tales from sylvania ii

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  • 7/30/2019 Tales From Sylvania II


    TALES FROM SYLVANIA IIThis WFRP scenario is made for the three pre generated PCs in the end-section, feel free todevelop other PCs, but if they are really good and interesting, please post them to me! Thescenario's Bad-girl is build around the real person Elizabeth Bathoy - converted for theWarhammer world. The scenario takes place in the year 2413 which is several years before

    normal campaigns (typically 2512). In a campaign the scenario can be introduced through aminstrel or story teller (like Orfeo). The players might get 1/4 of the normal Experience points, orsomething like that (They learn a little from the history). Otherwise you can change the history alittle, making the PC's have to meet an old friend (a NPC from earlier in the campaign) in Nuln.The scenario uses several sources (I had only a little less than two days to make a playable

    version of the scenario for my groups next gaming meeting, and I had to use methods like that).First the converted historic person Countess Elizabeth Bathoy which the scenario is based upon. Afriend of mine is making some material about Sylvania, and as I helped him collecting informationabout Romania, I found some interesting information about this person. The next thing is themonastery's layout, which was taken from 'The name of the rose' including the library (some ofmy players had seen the movie, but haven't read the book, and in the book the library's mysteryis totally different!). -- Maps aviable for download

    This WFRP scenario is made for the three pre generated PCsin the end-section, feel free to develop other PCs, but if they

    are really good and interesting, please post them to me!The scenario's Bad-girl is build around the real personElizabeth Bathoy - converted for the Warhammer world. Thescenario takes place in the year 2413 which is several yearsbefore normal campaigns (typically 2512).In a campaign the scenario can be introduced through aminstrel or story teller (like Orfeo). The players might get1/4 of the normal Experience points, or something like that(They learn a little from the history). Otherwise you canchange the history a little, making the PC's have to meet an

    old friend (a NPC from earlier in the campaign) in Nuln.The scenario uses several sources (I had only a little lessthan two days to make a playable version of the scenario formy groups next gaming meeting, and I had to use methodslike that).First the converted historic person Countess Elizabeth Bathoywhich the scenario is based upon. A friend of mine is makingsome material about Sylvania, and as I helped him collectinginformation about Romania, I found some interestinginformation about this person.

    The next thing is the monastery's layout, which was takenfrom 'The name of the rose' including the library (some ofmy players had seen the movie, but haven't read the book,and in the book the library's mystery is totally different!).


    The story teller had offered to tell a story for a portion offood and a mug of ale. The traveling group of adventures inthe inn had much gold at the time, and was looking for

    opportunities to use it. The story teller had finished eatingand looked on the group of adventures.

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    I will tell a story about the southern Sylvania in the year2413, an isolated place with much superstition. This story isactualy about one of these superstitions. The question aboutwether it is true or not, I will leave for you to decide.Before I start I will introduce the story's three main persons,3 close friends. The first was a priest by the name BernhardHartvig, he was a priest of the Verena-cult of learning andjustice. When he wasn't at the temple, he spend his timewith his friends, or teached Theology, history, and oldlanguages at Nuln's university. The next also represented thelaw, but not in a religious manner. He was AdolfHddermeier a successful lawyer. The last one was born asthe youngest noble-son of a baron south of Nuln. His namewas Berthold von Klingenhof. After his days at the universityhe settled down in Nuln, since he had nothing to return to.

    His dad sent him money, and he had nothing special to do,besides discussing various subject with his friends. Hethought a lot about life and its small complications and wasnamed 'The philosopher' by his friends.The four friends, well the last one will wait a little to beintroduced, met eachother at the university of Nuln. Theywere always together and they had decided to travel awayfrom Nuln to explore the Old Worlds cultures and history. Butas you might have guessed, they ended up stuck in Nuln,Adolf was even married!

    The fourth friend Herpin Hildenbrandt Meier, decided to leaveNuln and travel to Sylvania to a isolated monastery. He wasgoing to write a book about Sylvanian Folklore and themonastery was renowned for its huge collection of books.Herpin agreed to meet the others again at the Nuln carnivalstarting the day before Sonstill the 33. Sommerzeit.When the time came for the carnival, the three friendswaited all through the carnival, but their was no sign of theirfriend. This worried them a lot because they knew Herpinwas a man who kept his promises.


    Sylvania is a province in Stirland. It actually belongs toStirlands Noble elector-family of Haupt-Anderssen, but it hasaalways had some kind of independence within Stirlands area- as long as taxes are paid. On most WFRP and WFB maps,Sylvania's borders stops before The Worlds Edge Mountains.Because of the real Trans-sylvania highland the bordersshould be considered to stretch into the mountains, actually

    to the Northern shores of Black Waters. The mountain area ishowever only sparsely populated, and villages normally have

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    a maximum of 70 villagers.In the area near Black Waters small Fisher-villagers can befound.Sylvania consists of small villagers and huge deserted areas(unpopulated!). The southern Sylvania is high land andmountain land, while the northern is dominated by forests -mostly Beech and pine trees.The area around the villages and towns is cleared for treesand huge fields surrounds the villages. The moresophisticated villages which is seen in the rest of the Empire,like wine or boat producing, is rare in Sylvania. Typicallyvillages produces agriculture, but in the mountains severalmining communities can be found - these are mostlyDwarven.

    Dwarfs in Sylvania

    Dwarfs is to be found on the border of Sylvania and theBorder Princes. They havent very much contact with theSylvanians, except for trading to food and livestock.A few mining communities consisting of both Humans andDwarfs can, however, be found (typically coal mines), andDwarven craftsmen and engineers have often to been hiredto build the great old castles in Sylvanias highland.The Dwarfs have the following big communities in the

    southern mountain land (The Worlds edge mountains).:Karak Varn: Karag Varn is located in the middle of ametoerite crater, and it is here the strange mineral Gromrilwas mined. Today its lower levels are flooded by a miningdisaster many years ago. The levels above has been sealedbecause of great numbers of Skaven and things far morehorrible. It is the nature of Gromril that it is always foundtogether with the dreaded warpstone. The warpstonemeteorites is almost always surrounded by fragments of themineral, which seems to be immune to the chaotic effects of

    warpstone (perhaps even have a neutralizing effect). But theamount of warpstone in the crater attracted the attention ofthe Skavens, and the horrors below are results from thewarping power of the warpstone.Dwarf expedition are occasionally dispatched to venturebelow in search of Gromril, which has becomed even morerare.Zhufbar: Zhufbar is Khazalid for 'Torrent Gate'. It is locatedin the deep chasm down the mountainside of the lake varn.High above the city a waterfall cascades from the lake and

    runs fiercely down the chasm. Here the Dwarfs haveconstructed thousands of waterwheels to power their drop

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    hammers, ore crushers, and washing pans. The chasmresounds to the noise of mining operations, creaking wheelsand the roar of the running water.The city is the central home of the Dwarven Engineers guildand because of this the city is also the centre of any kind ofindustry and metalworking. It is also here the mined Gromrilis melted.In the time of Sigmar, Zhufbar was besieged by all sides,when the lake was almost drained for water and the wellscracked to a halt. The Dwarfs were driven out, by the smithAlaric the mad was sent out to find aid. He had heard therumors of the mighty warlord to the west known by thename Sigmar. In exchange for twelve swords of the fabledGromril, Sigmar dispatched his best troops and joined theDwarfs to wipe out the Goblin horde.

    As the Dwarfs returned to Zhufbar, Alaric began the work ofthe twelve swords. When they were finished Sigmar has longpassed his worldy form. But as a Dwarf, Alaric keept hispromise, and returned the swords to the Empire's emperor.Blackwater: the great leak of Blackwater ('Varn Drazh' inKhazalid), was made of the hugest known meteorite everknown to hit the world. The prescence of warpstone is not sogreat (perhaps used by the Old Slann), but dark monstersare rumored to inhabit the dark depths. There are however agreat presence of Gromril in the area, which is mined by the

    Dwarfs of Karak Varn. It is this lakes raging waters that runthe great water wheels of Zhufbar.


    One of the players near friends has vanished without a traceat a monastery in Sylvania. The players where going to meethim at the Summer-Carnival in Nuln, but the friend doesn'tshow up. This is very confusing, since the friend is knownedto keep his promises.

    Their friend has been involved in a Vampires, and its slaves,fight for power in a little monastery community in thesouthern Sylvania. The vampire used to be countess of thearea. She has enslaved and drained people in the last 14days or so.The players Know that their friend lived in a Verenamonastery in the southern Sylvania, where he studied formaterial for his book about the area (the players most likelydestination). This monastery consists of a community with alittle village attached (like 'the name of the rose'. For floor

    plans use the map from the book).What the players doesn't know, but will eventually learn, is

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    that the monastery was build on the ruins (typically forbuildings in the middle ages) of the old countess-vampirescastle. The countess herself lives beneath the monastery inthe old ruins of the castles catacombs, which isn't accessible,or known, from the monastery.The countess was awoken from her sleep a month ago whensome of the monasteries monks, secretly, discovered thecatacombs by studying various books about the areas history(books the players will also discover). They found thesleeping countess and realised her nature. Rather than killingher they feed her with blood in hope that she could revealold history or informations about life as a undead. A powerfulvampire, however, ain't easily kept at bay, and the monkswasn't really aware of her powers. She enslaved the group ofmonks and got to work - She is going to need some feeding

    to restrengthen herself.One of the countess' methods to gain power over the monksand villagers is to weaken their souls, by having them eatinghuman flesh. All victims who has been drained and killed(mysteriously disappeared!) ends up in the butchers (alsoenslaved) cellar, to be used to make smoking sausages.In the areas history and folk lore, the Countess was knownas a ruthless, cruel woman, who bathed in blood, practicedblack magic, and, with her assailants made bloody Khainerituals.

    The journey to Averheim

    The players can't get a coach all the way to the monastery.Instead they will have to get a coach to a village in theMootland, passing through Averheim on the way. From theMoot they will have to find a coach to Sylvania.This makes water travel very much easier, since the riverAver goes all the way to Buchresti. Below are description for

    road travel, if you players want's to use the more expensiveriver travel you should reefer to the DoTR expanding Riverlife in the Empire.There are two coach companies located in Nuln. They bothhave routes to the Moot. The players will be able to get acoach at the Imperial Expressway for a price of 17 gc andthe Cannonball expressway charge 15 gc for the same route.The players should be encouraged to prepare for their travel,buying any equipment, assistance (it will however be farmore cheaper to by eventually assistance on arrival), finish

    any buisness, etc.If the Nuln's Verena temple is contacted the players will be

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    able to get a basic briefing of the monastery and the land ofSylvania and its cultures. The players will also be asked afavour: To deliver confidental post to the monastery. Thepost consist of a few letters and a lot of heavy books sealedin a travel bag. The players will get 10 gc for this task (andthey must swear to Verena that the package will bedelivered). If you play with pre-generated PC's the Verenapriest will be charged with this task in order to get to leavethe city (and no money change hands!).

    The first part of the journey to Averheim will take 3 days. Onthe second day the Coach reaches a independent coachinginn for the night. When the Coach enters the yard theplayers can see another coach from the other company thanthe one they have chosen. The two coachmen Alfred and

    Werner knows the coachmen of the other coach. Therenames are Hugo and Bengt. The two pairs of coachmentravels the same routes but at different coach companies.They know each other perfectly well and they havedeveloped a kind of love/hate relationship to eachother,always mocking and challenging eachother.As the players enter the inn, the coachman Werner will turnhis attention to the two other coachmen sitting at a table.Werner: 'Oh my! Look Alfred, if it isn't the low down dirtyrats, Hugo and Bengt. What a coincidence'. Hugo: 'Oi Bengt,

    can you smell something?'. Bengt: 'Yes, wonder... Hey lookwhat the cat dragged in!'. After this they greet eachotherand joins the table, the players are invited too. Alfred andWerner will introduce the players. Throughout the eveningthe players may note signs of hidden hostility among thecoachmen. Mean insults followed by the occasional 'HA HA',countered by an even meaner insult and then they all laughand slaps backs and so on. The coachmen will also challengeeachother to all sort of things (cards, armwrestling, beerswallowing) and the players are welcomed to join. In these

    contests the players may notice how the coachmen strugglewith eachother quickly forgetting the PC's .(If you like you could have the two coachmen Hugo andBengt try to persuade the players to switch coach - price isup to GM.)The four coachmen will also draw the attention of thebeautiful barmaid Catarina. Both Alfred and Bengt seemsvery interested in her and makes several inquirers.During the evening Alfred and Werner will loose a lot ofmoney in card game to Hugo and Bengt. You can have Hugo

    and Bengt cheat. This will obviously make Alfred veryfrustrated as his last money passes to Hugo's or Bengt's

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    hands.Later this evening Alfred will draw one of the PC's aside, andask them a favor. He want's the player to buy a small barrelof beer from the landlord (Alfred pays of course) and then gointo the stables and empty the barrel in one of the watercontainers where one of Hugo and Bengts horses are. Alfredhasn't any money but will offer any appropriate service tothe PC (eg. 'I know sweet girls in Averheim, and I couldintroduce you!?'). The PC might have lost quite some moneyhimself. If the player refuse, Alfred will do it himself laterwith the excuse that he have to go to the toilet.When Alfred comes back it seems that the barmaid Catarinahas fallen for his charming personality and when Catarinafinally decides to retire, Alfred escorts her to her room anddoesn't return! On their way to their rooms Werner will mock

    Bengt for his bad luck with Catarina. It doesn't require a lotof skill at psychology to discover that Bengt doesn't like thissituation.During the night Bengt will sneak down to Werner andAlfred's coach with a saw, if he believe he is unnoticed he willcut halfway through one of the coach's axles. If the playersdiscover this you should improvise according to what theydo.On the next day Werner and Alfred's coach drives first(Alfred gives Catarina a goodbye kiss, making sure Bengt

    sees it). As Alfreds' and Werner's coach drives off, Bengt andHugo is trying to pull a horse out of the stables - who wouldrather lay down or wander some other way.Several hours later on the road, Bengt and Hugo's coachapproach Alfred and Werner's coach rapidly from behind.They drive up beside the other coach and Hugo speaks:'Hello again! Isn't it odd that someone had emptied a holebarrel of ale in one of our horses water container?'. Alfred'sreply: 'Why yes! People does the strangest things, huh?!'.Bengt whips his horses and increase speed. Alfred and

    Werner looks at eachother and Alfred does the same. Thiscontinue until SNAP! Alfred's and Werner's coach suddenlylooses one of its axles. The players will discover (by lookingout the windows) that the two front wheels flies off in thewoods. The coach scrapes hard again the road and theplayers bump into eachother (S 2 hit on random locations).Alfred and Werner quickly halts the horses. Hugo and Bengtis now long gone!What does the players do now? There are at least 3 miles tothe nearest building (a coaching inn). The players will

    definitely suggest that they should use the six horses asriding mounts. Alfred and Werner says ok for this idea, but

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    riding a horse without saddle and harness should be verydifficult , and when one of the players fall off and hit himselfbadly, this will maybe make them think twice. The playerscold improvise Harness by ropes (if they have anyexperience with horses and/or knots). But another problemis that if the players need their baggage transported on thehorses, then where are they going sit? There are twocoachmen and the players and only six players. The solutionmight in the end be: Using the horses as draft animal s andtravel on foot. What happens in the forest? Beastmen andmutants? wild animal? Bandits? No matter what you shouldbe kind at last and make a group of six roadwardens (onesergeant) come to their rescue(maybe in the middle ofdifficult combat). The players can ride together with theroadwardens, and the coach horses can be used as draft

    horses.When the players come to the next coaching inn, they canget saddle and harness' and ride, the less than a day ride, toAverheim, instead of waiting for the next coach (playerschoice, Werner and Alfred is just trying to please thetravelers).


    As far as I know no description of Averheim has ever been

    officially printed, but you can consider it a town likeBgenhafen (about 4.500 people or so - in 2413 thepopulation might have been lower in the cities!).In Averheim the players will be able to travel with a sparecoach the next morning. Wether the coachmen will beWerner and Alfred is entirely up to GM, they have someexplanation to do.If you play with the pre-generated PC's, and the playersknow that Hugo and Bengt are the saboteurs, the lawyer willknow that Werner and Alfred will be able to win in court

    against Hugo and Bengt and gain some money for pain andsuffering. Hugo and Bengt can also do the same because ofwhat Alfred did to their horse. The coach company won'tneed the help of the PC, they have their own Lawyers.Perhaps Alfred and Werner doesn't have any interest in goingto court, they would rather get even. They might even try toget the PC's with them into their feud.Other city events is entirely up to GM (see The Enemy Withincampaign or other.).The route to the Moot goes without any incidents, and takes

    two days.

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    In the village ??? in Mootland the players will be able to finda Halfling coaching company called The pot and pan Coach-lines which have a route to a village in the southern Sylvaniasome miles from the monastery.The village has 93 citizens (4 humans, 89 Halflings). Mostbuildings are Hobbit-Barrows but inns, stores, and someother buildings are in human-standards. The citizens aregenerally fond of travelers and the players will finally havethe chance of felling welcome in a new village (there lastchance of comfort!!!). The price on inns (two in this village)are normal standard prices, expect bed with full board whichis more expensive than normal, since it involves 8 meals aday. Their coachman Hildenbrandt Furfoot is a happy little

    fellow who will do anything to make their stay and travel apleasure. Even on the road he is able to put real foodtogether.

    The travel to Buchresti

    The journey takes a little over 2 daysOn the first day you could throw some bandits at them orjust leave the poor things alone.On the second days journey some 7 miles before reaching

    Buchresti. the coach reaches a point where a small forest islocated down below the road which runs across a landscapeof hills. A clearing can be seen with a little wooden cabin andHildebrandt explains that they will have to camp here for thenight (no coaching inn is located outhere, but instead thissmall cabin - the pre generated PCs might have a seriousproblem with this). Hildebrandt leads the horses down to theclearing, the coach is leaved on the road. Hildebrandt is,however, able to make the encampment comfortable with hisgood cooking.

    As dark closes in the players will hear sounds of howlingwolves. Hildebrandt looks calm at them and says 'Don'tworry my friends! I know this area and the wolves Onlyattacks when being threatened'. At some point Hildebrandtwill have to get something from the coach (Food for a latenight snack, etc.), he won't be needing any assistance but ifsome players follow him you can easily improvise on theevents below.The players suddenly her a ROAF and something hits theroad (the halfling has been attacked by a "peaceful" wolf,

    dead is instant. His head is teared of - more odd sounds).The next thing the players hear is a repeating bump...bump

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    bump...bump bump bump. Down towards the cabin, andthen something hits the door hard with a 'THUD'. A playeropening the door will stare in chock at the Halflings severedhead (2 insanity points). The next thing heard is the howlingof a wolf, this time closer. These Wolfs are not quite normal,The vampiress knows about the players and the Wolfs areunder her command. There are 6 Wolfs. The players canfight it out, remember that Humans and Halflings have poorvision in the outside at night. Other options might be tobarricade themselves. The wolves will disappear before dawn- Elizabeth hopes that this encounter will stop the players.Without a coachman the players will properly be unable todrive the coach. They might want to ride the horses, butthey haven't got any saddles and harness. Maybe they willhave to walk. As GM you should decide weather the players

    are able to drive the coach or not.


    Buchresti is the largest town in Sylvania and considered itscapital. It is located in the lowland at the River Aver before itreaches The Worlds Edge Mountain. Buchresti has about3.500 citizens. The players will have to travel on foot fromhere into the lower parts of the Worlds Edge Mountains tothe location of the monastery.

    The players can hire guides and assistance in the town whichis a very good idea, since the terrain is treacherous for theunwary. They will perhaps also need to buy otherequiptments for mountain traveling and/or draft animals.Although there is a road from the mountains to themonastery, it cannot be guaranteed that a rockfall hasn'tblocked the road or other incidents have occurred.

    Mountain travel

    The journey to the monastery will take about three days.Events on the days are described below:

    Day 1The players reach the small hills below the mountainswithout any incidents. As they wander, looking for a place tomake camp, they see a large encampment further on. Thereare about 12 wagons and a fire has been lit. Any guide canexplain that these a gypsies, nomadic people and advise totry to join their camp.

    The Gypsies will happily invite the players in to their camp.Remember that without a guide, communication can be

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    difficult with the older gypsies. Careful players will properlyinsist on watching their purse and baggage from these'thieving' people, but the Gypsies have no need for steelingfrom their guests (or has they? GM's choice, if none of theplayers watch their goods then just maybe...).The players can also visit the Gypsies Seer who can read theplayers fortune. The players will be showed into one of thewagons to a woman of about 50 years of age ('Cross myhand with silver' etc. etc.).Weather the fortune reading will be: 'Yes! I see your fate iscrossing with a tall dark man from Kislev,' or 'Yes! Yourlooking for an old friend... mmm... I feal your friend is ingreat trouble. He has meddled to deep in things that shouldhave been secretive... And now the jealous brother has hismark upon him..' Is entirely up to the GM. Inquiries about

    'the Jealous brother' will make the Gypsy make religioussigns and quick prayers and she will command the PC to dothe same.The players will also be able to buy lucky-charms. Thecharms are leather necklaces with a piece of bone boundwith herbs (Garlic if you prefer).The players will be offered wine served together with music ,singing and dancing at the fire. The music and the dancesare very unusual - it almost hypnotically gets the PCsattention, nothing the PCs have seen before. A story teller

    might tell local folklore - maybe even histories about blooddrinking creatures among the nobility, who terrorize the poorlocal peasantry. A handsome player might be invited todance by a beautiful young girl (as she sits on the PCs lab, apurse might change hand - discrete of course). If the PC getsto intimate her big brother, and maybe some others, showsup to defend his younger sister. At last the Gypsies will go tosleep, and drunk PCs will pass out.In the morning the PCs journey continue, the Gypsies aregoing the other way. If the Gypsies stole something from the

    PCs and the PCs got real drunk you might have them awakediscovering that the Gypsies are long gone, together withtheir valuables.

    Day 2As the players descend into the mountains, they discover abig wolf with a little creature on its back. The rider isconstantly watching them. The rider is a Goblin, and he istrying to lure the players into a trap. The PCs guide canexplain that it is a Goblin rider, and others might be nearby,

    as Goblins live together in big flocks - he will stronglysuggest moving on. If the players walk towards the rider he

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    will begin to back up. As the players reach the place wherehe just stood, a hail of 5 arrows flies towards them. Theshooters are 5 other Goblins (on wolves if your players canhandle it). As the players draw their weapons the Goblinscharge into combat, dropping their bows to draw handweapon. As soon as two Goblins or more are dead eachGoblin must pass a Ld test or flee from combat.

    Day 3The players reach the monastery at dusk. As they walk intothe small village a nice smell (especially if the players havebeen forced to live on Iron rations) of Smoked sausagereaches their nostrils. The smell comes from a butchersbuilding and a woman standing in front of the building greetsthe players: 'Welcome travelers to the monastery of the

    order of the learned. Would you care for one of the villagerenowned smoked sausages? After traveling the mountains ittastes even better!'. The sausage costs 2 Silver Shillings andactually tastes very good. As described in the introductionthese sausages have been made from human flesh. Theyhave a very sweet taste and the meet is soft. For 48 hoursafter eating a sausage the player will be more vulnerable tothe hypnotic effects of the vampire, which has a morepowerful effect (should it be neccesary).This woman is under the control of the vampiress Elizabeth -

    being unable to stop the players she will instead try toenslave them. The players might discover that the woman isa little bit slow, and talks without any emotion in her voice.

    The monastery of the order of the learnedPlease read carefully through this section to get a overviewof events and knowledge. The players actions can benumerious as they try to investigate.The players are very likely to travel to this monastery sincetheir friend lived there.

    This monastery was build in 2230 on the fundament of someold castle ruins in The Worlds Edge Mountain south-east ofBuchresti.The monastery is build around a great library and is devotedto Verena, especially in her aspect as Goddess of learning.The monastery is located in a area in Sylvanias southernmountain land. In front of the monastery is a little unnamedvillage with 54 poor inhabitants.The village is excepted from paying taxes to Stirland, sincethe village is considered a part of the monastery

    (Monasteries doesn't pay taxes!). The villagers however isexpected to donate valuables to the monastery, but in

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    practice it is the monastery who supports the poor villagers.

    Both the monastery and the village acts like a littleindependent community.

    The monks of the monastery do not get to keep theirsurnames. They are typically called by their first name, likeBrother Mathias. Instead they get the surname of their placeof origin or from the temple they originally came from. Somemonks have originally choosen to belong to other orders buthave then been stationed in the order of the learned(typically by own request). Thus Bruther Markus of Giseroux.

    A typical day in the monastery.:1. The monks get op at 5 a.m. and gets ready for the

    morning prayer.2. Efter the morning prayer, a little past 6 a.m. breakfast isprepared and eaten.3. At 7.30 a.m. the monasterys inhabitants goes to workwith their apointed tasks. The gates are opened.4. At 12.00 The work is stopped and lunch is eaten.5. At 12.30 the inhabitans return to their work.6. At 5.00 p.m. Work is stopped and supper is eaten.7. At 6.00 P.m. The gates are closed and after prayer in thetemple the monks return to their chambers.

    The monks must obey the following rules and guests arestrongly encouraged also to do so.:* No lies. This doesnt mean that a question have to beanswered. Woves of silence is highly respected and practicedin the Verena cult.* Only Monks of the order of the learned assosiated with thelibrary is permitted entrance to it. This rule is enforced bythe monastery guard.* Books may not be removed from the monastery.

    * No gambling is allowed. The monastery guard isntexcepted from this rule, they just dont give a damn.* No one may raise his hand in anger against another, withinthe walls of the monastery.* As long as a persons own life isnt put in danger, everythingmust be done to save the books of the library.* All other Verena restrictions also counts!

    The players can get the following information from thetemple, Through different monks and so on. Let the players

    do a lot of interaction with the monasteries inhabitants to getthe different pieces of information, flavored with the NPC's

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    motive and personality.* The monks has a lot to do, with some unknown epidemi inthe village - which has resulted in 3 deaths so far (heavyblood loss without any open wounds!!). A few villagers haveleft the village proparbly because of the epidemi (They havevanished, as victims for the vampire!)* The players friend left the monastery some days before hewas going to leave for Nuln and was never seen return.* Some of the monks believe that the friend headed for Nulnand expects that he will come back, since he left some of hisequiptment in his room at the monastery. Other thinks hehas been eaten by wolfs.* A small search party, consisting of peasants, wasn't able tofind the friend.* The players may be able to enter this room by making a

    successful Fel test when talking to the monastery's priest.* Herpin was very talkative until the last days before hisdisappearance where he generally kept to himself.* From the guards or animal keeper: "Wolves has been seenoutside the monastery late at night. Mighty unususal forthem to come this close"* From the Scholars: "Brother Aldbrecht has been actingrather strangely recently. He stares off into space, like hismind is wandering in some other realm. You have to shakehim to get his attention."

    * From Brother Heinrich of Grunburg: "mm.. Hasn't got theopportunity to study my great passion recently, BrotherAldbrecht says he has mislaid the books on local folklore.Hrmph, and he is supposed to watch out for our library!"* A little red heering from Brother Josef: "I was talking toBrother Mathias the other day, when I noticed him shyingaway from me. I asked him what seemed to be the matter,and he said it was my 'stinking garlic breath'. Can youbelieve that? Apperantly the man doesn't know of the virtuesof garlic!". (Well, who wouldn't turn away from a stinking

    garlic breath!).

    Other information, relevant as irrelevant, can be added atGM's discretion. Generally if the players seems to be catchingclues up quickly, you should use some red heerings oreveryday talk to add some more roleplaying and NPCinteraction.

    The friends equipment consists of the following: Spareclothes, blankets, Writing equipment, papers, a blank

    notebook a, sorted tools, a walking stick, a diary, and a usednotebook.

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    The notebook contains notes about Herpins book. All entrieshave been dated, and the players will notice that Herpinstops writing notes for his book, about 14 days before hisdisappearance, as if something else has taken his attention.A lose sheet of paper has been inserted between the pagesat the last entry. The note is written by Herpin and reads'Noble families of Sylvania, CLXV, 1. Empire'. This is a nameon a book in the library, its page number (165), and itslocation (see the Monastery's library).Since access to the library is restricted, the players will haveto sneak into the library, properly by night. In this bookthere will also be a description of Elizabeth's family and theplayers will discover that it is a sinister family with insanepersons and praticioners of Black magic. A circle has beenmarked around Elizabeth's Buttler Johan Huydermann's

    name, on the page number 165, which is about Elizabeth vonTrauptheim.In the same room as the 'Noble families of Sylvania' islocated a book about sylvania's history can be found (or youcan just let this books passage be contained in the 'Noblefamilies of Sylvania' book) which describes Eliazbeth. Thispage is represented by handout 1.Some of the diary's pages is represented in the handoutsection. The players might note that Herpin suddenly startsto talk about plots and great threats at the same date as the

    notebooks last entry.

    If the players examine some of the sick villagers, they canfind some puncture marks on their necks, Characters withheal wounds skill can explain the diagnose as bloodloss.

    The players can become lay-brother in the temple asdescribed in The unofficial realm of divine magick (Thesampler version is located in the warhammer archives). Theplayers might try this approach to be able to enter the

    library. This will however involve an interview with fatherMaynard about the persons intentions ("Access to thelibrary!" is not considered a good intention). To make it evenmore complicated the person will have to go through a halfyears testing time before being initiated as a lay-brother.

    The monastery's library:The library contains many informations and may easily drawthe players attention away from their original goal (especiallythe pre-generated academics!), but the following relevant

    informations is contained within the mysteriously library (itssecret will have to be revealed first!):

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    * Background information about Elizabeth can be found bothunder her name (takes time!) or in history about the area(Takes even more time!). See handout 1* Information about vampires and how they are killed.Essentially spread over different volumes, with differentkilling methods (You know them all! If you are mean - like Iam, all the methods should be used in order to kill thecountess)* Information about Khaine and its connection with vampiresand undeads can be found by searching after matches of themysterious symbol in the ruins. The players can also learnthat Khaine is sometimes reefered as the 'Jealous brother'.* An old map of the area indicating the Trauptheim castlewhere the monastery is located today.* Later refferences to the castle states that it was

    demolished and nothing is mentioned about a woman beingentrapped in a room by walling the doorway.

    Access to the library is restricted to all others than themonks of the monastery (and some monks doesn't even getinto the library). This means that the players will have tosneak or rather break into the library, which stands unusedat night (GM may of course have a sleepless monk enter thelibrary for some bed time reading, the night the playersbreak in).

    Some monks of the monastery has a skill, available to themonks of the monastery. It is a special Library Use skillwhich enable the monk to find books in the complicatedsystem. Remember, however, that finding a book withoutdescription of the specific land, requires that the monk hasknowledge of the author. The players automatically gain thisskill when they discovered the secret of the library.The library has a very special system for storing its book (asseen in 'The name of the rose"). Books are not stored by theauthors name, but instead by the authors place of birth, or

    sometimes area concerned by the book. The playersshouldn't know this, but should instead figure it out.When the players first enters the library they should bepresented with the description of the first room they enter.Each room is furnished with shelf's of books, scrolls, maps,and drawings, and somewhere on the walls are a metal plateengraved with the appropriate letter for the room (see figure1 - the complete map of the temple!).At first the players will believe that the library isalphabetically sorted, and when they ventures into the next

    few rooms, they will discover that the letters are notfollowing the alphabetical order. Later when they discovers

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    more of the same letters they should figure out thatsomething is wrong. Also the books in each room doesn'tseem to have anything in common (author, time period, typeof book, etc.) except of course place of birth of the authorsand/or areas concerned. But this will only be discovered ifsome one has a great knowledge of the history of the booksauthors. Though it shouldn't be necessary to mention, thelibrary is too big and complicated for the players to find anyspecific book without knowing the secret of the library.When the players have completed a map, or received onefrom their generous GM, with the letters of the room, theyshould e able to puzzle the system together. The system isitself should be understandable by looking on the completemap on (fig.1) but a reference is given here.: The library isdesigned to represent the world(or at least the known world

    at the time). The north tower represent the uttermost northand the other towers represents whatever they are facing!Each room has a letter assigned to it and when traveling aspecial route, the name of the appropriate land is formed.That means that saying a book is located in the 2. Albion itmeans that the book is located in the room with the letter 'L'in the Albion route (the second letter in Albion, right!).Some rooms, however, is a mixture of two lands. The booksin these rooms can forexample be books by authors from theone land, about the other land, or someone born on or near

    the lands borders, or perhaps someone who was born in oneland but lived most of his lives in the other. Within many ofthe rooms the books is sorted by topics. This may first leadthe players to believe that the books in the library is sortedjust like that, but again, when they explore the other rooms,they will find other places with the same topic.

    Here follows a guideline for books found in the differentlocations.:

    For inspiration of book reefer to my literature list (can befound at the archives) for rolling up random books. Do notroll of course, but choose instead relevant books to be foundin the different areas of the rooms.If a land is renowned for some special skill and trade (e.g.Norse: Navigating) it will possible to find books about thesesubjects in the relevant rooms.Norsca: These rooms does not contain so many books. Booksabout Norsca folklore/sagas, maps, bestiaries, and theologycan be found. Some of them aren't written by authors of

    Norsca origin. To make matters more complicated the southeastern rooms also contains information about Kislev

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    nobility. The reason is because Kislev nobility mainly is buildup of Norscans (see SRiK) and since Kislev and Norscadoesn't have any linked room as Ex. Norsca and Albion, thebooks are placed here. The linked rooms of Norsca andAlbion contains mostly seamaps of the area between Norscaand Albion and information about the Norscans in Albion.Most of them are written in the Reikspiel and Classicallanguage, but some old texts from Norsca and bookexamples are written in the Futharken.Albion: Albion rooms contains books about Albionfolklore/sagas, maps, bestiaries, herbs, The druids and thebards, Poems and songs by the bards, and theology. Thelanguage used are typically the Old Worlder version ofAlbion, Classical, Some in Futharken, and the Arcane Druidiclanguage

    Empire: Empire rooms contains books about the Empiresdifferent counties and its folklore, history (take a look at thetimeline), maps, bestiaries, herbs, Art and theatre, Poemsand songs, and theologyTilea: Tilean rooms contains books about folklore, history(take a look at the timeline. Ex.: Religious war with Araby),maps, bestiaries (maybe about Skavens), herbs, Art andtheatre, government, Poems and songs, and theology.Language will typically be Old-Worlder Tilean, Classical, andArcane - Latinic.

    Estalia: Estalian rooms contains books about folklore, history(take a look at the timeline), maps, herbs, Art and theatre,government, Poems and songs, and theology. Language willtypically be Old Worlder - Estalian, Classical, and Arcane -Latinic.Remas: Remas rooms contains books about history, Art,government, Poems and songs, and theology (Solkan is to befound here). Language will typically be Classical, and Arcane- Latinic.Kislev: Kislev rooms contains books about folklore (e.g. the

    nature spirits etc.), history (take a look at the SRiK timeline),maps, herbs, government, The tribes, Poems and songs, andtheology. Language will typically be Old Worlder - Kislev,Classical, Dolgan, and Futharken.Like the rooms of nNorsca (see above) information aboutNorsca will be found in the north western rooms whichdoesn't link with any Norsca rooms.Brettonia: Brettonian rooms contains books about Brettoniasdifferent counties and its folklore, history (take a look at thetimeline. E.g. Red pox outbreak), maps, herbs, Art and

    theatre, Government, Poems and songs, and theology (ex.:Shallya and the Kardinal).

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    Cathay: Cathayan rooms are very sparse in books. Thebooks are written mostly in the Cathayan iconic languageand it is very unlikely that the players will be able tounderstand them. A few are written by Old Worlder. Thedemonic language, and dark tongue (should it beappropriate) are the same languages and may be used in themore sinister books. Note that the chaos gods have differentnames in Cathay (Ex.: Tzeentch is called Tzen Tzen). Topicsare mostly Herbs, Government, History, Folklore, Beastiaries(Those snake like Oriental Dragons), Theology (themonastery orders of the warrior monks etc.) typicallytogether with information about martial arts, art, music, andpoems.Ulthuan: There are very few books in these rooms, and mostof the books here are written in Tr -Eltharin. Information

    covered are Elven history, maps, herbs, magick, Lustria,Dreaded land of Naggaroth, Sparse information about theOld Slann and world creation, Beastiary, Government, Art,music, songs, and epic poems.Araby: Arabian rooms contains books about the lands ofAraby and its folklore/culture, history (take a look at thetimeline. Ex.: Religious war), maps, bestiaries, Magick (somenecromantic), Art, Poems and songs, and theology (Ormazdthe one god). Perhaps also books from the pirate kingdom,the secret assassin sects, and the ancient evil necromancers

    in the desert land.Dolgan: The people of Dolgan aren't known by their writtersand the books aren't numerous in these room. The booksmay contain information about both the Dolgans of Kislevand Dolgany in the border princes (GM's choice). Languageswill be the Dolgan language or the language of the authorwho have written about the Dolgans. Information can befolklore (e.g. the nature spirits etc.) and superstition, history(take a look at SRiK), Culture, Poems and songs, andtheology.

    EventsThe players will be able to get shelter and food in themonastery. At evening the monastery doors are closed.

    If the players aren't careful about the information they givesto monastery, the vampire salves might go into action, orthe countess might pay them a night visit.

    The catacombs where the vampiress lies is accessed by

    removing the tombstone to Johan Huydermanns grave,which no longer contains his body, but instead a false grave

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    with entrance to the catacombs.Down there the vampire rests by day, and wether sheawakes when the players approach her coffin with theirstakes or not, is entirely up to GM's desire for drama. SinceVampires are generally big and mean in regular WFRP fights,the GM is incouraged to play this showdown in a moredramatic matter, where generally roleplaying is considered.

    The areas old ruinsHow many ruins there is located in the area is entirely up toGM, the players friend only made it to one ruin, theKransburg ruins. The ruins is located abot 11/2 hours walkaway from the monastery. On the way to the ruins theplayers pass a crack with a rope bridge across.In the ruins largest room a stone altar is located, and it has

    dried speckles of blood on it. This ruin is used by the vampireslaves for Khaine whorship. Khaines symbol will also befound drawed with dried blood. Use of undeads by night isentirely up to GM.When the players return to the rope bridge, and is halfwayacross, 4 figures approach, from behind a rock, on the otherside. These are peasants under the influence of the vampire.The three of them puts their knives on the bridge's ropes,and the last yells 'Stop! Throw down you r weapons and stepback on the other side!'. The peasants plan to kill the players

    no matter what they do, but considers it an easier task if theplayers are unarmed and the bridge to their shrine is keptintact.If the players do as they are told, two of the peasants goesout to pick up the weapons. They then walk back, and thefour sorts the weapon between them (if they are better thantheir knives). After this they will try to get across the bridgeto slay the players. The players can do the same trick (ifthey hid a knife) as the peasants did, only the peasants wontthrow down their weapons. If they cut the bridge they will

    have to find another way to cross the crack.

    If the players try anything drastic while on the bridge, thepeasants will begin to cut the ropes, while the forth keepsplayers at bay on the bridge. The front player can try toreach the peasant, and the back player can try to make itback.If anybody runs on the bridge it will begin to shake heavilyand everybody on the bridge must make a +10 I test (-10for each additional person running) to stay on the bridge. If

    a player is thrown off the bridge he can make another I testto grab the bridge's rope - He will now be hanging prone on

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    the bridge and a +10 Strength test will be needed to pullhimself up (-10 for each person running, or fighting on thebridge). If he just tries to hang on the test is at +20. If acharacter is unable to hang on to the bridge or fail anattempt to pull himself up its'AAAAAAaaaaaaarrrrggghhhhhh'.There is an -10 WS-fighting modifier for each personrunning, fighting, etc. On the bridge.If a player attacking the peasants, who blocks exit from thebridge, and wins a round of combat, the peasant is pushedback and the player has reached the other side of the crack.The ropes has T2 and D5, All ropes doesn't need to be cuttedin order to make the bridge tip. The peasants first takes theropes in one of the sides, making the bridge tip 90 degrees.The number of ropes (4 in each side) which needs to be

    cutted depends on weight (number of people, modify at yourwill) on the bridge. Halflings counts as 1 person.One person All 4 ropes2-3 Persons 3 ropes, the last will snap4+ persons 2 ropes, the last will snap

    The peasants fights to their deaths, but if pacified and takenprisoner it can be discovered (with hypnotise skill) that theyare under the influence of strong hypnosis. They cant tellanything usefull apart from that the players desecrated their

    'holy place' and must die for it.

    A late message for the playersThe next day, the players will be asked if they have talked tothe peasant Reinhold who delivered a message for them.The players will properly look very confused, and the monkin question will ask them if they didn't get the message.The message was to be delivered by Brother Markus ofGiseroux (a vampire slave) - which the monk can tell theplayers, about Brother Heinrich of Grnburgs need to see

    the players at Reiholds place, because he made a frighteningdiscovery about the villages many smoked sausages. Sincehe has realised that the monastery ain't safe he went to thepeasant Reinhold.The poor peasant and the brother is now killed by thevampire.

    The peasant Reinholds houseIn the peasants house the players will find Reinhold andBrother Heinrich dead with the mysterious disease in the

    communtity. Reinhold is lying on the floor in a position as ifhe were making it for the door. Heinrich lies dead over a

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    table, and the tables obvious contents is scattered on thefloor below. The contents are: A smoked sausage cut in half,a letter (hand out 5), a quill, an ink container (the ink hasbeen spilled on the floor), a gold ring - one of the players willhave the feeling of knowing the ring, which is Herpins ring,which can also be discovered by its inside inscription. If thisinscription is read the player will be close eneough to smell astrong odour of smoked sausage. Time for some cool checksas they realise what has happened with Herpin, and if theyhave eaten a sausage - Yup! Herpin has been used assausage meat. Another idea of introducing the ring could beas the players eat a sausage themselves (he he! - but not toearly in the scenario), perhaps in the monastery whichserves a lot of smoked sausages!

    Brother MarkusIf the players wants to get their hands on Markus, they willdiscover that he has barricaded himself in his cell. Attemptsat breaking the door in will result in monks appearing afterD6+4 rounds. When the players enter the room, Markus willbe found dead with a completely blue face. He has taken anextremely effective poison to prevent him from revealinganything. This event will make the monks very uneasy andrumours will start circulating. Perhaps even rumours of doomand destruction, which might make father Maynard call for

    the Inquisition (see complicating the scenario below).

    The butcher storeThe players should be able to understand that the sausage isthe reason for poor Brother Heinrich's worries, and they willbe able to trace their production to the butcher store.When the players arrive, they will quickly learn that the ladythey first met, has gone to Bucharesti to her new Smokedsausage customer in the town!!!!The players will have to break in, and they will find the front

    door unlocked (logic as there is someone home!). The doorleads into the front room which is the buthcer shop itself.Their are many sausages, actually to many when youconsider the number of pigs in the small village.An opening leads to the backroom, which has two doors, oneto the bedroom (double bed if the players ask!), and one to asmall living room. A staircase leads down to a colled cellar.The first cellar room has some drawers and cabins and infront of the staircase is a door leading to another room - themeat store. When the players opens this door, they will see a

    horrific sight. Dead humans is hanging on meat hooks, allopened and butchered. They are missing several limbs

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    (especially the tights). They are all missing people in thevillage. The sight call for a Cl test (-20 if the players haveeaten any sausages). Failure means d6+1 insanity points,and the player have stomach seizures and must get fresh air.In the cabin the Butcher Franz Sleischer is hiding with hisbutcher cleaver. If the player who open the cabin has firstdiscovered the bodies in the meat store, he will have tomake an Int test. Failure: The player turns to the others'Oof! There's another one overh...' and he then gets thecleaver right in his head (the player isnt prone, butunprepared and the attack hits automatically and has a +2damage modifier). After this normal combat begins withFranz. Franz' face looks like a dead corpse, starring eyes,pale and shows no sign of emotions.

    Franz SleicherM WS BS S T W I A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel4 31 28 4 3 8 22 1 33 28 14 53 23 19Skills: None to talk ofTrappings: Cleavere (-10 to hit, +1 D, -20 parry, -10 toparry)

    In a chest in the room the players can find the victimstrappings. Herpins bag doesnt contain anything the playersdoesn't knew.

    Complicating the scenarioThe players freedom of action can be complicated whendisturbing things starts to take place and no logicalexplanation can be given, or supernatural rumours starts(see brother Markus' death). Father Maynard decides to callfor the cults specialists in ocultism, supernatural events, andthe elimination of it. Yes! The Verenean inquisition will besummoned (either from Bucharesti or Averheim. The last willgive the players more time).

    When the message is received (two peasants, and a monk issent to deliver the message by horse), three templars and aninquisitor will leave immediately to examine the events - amysterious disease, and mysterious deaths. They will notreveal anything, but certainly burn someone and generallymake the players very nerveous and cautious about whatthey do.

    NPCsMost of the NPCs use standard profiles of their race with the

    relevant career advance scheme, skills, and trappings.I haven't written anything about the different peoples

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    personality. Generally you should think in stereotypes whenroleplaying the different NPCs. Almost all of the monks (atleast the ones who are connected with the library) are realbookworms, and literate persons.The peasants are opposite. Many of them aren't verytalkative, and generally suspicious of strangers. Since theyare poor, some coins in there direction might help break theice.The vampires Slaves are controlled by the vampire, andgenerally share the same mentality and ambitions The monkslaves do not show many signs of enslaving but use ofhypnotist skill might reveal the truth.

    HumanM WS BS S T W I A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel

    4 25 34 3 3 6 38 1 38 24 29 24 36 36

    The monks

    Father Maynard - level 2 Verena priest/ Scholar - AbbotFather Phillipe Maynard is 62 years old. He was originallyborn in Parravon, but moved to Altdorf to study at the Altdorfuniversity. After this he became an initiate of Verena andlater he teached Bretonnian history, and languages at theuniversity and the Verena-temple. At an age of 37 he was

    moved to the monastery of the order of the learned, at hisown request. 12 years later, when the former abbot died, hewas chosen as to become the new abbot.Father Maynard only has a slight trace of Bretonnian accent.Father Maynard has a strong passion for literature, and hehas chosen the wisdom as first priority rather than justice.this is typical for all the inhabitants of the monastery, sincecrime in this almost abandoned area, is a rare incident.Father Maynard feels mostly interested in other people withliterate backgrounds. He seems to overhear the non-literate

    people - or at least thinks them as less important. Reading ishis passion and he can spend hours talking about it.Father Maynard is, in spite of his knowledge, a rathersuperstitious man, and he will not hesitate to call for thechurch's investigators (the Verenan inquisition) when thingsseems to get out of hand.

    M WS BS S T W I A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel4 41 38 3 3 7 61 1 43 28 64 34 63 46MP: 22

    Skills: Arcane Language - Magick, Read/Write, SecretLanguage - Classical, History, Speak Old Worlder - Reikspiel

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    G3 and Sylvanian dialect G4 - Tilean , Identify Plants, SenseMagick, Cult Doctrine - Verena, Theology, Invoke Prayer -level 1+2, Meditate, Public Speaking, Ceremony, IdentifyUndead, Astronomy, Numismatics, Cartography, IdentifyPlants, Rune Lore, Theology, Modern Arcane Language,Arcane Language - Latin (I have introduced this language inmy newest version of 'literature of the Old World' - in short itis an arcane language from Remas), Library use (special forthe monastery of the order of the learned!), LiteracyPrayers: Cure light Injury, Magic Alarm, Aura of Resistance,Zone of Sanctuary, Zone of SteadfastnessTrappings : Robe, Holy emblem, Glasses

    Brother Mathias, of Hochlof, Artisan - BrewerBrother Mathias is 41 years old and was born by a brewer in

    Hochlof. He moved to the monastery preefering a silentundisturbed life.His craft has been learned from his father, which is a kind offamily tradition. Mathias hasn't got the same kid of passionfor literatre as the other monks, though he will be veryinterested in books about the art of brewing. Mathiasdevotion to Verena, is more in her aspect of justice.

    M WS BS S T W I A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel4 31 28 3 3 6 42 1 33 28 34 43 43 39

    Skills: Read/Write, Scroll Lore, Secret Language - Classical,Cult Doctrine - Verena, Brewing, Secret signs -ArtisanTrappings: Robe, Holy emblem

    *Brother Aldbrecht of Sprinthof, LibrarianBrother Aldbrecht is 52 years old, and was born inSprinthofen. He moved to Nuln and studied at the university.He became a librarian assistant at the Verena temple, butwas later transfered to The monastery of the learned after anincident about missing books. Today Aldbrecht is the head

    librarian of the monastery a job which suits Aldbrecht well.Albrecht always had a burning desire for knowledge and tohim Verena stands primarily as the goddess of learning.

    M WS BS S T W I A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel4 31 28 3 3 5 42 1 33 28 44 43 43 39Skills: Read/Write, Scroll Lore, Secret Language - Classical,Cult Doctrine - Verena, Library use (special for themonastery of the order of the learned!), Literacy, History,Modern Arcane Language, Arcane Language - Latin

    Trappings: Robe, Holy emblem, poison capsule-

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    Brother Josef of Steche, Gardener & Kitchen helpJosef is 43 years old and a rather quite man. Josef has beenput in charge for the monastery's garden as Josef has muchknowledge in the area of plants and herbs.M WS BS S T W I A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel4 31 28 3 3 5 42 1 33 28 34 43 43 39Skills: Read/Write, Scroll Lore, Secret Language - Classical,Cult Doctrine - Verena, Identify Plants, Herb Lore, CookTrappings: Robe, Holy emblem

    Brother Berthold of Pfungzig, Cook & Expert in drama andcultureBrother Berthold was born in Pfungzig by a merchant. Hewent to Nuln to study Drama, hoping to become a famousplaywright. Instead he joined the cult of Verena. In spite of

    this, Berthold still works on plays, hoping to make a famousreligious play someday.Berthold is 38 years old.M WS BS S T W I A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel4 31 28 3 3 5 42 1 33 28 34 43 43 39Skills: Read/Write, Scroll Lore, Secret Language - Classical,Cult Doctrine - Verena, Cook, Story telling, Art, ActTrappings: Robe, Holy emblem

    Brother Ferdinand of Nuln, Artisan - Smith

    Brother Ferdinand is 35 years old, and a rather stout man.He has a passion for his craft, which he originally laid behindhim when he joined the cult of Verena. Even though, hereturned to this craft when he learned that the monasterywas in need for a smith.M WS BS S T W I A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel4 31 28 4 4 7 42 1 33 28 34 43 43 39Skills: Read/Write, Scroll Lore, Secret Language - Classical,Cult Doctrine, Smithing, MetallurgyTrappings: Robe, Holy emblem

    *Brother Markus of Giseroux, Librarian assistantBrother Markus is 29 years old, and originally from a Verenatemple in Giseroux. He have traveled along way to join themonastery. He is Aldbrecht's assistant and appointed tosucceed Aldbrecht as the monasteries head librarian.In spite of his young age - when considering the othermonks, Markus is a very talented man, and the monasterywas happy to receive him. Markus has a strong passion forlearning, a passion which has got him involved in the

    vampire incident.He spends a lot of time together with Aldbrecht.

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    M WS BS S T W I A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel4 31 28 3 3 5 42 1 33 28 34 43 43 39Skills: Read/Write, Scroll Lore, Secret Language - Classical,Cult Doctrine - Verena, Library use (special for themonastery of the order of the learned!), Modern ArcaneLanguage, Arcane Language - LatinTrappings: Robe, Holy emblem

    Brother Gerhardt of Schlaffenbild, Responsible for theanimalsM WS BS S T W I A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel4 31 28 3 4 6 42 1 33 28 34 43 43 39Skills: Read/Write, Scroll Lore, Secret Language - Classical,Cult Doctrine, Animal Care

    Trappings: Robe, Holy emblem

    Brother Heinrich of Grnburg, Expert in areas folkloreBrother Heinrich was born in Grnburg, and he is 52 yearsold. He moved to the monastery because of his interest inSylvanian folklore. This has given him the opportunity tofurther studies of the subject. Heinrich is a real bookworm,and he doesn't talk much to the monastery's otherinhabitants. Heinrich is often known to use half of the nightin the monastery's library.

    His interest in the library could make him a good librarian.Heinrich however isn't interested, and his passion for thelibrary only concerns the books about Sylvania.Heinrich knows about the old stories of Elizabeth, but hehasn't figured out that Elizabeth's castle was located at theposition of the monastery.Heinrich isn't a superstitious man, and he always seems tofind some logical explanations to the different superstitionsencountered in the areas folklore.The players will have a very hard time, eventually trying to

    convince Heinrich of the incidents at the monastery.

    M WS BS S T W I A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel4 31 28 3 3 5 42 1 33 28 34 43 43 39Skills: Read/Write, Scroll Lore, Secret Language - Classical,Cult Doctrine - Verena, Library use (special for themonastery of the order of the learned!), Literacy, History -Sylvania, Modern Arcane Language, Arcane Language - Latin

    Trappings: Robe, Holy emblem, reading glasses

    Brother Gerhrig of Dreschler, Guisepe of Miragliano, Fernado

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    of Remas, Rodrigues of Magrita, Monk ScribesGerhrig is 32 years old, Guisepe 37 years old, Fernando 29years old, and Rodrigues is 48 years old and the head scribe.The monastery's scribes all have a strong passion forliterature and their background is also conected to literateprofessions. Their job is usually to rewrite or translateexisting works from the library.

    M WS BS S T W I A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel4 31 28 3 3 5 42 1 33 28 41 43 43 39Skills: Read/Write, Scroll Lore, Secret Language - Classical,Cult Doctrine - Verena, Library use (special for themonastery of the order of the learned!), Modern ArcaneLanguage, Arcane Language - Magick, Arcane Language -Latin, other language.

    Trappings: Robe, Holy emblem

    Hans, Gnther, Konrad, Erwin, Moldaue, and Ivan,Monastery guardsThe monastery guards at the monastery doesn't show anysigns of real Verena devotion. They are known to gamble inthe guard house. Even though, they know how to behave infront of the monks.

    M WS BS S T W I A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel4 53 43 4 3 9 45 2 40 31 30 33 20 34Skills: Disarm, Dodge Blow, Read/Write, Scroll Lore, SecretLanguage- Classical, Cult Doctrine - VerenaTrappings: Sleeved mail coat, helmet and shield (2 APoverall) armour bears the Heraldry of the Monastery, Sword,Crossbow, Quiver of 15 bolts, guard Clothes, 9 gc.

    Frederico Vanderez of Remas, Monastery captain of theguard

    Frederico has served the cult of Verena for 18 years. He is 55years old and originally a temple guard from the Verenatemple in Remas. Frederico is a harsh militant man, whobelieves in Verena in her aspect as Goddess of justice. Heexpects his orders to be fulfilled without any questions.Frederico speaks with rapid Tilean accent.

    M WS BS S T W I A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel4 60 40 5 4 10 53 2 43 55 38 50 45 40Skills: Disarm, Dodge Blow, Gamble, Read/Write, Secret

    Language - Battle tongue, Secret Language - Classical,Street Fighting, Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Injure, Strike to

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    Stun, Cult Doctrine - Verena, History - warfare.Trappings: Sleeved mail coat, helmet and shield (2 APoverall) armour bears the Heraldry of the Monastery, Sword,Horse, Crossbow, Quiver of 15 bolts, guard cpt. Clothes, 23gc.

    NPC's with *'s indicate the monks under the influence of thevampire. GM should remember that what they learn, thevampire also learns - and GM should consider the vampiresactions.Also these characters might appear a bit 'zombie-like' butthey generally do not follow the same restrictions asvampires (eg. Holy symbols, water, etc.).


    It is possible that the players doesn't discover the vampire. Ifthe inquisition is called for, the chances will be even greaterthat she wont be discovered. The inquisitor is quite likely tosolve the problem, by inventing some story about darkforbidden rituals and burn some people - preferably villagers,as monks will typically be pardoned with a minor sentence.The players might be satisfired with the explanation thattheir friend was sacrificed by a cult, and that they have beenburned now. After some time the vampire will have

    restrengthen herself, and she will settle down more openly inthe area - getting slaves to build her a new castle. She willthen terrorize and dominate the area completely, and aftersome time news might reach the more civilized areas of theempire. Even other dark creatures might be attracted by thecountess' evilness (necromancers, undeads, Dire wolfs, etc.),and she might even get herself a coven of vampires.If you used the idea as introducing the scenario as a storytold to the player characters, you might let the news of thereign of the vampire reach the players a few weeks after

    they heard the history - and then the players could realisethe terrible mistake the persons in the history (actuallythemselves) did (he he).

    EP Awards:0-100 for good roleplay during the journey0-40 For dealing (or not) with the feud between thecoachmen and/or dealing with the sabotages.0-5 For fighting off the Gobbo ambush, clever fight isawarded not lucky dices or strong characters.

    30 - for discover the secret of the library5 - for each continent found in the secret of the library (to

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    the discovering player).100 - for miraculously discovering a continent or area notmentioned in the GM explanation of the library. You don'tknow, I haven't bothered to look. 75 if it isn't geographicallycorrect (more likely than the 100).20 for finding, reading and understanding the book aboutElizabeth.0-100 for good roleplay in the Monastery and area.20 for discovering the fake grave leading to the catacombs10 for discovering that a vampire has to be dealt with. Ofcourse before the characters actually meet her0-40 for information found on vampires0-20 for information found about Khaine0-50 for killing the vampire. Again cleverness althoughhack'n'slash is doomed to fail!!!!

    Excerpt about Elizabeth von Trauptheim.Elizabeth is based upon the real historic person ElizabethBathoy, a real historic figure who was also used as aninspiration for the bloodthirsty part of Bram Stokers Vlad"Dracula" Tepes

    Handout 1:Countess Elizabeth von Trauptheim (1660.1720) was born in1660 in one of Sylvania's richest families. As a child she livedin her family's isolated castle, without contact to otherchildren. She was very beautiful and used much of her timelooking at herself in her mirror. When she reached the age of15 she was married with the 25 years old Count Ferencz.They went to live in an isolated castle in the southernSylvania. The count went to war on the Emperors command,

    and in the 25 years they were married , he spent the most ofhis time in the army far from home. Back in the castleElizabeth sat, looking in her mirror again, constantly tryingout new clothes and jewelry's. It was normal for her tochange clothes up to six time at a day.Elizabeth started to torture her maids, and together with afew choosen people, like her butler Johan Huydermann, theyterrorized the castles servants and maids. A broken plate orsimilar meant a stay in the dungeons. Here the girls waswhipped until the blood flew, or beaten with staffs in the

    palms. One day the countess was in a bad mood, she bite offa piece of a maids cheek. Another time she put her finger

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    into a maids mouth a pulled until the corner of her mouthsprang.One of the countess' favourite acts was to, stick needles in amaids fingers and hiss: 'If it hurts, then pull them out!'. Butif the maid as much as dared to do it, the countess orderedher beaten and her fingers cutted with a razor blade.In 1700 her husband died during war. The first thing she didwas to chase her mother in law away from the castle. Shecouldn't stand her and she wanted more undisturbed time toher baths. Short before the husband died she had discoveredsomething which changed her life. Elizabeth had rounded theage of 40 an the age was beginning to show on her skin. Shetried different salves, but nithing helped. One day when amaid combed her hair to hard, the countess turned andpunched her in the face. The maids nose bled and the

    countess thought that the young maidens blood has madeher own skin look younger. Elizabeth ordered the maidswrists to be cut and her blood to be filled in a bath tub shecould bath in. She had found a key to eternal beauty andyouth. Her loyal servants was busy getting new donors andtravelled the country in search of new maids for the castle.Many peasant daughters was fooled, and in ten yearsElizabeth killed 650 girls. She drank their blood and bathedin it. In 1710 members of the Reiksguard stormed the castleon the Emperors command. In the big hall lay a pale girl

    completely emptied for blood, and another one was still alivethought her body was covered in small wounds. In thedungeons sat more girls and waited. Some had been torturedand in the ground below the castle a half hundred bodies wasburried.At the following trial all of Elizabeth's assistants wassentenced to death. As a member of the nobility, Elizabethwas pardoned, but shortly after the trial she was imprisonedin a room in her castle which was sealed with a brick wall, byorders of the Emperor. She received food through a small

    gap in the wall and in 1720 she died.

    Handout 2: The monasteries official list of graves

    List of Graves:

    I. Adelbert PietersonII. Adolphus ZimmermanIII. Alex Reinald Wurtbart

    IV. Alfricht von der GrnburgV. Anders Ente

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    VI. Bengt BurgermeisterVII. Berhnard de MalificVIII. Diehl MnsterIX. Eberhardt von SchsselX. Edgar JgerXI. Ehrmann SigmarsonXII. Ernst BauerXIII. Felix BrechttolXIV. FernandoXV. Fritz BckerXVI. Gabriella SchneiderXVII. Gerda HandlerXVIII. Gottfried JrgenXIX. Gotthardt GrnigXX. Hans Bck

    XXI. Johan HuydermannXXII. Kurt WaldenXXIII. Lorenz BrauerXXIV. Ludwig SchmidtXXV. Regina SchiffbauerXXVI. Reinhardt BootmannXXVII. Reinhold TopferXXVIII. Theophilus DruckerXXIX. Veronica Graveur

    Handout 3: The brothers note Note: C:100 L:50 X:10 V:5

    Noble Families of Sylvania - CLXV1. Empire

    Handout 4: The Diary

    8. Vorhexen 2412

    I have now reached Sylvania in the southern Empire.Sylvania is a poor country and seems independent from theempire. But it is also a place of much superstition andfolklore. Even though the people are very superstitious theyare friendly towards travelers. I look forward to learn moreabout the province.

    12. Vorhexen 2412I meat a group of traveling people the other day, there aremany of them in this province and they call themselves

    Gypsies. They are very learned about the Histories, folklore,and superstitions, and they almost got me to buy a lucky

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    charm. Thanks to these gypsies, I already have someinteresting subjects for my book. I am going toreach themonastery tomorrow.

    13. Vorhexen 2412I have reached the monastery and gotten a room, smallthough. They are devoted to Verena and collects informationabout the area in their huge library (and it is HUGE).Unfortunately access to the library is restricted to the ordersmonks only. This does not affect me as I preefer to get myinformation first handed by talking to the population insteadand looking on the places of interest.

    32. Sigmarzeit 2413I have decided to enter the library, since I need written

    proofs of my studies. I hope Verena will forgive me for thisminor offense. The library is deserted at night and I think Imight be able to pick the lock without causing any visualsigns of break in.

    12. Sommerzeit 2413My researches have unraveled some weird and unexplainableresults. I cant put my finger on it, but something is quitewrong here. Im getting worried but yet I have to find outmore about the sinister events which might have been done,

    or maybe is yet to come. The answer may lie in the book.

    Handout 5: The Brothers death note for the players

    If I should die of unatural and to early reasons, I havehereby written my horrific discovery. In that case I pray toVerena that the right people will find this note. Next to me Ihave the terrible evidence of a cruel act, and I know nowwhat happened to the honored Herr Herpin, may Verenabless his unfortunate soul. Should anyone find this letter I

    pray that th.... . . . .


    Bernhard Hartvig - Cleric of Verena, ex. Scholar, ex. Student,ex. Initiate

    M WS BS S T W I A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel4 41 38 3 3 7 61 1 43 28 64 34 63 46

    MP: 15

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    Skills: Scroll Lore, Arcane Language - Magick, Read/Write,Secret Language - Classical, History, Astronomy,Numismatics, Speak ??+?? , Astronomy, Cartography,Identify Plants, Sense Magick, Rune Lore, Cult Doctrine -Verena, Theology, Invoke Prayer - level 1, Meditate, PublicSpeakingPrayers: Cure light Injury, Magic Alarm, Aura of ResistanceSkills: Fine Priest robe, Holy Verena symbol, 25 GC.

    Adolf Hddermeier - Lawyer, ex. Student.M WS BS S T W I A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel4 37 33 3 4 8 44 1 45 63 72 54 61 45

    Skills: Arcane Language - Magick, Read/Write, SecretLanguage - Classical, Etiquette, Law, Public Speaking, Secret

    signs - Lawyer, Specialist weapon - fencing.

    Trappings: Lawyers wig and gaunt, Law book, 53 GC (morein deposit!), Dagger, Rapier.

    Berthold von Klinkenhof - Noble - Philosopher, ex. StudentM WS BS S T W I A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel4 44 46 3 3 8 61 1 43 57 65 49 49 51Skills: Arcane Language - Magick, Read/Write, SecretLanguage - Classical, Blather, Charm, Etiquette, Heraldry,

    Luck, Read/Write, Ride - Horse, Wit, Specialist weapon -Fencing sword, Musicianship - Hapsichord, specialist weapon- parry, Philosophy, Story telling, Theology.

    Trappings: 2 story town house Expensive clothes, 50 gc(more in deposit!), Fencing sword, Left handed dagger.

    Maps 1: Map of the monasteries libraryMap 2: Map of SylvaniaMap 3: The monastery