tablet and smartphone (details)

Halabja private institute of computer and science Tablet & Smartphone Prepared by: Shano sarwan Zhiwar falah Supervised by: Mariwan ahmad

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Page 1: Tablet and Smartphone (details)

Halabja private institute of computer and science

Tablet & Smartphone

Prepared by:Shano sarwanZhiwar falah

Supervised by:Mariwan ahmad

Page 2: Tablet and Smartphone (details)

Content :Content :TABLETTABLET


History History The newest productThe newest product


HistoryHistorySmartphone examples Smartphone examples

The newest productThe newest productSmartphone effects on educationSmartphone effects on education


Page 3: Tablet and Smartphone (details)

Tablets Tablets

Page 4: Tablet and Smartphone (details)

Introduction to tabletIntroduction to tabletAn introduction to tablet:An introduction to tablet:

Page 5: Tablet and Smartphone (details)

Applications of tablet:

• L i fe : On l in e , Comm un icat ion , Ma ps ,

E -Shoppin g , Cam era• Bus in ess : E-ma i l , Of f i ce

Su i te , F ina n ce• Enter ta in ment : E-books, Games

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History of tablet:History of tablet:

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Page 8: Tablet and Smartphone (details)

Smartphone Smartphone

Page 9: Tablet and Smartphone (details)

An introduction to tablet:An introduction to tablet:

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History of smartphone:History of smartphone:

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Example of smartphone:Example of smartphone:

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Page 13: Tablet and Smartphone (details)

smartphone effects on educations :smartphone effects on educations :

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Conclusion: Conclusion:

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Bibliography :Bibliography :

• httphttp://:// =0,3=0,3

• httphttp://://

• httphttp://://•


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