
Networking – Bridging the offline and online world Mindset It all starts here. Think of all your current problems that you face today. Mentally picture them, how do they feel? What part of your life are they affecting most? Now think if you had 100 close friends you could call up and ask their advice on these problems (this is a 2-way street, they will call you too). What would your problems look like after this? Problems disappear when they are talked about with your close network. As the quality of your network increases so does the quality of your life. Forget about all the crazy reasons why you should not be going to networking events and picture/ feel the value knowing more people will add to your life. Offline Networking Your strategy – Events events events, smile, posture, 3 steps + 1 to rapport, value add, take meaningful notes, schedule follow up The story - Walk in with a light mood, try to have a laugh before entering the room. Do you gravitate more towards angry looking people or happy looking people? Build rapport through shared passions and values alongside emotional state transitions. Listen to people, find their passions and help them get through a challenge. Do this and they will do this for you. Your tool kit – A funny video clip, talk to a friend, physiology, location/ occasion/ time space, insightly CRM Your goals – Schedule networking events weekly and commit to this for 1 year. Make it your goal to get to know one person an event and help that person with a current hurdle. Online Networking Your strategy – Build a voice, flatten communication levels, find a community, provide value The Story - Filling out your profile is only entering the ring, you must get active and build your voice. Make sure to dig behind the titles and generic hard worker labels to express who you really are and what makes you unique. Get out there and interact with people, forget about vertical communication based on titles, dig to passions, values and mission for connection. commenting is your strongest connection tool! T - @eyesofasmile IG- @eyesofasmile W – calvinsimpson.com

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Post on 16-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Takeaway

Networking – Bridging the offline and online worldMindset

It all starts here. Think of all your current problems that you face today. Mentally picture them, how do they feel? What part of your life are they affecting most? Now think if you had 100 close friends you could call up and ask their advice on these problems (this is a 2-way street, they will call you too). What would your problems look like after this? Problems disappear when they are talked about with your close network. As the quality of your network increases so does the quality of your life. Forget about all the crazy reasons why you should not be going to networking events and picture/ feel the value knowing more people will add to your life.

Offline Networking

Your strategy – Events events events, smile, posture, 3 steps + 1 to rapport, value add, take meaningful notes, schedule follow up

The story - Walk in with a light mood, try to have a laugh before entering the room. Do you gravitate more towards angry looking people or happy looking people? Build rapport through shared passions and values alongside emotional state transitions. Listen to people, find their passions and help them get through a challenge. Do this and they will do this for you.

Your tool kit – A funny video clip, talk to a friend, physiology, location/ occasion/ time space, insightly CRM

Your goals – Schedule networking events weekly and commit to this for 1 year. Make it your goal to get to know one person an event and help that person with a current hurdle.

Online Networking

Your strategy – Build a voice, flatten communication levels, find a community, provide value

The Story - Filling out your profile is only entering the ring, you must get active and build your voice. Make sure to dig behind the titles and generic hard worker labels to express who you really are and what makes you unique. Get out there and interact with people, forget about vertical communication based on titles, dig to passions, values and mission for connection. commenting is your strongest connection tool!

Your tool kit – WTF profile summary, customized google news, rapport for Gmail

Your goals – Have a clear picture, unique title and defining summary that lets people know what makes you special and unique. Avoid all of the token hard/ proficient/ punctual worker words in your profile. 1 like comment or share a day and provide value.

Nothing great happens overnight, your success will be defined by the consistent actions you take over a period of time. By instilling these tried and tested methods you will increase the value in your life and all the lives of those in your network. I personally vouch for them!

“The effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is.” – Jim Carrey


T - @eyesofasmile IG- @eyesofasmile W – calvinsimpson.com

Page 2: Takeaway

Networking – Bridging the offline and online worldQ - I am not very good with follow up/follow through for social or exploratory/informal networking that has no direct end result in mind. This is less problematic when it is specific and direct, or related to something I am working on at the moment.

A- Our minds will never buy into our own good will instead, we must have clear substantial goals in mind, this goes with anything in life! Before registering for any event you must have the goal in mind of meeting new people, learning what makes them tick and how you can help them today. Add value to others and keep an open mind to how others can assist you in your life.

Q -  How do I approach managers in other companies and network without seeming obvious looking for a new job?

A – If you know that is the company you want to work for and better yet, the person, be straight forward with them, you want to work for them for reasons A, B, C. If you are unsure of this, then start with building a relationship, you should make every attempt to get to know the people behind the company before changing teams. The people, and mostly your boss, will be the largest factor in keeping you at a company.

Q- How does one not only identify a mentor, but seek to have their time and so called 'buy in' to invest in ones future potential. Do mentors benefit from having mentees? Always looking for a win-win for both parties. 

A – This is absolutely a two-way street. You have to see value in each other and shared passion’s/ interests in a common cause. No matter how much you think you will not be able to help a mentor, you will. Whether it is a current struggle they may have or if it is simply passing down their hard earned knowledge to avoid mistakes of the past.

Q – Work culture in Canada is different, I could use some help here

A – conversation and relationships are king! Forget about work at work, learn what drives people outside of work and chat with them on that. Work is a large part of life, but not everything. Take a interest in other’s passions outside of work, remember what they were doing the previous night or on the weekend and ask the how it went. This will take you far in any organization, the person with the most skill rarely gets the job or promotion here.

Q - How do I make more than just initial impressions and how to do I foster that relationship in the future?

A- Your goal in offline networking is to learn what makes that person unique and then to help them with a current issue. Deeper level thought in your conversation will show their passions and interests. From here you need to find what is making them uncomfortable and to help them with this problem. This will foster your relationship far past any networking event.

Q - Often when I attend networking events, people tend to know each other and cluster together, I have trouble "breaking in" to those clusters.

A- Come early so you have the upper hand in conversation and greeting people, you also get quality time and respect from the organizer this way! If that is not an option, look for positive eye contact entering a room or a group that is the least closed off. Wear a smile and enter the group, start with just listening to the conversation, do not barge in and overtake the conversation.

Thank you so very much for coming out tonight! I look forward to you reaching out to me on all social platforms and to connecting at any time over email - [email protected]

The only life worth pursuing is one through the eyes of a smile - Calvin

T - @eyesofasmile IG- @eyesofasmile W – calvinsimpson.com