tamas soton 2008

Tamás Makány [email protected] http:// www.tamasmakany.com ulty Postgraduate Conference - Southampton, 2008 June University of Southampton, UK Optimizations in Spatial Cognition: Strategies and Trade-offs

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Page 1: Tamas Soton 2008

Tamás Makány

[email protected]://

www.tamasmakany.comFaculty Postgraduate Conference - Southampton, 2008 June

University of Southampton, UK

Optimizations in Spatial Cognition:

Strategies and Trade-offs

Page 2: Tamas Soton 2008


Optimality in Spatial Cognition Spatial Abilities, Trade-off, Exploratory Strategies

Empirical Studies Experiment I.: Physical Environment

Experiment II.: Agent-based Simulation

Overall Summary

Page 3: Tamas Soton 2008

Optimality in Spatial Cognition

Spatial Cognition involves skills that enables us to : interact effectively and efficiently with our environment

(Theoretical) Optimum

‘do the best possible’

Behavioural Optimum

‘do the best you can’






find the target with minimal effort

exploratory strategies ?

Page 4: Tamas Soton 2008


Optimality in Spatial Cognition Spatial Abilities, Trade-off, Exploratory Strategies

Empirical Studies Experiment I.: Physical Environment

Experiment II.: Agent-based Simulation

Overall Summary

Page 5: Tamas Soton 2008

Research question & hypotheses 1.

RQ: What are the cognitive and behavioural factors that influence spatial exploration?

Hy1: Humans explore novel physical environments differently, according to how they optimize their spatial cognition:

increase spatial knowledge (memory) extensive exploration reduce distance travelled (energy) limited exploration

Hy 2: Humans are optimizing their explorations in terms of a trade-off b/w:

spatial memory distance travelled

Page 6: Tamas Soton 2008

Experiment I. – Physical Environment

Experimental Design

41 participants; 2 omitted 24 female; 17 male3.5m x 3.5m squared spaceblack curtain on the walls5 objects in boxes to explore

3 phases:- Free exploration* - Learning- Navigation test

2 measures of navigation:- extendedness of routes (memory)- distance travelled (energy)

Makany, T., Redhead, E., & Dror, I. E. (2007). Spatial exploration patterns determine navigation efficiency: Trade-off between memory demands and

distance travelled. QJEP, 60, 1594-1602.

Page 7: Tamas Soton 2008

Experiment I. – Physical Environment

Results-2 initial exploratory strategies were found:

Memory Distance

extensive exploration(higher memory


shorter overall distance travelled

(lower energy cost)

limited exploration(lower memory


longer overall distance travelled

(higher energy cost)

Makany, T., Redhead, E., & Dror, I. E. (2007). Spatial exploration patterns determine navigation efficiency: Trade-off between memory demands and

distance travelled. QJEP, 60, 1594-1602.

(n=28) (n=11)

Page 8: Tamas Soton 2008

Experiment I. – Physical Environment


we found 2 distinct patterns of exploration: axial & circular

these patterns seem to reflect on different spatial optimization strategies:

spatial knowledge (memory) optimization travelled distance (energy) optimization

interaction of navigation performances suggests a trade-off between memory & distance strategies

Further Steps

empirically test whether the manipulation of these exploratory strategies result in optimization trade-off

build a computational model to simulate human spatial exploratory behaviour Makany, T., Redhead, E., & Dror, I. E. (2007). Spatial exploration patterns

determine navigation efficiency: Trade-off between memory demands and distance travelled. QJEP, 60, 1594-1602.

Page 9: Tamas Soton 2008


Optimality in Spatial Cognition Spatial Abilities, Trade-off, Exploratory Strategies

Empirical Studies Experiment I.: Physical Environment

Experiment II.: Agent-based Simulation

Overall Summary

Page 10: Tamas Soton 2008

Research question & hypothesis 2.

RQ: What are the cognitive and behavioural factors that influence spatial exploration?

Hy3: Human exploratory behaviour can be simulated by using simple optimization strategies

follow/avoid known routes (memory-strategy) extensive exploration

minimize/maximize overall distance travelled (energy-strategy) limited exploration

Hy 4: Our model will reproduce the same trade-off as in humans b/w:

spatial memory distance travelled

Page 11: Tamas Soton 2008

Experiment 2. – AB Simulation

Agent-based model in NetLogoSingle artifical agent per run 2D 6x6 grid square lattice

space5 objects to explore

Task: visit all objects based on an object cost function:

ei,j = distance to object j from position im = steps already taken on the wayα= parametre weight (complementary)

121 test runs; full parametrization

2 measures of navigation:- extendedness of routes

(memory)- distance travelled (energy)

f (d) = (ei, jα )×(m1−α )

Makany, T., & Makowsky, M. (submitted). Human spatial exploratory strategies in an agent-based model: Trade-off between distance and memory demands. Spatial

Cognition Conf., Freiburg (Germany).

Page 12: Tamas Soton 2008

Experiment 2. – AB Simulation

Results-2 exploratory strategies were found:

extensive exploration(higher memory


limited exploration(lower memory


longer overall distance travelled

(higher energy cost) Memory Distance

shorter overall distance travelled

(lower energy cost)

Circular (n=84) Axial (n=35)

Makany, T., & Makowsky, M. (submitted). Human spatial exploratory strategies in an agent-based model: Trade-off between distance and memory demands. Spatial

Cognition Conf., Freiburg (Germany).

Page 13: Tamas Soton 2008

Memory Distance

Memory Distance

Experiment 2. – AB Simulation


we found 2 patterns of exploration, similar to Exp. 1.: axial & circular

simulation results confirmed the strategy optimization trade-off

Further Research

test the model with other environmental parameters (e.g., virtual)

Makany, T., & Makowsky, M. (submitted). Human spatial exploratory strategies in an agent-based model: Trade-off between distance and memory demands. Spatial

Cognition Conf., Freiburg (Germany).

Page 14: Tamas Soton 2008


Optimality in Spatial Cognition Spatial Abilities, Trade-off, Exploratory Strategies

Empirical Studies Experiment I.: Physical Environment

Experiment II.: Agent-based Simulation

Overall Summary

Page 15: Tamas Soton 2008

Overall Summary

Spatial Cognition involves skills that enables us to :

interact effectively and efficiently with our environment






find the target with minimal effort

exploratory strategies ?

RQ: What are the cognitive and behavioural factors that influence spatial exploration?

- Hy1: Humans explore novel physical environments differently, according to how they optimize their spatial cognition- Hy 2: Humans are optimizing their explorations in terms of a trade-off- Hy3: Human exploratory behaviour can be simulated by using simple optimization strategies

- Hy 4: Our model reproduced the same trade-off as in humans

Page 16: Tamas Soton 2008

Overall Summary

Impact of Research

Theoretical :

- how the human cognitive system optimizes information when exploring novel spaces

- individual differences between good/poor explorers

- cognitive/behavioural efficiency

Applied :

- predict spatial performances based on initial exploratory behaviours

- aid poor explorers from a very early phase of their spatial learning

- spatial design applications in multiple environments

Page 17: Tamas Soton 2008

Tamás Makány

[email protected]://

www.tamasmakany.comFaculty Postgraduate Conference - Southampton, 2008 June

University of Southampton, UK

Optimizations in Spatial Cognition:

Strategies and Trade-offs

Thank you!

AcknowledgementsDr. Edward Redhead – University of SouthamptonDr. Itiel Dror – University of SouthamptonDr. Anne McBride – Univerisity of Southampton*T.M. was supported by the School of Psychology PhD Scholarship

Page 18: Tamas Soton 2008

Cluster Analysis Dendrogram I.

Page 19: Tamas Soton 2008

Cluster Analysis Dendrogram 2.