tahoe community church...tahoe community church notes, announcements, needs and reminders february...

Tahoe Community Church Notes, Announcements, Needs and Reminders February 2017 Worshiping Together, Making Disciples, Reaching our World Sunday Worship Schedule 9:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Study Classes - Adult Bible Study “The Book of 1John” in the MPR. 10:00 a.m. Praise Team Warm Up in Sanctuary 10:10 a.m. Coffee/Fellowship Time in MPR 10:30 a.m. Worship Service (Nursery and Children’s Church Available) 5:00 p.m. Youth Group in the MPR 145 Daggett Way — Stateline, Nevada 89449 — (775) 588-5860 — [email protected] — www.tahoecommunitychurch.org Office Telephone extensions: Pastor Paul-101, Ted-103, Sarah and Preschool-107. Weekly Church Activities Wednesday 7:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study Fellowship at Lakeside upstairs restaurant 8:30 a.m. Prayer Gathering in Sanctuary 3:30 p.m. Awesome Kids 6:00 p.m. Praise Team Practice Thursday 9:00 a.m. Women’s Morning Study 5:30 p.m. Women’s Evening Study 6:00 p.m. Men’s Bible Study Friday 2:30 p.m. Food Pantry Tahoe Communi- ty Church says good bye to Pastor Paul Tracy After 16 years of service at Tahoe Community Church, Pastor Paul has decided to step down. Paul was hired in September of 2000 to be the director of the school of music. Paul is a great musician, and has a passion for teaching piano to students of all ages and levels. He primarily taught younger students, including our preschool kids twice a week, and he thoroughly enjoyed leading VBS each summer. (Continued on next page ) And the Story of the Month is… Snow!! After a number of years of drought, God brought snow. And when God decided to make it snow, He went big! The weekend of January 22nd brought over 3 feet of snow at lake level. That on top of the over 3 feet already on the ground made for a lot of snow. For the first time, church was cancelled on January 22nd for the safety of our church family. However, a few folks did not get the message. Kai Keith and his family, and Elder Jeff Brumbach came and held service for the two other people that came. So our record of always having a Sunday Church Service is in tact! The Church property is dug out now and ready to go thanks to the many hours of our hard working snow removal team: Leonard O’Malley, Bob Pavich, George Waite, Jeff Brumbach, David Mutz, and Bill Kolstad. There may have been others that helped as well. Thanks men! You are greatly ap- preciated.

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Page 1: Tahoe Community Church...Tahoe Community Church Notes, Announcements, Needs and Reminders February 2017 Worshiping Together, Making Disciples, Reaching our World Sunday Worship Schedule

Tahoe Community Church Notes, Announcements, Needs and Reminders

February 2017 Worshiping Together, Making Disciples, Reaching our World

Sunday Worship Schedule 9:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Study Classes

- Adult Bible Study “The Book of 1John” in the MPR.

10:00 a.m. Praise Team Warm Up in Sanctuary

10:10 a.m. Coffee/Fellowship Time in MPR

10:30 a.m. Worship Service (Nursery and

Children’s Church Available)

5:00 p.m. Youth Group in the MPR

145 Daggett Way — Stateline, Nevada 89449 — (775) 588-5860 — [email protected] — www.tahoecommunitychurch.org Office Telephone extensions: Pastor Paul-101, Ted-103, Sarah and Preschool-107.

Weekly Church Activities

Wednesday 7:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study Fellowship at

Lakeside upstairs restaurant

8:30 a.m. Prayer Gathering in Sanctuary

3:30 p.m. Awesome Kids

6:00 p.m. Praise Team Practice

Thursday 9:00 a.m. Women’s Morning Study

5:30 p.m. Women’s Evening Study

6:00 p.m. Men’s Bible Study

Friday 2:30 p.m. Food Pantry

Tahoe Communi-

ty Church says

good bye to Pastor

Paul Tracy

After 16 years of service at

Tahoe Community Church, Pastor Paul has decided

to step down. Paul was hired in September of 2000 to

be the director of the school of music. Paul is a great

musician, and has a passion for teaching piano to

students of all ages and levels. He primarily taught

younger students, including our preschool kids twice

a week, and he thoroughly enjoyed leading VBS

each summer. (Continued on next page )

And the Story of the Month is…


After a number of years of drought, God

brought snow. And when God decided to make it

snow, He went big! The weekend of January 22nd

brought over 3 feet of snow at lake level. That on

top of the over 3 feet already on the ground made

for a lot of snow.

For the first time, church was cancelled on

January 22nd for the safety of our church family.

However, a few folks did not get the message. Kai

Keith and his family, and Elder Jeff Brumbach came

and held service for the two other people that

came. So our record of always having a Sunday

Church Service is in tact!

The Church property is dug out now and

ready to go thanks to the many hours of our hard

working snow removal team: Leonard O’Malley,

Bob Pavich, George Waite,

Jeff Brumbach, David Mutz,

and Bill Kolstad. There may

have been others that

helped as well. Thanks

men! You are greatly ap-


Page 2: Tahoe Community Church...Tahoe Community Church Notes, Announcements, Needs and Reminders February 2017 Worshiping Together, Making Disciples, Reaching our World Sunday Worship Schedule

From the Pastor Search Committee!

By Kathy Pavich

The Pastor Search Committee

has received 80 resumes to

date. We have sent and re-

ceived Step 2 questions from

11 candidates, who will go

on to the next step. There

are also a few more new resumes for the committee

to pray over and discuss.

We will be checking references and getting

ready to do initial interviews soon. We have closed

down some of our open pastor position postings that

are online, and will probably close down the rest in

the next week or so.

The Church Profile, that took us quite some

time to put together, has been very helpful to the pas-

tor candidates as they were able to learn about our

church and the community. It has also proven very

helpful to the committee in knowing what to look for

in the resumes that have come in. The Church Profile

is available for you to read at the office - please call

Ted for available times.

Just a few of the things that we are looking for

in the resumes are the candidates' beliefs, education,

experience, family if married, sermons, culture, church

government beliefs and more!

Each committee member has signed a confi-

dentiality agreement as we are dealing with not only

the candidates personal information, but this is also

an employment issue where we cannot divulge cer-

tain information. We can discuss generalities and

what steps the pastor search committee is taking dur-

ing this process. Please feel free to ask us these ques-


The committee members are asking you to

please continue to pray for us to receive God's guid-

ance, wisdom and discernment as we go forward to

learn who God has called to be our next pastor.

Pastor Search Committee Members:

Bob Pavich, Kathy Pavich,

Carol Borsos, Jan Hurst

Sandy Erridge,

Anna Rose Salvador,

Dan Wilkinson, Bill Kolstad,

Kathleen Huggins,

and Elder Bob Daly

Words By Elder Leonard O’Malley

A few weeks ago, while at church, I was ap-

proached by someone who wanted to tell me some-

thing. My first thoughts were “they wanted to share

about a prayer request or get my opinion about a cer-

tain topic.” So, we moved over to a quiet corner of

the room.

They shared their words of encouragement to

me. Their words struck deep within me. To a place

where emotions were tender and raw. I was over-

whelmed and nearly came to tears. I fumbled at

words to say (which I do most of the time). I was trying

to process these words and talk at the same time. I

awkwardly mumbled something and thanked them

for the kind words.

As I write this, I’m still struggling to find the

words to express the joy and encouragement that

their words meant to me. They used their spiritual gift

of exhortation to lift me up!

I am so encouraged and filled with pride (the

good kind) with how this Church body functions. So

many of you use your spiritual gifts to help one anoth-

er. Thank you for using your administration, your helps/

serving, your giving, your discernment, your encour-

agement, your evangelism, your intercessory prayer

and your faith!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

On behalf of the Elder board, May I say that it is a joy

to serve our Lord with you.

(Pastor Paul Continued)

Paul is a very gifted piano player and vocalist. He led

the praise team for while and loved making music for

the Lord. He is shown above with Jacky Brown Steven

Morton and Rhodin Scudder.

Pastor Paul became the second Senior Pastor

of Tahoe Community Church when Pastor Sam Worley

retired in 2008. One of Paul’s his favorite key words

was “connections.” He felt strongly that we as a

church need to be connected in order to be more

effective for Christ. That is why we call our fellowship

meals “connections.” (Continued on page 4)

Page 3: Tahoe Community Church...Tahoe Community Church Notes, Announcements, Needs and Reminders February 2017 Worshiping Together, Making Disciples, Reaching our World Sunday Worship Schedule

From Elder Bob Daly

It has been 500 years since Martin Luther nailed

his 95 theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wit-

tenberg. It was an event that changed the world.

Think of what the world would look like if there

was no reformation? Spend a few minutes thinking of

all that the protestant church has brought to man-

kind? We will spend some time this year observing

what the reformers taught, and proclaimed from scrip-


Note: Join Elder Bob on Sunday Mornings as he is

teaching on the Five Solas in our Sunday Study Class


Knitters for

the King

Inviting all who knit, crochet and enjoy play-

ing with yarn to join us Wednesday mornings as we

create hats for newborns. "Knifty Knitters for the King"

have donated almost 400 hats to Barton hospital for

their newborns. Each month we pray for the babies

who will receive one of our hats that they will ulti-

mately receive Jesus.

We would love to have you join us Wednes-

day mornings at 9:30 in the MPR as we knit hats and

friendships in Jesus' name.

For more information please contact Tina,

Sandy, Kathleen or Karen

Food Pantry Update The Food Pantry team has

decided to go back to being open

every Friday. We had been open

only the 2nd and 4th Friday of every

month, but our clients and even the

volunteers were confused about

which days we were open, so we

went back to our original days. This looks to be work-

ing well.

We are grateful for the continued delivery of

bread, pastries, and dairy products from Safeway by

Gabriel and Julia, who have done this for many

years. Please pray for them as there are some

health issues for both of them.

In His service!

Kathy Pavich

Pushpay being Used In November we intro-

duce electronic giving at Tahoe

Community church. Those that

are using it say it is simple once

you get started with it.

There are flyers in the

back of the church that provide

all the information you need to

help you get started.

If you would like hands-on training, talk to me

and I will put you in contact with someone who is using

it and is willing to walk you through it.

- From your phone: text tahoecc to 77977

- The easiest way to get started is to download our

church app or the Pushpay app.

- You can also go to our Church website:


Click “about us” and go to the “giving page.”

We highly encourage all of you who can to use

this system. The finance charges are more reasonable

if we get more users. Ted Beverage

Page 4: Tahoe Community Church...Tahoe Community Church Notes, Announcements, Needs and Reminders February 2017 Worshiping Together, Making Disciples, Reaching our World Sunday Worship Schedule

Missionary News & Prayer

From: Carol Borsos

Mirco & Nada Andreev

Skopje, Macedonia/Missions to

the Balkans

Pray for two church

plants. Struga has a building that already existed

and renovations have been made. The landlord

wants to sell it, not rent it. Please pray for God’s will

and provisions to buy the property. It is a very small

congregation and they do not have the money. If a

down payment is made the landlord would allow 2 -

3 years to pay it off. This church is in a strategic loca-

tion to reach many Muslims.

A second church plant is to open in Ohrid,

near Struga, in February. It is a main tourist place in

Macedonia with hundreds of Orthodox Churches.

The people there are very proud being the center of

the Orthodox. Pray for the new Evangelical believers

there to stay strong in their faith and to continue to

do God’s will in their lives.


Things are going well with our language tu-

tors. Two people come 3 times a week for 3 hours

each day and help us learn the Kyrgyz language.

They also help with our son while we're busy learning.

We took a much needed break for Christmas,

as well as going to a conference with our organiza-

tion in early January, spending time in Thailand.

Praising the Lord for these times to recharge and get-

ting into a good rhythm of life. Learning to say yes

and no to things is helping us thrive. Our son is eating

solid foods and sleeping regularly. We got a car and

ownership finished.


- Wisdom in how to best learn this language. Many

people study language for years and years and

don't learn anything! We want to learn this language

well so we can serve and love these people better,

but also want to serve and love them along the way.

- Visa issues to be completely taken care of. Recent-

ly new laws were passed making having a vi-

sa MUCH more difficult. Please pray laws will be re-


- Pray for unity and understanding with worker team

and resolution to some misunderstandings.

- Pray for protection against spiritual attacks, disci-

pline to rest, and for us to be united as a couple .

Pray for Kyrgyzstan:

- Pray for 2% of the Kyrgyz to be reached by 2021.

Pray that the believers be united and obedient to

God's commands.

- Pray for the orphans here to know the love of God.

- There is a lot of witchcraft practiced here. Pray the

stopping of Satan's activity and Christ's power to be


- Pray for needed justice in the government.

Pastor Warris in Pakistan

Forgotten Missionaries International

The organization has dropped using the full

name and is referred to as FMI now due to the in-

crease of terrorism in the regions they work. The initials

represent their commitment to Facilitate, Mobilize, In-

spire, national church planting partners.

Director of FMI, Bruce Allen is traveling in South-

ern Asia. He met with our pastor in mid-January.

Please pray young pastors have learned from

Pastor Warris’s mentoring in evangelism and disciple-

ship at a conference in January. Also pray for church

construction site projects for a few of these young

pastors, the people God has brought and will bring to

worship there, and that they grow in their grace and

knowledge of Jesus Christ.

The persecuted family has safely relocated.

Pray the father’s employment situation improves and

his personal ministry would bear much fruit!

Pray for effective and thorough discipleship of

new believers who have come out of Muslim back-

grounds, and that God would provide courage, wis-

dom, and harmony to the churches they have joined.

Ryan & Danielle Stauffer

Lima, Peru/International Christian School

Praise God that students and their families are

coming to Jesus as Savior and growing in the Lord!

(See Article on next page for more on the Stauffers)

(Pastor Paul Continued)

One Paul’s duties as Pas-

tor was baptizing believ-

ers in Christ in Lake Tahoe

each summer. He is

shown left with Rachelle

Fazio and Cindy Johnson.

Pastor Paul is an

extremely gifted preacher

and teacher who I personally learned a lot from. He

did many sermon series over the years but the two I

enjoyed the most were his one on 1st Kings, which was

primarily focused on Solomon, and his last series on the

book of Luke which he like to call the Gospel of Doc-

tor Luke. (Continued on Page 5)

Page 5: Tahoe Community Church...Tahoe Community Church Notes, Announcements, Needs and Reminders February 2017 Worshiping Together, Making Disciples, Reaching our World Sunday Worship Schedule

2017 Prayer and Support Update “By the word of the LORD the heavens were made,

And by the breath of His mouth all their host.

Psalm 33:6”

Praise the Lord that we have entered into 2017.

His creation is sustained by his word and for His glory.

This new year marks our fourth year on the mission field

with the Network of International Christian Schools.

2016 presented both blessings and trials; however, re-

gardless of any situation we continue to work to our

Lord's glory through serving at the International Chris-

tian School of Lima.

What's New for the Stauffers? We continue to serve as missionaries with the

Network of International Christian Schools in Lima, Pe-

ru. We are now a family of three! Adelynn is now 9

months old and keeping us busy! This year Ryan is serv-

ing at International Christian School - Lima as the Ele-

mentary Principal. He also teaches two high school AP

English courses. Danielle has been serving the school

on a volunteer basis as the Local Member Care Associ-

ate which has allowed her to stay at home with Ade-

lynn. Danielle leads a team of teachers who work to

serve the teachers and the staff of the school ensuring

that they are spiritually, emotionally, physically, and

mentally cared for so that they can have the strength

to persevere in the work God has called them to do at



- Praise God that we have moved to an apartment

closer to the school so that we can be more effective

in our ministry and have a comfortable home

- The teacher and staff who consistently serve at our


- God’s provision for us

- A healthy and safe family

- A great time with family during the Christmas break!

Prayer Requests:

- Salvation for students and their families

- Increase in enrollment this semester. Many families

moved out of the country during Christmas break.

Prayers Continued:

- Wisdom for Ryan as principal and the leadership

team as they make decisions

- Prayer our marriage to grow and be set on the firm

foundation of Christ

- Wisdom for us as we raise our daughter in the Lord.

- Pray for continued provision financially

Adopt a Student to Pray For!

As Ryan serves as

the principle, he works

with many students who

have challenges. These

students may be strug-

gling behaviorally, have

a tough home life, or

struggle academically,

but ultimately we wish to

see God transform the

lives of our students

through His salvation.

Our students need your

prayer! If you would like

to adopt a student to

pray for please e-mail Danielle at dstauf-

[email protected]. We will send you a brief profile of a

student to be praying for. Thank you!

(Pastor Paul Continued)

Pastor Paul had

many roles over the past 16

years. He was a musician,

praise team leader, and

director of the school of

music. He was a preacher,

a teacher, and an Elder.

And of course, Pastor Paul

was our pastor.

For me personally

he was my fellow musician

on the praise team. I loved

playing with Pastor Paul, it

was always a joy. I also enjoyed all the years of

doing music for VBS together. Our first one was

Outrigger Island in 2008. Pastor Paul was my co-

staff member, and my boss. But most of all, Pastor

Paul was my friend, and I will miss him very much.

Pastor Paul we wish you and your family all the best

in your new endeavors. May God bless all that you



Page 6: Tahoe Community Church...Tahoe Community Church Notes, Announcements, Needs and Reminders February 2017 Worshiping Together, Making Disciples, Reaching our World Sunday Worship Schedule

Here to Serve You:

Elders: Jeff Brumbach, Bob Daly, Leonard O’Malley

Deacons/Deaconesses: Susie Brumbach, Jacky Daly, Jerry Klosterboer, Bob Pavich, Kathy Pavich, Tootie

O’Malley, Suzette Waite, Ted Beverage

Church Staff: Ted Beverage, Music Director

Preschool Staff: Sarah Tran, Director/Teacher. Teachers: Lauren Marshall and Kimberly Sims.

Teacher Assistants: Raeanne Wilson, Julie Ryan, and Jeannie Oller. Office Manager: Thomas Tran

P.O. Box 6598

Stateline, NV 89449

More Announcements

- Church Directories Available: Copies of the Church

Directories are now available in the back of the sanctu-

ary. Please contact Ted if you find any errors or omis-

sions. I can also e-mail one to you if you would like.

- Workers needed for Nursery and Children’s worship:

We are looking for volunteers to help out in this vital

Sunday Morning Ministry. Please contact Suzette Waite

for more information. No experience is required, just a

loving heart and a willingness to learn.

- Giving Statements: The 2016 giving statements have

been mailed. Please see Ted if you have any problems.


- Fellowship Meal: Our next fellowship meal will be

on February 5th after Church. Please join us for a

great time of eating, talking, and getting to know

each other better.

- Church Meeting: Our next church meeting is

scheduled for February 5th following our fellowship

meal. Topics currently scheduled are: Music and

Worship, Food Pantry, and Missions

- Chili Cook-off postponed: The Church Family Mis-

sions chille cook-off fundraiser was postponed due

to bad weather. The new date is TBD. -

- Scripture Memory Verses for February

- February 5th Psalm 19:1

- February 12th 2 Corinthians 8:7

- February 19th Ephesians 2:5

- February 26th Ephesians 3:12

Upright Piano for sale

The Church has a beautiful upright piano that it

would like to sell. It is a spruce, Schafer and Sons piano

in excellent condition. Its value is estimated to be

around $1,500. Please contact Ted if you or anyone

you know might be interested.