tailgating the process in the format of hpsm

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  • 8/12/2019 Tailgating the process in the format of HPSM


    Migrating Service Desk Projects to Service ManagerChanges

    Using Connect-It to migrate Projects into Service Manager Changes

    HP Management SoftwareService Management

    Introduction......................................................................................................................................... 2

    Requirements....................................................................................................................................... 2

    Implementation.................................................................................................................................... 2Planning the migration...................................................................................................................... 2Defining the extaccess record in Service Manager ............................................................................... 3Creating the Service Desk UI View ..................................................................................................... 4Creating the Connect-It Scenario........................................................................................................ 4

    Setting up the connectors............................................................................................................... 5Define the Mapping ....................................................................................................................... 10Defining a JavaScript to relate the Project to Changes ........................................................................ 13

    Executing the Scenario ....................................................................................................................... 14

    Start the involved systems................................................................................................................ 14Troubleshooting................................................................................................................................. 14

    For more information.......................................................................................................................... 15

  • 8/12/2019 Tailgating the process in the format of HPSM




    Service Desk customers frequently employed a Project Module to plan their change projects.Customers want to be able to move the information on their projects to Service Manager during themigration, but the migration scenarios do not provide this data migration.

    This white paper will give an overview of an example connect-it scenario used to move data fromService Desk projects to Service Manager changes.


    The following products and knowledge of these products are required to successfully implement thesteps described in this paper:

    Service Manager 7 or higher

    o SysAdmin access to Service Manager

    o Migration unloads loaded into Service Manager

    Connect-It 3.81

    Service Desk 4.5 SP23 or higher

    Data Migration Scenarios (Data Migration Tool) were executed successfully

    Load the attached unload that contains the JavaScript discussed in the Defining a JavaScript to relatethe Project to Changes section as well as the Change Category (cm3rcategory) and Change Phase(cm3catphase) records. To load the unload, store it in a local directory, then go to Tailoring Database Manager. On the database Manager screen, go to the Options dropdown or rightmouse click and selectImport / Load. Enter the filename and path to the unload sent with thisdocument and click onLoad FGto load it.

    Custom fields are not mapped in this example. Refer to the White Paper Migrating Custom Fieldsfrom Service Desk to Service Manager for information on how to map custom fields.

    ImplementationThe implementation occurs in 4 steps:

    Planning the migration determine which fields need to be moved from Service Desk to ServiceManager

    Defining the extacess record in Service Manager define the fields that need to be moved intoService Manager

    Defining the UI View in Service Desk the UI View is used to define the selection of records that wilbe mapped

    Creating / Adjusting the Connect-It Scenario either use the example scenario that comes with thewhite paper and adjust as directed, or create a new scenario from scratch as described.

    Planning the migration

    The first step in the implementation is determining which field on the Service Desk side corresponds towhich field on the Service Manager side. In most cases a match can be found. If a field in ServiceDesk has no equivalent in Service Manager, use the dbdict utility to add the corresponding new fieldin the Service Manager cm3r dbdict. Refer to the Service Manager online documentation on how toadd a new field to a dbdict.

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    Note: If possible, we recommend re-using unused fields. Search for a field that does not contain anydata and that is not marked as System or Application in the corresponding Data Policy record andchange the name and type to match the new requirement. Renaming fields will result in the RDBMStable being copied and in large tables will take a longer time.

    Defining the extaccess record in Service Manager

    Once the mapping is planned out and all missing fields were added to the cm3r dbdict, the extaccessrecord for the project migration has to be created. For easiest setup, copy the existing SDMigChange

    extaccess record and adjust the fields to map as described below:

    1. Log in to Service Manager as a System Administrator such as falcon2. Go to Menu Navigation > Tailoring > WSDL Configuration3. Search for Object Name SDMigChange4. Change the Object Name to SDMigChangeProject5. Click on Add

    6. The only changes need to be made on the Fields tab. Enter all fields here that need to be mappedand are not listed yet. Ensure to enter the appropriate type for all non-String Type fields.

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    Creating the Service Desk UI View

    Create a view against the project table that is later used in the Migration Connector in Connect-It. Thepurpose of this view is mainly to filter the records that are being pushed to Service Manager. In thisexample, only records that contain a filled in status field are supposed to be pushed to ServiceManager. Set up the view as pictured below:

    Creating the Connect-It Scenario

    The document shows how to create a new scenario as well as discusses how to use the samplescenario that comes with this white paper and adjust it to individual systems. Store the scenario in thesame directory as the other SDSM scenarios, eg. [..]\Connect-It 3.81 unicodeen\scenario\sdsm

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    Setting up the connectors

    The Connect-It scenario consists of 3 connectors: The Service Desk 4.5 Migration connector, theService Manager Web Services connector and the SC Legacy Connector. The mapping will occurbetween the Service Manager and Service Desk connectors.

    The Service Desk Migration Connector

    To create the connector, click on Service Desk 4.5 Migration Connector under Service ManagementConnectors > Service Desk Connectors and drag and drop it to the scenario diagram on the right. To

    modify the example connector, right mouse click on the connector and select Configure connector.

    Enter a unique name for the Connector or accept the example name and click on Next>

    Enter the connection information for your Service Desk system, test the connection and click Next>

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    Enter the Chunk size and Migration Status Folder as pictured below and click Next>

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    Enter the name of the UI View created earlier and click Next>.

    Accept the number of records per page and click Finish.

    The Service Manager Web Services Connector

    To create a new Service Manager Web Services connector, drag and drop it from Hewlett-Packard >Service Management Connectors > ServiceCenter / Service Manager connectors to the scenariodiagram. To modify the connector in the example scenario, right mouse click and select Configureconnector.

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    To set up the Service Manager connector, enter a unique name and click Next>

    Fill in the Connection Information as shown above and click Test.

    On successful test click Finish.

    The Legacy Service Center Connector

    To create a new ServiceCenter / Service Manager connector, drag and drop it from Hewlett-Packard> Service Management Connectors > ServiceCenter / Service Manager connectors to the scenariodiagram. To modify the connector in the example scenario, right mouse click and select Configureconnector.

    This connector is not linked to the others via a mapping, but is necessary for the communicationbetween Service Manager and Connect-It. Use the following settings to set this connector up:

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    Enter a unique name for the connection, usually SM7_SC_01.

    Enter the connection information as pictured below and click the Test button.

    On successful connection test, click Finish.

    After the connector is defined, producing document types have to be assigned to the connector. To dothis, right click on the connector and select Edit a document type.

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    Add the following document types to this connector by clicking on the Create (empty sheet) button inthe upper right corner of the window.

    Click OK to save and exit.

    Define the Mapping

    Two mappings have to be defined for this scenario: The mapping from Service Desk to ServiceManager to move the data as well as a loopback mapping that sends messages back to Service Desk/ Connect-It with information if the move was successful. To create a new mapping, drag and drop

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    from the light gray part of the source connector to the target connector. Double click the mappingengine to edit the mapping.

    The data mapping

    The data mapping receives data from the Project table (ProjectSrc) as determined by the View definedin Service Desk and creates Change records as defined in the CreateSDMigChange extaccessObject.

    The following picture shows the mapping from Service Desk to Service Manager. A lot of requiredfields use expressions to ensure that a valid value is moved. These expressions are listed below thepicture in Connect-Its Basic language. To enter these expressions click on the mapped fields in themapping section in the center of the window. The mapping window for this connection will appear onthe bottom of the center section and you can enter your expressions.

    Important:You have to click the checkbox to the right of the window section to save the enteredscript. Otherwise your updates will be discarded.

    Note:If the Project Module contains custom fields, you must map the Service Desk project ObjectIdfield to the ForeignID in Service Manager Change Management to prepare for mapping the customfields.

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    Assigned To:

    If [Assignment.AssigneePerson.Account.LoginName] ="" ThenRetval = "UNKNOWN

    Elseretval = [Assignment.AssigneePerson.Account.LoginName]

    End If


    If [Assignment.AssWorkgroup.Searchcode] ="" Then

    Retval = "UNKNOWNElseretval = [Assignment.AssWorkgroup.Searchcode]

    End If


    Retval=SD Project

    ChangeNumber (This is the unique key in Service Manager and has to be filled in)

    Retval=CP + str([ID])


    '[Status.Text]retval= "initial"


    If [EnteredByPerson.Account.LoginName] ="" ThenRetval = "icmalorl"

    Elseretval = [EnteredByPerson.Account.LoginName]

    End If


    If [Requestor.Searchcode] ="" ThenRetval = "UNKNOWN"

    Elseretval = [Requestor.Searchcode]

    End If


    '[Category.Text]retval = "Standard"


    If isnull([PlanStart]) or [PlanStart]="" Thenif isnull([PlanFinish]) or [PlanFinish]=[RegistrationDate] then

    Retval = [RegistrationDate]Else

    retval=DateAdd([PlanFinish],-3600)end if

    elseretval = [PlanStart]

    End If

    PlannedEndDateIf isnull([PlanFinish]) or [PlanFinish]="" Then

    Retval = DateAdd([RegistrationDate],3600)Else

    retval = [PlanFinish]End If




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    MiscArray1 (will contain array of changes related to the project)

    retval="C" + str([Change.Change.ID])

    The loopback Mapping

    The loopback mapping is used to return a status and messages to Connect-It to ensure easier isolationof issues.

    The mapping is between the Process Report Source (=Service Manager) and the Response (=Connect-It).

    The expressions used in the mapping are listed below:


    If [Success] = 0 ThenRetVal = "REJECTED"

    ElseRetVal = "DUPLICATE"

    End IfObjectID



    If [Success] = 0 ThenRetVal = "Rejected"

    End If

    Defining a JavaScript to relate the Project to Changes

    1. Go to Tailoring > ScriptLibrary2. Enter name: createProjectRelation

    3. Click Add4. Enter the following JavaScript:function createProjectRelation(ProjectRecord){// print("Entering Function");

    var screl=new SCFile("screlation")

    var jsChangeIDs=ProjectRecord.misc_array1.toArray();// print(jsChangeIDs)

    var noOfChanges=jsChangeIDs.length;// print(noOfChanges);

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    for (var i=0;i Format Control6. Select the cm3r format control record7. Go to the JavaScript section

    In the Add field enter:category in $file="SDProject"

    In the JavaScript enter:system.library.createProjectRelation.createProjectRelation(system.vars

    .$file);8. Click OK to save and exit

    Executing the Scenario

    Start the involved systems

    Start the Service Desk Application Server

    Start the HP Service Manager 7.00 service

    Start the Legacy ServiceCenter listener from the Service Manager\Server\LegacyIntegration\RUN

    directory:scenter listener:12670 RPCReadOnly

    Right click on the Service Desk 4.5 Migration connector and select Produce Now. This will move allmapped fields from Service Desk Projects to Service Manager Change Management.


  • 8/12/2019 Tailgating the process in the format of HPSM


    For more information

    Please visit the HP Management Software support Web site at:


    This Web site provides contact information and details about the products, services, and support thatHP Management Software offers.

    HP Management Software online software support provides customer self-solve capabilities. Itprovides a fast and efficient way to access interactive technical support tools needed to manage yourbusiness. As a valued customer, you can benefit by being able to:

    Search for knowledge documents of interest

    Submit and track progress on support cases

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    Look up HP support contacts

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    Note:Most of the support areas require that you register as an HP Passport user and sign in. Manyalso require an active support contract.

    To find more information about support access levels, go to the following URL:


    To register for an HP Passport ID, go to the following URL:


    2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information containedherein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products andservices are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying suchproducts and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting anadditional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors oromissions contained herein.

    HP, AssetCenter, Connect-It, Service Desk and Service Manager are registeredtrademarks of Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Microsoft and Windowsare U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

