talking points - · consideration for tree removals was based on structure,...

Between the City and the Sea Spring 2013 p t Talking Points West Torrens gets healthy Pages 14 & 15

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Page 1: Talking Points - · Consideration for tree removals was based on structure, health, and species’ suitability. Trees were inspected, assessed and identified

Between the City and the Sea

Spring 2013pt





West Torrens gets healthyPages 14 & 15

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Talking Points is produced by the City of West Torrens for its community. The views and opinions expressed in articles and advertisements submitted by contributors, other than the City of West Torrens, do not necessarily reflect the views of the Council as a body or as individual members. Council encourages Elected Members to share their comments with the community.

Editorial/DesignNerissa NicholsonTeam Leader, Media and EventsCity of West Torrens

PrintingFinsbury Green

Stock Titan Plus Satin, carbon neutral - 113 gsm.

Photography John Kruger Hot Images. Stock images: 123RF and Stock.xchng

Delivery Salmat To more than 27,000 homes and businesses within the City of West Torrens.

Merit Application

Adelaide Airport Limited (AAL) recently advertised a ‘Merit Application’ in the press to vary the Adelaide Airport Master Plan (2009) to enable an event known as ‘Cavalia’ to be held on the corner of West Beach Road and Tapleys Hill Road at West Beach. Cavalia was an international equestrian and acrobatic show held from October on land behind the service station. The event provided a maximum seating capacity of 2,004 people, with paid car parking for 800 cars.

The main big top tent structure was renowned to be one of the world’s largest touring structures and as a result, major site preparation works were carried out to stabilise and level the road base to support the massive tent structure.

Residents were invited to submit their concerns in writing to the Airport.

I understand a major concern from nearby residents was the high volume of cars entering and leaving the events on the existing busy West Beach Road at peak times and at weekends. A significant number of residents also expressed their concern regarding patrons parking in the nearby local streets instead of paying for parking.

I also understand the objections were considered by Adelaide Airport Ltd and it was decided that the event would proceed, subject to a variety of conditions relating to traffic movements agreed to by Transport SA and Council. Such a major event is no doubt great for our State. I hope the parking restrictions imposed by Council have in some way assisted our residents.

Greening the city

Council is currently undergoing a systematic tree planting program in streets throughout West Torrens.

The species of trees chosen were for their suitability to the local environment.

Airport WardCr Garth Palmer

Consideration for tree removals was based on structure, health, and species’ suitability. Trees were inspected, assessed and identified for removal.

To maintain appearance, Council has staged removals to allow the new trees to be established.

Should you require any further information, contact the Coordinator, Horticulture Services on 8416 6333.

Swimming pool safety inspectionsDue to recent swimming pool deaths, the State’s Coroner has made a recommendation to the Minister for Planning to consider requiring councils to introduce mandatory inspections of all private domestic swimming pools.

It has been suggested that councils carry out inspections on a regular basis, checking for maintenance and safety features.

While the plan appears very good in principle, concerns have been raised over possible costs to pool owners in order to carry out the inspections and ensure compliance with current standards.

Capital Works for Airport Ward; current and proposed • Replacementplayground,including

shade shelter, for Pacific Parade Reserve, West Beach.

• UpgradetothereserveareaatReedbedsCommunity Centre, Fulham.

• Newirrigationsystemsscheduledtobeinstalled at:

o Siesta Ave Reserve, West Beach

o Ashburn Ave (Coral Sea Rd) Reserve.

Works currently underway/recently completed:

• UpgradetotheplaygroundatApexParkReserve, West Beach.

• UpgradetotheplaygroundatAshburnAve Reserve, Fulham.

• UpgradetotheplaygroundatHelensleaAve Reserve, Brooklyn Park.

• Newirrigationsystemsinstalled(completed) at:

o Kevin Ave Reserve, West Beach

o Mountbatten Grove Reserve, West Beach.

• Completionoftheupgradetothe stormwater pump station at Chippendale Ave, Fulham.

• MellorPark/LockleysOvalMasterplan.

• Newsolarpanelsandbatterysysteminstalled on WA Satterley Hall (Lockleys Oval) which was Australian Government funded.

Deputy Mayor

The position of Deputy Mayor is carried out on a rotational basis within Council. Rosalie has done a great job performing that task admirably. George Demetriou of Morphett Ward will serve in that position after November.

Merry Christmas and New Year

As this edition of Talking Points will be the last for the year we, your ward councillors, wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Got a faulty streetlight? You can log these faults with SA Power Networks online.

The online map interface helps residents accurately report street light outages. It allows specific street lights to be reported and the type of fault (street light operating during the day or globe is blown etc) can be included. After reporting the outage, you can provide contact details to receive a SMS message when the light is repaired.

This service can be accessed as a link from SA Power Networks’ main website at

If you have any street lighting enquiries or would like to request a new street light along local roads, contact Council on 8416 6333 or email [email protected].

Report faulty streetlights

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During the past few months Council staff have been out and about in the community asking residents what they like about living in West Torrens.

The consultation project, ‘Our Place: Share your story. Shape our future’ has seen people of all ages and from varied backgrounds take time to share their experiences with us and tell us what they like, don’t like and what they’d like to see in the future.

Many of the people who took time to provide feedback agreed that West Torrens was a great place to live because of its close proximity to Adelaide and the beach. Residents also said they were proud of their suburbs and homes and while they understood the need to provide more housing as population figures continued to increase, they wanted to see this undertaken in a ‘balanced’ way.

Why consult?In 2009 Council adopted its ‘Toward 2025 Community Plan’. This plan was developed after extensive consultation with our community and identified a number of aspirations that our residents wanted to see Council work towards in the future.

To check that these aspirations are still relevant, we undertook a review process

and went back to our residents to learn what other concerns may have arisen since 2009.

FindingsMost respondents found the West Torrens community to be friendly, supportive and diverse. On the whole they were happy with services and programs that Council provided; in particular they believed the Hamra Centre Library and the services offered were valuable to local residents.

• Streetscapes:Residentswereproudof their streets and in favour of trees and green streetscapes. There was widespread support for work the Council has already undertaken in this area.

• Agedcare:Therewassomeconcernover how Council could help people to stay in their homes in West Torrens and discussions around housing options, services and facilities to support ageing in the home were received.

• Cycling:ResidentswereimpressedwithCouncil’s cycling infrastructure but asked if more could be done.

• Localbusiness:Feedbackshowedsupport for small businesses and shopping locally. Ideas were put forward

on how to access shops and services easier.

• Families:Residentsmadesuggestionson how to support families with children and appreciated the number of playgrounds available in our city. There was support for more ‘natural’ spaces and school holiday programs were welcomed by parents.

• Heritage:Apopulartopicfordiscussion was how to preserve and celebrate areas of heritage within the Council area, both built and natural environments.

• Other:Othertopicspeoplewerekeento give opinions on included better managing traffic and parking, managing the semi industrial/residential interface and airport noise.

Where to from here?Results from this round of consultation will be used to update the Community Plan and various other plans currently being developed and reviewed by Council. A report will be presented to Council and information will be made available to the public through our website and future issues of Talking Points.

Stories will help shape our future

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The West Torrens Library Service is now part of the ‘One Card’ system - and that means our borrowers have access to millions more items.

One card means you can borrow items from libraries other than the West Torrens’ Library Service.

Around 130 libraries across the State have joined the One Card network so library members can borrow and return items wherever they are with their current library card. No longer will you have to be a member of a specific library to access items.

The new service gives members access to online catalogues 24 hours a day, seven days a week, where millions of books, DVDs, CDs and magazines in libraries across South Australia can be reserved. When items become available, they will

From left: Library Team Leader Anne Pascoe, Mayor John Trainer and Manager Community Services Shane Cathcart cut the cake officially launching the new One Card system for West Torrens’ Library Service during October.

be delivered to the Hamra Centre Library, Mobile Library, or other libraries nominated by the borrower for collection.

New collectionsThe West Torrens Library Service is always updating items available for loan. These will be ‘embargoed’ for a period of time to give our members a chance to borrow them first. When their popularity begins to wane, they will then be made available to other One Card libraries.

Priority will also be given to West Torrens Library members in terms of reservations. If an item that belongs to us is borrowed by someone outside of West Torrens it will be because none of our library members are expressing an interest in that particular item at that time.

To find out more about the new One Card system, contact the Hamra Centre Library staff on 8416 6228 or visit them at 1 Brooker Terrace, Hilton. More information can also be found on our website,

One card:millions more choices

Find out about being a volunteer

Youth wanted to make an impact

Thinking of volunteering but don’t know where to start?

Council will stage a Volunteer Expo next month which will provide prospective volunteers with information about the various roles available in the local community.

Council has been staging the expo for the past few years and providing local community groups and agencies with the opportunity to recruit new volunteers.

People are given the chance to discuss vacancies, training opportunities and how volunteering can benefit individuals as well as organisations.

The expo will held in the West Torrens Auditorium Gallery, 1 Brooker Terrace, Hilton on Wednesday 11 December from 10.30am - 1pm. A light lunch will be provided.

To find out more contact Shannon on 8416 6267, email [email protected].

Council is looking for young people aged 12 - 25 who want to make an impact in West Torrens.

IMPACT is a team of young people dedicated to making a difference and representing the views of youth in West Torrens.

As as member of the team you’ll be in a unique position to:

• Provideadvice,shareviews,consultwithpeers, develop solutions and contribute ideas that benefit young people in our community.

• Havecreativeinvolvementindevelopingyouth based community projects and events.

• Receivetrainingandleadershipopportunities.

• Makenewfriendsandhaveagreattime.

For more information visit or phone Tom or Emma on 8416 6333.

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School tours at the library

1 metre1 metre 30cm

To ensure your bin is emptied on your scheduled collection day:

• Placetherightmaterialintherightbin. Refer to the Household Waste and Recycling Calendar and Guide for what to put in/what not to put in each bin. Your bin may not be collected if you place the wrong material in it. If you do not have a copy of this guide, contact Council or refer to the website,

• Putthebinsoutby6amoncollectionday and bring them back in within 24 hours of collection.

• Placethebinatthekerbwiththewheels facing towards your property.

• Followthebinplacementguidelinesinthe diagram shown above.

• Don’tpackbinstootightlyandensurethat each does not exceed 50kg in weight.

• Ensurethatthelidisfullyclosed.

If your bin was not emptied by Solo Resource Recovery, contact the Waste Enquiry Line on 8295 5077 to arrange a collection.

If you report the missed collection before noon, your bin(s) should be emptied the same day. If you report it after noon, the bin(s) should be emptied on the next working day. If your usual collection day is a Friday, you will need to return the bin to your property and place it out on the following Monday. Check your Household Waste and Recycling Calendar and Guide for public holidays that may affect the normal collection schedule.

If your bin has been damaged or you have moved and there are no bins, contact the Waste Enquiry Line 8295 5077 to arrange for repair or a new bin(s).

If your bin is missing, you will need to complete a ‘Missing bin report.’ You can do this by accessing a ‘Missing bin report’ at, by contacting Customer Service on 8416 6333 to request

a form, or by visiting the Civic Centre at 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Hilton.

Festive season collectionsThere will be some changes to bin collection days for some residents during the upcoming festive season.

Normal collection day

Collection day

Wednesday 25 December

Thursday 26 December

Thursday 26 December

Friday 27 December

Friday 27 December Saturday 28 December

Wednesday 1 January

Thursday 2 January

Thursday 2 January Friday 3 January

Friday 3 January Saturday 4 January

Normal collections resume after this date. Enquiries to 8295 5077.

Bin collection - do the right thingTo make bin collection easier, place your bins around 30cm apart from each other and at least one metre away from other obstacles in your street like trees and vehicles (where possible).

School groups are welcome to visit the Hamra Centre Library and use our resources.

A number of school groups, kindergartens, child care centres and playgroups already visit our library on a regular basis, however it’s essential that the visits are pre-arranged.

Visits should be booked at least two weeks in advance of the preferred dates or, ideally, at the beginning of the term.

As the library provides a variety of programs to children during the week there are limited time slots available, however visits can be accommodated on:

• TuesdaysandThursdays-from12pm.

• WednesdaysandFridays-from11.45am

• Mondays-from10am.

All students are encouraged to have their own library cards which can be used to check out items, renew items, request items and access library e-resources from school or home.

Tours and information sessionsClasses from local schools can request a tour of the Children’s area and the entire library. These sessions must be booked in advance and visits can be tailor-made to suit the needs of the particular group.

Library staff can provide demonstrations on how to use the self-check machines so students can learn how to borrow, renew and return their own items.

We can also provide a demonstration of the library catalogue, showing students how to:

• searchforanitem

• seeifanitemisavailableforloan

• findoutwhereanitemislocatedwithinthe Library

• requestanitemifitisoutonloan

• renewanitem.

To find out more about class tours at the Hamra Centre Library, phone 8416 6228.

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Construction of a new Woolworths and speciality shops in Torrensville is due to begin later this month and will help revitalise the area for local businesses and residents.

The multi-million dollar development, to be built on the current Brickworks’ site (corner Ashwin Parade and South Road, Torrensville) will become a major shopping precinct for the area.

The Brickworks’ site has heritage value to the State as it contains a heritage-listed brickwork chimney and kilns. These features, along with land surrounding this area, will be retained by Council for future development and use.

Developers of the new shopping precinct aim to be open by Christmas 2014.

Shopping precinct to revitalise Brickworks

An artist impression of how the new shopping centre at Torrensville will look. Clockwise from above: the view from Ashwin Parade; Plaza west view and Plaza east view.

Greetings everyone. I trust you will enjoy the spring weather as much as I do. It is great to venture out of doors, into the garden or take a walk in the neighbourhood.

The City of West Torrens supports Walking Groups, organised by the Heart Foundation, as a community activity and a way of keeping participants’ mobility at a healthy level. I have been waiting for spring time to start a Walking Group for residents in the Plympton, Kurralta Park, Glandore, Keswick and nearby suburbs.

Walks take place on Saturday mornings at 10am and start from the shops located at 41 Mortimer Street, Kurralta Park (rear of Centro Shopping Centre). The walks are of one hour duration and vary from week to

week, ending from where we started. We want to see as many participants as possible and thus make it a worthwhile community activity.

On a recent visit to Alice Springs I participated in a Heart Foundation walk, along with the city’s Mayor and about 30 residents; some with their dog and some with a pusher. I enjoyed the group activity so much that I was inspired to do the same in my neighbourhood. Let’s do it!

The Heart Foundation advises that being regularly active throughout your life is one of the most effective ways to improve and protect your health and walking is Australia’s favourite way of being physically active.

Walking in a group has even more benefits as it helps people stay motivated, make new friends and feel connected in their local community. Evidence also suggests good social support can help safeguard against heart disease and stroke.

During the past 16 years more than 42,000 Australians have enjoyed the benefits of being part of a Heart Foundation Walking Group.

The Heart Foundation also says that being active on a regular basis is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Regular physical activity helps to:

• reducetheriskofheartdiseaseandstroke

• manageweight,bloodpressureandcholesterol

• helppreventandcontroldiabetes

• reducetheriskofdevelopingsomecancers

• maintainbonedensity,reduceriskofosteoporosis and fractures

• improvebalanceandcoordination.

Many Heart Foundation Walking Groups include a shorter alternative route for slower, or less fit, walkers. Group organisers are also aware of the importance of weather conditions, especially when it’s extremely hot, cold or humid.

Feel free to contact me on 8293 6427 if you wish to express an interest or require more information.

Keswick WardCr Helen Scotcher

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‘Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what’s for lunch.’

This quote, by famous American film director and screenwriter (George) Orson Welles, sums up the importance that food plays for many of us.

For more than a decade our Council has been providing local residents with a low cost lunch once a week - the Community Meal.

Held at the Plympton Community Centre on Mondays, the Community Meal is available for people aged over 65, younger people with a disability and their carers and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders over 50 years.

The three course meal enables local people to get together once a week and share their stories and friendships while enjoying hearty food.

The Community Meal had humble beginnings when it was first started in the mid 1990s, but its popularity is such that Council is now putting on a second meal each week, aimed towards healthy eating.

The Community Meal is a great service to local residents, with a team of volunteers giving their time every week to help out with serving and cleaning up. As well as enjoying a hearty lunch, participants can take part in games of bingo and there is

always some form of entertainment or a guest speaker.

The second community meal, held every Tuesday, is slightly different to the first in that it provides a healthy two-course lunch with entertainment, information sessions, guest speakers and tips on keeping active. A small fee also applies for this lunch.

To find out more about the Community Meal program, contact Sue Cummins from the Home and Community Care Team at Council - 8416 6264.

Note: At this stage places are available for the Tuesday Community Meal only.

More than just a meal for our community

New app helps keep track of waste

Volunteers are invaluable to the success of Council’s Community Meal program as they serve food each week to local residents.

Need to know what bin gets put out on what week?

Council has developed an iPhone app called ‘West Waste’.

Available from the Apple App Store, West Waste can help residents search for bin collection days and receive notification of when to put bins out. The household waste and recycling calendar and guide is also

available on the app which outlines what should and should not be put into the various kerbside bins.

The West Waste app:

• displaysdaysuntilyourpickup for waste, organics and recycling bins occurs

• cannotifyyouwhenyourpickup will occur

• tellsyouwhatbinsaretobecollected

• worksoniPhone4,4s,5andiPad 2, 3 and 4.

Council is working on an android version of the app which should be available shortly.

To find out more visit Council’s website

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Don’t let food scraps go to waste; turn them into compost.

Zero Waste SA data shows that almost 40 per cent of the material in waste bins is food scraps. In landfill, this organic material releases harmful greenhouse gases. However, it could be composted and used in gardens as a soil conditioner, to add rich nutrients to the soil, and make gardens more water efficient.

Don’t let your food scraps go to waste! Put them in your own compost system at home to use in your own garden or put them in your green organics bin so they can be turned into compost.

Local residents should have recently received a fridge magnet ‘All food scraps are good to GO’. This outlines what food can go in your green organics (GO) bin, as well as what you can do with food waste if you don’t wish to put it in your bin.

The general rule is ‘If it didn’t grow, it doesn’t go’, which means that paper products such as tissues, paper towel and even pizza boxes that contain food remains can all go in your green organics bin.

OptionsThere are numerous options for recycling food scraps, tissues, paper towel and other paper and cardboard materials.

Use your organics bin

You can recycle these by:

• placingthemdirectlyinthebin.

• wrappingtheminnewspaperbeforeplacingtheminthe bin, or

• placingtheminakitchencaddylinedwithacompostable bag, which, when full, is placed in the bin.

Compost or worm farm at home

You can also recycle these items at home by placing them in a compost bin, worm farm or other home composting system.

Rebates available

Council supports residents to recycle food waste by:

• Providingakitchencaddyandrollofcompostablebags (available from Council) or a rebate of up to $20 on a kitchen caddy purchased privately. Replacement rolls of 75 compostable bags can be purchased from Council for $5.

• Offeringarebateof50percent(upto$50)ona new compost bin, worm farm or other home compost system, purchased privately or through Council.

To claim a rebate, use the voucher in the ‘Four easy ways to recycle your food scraps’ booklet available from Council. The voucher offer is limited to one per household.

Fridge magnets outlining what can go in your green organics bin have been delivered to households.

Don’t let food scraps go to waste

Beach safety for new arrivals‘On the Same Wave’ is a project aimed at educating youth new to Australia about the possible risks of beach fun, including:

• understandingtheroleofsurflifesavers

• learninghowarescueisconducted

• howtoswiminthesurforpaddlea board

• safeswimming-swimmingbetween markers, with a friend, different water depths

• sunsafety-wearinghats,sunscreen, sunglasses

• jettyjumpingprevention.

To be held at the Henley Surf Lifesaving Club on Wednesday 18 December 2013, the program is aimed at new arrivals, migrants and international students aged between 12 - 18 years.

To find out more, contact Tom on 8416 6241, email [email protected].

This year Council awarded three early bird ratepayers with travel vouchers valued at $500 each. These were given to residents who paid their rates in full before the due date. Winners were drawn by raffle at a Council meeting.

Congratulations to:

• PetrosandMariaDigenis,WestRichmond.

• StamataandNikolaosSotiroulis,Netley.

• JasminWong,Plympton.

Early bird winnersFor the latest news & events visit

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What’s OnNov ‘13 - Jan ‘14 Pull this section out and keep somewhere handy!


west torrens auditorium galleryFrom oils and watercolours to sculptures and recycled art, there’s

always something on display in the west torrens auditorium gallery.

Exhibitions by local artists and not-for-profit organisations.

Address1 Brooker Tce, Hilton (next to the Hamra Centre Library)

Opening times (not open public holidays)

Mon & Tue: 10am - 6pm

Wed: 8am - 6pm

Thurs: 10am - 8pm

Fri: 10am - 6pm

Sat: 10am - 4pm

Sun: 1pm - 4pm

Free entry!

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Mainly MusicEvery Thursday during school term, 9.30am – 11.30amAdelaideWestUnitingChurch, 312 Sir Donald Bradman Dr, Brooklyn ParkFun interactive music sessions for children aged 0 – 4 and their parents/care-givers.Cost $4 per family includes homemade morning tea.Tel. Lorraine Schroder 8234 1199

Temple Baby PlaygroupEvery Thursday, 11.30am to 1pm214 Military Rd, Henley BeachOur organised Baby Playgroup creates a special time for mothers and babies to meet other families to share information and ideas and some quality time outside of the home environment. Cost: $5. Tel: Leanne 8235 2461 / 8355 3447

Thursday Sizzle at Lockleys Bowling ClubEvery Thursday, from 6pm46 Rutland Ave, LockleysMenu changes weekly, mains $12, sweets $3Book at club by Tuesday evening, Tel. 8443 6798.


Lockleys Primary School Open Morning School Tour with the PrincipalWednesday 27 November, 9.15am29 Elston St, Brooklyn ParkTel. 8443 6103

Combined Probus Club of Novar GardensFriday 29 November, 10 amPlympton Community Centre, 34 Long St. Plympton.MorningteathenlivebandAreUSerious.New members welcome. Enquiries tel. 8193 0106

Regular events



Riverside Music Playgroup and Baby PlaygroupEvery Monday 9.30am - 11am Music Playgroup, 11.30am to 1pm Baby Playgroup16 Madeline Cres, Fulham GardensOrganised music and activities. Spend quality time with your family and make connections with others. Cost: $5 with a piece of fruit to share. Tel. Leanne 8235 2461/8355 3447

‘Bible Actually’ Women’s Informal Bible Reading and Chat GroupMondays, 10am - 11amSouth Adelaide Christadelphian Hall, corner Elizabeth St and Alice St, PlymptonTel. Jane Samwell 0411 303 282

Probus Club of Brooklyn Park IncFourth Monday every month, 10amAdelaideWestUnitingChurch,SirDonaldBradman Dr, Brooklyn ParkGuest speakers and outings programmed, all welcome.Tel. 8356 2507 or email [email protected]

Yoga at Plympton Community Centre Wednesdays 9.30am to 10.45am34 Long St, PlymptonExperience yoga for your overall health and wellbeing. Suitable for beginners and advanced students. Certified and experienced yoga instructors. Cost $7 or $60 for 10 week term ($5/$40 concession).Tel. Karen Nichol 8289 9692 or 0400 274 295.

Playgroup at Lockleys Primary SchoolTuesdays during school term, 9am - 11am.For children aged 0 to 4 years. Gold coin donation.29 Elston St, Brooklyn ParkTel. 8443 6103

Men’s ShedTuesdays 10am - 2pm, Wednesdays 1pm - 4pmBedford Ave, Brooklyn ParkAll welcome. An initiative of the Church of Christ in partnership with SA Housing.Tel. 8352 7820

Volleyball for Senior/Retired Men and WomenEvery Tuesday and Thursday, 5pm – 6pm, William Light School Gymnasium, parking off Myer Ave, PlymptonNo previous experience necessary. Lots of fun and exercise. No cost.Tel. Alan 8297 1150 or David 8365 7111

Glenelg Contract Bridge Club Supervised sessions Wednesdays 9.30am - noon. Beginners classes are held regularly throughout the year.SA Sea Rescue Squadron, Barcoo Rd, West Beach New members are welcomed at any time to a friendly and sociable

Play Café - Preschool fun for little ones, coffee and cake for bigger ones Wednesdays 10am Liberty Life Church, 121 Morphett Rd, Camden Park Tel. Julie 8295 1161

Pomegranate Place Cafe and Op ShopOpen Wednesdays 10am – 2pm, Saturdays 9am – 1pmCorner Carlton St and Carlisle St, Camden ParkTel. 8377 1956 or

Night Owl Bowls at Underdale Airport Bowling Club Wednesday and Thursday Nights from 7pm, until mid December, 189 Holbrooks Rd,

Mainly Music - a fun music program for pre-schoolers and their carers Fridays 10am Liberty Life Church, 121 Morphett Rd, Camden Park. Tel. Lyndell 8295 1161

DivorceCare - Hope, help and healing for people touched by separation and divorceWednesdays 6pm, Thursdays 7pm. DC4K – Divorce car for kids, Wednesdays 6pm.Liberty Life Church, 121 Morphett Rd, Camden Park. Tel. Heather 0418 835 038 – DivorceCare. Nancy 0414 903 942 – DC4K.

Family Christmas Carols Sunday 1 December, 7pmAllSaintsUnitingChurch,Corner Marion Rd and Mooringe Ave, North PlymptonTel: Pastor Rodney Fopp 8293 2522

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Our Beautiful World – Paintings and Drawings by Liesbeth PockettOpen throughout December, closed public holidays, check website for details.West Torrens Auditorium Gallery, 1 Brooker Tce,

Combined Probus Club of Novar GardensMonday 9 DecemberChristmas lunch and festivities. New members welcome. Enquiries tel. 8193 0106

Johnathan Welch – Out of the Square Matinee Concert10 December, 2pmStar Theatres, 145 Sir Donald Bradman Dr, Hilton

West Torrens Volunteer Expo Wednesday 11 December 10.30am – 1pm, light lunch provided. West Torrens Auditorium Gallery, 1 Brooker Tce, HiltonMeet with local agencies and services to discuss vacancies, training opportunities and how volunteering can benefit you.Tel. Shannon O’Farrell 8416 6267

Copy deadline for the Summer 2014 issue is Friday, 20 December 2013.Email: [email protected]

The Embroiderers’ Guild of South Australia Christmas SaleSaturday 14 December, 9am - noon.16 Hughes St, Mile End.Hand-stitched Christmas gifts and decorations. Christmas cakes, puddings, cakes, slices, preserves, jam and

Carols by the BeachSunday 22 December, barbecue 7pm, carols start at 8pmAdelaide Sailing Club, Barcoo Road, West BeachTel. Kevin Grant 8294 3232

Christmas Eve service Tuesday 24 December, 7pm 32 Morphett Rd, Novar Gardens, Immanuel College groundsTel. Joey Pietsch 8375 1755, email [email protected]

Christmas Eve Family Service with Traditional Carols Tuesday 24 December, 7pm AllSaintsUnitingChurch,CornerMarionRdand Mooringe Ave, North Plympton Tel: Pastor Rodney Fopp 8293 2522

Christmas Day Worship Wednesday 25 December, 9amAllSaintsUnitingChurch,CornerMarionRdand Mooringe Ave, North Plympton Tel. Pastor Rodney Fopp 8293 2522


Summer FestivalSaturday evenings throughout JanuaryWest Torrens Memorial Gardens, Brooker Tce, HiltonFree family entertainment including live music and movies.Further details will be available at

West Torrens Historical Society - a visit to the SA Sea Rescue Squadron, West BeachLate January – contact Society for specific date

Combined Probus Club of Novar GardensFriday 31 January, 10 amPlympton Community Centre, 34 Long St, Plympton.Morning tea then Guest Speaker Don Hopgood AO. Topic: “How jazz came to Adelaide way back in 1918”. Don will also play his trumpet. New members welcome.Enquiries tel. 8193 0106

Christmas Carols Festival organised by Cooperating Churches of West Adelaide Wednesday 11 December, food will be available at 6pm, entertainment will commence 7.30pmMellor Park, comer White Ave and Henley Beach Rd, LockleysEntertainment will include The Henley and Grange Concert Band, Monterverdi Singers, tenor Simon O’Loughlin, harpist, Father Christmas with the Samoyed Dog Club of SA. Bring a picnic rug and deck chairs. Glow sticks and Gloware safe candles will be available.


Christmas hours

City of West TorrensCivic Centre

24 December 8.30am - noon

25 December Closed (public holiday)

26 December Closed (public holiday)

27 December 8.30am - 5pm

28 December Closed

29 December Closed

30 December 8.30am - 5pm

31 December 8.30am - 5pm

1 January 2014 Closed (public holiday)

2 January 2014 8.30am - 5pm

Hamra Centre Library

24 December 10am - 1pm

25 December Closed (public holiday)

26 December Closed (public holiday)

27 December 10am - 6pm

28 December 10am - 4pm

29 December 1pm - 4pm

30 December 10am - 6pm

31 December 10am - 6pm

1 January 2014 Closed (public holiday)

2 January 2014 10am - 8pm


24 December 7am - noon

25 December Closed (public holiday)

26 December Closed (public holiday)

27 December 7am - 4pm

28 December Closed

29 December Closed

30 December 7am - 4pm

31 December 7am - 4pm

1 January 2014 Closed (public holiday)

2 January 2014 7am - 4pm

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Council’s annual Summer Festival will be on again this season, with events kicking off on Saturday 21 Decemberwith a Christmas movie or two!

In January and February 2014 therewill be a series of music and movienights, including tribute bands and movies for the whole family.

Details will be posted on Council’s website

Music, movies and moreWest Torrens Memorial Gardens, Brooker Tce, Hilton

Summer Festival

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Council has earmarked $18 million for maintaining our city’s infrastructure and facilities during the next year.Good infrastructure, such as roads, footpaths, drainage and sport and recreational facilities are vital to ensuring our city is a great place to live and work. In West Torrens, our infrastructure assets are valued at $454 million.

HighlightsThis year some of the major projects Council will undertake include:• $1.714milliontowardstheBrown

Hill and Keswick Creeks master plan.• $2.04milliontoprogressacommunity

hub.• $810,000toreplaceandupgrade

various playgrounds.• $9.541millionforroadmaintenance,

reconstruction, footpaths and other road works.

Environmental worksThe following is a breakdown of where money will be spent in the next financial year.• $150,000forminordrainageupgrades

and replacement works.• $200,000toupgradestormwater

drainage, including water sensitive urbandesign(WSUD)elementsalongRoebuck Street, Mile End.

• $1.714millionforworksassociatedwith the Brown Hill and Keswick Creeks master plan.

• $250,000forbankstabilisationworksfor Brown Hill and Keswick Creeks.

Recreation programCouncil has allocated $810,000 to replace and upgrade various playgrounds including:• BarodaAvenueReserve,Netley.• CrossTerraceReserve,KurraltaPark.• ErringtonStreetReserve,Plympton.• GolflandsReserve,GlenelgNorth.• PacificParadeReserve,WestBeach.• PeakeGardensReserve,Marleston.• ShephardCourtReserve,NovarGardens.• Shadesheltersandminorplayground

equipment at various sites.• Additionalgymequipmentalongthe

Westside Bikeway.Council will also spend $205,000 to upgrade reserves, including gazebos at Graham Crescent Reserve, Novar Gardens and Weigall Oval Reserve, Plympton. Part of this funding will be used for various fencing and bollard replacements, pedestrian lighting, an upgrade to the Reedbeds Community Centre reserve and miscellaneous works in other areas.

Other recreation works• $440,000forprojectsalongRiver

Torrens Linear Park such as lighting, fencing, and minor pathway upgrades.

• $30,000forconstructionandresealing of pathways along the River Torrens Linear Park.

• $60,000forreconstructionofpathsalong Westside Bikeway.

• $370,000forirrigationsystemsatvarious reserves

• $50,000foranewshadestructureand upgrade of rinks at Novar Gardens Bowling Club.

Transport programMore than $9.5 million will be spent on:Road maintenance .................. $5,211,005Road reconstruction ................ $2,629,307Other road works ....................... $860,000Footpaths .................................. $840,688

Road maintenanceCouncil maintains more than 294 kilometres of local roads and 669 kilometres of kerb and gutter.In our city there are a number of significant roads showing signs of pavement distress, largely due to increases in traffic numbers. Council undertakes ongoing risk assessments on roads and each year allocates funds to those most in need of repair.This year we will spend $5,211,005 on roads, kerbs and gutters, with major

Project CostEnvironmental works $2,314,000

Recreation program $1,965,000

Transport program $9,541,000

Land and building works $3,065,000

Plant, equipment and furniture $1,210,796

Total $18,095,796

West Torrens - a great place to live

Continued p11

Council is budgeting money for various recreation works, including installing more gym equipment along the Westside Bikeway.

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Herbert Rd (South Rd to Farnham Rd)

Brooklyn Park

Marshall Tce (Lewis St to Airport Rd)

Camden Park

Clifton St (Carlton Rd to Creslin Tce; Creslin Tce to Anzac Hwy)

Creslin Tce (Curzon St to Clifton St; Morphett Rd to Curzon St)

Fashoda Ave (Fitzroy Ave to Whelan Ave)


Ayton Ave (Gault Ave to Huntington Ave; Huntington Ave to Colwood Ave)

Chippendale Ave (Tapleys Hill Rd to number 23)

Good St (Fitch Rd to Crace Rd)

Henley Beach Rd (service Rd) (Chippendale Ave to end; Mackirdy St to end)

Louise Ave (Riverside Dr to Carolyn Ave)

Lowry St (Howden Rd to Halsey Rd)


Madden Ave (Waymouth Ave to St Georges Ave)

Glenelg North


Burrupa Ave (Berrima St to Shannon Ave)


Iluka St (Bonython Ave to Wongala Ave; number 12 to Alkira Ave; wongala Ave to number 12)

Mclachlan Ave (Mattner Ave to Harvey Tce)


Davenport Tce (Hill Place to Brooker Tce; Milner Rd to Hill Place)

Kurralta Park

Basnett St (Selby St to Warwick Ave)

Beauchamp St (Garfield Ave to end; Hare St to Tennyson St; Tennyson St to Garfield Ave)

Garfield Ave (Selby St to Warwick Ave)

Grassmore St (Mortimer St to Anzac Hwy)


Arcoona Ave (no 23 to Fulham Park Dr)

Autumn Ave

Barrow Crescent (Dartmoor St to Castlebar Rd)

Cornwall St (Main St to Douglas St)

Road reseal/rehabilitation and kerb and gutter program

2013-14Lockleys continued

Cross St (Broughton St to Main St)

David Court (Matt St to end)

Fern Ave (Lasscock Ave to Autumn Ave)

Henley Beach Rd (service Rd) Fulham Park Dr to end)

Main St (Balmoral St to Duncan St; Cornwall St to Balmoral St; Henley Beach Rd to Conrwall St)

Malurus Ave (Anthus St to Grallina St)

Michael St (end to Matt St; Matt St to number 15; number 15 to Peter St)

Myzantha St (Chester St to Malurus Ave)


Aldridge Tce (Richmond Rd to St Anton St; St Anton St to Lucknow St)

Harvey St (Stirling St to Barwell Ave)

Mile End

Claremont St (King St to Ballara St)

Falcon Ave (Darebin St to Tarragon St)

Gladstone Rd (number 29 - 42; number 42 to South Rd; Railway Tce to number 29)

Grey St (number 7 to end; Rankine Rd to number 7)


Montgomery St (Harvey Ave to Harris St)

North Plympton

Dingera Ave (Neston Ave to end)

Inverell Ave (Errington St to Sters Rd)

Kinkaid Ave (Sandringham Reserve to Deeds Rd; Streeters Rd to Sandringham Reserve)

Mackay Ave (Birdwood Tce to Edward Davies St)

Novar Gardens

Audrey Ave (Sheoak Ave to Old Dr)

Bonython Ave (McCann Ave to Iluka St)

Capri Ave (Troon St to Pine Ave)

Devlin Rd (end to Graham Crescent)

Graham Crescent (Devlin Rd to Irwin Court; Irwin Court to Morphett Rd)

Irwin Court (Graham Crescent to end)

Marsh Court (Graham Crescent to end)

Montreal Ave (St Andrews Crescent to Hoylake St)

Nagle Crescent (Bonython Ave to end)

Thomson Court (Devlin Rd to end)


Elizabeth Ave (Marion Rd to Maynard Rd)

Errington St (Errington St Reserve to Gardner St; Gardner St to Mooringe Ave)

Gardner St (Errington St to Whelan Ave; Neston Ave to Errington St; Osborn Tce to Neston Ave)

James St (Smith St to Light Tce)

Lindsay Street (Cross Rd to number 60)

Osborn Tce (Marion Rd to number 366)

Streeters Rd (end to Gardner St)


Bartholomew St (Lucas St to Richmond Rd)

Hill Place (Davenport Tce to end)

Redin St (Weaver Ave to Brooker Tce)


Admella St (end to Light Tce)

Bennett St (South Rd to Brown St)

Cawthorne St (Smith St to Light Tce)

Filsell St (George St to Dove St)

Holland St (Anderson St to Phillips St; Phillips St to Smith St)

Maria St (number 9 to Albert St)

Neville Rd (Ballantyne St to Dove St)


Clifford St (Ashley St to North Parade; Meyer St to Ashley St)

Danby St (Carlton Pde to Henley Beach Rd)

Hayward Ave (Carlton Pde to henley Beach rd; number 118 to Ashwin Pde)

Howie Ave (Hardy’s Rd to Stephens Ave)

Torrens St (Ferris St to Rankine Rd)


Howard St (Mellor Ave to number 13)

Kenneth Ave (Garden Tce to end)

West Beach

Cambridge Ave (Simcock St to Poplar St)

Miami Ave (Dennis Dr to Todoroff Ave; Todoroff Ave to Rio Vista Ave)

Southern Ave (Pacific Pde to number 16; number 16 to Kevin Ave)

Note: This schedule may be subject to change.

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reconstruction programs to be carried out on Roebuck Street, Mile End and Duncan Street Laneway, Lockleys.

Other road works• $200,000forlocalisedroadfailureand

rehabilitation work.• $60,000forbusshelters.• $105,000forminortrafficmanagement

work such as signs, pedestrian kerb ramps and work on the Errington Street emu crossing near Ashford Special School and disabled parking bays.

• $145,000forbicyclemanagementschemes, including a planning study for the Adelaide Airport ring route.

• $50,000forlightingalongtheMikeTurtur Bikeway.

• $200,000formasterplanworksfortheThebarton Bioscience Precinct.

• $100,000forancillarybridgeworks.

FootpathsCouncil maintains 626 kilometres of footpaths. An audit was undertaken in 2011 which has provided us with valuable information to plan and schedule upgrades and new works.We have developed an ‘Installation of New Footpath Priority System’ which prioritises the most pressing areas where new footpaths are needed. Priority footpaths are considered to be on local, collector and arterial roads that do not have a footpath

on either side and local roads where a footpath is required on both sides of the road due to high pedestrian demand (ie bus routes, schools, shopping centres).UndertheDisabilityDiscriminationAct(DDA), Council must provide a footpath on at least one side of all roads for the safety and accessibility of pedestrians. Local and major collector roads which carry more than 3,000 vehicles per day should have a footpath on both sides.The footpath schedule of works for this year is broken down as follows.Footpath renewal: $356,013: This includes work to a number of streets in Thebarton, Richmond, Mile End South, North Plympton, Keswick, Mile End, Marleston and Plympton.New footpath construction: $284,675: New footpaths will be built along various roads in various suburbs including North Plympton, West Beach, Lockleys and Camden Park. Footpath remediation: $200,000: Upgradingoffootpathsalongarterialroadsacross the city.

Land and building worksCouncil maintains a number of buildings and land for community use. This year we have allocated $3.065 million for work including:• $125,000forupgradestoCouncil

owned facilities to meet DDA requirements.

• $20,000forasbestosremoval.• $25,000forfiresystemupgrades.• $50,000forelectricalupgrades.• $200,000forongoingbuilding

compliance upgrades.• $60,000forrenewableenergy,energy

efficient and water saving projects for Council-owned buildings.

• $200,000forairconditioningupgradeworks at the Civic Centre.

• $20,000forsafeaccessroofinfrastructure at Satterley Hall and Western Youth Centre.

• $2.04mforcommunityhubdevelopment - $2m as part contribution to developing a second facility and $40,000 for signage at the Thebarton Community Hub.

• $80,000forlightingandadministrativefacilities at St Martins.

• $100,000toreplacecarpetintheCivicCentre, the Hamra Centre Library and the depot.

• $50,000forpaintingmaintenanceatthe Hamra Centre Library.

• $20,000fortheinvestigation,reviewand design of DDA work for the Western Youth Centre.

• $25,000forpreliminaryinvestigation,review and concept design work for building facilities at Lockleys Oval.

From p9

Work will be undertaken to upgrade various playgrounds. This playground at Apex Park was upgraded last year and has been a huge hit with families.

Looking after our assets

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Orange, black or lime green?Which one will you choose?

To celebrate the introduction of the new ‘One Card’ system, the West Torrens Library Service has re-designed its library membership card and now members have a choice of colours!

Join nowIf you live in the area and haven’t joined the library, now is a great time to do so. You can access a variety of items including:

• books,includinglargeprintbooks

• CDsandDVDS

• Wiigames

• toys

• sportsequipment

• magazinesandnewspapers

• independentlivingitems

• communitylanguages

• eResources.

Already a member?If you’re already a member, pop into the library during open hours and swap your old library card for a new one! You get to choose the colour* and you can make sure that your details are up to date at the same time.

Find out moreTo find out more, visit our website, or phone 8416 6228.

Take your pick!

* depending on availability

Clear vegetation before summer

A profile of our community online

Join a book club and share ideas

Owners of vacant land are encouraged to act now and clear any weeds or vegetation in advance of the fire danger season.

People who live on a property where high grass or weeds exist should take prompt action to remove or clear the undergrowth as it could pose a serious fire threat to the premises and the properties of adjoining neighbours. There are severe penalties for those who fail to comply with a notice to clear undergrowth under the Fire and Emergency Services Act, 2005.

Any enquiries should be directed to Council’s compliance staff on 8416 6333.

Residents and business operators of West Torrens can access a host of information about the region and its residents through Council’s ‘Community Profile’ section on the web.

‘Community Profile’ is designed to inform community groups, investors, businesses, students and the general public about the local area.

Council commissioned id consulting to develop Community Profile, which incorporated, an internet-based application that provides census information about our local area.

To find out more, log onto Council’s website

If you enjoy reading and like to share your thoughts and ideas about the books you have read, why not join one of the West Torrens Library Service book clubs?

Book club members are given the opportunity to read a variety of fiction and non-fiction books. Members choose which books they would like to read.

Light refreshments are provided following book club meetings.

Book clubs are limited to a maximum of 10 members to ensure everyone is able to share and explore the chosen book, and interact with other members of the group.

For dates and times visit Council’s website or contact the library on 8416 6228.

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With the festive season just around the corner, pet owners need to be mindful that loud noises such as fireworks can cause distress in their pet.

Pets do not understand that the loud noises they are hearing are not going to hurt them. They think they are in danger and will often try to escape.

What should you do if you know an event involving fireworks is going to occur?

Consider how your pet will feel. Ensure that you are nearby to comfort your pet when the noise is occurring. If you cannot be at

home, find someone who can stay with your pet.

What should you do if you are the organiser of a fireworks event?

Let neighbours (up to one full street away) know you will be conducting an event to give them an opportunity to make other arrangements for their pets. Let them know what the expected duration of the noise will be.

What can you do to protect your dog or cat from fireworks noise?

During fireworks events, keep your pet with you indoors and comfort them if they

appear distressed. If you know your pet is likely to become distressed, ask your vet to prescribe a mild sedative.

It may be possible to desensitise your pet to the noise by playing a recording with noise of fireworks. This should be done in a controlled environment and it will help teach your pet to cope with the noise. You can also turn up the volume on the radio or TV to counteract the noise from the fireworks.

For further information or enquiries, contact Council’s animal management officers on 8416 6333, email [email protected].

Keep your pets safe this festive season, especially around fireworks.

Keep pets safe this festive season

Need help using our website?You can hear the pages as well as read them.Download BrowseAloud from our website!

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For the past few months the West Torrens’ OPAL team has been educating our local community about the importance of having a healthy breakfast.

In late October they organised a weeklong ‘West Torrens Biggest Breakfast’ event, which saw schools, sporting clubs, workplaces, churches and child care centres show their support by staging individual healthy breakfast events.

To help reiterate the message to local businesses, Council, OPAL and the Inner West Business Enterprise Centre (IWBEC) held the ‘West Torrens Business Breakfast’ at Thebarton Community Centre, where more than 120 business representatives came together to learn about easy, healthy breakfast options.

Masterchef favourite Poh Ling Yeow and dietitian and former netballer Natalie von Bertouch planned and prepared breakfast for the local business community and provided a range of tips around healthy eating. They outlined the valuable role that local businesses play in the wider community by supporting employees and families in healthy lifestyle choices.

IWBEC hosts a Healthy Workers, Healthy Futures Program which helps educate local business operators about the importance of good nutrition and how this can impact on their workforce.

“Statistics show that healthy workers are three times more productive and take less sick leave, so it’s really in the best interests of business owners to support their employees with advice on healthy lifestyles,” IWBEC Healthy Workers Advisor Sarah Lindblom said.

“Healthy businesses are productive businesses.”

FlindersUniversity,throughtheHealthyEatingLocalPolicies and Programs (HELPP), has developed a ‘quick catering guide’, which was distributed to all attendees at the breakfast. To find out more about this program contact Sarah at IWBEC on 8159 7800.

Around 100 local business representatives enjoyed the ‘Biggest Business Breakfast’ hosted at Thebarton Community Centre.

Dietitian Natalie von Bertouch with Stuart Phillips, of Riviera Bakery and Maria Albanese, North Adelaide Fitness Centre.

Masterchef favourite Poh Ling Yeow (centre) with Susan Devine (left) and Sarah Lindblom from the Business Enterprise Centre.

Big healthy brekky COVER STORY

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Breakfast around the communityAs well as the Biggest Business Breakfast, OPAL gave the community a chance to meet PohandNatattheAdelaideWestUnitingChurch Annual Spring Fair, where the duo combined their skills to showcase several quick, easy and healthy breakfast ideas.

While Poh whipped up dishes like Bircher Muesli with yoghurt, crispy ham and egg cups and a bean, tomato and ham dish with poached eggs, Nat shared her knowledge as a dietitian to talk about the nutritional value of Poh’s recipes. (Recipes are available for download on the Council website - - search for OPAL.)

Poh and Nat also ran a workshop for cooks in child care sites, school canteen staff and directors of Out of School Hour Care (OSHC) to see how the OPAL Program could best assist staff in these crucial services to provide healthy, nutritious food over the next three years.

For more information about the healthy breakfast program, contact Vanessa, Nat or Terri from the OPAL team on 8293 7680 or email [email protected].

To juice or not to juice?Many people tend to provide fruit juice when they cater or shop for the family thinking they are providing a healthy option. While all natural fruit juice is just that, all natural, it is still high in sugar and lacks the fibre that you find in whole fruit.

A healthier alternative is to drink water and eat two pieces of fresh fruit throughout the day. This reduces sugar intake, increases fibre intake and is much more filling.

Did you know:

• Drinkinga500mlbottleof100percentfruit juice is the equivalent of eating five apples or oranges.

• Thereare13teaspoonsofsugarin500mls of 100 per cent apple juice.

• Theamountofsugarin100percentfruit juice is more than the amount of sugar in soft drinks (excluding artificially sweetened soft drinks).

Councillor George Demetriou, Mayor John Trainer and Port Adelaide Enfield Councillor Carol Martin.

Nat and Poh show how to make crispy ham and egg cups at the Adelaide West Uniting Church Annual Spring Fair.

COVER PHOTO: Masterchef favourite Poh Ling Yeow and dietitian and former Thunderbirds netballer Natalie von Bertouch were on hand to give demonstrations of making healthy breakfasts during West Torrens Biggest Breakfast week in late October. Photo: Stories Well Told.

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Elected Members’ contact details


Airport Ward

Airport Ward

Hilton Ward

Hilton Ward Morphett Ward

Morphett Ward

Hon. John Trainer

Phone mobile: 0417 876 847

Email: [email protected]

Cr Rosalie Haese

Phone mobile: 0439 284 278

Email: [email protected]

Cr Garth Palmer

Phone mobile: 0416 292 498

Email: [email protected]

Cr Cindy O’Rielley

Phone mobile: 0400 599 153

Email: [email protected]

Cr George Vlahos

Phone mobile: 0412 101 968

Email: [email protected]

Cr Michael Coxon

Phone mobile: 0402 212 002

Email: [email protected]

Cr George Demetriou

Phone mobile: 0418 897 994

Email: [email protected]

Keswick Ward

Keswick Ward Plympton Ward

Plympton Ward

Thebarton Ward

Thebarton Ward

Lockleys Ward

Lockleys Ward

Cr Michael Farnden

Phone mobile: 0429 090 246

Email: [email protected]

Cr Helen Scotcher

Phone mobile: 0411 754 533

Email: [email protected]

Cr Mark Frances

Phone mobile: 0488 211 603

Email: [email protected]

Cr Arthur Mangos

Phone mobile: 0439 277 640

Email: [email protected]

Cr Tony Polito

Phone: 8353 4063

Email: [email protected]

Cr Spiros Sarris

Phone mobile: 0404 145 455

Email: [email protected]

Cr Kym McKay

Phone mobile: 0439 277 958

Email: [email protected]

Cr Annette O’Rielley

Phone mobile: 0400 599 176

Email: [email protected]