talent is social: sourcing & vetting candidates via social media

TALENT IS SOCIAL Using social media to match your company with the best employees. A presentweetion for the time-starved. ERIC WEAVER, TRIBAL DDB Social Media 101 Conference September 25, 2009

Post on 18-Oct-2014




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"Talent is Social" is a presentweetion (PPT delivered in 140-character chunks) aimed at organizations looking to use social media to source and vet candidates. It includes watchouts for companies once candidates have been hired and are using social media, and a few tips for jobseekers at the end. This presentweetion was created for the Social Media 101 Conference held on 9/25/09 at Microsoft Campus in Bellevue, Washington. While I have managed many teams over the years and have run my own agency, I am neither a lawyer nor an HR professional and consequently welcome all commentary and dialogue.


Page 1: Talent is Social: Sourcing & Vetting Candidates via Social Media

TALENT IS SOCIALUsing social media to match your company with the best employees.

A presentweetion for the time-starved.


Social Media 101 Conference

September 25, 2009

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1:51 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

Excess hype, overshare,pokes, "how well do you knowme" quizzes, stalkers. Who’duse this for finding “talent”?#GottaBeKidding

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1:52 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

BOOMERS = propriety. Trained in formalities, don’to end, guarded means safe, not so great with “random.”Suit & tie = trust.

1:52 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

GENS X&Y = a nity. Formalities ignored, sharingmeans finding, tech is easy, random is life. Consideryour lens. Suit & tie = distrust.

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My last 3 jobs came thru social media. Like onlinedating, SocMed provides more info than ever before.Geography unimportant.1:53 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

1:54 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

SocMed also introduces new risks for all parties. Let'stalk abt tools, approaches & how employers/employees

can benefit by going social.

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TRADITIONAL SPRAY-AND-PRAY JOB SEARCH: orgopens job req, publicizes, resumes flood in,recruiters sift, candidates validated, o er made.1:54 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

REALITIES: recruiters overwhelmed, no incentive/no way to vet all applicants. They resort toemployee referrals & online search.1:55 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

REALITIES: As a door-knocker, you are making theask for time, attention from time-starved recruitersacting as gauntlets. Most rejected.1:55 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

REALITIES: Less data = more risk. Everyone’s hopespiled up on questionable opportunities,questionable candidates. #WhyAgain?

1:55 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

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RISK FOR RECRUITERS: dysfunctional/flaky/badhires=wasted $$, reputation loss, damaged teams.How trustworthy is this candidate?1:56 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

RISK FOR CANDIDATES: sharky envirnmts,employer loyalty gone, salary not assured. Whatwill boss be like? How trustworthy is this employer?1:56 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

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TRUST IS ALREADY BEING DETERMINEDONLINE. Your company is already being talkedabout. Best to engage rather than avoid.1:57 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

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Candidates, don’t get too smarmy. Whathappens when LinkedIn adopts Yelp- or

eBay-like performance ratings?1:57 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

“Jim flaked on a key project during our rebranding efforts. He

never delivered agreed-upon assets and we were forced to

terminate our relationship. Beware: bad hire!” July 27, 2009

Jon Connolly, President/CEO, Iris Media, Inc.

was with another company when working with Jim at

ItCouldHappen LLC

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REALITY: both employers and candidates need to

be found and build trust through social channels.

less than a minute ago - Comment - Like

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1:59 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

BIG REASON #1: the more u put out thereabout your company or yourself, the morelikely u are to be found by the ppl who woulddig u most.

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2:00 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

BIG REASON #2: the more you put yourselfout there, the more likely people will TRUSTyou know what the hell ur talking abt. #werd

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Employers: let’s look at sourcing & vetting talent.less than a minute ago - Comment - Like

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2:02 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

WHY SOCIAL MEDIAFOR SOURCING?Resumes never tell thefull picture. Passions?Quirks? Work habits?

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2:03 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

2MM people signing up for LinkedIn EVERY MONTH. 80% ofcompanies using it to find employees. Vs. 50000 job boards.One place to look!

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RT @ElaineVarelas: “Job bds usedless & less by emplyrs as a sourcefor new candidates.”

RT @LinkedIn: “Easier to sourcehard-to-find professionals usingsocial networks.”

Work & personal lives rarelyseparated anymore. When weboomers separate the two, GenXassumes we’re concealing stu .Trust key to hiring!

2:04 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

2:04 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

2:04 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

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September 25 at 2:05pm - Comment - Like - See Wall-to-Wall

Eric Weaver WATCHOUTS: Don’t shotgunJDs onto any soc netwk you find. Bad form.Also, check ur soc netwk emails daily.

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2:06 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

VETTING CANDIDATES: proof of workexperience, thought leadership, relationships,

tenure, public blowups, fraud. Evencheesecake pix.

2:07 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

LinkedIn testimonials can be reciprocal. Chkpipl.com, zoominfo.com, youtube, flickr. Chk

sales figure claims, online "fights." A big deal?

2:07 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

Do they badmouth former (worse: existing)employers online? Realize: it’s often in a

venting-to-peers context.

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2:07 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

MANAGING EMPLOYEES: Twitter, Facebookmean that info, photos can & are often sharedw/world. RT @emarketer: 29MM smartphonesin US!

2:07 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

Some employers banning any social sites toforce getting wk done. Problem: this turns adeaf ear to important external conversation.

2:08 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

Most emplyees not out to damage brand. RT@sharlyn_lauby: blogging guidelines crucial.Focus on what they CAN do, rather than don'ts.

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2:09 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

TIP: Measure what employees get done, notsocial time. Good old-fashioned performancemeasurement, done through hands-onmanagement, works.

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2:10 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

PR crises can happen in theblink of an eye. Set uplistening tools to monitorblogosphere & avoid gettingblindsided. Ex: @dominos

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2:11 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

LEVERAGE UR EMPLOYEES: their contentextends mktg e orts, shows “real” side of biz.Ex: @Deloitte held empl film festival tellingcomp story.

2:11 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

When employees are engaged, they oftenproduce more work—and on their own time.Foster creativity and esprit d’corps.

2:12 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

UPDATE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK! Acknldge rightto persnl time, expression; claim the right tothe brand; connect their activities to the brand.

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Employees: be found. Demonstrate others’ trust.less than a minute ago - Comment - Like

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2:12 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

The new job search is about BEING FOUND, notknocking on unmarked doors—or worse,busting them down. Don’t be a stalker on amission.

2:12 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

The bigger ur online intellectual footprint, themore likely u will be found by the rt people.But also, be interesting, personable, real.

2:13 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

This way, you’re in the driver’s seat. Less likely to beblocked/deleted. They’ll vet u, & when they call,you’ll know they’re interested.

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The same mktgtactics u hate (spam,bombardment,interruption) annoyrecruiters,companies. Let urvalue speak for itself.Let 'em find u.2:13 PM Sep 25 fromPowerPoint

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Spray and Praydressed up as socialmedia. This ismonologue, notdiscussion. Chk out #of comments. DON’TBE THIS GUY.

2:14 PM Sep 25 fromPowerPoint

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RULES OF ENGAGEMENT: honesty (liesare outed). O er proof everywhere.Be relatable. Flu /glitz not req'd;clarity/brevity/audibility are!

2:15 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

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2:16 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

MORAL OF THE STORY: this is all about TRUST. Thatyou are (Employer, Employee) who you say you are.That you will not injure the other.

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slides: slideshare.net/weavepresentweetion: @presentweetionme: @weavecompany: tribalddb.ca