
2011 International Course Guide TAFE WESTERN AUSTRALIA Education & Training International WESTERN AUSTRALIA

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TAFE wEsTErn AusTrAliA International Course Guide Education & Training International WESTERN AUSTRALIA


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2011International Course Guide

TA F E w E s T E r n A u s T r A l i A

Education & Training InternationalW E S T E R N A U S T R A L I A

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© 2011 Educat ion and Tra in ing Internat iona l

D isc la imer : Ever y ef fo r t has been made to ensure the in format ion in th is document i s cor rec t a t the t ime of p r in t ing, however changes may have been made s ince that date. The most up - to -date and accurate in format ion i s p rov ided on the webs i te at www.et i .wa.edu.au. Educat ion and Tra in ing Internat iona l reser ves the r ight to a l te r any course, fee, sub jec t , admiss ion requ i rement or other a r rangement wi thout pr io r not i ce.

CRICOS Prov ider Code 00020G

Education and Training International (ETI) represents the following Western Australian TAFE Colleges.

(Central TAFE)

(West Coast TAFE)

(CY O’Connor College of TAFE)

(Central West College of TAFE ) (Kimberley TAFE )

(Pilbara TAFE)

(Curtin Vocational Training & Education Centre )

(Great Southern TAFE) (South West Regional College of TAFE)

(Challenger TAFE)(Swan TAFE)

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There is no better place to start than TAFE.Welcome to the TAFE Western Aust ra l ia 2011 Internat iona l Course Gu ide. Th is course gu ide wi l l in t roduce you to a wide range of h igh qua l i ty courses de l ivered by TAFE throughout met ropo l i tan and reg iona l Western Aust ra l ia .

For over 20 years , Educat ion and Tra in ing Internat iona l (ET I) has ass i s ted in te rnat iona l s tudents to obta in va luab le sk i l l s and exper ience that p rov ide a l ink to employment and to fu r ther s tudy.

We hope that the in format ion in th is gu ide revea ls the boundless oppor tun i t ies ava i lab le at TAFE. For more in format ion and a fu l l l i s t o f courses fo r in te rnat iona l s tudents p lease v is i t our webs i te at www.et i .wa.edu.au

2011CONTENTSWhy Study at TAFE ....................................................... 4

Western Australia ......................................................... 5

Train Transport Around Perth ........................................... 6

Metropolitan TAFE Locations ........................................... 7

Regional Maps & Locations............................................. 8

Important Dates & Support Services ................................. 9

Accommodation/Airport Reception ................................. 10

Budgeting ................................................................. 11

Metropolitan TAFE Colleges ........................................... 12

Regional TAFE Colleges ................................................ 16

Pathways to University ................................................ 20

Admission Requirements .............................................. 21

English Language Requirements ..................................... 22

How to Read this Course Guide ...................................... 23

TAFE Courses

Art, Design & Media................................................ 25

Aviation, Engineering & Building ................................ 41

Business, Management, Commerce & Accounting .......... 55

Health & Community Services ................................... 63

Hospitality & Tourism .............................................. 77

Information Technology ............................................ 87

Science, Horticulture, Marine & Animal Studies ............ 95

Trades ................................................................ 107

Application Procedure & Policies .................................. 110

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Choice250 courses from Certificate to Advanced Diploma level & Associate Degrees in a wide range of industry areas.

Job ReadyIndustry training that gives you skills employers need.

PathwaysFlexible entry requirements and opportunities for further study at university.

Practical SkillsHands-on training that allows you to work and study.

Value for MoneyHigh quality training and support at an affordable cost.

ExpertiseLecturers have industry experience and will give you up-to-date job skills.

FlexibilityLearning is not always in a classroom. Many courses provide industry placements.

LocationsCampuses throughout metropolitan Perth and regional Western Australia.

Study with Australian StudentsExperience a true international education.

Government owned and operatedHigh quality courses and wide-spread recognition of qualifications.











10 Great Reasons to Study at TAFE

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Western Australia offers contrasts ranging from the coast to the forest, from uncrowded beaches to lively city streets.


n With a rapidly growing population of over 2 million people, Perth is one of Australia’s most dynamic and prosperous cities.

n Western Australia is in the same time zone as many Asian regions and a direct flight from a number of capital cities in Asia, Africa, the sub-continent and the Gulf States.

n Western Australia offers more opportunities for industry work experience and part-time work.

n Perth is a modern, clean and multicultural city, with people from many different nationalities and religions living together in harmony.

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Perth – Clarkson: 36 minutes

Perth – Joondalup: 29 minutes

Perth – Fremantle: 28 minutes

Perth – Rockingham: 31 minutes

Perth – Mandurah: 49 minutes

Perth – Midland: 21 minutes

Perth – Armadale: 31 minutes

Perth – Thornlie: 20 minutes

*These trip times are current at the time of printing. Please visit www.transperth.wa.gov.au for more specific information.

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LeedervilleMt Lawley

East Perth





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DRIVING DISTANCES FOR THE REGIONAL COLLEGES Perth – Northam – 97 kms Perth – Bunbury – 172 kms Perth – Albany – 409 kms Perth – Geraldton – 425 kms



Broome Aquaculture CentreBroome

South HedlandKarratha




Maragret RiverDenmark

Mt Barker









Broome Aquaculture CentreBroome

South HedlandKarratha




Maragret RiverDenmark

Mt Barker








Kimberley TAFE

Pilbara TAFE

Durak Institute of Technology

C.Y. O’Connor Institute

South West RegionalCollege of TAFE

Great Southern Institute of Technology

Curtin Vocational Training & Education Centre (VTEC)


*These distances are correct at the time of printing. Please visit www.mainroads.wa.gov.au for more information.

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IMPORTANT DATESOther important dates such as cut off dates for Applications, Acceptances and COE requests are on our website at www.eti.wa.edu.au

CERTIFICATE, DIPLOMA AND ASSOCIATE DEGREE COURSESStudents must be ready to join classes on the dates indicated below.


2011 Semester 1 7 February 1 July

2011 Semester 1 (Polytechnic West Only)

31 January 8 July

2011 Semester 2 25 July 16 December

2012 Semester 1 6 February 6 July

2012 Semester 2 23 July 14 December


2011 Block 1 5 January 1 February

2011 Block 2 14 February 18 March

2011 Block 3 21 March 21 April

2011 Block 4 2 May 3 June

2011 Block 5 6 June 8 July

2011 Block 6 25 July 26 August

2011 Block 7 29 August 30 September

2011 Block 8 10 October 11 November

2011 Block 9 14 November 16 December

ENGLISH LANGUAGE (ELICOS) COURSESFor further information about our English Language Courses please download our latest English Language Guide at www.eti.wa.edu.au

SUPPORT SERVICESAll TAFE colleges offer student support services to make your education experience in Western Australia enjoyable and productive.

OrientationWhen you arrive, the orientation program provided by your college or campus will include information about:

n Study programs

n Timetables

n Codes of conduct

n Student responsibilities

n Progress & attendance

During orientation you are encouraged to check important dates relating to your course with the International Student Coordinators at your campus.

FacilitiesAll colleges and campuses will provide:

n Free internet access so that you can keep in contact with family and friends back home.

n Well equipped libraries with text, reference books and a variety of IT support.

n Canteens that offer a variety of hot and cold food and drinks.

n Links to recreational, social, religious and other facilities that make students feel at home.

Student SupportQualified, friendly support staff are available throughout the duration of your studies and can assist with:

n Study support

n Accommodation advice

n Employment advice

n Personal & study issues

A qualified counsellor is available free of charge.

Student ID CardYou will be provided with a student ID card which gives access to discounted public transport and a wide variety of entertainment and sporting facilities.

n Accommodation

n Banking & finance

n College services and facilities

n Transport

n Personal safety

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TAFE is unable to offer students on-campus accommodation within the Perth metropolitan area.

We do have on-campus accommodation at some of our regional campuses.

For students studying at our metropolitan colleges we recommend that they book temporary accommodation for the first few weeks or homestay accommodation for the first month after arrival.

This will allow students time to make longer term accommodation decisions. To book temporary accommodation or homestay accommodation please contact our accommodation provider Talkabout Tours at www.talkabouttours.com.au

Temporary accommodationStudents can choose backpacker hostels from $30 per night or budget hotels from $100 per night. There is a large range of temporary accommodation offered in Perth which students can search for through the internet and book online. Students can also contact Talkabout Tours to arrange temporary accommodation.

HomestayHomestay is when students choose to live with an Australian family. This is very popular because students make Australian friends, embrace the Australian lifestyle and improve their English. Homestay costs $225 per week for students 18 years and over and $260 per week for students under 18. There is also a homestay placement fee of $185. Bookings must be made at least two weeks in advance. Late bookings will incur additional fees.

Homestay includes breakfast and dinner during the week and all meals on the weekends. The cost also includes laundry, snacks, electricity and gas. For more information about homestay and to make a booking contact Talkabout Tours on www.talkabouttours.com.au

Underage studentsStudents who wish to commence study at a TAFE college must be over 18 or turning 18 in the same semester that they commence their course. Whilst a student is under the age of 18 they are required to have a local guardian until they turn 18. If the student intends to live with a relative in Perth the relative can nominate to be the guardian. If the student does not nominate a relative, then ETI requires students to live in homestay accommodation organised by Talkabout Tours. Once this accommodation is arranged, ETI will issue the welfare letter (CAAW) and act as the local guardian for the student.

Rental accommodationMany students choose to rent an apartment or house with other students. A typical four-bedroom house in Perth is currently renting at around $400 per week. A two-bedroom apartment rents for $300 – $350 per week. Students who are sharing these costs need to budget for around $150 per week to cover their share of the rent plus electricity and gas. For more information on available rentals please visit the following real estate websites: www.reiwa.com.au or www.realestate.com.au

Airport pickupAirport pickup can be arranged at a cost of $88 and will take students directly to their homestay family or temporary accommodation. Please contact Talkabout Tours to organise this service. A taxi from the airport to central Perth costs approximately $40. An airport bus ($20) is also available and can drop passengers at central city hotels.

Getting startedStudents should arrive in Perth with at least $1,000 and have access to another $2,000 during their first few weeks for expenses associated with organising housing. Funds may be needed to pay bond on rental accommodation or for other services.

Photo supplied by Tourism WA: Arial View of Perth City

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Rent – shared accommodation (average) $150

Gas, water, electricity, phone (landline) $80

Food $100

Public transport $40

Clothing & entertainment $50 – $100

Total $420 – $470

BUDGETINGAdditional costsAdditional study costs can vary for each student. Some courses have resource fees that need to be paid direct to the college. These are listed under each course in this guide. Students should also budget for other costs like material fees, equipment, photocopying, stationery and text books.

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)All international students studying in Australia are required to pay overseas student health cover for the entire duration of their student visa. This cover will give access to one of the best health systems in the world at a very reasonable cost. ETI’s preferred OSHC partner is OSHC Worldcare. ETI will arrange your cover for you. Students will be advised of their OSHC fees when they receive their offer letter and statement of accounts.

EmploymentInternational students on a student visa can work up to 20 hours per week during the semester. Students can work unlimited hours during scheduled semester breaks.

Photo supplied by Tourism WA: South Terrace Cafes - Fremantle Photo supplied by Tourism WA: Buskers at Fremantle on South Terrace

Photo supplied by Tourism WA: Geraldton Waterfront

Students are not allowed to work until they have started their course. Students can earn $15 – $20 per hour depending on skills and experience. Students should not rely on their earnings to pay tuition fees. You can discuss work options with the International Student Coordinator at your campus after you have started your course so that you can assess your course commitments and workload.

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CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYwww.central.wa.edu.auCentral Institute of Technology is Western Australia’s first post-secondary education institution, having run its first classes in 1900. With a long and proud history, Central has played a significant role in the development of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in the State.

Now one of Australia’s largest VET colleges, Central trains more than 29,000 students annually, including 1300 international students.

Located in Perth, Western Australia, Central has a range of nationally accredited study options for international students. Our seven campuses boast excellent, state-of the-art facilities and resources. They are all located near the centre of Perth’s CBD, making them easy to reach by public transport and allowing you to experience the very best of life in a vibrant, cosmopolitan city.

We offer over 400 nationally accredited courses, with over 110 courses on offer for international students in areas including:

n Business, Management and Finance

n Creative and Digital (Art, Design and Media; Information Technology and Information Services)

n Engineering and Building

n English and Community Access

n Health and Community Services

n Resources and Science

n Sport and Education

n Tourism and Languages

With innovative training that has been developed in close partnership with industry, Central is committed to delivering the skilled workforce of the future.


International Centre

The International Centre is dedicated to the personal, academic needs and well being of international students studying at Central Institute of Technology.

International Centre staff offer friendly, specialised support and guidance for students from initial contact through to graduation to ensure that your experience at Central is an enjoyable and rewarding one.

With the combination of quality training, facilities, activities and study outcomes you can expect a smooth transition to the next stage of your career journey, whether it is on to university, or into your chosen profession.

English Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students (ELICOS)

Central delivers fully accredited English courses that are regulated by government and offer high quality outcomes for our students.

Compliance with NEAS (National ELT Accreditation Scheme) standards and criteria positions Central as a premium provider of English language programs in Australia.

University Education Pathways

Central has articulation arrangements in place with Curtin University, the University of Western Australia (UWA), Murdoch University and Edith Cowan University (ECU).

Under these arrangements, graduates from some of Central’s Diploma and Advanced Diploma programs are eligible for entry into a university’s undergraduate degrees. Graduates are also often eligible for advanced standing in these degrees. Advanced Standing means that students receive credits for the work they have completed at Central and are able to reduce their study load and/or the amount of time it takes to complete their university degree.

Contact Details

w www.central.wa.edu.aue [email protected] 1300 300 822

“Inaugural Winner of the International Training Provider of the Year 2010”


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CHALLENGER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYwww.challenger.wa.edu.au/internationalCHALLENGER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY offers over 50 courses, from Certificate III to Advanced Diploma, across seven campuses to international students. So whether you want to study engineering, process plant operations, maritime, business or community services, to name a few, we have the course for you. Challenger works closely with industry partners to offer a learning experience focused on gaining the qualifications, knowledge and skills highly valued by employers.

As an international student at Challenger Institute, you will gain practical skills and knowledge that can lead you to an exciting career or a passport to further your studies in higher education. Travelling to all of our campuses is simple as they are all located in close proximity to train and bus stations.

Industry Training Centres

Challenger Institute consists of campuses and centres located along the coastline south of Perth from Fremantle to the Peel region and inland to Murdoch. Challenger Institute is the preferred choice of approximately 25,000 students studying for a huge variety of careers.

The Institute has several industry training centres, which are closely aligned to the needs of industry so your training will equip you for today’s workplace with skills and knowledge that are highly-valued by employers.

Our Centres are:

n Australian Centre for Energy & Process Training (ACEPT)

n Automotive Technology Skills Centre

n Community Services Training Centre

n Construction Industry Skills Centre

n Information Technology & Business Skills Centre

n Quinlan’s Hospitality & Tourism Training Centre

n Visage Training Centre for Health & Lifestyle

n WA Applied Engineering & Shipbuilding Training Centre

n WA Centre for Leadership, Community & Cultural Development

n WA Horticulture & Environmental Science Skills Centre

n WA Maritime Training Centre – Fremantle

Pathways To University/Higher Education

Challenger Institute courses can also provide pathways to university. On completion of a Certificate IV or Diploma, graduates can use their qualification to apply for entry to a wide range of courses at university. Qualifications at the diploma level or advanced diploma level may also provide credit of up to one year advanced standing in a three or four year degree. This can shorten your university studies significantly. Challenger Institute has recently announced a range of new advanced standing agreements with Murdoch University.

Work Placements And Links With Employers

At Challenger Institute we work closely with employers to provide students with relevant and up to date learning experiences. Many of our courses include work placements to provide students with an opportunity to apply their skills in a workplace setting, so your time with us is exciting and memorable and when you graduate you will be ready to work in your chosen occupation!

Specialised Training Venues

At Challenger Institute we aim to provide training that gives students skills that closely match those needed in their future workplace. That is why we have a number of dynamic specialised training venues known as ‘live works’. These specialised training venues offer students hands-on and industry-relevant opportunities beyond traditional learning avenues, in an actual work environment, with actual customers in the areas of beauty therapy, hospitality, hairdressing and fashion.

Support Whilst Studying At Challenger

Challenger Institute of Technology understands that it will be the first time for many of you to be away from home and/or family and for others, it may be the first time in a foreign country. For this reason Challenger invests a lot of effort in providing support for you while you are studying with us.

The Institute is committed to providing you with support as you embark on your academic journey with us in Western Australia. The services and support that we offer include:

n Academic study support

n Personal / well-being support

n Extra curricular activities

n Mentor support

n Employment advice and support


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POLYTECHNIC WESTTHE POLYTECHNIC OF WESTERN AUSTRALIAwww.polytechnic.wa.edu.au/internationalPolytechnic West (PWA) is Western Australia’s largest publicly funded provider of Vocational Education and Training (VET). Formerly known as Swan TAFE, Polytechnic West offers more than 350 full-time, part-time and on-line qualifications across a wide range of trade and para-professional study areas. The organisation is also the trade training provider of choice for many businesses, apprentices and international clients throughout the state.

You may be wondering why we have changed our name. The training market at an international level has changed and here at Polytechnic West we have recognised the need to keep ahead of these changes - changes that will benefit you the student. We want Polytechnic West to be a name of which you can be proud.

Polytechnic West offers qualifications in study areas including Education, English Language, ELICOS, Fashion, Aviation, Business Management, Financial Services, Animal Studies, Mechanical Engineering, Building and Construction, Information Technology, Community Services and Hospitality.

Training and education at PWA is delivered across seven campuses in the Perth metropolitan area; Armadale, Balga, Bentley, Carlisle, Jandakot, Midland and Thornlie. All campuses are located in beautiful bushland or garden settings, offering plenty of outdoor spaces to relax between classes with friends, enjoy sporting activities, or make use of the Learning Resource Centres to aid your studies. The stress free environment is designed to help you reach your optimum learning capacity.

All campuses are easily accessible by public transport, with ample onsite parking available and are within close proximity to everything Perth has to offer.

Our main campus in Bentley is only six kilometres south-east of central Perth, situated directly opposite Curtin University of Technology. The surrounding suburbs provide a great choice of specialised student accommodation including units, share houses, rental and homestay.

Our focus in working with industry and enterprises is to build and expand partnerships by providing training solutions that meet current and future needs for skills, knowledge and learning. Delivery units work closely with industry ensuring that all our students receive ‘state of the art’ training and education.

We continue to provide the highest standard of education and training to both local and international students. You’ll have access to a range of contemporary, sophisticated and industry approved training facilities, such as:

n the Aerospace Training Centre in Jandakot, including a fully operational Boeing 737

n the Bentley Hospitality Institute in Bentley, including training kitchens, bakery, butchery and award winning restaurant and bistro

n the Specialist Metals Training Centre in Midland, including computer controlled machining and robotics

n the Equine Training Centre in Armadale

n the Centre for Sustainable Transport in Carlisle; and

n Refrigeration and Air Conditioning training facilities in Carlisle, including a large scale supermarket.

Polytechnic West’s experienced and industry trained lecturers have earned the organisation an outstanding reputation for excellence in vocational education and training internationally. We became the first and only TAFE institution to commence delivery of Associate Degree courses in Western Australia. These sub-degree qualifications, accredited against Federal and State government higher education requirements, provide alternative pathways for you if you wish to progress to a university bachelor degree. PWA currently offers Associate Degrees in Business, Hospitality Management and Aviation (Aeronautics, Management or Maintenance Engineering).

Polytechnic West is the largest public training provider for international students in Western Australia. The organisation’s International Centre, located on the Bentley campus, attracts over 1200 international students per semester. Polytechnic West’s International Centre staff monitors the organisation’s compliance with the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act to ensure you have every opportunity to succeed in your chosen field of study.

Polytechnic West became the first public institution in Western Australia to offer trade courses (such as Wall and Floor Tiling, Brick and Block Laying and Solid Plastering) on the CRICOS list.

A nationally recognised qualification from Polytechnic West will open doors to a new world of exciting possibilities. As one of our graduates, you will be respected for your practical, industry-relevant skills, and our qualification will provide the chance to take your career anywhere you wish. Please go the web site link for further information that could shape your career.


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WEST COAST INSTITUTE OF TRAININGwww.wcit.wa.edu.auWest Coast Institute of Training (formerly West Coast TAFE) is a leading provider of general and specialist skill training with state-of-the-art facilities offering international students the opportunity to study a range of nationally accredited courses in the areas of: hospitality and tourism; commerce; information and communication technology; conservation and horticulture; community services; childcare; health and fitness; enrolled nursing; aged care; bricklaying and carpentry.

The Institute features the award winning Academy of Hospitality and Tourism which includes the very popular training restaurant, the Pavilion; purpose built skills kitchens and the recently opened specialist bakery and patisserie kitchens.

Information and Communication Technology students can take advantage of Western Australia’s only institute delivered motion capture studio which enhances the learning experience of design, animation and gaming programs.

Nursing and health students train in our well equipped and spacious simulated hospital environment where they become confident in combining theory and practice before undertaking industry placements in health facilities throughout the metropolitan area.

West Coast Institute prides itself on providing flexible and practical industry training delivered by a team of experienced and motivated lecturers, with excellent links to business and industry. This ensures students are provided with the skills they need to succeed in today’s fast paced and ever changing international work environment.

The Institute is located in the rapidly expanding northern suburbs of Perth with its main campuses located in Joondalup and the new Trades North campus in Clarkson. Both locations are accessible using public transport.

The main Joondalup campus is spacious and modern and is set amid lakes, parks and natural Australian bushland that is home to a variety of native birds and kangaroos. The campus is adjacent to Edith Cowan University and is just minutes from the Joondalup train and bus station.

A free Joondalup bus service connects the campus to local facilities and the train station, which makes transport for work, study or social activities easy. Transperth trains offer a fast and reliable service throughout the local area and to the centre of Perth enabling students to experience both a friendly campus atmosphere and close proximity to the inner city.

Joondalup has excellent student accommodation, health services, entertainment, a large shopping mall and recreation facilities. With beautiful beaches 15 minutes away and the city 25 minutes from the campus – West Coast Institute of Training has everything an international student is looking for.


International students at West Coast enjoy a high level of personal attention from committed staff. Comprehensive academic and pastoral support services enrich the experience of each student ensuring their success. Innovative programs like the voluntary mentor scheme link international students to the wider community as well as providing students with extra academic and social support.

The institute delivers professional qualifications at Certificate, Diploma and Advanced Diploma level with many West Coast graduates receiving excellent advanced standing at university.

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GREAT SOUTHERN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYwww.gsinstitute.wa.edu.auWelcome to Great Southern Institute, located in Albany in the south of Western Australia. As a thriving port city and administrative hub for the region, Albany has an abundance of attractions and activities. With its spectacular coastline, mountains and rivers, and vibrant community, people are drawn to the city to experience all it has to offer. You can visit our world class surfing beaches, climb mountains, or join the locals for a coffee and chat.

At our modern and well equipped campuses in Albany, Denmark, Mt Barker and Katanning, we deliver an extensive range of programs from Certificate to Advanced Diploma level with skilled, supportive staff assisting you to meet your training and career objectives. As a regional College, we offer you smaller classes, high level student support and a great lifestyle in a safe environment. In many cases, our programs are delivered in the community, so that your training is realistic and you are able to network with local businesses.

We invite you to visit our website at www.gsinstitute.wa.edu.au to learn more about us, our training, and our direct pathway to university if that is your goal. Talk to us about your needs – we’re here to help.

SOUTH WEST REGIONAL COLLEGE OF TAFEwww.swrc.wa.edu.auLocated just 175km south of Perth, Bunbury is the heart of the South West, WA’s premier holiday region. Its distinctive coastal location and balmy Mediterranean climate combines amazing natural surrounds including pristine beaches, exquisite forests, premium wineries and vineyards. The South West also boasts some of the finest furniture galleries and is widely recognised for its distinctive contribution to the creative industries as well as being a magnet for visitors wanting to experience the very best that the tourism and hospitality sector has to offer.

The region covers an area of 23 970 square kilometres and has the most diverse regional economy based on mineral wealth, a strong agricultural and horticulture sector, timber and forest products, viticulture, retail, manufacturing, construction and service industries.

Through our regional network we are able to provide expertise and resources to assist students to realise their career aspirations in a range of areas and offer unparalleled facilities and equipment to ensure that students receive training to industry standard in well appointed classrooms, a fully functional restaurant, commercial kitchens, industrial workshops and purpose built horticultural hothouses essential to preparing candidates for jobs in hospitality, commercial cookery, horticulture, viticulture, engineering, surveying and building.

Incorporating a Centre of Wine Excellence, our Margaret River Campus provides a world class training venue for practical and theoretical elements of wine grape growing, cellar operations, cellar door sales and wine tourism industries. The sophisticated research and tasting facilities coupled with a working winery for hands-on experience makes this the premier provider of wine industry training for the cultivation, manufacture and bottling, as well as the promotion of wine sales at the cellar door in Western Australia.

The extensive industry experience of the lecturers as well as their commitment and dedication to working with a diverse student body consolidates the College’s reputation of rendering graduates of an outstanding calibre with an excellent track record of employment outcomes. Our collaborative partnerships with both Curtin and Edith Cowan Universities enable students to access pathways into additional tertiary training located in close proximity to both the Bunbury and Margaret River campuses.


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DURACK INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYwww.durack.edu.auFor 52 years Durack Institute of Technology has been providing Vocational Education and Training (VET) to the communities in the Midwest and Gascoyne regions of Western Australia. The Institute consists of campuses at Geraldton, including the Batavia Coast Maritime Institute, Carnarvon, Exmouth and Wiluna.

Durack Institute of Technology delivers over 130 vocational education and training courses to approximately 7,000 students in Western Australia, the East Coast of Australia and to on shore international students each year. Durack offers a variety of study modes, including face to face, recognition of prior learning, workshop and workplace delivery.

Qualifications range from Certificate I up to Advanced Diploma level which can lead into Degree programs at Universities across Australia.

Durack Institute of Technology boasts many staff, student and organisational awards. More recently these include the 2008 Australian Training Award for Excellence in VET in Schools and the 2009 Western Australian Vocational Student of the Year. Durack Institute of Technology has also been selected as a finalist in both the 2009 and 2010 Western Australian Large Training Provider of the Year category of the Western Australian Training Awards.

State of the art learning facilities and close links with industry offer our students high quality training experiences that set them up to achieve their aspirations for the future.

C.Y. O’CONNOR INSTITUTEwww.cyoc.wa.edu.auC.Y. O’Connor Institute is an innovative and progressive training organisation, committed to meeting the education and training needs of its students. The Institute has four regional campuses located at Merredin, Moora, Narrogin and Northam.

C.Y. O’Connor Institute is part of the Training WA network of publicly funded Registered Training Organisations, and as such has access to state-of-the art infrastructure and equipment, quality products and industry standard resources.

The Institute is also part of the National Vocational Education and Training system, operating according to the National Training Framework and the Australian Qualification Framework. Training is offered across all levels from Certificates I, II, III and IV to Diplomas and Advanced Diplomas.

Services are provided by a diverse range of staff operating within three learning areas, Regional Trades, Regional Business and Regional Services and Lifestyle.

The Institute offers approximately 145 Certificate courses, covering a broad range of subjects such as Aged Care, Agriculture, Art, Automotive, Building, Business, Clothing Production, Community Services, Conservation and Land Management, Education and Childcare, Engineering, Financial Services, General Education, Health, Horticulture, Hospitality, Information Technology, Local Government, Multimedia, Outdoor Recreation, Rural Operations, Retail and Training Education.

C.Y. O’Connor provides a wide range of alternative delivery methods, including apprenticeships, traineeships, full-time and part-time courses, short courses, night classes, external delivery, online delivery and weekend workshops. This gives students flexibility, enabling them to choose the style, time and location of training that best suits their needs. At C.Y. O’Connor Institute students can enrol and start external studies at almost any time throughout the year.

Staff at C.Y. O’Connor are passionate about facilitating success for students and strive hard to meet individual requirements for learning as well as those of the broader community.

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KIMBERLEY TAFEwww.kimberley.tafe.wa.edu.auKimberley TAFE is located in one of the world’s last great wilderness areas in the far north of Western Australia. Covering an expanse of nearly 423,000 square kilometres and with a population of just 30,000 it has fewer people per square kilometre than almost any other place on Earth.

International students are introduced to the lifestyle, culture and industry of the Kimberley through a variety of programs.

Business Studies students can work with tour companies who run cultural and outback adventures. You need to be fit and to like the outdoor life to do this course.

Aquaculture students study at the Broome Aquaculture Centre which has a state of the art hatchery and science laboratory where finfish, molluscs and crustaceans are cultivated under controlled conditions. Broome is a tourist centre where you will find some of the best beaches in the world and exciting remote coastal environments where you can camp near whale breeding grounds.

Agriculture students learn contemporary livestock management and pastoral practices, horticulture and land management. Students learn about bio diversity and cultivation of indigenous Australian species which are emerging as a source of traditional food and medicine. You may have the opportunity to assist university researchers who are studying the cultivation and use of these unique species. You will study with Australian Aboriginal people who are experimenting with “enrichment planting” techniques that build biologically diverse environments to cultivate commercial crops on traditional Aboriginal lands.

People come to the Kimberley to have an adventure, immerse themselves in the awesome landscape and experience the outback. Kimberley TAFE students gain a unique experience that they remember for a lifetime.

PILBARA TAFEwww.pilbaratafe.wa.edu.auPilbara TAFE provides work-ready training to support industry and small business, offering a diverse range of courses from accounting to welding.

Whether you have your sights set on a career in mining and resources, hospitality and retail or business and management, our qualifications are practical and hands-on, giving you the skills you need for today’s workforce.

Choose from entry-level certificates to Diplomas and Advanced Diplomas. It’s even possible to use your higher-level qualification from Pilbara TAFE to gain advanced standing at University.

Our commercial division, Pilbara TAFE Training Solutions, also provides customised training for industry across WA, with specialist courses in Occupational Health & Safety, Business and Plant & Equipment.

Pilbara TAFE – Skills for Today – Training for Tomorrow.

Tel: 1300 304 244

Email: [email protected]

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CURTIN VOCATIONAL TRAINING & EDUCATION CENTRE (VTEC)www.kalg.curtin.edu.auCurtin Vocational Training & Education Centre (VTEC) campuses are located in Kalgoorlie and Esperance, Western Australia. We offer a variety of vocational training courses from Certificate to Advanced Diploma level; all of which are industry endorsed and nationally accredited. Our unique range of TAFE courses are managed by W.A.’s largest University – It’s for this reason, we can offer you an easy transition into University Degree Courses, if that’s what you desire. With over 140 qualified staff, we deliver on average of 140 courses each year to more than 3,000 students in Kalgoorlie, Esperance and surrounding areas as well as to external students throughout Australia.

Photo supplied by Tourism WA: Flower stalls on Beaufort St Highgate

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PATHWAYS TO UNIVERSITYTAFE Western Australia is a great option for students aspiring to enter university because;

n Tuition fees are lower at TAFE making many of our programs a cost effective way to complete a bachelor’s degree.

n TAFE courses provide an industry focused pathway to further study for those students who do not meet university entry requirements.

n The opportunity to study a job focused qualification prior to university creates opportunities to gain more relevant and better paid, part-time work.

Advanced Standing and Credit TransferMany courses delivered by TAFE Western Australia provide students with entry to a university with advanced standing (credit) for subjects already studied. Information on opportunities for further study after a TAFE course is available in the TAFE to University link on our website www.eti.wa.edu.au. Students can also contact their preferred university directly to see if a TAFE course will give them entry and advanced standing into a specific degree program. Many programs in addition to the ones listed on our website will provide entry and advanced standing to university. Students can apply to university after they complete their qualification at TAFE or they can submit an application for a packaged program.

Advanced standing arrangements vary from program to program. Often full advanced standing will not be granted until after the student has completed the TAFE course and all the units studied including electives can be assessed.

University PackagingA TAFE Western Australia University package will allow students to commence a Diploma or Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree with TAFE and, on completion, transfer to university to complete the final year(s) of a Degree program. Students applying for a packaged program will receive a student visa for the whole period of their study. Please note all packaged visas will be assessed by immigration on the highest level subclass visa criteria (with the exception of ELICOS).

TAFE Western Australia can package courses with the following leading Western Australian Universities;

n Curtin University (Curtin) www.curtin.edu.au

n Edith Cowan University (ECU) www.ecu.edu.au

n Murdoch University www.murdoch.edu.au

Graduates receive a double qualification – a TAFE Diploma or Associate Degree and a Bachelor degree.

English RequirementsPlease refer to the specific English requirements for both the TAFE and University program. Note, some courses require a higher English level.

Students applying for a package will require at least an IELTS 6.0 or TOEFL 570 (PBT) or 230 (CBT) or 88 (iBT) or equivalent. The Department of Immigration will require an IELTS test for applicants from some counties. Please contact an education agent in your country for more information or refer to the immigration department website www.immi.gov.au

Principal CourseStudents taking up a packaged program should note that their principal course is the university program. Changing TAFE programs may affect their principal study program and students should consult immigration and their university prior to changing programs or applying for release letters.

For further information about the packaging procedure and to download university application forms please go to the TAFE to University link on our website: www.eti.wa.edu.au/studying-at-tafe/tafe-to-university.html

Courses cannot be packaged after a student commences their TAFE course.

Photo supplied by Challenger Institute of Technology

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ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSCountry Year 12 Year 11/ Year 10** where applicable

Bahrain Tawjahiya or Secondary School Leaving Certificate

Bangladesh 10 + 2 minimum of 50% average 10 + 1 minimum of 50% average

Brazil Ensino Médio (Upper Secondary Schooling)

Brunei 2 passes in the GCE ‘A’ levels 4 GCE ‘O’ Levels ‘D’ grade or higher

Canada Grade 12 Grade 11/Grade 10

China Senior Secondary School Certificate Senior Secondary School Certificate (Year 11 equivalent level)

Columbia Bachiller/bachillero Upper Secondary School Certificate

Czech Republic Maturita Strední Odborné Uciliste (SOU)

France Baccalauréat Baccalauréat (year 11 equivalent level) or Brevet d’Etudes du Premier Cycle du Second Degre (BEPC)

Germany Gymnasium Realshule or Hauptschule

Gulf States School certificate with very high grades School certificate pass grades

Hong Kong Form 6 or equivalent Form 5 or equivalent

India High Secondary School Certificate (10 + 2) 50% average 10 + 1 minimum of 50% average

Indonesia SMU3 SMU2 / SMU1

Iran Certificate of Pre University Graduation or High School Diploma 4 year program High School 3 year program

Italy Diploma di maturità or Diploma di scuola secondaria di secondo grado Diploma di scuola secondaria di primo grado

Japan Koukou sannen sotsugyo shikaku Koukou ninen sotsugyou shikaku/koukou ichinen sotsugyou shikaku

Kenya KCSE C average or GCE AS or A level 2 subject passes KCSE Pass or ‘O’ levels

Macedonia Matura Year 11

Malawi GCE A or AS levels 2 subject passes 4 passes in school certificate

Malaysia 2 passes in the STPM or UEC 4 passes in GCE ‘O’ Levels/SPM ‘D’ grade or higher

Mauritius 2 passes in the GCE ‘A’ levels 4 GCE ‘O’ levels ‘D’ grade or higher

Mexico 2 or 3 year preparatoria or bachillerato program Completion of Secondary Vocational Studies/School

Myanmar Minimum completed 2 years at Professional College or Secondary Technical College

Basic Education High School Matriculation 45% or higher

Nepal Higher School Certificate 55% Average Senior School Certificate

Oman Secondary School Leaving Certificate (Year 11 equivalent level)

Pakistan 10 + 2 minimum of 50% average 10 + 1 minimum of 50% average

Philippines School certificate plus a local diploma School certificate

Poland Egzamin Maturalny (Matura) / swiadect wo Dojrzalosci Liceum Ogolnoksztalcacego or Zawodowego or Technikum

Egzamin Gimnazjalny (Junior High School Leaving Exam)

Reunion Island Baccalauréat Baccalauréat (year 11 equivalent level) or Brevet d’Etudes du Premier Cycle du Second Degre (BEPC)

Singapore 2 passes in the GCE ‘A’ levels 4 GCE ‘O’ levels “D” grade or higher

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ENGLISH LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTSCertificate, Diploma and Advanced Diploma Packaged (university) Courses/ Associate Degrees

IELTS (academic) score of 5.5 with no band score less than 5.* IELTS (academic) 6.0 with no band score less than 5.5.*

TOEFL 530 (PBT) or 197 (CBT) or 71 (iBT) TOEFL 550 (PBT) or 213 (CBT) 80 (iBT)

Evidence that the medium of instruction at your senior school has been in English with satisfactory grades in English in the final examinations


nGCE O Levels English with ‘C’n‘A’ or ‘B’ in Malaysian SPM English or a ‘D’ in English 1119nKenyan KCSE English C

Evidence that the medium of instruction at your senior school or university has been in English with satisfactory grades


nGCE O Levels English with ‘B’n‘A’ in Malaysian SPM English or a ‘C’ in English 1119nKenyan KCSE English B

Completion of the ETI English Proficiency Test (please refer to the ETI website for testing centres – www.eti.wa.edu.au)

Completion of the Pearson Test of English Academic – Minimum Level 42

Successful completion of an academic English course at TAFE (upper intermediate) or a recognised English college. For information about TAFE English programs visit www.eti.wa.edu.au

Successful completion of at least one year of study in a CRICOS registered course delivered in Australia.

Note: For Students whose visa application will be determined under assessment level 3 or 4 requirements, IELTS is the only English test recognised for student visa purposes. Check www.immi.gov.au for details.

* Some courses require higher levels of English for entry. Please check Admission Entry Requirements listed under each course in this guide.

Note: Entrance may also be possible for mature age students, without the grades listed above, based on appropriate work experience.

Country Year 12 Year 11/ Year 10** where applicable

South Africa Year 12 Year 11/ Year 10

South Korea High School leaving certificate or 12 years of school 11 years of school/10 years of school

Sri Lanka GCE A levels 2 subject passes GCE “O” levels (4 subject passes)

Switzerland Maturité Cycle d’ Orientation

Taiwan Senior High School or Senior Vocational School Senior High School 2nd year/Senior High School 1st year

Thailand Matayom 6 or Certificate in Vocational Education Matayom 5 / Matayom 4

UAE Tawjihiyya or Thanawiyya Al’aama (Secondary School Certificate year 11 equivalent level)

UK GCE A levels 2 subject passes GCE ‘O’ levels (4 subject passes)

Vietnam School certificate plus a local diploma or Diploma of General Education

Senior Secondary schooling (year 11 equivalent level)

Zambia GCE A or AS levels 2 subject passes ECZ or O level 4 subject passes

Zimbabwe GCE A or AS levels 2 subject passes O levels 4 subject passes

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The course guide that follows contains detailed information about courses available to international students at TAFE Western Australia.

Information about all the courses offered to international students at TAFE can be found at www.eti.wa.edu.au

All the courses offered by TAFE to international students are registered on the Australian Government Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) and are full-time.

Full-time study at TAFE is generally 20 hours of training per week across three to four days.

TAFE has very flexible entry. Most students will be eligible to enter a TAFE course at some level as long as they meet the basic academic requirements and English language level. Students who do not meet the required English standard can study ELICOS (English) at TAFE prior to the start of their main course.

TAFE courses are generally made up of connecting courses that build on each other (pathways). There are often two or more entry points (year 10 and year 12) and students can exit the course at the completion of any stage.

The example below is typical of a TAFE course structure.

Diploma of Business

Year 10–11

Certificate III in Business D132

(6 months)

Certificate IV in Business D145 (6 months)

Diploma of Business D164 (6 months)

Study Pathway

HOW TO READ THIS COURSE GUIDEIn this example, students who have the equivalent of Australian Year 12 will complete the Diploma level in 1 year. If a student has a lower education level then they commence at the Certificate III level and will complete the Diploma in 1.5 years.

We suggest that when filling out the application form, students enter the highest level of the course they wish to complete eg: Diploma of Business and we will work out the best and most appropriate pathway for you.

Year 12

Certificate IV in Business D145 (6 months)

Diploma of Business D164 (6 months)

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In the creative arts the competition is intense but the rewards for those with dedication and talent are immense. Your skills will be developed by dedicated, industry experienced staff in a creative, arts based environment.

TAFE courses in this area can lead to careers as Journalists, Photographers, Camera Operators, Visual Art & Craft Practitioners, Film, TV or Video Directors, Producers & Editors, Lighting & Sound Technicians, Musicians, Designers, Illustrators, Interior Designers, Fashion Designers, Dress Makers & Pattern Makers.

n Graphic designn Animationn Multimedian Fashion designn Interior decorationn Interior designn Jewellery designn Music

If you are someone with a passion for creation, there is no better place to start than TAFE.


n Photographyn Visual artn Contemporary craftn Film & televisionn Communication designn Arts administrationn Three dimensional designn Textiles design

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2011 Folio Requirements for International Students to enter the following study areas:n Media – Film & Televisionn Photographyn Music

Certificate III in Media – Film & Television (CT41)Folio requirementsSubmit three (3) pieces of your own work. You must submit the following required pieces of work:

Item 1:A research folio of a short video production. The folio must include accurate records of:

n Brief description of the project and your role in the projectn Identifying the genre and the development of ideasn Identifying the audience and context of the productionn A script / treatment / synopsisn A selection of documentation from the pre production, production and post

production processes that demonstrate the work that the applicant generated to complete the production. For example, a synopsis, pitches, summaries of editing decisions, journal entries, a running sheet, storyboard, extracts from the shooting schedule or call sheets showing where, when, who, time, props and equipment needed.

Item 2: A DVD disc containing a short video production (Around 3–5 minutes duration) where the applicant has demonstrated at least one of the following key roles in production:

n Camera / Lightingn Sound recording n Editingn Directing / Producing / Writing

In supporting hard copy documentation, please indicate your role/s as featured on the DVD. Also include a detailed description of equipment and techniques used in the role/s.

Item 3: A written critical analysis (around 500 words – must be typed) of a film or television program with particular focus on:

n Genre/narrative codes usedn Style & techniques (eg camera, editing, writing , design)n Key personnel in the production

Before submitting your folio, please observe the following guidelines:n Folio items should be submitted in a strong but lightweight folio, preferably with

a zip fastener.n Submit a total of three (3) pieces only. Do NOT submit extra items as they

will not be taken into consideration.n Clearly label each folio item with your name and Education & Training

International Student Number and also number (1 – 3) each folio item. n Do not use masking tape or knotted string to close your folio – a resealable

method should be used to close your folio.n Do not submit items that cannot completely fit within the folio. Partly exposed

items might be damaged in transit. No responsibility for damaged items will be taken by Education & Training International and Central Institute of Technology.

n Do not submit digital work on floppy disk, CD-Rom, or zip disks. All movie submissions to be provided on an authored DVD.

n Do not submit fragile, breakable or unstable items. Submit photographs of such items instead.

Certificate IV in Photoimaging (C621)Folio Requirements – Read instructions carefullySubmit six (6) pieces of your own work. Required pieces – you must submit the following pieces of work: Submit six (6) colour or black and white photographic prints comprising:

n Still Life (i.e. using inanimate objects e.g.; PRODUCT as subject)n Still Life (i.e. using inanimate objects e.g.; PRODUCT as subject different from item 1)n Environmental Portrait (i.e. portrait of a person in his/her surroundings)n Formal style (posed) portrait e.g.; family member / friend n Nature Landscape e.g.; hills, trees, rivers, rocks etc….combination of some or alln City / Industrial landscape

Images can be submitted as colour prints, black and white prints, or a combination. They may be processed and printed by the applicant or by a laboratory. Digitally printed images are acceptable, but must be on photo-realistic paper (e.g.; no bubble jet on plain paper).

Areas considered as part of the assessment procedure will include:

n Composition, design and creativity.n Technical aspects include camera focusing, exposure and appropriate use of shutter

speeds and aperture controls.n Presentation.

Minimum print size: 17.5 cm X 12.5 cm (7 X 5 inches). Take care to present the prints by mounting them to best advantage, using mounts up to A3 size.

Before submitting your folio, please observe the following guidelines:n Art works should be submitted in a strong but lightweight folio or folder, preferably

with a zip to allow secure closure after assessment. Maximum size – A3.n Please include a signed declaration to state that all the images are your own work.n Masking tape or knotted string should NOT be used to close your folio. It must be

easily re-sealable.n Do NOT submit items which cannot be fully enclosed within the folio.n Clearly label every folio item with your full name and Student ID from Education &

Training International.n Submit ONLY the folio items specified in the folio requirements. Do NOT submit

extra items.

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Music CoursesCV – Personal resume / “Interview” Requirements for the Certificate III in Music – D354 and the Certificate III in Technical Production – D355

n Courses are contemporary based. n Students applying for Certificate III in Music – D354 – whilst previous formal

music training is not essential, a reasonable level of proficiency in at least one instrument is recommended. Students are required to form groups and write and perform songs with other students. Basic music theory forms part of the course.

n Students apply for Certificate III in Technical Production – D355 – Some general computer knowledge required as computer recording and mixing of music is a large part of the course. A strong interest in contemporary music is desirable.

n Students must have high English competence levels, strong comprehension is required.n Both courses are 6 months long, providing a pathway to the Certificate IV in the

second half of the year upon successful completion of Certificate III. Successful completion of Certificate IV provides a pathway to Diploma courses, which are one year courses.

The CV – Personal Resume is to be submitted prior to interview and must include the following:

n Namen Date of Birthn Country of Originn Email Addressn Telephone Numbers: Home & Mobilen Convenient times available for telephone contact

Particular reference to:

n Study related to music industryn Experience & personal interest related to music industryn List instrument/s played (Certificate III in Music – D354)n List preferred instrument/s (Certificate III in Music – D354)n Demonstration CD highly desirable for the Certificate III in Music – D354n Computing skills (Certificate III in Technical Production – D355)

InterviewsOnshore – If the student is already in Perth, Western Australia then the interview will take place in person at the Centre for Music Industry Training, Leederville Campus.

Offshore – If the student is overseas then the ‘interview’ may take place by telephone, email or fax.

The interview and supporting documentation (CV – Personal Resume) must be completed by Friday, 12th November 2010 for the Semester 1, 2011 intake and Friday, 11th November 2011 for the Semester 1, 2012 intake.

Submitting the CV – Personal Resume

Onshore Students

1) If you are an International Student currently enrolled at Central Institute of Technology please submit your CV – Personal resume to:

Veronica LeeInternational Student AdviserInternational Centre, Central Institute Of Technology, 4th Floor North Wing, 25 Aberdeen Street, Northbridge.Email: [email protected]

By: 4pm Friday 12th November, 2010

2) If you are NOT a current international student at Central Institute of Technology please submit your CV – Personal Resume to:

Education & Training International, Hyatt CentreGround Floor - 123 Adelaide Tce, East Perth Email: [email protected]

By: 4pm Friday 12th November, 2010

Offshore Students

1) Please submit your CV – Personal resume to:

Education & Training InternationalHyatt CentreGround Floor – 123 Adelaide Tce, East Perth or P.O. Box 6830 EAST PERTH BC 6892Email: [email protected]

By: 4pm Friday 12th November, 2010

Folio submission dates for 2011 & 2012 – Media – Film & Television & PhotographySemester 1, 2011 – Onshore If you are an International Student currently enrolled at Central Institute of Technology submit by:

Friday 26th November, 2010 at 4.00pm to the International Centre, Central Institute of Technology, 4th Floor North Wing, 25 Aberdeen Street, Northbridge.

If you are NOT a current student at Central Institute of Technology submit by:

Friday 26th November, 2010 at 4.00pm to Education & Training International, Ground Floor, Hyatt Centre, 123 Adelaide Tce, East Perth.

Semester 1, 2011 – OffshoreIf you are currently offshore submit by:

Friday 5th November, 2010 at 4.00pm to Education & Training International, Ground Floor, Hyatt Centre, 123 Adelaide Tce, East Perth

Semester 1, 2012 – OnshoreIf you are an International Student currently enrolled at Central Institute of Technology submit by:

Friday 25th November, 2011 at 4.00pm to the International Centre, Central Institute of Technology, 4th Floor North Wing, 25 Aberdeen Street, Northbridge.

If you are NOT a current student at Central Institute of Technology submit by:

Friday 25th November, 2011 at 4.00pm to Education & Training International, Ground Floor, Hyatt Centre, 123 Adelaide Tce, East Perth.

Semester 1, 2012 – OffshoreIf you are currently offshore submit by:

Friday 4th November, 2011 at 4.00pm to Education & Training International, Ground Floor, Hyatt Centre, 123 Adelaide Tce, East Perth

Collecting Folios after AssessmentFolios must be collected as follows:

Semester 1, 2011 Current students enrolled at Central Institute of Technology: Tuesday 7th December, 2010 from the International Centre, Level 4 North Wing, Central Institute of Technology between 9am – 4pm.

Offshore applicants & not currently enrolled at Central Institute of Technology: From Education & Training International, Ground Floor, Hyatt Centre, 123 Adelaide Tce, East Perth.

Semester 1, 2012 Current students enrolled at Central Institute of Technology: Tuesday 6th December, 2011 from the International Centre, Level 4 North Wing, Central Institute of Technology between 9am – 4pm.

Offshore applicants & not currently enrolled at Central Institute of Technology: From Education & Training International, Ground Floor, Hyatt Centre, 123 Adelaide Tce, East Perth.

Responsibility cannot be taken by ETI & Central Institute of Technology for folios that are not collected. These may be destroyed if not collected.

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Course Number: C617 Duration: 6 months

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: Perth – July Great Southern Institute of Technology: Albany – February

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10.

About this CourseThis course will provide you with the practical skills and knowledge to create and communicate design concepts. You will learn how to evaluate design solutions and to communicate ideas effectively using design terminology and a wide variety of visual presentation techniques, materials and technologies. This course can provide an entrance point for Design, Art and Media studies at Central Institute of Technology. Students will study the basic elements and principles of design, discover concept development strategies and explore the use of a variety of basic materials and methods used by successful designers. This is an entry course useful for people wanting to progress into higher studies in the Design, Art and Media study areas. Students will explore skills used in a variety of design industry sectors, and develop sound study practices. On successful completion of the course, students will have acquired competency in drawing, colour theory and basic research skills, together with a basic knowledge of the design industry.

Study Pathway

Year 10–12

Certificate III in Design Fundamentals C617 (6 months)

Diploma of Art, Design & Media stream (1 year)

Refer to further study

Certificate IV in Art, Design & Media stream (1 year) Refer to further study

Advanced Diploma of Art, Design & Media stream (1 year)

Refer to further study

Major Study Areasn Graphic artsn Interior designn 3D design

How is This Course Taught?n Studio techniquesn Lecturesn Opportunity to create design folion Practical skills training in the colleges design studios

Further StudyGraduates can continue into the following TAFE courses:

n Diploma of Mass Communicationn Advanced Diploma of Graphic Designn Advanced Diploma of Interior Designn Advanced Diploma of Photographyn Advanced Diploma of Three Dimensional Design

Cost Tuition: $5,250 per semester

Noten Students who study the Certificate III in Design Fundamentals (C617) will

complete some core and specialist units which are common to the Certificate IV programs (Graphic Design, Interior Decoration, Three Dimensional Design and Fashion & Textiles). Please note these subjects are taught at higher and more industry specific context in the Certificate IV programs and it is highly recommended that students complete these units at both Certificate III and Certificate IV level.

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Course Number: 7312 Duration: 3 years

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: East Perth – February

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 11. No folio submission is required.

About this CourseThis course will provide you with the practical skills, technical knowledge and managerial skills to plan, carry out and evaluate work in 2D and 3D animation. You will develop skills and a broad knowledge base in a wide variety of contexts in the digital media You will also learn to manage projects, establish networks and ensure a safe workplace. You will learn to develop and manipulate graphic images, animations, sound, text and video, conceive and develop lighting designs, edit complex screen productions and create 2D and 3D digital environments. You will use industry standard software including: Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, After Effects, Flash, ToonBoom; 3DS Max and Maya.

Study Pathway

Year 11–12

Certificate III in Media – Digital D192 (6 months)

Diploma of Screen & Media – Animation D201 (1 year) or Diploma of Interactive Games

Development 7547 (1 year)

Certificate IV in Screen & Media – Animation CT43 (6 months) or Certificate IV in Interactive

Games Development 7537 (6 months)

Advanced Diploma of Animation 7312 (1 year)

Major Study Areasn Design animationn Create 3D digital models & imagesn Create 2D digital models & images

How is This Course Taught?n Workshops in computer laboratories

Career Opportunitiesn 2D Animatorn 3D Modellern 3D Games Artist

Further StudyGraduates can continue into the Bachelor of Arts (Digital Design) at Curtin University with up to 2 years advanced standing.

CostTuition: $10,500 per year

Note n Access to a personal computer is highly recommended.

n Create 3D digital animationn Implement sound design

n Practical industry focus

n Digital Matte Paintern 3D Designer Concept Artist


Course Number: W396 Duration: 3 years

Campus & IntakesPolytechnic West: Bentley – February Challenger Institute of Technology: Fremantle – February (Cert IV & Diploma only)

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10. No folio submission is required.

About this CourseThis course provides you with the practical skills and knowledge to develop and produce original clothing designs to suit local conditions and trends. You will learn to cut and machine sample garments, grade patterns, assemble, fit and custom make clothing, assist in design development, source materials and evaluate contractors. Supervisory skills for both small and volume production businesses are also included. As part of the course you will undertake 200 hours of practical work experience in the fashion design industry. This training is an essential and culturally rich experience.

Study Pathway

Year 10–12

Certificate IV in Applied Fashion Design & Technology W387 (1 year)

Advanced Diploma of Applied Fashion Design & Technology W396 (1 year)

Diploma of Applied Fashion Design & Technology W391 (1 year)

Major Study Areasn Clothing productionn Assembling garmentsn Fit & custom made garmentsn Pattern grading & making

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Practical training in the college’s fashion studios & workshopsn Entering fashion design competitionsn 200 hours practical work experience in the fashion design industry

Career Opportunitiesn Fashion Designern Fashion Stylistn Clothing Manufacturern Production Manager

Further StudyStudents can continue into the Bachelor of Arts (Fashion & Textile Design) at Curtin University of Technology with up to 18 months advanced standing depending on grades and subjects studied.

CostTuition: $10,500 per year Resource Fees: $350 per semester – Year 1 $500 per semester – Year 2Additional resource fees may apply depending on materials selected.

n Design conceptsn Sourcing materialsn Evaluating contractors

n Product Developern Business Owner/Operatorn Grader/Pattern Maker

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Course Number: CT27 Duration: 3 years

Campus & Intakes: Central Institute of Technology: Perth – February

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 12 or completion of the Certificate III in Visual Art & Contemporary Craft – C624. No folio submission is required.

About this CourseThis course will provide you with practical skills and knowledge in fashion design and construction. You will undertake projects where you apply creative, critical and visual judgement to produce a range of solutions using a wide range of materials and styles. You will also have the opportunity to incorporate individual expression of contemporary fashion design concepts. You will develop skills in illustration and drawing, computing, visualising, and design and learn about both interior and fashion textiles and will practice these skills in a workshop environment.

Study Pathway

Major Study Areasn Design processesn Design projectsn Fashion drawing

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Practical work in the college’s fashion studiosn Practical work experience in the fashion design industryn Entering fashion design competitions

Career Opportunitiesn Fashion Designern Fashion Critic

Further StudyGraduates can continue into the Bachelor of Arts (Fashion & Textile Design) at Curtin University of Technology with up to 18 months advanced standing depending on subjects studied, or the Bachelor of Contemporary Arts (Contemporary Fashion) at Edith Cowan University with up to 180 credits (18 months advanced standing).

CostTuition: $10,500 per year Resource Fees: $500 per semester

Year 10–11 Year 12

Certificate III in Visual Art & Contemporary Craft – C624

(6 months)

Diploma of Fashion & Textile Design 7528 (1 year)

Certificate IV in Design –Fashion & Textile CS85

(1 year)

Diploma of Fashion & Textile Design 7528

(1 year)

Advanced Diploma of Art & Design – Fashion & Textile

Design CT27 (1 year)

Certificate IV in Design – Fashion & Textile Design CS85 (1 year)

Advanced Diploma of Art & Design – Fashion & Textile

Design CT27 (1 year)

n Digital designn Fashion marketing

n Fashion Business Owner/Operator

n Fashion historyn Studio projectsn Textiles

n Retail Clothing Managern Stylist

Photo supplied by Central Institute of Technology

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Course Number: 7296 Duration: 3 years

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: Perth – February Great Southern Institute of Technology: Albany – February (Cert IV & Diploma only)

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 12 or completion of the Certificate III in Design Fundamentals – C617. No folio submission is required.

About this CourseThis course will provide you with skills and knowledge to produce and communicate creative graphic design images for reproduction in print and digital media. You will create and execute design concepts and present finished artwork using a combination of traditional studio media and new technologies. You will study 3D modelling, packaging and design technologies, visual identity, corporate branding and copywriting. You will work with increasing independence pursuing your own aims, interests and vision in your chosen area of specialisation. Areas of specialisation include packaging, corporate design, advertising, illustration, web design and digital visual media. As part of the course you will undertake a supervised work placement.

Study Pathway

Year 10–11 Year 12

Certificate III in Design Fundamentals C617

(6 months)

Certificate IV in Design – Graphic Design CS82

(1 year)

Advanced Diploma of Graphic Design 7296

(1 year)

Certificate IV in Design – Graphic Design CS82

(1 year)

Diploma of Graphic Design 7295 (1 year)

Advanced Diploma of Graphic Design 7296

(1 year)

Diploma of Graphic Design 7295 (1 year)

Major Study Areasn Digital media practicen Colour theoryn Design processn Portfolio presentationn Concept visualisationn Advertisingn Illustrationn Web designn Digital media

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Practical skills training in the college’s design studiosn Supervised work placement

Career Opportunitiesn Graphic Designern Web Designern Animation Designer

Further StudyGraduates can continue into the Bachelor of Arts (Illustration) or the Bachelor of Arts (Graphic Design) at Curtin University of Technology with up to 18 months advanced standing depending on subjects studied or the Bachelor of Creative Industries (Graphic Design) at Edith Cowan University with up to 180 credits (18 months advanced standing).

CostTuition: $10,500 per year Resource Fees: $500 per semester

Cleo PapineauCentral Institute of Technology

Certificate III in Printing and Graphic Arts (Graphic Design Production)“This course has provided me with creative and technical design skills that have allowed me to become an efficient and valuable part-time assistant to an accomplished Graphic Designer who was impressed how appropriate the course content is to employer’s expectations. After less than a year of study, I am already doing work for clients.”

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Course Number: 7540 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: Perth – February South West Regional College of TAFE: Bunbury – February (Cert IV only)

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 12 or completion of the Certificate III in Design Fundamentals – C617. No folio submission is required.

About this CourseThis course provides you with the practical skills to plan and implement creative decoration designs for homes and businesses taking into account historical, socioeconomic, political and environmental influences. You will learn skills in team work and effective communication to ensure the completion of projects along with skills in computing, design methods, sketching, presentation, computer aided design and restoration decoration. You will also learn about materials, colour and lighting. As part of this course students undertake a supervised work placement.

Study Pathway

Course Number: 7541 Duration: 3 years

Campus & Intakes: Central Institute of Technology: Perth – February

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 12 or completion of the Certificate III in Design Fundamentals – C617. No folio submission is required.

About this CourseThis course will provide you with the skills to take into consideration aesthetics, function, marketing, manufacturing, marketability and construction of products, materials and environments for the benefit of clients. You will also learn how to stay abreast of trends, fashions and technical developments in the design area, develop and maintain knowledge of sources related to products, suppliers and contractors. Each year you will undertake a supervised work placement with an Interior Design company.

Study Pathway

Year 10–11

Year 10–11

Year 12

Year 12

Certificate III in Design Fundamentals C617

(6 months)

Certificate III in Design Fundamentals C617 (6 months)

Certificate IV in Interior Decoration W641

(1 year)

Certificate IV in Interior Decoration W641

(1 year) Certificate IV in Interior Decoration W641 (1 year)

Certificate IV in Interior Decoration W641

(1 year)

Diploma of Interior Design & Decoration – Decoration

Stream – 7540 (1 year)

Diploma of Interior Design & Decoration – Decoration

Stream – 7540 (1 year)

Diploma of Interior Design & Decoration – Design Stream

7539 (1 year)

Diploma of Interior Design & Decoration – Design Stream

7539 (1 year)

Advanced Diploma of Interior Design 7541 (1 year)

Advanced Diploma of Interior Design 7541

(1 year)

Major Study Areasn Design processesn Computer aided designn Interior decorationn Sketching & presentation skillsn Drafting

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Practical skills training in the college’s design studiosn Supervised work placement with an interior decoration company

Career Opportunitiesn Interior Decoratorn Interior Stylistn Lighting Designer

Further StudyGraduates can continue into a Bachelor of Arts degree at University with advanced standing in related fields of study depending on interview and presentation of a folio.

CostTuition: $10,500 per year Resource fees: $375 per semester

Major Study Areasn Interior designn Design processesn Computer aided designn Interior decoration

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Practical skills training in the college’s design studiosn Supervised work placement with an interior design company

Career Opportunitiesn Interior Designern Interior Stylist

Further StudyCompletion of the Advanced Diploma of Interior Design will provide graduates with up to 212.5 credits (1 year) in the Bachelor of Arts (Interior Architecture) at Curtin University of Technology (credit points are dependent on student performance), or a Bachelor of Creative Industries (Interior & Spatial Design) at Edith Cowan University with up to 18 months advanced standing.

CostTuition: $10,500 per year Resource fees: $750 per semester

n Sketching & presentation skillsn Draftingn Colour design, contextual studiesn Lighting design, restoration

n Interior Design Consultant

n Colour designn Contextual studiesn Lighting designn Restoration

n Restoration Professionaln Colour & Decoration Consultant

n Lighting Designer

n Restoration Professional

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Course Number: D361 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: Leederville – February

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10. Students are required to submit a CV – Personal Resume with their application. An Interview will be undertaken closer to admission. Please refer to page 27 for more information.

About this CourseThis course provides you with the practical skills to record, edit and mix sound in both a studio and live context. You will learn skills in critical listening, laying sound tracks, digital editing and mixing, audio/video equipment operations, using MIDI devices and software and analysing harmony. You will also learn to coordinate technical productions, operate audio/visual equipment, install, test and repair sound equipment, operate a mixing console and sound reinforcement system. You will also learn about the music industry, contractual and work relationships and safety and security in the music industry.

Study Pathway

Year 10–12

Certificate III in Technical Production D355

(6 months)

Certificate IV in Sound Production D358

(6 months)

Diploma of Sound Production D361

(1 year)

Major Study Areasn Electronic technologyn Lay soundtracksn Mix sound sourcesn Set up sound recordingn Studio production

How is this Course Taught?n Lecturesn Industry workplaces

Career Opportunitiesn Studio Recording & Maintenancen Music Technologyn Music Production

Further StudyUniversity opportunities for further study may be available. Please contact the Universities direct for more information.

Cost Tuition: $10,500 per year

n Live sound productionn Film soundn Song transcriptionn Aural development

n Project work n Industry involvement

n Music Arrangement n Repairing & Maintaining Equipmentn Business / Studio Owner Operator


Course Number: C833 Duration: 1 year

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: Perth – February & July

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10.

About this CourseThis course will provide you with the skills and knowledge to produce creative design solutions and explore a range of manual and digital technologies, media, typography and techniques. You will learn skills in the effective use of software such as Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator and Quark Xpress. The facilities for these studies are located in an exciting new, purpose-built building at Central Institute of Technology. These facilities contain dedicated state-of-the-art Macintosh labs (the industry standard for the majority of the graphic arts industry worldwide) with industry standard software, printing and scanning devices, and the expertise of teaching staff in printing, pre-press, binding and finishing.

Study Pathway

Year 10–12

Certificate III in Printing & Graphic Arts – Graphic Design

Production C833 (1 year)

Major Study Areasn Apply knowledge of graphic pre-press sectorn Develop a detailed design projectn Edit a digital imagen Digitise images for reproductionn Produce graphics using a graphics application

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Practical skills

Career Opportunitiesn Desktop Publishern Mac Operatorn Mac Designern PrePress Operator

Further StudyStudents can continue into the Graphic Design stream at Central Institute of Technology.

CostTuition: $10,500 per year

Noten There is no continuous study pathway for students entering this course in the

July intake. Students who wish to continue into Graphic Design must enrol in the February intake only.

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Course Number: 7543 Duration: 3 years

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: Perth – February

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 12 or completion of the Certificate III in Design Fundamentals – C617. A folio submission is required. Please refer to page 26 & 27 for more information.

About this CourseThis course will provide you with the skills to compose, take and develop photographs using various techniques. You will be able to choose to develop skills in industrial and scientific photography, fine art photography, design or photojournalism. You will develop further skills in business, research, illustration, exhibition photography, close up and contemporary studio photography. As part of this course you will undertake a supervised work placement.

Study Pathway

Year 10–11 Year 12

Certificate III in Design Fundamentals C617 (6 months)

Certificate IV in Photoimaging C621 (1 year)

Certificate IV in Photoimaging C621 (1 year)

Diploma of Photoimaging D208 (1 year)

Diploma of Photoimaging D208 (1 year)

Advanced Diploma of Photography 7543 (1 year)

Advanced Diploma of Photography 7543 (1 year)

Major Study Areasn Contemporary studio photographyn Photographic illustrationn Photo businessn Digital imagingn Photographic laboratory applicationsn Contemporary fine art photographyn Digital workshop

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Practical skills trainingn Practical industry focusn Supervised work placement

Career Opportunitiesn Photographern Photographic Suppliern Small Business Owner

Further StudyGraduates can continue into the Bachelor of Arts (Design Photography) at Curtin University of Technology with up to 18 months advanced standing depending on subjects studied.

CostTuition: $10,500 per year

Equipment: Students are required to have access to their own equipment eg. 35mm SLR camera, tripod and light meter – students will be advised once they commence classes. Please allow up to $2,000 to purchase a camera.

Resource fees: Year 1 – $1,000 per semester Year 2 & 3 – $500 per semester

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Course Number: 1664 Duration: 1 year

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: Perth – February

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 12 or Completion of a Certificate III (any discipline). No folio submission is required.

About this CourseThis course has been developed for students wishing to pursue a career in the contemporary media and communication and information industries. It offers you the flexibility to continue your studies in a variety of specialist areas such as film and television, the internet, multimedia, journalism, advertising, design and photography. It will provide you with the skills, knowledge and practical training that will lead to employment or further studies at University or TAFE.

Study Pathway

Year 10–11 Year 12

Any Certificate III (any discipline) (6 months)

Diploma of Mass Communication 1664 (1 year)

Diploma of Mass Communication 1664

(1 year)

Major Study Areasn Design & culturen Film & televisionn Internetn Multimedian Journalismn Advertisingn Designn Photography

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Practical skills training at the Central TAFE film studio located on campus

Career Opportunitiesn Film & Television Producern Advertisern Writern Website/Multimedia Designern Journalist

Further StudyStudents who complete the Diploma of Mass Communication with an average grade of 65% or better will receive advanced standing of one year at Curtin University of Technology into the following Bachelor degrees:

n Bachelor of Arts (Mass Communication)n Bachelor of Arts (Film & Television)n Bachelor of Arts (Journalism)n Bachelor of Arts (Internet Studies)

Program International France Australie (PIFA)

n Institut Superieur de la Communication de la presse et de l’audiovisuel (ISCPA) FRANCE 1 year credit after Diploma.

CostTuition: $11,000 per year

Takayuki FukakusaCentral Institute of Technology

Diploma of Mass Communication“Mass Communication for me was like a gateway of new worlds. The course offered broad areas of media study. I started studying this subject without any knowledge and experience, however, I enjoyed every single thing. Now I am studying the Advanced Diploma of Screen and still appreciate the Mass Communication study that took me through all related areas of filming.”

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Course Number: 7545 Duration: 3 years

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: Perth – February

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 12 or completion of the Certificate III in Design Fundamentals (C617). No folio submission is required.

About this CourseThree dimensional designers create designs for products and objects for the home, workplace and for public spaces. Products like computers and iPods, tableware, bathtubs, medical equipment and street lighting have all been styled by product (or industrial) designers. In this course you will also have the opportunity to explore designs for furniture and craft objects and will be helped to develop your designs to prototype stage. You will learn to turn your ideas into designs using the design process, creative thinking, and problem solving strategies and methods. Learning by ‘doing’ in this project based teaching environment you will explore design solutions by creating concept visuals, models, prototypes and finished artefacts and by the application of CAD/CAM (computer aided drafting and manufacturing) skills, knowledge and practices.

At Advanced Diploma level students are required to develop an individual portfolio of five complete and varied design projects. These qualifications provide you with the practical skills, knowledge and creativity to enter and succeed in the design professions.

Study Pathway

Year 10–11 Year 12

Certificate III in Design Fundamentals C617 (6 months)

Certificate IV in Design–Three Dimensional Design CT61

(1 year)

Diploma of Three Dimensional Design 7544

(1 year)

Advanced Diploma of Three Dimensional Design 7545

(1 year)

Advanced Diploma of Three Dimensional Design 7545

(1 year)

Diploma of Three Dimensional Design 7544 (1 year)

Certificate IV in Design – Three Dimensional Design CT61

(1 year)

Major Study Areasn Materials & Technology for Designn Computer Aided Designn Design Evaluationn Design Constructionn Design Studio Business Practicen Design Historyn Visual Communicationn Current Design Issues

How is This Course Taught?n Practical skills training in the college’s design studiosn Work placement (this is optional and not a compulsory part of the course)

Career Opportunitiesn Industrial Designern Furniture Designer

Further StudyGraduates can continue into the Bachelor of Arts (3D Design) at Curtin University of Technology with up to 18 months advanced standing (depending on subjects studied).

CostTuition: $10,500 per year

Resource Fees: $250 per semester – Year 1 & Year 2 $500 per semester – Year 3

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Course Number: 7551 Duration: 3 years

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: Perth – February Great Southern Institute of Technology: Albany – February & July (Cert III only) Polytechnic West: Midland – February (Cert III only)

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 12 or completion of the Certificate III in Visual Art & Contemporary Craft – C624. No folio submission is required.

About this CourseThis course will provide students with the practical skills and knowledge required for contemporary professional practice in the visual arts. They will have the opportunity to specialise in one of the following studio areas; painting, drawing, sculpture, ceramics, print media and digital art. While the emphasis is on studio skills and developing an individual creative practice, they will also learn about visual culture and how to develop project that integrate ideas with visual research and hand skills or new technologies. Participation in industry projects, such as public art, as well as exhibitions and arts events developing skills which assist in preparing them for the realities of studio practice.

This course prepares students to practice as artists. After the guided Studio Practice in the Diploma course, students are assisted to develop their own topics and ideas that will establish the base for an individual art practice. Studio space is provided for each participant where they are tutored by recognised contemporary art practitioners in each area. Professional practice is a core unit where students prepare for the Graduate Exhibition at the completion of the course.

Graduates form the Advanced Diploma are very well trained and can now begin their careers as artists. Support and reward for successful students comes from the Graduate Exhibition where professional gallery directors view the work and select participants for upcoming exhibitions. A catalogue containing artists’ statements and photographs of the graduates work is produced as an opener into the world of an exhibiting artist. Students compete for a public art commission which also brings them into focus in the art industry. Some students have been selected as artists in residence in country towns. Those who wish to continue visual art studies at university, prove to be well prepared and successful students.

Study Pathway

Year 10–11 Year 12

Certificate III in Visual Art & Contemporary Craft C624 (6 months)

Cert IV in Visual Art & Contemporary Craft C625

(1 year)

Diploma of Visual Art & Craft 7550 (1 year)

Advanced Diploma of Visual Art & Craft 7551 (1 year)

Diploma of Visual Art & Craft 7550 (1 year)

Advanced Diploma of Visual Art & Craft 7551 (1 year)

Cert IV in Visual Art & Contemporary Craft C625

(1 year)

Major Study Areasn Develop drawing projectsn Refine drawing projectsn Develop studio projectsn Research & debate visual culturen Practice visual art to industry standards

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Practical skills work in art studiosn Group discussionn Arts practice

Career Opportunitiesn Freelance Artistn Illustratorn Craftsperson

Further StudyGraduates can continue into the Bachelor of Arts (Art) at Curtin University of Technology with up to 18 months credit depending on subjects studied.

CostTuition: $10,500 per year Resource Fees: $250 per semester

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Course Number: 5322 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesPolytechnic West: Midland – February & July

Admission RequirementsRefer to Admission Requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Year 10 with passes in English.

About this CourseThis course will provide students with the practical skills and knowledge to design and produce environmental art in a range of contexts and areas including painting, sculpture, ceramics textiles and printing. The course will provide students with the skills and knowledge which will allow them to transfer and apply their skills to a variety of context and situations. They will learn art terminologies and critical approaches to art production, presentation and studio management practices.

Study Pathway

Course Number: W642 Duration: 1 year

Campus & IntakesSouth West Regional College of TAFE: Bunbury – February

Admission RequirementsRefer to Admission Requirements for your Country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 12 with passes in Maths and English.

About this CourseStudents enrolled in this course will be looking at designing furniture and producing individual fine furniture for display. You will also look at custom production and be interested in entering the furniture industry as a career option.

Study Pathway

Year 10–12

Year 12

Diploma of Applied Environmental Arts 5322

(2 years)

Certificate IV in Furniture Design & Technology W642 (1 year)

Major Study Areasn Skills & knowledge in Applied Environmental Artsn Practical hands on skillsn Development of critical approaches to art production and presentationn Learning to present ideas and images for analysis and evaluation

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Project Workn Practical and Theory based

Career Opportunitiesn Curatorn Arts Administratorn Film & Television industryn Public & Community art

Further StudyStudents may gain entry into University related courses. Please contact the University direct for more information.

CostTuition: $13,000 per year Resource Fees: $1097.50 per semester Uniform: $250(Leather enclosed shoes/ boots, eye protection, hearing protection and work clothing)

Major Study Areasn Designn Materials & Technology for Designn Furniture Design Constructionn Computer Aided Designn Product Marketing

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Project Workn Practical Industry focus

Career Opportunitiesn Furniture Designern Furniture Maker

Further StudyThere is no further study at this stage. This is a stand alone course.

CostTuition: $10,500 per year Resource Fees: $350 per semester

Noten Students may be required to purchase and source other materials depending on

their choice of designs. These are additional costs to the student.

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Photo supplied by Central Institute of Technology

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Aviation is an industry experiencing rapid global growth and skills shortages. TAFE graduates can take advantage of this by undertaking a pilot or aviation management course. Fantastic opportunities also exist for a range of roles in the engineering, electronic and building professions. TAFE students can gain valuable skills, professional accreditation, industry work experience and excellent university articulation.

TAFE courses in this area can lead to careers as Commercial Pilots, Airline Managers, CAD Drafters, Engineering Technicians, Electrical & Electronic Engineers & Trade Assistants.

n Aeronauticsn Aviation managementn Mechanical engineeringn Civil engineeringn Electronics & communicationsn Electrical systemsn Computer systems

n Surveyingn Buildingn Building designn Renewable Energyn Oil & Gasn Process Plant Technology

If you want your career to take-off, there is no better place to start than TAFE.


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Year 11

Certificate IV in Aeronautics – Theory & Flight 4649 (1 year)

(This course is subject to change in 2011)

Associate Degree in Aviation – Aeronautics AVI 1 (1 year)

Year 12

Associate Degree in Aviation Aeronautics – AVI 1 (2 years)


Course Number: AVI1 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesPolytechnic West – Aerospace Training Centre: Jandakot – February

Admission RequirementsEquivalent to Australian year 12 with passes in Mathematics & Science, plus an IELTS score (Academic) of 6.0 with no band score less than 5.5.

It is required that students have a strong interest in aviation with a passion to fly, as this course provides intensive theoretical and practical flying training.

About this Course This course provides you with the knowledge required to enter the aviation industry as an Airline Pilot. The course provides a theoretical base which integrates with the flying training component. The flying training meets the requirements of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority

(CASA) Private Pilot’s License (PPL), Commercial Pilot’s License (CPL) and Air Transport Pilot’s License (ATPL). This course is delivered with or without the flying component.

This program has been designed in consultation with both international and Australian aviation industries. You will receive high quality pilot training whilst learning about Air Navigation; meteorology; flight planning; and flight performance and loading. The theory component of the training will also provide you training in Human Factors and Crew Resource Management, which are an important component of any airline pilot’s career. Numerous aircraft types and flight simulators are utilised for practical flying training and in addition, aircraft systems and ground familiarisation is taught on the College’s Boeing 737.

Additionally you will complete management subjects in Commercial Law, Marketing and Accounting.

Flight training in Perth is popular due to the stable weather patterns, safe training environment and flat terrain; as a result China Southern Airlines, Singapore Airlines, the Royal Australian Air Force and Republic of Singapore Air Force effectively conduct flying training in the Perth area.

Additionally, this course provides you with the knowledge to perform airline operational roles.

Study Pathway

Major Study Areasn Air Navigationn Flight Planningn Meteorologyn Aircraft Performancen Engine and Systemsn Air Lawn Human Performance and Limitations

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Class based study will be conducted in the Aerospace Training Centre facility at

Jandakot Airport.n Flying is conducted under partnership with a provider at Jandakot Airport.

There may be a requirement for attendance at lectures across other Polytechnic West campuses.

n Marketingn Managementn Commercial Lawn Accountingn Aviation Sciencen Flight Operations

Career Opportunitiesn Airline Pilotn General Aviation Pilotn Operation staff

Further StudyOn completion students are guaranteed 2 years of credit into the Bachelor of Commerce (Management) Degree at Murdoch University. Additionally, students may negotiate themselves for credit with other Australian Universities.

CostTuition: $12,200 per year

Additional fees for flight training apply.

Optional Flight Training – $55,000 based on 164 hours of flying to achieve CPL. Some students may take longer and therefore this price is subject to fluctuation.

Notes Students are required to have a Class 1 medical certificate for flying training. This must be provided by a designated Aviation Medical Examiner. Refer to www.casa.gov.au for medical examiners contact details.

This medical standard is applicable to all professional technical aircrew of powered aircraft, and is required for issue of Airline Transport Pilot Licence, Commercial Pilot Licence, Flight Engineer or Flight Navigator Licences.

UniformUniform costs for flying students will be approximately $ 700. This includes Pants x 2, Shirts x 3, Shoes, Flying Jacket, Epaulettes, Jumper & Tie.

Aviation Security Identity CardAs Jandakot airport is a security controlled airport students may be required to have a current ASIC.

ASICs (Aviation Security Identification Cards) show that the holder has a current security check and can be used at security controlled airports. ASICs are normally valid for up to 2 years.

Please refer to the CASA website for an ASIC application form: http://www.casa.gov.au/manuals/regulate/fcl/forms639.pdf

It will be the student’s responsibility to obtain an ASIC for flying.

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Year 11

Diploma of Airport Management 1.5 years


Associate Degree in Aviation – Aviation Management AVI2

(1 year)

Year 12

Associate Degree in Aviation –Aviation Management – AVI2

(2 years)

Course Number: AVI2 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesPolytechnic West – Aerospace Training Centre: Jandakot – February

Admission RequirementsEquivalent to Australian year 12 with passes in Mathematics & Science, plus an IELTS score (Academic) of 6.0 with no band score less than 5.5.

It is required that students have a strong interest in aviation.

About this CourseThis course provides you with a non-flying professional career option within the air transport industry. You will study the successful introduction and ongoing management of airport operations. The course offers additional business units which are designed to increase the opportunities for employment within diverse management fields . Completion of these units ensures you receive two years credit to the Bachelor of Commerce (Management ) Degree at Murdoch University.

Study Pathway


Major Study Areasn Aviation Fundamentalsn Airport Operationsn Air Lawn Aviation Sciencen Aviation Securityn Marketing & Public Relationsn Aircraft Operationsn Aviation Business

How is This Course Taught?n Lectures n Class based study

There may be a requirement for attendance at lectures across other Polytechnic West campuses.

Career Opportunitiesn Airport Managern Public Relations Managern Aviation Marketing Managern Aviation Safety Advisern Aviation Consultant

Further StudyOn completion students are guaranteed 2 years of credit into the Bachelor of Commerce (Management) Degree at Murdoch University. Additionally, students may negotiate themselves for credit with other Australian Universities.

Cost Tuition: $12,200 per year Text books: $850 per year

Aviation Security Identity CardAs Jandakot airport is a security controlled airport students may be required to have a current ASIC.

ASICs (Aviation Security Identification Cards) show that the holder has a current security check and can be used at security controlled airports. ASICs are normally valid for up to 2 years.

Please refer to the CASA website for an ASIC application form: http://www.casa.gov.au/manuals/regulate/fcl/forms639.pdf

Photo supplied by Polytechnic West

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Course Number: AVI3 Duration: 2.5 years

Campus & IntakesPolytechnic West – Aerospace Training Centre: Jandakot – February

Admission Requirements Equivalent to Australian year 12 with passes in Mathematics & Science or Equivalent to Australian Year 11 plus the Certificate III in Civil & Structural Engineering 3354. An IELTS score (Academic) of 6.0 with no band score less than 5.5 is required.

About this Course This is one of the most unique courses in Aircraft Maintenance in Australia and caters for Aircraft Engineers, Aviation Engineering Supervisors and Aviation Engineering Consultants. This course provides the student with the strong theoretical and practical foundation required to gain employment as an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer, as well as a sound knowledge of the principles of management, marketing and commercial law. It is designed to give an understanding of the maintenance practices of a commercial aircraft operator.

On completion of both the theoretical and practical aspects of the course, the graduate will:

n Possess the theoretical knowledge and a substantive practical experience enabling them to apply to become an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer with knowledge standard meeting the under European Aviation Safety Authority (EASA 66) Licence requirements.

n Possess the theoretical knowledge and exposure to practical experience to apply to become an aircraft maintenance engineer in Australia ; and

n Possess the theoretical knowledge and capacity to achieve all the modules required towards the new B 1 /B 2 License under CASR 66 (Civil Aviation Safety Regulation Part 66).

Polytechnic West has acquired its own operational Boeing 737 aircraft to provide students with practical experience towards the B1/B2 EASA-66 licence.

Study Pathway

Year 11

Certificate III in Civil & Structural Engineering 3354 (6 months)

Associate Degree in Aviation – Maintenance Engineering AVI3

(2.5 years)

Year 12

Associate Degree in Aviation – Maintenance Engineering AVI3

(2.5 years)

Major Study Areasn Aviation engineering mathematicsn Aviation engineering physicsn Aircraft materials and hardwaren Aerodynamic of flightn Aeroplanes structures and systemsn Aircraft maintenance systemsn Aircraft maintenance practicesn Aircraft engines (piston and gas turbine)n Aircraft electrical and avionics systemsn Aviation securityn Management, economics, accounting and legal principles

How is this Course Taught?n Lecturers and class based study at our new hangar premises at Jandakot Airport

(Aerospace Training Centre)n Practical experience on a variety of piston and gas turbine enginesn Practical experience on the college’s operational Boeing 737 aircraftn Practicals in our newly constructed workshop and labsn Online courseware (conditional)n Visit to airlines and operational facilities

Career Opportunitiesn Licensed aircraft maintenance engineern Aircraft maintenance engineern Aircraft engineering supervisorn Aircraft maintenance consultantn Aviation engineering quality managern Aviation engineering sales managern Manager technical services in commercial airline

Cost TuitionYear 1: $16,775 Year 2: $12,200 Year 3: $6,100

UniformAs workshops will be conducted in an aviation hanger, students will be required to wear protective clothing and footwear.

Aviation Security Identity CardAs Jandakot airport is a security controlled airport students may be required to have a current ASIC.

ASICs (Aviation Security Identification Cards) show that the holder has a current security check and can be used at security controlled airports. ASICs are normally valid for up to 2 years.

Please refer to the CASA website for an ASIC application form: http//www.casa.gov.au/manuals/regulate/fcl/form639.pdf

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Course Number: 4648 Duration: 1.5 years

Campus & IntakesPolytechnic West – Aerospace Training Centre: Jandakot – February

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 11.

About this CourseThis course has been developed to provide you with the knowledge and practical skills to enhance opportunities for employment and promotion within the field of airport management. As part of this course, you will be required to complete supervised work experience at an appropriate airport. This course will provide the student with thorough knowledge of airport systems and processes. Graduates of this course have successfully gained employment with both international and regional airports.

Study Pathway

Year 11–12

Year 10–12Diploma of Airport Management

4648 (1.5 years)

Certificate IV in Computer Systems W443 (1.5 years)

Diploma of Computer Systems Engineering W462 (6 months)

Major Study Areasn Airport planningn Airport operationsn Airport systemsn Airport securityn Airport accident emergency proceduresn Marketing & public relationsn Contracts managementn Flying operations

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Work based training and experience at the Perth domestic or international airport

Career Opportunitiesn Airport Managementn Marketing Managern Public Relations Management

Further StudyOn completion of this course, students can continue for a further year into the Associate Degree in Aviation (Aviation Management) AV12 at Polytechnic West.

CostTuition: $ 12,500 per year Resource Fees: $ 400 per semester Equipment: Text books – $ 400 per semester

Aviation Security Identity Card (ASIC)As Jandakot and Perth airports are security controlled airport students may be required to have a current ASIC.

ASICs (Aviation Security Identification Cards) show that the holder has a current security check and can be used at security controlled airports. ASICs are normally valid for up to 2 years.

Please refer to the CASA website for an ASIC application form.

Course Number: W462 Duration: 2 years

Campus & Intakes Polytechnic West: Thornlie – February & July Central Institute of Technology: East Perth – February & July

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10 with passes in English & Mathematics.

About this CourseThis course has been designed to meet the needs of industry for the design, installation, operation and maintenance of computer systems, their associated peripheral devices, networking, as well as internetworking devices such as routers and switches, at technical and technical officer levels. Students will participate and demonstrate Computer System Engineering skills required by Australian standards and industry. With a combination of work experience and further study the participant may become a Network or Professional Engineer.

Study Pathway

Major Study Areasn Micro processing n Networkingn Electronic & electrical systemsn Routingn Remote accessn Wireless LANs/WANsn Multi-layer switching

How is this Course Taught?n Lecturesn Practical skills taught in the college’s workshops

Career Opportunitiesn Computer System Engineern Network Techniciann Hardware Technician

Further StudyStudents may gain entry into University in related fields of study. Please contact the University direct for more information.

Cost Tuition: $12,000 per year Resource Fees: $200 per semester (Thornlie campus only)


n Airport Operatorn Airline Sales

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Course Number: WT14 Duration: 2.5 years

Campus & IntakesChallenger Institute of Technology: Fremantle – February & July Central Institute of Technology: East Perth – February & July (Diploma only)

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10 with a pass in Mathematics.

About this CourseThis course has been designed to provide you with the technical skills and knowledge to work as a technician or draftsperson in the electrical industry. You will study the design, maintenance and installation of electrical and electronic equipment and systems.

Study Pathway

Major Study Areasn Find & repair faults in electrical systemsn Electronic communications systemsn Power control systemsn DC machine problemsn Energy supply networkn Electrical transmission systemsn Software applicationsn Circuits & electronicsn Engineering solutions

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Practical skills taught in the college’s workshops

Career Opportunitiesn Engineering Associaten Technical Officern Electronics Designern Maintenance/Installation Officer

Further StudyGraduates may gain entry into a Bachelor of Engineering degree at university. Please contact the University direct for more information.

CostTuition: $12,000 per year Resource Fees: $370 per semester



Course Number: W466 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesPolytechnic West: Thornlie – February & July Challenger Institute of Technology: Fremantle – February & July Central Institute of Technology: East Perth – February & July

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10 with passes in English & Mathematics.

About this CourseThis course will teach you how to develop, select, commission, maintain and diagnose faults in electronic and communications components, sub assemblies, apparatus and systems. The course focuses on developing skill breadth, depth and complexity which will enable you to plan and, when required, initiate alternative approaches to the applications of skills or knowledge, across a broad range of technical and/or management requirements. Supervisory and report writing skills are also developed. It is expected that students will be self-directed individuals who are capable of analysing and planning approaches to a problem, for action by themselves, or a technical team.

Study Pathway

Year 10–12

Year 10–12

Certificate IV in Electronics & Communications W449

(1.5 years)

Diploma of Electronics & Communications Engineering

W466 (6 months)

Diploma of Electrotechnology Electrical Systems 5440 (2 years)

Advanced Diploma of Electrotechnology – Electrical WT14

(6 months)

Major Study Areasn Computern Networkn Renewable Energy System Developmentn Selection

How is this Course Taught? n Lecturesn Practical workn Workshops

Career Opportunitiesn Technical Officersn Servicing Technicians n Electronics/Computer Systems Assemblers

Further StudyGraduates may gain entry into a Bachelor of Engineering degree at University. Please contact the University direct for more information.

Cost:Tuition: $12,000 per year Equipment: $250 per semester Resource Fees: $370 per semester

n Commissionn Maintenance n Diagnosis of faults and


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Course Number: WT13 Duration: 2.5 years

Campus & IntakesChallenger Institute of Technology: Fremantle – February & July Central Institute of Technology: East Perth – February & July (Diploma only)

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10 with a pass in Mathematics.

About this CourseThis course provides you with training to technician or detail drafter level in electrical engineering and aims to develop graduates with the ability to carry out detailed electrical drafting and design. You will also gain an understanding of industrial electrical and electronic techniques and also develop a broad understanding of engineering principles, materials, systems, standards and processes.

Study Pathway

Year 10–12

Diploma of Electrotechnology – Electrical Drafting 5441 (2 years)

Major Study Areasn Write specifications for computer systems engineering projectn Produce detailed engineering drawingsn Use CAD to create & display 3D modelsn Complete an integrated drafting projectn Develop engineering solutions

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Practical skills taught in the college’s workshops

Career Opportunitiesn Engineering Associaten Technical Officer

Further StudyGraduates may gain entry into a Bachelor of Engineering degree at university. Please contact the University direct for more information.

CostTuition: $12,000 per year Resource Fees: $370 per semester

Course Number: WT15 Duration: 2.5 years

Campus & IntakesChallenger Institute of Technology: Fremantle – February & July

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10 with a pass in Mathematics.

About this CourseThis course provides you with the skills to develop, select and commission industrial electronic components/sub assemblies, apparatus and systems. You will learn to diagnose faults and malfunctions and plan and initiate approaches to problems.

Study Pathway

Year 10–12

Diploma of Electrotechnology – Industrial Electronics &

Instrumentation 5442 (2 years)

Major Study Areasn Solve problems in digital components of electronic apparatusn Assemble, set-up & test personal computersn Install & configure a computer operating system & softwaren Use engineering applications softwaren Find & repair faults in complex power supplies

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Practical skills taught in the college’s workshops

Career Opportunitiesn Electronic Engineering Technician

Further StudyGraduates may gain entry into a Bachelor of Engineering degree at university. Please contact the University direct for more information.

CostTuition: $12,000 per year Resource Fees: $370 per semester

Advanced Diploma of Electrotechnology – Electrical

Drafting WT13 (6 months)

Advanced Diploma of Electrotechnology – Industrial

Electronics & Control Engineering WT15 (6 months)

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Course Number: WT49 Duration: 1 year

Campus and IntakesPolytechnic West: Carlisle – February Central Institute of Technology: Perth – February & July

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 12 with passes in English and Mathematics or completion of the Certificate III in Civil & Structural Engineering – 3354. Students enrolling at Polytechnic West must have Year 12 qualifications.

About this CourseThis course will provide you with the practical skills and knowledge to produce drawings to design specifications for manufacture by an engineering workshop. You will learn a range of computer drafting skills as well as develop your knowledge of engineering processes and principles. You will also learn skills in computing and engineering graphics.

Study Pathway

Course Number: WT53 Duration: 2 years

Campus and IntakesChallenger Institute of Technology: Fremantle – February & July Central Institute of Technology: Perth – February & July South West Regional College of TAFE: Bunbury – February (Diploma only)Polytechnic West: Carlisle – February

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 12 with passes in Mathematics or Completion of the Certificate III in Civil & Structural Engineering – 3354. Students enrolling at Polytechnic West must have Year 12 and must enrol in the Diploma of Engineering – Technical – Mechanical CAD – WT49.

About this CourseThis course provides you with the practical skills and knowledge to carry out mechanical engineering detail drafting and design and oversee the installation and maintenance of machinery. You will learn a range of computer drafting skills as well as skills to prepare drawings and operate and maintain mechanical equipment. You will also learn project management, occupational health and safety, quality control, team building, engineering computing and design graphics. You will then apply the skills learnt by undertaking an engineering project.

Study Pathway

Year 10–11

Year 10–11Certificate III in Civil & Structural Engineering 3354

(6 months)

Certificate III in Civil & Structural Engineering 3354

(6 months)Diploma of Engineering – Technical – Mechanical CAD

WT49 (1 year)Diploma of Engineering –

Technical – Mechanical WT48 or Diploma of Engineering – Technical – Mechanical CAD – WT49 (1 year)

(Carlisle only)

Advanced Diploma of Engineering – Mechanical WT53

(1 year)

Advanced Diploma of Engineering – Mechanical WT53 (1 year)

Year 12

Year 12Diploma of Engineering – Technical – Mechanical CAD

WT49 (1 year)

Diploma of Engineering –Technical – Mechanical WT48 or Diploma of

Engineering – Technical – Mechanical CAD – WT49 (1 year)

(Carlisle only)

Major Study Areasn Select & test mechanical engineering materialsn Produce detailed engineering drawingsn Use CAD to create & display 3D modelsn Apply mathematical techniques in a manufacturing engineering or related

environmentn Use computer aided drafting systems to produce basic engineering drawingsn Produce basic engineering graphicsn Develop & manage a plan for a simple manufacturing related project

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Practical skills taught in the college’s workshops

Career Opportunitiesn Engineering Draftspersonn Engineering Techniciann CAD Drafter

Further StudyStudents can enrol to study the Advanced Diploma of Engineering – Mechanical – W249. Graduates may also gain entry into a Bachelor of Engineering degree at University. Please contact the University direct for more information.

CostTuition: $12,000 per year Resource Fees: $350 per semester

Major Study Areasn Installation & maintenance of

mechanical equipmentn Cause analysisn Data management

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Work based training

Career Opportunitiesn Mechanical Engineering

Techniciann Technician

Further StudyGraduates can continue into the Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering) at Curtin University of Technology with up to one year’s advanced standing depending on subjects studied.

CostTuition: $12,000 per year Equipment: Text books – $280 per semester Resource Fees: $350 per semester

n Designn Scientific principlesn Environmental analysisn Engineering project

n Practical skills taught in the college’s workshopsn Engineering project

n Design Draftsperson in the mechanical, metals, manufacturing, building or construction industries

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Year 10–11

Certificate III in Civil & Structural Engineering – 3354 (6 months)

Diploma of Engineering – Oil & Gas 8988 (1 year)

Advanced Diploma of Engineering – Oil & Gas 8989 (1 year)

Year 12

Diploma of Engineering – Oil & Gas 8988 (1 year)

Advanced Diploma of Engineering – Oil & Gas 8989

(1 year)

Course Number: 8989 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: Perth – February & July

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 12 with passes in English & Mathematics or completion of the Certificate III in Civil & Structural Engineering – 3354.

About this CourseThis course will provide you with practical skills and knowledge to work in semi professional technical positions in many areas of the Oil and Gas industry. The course is broad based and is not confined to certain areas of the industry.

Study Pathway

Major Study Areas

n Practical skills taught in College Workshopn Engineering projects


Course Number: 3356 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesChallenger Institute of Technology: Fremantle – February & July Central Institute of Technology: Perth – February & July South West Regional College of TAFE: Bunbury – February (Diploma only)

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 12 with passes in Mathematics or completion of the Certificate III in Civil & Structural Engineering – 3354.

About this CourseThis course provides you with the practical skills and knowledge to draft engineering plans to Australian and New Zealand standards. You will learn about different areas in civil engineering including construction, maintenance, project management, design and testing. You will also learn about the design and drafting of concrete, steelwork, roads and pipes as well as hydrology, storm water drainage and foundations. You will study civil construction techniques, drafting steelwork, materials testing, soil mechanics, engineering maths and physics and surveying computations. This course satisfies the academic requirements of an Associate Membership of the Institute of Engineers Australia and membership of the Institute of Drafting and Design.

Study Pathway

Year 10–11

Certificate III in Civil & Structural Engineering 3354

(6 months)

Diploma of Civil & Structural Engineering 3355 (1 year)

Advanced Diploma of Civil & Structural Engineering 3356

(1 year)

Year 12

Diploma of Civil & Structural Engineering 3355 (1 year)

Advanced Diploma of Civil & Structural Engineering 3356

(1 year)

Major Study Areasn Civil constructionn Environmental issuesn Engineering technologiesn Drawing, 2D & 3D CAD design

How is This Course Taught?n Lectures

Career Opportunitiesn Civil Engineering Draftspersonn Civil Engineering Assistant

Further StudyGraduates can gain entry into a Bachelor of Engineering (Civil & Structural Engineering) degree at Curtin University of Technology with up to one year advanced standing depending on subjects studied.

CostTuition: $12,000 per year Equipment: Text books – $250 per semester Resource Fees: $370 per semester

n Building materialsn Roads, steel, concrete, pavement,

drainage, soil, water supply, seweragen Construction sites

n Engineering Associaten Technician

n Workshop skills

n Common Engineering Materialsn Mathematic Techniques in

Manufacturing & Related Environmentn Principles of Chemistry to Oil & Gas

Engineering Situationsn Scientific Principles & Techniques in

Mechanical Engineering Situationsn Overview of Oil & Gas Industryn Physical Geologyn Basic Reservoir Engineeringn Well Controln Basic Drilling Operationsn Designing of Drilling Mud System

n Surface Production Operations & Equipment

n Performing Formation Evaluationn Petroleum Geologyn Environmental Effects of Engineeringn Performing Formation Appraisaln Manage Engineering Projectsn Advanced Concepts in Drillingn Oil & Gas Industry Projectn Advanced Concepts of Reservoir

Engineeringn Designing Well Completionsn Scientific Principles & Techniques in

Mechanical Engineering Situations

How is this Course Taught?n Lecturersn Work based Training

Career OpportunitiesGraduates can work both in office and field jobs in the areas of exploration, drilling, production, planning and management. The main employers are expected to be oil and gas explorers, producers and companies providing services to the Oil & Gas industry.

n Petroleum Techniciann Petroleum Engineer Assistant

Cost Tuition: $12,000 per year

n Team Leader or Supervisor

n Practical skills

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Course Number: D227 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesSouth West Regional College of TAFE: Bunbury – FebruaryCentral Institute of Technology: East Perth – February

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 11 with passes in English and Mathematics. Students must have a current West Australian “C” class (manual) drivers licence prior to commencing this course.

About this CourseThis course will provide you with the practical skills and knowledge to carry out the role of a surveyor in the collection of spatial data related to the set-out and monitoring of engineering structures, roads, railways and mining operations. You will develop skills in the operation of sophisticated survey equipment and software including GPS and the use of this equipment to carry out complex survey projects including open pit mine operations and the processing of survey data to produce computer aided engineering drawings and mine plans.

Study Pathway

Bunbury East Perth

Year 11– 12 Year 11– 12

Cert III in Spatial Information Services W620 (6 months)

Cert IV in Surveying W622 (1 year)

Certificate IV in Surveying W622 (6 months)

Diploma of Surveying D227 (1 year)

Diploma of Surveying D227 (1 year)

Major Study Areasn Conduct engineering surveysn Create engineering drawingsn Perform geodetic surveying computationsn Conduct road design & set-out project

How is This Course Taught?n Face-to-face trainer-led theory lecturesn Tutorial sessionsn Practical fieldwork sessions involving trainer demonstrationn Work experience within industry

Career Opportunitiesn Surveyorn Cartographic Assistantn Survey Draftspersonn Mapping Technician

n Conduct advanced GPS data collection & set-out surveys

n Conduct open pit mine surveying

Further StudyGraduates can continue into the Bachelor of Science (Mine & Engineer Surveying) or Bachelor of Surveying at Curtin University with advanced standing of up to 12 months granted.

CostTuition: $12,000 per year Resource Fees: Year 1 – $395 per semester Year 2 – $375 per semester

Noten Students are required to purchase appropriate boots, hats etc when out in the

field. Students must have a current West Australian “C” class (manual) drivers licence prior to commencing this course.

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Course Number: W519 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesChallenger Institute of Technology: Australian Centre for Energy & Process Training (ACEPT) Munster – February

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 12 with passes in Mathematics & English.

About this CourseThis course includes entry level training in the technical areas of process operation, with emphasis on the mechanical, electrical and instrumentation components and safety, then real time operation of the ACEPT process plant. The advanced levels of this course caters for more senior roles in production and include plant shutdown and start up, together with crisis, environmental, safety and change management.

Study Pathway

Course Number: W480 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: East Perth – February & July

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 12.

About this CourseThis course will provide you with the practical skills and knowledge to install, diagnose faults and repair Renewable Energy equipment and systems. You will gain the knowledge to prepare, design and validate/evaluate renewable energy equipment and systems. You will also learn about photovoltaics and other renewable generators, associated electronics and computers. You will develop workshop skills, system installation skills, safety skills in the workplace, electrical theory and how to use and test equipment. You will also learn skills that will enable you to provide technical and sales advice.

Study Pathway

Certificate III in Process Plant Operations W516 (6 months) Year 12

Certificate IV in Process Plant Technology W517 (6 months)

Certificate IV in Renewable Energy W458 (1 year)

Diploma of Process Plant Technology W518 (6 months)

Advanced Diploma of Renewable Energy – Technology W480 (1 year)

Advanced Diploma of Process Plant Technology W519 (6 months)

Major Study Areasn Management of plant shut down’s and start upsn Crisis managementn Environmental managementn OHS managementn Managing change and diversity

How is This Course Taught?n Simulationn Live training on the ACEPT process plant and distillation towern Online and classroom based learning

Career OpportunitiesIndustry expertise is highly sought after in the developing hydrocarbon, mineral and chemical processing industries.

Further StudyGraduates can continue into a Bachelor of Engineering degree at University with up to 6 months of advanced standing depending on subjects studied.

CostTuition: $12,000 per yearEquipment: $200 (Safety Boots, overalls, Helmet and Safety Glasses) Textbooks: $800

Major Study Areasn Carry out repairs to renewable energy apparatus by replacement of componentsn Provide instruction in the use of electrotechnology apparatusn Solve problems in photovoltaic energy apparatusn Develop strategies to address sustainability issuesn Develop strategies for effective energy reduction in buildingsn Undertake computations in an electrotechnology environmentn Apply OHS practices in the workplace

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Practical skills taught in the college’s workshops

Career Opportunitiesn Draftspersonn Technician

Further StudyStudents may gain entry into University in related fields of study. Please contact the University direct for more information.

CostTuition: $12,000 per year

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Course Number: W615 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: Leederville – February

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21, or Equivalent to Australian Year 11 with passes in Mathematics or completion of the Certificate III in Civil & Structural Engineering – 3354.

About this CourseThis course will provide you with the practical skills in the building and construction industry to meet the requirements of employment for estimating and supervision of low rise and associated steel structures. You will learn to survey and set out building sites, cost estimates and plans, manage construction costs and administer construction contracts. You will also learn about timber framing, building structures and construction techniques, site safety and building materials. Please note that this is a stand alone course.

Study Pathway

Major Study Areasn Constructionn Materialsn Structuresn Contract lawn Building computingn Tenderingn Planningn Surveying

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Practical skills training

Career Opportunitiesn Buildern Quantity Surveyor, Estimator & Schedulern Surveyor n Site Supervisor or Managern Project Manager


Year 10

Certificate III in Civil & Structural Engineering 3354

(6 months)

Certificate IV in Building & Construction (Building) W605

(1 year)

Certificate IV in Building & Construction (Building) W605

(1 year)

Diploma of Building & Construction – (Building) W615

(1 year)

Year 11–12

Diploma of Building & Construction – (Building)

W615 (1 year)

Further StudyGraduates can gain entry into the Bachelor of Applied Science (Construction, Management & Economics) at Curtin University of Technology with advanced standing of up to 18 months granted depending on subjects studied.

CostTuition: $11,000 per year

Noten All students are required to undertake 3 weeks of industry work placements. It is

the student’s responsibilty to find the work placement.

Matthew WillettCentral Institute of Technology

Certificate III in Civil & Structural Engineering“Studying the Certificate III at Central Institute of Technology gave me the knowledge and abilities to move into the Diploma level of the course with ease. I found that the lessons were informative and enjoyable due to the lecturers’ industry experience.”

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Course Number: 7219 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: Leederville – February & July South West Regional College of TAFE: Bunbury – FebruaryGreat Southern Institute of Technology: Albany – February (Cert IV only)

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 11 with passes in Mathematics or completion of the Certificate III in Civil & Structural Engineering – 3354.

About this CourseThis course will provide you with the practical skills to prepare drawings, plans and liaise with architects, builders and contractors of residential buildings. You will learn skills and knowledge to develop, present and document a range of design solutions for residential, industrial and commercial buildings. You will learn about design, site surveys, construction technology, building materials and 2D and 3D computer aided design (CAD). You will also learn about project administration, digital presentation and commercial working drawings. As part of this qualification, you will undertake a supervised work placement.

Study Pathway

Major Study Areasn Residential Draftingn 2D and 3Dn Building Design & Presentationn Computer Aided Design (CAD)

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Supervised work placement in the building/construction industryn Practical skills training

Career Opportunitiesn Building Designern CAD Operatorn Architectural Draftsperson

Year 10

Certificate III in Civil & Structural Engineering 3354

(6 months)

Certificate IV in Residential Drafting 7218 (1 year)

Diploma of Building Design & Technology 7219 ( 1 year)

Year 11–12

Certificate IV in Residential Drafting 7218 (1 year)

Diploma of Building Design & Technology 7219 (1 year)

Further StudyGraduates can gain entry into the Bachelor of Applied Science (Architectural Science) at Curtin University of Technology with up to 12 months advanced standing granted depending on subjects studied.

Graduates can gain entry into the Bachelor of Environmental Design with 48 credit points or the Bachelor of Landscape Architecture with 36 credit points at the University of Western Australia.

CostTuition: $11,000 per year Resource Fees: Year 1 – $290 per semester Year 2 – $320 per semester

Noten All students are required to undertake 3 weeks of industry work placements. It

is the student’s responsibilty to find the work placement (Central Institute of Technology only).

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Photo supplied by South West Regional College of TAFE

Photo supplied by Polytechnic West Photo supplied by Challenger Institute of Technology

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TAFE Business courses provide students with practical skills, industry experience and highly sought after qualifications. These attributes allow students to immediately enter a range of exciting careers or alternatively provide pathways to university degrees with excellent advanced standing. With so many courses to choose from, students are able to tailor a program to suit their skills and interest.

TAFE courses in this area can lead to careers as Business Managers, Human Resource Managers, Bookkeepers, Office Supervisors & Managers, Credit & Loans Officers, Banking Officers, Sales & Marketing Managers.

n Managementn Bookkeepingn Human Resource Managementn Accountingn Business Administration

If you seek to shape the digital age, there is no better place to start than TAFE.


n International Businessn Commercen Marketingn Bankingn Sales

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Course Number: DEG2 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesPolytechnic West: Bentley – February & July

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 12 or completion of the Certificate IV in Business – D145. Students also require an IELTS score (Academic) of 6.0 with no band score less than 5.5.

About this CourseThis course will provide you with the practical skills and knowledge to manage all aspects of business operations and incorporates modern business thinking with the crucial skills required by industry. Students with an Associate Degree will be highly employable in the International market. The Associate Degree is equivalent to the first two years of a Bachelor of Commerce degree at Murdoch University or a Bachelor of Business at Edith Cowan University. This course is ideally suited to students who wish to continue to university to undertake a final year of study and graduate with a Bachelor of Commerce degree.

Study Pathway

Year 10−11

Certificate III in Business D132 (6 months)

Certificate IV in Business D145 (6 months)

Associate Degree in Business DEG2 (2 years)

Major Study Areasn Managementn Marketing and communicationsn E-business

How is This Course Taught?n Lectures

Career Opportunitiesn Upper Level Managern Business Owner/Operator

Further StudyOn completion, students will have guaranteed entry into the 3rd year of a Bachelor of Commerce Degree at Murdoch University or a Bachelor of Business at Edith Cowan University. Credit is for single majors in Management and Marketing. Accounting majors will take an additional 18 months to complete.

CostTuition: $12,200 per year

Notesn Students will be required to purchase text books and calculators.

Major Study Areasn Accountingn Financen Record keepingn Data entry

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Project based work

Career Opportunitiesn Customer Service Officern Accounts Clerkn Administrative Officer

Further StudyGraduates can choose from a range of TAFE Business Diplomas.

CostTuition: $5,250 per semester

Course Number: D132 Duration: 6 months

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: Perth – February & July Challenger Institute of Technology: Fremantle – February & July West Coast Institute of Training: Joondalup – February & July Polytechnic West: Bentley & Thornlie – February & July South West Regional College of TAFE: Bunbury – February Great Southern Institute of Technology: Albany – February & July CY O’Connor Institute: Northam – February & July

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10.

About this CourseThis course will provide you with the practical skills to undertake a range of administrative tasks in an office environment, including customer service, computing, accounts and record keeping. You will learn to process manual and computerised accounts, process payroll, produce business documents and create and use databases and spreadsheets. This course is also a pathway into a suite of TAFE Diploma programs.

Study PathwayYear 12

Associate Degree in Business DEG2 (2 years)


Year 10−12

Certificate III in Business D132 (6 months)

Any Certificate IV stream in Business (6 months) or Diploma of Management

– Commerce D173C (1 year)

Any Diploma stream of Business (6 months)

n Customer servicen Payrolln Databases, spreadsheets

n Accounting and budgetsn Business law

n Marketing Professionaln Market Analyst

n Practical skills

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Course Number: D164 Duration: 1 year

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: Perth – February & July Polytechnic West: Bentley, Thornlie – February & July CY O’Connor Institute: Northam – February & July

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 12 or completion of the Certificate III in Business – D132.

About this CourseThis course will provide you with the practical skills required of supervisors, team leaders and middle managers. The diploma develops your practical skills and knowledge in administration, recordkeeping, marketing, human resources, management and business development. You will learn how to prepare accounts, manage budgets, control projects and manage teams. You will also learn to recruit, select and induct people into an organisation.

Study Pathway

Major Study Areasn Marketingn Managementn Business developmentn Human resources

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Practical skills

Career Opportunitiesn Supervisorn Managern Business Ownern Consultant

Further StudyUpon completion, students may enter into the Bachelor of Commerce at Curtin University of Technology or Murdoch University or the Bachelor of Business at Edith Cowan University with 6 months advanced standing depending on TAFE units studied.

CostTuition: $10,500 per year

Year 10−11

Certificate III in Business D132 (6 months)

Certificate IV in Business D145 (6 months)

Diploma of Business D164 (6 months)

Year 12

Certificate IV in Business D145 (6 months)

Diploma of Business D164 (6 months)


Course Number: D166 Duration: 1 year

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: Perth – February & July Polytechnic West: Thornlie – February & July CY O’Connor Institute: Northam – February & July

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 12 or completion of the Certificate III in Business Administration – D135.

About this CourseThis course will provide you with practical skills in customer service, computing, record keeping, creating and using databases, creating electronic presentations, organising schedules, processing payroll, setting up record systems, organising schedules and business travel, coordinating customer service delivery and plans and conducting meetings. You will also learn how to manage office administration staff, establish and maintain a client network, manage meetings and plan and manage conferences.

Study Pathway

Major Study Areasn Client networksn Administration systemsn Payroll, record keeping

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Practical skills

Career Opportunitiesn Administration Managern Payroll Officern Budget Forecastern Client Managern Office Manager

Further StudyUpon completion, students may enter into a Bachelor of Commerce degree at Curtin University of Technology or Murdoch University or the Bachelor of Business at Edith Cowan University. Students will receive up to 12 months advanced standing depending on TAFE units studied.

CostTuition: $10,500 per year

Year 10−11

Certificate III in Business Administration D135 (6 months)

Certificate IV in Business Administration D148 (6 months)

Diploma of Business Administration D166 (6 months)

Year 12

Certificate IV in Business Administration D148 (6 months)

Diploma of Business Administration D166 (6 months)

n Accountsn Budgetsn Recordkeepingn Administration

n Bookkeepern HR Managern Project Manager

n People performancen Budgets & financialsn Customer service

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Course Number: D173C Duration: 1 year

Campus & IntakesPolytechnic West: Bentley – February & July

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 12 or completion of the Certificate III in Business – D132.

About this CourseThis course is designed to provide students with the practical skills and knowledge necessary to be accepted into the second year of a Bachelor of Commerce degree at Curtin University of Technology or Murdoch University or the Bachelor of Business at Edith Cowan University. Students will learn skills in administration, record keeping, finance, information systems, economics, marketing and management.

Study Pathway

Major Study Areasn Marketingn Managementn Economicsn Accountsn Budgets

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Class room based learning

Career Opportunitiesn Supervisorn Managern Business Ownern Consultantn Bookkeepern HR Managern Project Manager

Further StudyUpon completion, students are guaranteed entry into the second year of the Associate Degree at Polytechnic West – Bentley campus. Students can also gain entry into the Bachelor of Commerce degree (non-accounting major) at Murdoch University or Curtin University of Technology or the Bachelor of Business degree at Edith Cowan University. Students entering an accounting major will receive six months advanced standing.

CostTuition: $11,000 per year

Year 10−11

Certificate III in Business D132 (6 months)

Diploma of Management – Commerce D173C (1 year)

Year 12

Diploma of Management Commerce D173C (1 year)

Associate Degree in Business DEG2 (1 year)


Course Number: D173 Duration: 1 year

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: Perth – February & July Polytechnic West: (Midland – February) Bentley & Thornlie – February & July West Coast Institute of Training: Joondalup – February & July Challenger Institute of Technology: Fremantle – February CY O’Connor Institute: Northam – February & July

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 12 or completion of the Certificate III in Business – D132.

About this CourseThis course will provide students with the practical skills and knowledge to provide leadership and management in meeting business objectives. Students will learn skills in business administrative procedures, human resources, team development and the implementation of business strategies. They will also learn how to manage the operational areas of an organisation including how to manage people, performance, recruit, select and induct staff, manage meetings, and prepare and manage budgets.

Study Pathway

Major Study Areasn Managementn Budgets & financialsn Recruitment

How is This Course Taught?n Lectures

Career Opportunitiesn Operational Managern Recruitment Manager

Further StudyUpon completion, students can gain entry into a Bachelor of Commerce degree at Curtin University of Technology or Murdoch University or the Bachelor of Business at Edith Cowan University. Students will receive up to 12 months advanced standing depending on TAFE units studied.

Program International France Australia (PIFA)n Ceram Bachelors Francen EAI (Euro American Institute) France, 1 year credit after the Diploma

CostTuition: $10,500 per year

Year 10−11

Certificate III in Business D132 (6 months)

Certificate IV in Business D145 or the Certificate IV in Frontline Management D151

(6 months)

Diploma of Management D173 (6 months)

Year 12

Certificate IV in Business D145 or the Certificate IV in Frontline Management D151

(6 months)

Diploma of Management D173 (6 months)

n Recordkeepingn Administrationn Customer servicen IT & information systemsn Legal studies

n Administration systemsn Events managementn Media and communications

n Administration Professionaln Events Manager

n Practical skillsn Work based training

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Course Number: C718 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: Perth – February & July Challenger Institute of Technology: Fremantle – February & July West Coast Institute of Training: Joondalup – February & July Polytechnic West: Thornlie – February & July Great Southern Institute of Technology: Albany – February & July South West Regional College of TAFE: Bunbury – February & July

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10.

About this CourseIn this course students will learn both manual and computerised accounting processes. They will create summaries of financial transactions of a business, produce and analyse financial reports, prepare tax returns and develop business plans. They will also learn skills in processing complex tax returns and lodgements, corporate financial reports and corporate governance. Students will further learn to use complex spreadsheets and conduct internal audits, develop operational business plans, implement tax plans and evaluate tax compliance.

Study Pathway


Major Study Areasn Accountingn Record keepingn Data entryn Taxationn Budgetingn Operational reportingn Auditingn Business planning

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Practical skills

Year 10−12

Certificate III in Financial Services – Accounts Clerical

C694 (6 months)

Certificate IV in Financial Services – Accounting

C701 (6 months)

Diploma of Accounting C705 (6 months)

Advanced Diploma of Accounting C718 (6 months)

Career Opportunitiesn Accountant (not CPA)n Bookkeepern Taxation Consultantn Accounts Executiven Managern Office Administrator

Further StudyUpon completion, students can gain entry into a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) degree at Curtin University of Technology or Murdoch University or Bachelor of Business (Accounting) at Edith Cowan University. Students will receive up to one year advanced standing depending on TAFE units studied.

CostTuition: $10,500 per year

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Course Number: D170 Duration: 1 year

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: Perth – February & July

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 12 or completion of the Certificate III in Business D132.

About this CourseThis course will provide students with an overview of working in an international environment. They will study areas such as law, research, international marketing, exporting and importing. They will gain high level skills in operating at a management level internationally. Students will learn how to build international relationships, analyse marketing information and advertising products and services internationally.

Study Pathway

Major Study Areasn International marketsn Consumer behaviourn Data analysisn Market needs

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Practical skills

Career Opportunitiesn International Marketern Marketing Managern Market Analystn Market Forecastern Importer and Exportern Employment with Multinational Corporations

Further StudyGraduates can gain entry into a Bachelor of Commerce degree at Curtin University of Technology or Murdoch University and the Bachelor of Business at Edith Cowan University. Students will receive up to 12 months credit depending on TAFE units studied.

Program International France Australia (PIFA)n Ceram Bachelors Francen EAI (Euro American Institute) France, 1 year credit after the Diploma

CostTuition: $10,500 per year

Year 10−11

Certificate III in Business D132 (6 months)

Certificate IV in International Trade D154 (6 months)

Diploma of International Business D170 (6 months)

Year 12

Certificate IV in International Trade D154 (6 months)

Diploma of International Business D170 (6 months)

Course Number: D168 Duration: 1 year

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: Perth – February & July Polytechnic West: Thornlie – February & July West Coast Institute of Training: Joondalup – February & July Challenger Institute of Technology: Fremantle – February

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 12 or completion of the Certificate III in Business D132 or the Certificate III in Business Administration D135.

About this CourseThis course will provide students with the skills and knowledge to recruit and select staff, oversee staff welfare, keep employees informed of their rights and provide advice and support to management about staff issues. They will also gain knowledge in employment law, equal opportunity and occupational health and safety. They will have the opportunity to learn about the most up-to-date human resource practices which are a key element within every organisation.

Study Pathway

Major Study Areasn Human resource managementn Industrial relationsn Remuneration & employee benefitsn Recruitment selection

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Work based training

Career Opportunitiesn Administration Managern Equal Employment Officern Human Resources Officer

Further StudyUpon completion, students can gain entry into a Bachelor of Commerce (Human Resources) degree at Curtin University of Technology with up to 12 months advanced standing depending on TAFE units studied.

CostTuition: $10,500 per year

Year 10−11

Certificate III in Business D132 or Certificate III in Business

Administration D135 (6 months)

Certificate IV in Human Resources D153 (6 months)

Diploma of Human Resources D168 (6 months)

Year 12

Certificate IV in Human Resources D153 (6 months)

Diploma of Human Resources D168 (6 months)


n Meetings & conferencesn Administration systemsn Budgets & financial plans

n Industrial Relations Officern Payroll Manager

n International networksn Import & exportn International finance and insurancen International legislation, conventions, laws

n Simulated work place environment

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Course Number: D174 Duration: 1 year

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: Perth – February & July West Coast Institute of Training: Joondalup – February & July Challenger Institute of Technology: Fremantle – February Polytechnic West: Thornlie – February & July

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 12 or completion of the Certificate III in Business D132.

About this CourseThis course will provide students with the practical skills and knowledge to promote and sell products or services. They will learn about marketing principles and research, identifying market opportunities, profiling the market, analysing consumer behaviour and target marketing. They will also learn to evaluate marketing opportunities, establish and adjust the marketing mix (the blend of product, price, place and promotion), develop a marketing communications plan, implement a marketing solution, and review marketing performance.

Study Pathway

Course Number: C725 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: Perth – February & July

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 12 or the completion of the Certificate III in Business – D132.

About this CourseThis course will provide students with the practical skills and knowledge to assist in the organisation and operation of systems for handling recorded material in the library and information services industry. They will learn skills which enable you to acquire, organise, maintain and promote library collections to a variety of client groups. They will also learn how to provide clients with access to information through the use of technology and text based and electronic resources.

Study Pathway

Major Study Areasn Marketingn Communicationsn Marketing research

How is This Course Taught?n Lectures

Career Opportunitiesn Marketing Managern Sales Professional

Further StudyUpon completion, students can gain entry into a Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing) degree at Curtin University of Technology or Bachelor of Business (Marketing) at Edith Cowan University. Students will receive up to 12 months advanced standing depending on TAFE units studied.

Program International France Australia (PIFA)n Ceram Bachelors Francen EAI (Euro American Institute) France, 1 year credit after the Diploma

CostTuition: $10,500 per year

Year 10−11

Year 10−11

Certificate III in Business D132 (6 months)

Certificate III in Business D132 (6 months)

Certificate IV in Marketing D156 (6 months)

Diploma of Library & Information Services C725

(2 years)

Diploma of Marketing D174 (6 months)

Year 12

Year 12

Certificate IV in Marketing D156 (6 months)

Diploma of Library & Information Services C725

(2 years)

Diploma of Marketing D174 (6 months)

n Meetings & conferencesn Budgets & financialsn Events management

n Events Managern Marketing Analyst

n Practical skills

Major Study Areasn Catalogue & classify materialn Monitor & enhance information accessn Select & acquire information materialsn Manage care & maintenance of the collectionn Plan & develop activities, events and programsn Research & analyse information to meet customer needs

How is This Course Taught? n Lecturesn Practical skills

Career Opportunitiesn Library Techniciann Records management

Further StudyGraduates can continue into the Bachelor of Arts (Humanities) Librarianship and Corporate Information Management with up to 1 year credit depending on subjects studies.

CostTuition: $10,500 per year

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Photo supplied by West Coast Institute of Training

Photo supplied by West Coast Institute of Training

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Students seeking careers where there are opportunities to help others will be attracted to health and community services courses at TAFE. Graduates from this sector are highly employable in Australia and globally. A range of diverse opportunities exist for students to gain immediate employment or to continue with further studies at university.

TAFE courses in this area can lead to careers as Welfare Workers (including Disability & Youth Workers), Enrolled Nurses, Child Care Workers, Aged Care Workers, Education Assistants, Personal Care Workers, Health Care Workers, Dental Assistants, Fitness Instructors, Sporting Coaches, Personal Trainers, Beauty Therapists & Nail Technologists.

n Disabilityn Community welfaren Aged caren Health sciencen Nursing

If you plan to create a healthy community,there is no better place to start than TAFE.


n Beauty therapyn Sport developmentn Fitnessn Children’s servicesn Dental nursing

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Course Number: D278 Duration: 1 year

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: Leederville – February & July Polytechnic West: Thornlie – February & July (Cert III only) Challenger Institute of Technology: Fremantle/Rockingham/Peel – February & July West Coast Institute of Training: Joondalup – February & July (Cert III only) Great Southern Institute of Technology: Albany – February South West Regional College of TAFE: Bunbury – February & July (Cert III only) C.Y. O’Connor Institute: Northam – February & JulyDurack Institute of Technology: Geraldton – FebruaryKimberley TAFE: Broome – February (Cert III only)

Admission Requirements Refer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10.

About this Course This course provides students with the practical skills to plan, develop, implement and monitor programs and services for older people. Students will learn to assess the needs of older people and plan and conduct group and recreation programs for older people. They will also learn how to monitor services, implement and monitor health and safety policies and procedures and organise an effective work environment. As part of this qualification students will undertake a supervised work placement where they are able to apply the skills and knowledge learnt. This course does not lead into a Diploma pathway. Please refer to the Community Services stream if you want to enrol into the Diploma pathway.

Study Pathway

Major Study Areasn Provide support to an older personn Provide personal caren Orientation to aged care workn Plan and conduct group activitiesn Utilise specialist communication skillsn Implement occupational health and safety policies.

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Practical Skills Trainingn Work based trainingn Individual supervised work placement

Career Opportunitiesn Nursing Assistantsn Home Care Workern Aged Care Worker


Certificate III in Aged Care D269 (6 months)

Certificate IV in Aged Care D278 (6 months)

Year 10–12

Further StudyThe Certificate III & IV in Aged Care does not lead into the Diploma of Community Services Work – D310. Students can continue into the Diploma of Enrolled Nursing after completing the Certificate III or they can enrol into the Certificate IV in Community Services Work – D284 if they want to continue into the Diploma.

CostTuition: $11,000 per year First Aid Certificate: $100 (compulsory prior to work placement)

Additional Requirementsn Please note that all students are required to provide a police clearance from their

home country prior to attending work placement. Students are advised to obtain this clearance prior to arriving in Australia.

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Course Number: D310 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: Mt Lawley – February & July Polytechnic West: Thornlie & Midland – February & July West Coast Institute of Training: Joondalup – February & July Challenger Institute of Technology: Fremantle – February & July Great Southern Institute of Technology: Albany – February Durack Institute of Technology: Geraldton – FebruarySouth West Regional College of TAFE: Bunbury & Busselton – February (Cert III only)C.Y. O’Connor Institute: Northam – February & July (Cert III & IV only)

Admission Requirements Refer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10.

About this Course Students will learn skills in advanced communication, group work, training, community information provision and program development. They will also learn how to design and deliver programs that are accessible and enhance community participation and will develop an understanding of the legal and ethical requirements for working in community services. As part of this qualification students will undertake a supervised work placement. The course is very practical and students will be encouraged to engage in community projects and pursue areas of interest.

Study Pathway

Certificate III in Community Services Work D268 (6 months)

Certificate IV in Community Services Work D284 (6 months)

Diploma of Community Services Work D310 (1 Year)

Year 10–12

Certificate III in Community Services Work D268 or

Certificate III in Aged Care D269 (6 months)

Certificate IV in Community Services Work D284 (6 months)

Diploma of Community Services Work D310 (1 Year)

Year 10–12

Polytechnic West Pathway

Certificate III in Community Services Work D268 (6 months)

Diploma of Community Services Work D310 (1.5 Years)

Year 10–12

West Coast Institute of Training Pathway


Major Study Areasn Maintain an effective work environmentn Work within a legal & ethical frameworkn Deliver & develop client servicen Utilise specialist communication skills to build strong relationshipsn Respond holistically to client issuesn Apply a community development framework

How is This Course Taught?n Lectures & classroom deliveryn Industry focus & involvementn Individualised supervised work placement

Career Opportunitiesn Community Workern Welfare Workern Outreach Officern Family Support Worker

Further StudyStudents may continue into University in a related field of study. Advanced standing may be granted. Contact the University for more information.

CostTuition: $11,000 per year

First Aid Certificate: $100 (compulsory prior to work placement)

Working with Children Check: $10 (compulsory prior to work placement)

Additional Requirementsn Please note all students will be required to provide a police clearance from their

home country prior to attending work placement. Students are advised to obtain this clearance prior to arriving in Australia.

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Major Study Areasn Advocacy & representationn Case managementn Coordination of services for clientsn OHS process

How is This Course Taught?n Lectures & classroom deliveryn Industry focus & involvementn Supervised work placement

Career Opportunitiesn Community Workern Case Coordinator/Managern Managern Senior Disability Workern Program/Service Coordinator

Further StudyStudents may continue into University in a related field of study. Advanced standing may be granted. Contact the University for more information.

Course Number: D305 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesChallenger Institute of Technology: Rockingham – February & July Great Southern Institute of Technology: Albany – FebruarySouth West Regional College of TAFE: Bunbury – February (Cert III & IV only)

Admission Requirements Refer to Admission Requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10.

About This CourseThis course is for students who wish to develop their skills and knowledge so that they can develop services and programs to meet the emotional, physical and social needs of people with disabilities. Students learn skills in advanced communication, empowerment techniques and how to design processes to support daily living activities. Students learn how to design and deliver programs that are accessible and enhance community integration. They also develop an understanding of the legal and ethical requirements for working in disability services. As part of this course, students undertake a supervised work placement where they are able to apply the skills and knowledge learnt throughout the course.

Study Pathway


Cert III in Disability D271 (6 months)

Cert IV in Disability D280 (6 months)

Diploma of Disability D305 (1 year)

Year 10–12

CostTuition: $11,000 per year First Aid Certificate: $100 (compulsory prior to work placement) Working with Children Check: $10 –(compulsory prior to work placement)

Additional Requirementsn Please note all students will be required to provide a police clearance from their

home country prior to attending work placement. Students are advised to obtain this clearance prior to arriving in Australia.

Photo supplied by South West Regional College of TAFE

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Major Study Areasn Child developmentn Social, emotional & psychological factors n WA Child Care Regulations

How is this Course Taught?n Lectures n Work based training n Tutorialsn Supervised work placement in a child care centre

Career Opportunitiesn Childcare Workern Child Centre Manager n After School Carer n Child Development Professional

Course Number: D313 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: Leederville – February & July West Coast Institute of Training: Joondalup – February Polytechnic West: Thornlie – February & July South West Regional College of TAFE: Bunbury, Busselton & Margaret River – February Durack Institute of Technology: Geraldton – February Great Southern Institute of Technology: Albany – February C.Y. O’Connor Institute: Northam – February Kimberley TAFE: Broome – February

Admission Requirements Refer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10.

About this Course This course will provide students with the practical skills and knowledge to provide care and meet the social, emotional, physical and educational needs of infants and young children (aged 0-12) in various care settings. They will learn about ethical work practices and the legal requirements of the child care industry. They will also learn skills in planning care routines, planning, delivering and evaluating activities and fostering all aspects of a child’s development. Students will learn about program development, working with families, observing and recording children’s behaviour, working with culturally diverse clients and managing safety in the workplace. As part of this qualification students will undertake a supervised work placement where they will be able to apply the skills and knowledge they have learned.

Help kids make the most of their lives. Learn about care program development for children from birth to 12 years old, working with families, observing and recording children’s behaviour, working with culturally diverse clients and managing safety in the workplace.

Study Pathway

Further Study Graduates will gain entry to the Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Studies) with 6 months advanced standing or in excess of one years advanced standing into the Bachelor of Social Science (Children & Family Studies) at Edith Cowan University.

CostTuition: $11,000 per year First Aid Certificate: $100 (compulsory prior to work placement) Working with Children Check: $10 (compulsory prior to work placement)

Notesn Students enrolled at Polytechnic West and West Coast Institute of Training will

study the Certificate IV in Out of School Hours Care as part of the Certificate III and will be eligible for both awards upon successful completion.

Additional Requirements n Please note all students will be required to provide a police clearance from their

home country prior to attending work placement. Students are advised to obtain this clearance prior to arriving in Australia.


Cert III in Childrens Services D274 (1 year)

Diploma of Childrens Services –Early Childhood Education & Care

D313 (1 year)

Year 10–12

n Cognitive developmentn Language developmentn Health & safety

Frances GospodneticCentral Institute of Technology

Diploma of Children’s Services“I completed my Diploma after working in Children’s Services. Although I already had experience in supervising children, studying this qualification helped me with other aspects of the job. To succeed in this area you need to have a lot o patience and enjoy being with children. Having a qualification also gives you a lot more options.”

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Major Study Areasn Facilitate co-operative behaviourn Support students with special needsn Implementing education programsn Student health & safetyn Working with cultural diversity & students with special needsn Literacy, oral language & numeracyn Support student’s behaviour

How is this Course Taught?n Lectures & classroom deliveryn Industry focus & involvementn Practical skillsn Supervised work placement in a school

Career Opportunitiesn Education Support Worker n Childcare Workern After School Care Workern Disabled Student Carer

Further Study Students who complete this course will be eligible for entry into University programs.

Course Number: D317 Duration: 1.5 years

Campus & IntakesPolytechnic West: Armadale – February & July Midland & Balga – February & July (Cert III & IV only) Central Institute of Technology: Leederville – February & July (Cert III & IV only) South West Regional College of TAFE: Bunbury, Busselton & Margaret River – February (Cert III & IV only) Great Southern Institute of Technology: Albany – February (Certificate III only)

Admission Requirements Refer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10.

About this Course This course will provide students with the practical skills and knowledge to assist the teaching staff in schools from Kindergarten to Year 10 and provide care and supervision for children of all ages. Students will learn the skills needed to enable children to reach their potential in the classroom, how to work effectively with culturally diverse students, families and co-workers and develop strategies to manage challenging behaviours and gain knowledge in working with children with special needs.

Study Pathway


Certificate III in Education Support D275 (6 months)

Certificate IV in Education Support D294 (6 months)

Diploma of Education Support D317 (6 months) Armadale only

Year 10–12

CostTuition: $11,000 per year First Aid Certificate: $100 (compulsory prior to work placement) Working with Children Check: $10 (compulsory prior to work placement)

Additional Requirements n All students are required to provide a police clearance from their home country

prior to attending work placement. Students are advised to obtain this clearance prior to arriving in Australia.

n A police clearance may also be required from relevant Government Departments.

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Major Study Areasn Exercise planning & programmingn Risk analysisn Rehabilitationn Exercise instructionn Fitness appraisaln Use of fitness equipment

How is this Course Taught?n Lecturesn Work based trainingn Practical skills utilising the equipment in the college gymnasium

Career Opportunitiesn Personal Trainern Health & Fitness Professionaln Gym Instructorn Health Consultant

Further Study Graduates can gain entry into the Bachelor of Sports Management or the Bachelor of Science at Edith Cowan University.

Course Number: D030 Duration: 1 year

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: Perth – February & July Polytechnic West: Thornlie – February & July West Coast Institute of Training: Joondalup – February Challenger Institute of Technology: Fremantle – February South West Regional College of TAFE: Bunbury – February

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 11.

About this Course This course will provide students with a wide range of practical skills and knowledge to plan and conduct fitness programs and group exercise classes. They will investigate pathways to work with allied health professionals, undertake basic appraisals, utilise a broad range of fitness equipment and analyse client behaviours and strategies to increase exercise adherence. Students will learn how to analyse risk, respond to emergency situations and maintain equipment. They will also learn to work with specific client groups, including older adults, children and adolescents.

Study Pathway


Certificate III in Fitness D029 (6 months)

Certificate IV in Fitness D030 (6 months)

Year 11–12

CostTuition: $10,500 per year Resource fees: $150 per semester First Aid Certificate: $100 (compulsory prior to work placement) Working with Children Check: $10 (compulsory prior to work placement)

Additional Requirements n All students are required to provide a police clearance from their home country prior to

attending work placement. Students are advised to obtain this clearance prior to arriving in Australia.

n Students will also require a medical clearance due to the physical nature of this course.

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Course Number: D011 Duration: 1 year

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: Leederville – February West Coast Institute of Training: Joondalup – FebruaryChallenger Institute of Technology: Fremantle – February South West Regional College of TAFE: Bunbury – February

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 11.

About this Course This course will provide students with skills to develop, coordinate, coach and officiate in a wide range of sports. They will learn to facilitate the development of competing athletes to improve performance for themselves and/or that of a team. Students will also learn to coach children and people with special needs. Subjects taught include sports science, sport psychology, nutrition, and planning and conducting training programs. As part of this course students will undertake a supervised work placement.

Study Pathway

Major Study Areasn Conduct a sport & recreation session for participantsn Facilitate a groupn Operate in accord with accepted coaching practices, styles & legal & ethical

responsibilitiesn Include special interest groups or people with special needsn Implement the fundamental principles of sports psychologyn Apply rules & regulations to conduct games & competitionsn Apply self reflection techniques to evaluate & modify officiating performancen Implement sports first aid procedures & apply sports first aid

How is this Course Taught?n Lectures & classroom deliveryn Supervised work placement

Career Opportunitiesn Sports Coachn Sports Trainern Sports Development Officern Recreation Officer

Further Study Students may be able to gain entry to University programs in related areas. Please contact the University direct for more information.

CostTuition: $10,500 per year First Aid Certificate: $100 (compulsory prior to work placement) Working with Children Check: $10 (compulsory prior to work placement)


Certificate IV in Sport – Development D011 (1 year)

Year 11–12

Notesn Students enrolled at Central Institute of Technology must specialise in football (soccer

or Australian Rules), tennis, hockey or basketball. Sports are allocated depending on preference and ability.

Additional Requirements n All students are required to provide a police clearance from their home country

prior to attending work placement. Students are advised to obtain this clearance prior to arriving in Australia.

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Course Number: S469 Duration: 1.5 years

Campus & IntakesChallenger Institute of Technology: Fremantle & Peel – February Central Institute of Technology: Mt Lawley – February & July (Cert IV only) Great Southern Institute of Technology: Albany – February (Cert IV only) South West Regional College of TAFE: Bunbury – February (Cert IV only)

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10.

About this Course This course provides students with skills and practical training in facial and body treatments, skin biology, skin science, nutrition, anatomy and physiology and cosmetic surgery. They will learn skills in advanced facial treatments, temporary epilation, bleaching treatments and developing beauty treatment plans. Students will also learn to establish, promote and operate a business, manage finances, apply gel and acrylic nail enhancements, provide aromatic massages and apply makeup. They will also undertake a supervised work placement in a beauty clinic.

Study Pathway

Major Study Areasn Beauty Therapyn Massagen Cosmeticsn Beauty enhancementsn Facial Treatmentsn Aromatherapyn Spa program

How is this Course Taught?n Lecturesn Work based trainingn Supervised work placement in a beauty clinic

Career Opportunitiesn Beauty Therapistn Nail Techniciann Spa Managern Skin Care Professional

CostTuition: $10,500 per year Equipment: $375 per year (retained by student) Resource Fees: $500 per semester Uniform: $65 Books: $50


Certificate IV in Beauty Therapy S468 (1 year)

Diploma of Beauty Therapy S469 (6 months)

Year 10–12

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Course Number: 7151 Duration: 6 months

Campus & IntakesWest Coast Institute of Training: Joondalup – February & July Polytechnic West : Bentley – February & July Durack Institute of Technology: Geraldton – February Great Southern Institute of Technology: Albany – July

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 11 with passes in Science and Maths and an IELTS of 6.0 or equivalent. Alternative entry pathways are available (see below).

About this Course This course provides students with the skills and academic requirements to enter either a Diploma or Bachelor of Nursing qualification. The course is designed for students who have not satisfied the necessary secondary education requirements to enter directly into higher level nursing programs.

Study Pathway

Major Study Areasn Human biologyn Health mathematicsn Sociologyn Chemistry & physicsn Advanced communication skillsn Microbiology & infection control

How is this Course Taught?n Lecturesn Practical skills

Career Opportunitiesn Allied health assistantn Therapy assistant

Further Study Successful completion of this qualification will provide students with the opportunity to gain entry into the Bachelor of Science Nursing (Registered Nursing) at Curtin University of Technology, Edith Cowan University or Murdoch University.

CostTuition: $6,750 per semester


Certificate III in Aged Care Work D269 (6 months)

Year 10-11 Year 12

Certificate IV in Health Science Foundations 7151 (6 months)

Bachelor of Science – Nursing (university)

Bachelor of Science Nursing (university)

Certificate IV in Health Science Foundations 7151 (6 months)

Course Number: D047

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: Mt Lawley – February & JulyWest Coast Institute of Training: Joondalup – February & July CY O’Connor Institute: Northam – February & July

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10.

About this Course This course will provide students with the practical skills and knowledge to assist allied health staff such as Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and Speech Pathologists by helping to implement the patient’s rehabilitation or maintenance therapy programmes. Students are also taught skills on how to prepare written and verbal reports on the progress of the patients. Students who wish to continue into Enrolled Nursing via the pathway – Certificate IV in Preparation for Entry into Enrolled Nursing will need an IELTS score of 6.0 on all bands or equivalent.

Study Pathway

Major Study Areasn Orientation to disability workn Maintain high standards of patient

and client servicesn Assist with client/patient movement

How is this Course Taught?n Lecturesn Classroom discussion

Career Opportunitiesn Allied Health Assistant

Further Study Students can continue into the Certificate IV in Preparation for Entry into Enrolled Nursing 7109 and then the Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled/ Division 2 Nursing) D096.

CostTuition: $5,500 per semester First Aid Certificate: $100 – compulsory prior to work placementWorking with Children Check: $10 – compulsory prior to work placement

Additional Requirementsn Please note that all students will be required to provide a police clearance from

their home country prior to attending work placement. Students are advised to obtain this clearance prior to arriving in Australia.


Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance D047 (6 months)

Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled/ Division 2 Nursing) D096 (1.5 years)

Certificate IV in Preparation for Entry into Enrolled Nursing 7109 (6 months) plus an

IELTS of 6.0

Year 10

n Industry focus & involvementn Supervised work placement

n Therapy Assistant

n Respond effectively to difficult or challenging behaviour

n Apply basic first aid

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Course Number: D096 Duration: 1.5 Years

Campus & IntakesWest Coast Institute of Training: Joondalup – February & JulySouth West Regional College of TAFE: Bunbury – February & JulyGreat Southern Institute of Technology: Albany – February Durack Institute of Technology: Geraldton – February & July Pilbara TAFE: South Hedland – February & July

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or equivalent to Australian year 12 with passes in Science and Mathematics. Students entering the Diploma of Enrolled Nursing directly require an IELTS score of 6.5 on all bands or equivalent. Students who enroll in the pathway programs listed below for Enrolled Nursing either through the Certificate III in Aged Care or the Certificate IV in Preparation for Entry into Enrolled Nursing will need an IELTS score of 6.0 on all bands or equivalent.

About this Course This course provides you with the education & training necessary to achieve competency in the wide range of skills required for the role of an Enrolled Nurse. A large component of the course is supervised clinical practice in hospitals, nursing homes and health care agencies. Students must have passes in the theory components of the course including essential skills in language, literacy, numeracy, communication and interpersonal skills before undertaking a practical placement. The course is taught by a team of Registered Nurses with considerable teaching and clinical experience. After graduation you can register with the Nurses & Midwifery Board of Australia. In order to register with the Nurses Board students require an IELTS score of 7.0 with no band lower than 7.0. Students can choose to continue into Registered Nursing at University.

Study Pathway

Major Study Areasn Implement, monitor & evaluate nursing caren Medication administration & monitoringn Communication & critical thinkingn Professional legal & ethical practicen Anatomy & physiologyn Mental health care

How is this Course Taught?n Lecturesn Work Based Trainingn Practical Skills This course includes on the job practical placements at various hospitals & nursing

homes. These clinical placements might be arranged for any shift on any day at a number or variety of venues within the Perth metropolitan area and regional areas.

Career Opportunities n Enrolled Nurse (comprehensive) subject to registration by the Nursing & Midwifery

Board of Australia

Further Study Students can enroll in the Registered Nursing Degree at University. Advanced standing will be offered but will vary from University to University.

CostTuition: $13,500 per yearWorking With Children Check: $10 (compulsory prior to work placement)Equipment: Uniform: $250

Additional Requirements n Students will be required to provide a medical clearance from a doctor in

Australia including MRSA (Multi-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) screening, immunisation, TB screening and a declaration of any communicable diseases.

n Students will be required to undertake a criminal record screening as a requirement of the Health Department of Western Australia.

n Students will be required to provide a police clearance from their home country prior to attending work placement. Students are advised to obtain this clearance prior to arriving in Australia.

n Please note that some subjects are pre-requisites for entry to the next stage of the course.


Certificate III in Aged Care D269 (6 months) plus an IELTS of 6.0

Diploma of Nursing – Enrolled /Division 2 Nursing D096

(1.5 years)

Certificate IV in Preparation for Entry into Enrolled Nursing 7109 (6 months) plus an IELTS

of 6.0

Diploma of Nursing – Enrolled /Division 2 Nursing D096 (1.5 years) plus an IELTS

of 6.5

Diploma of Nursing – Enrolled /Division 2 Nursing D096

(1.5 years)

Certificate IV in Preparation for Entry into Enrolled Nursing

7109 (6 months)

Year 10 Year 11

Year 12

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Course Number: D074 Duration: 1.5 years

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: Oral Health Centre – Nedlands campus – February & July

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 11 with passes in Science and on IELTS level of 6.0.

About this Course This course provides students with the practical skills and knowledge to an advanced level of chairside assistance to a dentist or dental therapist. Students will learn about infection control policies and procedures, occupational health and safety and effective workplace communication. They will also learn how to prepare a prescribed dental radiographic image, apply the principles of radiation biology and protection in dental practice and assist in oral health care procedures during general anaesthesia and responding effectively to difficult situations.

Study Pathway

Major Study Areasn Communicate with clients & colleagues to support health caren Assist in oral health care procedures during general anaesthesian Produce a dental radiographic imagen Apply the principles of radiation biology & protection in dental practicen Contribute to OHS processesn Implement & monitor infection control policy and procedures

How is this Course Taught?n Lectures & classroom deliveryn Mentored experiencen Live clinicsn Supervised work placement

Career Opportunitiesn Dental Assistant

Further StudyStudents may be able to gain entry to University programs in related areas. Please contact the University direct for more information.

CostTuition: $11,000 per year Equipment – Uniform: $120 First Aid Certificate: $100 (compulsory prior to work placement) Working with Children Check: $10 (compulsory prior to work placement)

Additional Requirementsn Students will be required to provide a police clearance from their home country

prior to attending work placement. Students are advised to obtain this clearance prior to arriving in Australia.

n Students will also require a medical clearance. Details will be provided at college orientation.

Course Number: D089 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: Oral Health Centre – Nedlands Campus – February (every 2 years) Next intake February 2012

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 12

About this Course This course provides students with the practical skills and knowledge to work as a Dental Technician. Students will learn about infection control policies and procedures, occupational health and safety and effective workplace communication. They also learn to construct dentures, bridges, crowns and other dental appliances, and the repair and modification of dentures and appliances.

Study Pathway

Major Study Areasn Complete Denturesn Partial Denturesn Crown & Bridgen Mouthguards

How is this Course Taught?n Lecturesn Practical work experience in the College’s dental laboratoryn Supervised work experience in a commercial dental laboratory

Career Opportunitiesn Dental Technician

Further StudyThere is no further study at Central Institute of Technology. This is a stand alone course.

CostTuition: $13,500 per yearResource $750.00 per sem



Certificate IV in Dental Assisting – Dental Radiography

D074 (1.5 years)

Diploma of Dental Technology D089 (2 years)

Year 11–12 Year 12

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Course Number: D087 Duration: 1.5 years

Campus & IntakesChallenger Institute of Technology: Fremantle – February

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 12 with passes in English & Human Biology. Students should also display evidence of basic massage skills.

About this Course This course provides students with the training to perform massages for relaxation and health purposes. Students learn skills to assess a client’s massage needs and plan and conduct a remedial massage based on a knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathology, and using skills in a wide range of soft tissue massage techniques. Students also learn to work safely and ethically in a health care environment, to communicate effectively with clients and other health care workers, and to operate their own massage practice.

Study Pathway

Major Study Areasn Massagen Health & health related areas

How is this Course Taught?n Lectures n Practical skills

Career Opportunitiesn Massage Therapist

Further StudyGraduates may gain entrance into University in a related field of study. Advanced standing may be granted depending on the relevant degree.

CostTuition: $10,500 per year Equipment Fee: $375 per semester (includes massage table & stool) Resource fees: $150 per semester

Additional Requirementsn Students will be required to provide a police clearance from their home country

prior to attending work placement. Students are advised to obtain this clearance prior to arriving in Australia.

n Students will also require a medical clearance. Details will be provided at college orientation.


Diploma of Remedial Massage D087 (1.5 years)

Year 12

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Photo supplied by West Coast Institute of Training

Photo supplied by Polytechnic West

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Hospitality, travel and tourism are global industries with excellent prospects for employment both in Australia and overseas. TAFE provides students with first class training in modern purpose-built facilities. TAFE restaurants, cafes, bakeries and conference facilities provide students with the practical skills needed to establish an exciting international career.

TAFE courses in this area can lead to careers as Commercial Cooks, Bakers, Pastry Cooks, Hotel Managers, Restaurant Managers, Caterers, Bar Attendants, Baristas, Silver Service Waiters, Sommeliers, Travel Consultants, Tour Wholesalers, Tour Operators, Visitor Information Officers, Tour Guides, Cruise Ship Officers, Conference & Event Organisers.

n Commercial Cookeryn Travel Consultingn Tour Guidingn Event Managementn Hotel Management

If you would like to taste global opportunities,there is no better place to start than TAFE.


n ViticulturenMarine Tourismn Restaurant Managementn Bar Managementn Catering

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Course Number: W056 Duration: 1 year

Campus & IntakesPolytechnic West: Bentley – February & July West Coast Institute of Training: Joondalup – February & July

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10.

About this CourseThis course develops the students practical skills and knowledge in the retail baking sector, including bread making, cakes and pastries and implementing quality and food safety programs. During the first semester the college will arrange for a three month work placement in a bakery. In the second semester they will further develop their practical skills by training at the college’s bakery located on campus.

Study Pathway

Course Number: S620 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesPolytechnic West: Bentley – February & July

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10.

About this CourseThis course provides students with a solid foundation with which to approach a career in patisserie. It aims to provide an awareness of the hospitality industry and to develop practical skills required at the trade cookery level, including preparation to work as a team leader in patisserie operations. Students will be prepared for employment as a Pastry or Patisserie Chef in the hospitality industry. Students can package this course with the Diploma of Hospitality and so undertake a two year hospitality qualification specialising in patisserie.

Study Pathway

Year 10−12 Year 10−12Year 10−12

Certificate II in Food Processing – Retail Baking W051 (6 months)

Certificate III in Food Processing – Retail Baking – combined –W056

(1 year)

Certificate IV in Hospitality – Patisserie S617 (1.5 years)

Certificate III in Food Processing – Retail Baking – combined

W056 (6 months)

Diploma of Hospitality S620 (6 months)



Major Study Areasn Bread bakingn Pastry bakingn Cake bakingn Quality & food safety

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Work based training in a bakeryn Practical skills utilising the on campus bakery

Career Opportunitiesn Pastry Chefn Assistant Chef

Further StudyPlease note that this is a stand alone course, however students may continue into other TAFE WA Hospitality courses with no credits.

CostTuition: $13,500 per year Equipment: $500 – retained by student Resource Fees: $500 per semester

Notesn To obtain this qualification, students will be required to handle

alcohol and all types of meat.n If a student decides to change streams, they may be liable for

additional costs of up to $2000.n Please note that places are not guaranteed to students who change streams.

Major Study Areasn Cakes & gateaus, show pieces,

cake decorationn Confectionary, sugar work,

chocolate work, marzipan work

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Work based training

Career Opportunitiesn Pastry Chef (Cruise liners/hotels/restaurants)

Further StudyOn completion, students can continue into the Advanced Diploma of Hospitality and the Associate Degree in Hospitality Management.

CostTuition: $13,500 per year Equipment: Uniforms & Books $650 – retained by student Resource Fees: Certificate IV – $500 per semester Diploma – $250 per semester

Noten To obtain this qualification, students will be required to handle

alcohol and all types of meat.n If a student decides to change streams, they may be liable for

additional costs of up to $2000.n Please note that places are not guaranteed to students who change


n Specialist breadsn Decorate cakes & dessertsn Slices & Pastryn Produce & decorate gateaux & tortes

n Food safety, food hyigene n Contemporary & traditional dessertsn Basic qualification in cookery

Polytechnic West West Coast Institute of Training

n Baker’s Assistantn Assistant Pastier

n Practical skills utilising the Polytechnic West on campus bakery

n Patissier n Chocolatier

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Course Number: S620 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesPolytechnic West: Bentley – February & July West Coast Institute of Training: Joondalup – February & July Challenger Institute of Technology: Fremantle & Peel – February & July South West Regional College of TAFE: Bunbury & Margaret River – February Great Southern Institute of Technology: Albany – February Durack Institute of Technology: Geraldton – February

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10.

About this CourseThis course provides students with the practical skills and knowledge to plan, supervise and control the operations of hospitality establishments. Students will learn skills in effective communication, leading and managing people, preparing and managing budgets, rostering staff, managing workplace relations and planning and establishing systems and procedures. In addition students will undertake a trade certificate in commercial cookery. Students at Bentley campus can study the Certificate IV in Hospitality – Commercial Cookery for 6 months which will provide them with more specific training in Commercial Cookery.

Study Pathway

Year 10−12

Certificate III in Hospitality – Commercial Cookery S607 (1 year)

Certificate IV in Hospitality – Commercial Cookery S614 Bentley campus only

or Certificate IV in Hospitality S613 (6 months)

Diploma of Hospitality S620 (6 months)


Major Study Areasn Commercial Cookeryn Restaurant planningn Hospitality operationsn Prepare & monitor budgetsn Receive & process reservationsn Develop & implement operational plans

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Work based training in industryn Practical training in the college’s five star training facility located on campusn Students at Challenger TAFE may study by work based training in Industry

Career Opportunitiesn Professional Cookn Restaurant Managern Head Chefn Executive Chefn Hospitality Managern Food & Beverage Manager

Further StudyOn completion students can continue for a further six months into the Advanced Diploma of Hospitality – S623 and then a further 6 months into the Associate Degree in Hospitality Management. Alternatively students can enter a Bachelor of Commerce degree at Curtin University of Technology or Murdoch or Edith Cowan Universities with up to six months advanced standing depending on subjects taken.

CostTuition: $13,500 per year

Equipment: Year 1 – $550 – retained by student Year 2 – $300 – retained by student

Resource Fees: Year 1 – $500 per semester Year 2 – $500 per semester

Notesn To obtain this qualification, students are required to handle alcohol

and all types of meat.n If a student decides to change streams, they will be liable for

additional fees of up to $2000.n Places are not guaranteed to students who change streams.

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Course Number: S620 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesPolytechnic West: Bentley – February & July

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10.

About this CourseThis course provides students with a solid foundation with which to approach a career in South East Asian cookery. They will gain an understanding of the hospitality industry and develop the practical skills required at the trade cookery level, including preparation to work as a team leader in cooking operations. This course will prepare students for employment as an Asian chef in the hospitality industry. You can package this course with the Certificate IV in Hospitality and Diploma of Hospitality for a further 1 year and so undertake a 2 year hospitality qualification specialising in Asian cookery. Students at Bentley campus can study the Certificate IV in Hospitality – Asian Cookery for 6 months which will provide them with more specific training in Asian Cookery.

Study Pathway

Year 10−12

Certificate III in Hospitality – Asian Cookery S608 (1 year)

Major Study Areasn Menu designn Food preparationn South East Asian cuisinen Health & safetyn Food hygiene

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Work based trainingn Practical training in the college’s industrial kitchen and five star training restaurant

located on campus or at various industry locations.

Career Opportunitiesn Asian Chefn Hospitality Managern Supervisorn Head Chefn Operations Manager


Diploma of Hospitality S620 (6 months)

Further StudyOn completion students can continue for a further six months into the Advanced Diploma of Hospitality – S623 and then a further 6 months into the Associate Degree in Hospitality Management. Alternatively students can enter a Bachelor of Commerce degree at Curtin University of Technology or Murdoch or Edith Cowan Universities with up to six months advanced standing depending on subjects taken.

CostTuition: $13,500 per year

Equipment: Year 1 – $500 retained by student Year 2 – $500 retained by student

Resource Fees: Year 1 – $500 per semester Year 2 – $500 per semester

Notesn To obtain this qualification, students will be required to handle

alcohol and all types of meat.n If a student decides to change streams, they may be liable for

additional costs of up to $2000.n Please note that places are not guaranteed to students who change


Certificate IV in Hospitality – Asian Cookery S615 Bentley only

or Certificate IV in Hospitality S613

(6 months)

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Course Number: S620 Duration: 1.5 years

Campus & IntakesPolytechnic West: Bentley – February & July West Coast Institute of Training: Joondalup – February & July Challenger Institute of Technology: Fremantle & Peel – February & July South West Regional College of TAFE: Bunbury – February & July Great Southern Institute of Technology: Albany – February Durack Institute of Technology: Geraldton – February (Certificate IV only)

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10.

About this CourseThis course provides students with the skills and knowledge to be competent in skilled operations and team leading or supervision. Students will learn about the hospitality industry, security, hygiene and safety in the workplace along with the practical skills to serve food and beverages and to supervise the service of food and drink to customers. This course also covers customer service, effective communication, bar operations, preparation and service of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and more. Students will gain hands-on practical training at the College training restaurants where they will interact and serve customers in a realistic working environment as part of your studies. The restaurants have fully equipped bar and coffee making facilities where they will learn drinks preparation and bar skills

The Diploma of Hospitality further develops skills in planning and supervision of operations in various hospitality establishments. Other skills such as communication, leadership, management, budget preparation and managing, workplace relations, staff rosters and procedures and security are enhanced during this period of study.

An accommodation stream is also available at Challenger Institute of Technology. Students interested in this stream should indicate their preference when applying for the course.

Study Pathway

Year 10−12

Certificate IV in Hospitality – S613 (1 year)

Major Study Areasn Food & beveragen Restaurant planningn Hospitality operations n Prepare & monitor budgetsn Securityn Receive & process reservationsn Develop & implement operational plans

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Work based training n Practical training in the College restaurants located on campus


Diploma of Hospitality – S620 (6 months)

Career Opportunitiesn Hospitality Managersn Food & Beverage Managersn Operations Manager n Restaurant Managers

Further StudyOn completion students can continue for a further six months into the Advanced Diploma of Hospitality – S623 and then a further 6 months into the Associate Degree in Hospitality Management. Alternatively students can enter a Bachelor of Commerce degree at Curtin University of Technology or Murdoch or Edith Cowan Universities with up to six months advanced standing depending on subjects taken.

CostTuition: $13,500 per year Equipment: Uniform & Tools – $500 per year – retained by the student Resource Fees: $500 per semester

Notesn To obtain this qualification, students are required to handle alcohol

and all types of meat.n If a student decides to change streams, they will be liable for

additional costs of up to $2000.n Places are not guaranteed to students who change streams.n The Accommodation Services stream is available at Fremantle

campus only. Students wishing to enrol in this stream will need to indicate this preference when applying.

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Course Number: S623 Duration: 6 months

Campus & IntakesPolytechnic West: Bentley – February & July West Coast Institute of Training: Joondalup – February & July Challenger Institute of Technology: Fremantle – February & July

Admission RequirementsCompletion of the Diploma of Hospitality – S620

About this CourseThis course further develops the students knowledge in undertaking specialised management roles in hospitality establishments, particularly five star hotels. They will learn skills that will enable them to develop and manage marketing strategies, manage financial operations and physical assets, develop and implement business and operational plans, recruit and select staff and monitor staff performance. They will also cover the statutory requirements needed for business compliance.

Study Pathway

Year 10−12

Certificate IV in Hospitality S613 (1 year)

Diploma of Hospitality S620 (6 months)

Advanced Diploma of Hospitality S623 (6 months)

Major Study Areasn Restaurant planning – food & beveragen Hospitality operations – hotel managementn Welcoming & reception servicesn Prepare & monitor budgetsn Receive & process reservations

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Practical training in the college’s five star training facility located on campusn Students at Challenger Institute of Technology may study by supervised work

based training in industry

Career Opportunitiesn Hospitality Managern Hotel Managern Front Office Managern Duty Manager

Further StudyOn completion of the Advanced Diploma, students can continue for a further 6 months into the Associate Degree in Hospitality Management at Polytechnic West, Bentley campus followed by the final year of the Bachelor of Commerce (Management) at Murdoch University. Alternatively students can continue into the Bachelor of Hospitality Management at Edith Cowan University with 18 months advanced standing or 12-18 months advanced standing at Curtin University of Technology and Murdoch University depending on subjects taken.

CostTuition: $6,750 per semester Resource fee: $250 per semester.

n Food & Beverage Managern Restaurant Managern Bar Manager

Course Number: DEG1 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesPolytechnic West: Bentley – February & July

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 12 with an IELTS score (Academic) of 6.0 with no band score less than 5.5.

About this CourseThe Associate Degree has been developed in association with Murdoch University to provide students with the academic and practical skills so they can undertake specialised management roles in the hospitality industry, particularly five-star hotels. They will study the two year Associate Degree at Polytechnic West, Bentley campus and upon graduation will be guaranteed entry into the third year of the Bachelor of Commerce degree at Murdoch University. This course provides them with practical industry training at TAFE combined with the academic degree qualification from Murdoch University. Students can specialise in a number of areas within the hospitality industry and establish a successful career.

Study Pathway

Year 10−11

Certificate IV in Hospitality S613 (1 year)

Diploma of Hospitality S620 (6 months)

Year 12

Associate Degree in Hospitality Management DEG1 (2 years)

Major Study Areasn Rooms managementn Hotel & restaurant information systemsn Management, accountingn Food & beverage management

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Practical training in the college’s five star training facility located on campus

Career Opportunitiesn Hotel General Managern Operations Managern Director of Accommodation Services

Further StudyOn completion, students are guaranteed entry into the third year of the Bachelor of Commerce (Hospitality & Tourism Management) degree at Murdoch University.

CostTuition: $12,200 per year


n Develop & implement operational plans & marketing strategies

n Manage financial operations & physical assets

n Recruit, select, train & monitor staff

Advanced Diploma of Hospitality S623 (6 months)

Associate Degree in Hospitality Management DEG1 (6 months)

n Legal environment & commercial lawn Finance & bankingn Hospitality, tourism & events


n Duty Managern Food & Beverage Directorn Restaurant Manager

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Course Number: WS25 Duration: 1 year

Campus & IntakesSouth West Regional College of TAFE: Margaret River – FebruaryGreat Southern Institute of Technology: Albany – February

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 11.

About this CourseThis course will develop the students’ practical skills and knowledge of wine grape growing to undertake a range of activities in a vineyard and winery. It is a hands-on course with a focus on ensuring grape quality for high quality wines. Students learn skills in planting, canopy management, harvesting, operating equipment and be involved in grape crushing, pressing and evaluating different wines.

The timetable is structured according to the seasonal needs of the industry while still meeting the outcomes of the course. Students will gain the skills necessary during their study time to allow them to be employed in local commercial vineyards during TAFE semester breaks.

The college helps to arrange paid work for students participating in this course.

Major Study Areasn All aspects of canopy managementn Harvesting grapes by hand & machinen Grape crushing & processingn Pruning techniquesn Vine diseases & disorders

including treatmentsn Trellis design & constructionn Field nursery activities & vine training

How is This Course Taught?n The course is very practical – 50% of the content will be taught in the local

vineyard next to the TAFE Collegen Excursions to vineyards in the region to study the variations in techniques and

management of vines

Career Opportunitiesn Vineyard or Team Supervisorn Assistant Wine Makern Winery Tour Organiser

Further StudyStudents can enrol in further study at university in the following areas: Wine Science, Viticulture Science, Oenology, Wine Tourism and Wine Marketing.

CostTuition: $10,500 per year Equipment: Tools & Special Clothing – $300 per year Resource Fees: $350 per year

NotesStart dates

Semester 1 – 2011Start date: 8th February(vintage season) 1 Week break: 28th – 31st March Finish date: 10th June

10 week break with full time work in commercial vineyards (pruning season)

Semester 2 – 2011Start date: 23rd August 1 week break: 26th – 30th September Finish date: 2nd December



Course Number: S619

Duration: 1 year – Challenger Institute of Technology 1.5 years – West Coast Institute of Training, Central Institute of Technology & Polytechnic West

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: Perth – February & July West Coast Institute of Training: Joondalup – February & July Challenger Institute of Technology: Fremantle – February & JulyPolytechnic West: Bentley – February & July

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10.

About this CourseThis course provides students with the practical skills and knowledge to plan and organise special events and to manage and supervise such activities. They will learn skills in coaching and managing staff, marketing, developing event proposals, bids and programs, developing sponsorship programs, managing projects and onsite events management. Please note that students enrolled at Challenger Institute of Technology will complete this course in 1 year.

Study Pathway

Year 10−12

Certificate III in Events S605 (6 months)

Diploma of Events S619 – Challenger Institute of Technology (6 months)

or Central Institute of Technology, West Coast Institute of Training &

Polytechnic West (1 year)

Major Study Areasn Event operationsn Organisational techniquesn Planning and promotionn Sponsorshipn Project management

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Practical skillsn Opportunities to organise on campus and industry events

Career Opportunitiesn Events Managern Exhibition Coordinatorn Festival Managern Functions Coordinator

Further StudySuccessful completion of the Diploma of Events will allow students to enter Edith Cowan University or Curtin University of Technology in related degrees with advanced standing depending on units studied at TAFE.

CostTuition: $10,500 per year


n Cellar Door Supervisorn Cellar Operations

n Operations of tractors, vineyard equipment, seeders & spreaders

n Irrigation installation, operation & programming

n Coordinating teams, occupational health & safety

n Evaluating wines

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Course Number: S618

Duration: 1 year – Challenger Institute of Technology 1.5 years – West Coast Institute of Training Central Institute of Technology

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: Perth – February West Coast Institute of Training: Joondalup – February & July Challenger Institute of Technology: Fremantle – February & July

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10.

About this CourseThis course will provide students with the practical skills and knowledge to supervise operations within the travel industry. They will learn to provide travel information and advice, process bookings and develop tour packages. This course includes a wide spectrum on management related skills concentrating on the operational side of the tourism industry. Please note that students enrolled at Challenger Institute of Technology will complete this course in 1 year.

Study Pathway

Year 10−12 Year 10−12

Diploma of Tourism S618 (1 year)

Certificate III in Tourism – Retail Sales S601

(6 months)

Diploma of Tourism S618 (1 year)

Advanced Diploma of Tourism S621 (6 months)

West Coast Institute of Training only

Major Study Areasn Event operationsn Organisational techniquesn Planning and promotionn Sponsorshipn Travel bookingsn Developing tour packages

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Practical skillsn Opportunities to organise on campus and industry eventsn Tour Operatorn Travel Coordinator


Challenger Institute of Technology (1 year)

West Coast Institute of Training & Central Institute of Technology

(1.5 years)

Career Opportunitiesn Travel Agency Managern Tourism Salesperson

Further StudyAfter completion of the Diploma of Tourism students can enrol into the Advanced Diploma of Tourism at West Coast Institute of Training or students can enter Edith Cowan University or Curtin University of Technology in related fields of study with advanced standing depending on units studied at TAFE.

CostTuition: $10,500 per year

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Course Number: S621 Duration: 1.5 years

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: Perth – February

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 12.

About this CourseThis course will develop the student’s practical skills and knowledge to manage, promote and organise events and tourism services and products. The focus is on research, analysis, diagnosis, decision making, ideas generation and accountability of the manager. They will learn skills in developing business plans, financial management and managing staff and resources. Please note that this is a stand alone course.

Study Pathway

Year 12

Advanced Diploma of Tourism S621 (1.5 years)

Major Study Areasn Event planning & event proposalsn Sponsorshipn Project managementn Develop & implement business plansn Management, marketing & financen Office administration & customer servicen Recruiting, selecting & managing staff

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Work based trainingn Practical skills

Career Opportunitiesn Travel Agency Managern Operations Managern Tourism Sales Managern Marketing Managern Tourism Business Owner

Further StudyGraduates can continue into a Bachelor of Commerce degree at Curtin University of Technology or Murdoch or Edith Cowan Universities with up to 12 months advanced standing depending on grades and subjects studied.

CostTuition: $10,500 per year

Photo supplied by Central Institute of Technology

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Photo supplied by West Coast Institute of Training

Photo supplied by West Coast Institute of Training Photo supplied by West Coast Institute of Training

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Global skills shortages in information and communication technology (ICT) have increased over the last few years creating exciting opportunities for new graduates in this field. Information technology is fundamental to every industry sector and IT skills give graduates world wide employability.

TAFE courses in this area can lead to careers as Information Technology Managers, System Designers, Software Designers, Analysts, Programmers, Computer Technicians, Networking & Systems Administrators, Database Administrators, Graphics & Multimedia Personnel.

n Software developmentn Programmingn Systems administrationn Website managementn Interactive Games Development

If you seek to shape the digital age,there is no better place to start than TAFE.


n Multimedian Network designn Network managementn Database administrationn Systems design

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Course Number: D202 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: East Perth – February Polytechnic West: Thornlie – February & July (Certificate III only)

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 11 or completion of the Certificate II in Information Technology – C857.

About this CourseThis course will provide students with the practical skills and knowledge to use a range of specialised, technical or managerial skills to plan, carry out and evaluate work in the digital media industry. Students may apply solutions to a defined range of unpredictable problems, and analyse and evaluate information from a variety of sources. They will learn to author interactive media, design and create user interfaces and apply scripting language in authoring. They can choose to learn to create visual design components, manage projects and write content for a range of media. Students will further their skills in how to design web environments, information architecture, interaction and digital simulations. Students can choose to learn to apply scripting language in authoring, create technical documentation and provide services on a freelance basis.

Study Pathway

Year 11–12

Certificate III in Media – Digital D192 (6 months)

Certificate IV in Interactive Digital Media D196 (6 months)

Diploma of Interactive Digital Media D202 (1 year)

Advanced Diploma of Animation 7312 (1 year)

Major Study Areasn Interpret & respond to a design briefn Coordinate the testing of interactive media productsn Design web environmentsn Design information architecture & interactionn Design digital simulationsn Create technical documentationn Implement quality assurance process for websitesn Apply scripting language in authoringn Provide services on a freelance basisn Conduct researchn 2D & 3D Animationn Desktop Publishing

How is This Course Taught?n Computer workshops n Project based work n Opportunities to showcase work to potential employersn Work with industry on specific projects

Career Opportunitiesn Web Designer / Managern Animatorn Multimedia Professional n Graphic Designern Rich Media Designer

Further StudyGraduates can continue into the Advanced Diploma of Animation – 7312 or they can enter into a relevant degree at Curtin University of Technology, Murdoch University or Edith Cowan University with up to 12 months of advanced standing depending on subjects studied.

CostTuition: $10,500 per year

Photo supplied by Central Institute of Technology

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Course Number: 7547 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: East Perth – February

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10 with passes in Maths.

About this CourseThis course will provide students with the skills and knowledge to conceptualise a computer game and then take it through the pre-production and production phases, perform quality assurance and user testing ready for release. Students may elect to specialise in one of the two streams available, which is either the Technical Artist or Games Programmer pathway.

Study Pathway

Course Number: C875 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesWest Coast Institute of Training: Joondalup – February & JulyPolytechnic West: Thornlie – February & JulySouth West Regional College of TAFE: Margaret River – February & July (Cert IV only)

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 17 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10 with passes in Maths.

About this CourseThis course will provide students with the skills and knowledge to design and develop multimedia programs specialising in games, art and multimedia. They will learn all facets of multimedia design and how they are incorporated with the games, art and animation industry.

Study Pathway

Year 10–12Year 10–12 Year 10–12

Certificate III in Media – Digital D192 (6 months)

Certificate IV in Interactive Games Development 7537

(6 months)

Certificate III in Information Technology – Applications CT07

(6 months)

Certificate II in Information Technology – C857 (6 months)

Diploma of Interactive Games Development 7547 (1 year)

Certificate IV in Information Technology – Multimedia

C866 (6 months)

Certificate IV in Information Technology – Multimedia C866

(6 months)

Certificate III in Information Technology – Applications CT07 (6 months)

Diploma of Information Technology

– Multimedia C875 (1 year)

Diploma of Information Technology – Multimedia C875 (6 months)

Major Study Areasn Digital media n Design n Animation

How is This Course Taught?n Workshops n Practical skills training

Career Opportunitiesn Gaming Designer n 3D Modeller

Further StudyGraduates who complete the Technical Artist Stream can continue into the Advanced Diploma of Animation – 7312. Graduates can also gain entry into a relevant Bachelor degree at Curtin University of Technology or Murdoch or Edith Cowan Universities with up to 12 months advanced standing depending on grades and subjects studied.

CostTuition: $10,500 per year

Notesn Students can choose to specialise in either the Technical Artist or Programmer

stream from the Certificate IV level.

Major Study Areasn Multimedian Design

How is This Course Taught?n Lectures

Career Opportunitiesn Gaming Designer

Further StudyGraduates can gain entry into a relevant Bachelor degree at Curtin University of Technology or Murdoch or Edith Cowan Universities with up to 12 months advanced standing depending on grades and subjects studied.

CostTuition: $10,500 per year

Notesn Students enrolled at West Coast Institute of Training must complete the full 2 years before

the Diploma is awarded. There is an exit point available at Certificate III level only.n At West Coast Institute of Training, the use of a “state of the art” motion capture studio

facility is incorporated in some animation elements in the Diploma level of the course.

n Application systems

n 3D modellingn Sound design

n Game Programmer n Animator

West Coast Institute of Training Polytechnic West

n Supervised work placement n Practical skills training

n Animator n Animation Software Specialist

n Animationn Gaming art

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West Coast Institute of Training & Polytechnic West Pathway

( 2 years)Central Institute of Technology

Pathway (2.5 years)

Challenger Institute of Technology Pathway (2.5 years)


Course Number: C870

Duration: 2 years – West Coast Institute of Training & Polytechnic West 2.5 years – Central Institute of Technology & Challenger Institute of Technology

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: East Perth – February & July West Coast Institute of Training: Joondalup – February & July Polytechnic West: Thornlie & Balga – February & July Challenger Institute of Technology: Fremantle E-Tech & Rockingham – February & July South West Regional College of TAFE: Bunbury (Certificate III & IV only)

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10 with passes in Maths.

About this CourseThis course provides students with the practical skills and knowledge to install and administer a computer network, diagnose and action network problems, configure and administer a network, automate network processes and network security. They will also assess client network requirements, design the system infrastructure and implement the design plan. They learn skills in internet/intranet gateways, bridges/switches and installation/configuration of routers and networks, project management and the ongoing management of networks including security, maintenance, troubleshooting and upgrading.

Study Pathway

Year 10–12 Year 10–12

Year 10–12

Certificate II in Information Technology C857 (6 months)

Certificate II in Information Technology C857 (6 months)

Certificate II in Information Technology C857 (6 months)

Certificate III in Information Technology – Network

Administration CT08 (6 months)

Certificate III in Information Technology – Network

Administration CT08 (6 months)

Certificate III in Information Technology – Network

Administration CT08 (6 months)

Certificate IV in Information Technology – Networking C862

(6 months)

Certificate IV in Information Technology – Networking C862

(1 year)

Certificate IV in Information Technology – Networking C862

(6 months)

Diploma of Information Technology – Networking C870 (6 months)

Advanced Diploma of Information Technology – Networking Security

D345 (6 months) Polytechnic West – Thornlie

campus only

Diploma of Information Technology – Networking C870

(6 months)

Diploma of Information Technology – Networking C870 (1 year)

Major Study Areasn Business needs & technical requirementsn Install & manage networksn Internet infrastructuren Project managementn Network design

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Practical skills trainingn Fremantle E-Tech Students undertake a cadetship in industry

Career Opportunitiesn Computer Installation Techniciann Network Administration Professionaln IT Support Officern Systems Administratorn Software Expert

Further StudyGraduates can continue into the Advanced Diploma of Information Technology – Network Security which is only offered at the Thornlie Campus or graduates can gain entry into a relevant Bachelor degree at Curtin University of Technology or Murdoch or Edith Cowan Universities with up to 12 months advanced standing depending on grades and subjects studied. Degrees include Bachelor of Science (Computer Science), Bachelor of Science (Network Technology), Bachelor of Science (Internet Computing) or Bachelor of Science (Information Systems Development).

CostTuition: $10,500 per year

Notesn Students enrolled at Central Institute of Technology will have their computing and

IT skills tested upon arrival at the college. If your skills are advanced, you may be placed in a higher level course. The duration of your course will be adjusted accordingly.

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Course Number: C873

Duration: 2 years – Polytechnic West 2.5 years – West Coast Institute of Training & Central Institute of Technology 3 years – Challenger Institute of Technology

Campus and IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: East Perth – February & July Polytechnic West: Thornlie – February & July West Coast Institute of Training: Joondalup – February & July Challenger Institute of Technology: Rockingham – February

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10.

About this CourseThis course has been developed for students wishing to pursue a career in the information technology industry with emphasis on programming and software design. They will be able to use PC-based software applications and networks effectively. Specialist skills will be developed in software development. Students will undertake a significant amount of work experience which is arranged by the college.

Study Pathway

Polytechnic West Pathway (2 years)

Year 10–12 Year 10–12

Year 10–12 Year 10–12

West Coast Institute of Training Pathway (2.5 years)

Central Institute of Technology Pathway (2.5 years)

Challenger Institute of Technology Pathway (3 years)

Certificate II in Information Technology C857 (6 months)

Certificate II in Information Technology C857 (6 months)

Certificate II in Information Technology C857 (6 months)

Certificate II in Information Technology C857 (6 months)

Certificate III in Information Technology – Applications CT07

(6 months)

Certificate III in Information Technology – Applications CT07

(6 months)

Certificate III in Information Technology – Applications CT07

(6 months)

Certificate III in Information Technology – Applications CT07

(6 months)

Certificate IV in Information Technology – Programming

C863 (6 months)

Certificate IV in Information Technology – Programming

C863 (6 months)

Certificate IV in Information Technology – Programming

C863 (1 year)

Certificate IV in Information Technology – Programming

C863 (1 year)

Diploma of Information Technology – Software

Development C873 (6 months)

Diploma of Information Technology – Software

Development C873 (1 year)

Diploma of Information Technology – Software

Development C873 (6 months)

Diploma of Information Technology – Software

Development C873 (1 year)

Major Study Areasn Software applicationsn Business needs & technical requirementsn Programming

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Supervised work placementn Practical skills training

Career Opportunitiesn Software Programmern Network Developern Computer Techniciann Information Technology Professional

Further StudyGraduates gain up to one year of advanced standing in a Bachelor of Science degree (various computing and IT majors) at Murdoch University, Bachelor of Science (Information Technology or Network Engineering) at Edith Cowan University, Bachelor of Science Computer Science or Information Technology at Curtin University of Technology.

CostTuition: $10,500 per year

Notesn Students enrolled at West Coast Institute of Training & Central Institute of

Technology will complete the Diploma in 2.5 years.n Students at Challenger Institute of Technology will complete the Diploma in 3 years.n At West Coast Institute of Training, the use of a “state of the art” motion capture

studio facility is incorporated in some animation elements in the Diploma level of the course.

n Students enrolled at West Coast Institute of Training & Central Institute of Technology will have their Computing & IT skills tested upon arrival at the College. If your skills are advanced, you may be placed in a higher level of the course. The duration of your course will be adjusted accordingly.

n Students enrolled at Central Institute of Technology will graduate with a dual qualification – including the Diploma of Database Design (based on oracle).

n Software integrationn System design

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Course Number: C867 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesPolytechnic West: Thornlie – February & July

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10.

About this CourseThis course provides students with the skills and knowledge to be competent in a range of Information Technology fields. Students will develop skills in managing simple projects, producing reports and technical documentation. They will then be able to specialise in fields such as introductory programming, web development and multimedia. They will also gain the practical skills and knowledge to manage and support a commercial computer system and its users. Students will learn skills in complex project management, high level client support, commercial website development and media.

Study Pathway

Certificate II in Information Technology C857 (6 months)

Certificate III in Information Technology – Applications CT07

(6 months)

Certificate IV in Information Technology – General C859

(6 months)

Diploma of Information Technology – General

C867 (6 months)

Major Study Areasn Project managementn Introductory programmingn Website developmentn Multimedian Commercial website developmentn High level client support

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Laboratory

Career OpportunitiesThis course is designed to be very flexible with a wide selection of unit choices and options. It is intended that the course will provide the skills and knowledge required for an individual to operate effectively in a high level ICT technical support role within organisations.

Further StudyUniversity opportunities for further study may be available. Please contact the Universities direct for more information.

CostTuition: $10,500 per year

Year 10–12

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Course Number: C872

Duration: 2 years – Polytechnic West 2.5 years – Central Institute of Technology

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: East Perth – February & July Polytechnic West: Thornlie – February & July

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10 with passes in Maths.

About this CourseThis course has a strong ICT base with the potential for you to select a range of design and multimedia modules. Students will learn about technical performance analysis and reporting, development of protocols for transferring content, maintenance of standards and security, building websites and creating script. This course also provides them with the skills and knowledge to be competent as a senior ICT professional with responsibilities spanning design, development, website architecture, site performance, database integration through to implementation and acceptance testing. Students can choose between the website administration stream or website design stream.

Study Pathway

Certificate II in Information Technology C857 (6 months)

Certificate II in Information Technology C857 (6 months)

Certificate III in Information Technology – Applications

CT07 (6 months)

Certificate III in Information Technology – Applications CT07

(6 months)

Certificate IV in Information Technology – Website Design

CT12 (1 year)

Certificate IV in Information Technology – Website Design

CT12 (6 months)

Diploma of Information Technology – Website

Development C872 (6 months)

Diploma of Information Technology – Website

Development C872 (6 months)

Major Study Areasn Website administrationn Website designn Database/website integrationn Technical requirementsn Programmingn System maintenance

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Practical skills

Career Opportunitiesn Internet Webmastern Internet Administratorn Multimedia Authorn Web Administratorn Website Coordinatorn Web Development Officer

Further StudyGraduates can gain entry into a relevant Bachelor degree at Curtin University of Technology or Murdoch or Edith Cowan universities with up to 12 months advanced standing depending on grades and subjects studied.

CostTuition: $10,500 per year

Notesn Students enrolled at Central Institute of Technology will have their computing &

IT skills tested upon arrival at the college. If your skills are advanced, you may be placed in a higher level course. The duration of your course will be adjusted accordingly.

Year 10–12

Polytechnic West Pathway (2 years)

Year 10–12

Central Institute of Technology Pathway (2.5 years)

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Photo supplied by Kimberley TAFE


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This diverse range of courses will provide TAFE graduates with the specialist training and technical skills needed to find employment in exciting, traditional and emerging industries. For students with aspirations for a career outside the office these courses might be for you.

TAFE courses in this area can lead to careers as Environmental Officers, Foresters, Bushland Regeneration Officers, Laboratory Technicians in the medical, environmental, mining, biological & chemical fields, Animal Carers, Vet Nurses, Horse Trainers, Stablehands, Horticulturalists, Greenkeepers, Gardeners, Landscapers & Aquaculture Farmers.

n Landscapingn Horticulturen Irrigationn Forestryn Environmental Management

If you aim to develop a sustainable future,there is no better place to start than TAFE.


n Laboratory Technologyn Aquaculturen Veterinarian Nursingn Stablehand

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Course Number: W737 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesCentral Institute of Technology: East Perth – February & July Polytechnic West: Thornlie – February & July Challenger Institute of Technology: Murdoch – February South West Regional College of TAFE: Bunbury – February (Cert IV & Diploma only) Durack Institute of Technology: Geraldton – February & July

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 12 with passes in Maths & Science or completion of the Certificate III in Laboratory Skills – C728.

About this CourseThis course will enable students to select subjects that will provide specific training in a diverse range of industries including chemical, medical, pathology, mining, biological and environmental fields. Students will learn skills to process data and maintain accurate records, participate in total quality control management, develop, organise and utilise resources efficiently, and communicate with technical, scientific and other personnel. They will learn to collect and prepare samples and conduct experiments in the physical, chemical, biological and life sciences. They will also learn how to prepare cultures, perform sterile techniques and assist with field work.

Study Pathway

Course Number: 5019 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesChallenger Institute of Technology: Murdoch – February Central Institute of Technology: East Perth – FebruaryDurack Institute of Technology: Geraldton – February

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 12.

About this CourseThis course will provide students with the practical skills and knowledge to measure and record environmental data for the purposes of minimising the impact of human activity on the environment. They will learn scientific and technical skills used in environmental impact assessment and management, waste management, pollution monitoring and energy management. They will also learn about biology, wetland management, soil science, statistical and geographical information systems (GIS), computing applications, environmental issues and laws. As part of the course students will also undertake an environmental project.

Study Pathway

Year 10–11

Year 11 Year 12

Year 12

Certificate III in Laboratory Skills W735 (6 months)

Certificate IV in Environmental Science Management 5020 (1 year)

Diploma of Environmental Science Management 5019

(1 year)

Certificate III in Environmental Science Management 5192 (6 months) July intake at

Central only

Certificate IV in Environmental Science Management – 5020

(1 year)

Diploma of Environmental Science Management 5019 (1 year)

Certificate IV in Laboratory Techniques W736 (1 year)

Certificate IV in Laboratory Techniques W736 (1 year)

Diploma of Laboratory Technology W737 (1 year)

Diploma of Laboratory Technology W737 (1 year)

Major Study Areasn Microbiologyn Molecular biologyn Biomedical science

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Practical skills at on campus laboratories

Career Opportunitiesn Laboratory Techniciann Technical Officer

Further StudyGraduates can gain entry into a relevant Bachelor degree at Curtin University of Technology or Murdoch or Edith Cowan Universities with up to 12 months advanced standing depending on grades and subjects studied.

CostTuition: $10,500 per year Equipment: $100 – Safety glasses & laboratory coat (retained by student). Resource Fees: $370 per semester

Major Study Areasn Plants & animalsn Toxic managementn Environmental auditing

How is This Course Taught?n Lectures

Career Opportunitiesn Environmental Techniciann Technical Officern Assistant Field Hydrologist

Further StudyGraduates can gain entry into a Bachelor of Technology (Environmental Technology) or Bachelor of Environmental Management degree at Murdoch University with up to 12 months advanced standing.

CostTuition: $10,500 per year Equipment: $100 – Safety glasses & laboratory coat (retained by student). Resource Fees: $265 per semester

n Chemical sciencen Field work

n Field Officern Senior Technician

n Biology & wetland managementn Project managementn Undertake an environmental project

n Undertake an environmental project

n Water Resources Officern Local Government Officer

n Supervised industry work placements

n Practical skills

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Course Number: S358 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesChallenger Institute of Technology: Murdoch – February & July West Coast Institute of Training: Joondalup – February & July South West Regional College of TAFE: Bunbury – February & July Great Southern Institute of Technology: Albany – FebruaryKimberley TAFE: Broome & Kununurra – February & July

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10.

About this CourseThis course will develop the student’s practical skills and knowledge to plan, implement and manage operations and processes in their chosen field of horticultural specialisation. These specialisations include general, landscape, turf management and irrigation. Students will learn skills in a range of subjects that will enable you to design, implement, manage and evaluate horticultural procedures and operations. Training is provided in the areas of gardening, nursery, pests, weeds, irrigation, soils, machinery, chemicals, landscape gardening, health and safety.

Study Pathway

Year 10–12

Certificate II in Horticulture S334 or Certificate II in

Horticulture – Landscape S337 (6 months)

Certificate III in Horticulture S342 or Certificate III in Horticulture – Landscape

S345 (6 months)

Certificate IV in Horticulture S350 (6 months)

Diploma of Horticulture S358 (6 months)

Major Study Areasn Landscape gardeningn Plant classificationn Operating machinery & equipmentn Turf managementn Hydroponicsn Park & garden restorationn Irrigation systems

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Work based trainingn Practical skills at the colleges plant nurseryn Supervised industry work placements

Career Opportunitiesn Plant Nursery Workern Landscape Gardenern Horticulturalist

Further StudyGraduates can gain entry into a Bachelor of Commerce degree at Curtin University of Technology or Murdoch and Edith Cowan Universities. Students will receive up to 6 months advanced standing depending on their grades and subjects studied.

CostTuition: $10,500 per year Equipment: $250 – retained by student Resource fees: $420 per semester

Notesn Please note that only the General stream of Horticulture (S334 + S342) is offered

at Bunbury.n Please note that only the General & Landscape stream are offered at Challenger

Institute of Technology, West Coast Institute of Training & Kimberley TAFE.

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Course Number: S251 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesChallenger Institute of Technology: Murdoch – February & July West Coast Institute of Training: Joondalup – February & July South West Regional College of TAFE: Bunbury – February & July Durack Institute of Technology: Geraldton – February Great Southern Institute of Technology: Albany – February

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10.

About this CourseThis course will provide students with the practical skills and knowledge required of field staff employed in managing natural resources. There is an emphasis on learning through fieldwork and project-based activities across a range of areas including land management, natural resource management, mine site rehabilitation, forestry and national parks. Students will also learn skills in managing projects, programs and staff.

Study Pathway

Year 10–12

Certificate II in Conservation & Land Management S248

(6 months)

Certificate IV in Conservation & Land Management S250

(6 months)

Certificate III in Conservation & Land Management S249

(6 months)

Diploma of Conservation & Land Management S251 (6 months)

Major Study Areasn Manage fauna populationsn Implement plans of managementn Facilitate development of group goals & projectsn Collect & classify plantsn Develop a management plan for a designated arean Conduct biological surveysn Prepare estimates, quotes & tenders

How is This Course Taught?n Practical industry focusn Field workn Project workn Classroom delivery

Career Opportunitiesn Environmental Officern Land Care Coordinatorn Park Rangern Environmental Education Officern Environmental Planning Officer

Further StudyStudents may be able to gain advanced standing at University in related fields of study.

CostTuition: $10,500 per year Equipment: $250 – Safety Boots & Uniform (retained by student). Resource Fees: $390 per semester

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Course Number: S402 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesChallenger Institute of Technology: Murdoch – February

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10 with passes in Maths and Science.

About this CourseThis course is located at the WA Horticulture & Environmental Science Skills Centre, which is committed to promoting the sustainable use of water through effective and industry relevant irrigation training. This is a recognised irrigation qualification for people involved in all aspects of the irrigation industry, focusing on the world’s most precious resource – water. Challenger Institute of Technology – Murdoch campus is the largest horticulture training centre in Western Australia and the second largest in Australia. Supervised industry placements are a feature of this course.

Study Pathway

Course Number: SS39 Duration: 15 weeks full time study

Campus & IntakesChallenger Institute of Technology: WA Maritime Training Centre, Fremantle

Start & End Dates 7th February – 3rd June 2011 18th July – 11th November 2011

Admission RequirementsEquivalent to Australian Year 12 with passes in Maths and Physics (preferable). Students are also required to have an IELTS Overall score of 5.5 (no band lower than 5.0). Students need to have a Senior First Aid or Elementary First Aid Certificate before they can attend the Medical First Aid course.

About this CourseThis course provides students with the first stage of training for a Deck Cadet embarking on a seagoing career. It includes the minimum pre sea safety training requirements set out in STCW 95 as well as background in shipboard operations and seamanship. This course is the first stage of the pathway for the Diploma of Transport and Distribution – Maritime Operations – Deck Watchkeeper – S527.

Study Pathway

Year 10–12

Year 12Certificate III in Horticulture – Turf

Management S349 (1 year)

Phase 1Certificate III in Transport & Distribution –

Maritime Operations – Deck Cadet SS39 (15 weeks)

Certificate IV in Irrigation – S396 (6 months)

Diploma of Irrigation – S402 (6 months)

Phase 218-24 months sea service as Deck Cadet

Diploma of Transport & Distribution – Maritime Operations – Deck Watchkeeper S527

(42 weeks)

Major Study Areasn Audit irrigation systemsn Design irrigation system maintenance & monitor programsn Design irrigation, drainage & water treatment systemsn Manager water systems

How is This Course Taught?n Classroom & fieldworkn Industry focus & involvementn Supervised work placement

Career Opportunitiesn Irrigation Installern Retail Managern Irrigation Contractorn Irrigation Drainern Irrigation Maintenance Fittern Irrigation Manager

Further Studyn Students may be able to gain entry into University programs in related areas.

CostTuition: $10,500 per year Equipment: $250 – (retained by student) Resource Fees: $420 per semester

Major Study Areasn Introduction to Shipping Industry n General Ship Knowledgen Personal Safety & Social Responsibilities n Bridge Dutiesn Personal Survival Techniques n Deck & Cargo Dutiesn Elementary First Aid

Initial Seagoing Experiences (Phase 2)Students undertaking Phase 2 are employed at sea as Deck Cadets. Whilst undertaking many routine and operational duties at sea, at the discretion of the ship’s officers, the Cadet will complete an on the job Structured Shipboard Training Program (SSTP). This training programme consists of paper based learning materials, self tests, assignments and record book compilation. This training is designed to lead the student through the various duties expected of a Deck Watchkeeper. If pre sea training is completed in Australia, 18 months employment at sea as a Deck Cadet is required. If pre sea training is completed overseas, 24 months employment at sea as a Deck Cadet is required.

Further Studyn Diploma of Transport & Distribution – Maritime Operations – Deck Watchkeeper – S527

CostTuition Fees: $6,850 per semester (length of course)

n Ship Maintenancen Fire Prevention & Fighting n Navigationn Small Boat Handling n Training Voyagen Radio Operators Certificaten On Board Training

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Course Number: S527 Duration: 42 weeks full time study (9 months)

Campus & IntakesChallenger Institute of Technology: WA Maritime Training Centre, Fremantle

Start & End Dates 31st January – 11th November 20117th June 2011 – 30th March 201222nd August 2011 – 3rd July 2012

Admission RequirementsEquivalent To Australian Year 12 or successful completion of the Certificate III In Transport & Distribution – Maritime Operations – Deck Cadet (SS39) or Sea Service or 36 Months Approved Sea Time on Vessels over 80 GT Including a Minimum of 12 months on Trading Vessels over 500 GT (as evidenced by letter of assessment issued by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority). At least 6 months must have been serviced as understudy of the Officer in Charge of a navigation watch. Reduction in sea time (remissions) may apply on application to the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA). Students need to have a Senior First Aid or Elementary First Aid Certificate before they can attend the medical first aid course.

About this CourseThis course provides the academic knowledge required for Seafarers to be a Watchkeeping Officer on any vessel of any size trading around the world. This course has been modified to meet the STCW 95 code table A-II/1 in consultation with the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA).

Study Pathway

Year 12 Year 12

Phase 1Certificate III in Transport & Distribution –

Maritime Operations – Deck Cadet SS39 (15 weeks)

36 Months Sea Service as a Deck Cadet

Phase 218-24 months sea service as Deck Cadet

Diploma of Transport & Distribution – Deck Watchkeeper – S527 42 Weeks (9 months)

Diploma of Transport & Distribution – Deck Watchkeeper – S527 42 Weeks (9 months)

Major Study Areasn Occupational Health & Safetyn Stabilityn Fire Prevention & Fire Fighting n Securityn Proficiency in Survival n Craft & Rescue Boatsn Engineeringn Managementn Advanced Fire Fighting n Plan a Passagen GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress & Safety System)

n Fix Positionn Medical First Aidn Enabling Computingn Radar & Bridge Equipment n Weathern Ship Construction & Maintenance n Watch Keepingn Communications n Cargo Operations

Career OpportunitiesCompletion of this course offers graduates the ability to gain employment in the international shipping industry as a Deck Watchkeeper on any sea-going vessel in any operating area.

Awards ConferredSuccessful completion of this Diploma and a subsequent AMSA oral examination completes the criteria for a Deck Watchkeeper Certificate of Competency. This award is internationally recognised.

Further StudyAdvanced Diploma of Transport & Distribution – Maritime Operations – Master Unlimited – S533.

CostTuition: $10,000 per year (length of course)Short Course Fees: $5,000

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Course Number: S533 Duration: 1 year

Admission RequirementsCompletion of the Diploma of Transport & Distribution - Maritime Operations – Deck Watchkeeper –- S527 or completion of the Deck Watchkeeper Certificate plus 12 months approved sea time verified with an assessment letter issued by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA). Students must also complete extra units in the Deck Watchkeeper course if they have not been completed to Australian STCW95 requirements. (PSC, AFF & GMDSS). Students need to have a Senior First Aid or Elementary First Aid before they can attend medical first aid course.

About this CourseThis qualification provides the academic knowledge to prepare Deck Officers to take command or to be Second in Command of a merchant ship trading worldwide. It has been modified to meet the STCW95 code table A-II/2 in consultation with the Australia Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA).

Start & End Dates 31st January 2011 – 27th January 201230th May 2011 – 25th May 201212th September 2011 – 14th September 2012

Study Pathway

Yr 12 plus AMSA approved sea service

Diploma of Transport & Distribution – Maritime Operation – Deck

Watchkeeper S527 (42 weeks / 9 months)

12 – 24 months sea time

Shipmaster qualification

Advanced Diploma of Transport & Distribution – Maritime Operations

– Master unlimited S533 (1 year)

Major Study Areasn Medical Caren Stability Construction & Stressn Machinery & Controln Command Operationsn Communicationsn Marine Computationsn Weathern Principles of Navigation & Compassesn Cargon Nautical Knowledgen Ship Management & Lawn Bridge Resource Management

Awards Conferred Successful completion of this Advanced Diploma and a subsequent AMSA oral examination completes the criteria for a Chief Mate or Master Certificate of Competency depending on the amount of industrial experience held. This award is internationally recognised.

CostTuition: $10,500

Short Course Fees : $5,400 for students that do not hold an Australian Deck Watchkeeper Certificate$2,500 for students that have completed the Australian Deck Watchkeeper Certificate

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Course Number: S441 Duration: 1 year

Campus & IntakesPolytechnic West: Bentley – February Challenger Institute of Technology: Murdoch – February & July

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10.

About this CourseThis course will provide you with the practical skills and knowledge to work in a companion animal environment (including retail). These tasks include providing basic animal nutrition, animal health care, retail service procedures, customer advice on a range of animals, occupational health and safety and the handling and transporting of animals.

Study Pathway

Course Number: S646 Duration: 1 year

Campus & IntakesPolytechnic West: Equine Training Centre – Armadale – February Durack Institute of Technology: Geraldton – February

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10.

About this CourseKeeping horses in tip-top condition requires love, attention, hard work and a lot of skills. If you are passionate about horses, this course will equip you with the theoretical and practical knowledge needed to make a career in this dynamic and exciting industry. Travel anywhere in the world and your talents will be in demand.

Learn about horse health and handling, breeding, gear and rugging, race day procedures and day-to-day care. Students will build the skills required for career pathways to all areas of the Equine Industry.

Study PathwayYear 10–12

Year 10–12

Certificate III in Companion Animal Services S441

(1 year) Certificate III in Racing – Advanced Stablehand S646 (1 year)

Major Study Areasn Animal first aidn Workplace communicationsn Maintain & monitor animal healthn Companion animal selectionn Breedingn Diet & feedingn Manage & maintain aviaries & bird roomsn Provide advice on selection & care of aquatic animalsn Animal care

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Work experience in local pet shops or other animal organisationsn Practical work with animals at Swan TAFE on campus veterinary clinic

Career Opportunitiesn Operator in companion animal organisationn Pet Shop Owner/Operatorn Kennel Operatorn Cattery Operatorn Animal Welfare Worker

Further StudyCertificate IV in Veterinary Nursing (S445). No advanced standing.

CostTuition: $10,500 per year

Equipment: Uniforms & Text books Polytechnic West – $300 per semester Challenger Institute of Technology – $150 per semester

Resource Fees: $300 per semester

Major Study Areasn Care for horsesn Handle horses safelyn Maintain horses in a healthy state & safe environmentn Apply principles of basic anatomy & physiology to horsesn Determine nutritional requirements for standard breeds and thoroughbredsn Perform basic riding or drivingn Work effectively in the thoroughbred or standard bred code of the racing industry

How is This Course Taught?The Polytechnic West Equine Training Centre is a working stable on 20 acres of land only 35 minutes south of Perth city. Students will take part in the day to day running of the stable including:

n Working the horsesn Stable and track work on siten Practical work in industryn Classroom delivery for theory

Career Opportunitiesn Groom n Stablehand n Horse Handlern Trackwork Rider n Racehorse Trainern Harness Driver n Racecourse worker

Further Studyn Certificate III in Racing (Trackrider) (S645)n Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing (S445)

CostTuition: $10,500 per year

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Course Number: S645 Duration: 1 year

Campus & IntakesPolytechnic West: Equine Training Centre: Armadale Certificate II – July intake only Certificate III – February intake only

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 12 with an IELTS score of 5.5 or completion of the Certificate II in Equine Industry – 6654. Students are also advised to have a high level of physical stamina and strength due to the practical component of this course.

About this CourseThis course allows students to gain the required knowledge and understanding of horses in a broad industry environment. Students are required to have a moderate level of physical stamina, strength and coordination including the ability to interpret communication and relationships within an equine environment. This course also allows students to gain the required knowledge and skills to perform exercise for racing horses. This course has a strong practical work place component and the employability outcomes are very high.

Study Pathway

Year 12

Certificate III in Racing – Track Rider – S645 (1 year)

Major Study Areasn Horse handlingn Riding & harness drivingn Nutritional requirementsn Anatomy and physiologyn Breedingn Equine injury & diseasen Effective industry participationn Business management

How is This Course Taught?n Classroom and field activity using ten resident horses situated on 17 acres for

practical training and assessment by fully Qualified and industry recognised trainers and assessors.

n Work placement at organisations that are Industry recognised and approved by the State controlling body (Racing & Wagering Western Australia).

Career OpportunitiesSuccessful completion of this course allows students the opportunity to seek employment all over the world as a Track Rider (subject to local authority licensing arrangements)

Further Studyn Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing – S445

CostTuition: $10,500 per year

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Major Study Areasn Assist with animal care & providing food & water for animalsn Animal first aidn Veterinary nursingn Maintain & monitor animal healthn Surgical assistance & nursing preparation and routinesn Apply radiograph routinesn Animal selection & animal care advicen Veterinary reception dutiesn Veterinary dental nursing

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Work experience with animals in industryn Practical work with animals at the campus veterinary clinic

Career Opportunitiesn Veterinary Nursen Veterinary Surgical Assistantn Veterinary Receptionistn Animal Carern Animal Welfare Worker


Course Number: S445 Duration: 1 year

Campus & IntakesPolytechnic West: Bentley – February Durack Institute of Technology: Geraldton – February

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 12 with passes in Mathematics & Science or completion of the Certificate III in Companion Animal Services – S441 or the Certificate III in Racing – Advanced Stablehand – S646.

About this CourseThis course will provide students with the practical skills and knowledge to assist veterinarians in the treatment and care of animals needing medical and surgical attention. Students will learn to carry out veterinary clinic reception duties. Tasks include assisting with surgical preparations and procedures, respond to emergencies, take blood tests and x-rays, and prepare medicines prescribed by the vet. Practical training is provided at the veterinary clinic located on campus.

Study Pathway

Year 10–11 Year 12

Certificate III in Companion Animal Services S441 or the Certificate III in Racing – Advanced Stablehand S646

(1 year)

Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing S445

(1 year)

Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing S445

(1 year)

Further StudyBased on grades and subjects taken graduates can enter into the Bachelor of Animal Science at Murdoch University.

CostTuition: $12,000 per year Equipment: Uniforms & Text books – $175 per semesterResource Fees: $350 per semester

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Photo supplied by Kimberley TAFE

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Photo supplied by Polytechnic West

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Students seeking practical and theoretical training in the Trades area will have a great start at TAFE WA. Our courses in Bricklaying, Wall & Floor Tiling, Solid Plastering and Carpentry are highly recommended due to the close working relationships that TAFE WA has with industry.

These industry relationships with some of the State’s biggest building companies will ensure that the practical training components of these courses are of the highest standard with qualified personnel providing guidance, training skills and techniques to students.

So if you are interested in pursuing your career in the Trades area, look no further than TAFE WA.

n Bricklaying & Blocklayingn Solid Plasteringn Wall & Floor Tilingn Carpentry

If you aim to develop a sustainable future,there is no better place to start than TAFE.


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Course Number: W577 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesPolytechnic West: Midland – February & July Thornlie – February only Challenger Institute of Technology: Rockingham – February & July

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian Year 10 with passes in Mathematics.

About this CourseThe Certificate III in Bricklaying & Blocklaying provides students with the necessary skills, knowledge and experience to work on a building site in the areas of bricklaying and blocklaying. Students will be provided with comprehensive training in all practical and theoretical aspects of the bricklaying trade. You will learn how to construct ornamental panels, feature walls, arches and columns and decorative brickwork. Students will learn the skills of laying of brickwork/blockwork for domestic, commercial, industrial and public buildings. This course includes work experience at various building sites.

Study Pathway

Course Number: W578 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesPolytechnic West: Midland – February & July Thornlie – July only Balga – February only

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian year 10 with passes in Mathematics.

About this CourseThis course provides students with the skills and abilities to construct and manufacture components for stairs, windows, doors and furnishings. Students will learn how to construct, erect and repair buildings and other structures made of wood, wood substitutes, steel and other materials. The work may vary according to the type of stricture you are working on and may include residential, commercial, industrial and other construction or maintenance. To obtain this qualification students are required to successfully complete 19 core units and 11 elective units in major areas such as interpretation of plans, measurements and calculations, use of power tools and equipment and surface preparation. This course also includes work experience at various building sites.

Study PathwayYear 10–12

Year 10–12Certificate III in Bricklaying & Blocklaying W577 (2 years)

Certificate III in Carpentry W578 (2 years)

Major Study Areasn Trades skills in bricklayingn Practical hand skillsn Product knowledgen Business skills

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Practical skillsn Work based training (on campus & within industry)

Career Opportunitiesn Bricklayer & Blocklaying

Further StudyStudents can continue into the Certificate IV & Diploma of Building & Construction (Building) at TAFE WA.

CostTuition: $11,250 per year Uniform: $250 (approx) retained by the student Resource Fees: $3,000 per year

Notesn Students are required to purchase steel capped work boots, eye protection, work

clothing and a broad brimmed hat.

Major Study Areasn Trades skills in carpentryn Practical hand skillsn Product knowledge

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Practical skillsn Work based training (on campus & within industry)

Career Opportunitiesn Carpenter

Further StudyStudents can continue into the Certificate IV & Diploma of Building & Construction (Building) or the Diploma of Business at TAFE WA.

CostTuition: $11,250 per year Uniform: $250 (approx) retained by the student Resource Fees: $3,000 per year

Notesn Students are required to purchase steel capped work boots, eye protection, work

clothing and a broad brimmed hat.

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Course Number: W586 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesPolytechnic West: Midland – February & July Balga – February only

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirements for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian year 10 with passes in Mathematics.

About this CourseThis course provides students with training in all the practical and theoretical aspects of the solid plastering trade. Students will learn to use solid plastering tools and equipment, apply float and render to straight and curved surfaces, install cast plaster and paper faced cornice, and apply trowelled texture coat finishes. Students will also be taught to apply plain, decorative and protective coverings of plaster, cement or similar materials to the interiors and exteriors of structures. This course also includes work experience at various building sites.

Study Pathway

Course Number: W589 Duration: 2 years

Campus & IntakesPolytechnic West: Midland – February & July

Admission RequirementsRefer to admission requirement for your country on page 21 or Equivalent to Australian year 10 with passes in Mathematics.

About this CourseThis course provides training in all aspects of tiling including wall and floor, mosaic tiling and water proofing processes. The course is delivered at specially designed facilities where the emphasis is placed on providing hands-on, practical training. Students will be taught to lay ceramic, clay, slate, marble, glass and other types of tiles on external and internal walls and floors to provide protective and decorative finishes. Practical trade skills will be taught and students will be exposed to all the theoretical trade knowledge based on the Australian Building Code. To obtain this qualification students are required to successfully complete 19 units in major areas such as interpretation of plans, measurements and calculations, use of power tools and equipment and surface preparation and repairs. This course also includes work experience at various building sites.

Study PathwayYear 10–12

Year 10–12

Certificate III in Solid Plastering W586 (2 years)

Certificate III in Wall & Floor Tiling W147 (2 years)

Major Study Areasn Trades skills in solid plasteringn Practical hand skillsn Product knowledgen Business skills

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Practical skillsn Work based training (on campus & within industry)

Career Opportunitiesn Solid Plasterer

Further StudyStudents can continue into the Certificate IV & Diploma of Building & Construction (Building) at TAFE WA.

CostTuition: $11,250 per year Uniform: $250 (approx) retained by the student Resource Fees: $3,000 per year

Notesn Students are required to purchase steel capped work boots, eye protection, work

clothing and a broad brimmed hat.

Major Study Areasn Trades skills in wall & floor tilingn Practical hand skillsn Product knowledgen Business skills

How is This Course Taught?n Lecturesn Practical skillsn Work based training (on campus & within industry)

Career Opportunitiesn Wall & Floor Tile Layer

Further StudyStudents can continue into the Certificate IV & Diploma of Building & Construction (Building) at TAFE WA.

CostTuition: $11,250 per year Uniform: $250 (approx) retained by the student Resource Fees: $3,000 per year

Notesn Students are required to purchase steel capped work boots, eye protection, work

clothing and a broad brimmed hat.

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APPLICATION PROCEDUREEducation agents are available to assist you with your application and visa. Please go to www.eti.wa.edu.au for details of your nearest agent.

1. CHOOSE A COURSECheck entry requirements, fees and refund policy. Refer to this guide or go to www.eti.wa.edu.au

2. PREPARE YOUR DOCUMENTSPrepare documents to submit with application – please make sure you include:

n Previous education results and transcripts (in English)

n English language evidence

n Art folio (if required)


Apply online at www.eti.wa.edu.au for a quicker turnaround. You will be able to view live availability of student places, or complete the application form in this guide and email the form and supporting documents to: [email protected]

4. LETTER OF OFFERSuccessful applicants will receive a letter of offer and information about how to accept (please allow one week processing time). You may receive a conditional offer if your application is incomplete. Please submit the additional information requested.

5. PRE VISA ACCEPTANCESome students from assessment level 3 and 4 countries may need to submit a Pre Visa Assessment (PVA), please consult your agent or nearest Australian High Commission.

6. ACCEPTANCETo accept your offer pay the tuition fees for the first semester and the overseas student health cover (OSHC) for the duration of your student visa and return the signed acceptance letter to [email protected]

7. CONFIRMATION OF ENROLMENTA confirmation of enrolment (COE) will be emailed to you. Your COE confirms your place in the course and is needed to complete a student visa application. A COE will not be issued until all the offer conditions have been met, tuition fees paid and the acceptance letter has been received.

8. APPLY FOR A STUDENT VISAStudents can use an education agent to assist with making the visa application or apply direct to the nearest Australian High Commission.

9. MAKE TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTSEnsure all travel arrangements are finalised to arrive at least one week before course orientation. We will not accept students who arrive late. Please ensure all visa and travel arrangements are made well in advance.

Note: Some courses are in high demand and students may not get their choice of course or campus. Please read your letter of offer carefully before accepting.

ETI reserves the right to offer students a different campus if places at a preferred campus are no longer available at the time of payment.

Students should check with admissions staff at ETI regarding campus details prior to payment, particularly if some time has lapsed from the time an original offer was made.


Page 111: TAFEWA_guide

Are you app ly ing for a v i sa in Aust ra l ia or outs ide Aust ra l ia? In Outs ide

Do you ho ld an Aust ra l ian V isa? Yes No Exp i r y Date

I f YES, type of V isa: Student Work ing ho l iday Tour i s t/V is i to r Other – spec i fy v i sa subc lass

I f NO, what type of v i sa wi l l you app ly fo r? Student Work ing ho l iday Tour i s t/V is i to r Other – spec i fy v i sa subc lass

Are you cur rent ly enro l led at another Co l lege/Univers i ty in Aust ra l ia? Yes No

Have you been at th i s ins t i tu t ion longer than 6 months? Yes No I f NO, you must p rov ide a re lease le t te r.

Have you been of fe red a Univers i ty package? Yes No

Number and s t reet

Suburb/Town/Count r y Post code

Te lephone (count r y code/area code/number) Emai l address

Count r y of b i r th Nat iona l i ty (as shown on your passpor t) Passpor t number

Do you have a husband, wi fe or any dependents who wi l l be jo in ing you in Aust ra l ia? Yes No

Do you have a phys ica l d i sab i l i ty or learn ing d i f f i cu l ty that may requ i re add i t iona l p rograms, equ ipment or suppor t? (P lease re fer to page 113 of the course gu ide for c la r i f i ca t ion) Yes No I f YES, p lease spec i fy :

Do you have cur rent Overseas Student Hea l th Cover? Yes No

I f YES, who i s your p rov ider?

Membersh ip number : Exp i r y Date

I f NO, do you need Fami ly or S ing le membersh ip? S ing le Fami ly

Course name Campus

Number of weeks Commencement Date ( refer to dates page 9)


1. Persona l Deta i l sName:

Local Address in Australia:

Overseas Contact Details:


3. Heal th Cover

Fami ly name (as shown on your passpor t)

G iven names Prefer red name

Date of b i r th (DD/MM/YY) Sex (Male/Female)

Number and s t reet

Suburb/Town/Count r y Post code

Te lephone (M)

You must attachevidence of currenthealth cover.

Please list highestqualification first. If you would like a specific pathway, please list.

4 . Course Cho iceEngl ish Course:

TAFE Course:

Go onl ine at www.et i .wa.edu.au and complete the onl ine appl icat ion form for a faster response and l ive avai labi l i ty of s tudent p laces or emai l app l i cat ion and suppor t ing documents to : admiss ions.et [email protected]


Course number Course name Campus

Semester/Intake Februar y Ju ly Year

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Appl i cant ’s S ignature Date

Parent or Guard ian’s S ignature ( i f under 18 years of age) Date

Ev idence of qua l i f i ca t ions must be at tached. Documents not in Eng l i sh must be accompanied by cer t i f ied t rans la t ions.

P lease ind icate h ighest leve l o f educat ion ach ieved.

Name of Qual i f i ca t ion (eg. A leve ls) School/Inst i tu t ion

Count r y Per iod of s tudy

Name of Qual i f i ca t ion (eg. Degree) School/Inst i tu t ion

Count r y Per iod of s tudy

I f you be l ieve you have re levant work exper ience, p lease at tach ev idence wi th app l i cat ion ( ie .employer re fe rence)

Eng l i sh i s my f i r s t language.

Eng l i sh was the language of ins t ruc t ion dur ing my secondar y schoo l o r co l lege s tud ies and I ga ined a sat i s fac tor y pass in Eng l i sh.

I have under taken an Eng l i sh Course. Course name: Eng l i sh Co l lege: Leve l o f Eng l i sh Course:

I have under taken an IELTS tes t . Date: Overa l l Band Score:

Band scores : L i s ten ing Reading Wr i t ing Speaking

I have under taken a TOEFL tes t . Date: TOEFL Score:

I have under taken a Pearson Test . Date: Score:

P lease note that of fe r le t te rs wi l l be sent to both your agent and to the emai l address l i s ted under contact deta i l s .

5 . Eng l i sh leve l

7. Of fe rs

6. Previous studies

8. Agent Deta i l s

Agent name:

Agent address :

Agent te lephone (count r y code/area code/number):

Agent emai l address (a l l o f fe rs wi l l be emai led):

( I f App l i cab le)

9. Dec la rat ionNote: i f you are under 18 this dec larat ion must a lso be s igned by your parent or guardian.

1. I dec la re the in format ion in th is app l i cat ion and suppor t ing documentat ion i s t rue.

2. I acknowledge that the prov is ion of incor rec t in format ion or documentat ion or the wi thho ld ing of in format ion or documentat ion re la t ing to my app l i cat ion may resu l t in cance l la t ion of my enro lment .

3. I conf i rm that I have read a copy of the cur rent ET I Course Gu ide and in format ion ava i lab le at www.et i .wa.edu.au and fu l ly unders tand the requ i rements of the course.

4. I have read and unders tood the code of conduct , cond i t ions of enro lment , fee payment and re fund po l i cy in the ET I Course Gu ide or at www.et i .wa.edu.au.

5. I agree that Educat ion and Tra in ing Internat iona l may d isc lose in format ion in regard to my enro lment and tu i t ion fee s tatus , v i sa s tatus , course progress and resu l ts to my parent(s) , wel fa re carer and/or agent .

6. I consent that my persona l in format ion may be made ava i lab le to Aust ra l ian Commonweal th and State agenc ies inc lud ing DIAC pursuant to ob l igat ions under the ESOS Act and the Nat iona l Code.

7. I unders tand that th is agreement , and the ava i lab i l i ty of Educat ion and Tra in ing Internat iona l ’s compla int and appeals p rocesses, does not remove my r ight to take act ion under Aust ra l ia ’s consumer protec t ion law.

CONTACT DETAILSEducat ion and Tra in ing Internat iona l : Ground f loor, 123 Ade la ide Ter race, East Per th Western Aust ra l ia 6004

Posta l address : PO Box 6830, East Per th BC Western Aust ra l ia 6892

Tel (+61 8) 9218 2100 (press 2) Emai l : admiss ions.et [email protected] Web: www.et i .wa.edu.au

Please tick the following andprovide evidencewith your application


Post Secondary:

Do you wish to package th is app l i cat ion wi th a Univers i ty degree? Yes No

I f Yes complete and at tach the Univers i ty app l i cat ion form. Go to www.ETI .wa.edu.au for fu r ther in format ion, fees and un ivers i ty app l i cat ion forms. P lease note that packaged app l i cat ions take longer to process .

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ACRONYMSDTWD: Department of Training & Workforce Development

ETI: Education and Training International

TAFE: Technical and Further Education

DEEWR: Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations

DIAC: Department of Immigration and Citizenship

ESOS: Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2007

NATIONAL CODE: National Code of Practice

ELICOS: English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students

RPL: Recognition of Prior Learning

COE: Confirmation of Enrolment

ESOS ACT AND NATIONAL CODEThe Australian Government wants international students in Australia to have a safe, enjoyable and rewarding place to study. Australian laws promote quality education and consumer protection for overseas students. These laws are known as the ESOS framework and they include the ESOS Act and the National Code. For information ESOS and your rights as an international student in Australia please refer to the following website: http://aei.dest.gov.au/AEI/ESOS.

CODE OF CONDUCTThe student must:

1. Meet TAFE course requirements and meet the requirements of DEEWR-DIAC Course Progress policy – refer to website www.ETI.wa.edu.au for policy and procedure

2. Ensure requirements are met and maintained for accommodation and welfare arrangements for students under 18.

3. Notify the International Student Coordinator at their TAFE College of their residential address within seven days of arrival and of any change to their residential address within seven days of any change.

4. Notify the International Student Coordinator at their TAFE College immediately if they terminate their studies, withdraw from their course, or there are any changes to their visa status.

5. Pay the required fees when an offer of placement is made and fees owing on receipt of invoice.

6. Not engage in activities that contravene Australian law, students who do so will be automatically dismissed and reported to DIAC .

7. Not cheat, all cheating (including plagiarism) is forbidden and will result in course failure.

8. Allow other students to learn in a safe and suitable environment.

ETI/TAFE will:

n Provide the international student with the same level of instruction and educational services as normally provided to other students enrolled at TAFE.

n Provide an orientation program for the student.

n Monitor the welfare of the student and provide counselling and ongoing support while the student is enrolled at TAFE.

n Appoint one or more staff members, to act as the point of contact for students, who have access to up-to-date detail of TAFE’s support services for students.

ENROLMENT CONDITIONSOverseas Students Health Cover (OSHC)All international students must pay the OSHC for themselves and all dependent members of their family staying with them in Australia for the duration of their visa. Students currently studying in Australia must provide ETI with a copy of their health fund membership records showing name, membership number and date of expiry. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that their OSHC is up to date. Education and Training International use OSHC Worldcare as their preferred provider

Application & Acceptance DeadlinesDeadlines for submitting applications to ETI for admission to TAFE programs depend on the assessment level countries students are applying from and whether or not students are applying on or offshore. Level 3-4 offshore applications should apply early for places, as visa processing can take more time. Students should also be aware that there are deadlines for accepting offers and making fee payment. COEs will not be issued after the cut off date, this is to ensure that students leave a reasonable time to get their visa and arrive in time. Details about Application and Acceptance deadlines is available at www.eti.wa.edu.au.

Students with Special Needs Information about your disability and/or learning difficulty is requested to establish whether you require the provision of additional services or facilities not required by students who do not have a disability. After consideration of your requirements, if the provision of these services or facilities would impose “unjustifiable hardship”, for example, a very high cost to the Department of Training & Workforce Development, your enrolment may be refused or additional fees may apply. You will be advised in writing of our decision.

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Course TransferETI does not charge an application fee. However ETI reserves the right to charge an administration fee of not more that $230 (per change) to students who request a course transfer within a semester study period. After receiving an initial offer students will be given one opportunity to change to an alternative study program but all subsequent changes may incur an administration charge. This charge will be at the discretion of the Manager, Student Services and will not be levied where the course change has resulted in an error by ETI or because of a change or cancellation to a course.

Students should think carefully about their study program before they apply and should avoid changing programs.

Provider Transfer (Release Letters)The National Code restricts the capacity of students to transfer to other providers prior to completing six months of their principal course (that is the student’s main course of study or that leading to the highest qualification on the student’s current visa). Students on packaged university programs should be aware that changing course or provider may affect their packaged visa. ETI will only agree to release students in specific special circumstances. Students wishing to apply for a letter of release will need to apply in writing to the Manager, Student Services at Education and Training International.

Course Progress & AttendenceAll students must be enrolled in a full-time CRICOS registered course. ETI is required to report to DIAC instances where a student fails to make academic progress in two consecutive study periods. All students are notified beforehand, of the college’s intent to report to DIAC and are provided with 20 working days to access the complaints and appeals process. Academic progress is reviewed in each study period. International Students are required to ensure they repeat any subjects/modules failed in that period so as to ensure completion of their course within the duration specified on their COE. Detailed information on the Academic Progress Policy and the Complaints and Appeals Process is available at www.eti.wa.edu.au and will be covered in the International Student Orientation program at each college. Students enrolled in ELICOS programs will be subject to attendance requirements. These requirements will be explained to students at orientation and information is also available at www.eti.wa.edu.au.

Late ArrivalStudents who are unable to arrive on time may be given up to one week to commence. After one week the student cannot be guaranteed a place in the course. If the student arrives after the agreed date, they will be placed in an English language program until the next available commencement date for the course or may be required to return home.

Results & Certificates A Statement of Results is issued to all students at the completion of each semester. For units not satisfactorily completed, students may have the opportunity to undergo re-assessment at the end of the semester. Students will be required to pay additional fees for re-enrolments and re-assessments.

If students do not complete all the requirements of the course, they may apply for a Statement of Attainment which will record the outcomes you have achieved towards the qualification.

Recognition of Prior Learning/ExemptionsTAFE provides opportunities for students to claim exemptions or RPL. Students will enrol in the standard program and on arrival in Perth can present past study evidence to TAFE lecturers who will assess the exemption request. Students will need to provide evidence of previous qualifications (including the detailed subject descriptions) as well as any relevant work experience. Students may apply for exemptions or RPL within one week of the course commencement date. While there is no fee reduction for students granted RPL or exemptions, where possible, students will be encouraged to enrol in additional subjects/modules that may enable them to reduce the duration of their course – in which case a new COE will be issued.

Deferral or Suspension of StudyStudents need written permission from ETI to defer or suspend their course. In cases where permission is granted, DIAC will be advised. ETI is required to advise DIAC when a student fails to commence a course, withdraws before the course ends, or changes course.

Complaints & Grievance Procedure Any appeals, complaints, disputes or grievances will be handled in accordance with the policies and procedures of Education & Training (ETI). Further information on these procedures can be obtained by emailing the Manager, Students Services at [email protected]

Permission to Disclose InformationFrom time to time we may need to contact a parent, guardian or agent to discuss matters concerning a student’s tuition payment status, welfare and academic progress. To do this, we require a student’s permission. Permission is sought in a declaration on the application form. Please note this includes providing exam results if requested. Personal information may also be made available to Commonwealth and State Agencies pursuant to obligations under the ESOS Act 2007 and the National Code.

*In the case of students under 18 years of age, the parent or guardian must ensure compliance with all of the above.

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Fee Payment Policyn Tuition fees are payable entirely in advance or half-yearly (one

semester) in advance.

n Continuing tuition fees are due in May and November prior to the semester commencing.

n Payment options and methods are detailed on the statement of account issued with an offer letter.

n ETI does not accept cash payments in person.

n Unpaid fees will result in the automatic cancellation of a student’s enrolment at the end of any appeals process. International students are required to demonstrate to DIAC sufficient funds to cover their studies in Australia. As such, financial hardship is not considered grounds for appeal.

n There are no additional academic fees payable for programs at TAFE. However students are required to pay for their own textbooks, uniforms, materials, resource fees and equipment. Refer to the individual course for information about these additional charges.

n When students have to repeat a subject or subjects a pro-rata tuition fee is payable.

n There is no reduction in fees for subject exemptions.

n More than one change of course per semester/ enrolment period may result in an administration charge of $230 per change.

n ETI does not accept liability for any fees paid to an agent or third party in relation to an application for enrolment.

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REFUND POLICYAll requests for a refund should be submitted in writing (with supporting documentation) to the Manager, Admissions at Education and Training International. Refund request forms can be found at www.eti.wa.edu.au.

Amount refunded: ELICOS Amount refunded: MAINSTREAM

If the visa application is unsuccessful All the fees paid except an administration fee of AU $230.00

All the fees paid except an administration fee of AU $230.00

If TAFE is unable to provide the course (refund within two weeks)

All the fees paid All the fees paid

If incorrect or incomplete information is supplied by the applicant and the offer is withdrawn by Education & Training International

All the fees paid except AU$600.00 All the fees paid except AU$600.00

If the student withdraws more than 10 weeks before the course commences

All the fees paid except an administration fee of AU $230.00

ETI will retain 10% of the full semester tuition fee

If the student withdraws 4–10 weeks before the commencement of the term

70% of all fees paid ETI will retain 30% of the full semester tuition fee

If the student withdraws from a course 0–4 weeks before the commencement of the term/semester or during the term/semester

No refund for that term ETI will retain 50% of the full semester tuition fee

If the student withdraws 0–4 weeks after a term/semester commences

No refund ETI will retain 60% of the full semester tuition fee

If the student withdraws after week 4 of commencement of the term/semester

No refund No refund

If a student breaches international visa conditions or the rules of the provider and is terminated from the course

No refund No refund of the current semester fees. Additionally ETI will retain 60% of one subsequent semester’s full tuition fee.

A notice of withdrawal due to:

n Illness or disability;

n Death of a close family member (parent, sibling, spouse, child); or

n Political or civil event that prevents a student continuing a program. Exceptional circumstances may be accepted as grounds for a partial refund of fees. Supporting documentary evidence must be provided.

Education & Training International Ground floor, 123 Adelaide Terrace East Perth Western Australia 6004

Postal address: PO Box 6830 East Perth BC Western Australia 6892

Tel (+61 8) 9218 2100 (press 2) Fax (+61 8) 9218 2160 Email: [email protected] Web: www.eti.wa.edu.au

N.B In retaining the relevant percentage (%) amount in any of the above examples, ETI will refund only the balance remaining of the fees paid for that semester after the retained percentage amount is deducted from those fees.

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Art & DesignC615 Certificate IV in Arts Administration 1 year $10,5007526 Advanced Diploma of Jewellery & Object Design 3 years $31,500D354 Certificate III in Music 6 months $5,250D357 Certificate IV in Music 6 months $5,250D360 Diploma of Music 1 year $10,500D359 Certificate IV in Music Business 6 months $5,250D362 Diploma of Music Industry – Business 1 year $10,500CT41 Certificate III in Media – Film & Television 6 months $5,250CT44 Certificate IV in Screen & Media – Film & Television 6 months $5,250CT47 Diploma of Screen & Media – Film & Television 1 year $10,500D207 Advanced Diploma of Screen & Media 1 year $10,500

BusinessD130 Certificate II in Business 6 months $5,250D151 Certificate IV in Frontline Management 6 months $5,250C715 Diploma of Financial Services – Banking 1 year $10,500D144 Certificate IV in Advertising 6 months $5,250D163 Diploma of Advertising 6 months $5,2509063 Certificate IV in Public Relations 6 months $5,2509064 Diploma of Public Relations 6 months $5,250

Community & HealthD295 Certificate IV in Youth Work 1 year $11,000S450 Certificate II in Nail Technology 6 months $5,250S451 Certificate II in Make-up Services 6 months $5,250S453 Certificate III in Beauty Services 6 months $5,2507109 Certificate IV in Preparation for Entry into Enrolled Nursing 6 months $6,750

Computing & Information TechnologyCT09 Certificate III in Information Technology – Support 6 months $5,250C860 Certificate IV in Information Technology – Support 6 months $5,250

Engineering, Mining, Electrical & ElectronicsW421 Certificate II in Electronics 6 months $6,000W408 Certificate II in Computer Assembly & Repair 6 months $6,000W425 Certificate III in Computer Systems Equipment 6 months $6,000

General7070 Certificate II in General Education for Adults 6 months $5,250

LanguagesCS65 Certificate IV in Applied Language Studies – Japanese 1 year $10,500

Maritime StudiesS418 Certificate III in the Seafood Industry – Aquaculture 1 year $10,500S432 Diploma of the Seafood Industry – Aquaculture 1 year $10,500S414 Certificate II in the Seafood Industry – Fishing Operations 6 months $5,2509536 Diploma of Marine Studies 1 year $10,5009642 Vocational Graduate Diploma of Marine Hatchery Management 1 year $10,500S526 Diploma of Transport & Distribution – Marine Engineering – Engineer Watchkeeper 39 weeks $10,000S531 Advanced Diploma of Transport & Distribution – Marine Engineering – Class 1 31 wks $8,000S532 Advanced Diploma of Transport & Distribution – Marine Engineering – Class 2 1 year $12,000SS38 Certificate II in Outdoor Recreation – Marine Tourism 6 months $5,250D022 Certificate III in Outdoor Recreation – Multiple Activities 6 months $5,250

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Education & Training InternationalW E S T E R N A U S T R A L I A


METROPOLITAN COLLEGESCentral Institute of Technologywww.central.wa.edu.au

Polytechnic Westwww.polytechnic.wa.edu.au/international

Challenger Institute of Technologywww.challenger.wa.edu.au/international

West Coast Institute of Trainingwww.wcit.wa.edu.au

REGIONAL COLLEGESGreat Southern Institute of Technologywww.gsinstitute.wa.edu.au

South West Regional College of TAFEwww.swrc.wa.edu.au

Durack Institute of Technologywww.durack.edu.au

C.Y. O’Connor Institutewww.cyoc.wa.edu.au

Kimberley TAFEwww.kimberley.tafe.wa.edu.au

Pilbara TAFEwww.pilbaratafe.wa.edu.au

Curtin Vocational Training & Education Centre (VETC)www.kalg.curtin.edu.au


More in fo rmat ion can be found on the Web a t

www.et i .wa.edu.au

Ground Floor, 123 Adelaide Tce, East Perth, Western Australia 6004, PO BOX 6830, EAST PERTH BC 6892

Telephone +61 8 9218 2100 • Facsimile +61 8 9218 2160 • Email: [email protected]

Provider Code - 00020G/01723A

Department of Training & Workforce Development