taking over search engines

Taking over Search Engines

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Taking over Search Engines. Web Spamming. What is Spamming ? Spamming is the art of increasing the rank of a page. Why ? Having more visits means gaining more money. How ? Web search engines are the gateways to the web. Get listed in the top results. How much Spam out there ?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Taking over Search Engines

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Web Spamming

What is Spamming ?– Spamming is the art of increasing

the rank of a page. Why ?

– Having more visits means gaining more money. How ?

– Web search engines are the gateways to the web.– Get listed in the top results.

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How much Spam out there ?

Real-Web data from the MSN crawler collected during August 2004

105,484,446 Web pages

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Why is spam bad ?

For Users:– Useless pages.

For Search Engines:– Wastes bandwidth, CPU cycles, storage space.– Pollutes corpus.– Distorts ranking of results.

(Again bad news for users !)

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Web Search Engines use a number of measure to estimate the importance of a page– Content Analysis: TF x IDF, …– Link Analysis: PageRank, …

Also spammers use a number of techniques !– Content Manipulation, i.e. terms– Stucture Manipulation, i.e. links

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Content Manipulation 1

Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition :– Increases the Term Frequency

dumortierite dumose dumous dump dumper dumpage Dumping dumper dumpily :– Makes a document relevant to many queries.– It is effective when using rare words

(Inverse Document Frequency).

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Where ?

Body, Title, Meta Tag, Anchor, Url.

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Content Manipulation 2

Content Repurposing:– Weaving :

Insertion of spam words into a well formed page copied another web-site.

– Phrase Stitching : Gluing well formed sentences copied from many other

web-sites. Why ?

– Overcomes simple statistics that may be taken into account by web search engines

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The Big Picture (1)Techniques / Boosting / Term

Link Bombing

<a href=“target.html”>free, great deals, cheap, inexpensive, cheap, free</a>

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Link Manipulation

Links and pages from the attacker point of view

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Creating (Hijacked) In-Links

Honey pots.– copies of valuable content (e.g. Unix Man Pages) with

hidden links to spam farms or target pages. Web Directories, Blogs, Wikis

– all of the above usually have high Page Rank, and it is possible to add outgoing links to owned pages.

Link Exchange Buy Expired domain Creating Link Farms

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Spamming HITS

HITS algorithm:– Searches for Hubs and Authorities– Top ranked pages are the more authoritative ones

Spam on HITS– Find a collection of good Hubs– Add links from Hubs to the target page– The target page is now linked to good Hubs !!

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PageRank in one equation:– PR(p) = M + (1- ) Vp

– M is the adjacency matrix of the Web Graph. is the damping factor. (usually .85)– in case of fairness Vp=1/N (N = # of pages in the Web).– V is the personalization vector.

What happens if a page p has no outgoing links ? of its PR is lost --> all the PR will be lost eventually.– solution: normalize rows of M.

(i.e. insert links to every other page)

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Aggregate Page Rank

Total page rank is affected by– Number of pages– Incoming Links– Outgoing Links– Dangling Nodes

Topologies that:– Use as many pages as possible– minimize outgoing links– minimize dangling nodes


incoming links

outgoing links

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Chain topology (more is better)

I a O

0.18 0.34 0.47

I a O

0.11 0.21 0.37



PR (Web Site) = 0.34

PR (Web Site) = 0.21+0.29 = 0.50

I a

0.03 0.07













PR (Web Site) = 0.77

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Ring topology

I a O0.18 0.34 0.47

I a O












0.15PR (Web Site) = 0.86

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Clique topology

I a O0.18 0.34 0.47

I a O












0.15PR (Web Site) = 0.93

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Increasing Page Rank of a single target page

Complicated structures do not help– chain, ring, clique

waste page rank among every node in the website To maximize the page rank of a target page a

– all hijacked pages I must point to a– all boosting pages (b,c,d,e,f) must point to a – no links among boosting pages– the target page must point to all of the boosting pages

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Star topology

I a O0.18 0.34 0.47

I a O





0.03 0.09PR (a) = 0.43





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Putting all together

Given many spam farms– Create highly connected topologies among target


Link Exchange – every target page will be rewarded proportionally

to their previous page rank

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Is it worth ?

Page rank has a power low distribution– if a page has a low initial PageRank

it is easy to improve it and to get higher ranking– if a page as an higher initial PageRank

it is hard to improve it and it is harder to overcome other pages

Consider that:– it is cheap to generate automatically a link farm, but – spamming is expensive in terms of

registered domains and IPs.

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Hiding Techniques

Discriminate between real users and crawlers in order to hide spam activity to both of them

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Content Hiding

Use background color for text.– add keywords

Use small 1 pixel anchor images.– add links

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Identify whether the request comes from a real user or a search engine and provide different content.

To users:– provide target pages.

To Search Engines– provide useful and interesting text.– provide a link structure that increase PageRank.

Solution:– Download the same page twice.

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The redirection mechanism is used to create doorways to target pages

Search Engines:– download the page and crawl its links.

Users:– are immediately redirected to a target page.

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Why content hiding is tough

HTML code can be parsed trying to detect spam intrusions.

Javascript code can be parsed too, but it is more difficult.

Eventually, it is needed to interpret the code. Crawling is already very expensive !

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Link analysis algorithms against web spamming

TrustRank Anti-Trust Rank Truncated Page Rank SpamRank

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Trust Rank

Observation– Good pages tend to link good pages.– Human is the best spam detector

Algorithm– Select a small subset of pages and let a human

classify them– Propagate goodness of pages

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Trust Rank: Selection

The seed set S should:– be as small as possible– cover a large part of the Web

Covering is related to out-links in the very same way PageRank is related to in-link

– Inverse PageRank ! A small number of pages with the highest Inverse

PageRank is labeled by a human expert.

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Trust Rank: Propagation

Initial values– TR(p) = 1, if p was found to be a good page– TR(p) = 0, otherwise

Iterations:– propagate Trust in the same way as PageRank

splitting through out-links damping (attenuation)

– only a fixed number of iteration M.

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Trust Rank: Results

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Anti-Trust Rank

Goal– find spam pages

Algorithm– Obtain a seed set of spam pages labeled by hand.

(prefer high PageRank)– Compute PageRank Algorithm on the trasnposed adjacency

matrix.– Use the seed set in the personalization vector.– Rank the pages in descending order of their scores.

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Anti-Trust Rank

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Truncated Page Rank

Observation– Good pages have high page rank because of

pages between 5 and 10 hops away

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Truncated Page Rank

Observation– Good pages have high page rank because of

pages between 5 and 10 hops away– Spam pages gain page rank because of pages in

their neighborhood

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Truncated Page Rank

Observation– Good pages have high page rank because of

pages between 5 and 10 hops away– Spam pages gain page rank because of pages in

their neighborhood Solution

– promote rank coming from far away– demote rank coming from the closest pages

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Truncated Page Rank

Rank propagates through links– only a fraction propagates according to the adjacency matrix M

5 steps of propagation mean M · M · M · M · M = 5·M5

We can calculate the page rank of a page by summing up the contributions from different distances:

– PR(p) = t · Mt = damping(t) · Mt

We can replace n with a function like this:

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Truncated Page Rank

Strategy:– Pages whose PageRank is largely different from

its Truncated PageRank are likely to be spam Results:

– Comparable with TrustRank

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Spam Rank

Observations:– Spam pages are usually supported by low PageRank

Pages.– Spammers have a limited budget, so they replicate only

what they need for boosting PageRank. Idea:

– Find missing statistical features of dishonest supporters.– Due to the self-similarity, the honest supporter set should

have a power-law distribution of PageRank.

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Spam Rank: Algorithm

Find supporters for each page. Check whether each set of supporters follows a

power-law distribution of its PageRank. Create penalties for suspicious pages. Run PageRank using a personalization vector based

on penalties.

Spam Rank is a Measure of Undeserved PageRank

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Spam Rank: Results

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