ PODKZ Relevant for POD processing F4PODTG PODTG Timeframe for Confirmation of PODKZTLF KZTLF Partial delivery at item level F4AUTLF AUTLF Complete delivery defined for each sales order? F4

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UEBTK UEBTK_V Unlimited overdelivery allowed F4UNTTO UNTTO Underdelivery Tolerance LimitUEBTO UEBTO Overdelivery Tolerance Limit

LZONE LZONETransportation zone to or from which the goods are delivered


VKORG VKORG Sales Organization F4VTWEG VTWEG Distribution Channel F4SPART SPART Division F4KZAZU KZAZU_D F4

ANTLF ANTLFMaximum Number of Partial Deliveries Allowed Per Item


Structure name - ZZT_SD_CUST_STR_SHIP

FIELD NAME DATA ELEMENT DESCRIPTIONLPRIO LPRIO Delivery PriorityVSBED VSBED Shipping ConditionsVWERK DWERK_EXT Delivering Plant (Own or External)PODKZ PODKZ Relevant for POD processingPODTG PODTG Timeframe for Confirmation of PODKZTLF KZTLF Partial delivery at item levelAUTLF AUTLF Complete delivery defined for each sales order?UEBTK UEBTK_V Unlimited overdelivery allowedUNTTO UNTTO Underdelivery Tolerance LimitUEBTO UEBTO Overdelivery Tolerance Limit

LZONE LZONETransportation zone to or from which the goods are delivered

KZAZU KZAZU_D Order Combination IndicatorVKORG VKORG Sales OrganizationVTWEG VTWEG Distribution ChannelSPART SPART DivisionANTLF ANTLF Maximum Number of Partial Deliveries Allowed Per Item

Billing DocTABLE


FIELD NAME DATA ELEMENT DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONMANDT MANDT ClientKUNNR KUNNR Customer Number F4PERFK PERFK Invoice dates (calendar identification) F4PERRL PERRL Invoice list schedule (calendar identification) F4

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INCO1 INCO1 Incoterms (Part 1) F4ZTERM DZTERM Terms of Payment Key F4KTGRD KTGRD Account assignment group for this customer F4

ALAND ALANDDeparture country (country from which the goods are sent)

LANDX LANDX Country Name F4TATYP TATYP Tax category (sales tax, federal sales tax,...) F4VTEXT VTXTK NameTAXKD TAKLD Tax classification for customer F4VTEXT1 VTEXT DescriptionKKBER KKBER Credit control areaKABSS KABSSCH_CM Customer payment guarantee procedureKOVON KOVON Bank Details Valid From F4KOBIS KOBIS Bank details valid to F4BELIC BELIC Confirmation for licenses F4MRNKZ MRNKZ Manual invoice maintenance F4BOKRE BOKRE Indicator: Customer Is Rebate-Relevant F4PRFRE PRFRE Relevant for price determination ID F4KZAZU KZAZU_D Order Combination IndicatorVKORG VKORG Sales Organization F4VTWEG VTWEG Distribution Channel F4SPART SPART Division F4LICNR LICNR License number


Structure name - ZZT_SD_CUS_STR_BILLDOC

FIELD NAME DATA ELEMENT DESCRIPTION PERFK PERFK Invoice dates (calendar identification)PERRL PERRL Invoice list schedule (calendar identification)INCO1 INCO1 Incoterms (Part 1)ZTERM DZTERM Terms of Payment KeyKTGRD KTGRD Account assignment group for this customerALAND ALAND Departure country (country from which the goods are sent)LANDX LANDX Country NameTATYP TATYP Tax category (sales tax, federal sales tax,...)VTEXT VTXTK NameTAXKD TAKLD Tax classification for customerVTEXT1 VTEXT DescriptionKKBER KKBER Credit control areaKABSS KABSSCH_CM Customer payment guarantee procedure

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KOVON KOVON Bank Details Valid FromKOBIS KOBIS Bank details valid toBELIC BELIC Confirmation for licensesMRNKZ MRNKZ Manual invoice maintenanceBOKRE BOKRE Indicator: Customer Is Rebate-RelevantPRFRE PRFRE Relevant for price determination IDVKORG VKORG Sales OrganizationVTWEG VTWEG Distribution ChannelSPART SPART DivisionLICNR LICNR License number

Partner Function




KNREF KNREFCustomer description of partner (plant, storage location)

VKORG VKORG Sales Organization F4VTWEG VTWEG Distribution Channel F4SPART SPART Division F4DEFPA DEFPA Default Partner F4


Structure name - ZZT_SD_CUST_STR_PARFUN

FIELD NAME DATA ELEMENT DESCRIPTIONPARVW PARVW Partner FunctionVTEXT VTEXT DescriptionKTONR GPANR Number of an SD business partnerVTXTM VTXTM DescriptionKNREF KNREF Customer description of partner (plant, storage location)VKORG VKORG Sales Organization

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VTWEG VTWEG Distribution ChannelSPART SPART DivisionDEFPA DEFPA Default Partner