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TAMPERE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Department of Electrical Engineering Institute of Signal Processing Mari Partio Content-based Image Retrieval using Shape and Texture Attributes Master of Science Thesis Subject approved in the Department Council meeting on 10 April 2002 Examiners: Professor Moncef Gabbouj Researcher Bogdan Cramariuc

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TAMPERE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Department of Electrical Engineering Institute of Signal Processing

Mari Partio

Content-based Image Retrieval using Shape and Texture Attributes

Master of Science Thesis

Subject approved in the Department Council meeting on 10 April 2002

Examiners: Professor Moncef Gabbouj Researcher Bogdan Cramariuc

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Preface This Thesis has been carried out in the Institute of Signal Processing, Tampere University

of Technology, Finland. The work is part of the MuVi-project, whose emphasis is on

content-based image and video retrieval. First, I would like to thank my examiners,

Professor Moncef Gabbouj and Researcher Bogdan Cramariuc for their corrections and

guidance towards finishing this thesis. I would also like to give special thanks to whole

Image and Video Analysis group. I would also like to thank SPAG and Academy of

Finland for their financial support. Last but not least, I would like to dedicate special

thanks to my family and friends for their continuous support during this work.

Tampere 19.11.2002, Mari Partio Vaajakatu 5 H 176 33720 Tampere, Finland Mobile: 040-7323079 Email: [email protected]


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Preface..............................................................................................................2 Contents ...........................................................................................................3 Abstract............................................................................................................5 Tiivistelmä........................................................................................................6 Symbols and Abbreviations ...........................................................................8 1 Introduction ........................................................................................... 11 2 Content-based Image Retrieval (CBIR) .............................................. 14

2.1 The Problem of Content-based Retrieval ................................................... 14 2.2 Feature Extraction........................................................................................ 15

2.2.1 Color………………………………………………………………15 2.2.2 Shape……………………………………………………………...16 2.2.3 Texture…………………………………………………………….16 2.2.4 Spatial layout……………………………………………………...16

2.3 Similarity models .......................................................................................... 17 2.3.1 The metric model………………………………………………….17 2.3.2 Transformational distances………………………………………..18 2.3.3 Tversky’s model…………………………………………………..18

2.4 Indexing ......................................................................................................... 18 2.5 Example CBIR system: MUVIS .................................................................. 19 2.6 MPEG-7 ......................................................................................................... 21

2.6.1 Overview of MPEG-7 …………………………………………….21 2.6.2 Shape features …………………………………………………….22 2.6.3 Texture features…………………………………………………...24

3 Human Visual Perception..................................................................... 26 3.1 Anatomy of the human eye .......................................................................... 26 3.2 Lateral Inhibition.......................................................................................... 27 3.3 Perception of Shape ...................................................................................... 28

3.3.1 Classical theories of shape perception…………………………… 28 3.3.2 Modern theories of shape perception …………………………… 29

3.4 Perception of Texture ................................................................................... 29 3.4.1 Feature approach………………………………………………… 29 3.4.2 Frequency approach……………………………………………... 30

4 Shape Analysis ....................................................................................... 31 4.1 Introduction to Shape................................................................................... 31 4.2 Shape Attributes ........................................................................................... 32

4.2.1 Region-based attributes…………………………………………...32 4.2.2 Boundary-based attributes………………………………………...35 4.2.3 Multi-resolution attributes………………………………………...37


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4.3 Shape Correspondence using Ordinal Measures....................................... 40 4.3.1 Object alignment based on universal axes………………………..40 4.3.2 Boundary to multilevel image transformation……………………42 4.3.3 Similarity evaluation……………………………………………...44

4.4 Experiments using Ordinal Correlation..................................................... 46 4.4.1 Introducing dataset and selected parameters……………………...46 4.4.2 Results and their evaluation………………………………………47

5 Texture Analysis .................................................................................... 49 5.1 Introduction to Texture................................................................................ 49 5.2 Texture Attributes ........................................................................................ 50

5.2.1 Spatial Methods…………………………………………………...50 5.2.2 Frequency-based methods………………………………………...51 5.2.3 Moment-based methods…………………………………………..52

5.3 Co-occurrence matrix................................................................................... 55 5.3.1 Introduction……………………………………………………….55 5.3.2 Description of the Selected Features……………………………...55

5.4 Gabor filters .................................................................................................. 56 5.4.1 Gabor function…………………………………………………….56 5.4.2 Gabor filter bank desing…………………………………………..57 5.4.3 Feature Representation……………………………………………58

5.5 Experiments................................................................................................... 58 5.5.1 Testing Database………………………………………………….59 5.5.2 Retrieval Procedure……………………………………………….60 5.5.3 Retrieval Results…………………………………………………..61 5.5.4 Evaluation of the Results………………………………………….62 5.5.5 Comparison with Gabor Results…………………………………..62

6 Conclusions ............................................................................................ 66 References ..................................................................................................... 68


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Abstract TAMPERE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Degree Program in Electrical Engineering Institute of Signal Processing Partio, Mari: Content-based Image Retrieval using Shape and Texture Attributes Master of Science Thesis, p. 70 Examiners: Professor Moncef Gabbouj, Researcher Bogdan Cramariuc Funding: Center of Excellence, SPAG, Academy of Finland Department of Electrical Engineering November 2002 Due to rapid increase in volume of image and video collections, traditional methods of indexing and retrieval using only keywords have become outdated. Therefore, alternative methods to describe images using their visual content have been developed. To produce and test algorithms for content-based image and video retrieval, MUVIS (Multimedia Video Indexing and Retrieval System) was developed at TUT. The goal of MUVIS is a fast, real-time and reliable audio/video (AV) browsing and indexing application, which is also capable of extracting some key features (such as color, texture and shape) of the AV media. Most of the existing image retrieval systems perform reasonably when using color features. However, retrieval accuracy using shape or texture features does not produce as good results. Therefore, this thesis investigates different methods of representing shape and texture in content-based image retrieval. Later, when appropriate segmentation algorithms are available some of these methods could also be applied to video object retrieval. The thesis presents two contributions: one is shape-based and the second is texture-based retrieval method. The former contribution concerns shape analysis and retrieval. Shape attributes can be roughly divided into two main categories: boundary-based and region-based. Since the human visual system itself focuses on edges and ignores uniform regions, this thesis concentrates on boundary-based representations. A novel boundary-based method using distance transformation and ordinal correlation is developed in this thesis. Simulation results show that the proposed technique produced encouraging results when using MPEG-7 shape test database. The second contribution of the thesis is a constrained application in which the database contains a set of rock images. In this application, we applied a technique based on Gray-Level Co-occurrence matrices (GLCM) and compared the results with a well-known method from the literature. It was found that GLCM outperforms Gabor Wavelet features when considering retrieval time and visual quality of the results.


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Tiivistelmä TAMPEREEN TEKNILLINEN KORKEAKOULU Sähkötekniikan koulutusohjelma Signaalinkäsittelyn laitos Partio, Mari: Kuvan hakeminen käyttäen muoto- ja tekstuuriattribuutteja Diplomityö, s. 70 Tarkastajat: prof. Moncef Gabbouj, tutkija Bogdan Cramariuc Rahoitus: SPAG, Suomen Akatemia Sähkötekniikan osasto Marraskuu 2002 Digitaalisten kuva- ja videokokoelmien nopea kasvu on johtanut tehokkaiden selain- ja hakuohjelmistojen kehittämiseen. Perinteiset kuvanhakumenetelmät perustuvat manuaalisesti lisättyihin kuvaa kuvaaviin avainsanoihin, joiden ongelmana on subjektiivisuus sekä tietokantojen kasvusta johtuva työläys. Tästä syystä vaihtoehtoisten kuvan visuaalisiin ominaisuuksiin, esimerkiksi väriin, tekstuuriin ja muotoihin, pohjautuvien menetelmien kehittäminen kuvien sisällön esittämiseksi on yhä tärkeämpää. Sisältöpohjaisessa kuvanhaussa (CBIR) on tavoitteena löytää tietokannasta visuaalisilta ominaisuuksiltaan hakukuvaa (query image) mahdollisimman hyvin vastaavat kuvat. Ensin kuvista irrotetaan tärkeimmät piirteet ja ne tallennetaan ominaisuusvektoreihin (feature vector). Ominaisuusvektorit indekseineen tallennetaan tietokantaan. Hakukuvan ominaisuusvektoria verrataan muiden kuvien ominaisuusvektoreihin valittua etäisyysmittaa (similarity metric) käyttäen ja kuvat palautetaan etäisyyksien mukaan järjestyksessä pienimmästä alkaen. CBIR -järjestelmien yleistyessä yhtenäisten standardien luominen on tullut yhä tärkeämmäksi. MPEG-7 on MPEG:n (Moving Picture Experts Group) kehittämä standardi, jonka tarkoituksena on kuvata multimediadatan sisältöä. MPEG-7 keskittyy informaation tarkoituksen ja sisällön tulkintaan ja sen vuoksi se on avainasemassa sisältöpohjaisten hakujärjestelmien kehittämisessä. Tämä diplomityö on osa Tampereen Teknillisen Korkeakoulun signaalinkäsittelyn laitoksella kehitettävää MUVIS -järjestelmää, jonka tavoitteena on tuottaa nopea, reaaliaikainen ja luotettava audio/video (AV) multimediahakuohjelmisto, joka pystyy myös poimimaan avainominaisuuksia AV mediasta. Tässä työssä keskitytään lähinnä kuvahakuun, mutta videon segmentointiin käytettävien algoritmien kehittyessä esitettyjä menetelmiä voidaan käyttää myös videohakuun. Useat olemassa olevista kuvanhakujärjestelmistä ovat suorituskyvyltään kohtalaisia suoritettaessa haku väriominaisuuksien perusteella. Käytettäessä muotoa tai tekstuuria hakuperusteena tulokset ovat yleensä epätarkempia. Siksi tässä työssä keskitytään


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tarkastelemaan erilaisia muotoa ja tekstuuria kuvaavia attribuutteja sekä niiden soveltuvuutta automaattiseen kuvanhakuun. Työ koostuu kahdesta osasta: muoto-pohjaisesta ja tekstuuri-pohjaisesta kuvanhakumenetelmästä. Ensimäisessä osassa käsitellään muodon analyysia ja hakua. Muotoattribuutit voidaan karkeasti jakaa kahteen pääluokkaan: reunapohjaiseen sekä aluepohjaiseen. Koska ihmisen näköaisti keskittyy reunoihin ja jättää tasaiset alueet vähemmälle huomiolle, tässä työssä keskitytään reunapohjaiseen esitystapaan. Etuna reunapohjaisissa menetelmissä on myös se, että ne kuvaavat muotoa tarkemmin ja mahdollistavat muodon kuvaamisen useammalla resoluutiolla (multiresolution approach). Työssä kehitetään myös uusi reunapohjainen muotojen vertailumenetelmä, joka perustuu etäisyysmuunnokseen (distance transformation) sekä ”ordinal correlation–menetelmään”. Esitetty menetelmä antoi rohkaisevia tuloksia MPEG-7:n testidatalla testattaessa. Työn toisessa osassa esitellään tekstuuripohjainen kivikuvien samankaltaisuuden vertailuun keskittyvä sovellus. Tarkkaa määritelmää tekstuurille ei ole, mutta yleensä tekstuurilla käsitetään kuvan aluetta, joka koostuu samankaltaisista toistuvista elementeistä. Riiipuen näiden peruselementtien järjestyksestä, tekstuuria voidaan karkeasti pitää joko säännöllisenä tai stokastisena. Koska tässä työssä käytetyt kivikuvat ovat luonteeltaan stokastisia, tilastolliset menetelmät soveltuvat niiden kuvaamiseen parhaiten. Käytetty tekniikka (GLCM) on tunnettu ja perustuu harmaasävyjen suhteelliseen esiintymiseen kuvassa. Verrattaessa saatuja tuloksia ”Gabor –suodinpankilla” saatuihin, voidaan havaita GLCM paremmaksi tarkasteltaessa hakuaikaa sekä hakutulosten visuaalista laatua.


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Symbols and Abbreviations Symbols: A area of a region, p. 32 Anl orthogonal Zernike moment of order n and repetition l, p. 53 Ck position of the contour pixel k in the image G, p. 43 dx distance in x-direction, p. 55 dy distance in y-direction, p. 55 Dj metadifference obtained by calculating distance between all pairs of metaslices, p.45 E[N(L)] expected number of boxes, p. 51 fDC mean intensity of texture, p. 24 fSD standard deviation of texture, p. 24 f(x,y) continuous 2D function, p.33 F(n) Discrete Fourier Transform of u(k), p. 36 G gray-scale image, p. 42 Gi pixel values of G, p. 42 g(u,σ) 1D Gaussian kernel of width σ, p. 38 g(x,y) 2D Gabor function, p. 57 G(u,v) Fourier transform of 2D Gabor function, p. 57 I(x,y) image, p. 50 K number of boundary samples, p. 36 l1 number of universal axes, p. 41 L1 histogram distance, p. 15 L2 histogram intersection, p.15 mpq moment of order (p+q), p. 33 M(n) magnitude of the Fourier Descriptors, p. 36 Mk moment image, p. 53 Mpq central moment, p. 34 Mj

X metaslice obtained by combining slices SkX, p. 45

MjY metaslice obtained by combining slices Sk

Y, p. 45 N number of contour points, p. 33 P perimeter of a contour, p. 32 Pd co-occurrence matrix using distance d, p. 55 Qp(σ) radial polynomial of the OFM, p. 54 Rj

X contains the pixels from image X, which belong to area Rj, p. 44 Rj

Y contains the pixels from image Y, which belong to area Rj, p. 44 Rnl radial polynomial for Zernike moments, p. 54 s1, s2, s3 generic stimuli, p. 17 Sk

X slice constructed for every pixel Xk in image X, p. 44

SkY slice constructed for every pixel Yk

in image Y, p. 45

TD feature vector of the HTD, p. 24 u(k) sequence of coordinates (x(k), y(k)) of K-point digital contour in the

xy-plane, k=0, 1, 2, …, K-1, p. 36 û(k) u(k), but only the first M coefficients used, p. 36 Uh higher central frequency, p. 57


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Ul lower central frequency, p. 57 Upq basis function of the OFM, p. 54 V0 value on the contour, p. 43 Vnl(x,y) Zernike basis function of order n and repetition l, p. 54 W window width for calculating moments, p. 52 Wmn Gabor Wavelet transform, p. 58 xc x-coordinate of the centroid, p. 34 xm normalized x-coordinate for the moment calculation, p. 52 xpyq basis function in geometric moments definition, p. 54 yc y-coordinate of the centroid, p. 34 ym normalized y-coordinate for the moment calculation, p. 52 ηnq normalized definition of moments, p. 34 κ(u) curvature function for any parametrized contour, p. 38 κ(u,σ) evolved curve contour, p. 38 λ the sum of all metadifferences, p. 45 µmn mean value on a certain frequency band, p. 58 µr mean radius, p. 33 µ centroid of a region, p. 33 φ1-φ7 a set of seven invariant moments, p. 34 - 35 σ parameter that controls the shape of the logistic function, p. 53 σmn standard deviation on a certain frequency band, p. 58 ρ Spearman’s ρ (ordinal correlation coefficient), p. 45 ρ(x,y) autocorrelation function, p. 50 τ Kendall’s τ (ordinal correlation coefficient), p. 45

Γ(u) parametrized contour, p. 38 Θµ polar angle, p. 41 θj directional angle, p. 41 Abbreviations: 1D One-dimensional 2D Two-dimensional 3D Three-dimensional AV Audio-visual CBIR Content-based image retrieval CSS Curvature Scale-Space D Descriptor (MPEG-7 standard) DFT Discrete Fourier Transform DDL A Descriptor Definition Language (MPEG-7 standard) DS Description Scheme (MPEG-7 standard) FD Fourier Descriptor GLCM Gray-level co-occurrence matrix H.263+ ITU-T standard HCP High Curvature Point HSV Color model (hue, saturation, value) HTD Homogeneous Texture Descriptor (MPEG-7 standard) ISO The International Organization for Standardization


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MPEG-1 ISO standard MPEG-2 ISO standard MPEG-4 ISO standard MPEG-7 ISO standard MuVi Multimedia Video Indexing and Retrieval MUVIS Multimedia Video Indexing and Retrieval System NeTra CBIR system, University of California at Santa Barbara OFM Orthogonal Fourier-Mellon moment OR Ordinal correlation PC Personal computer Photobook CBIR system, MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology QBIC CBIR system designed by IBM® RGB Color model (red, green, blue) SQUID Shape Queries Using Image Databases (CBIR system, University of

Surrey, UK) TUT Tampere University of Technology UA Universal Axes VisualSEEK CBIR system, Columbia University WT Wavelet Transform WTMM Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima


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1 Introduction

During the last decade there has been a rapid increase in volume of image and video

collections. A huge amount of information is available, and daily gigabytes of new visual

information is generated, stored, and transmitted. However, it is difficult to access this

visual information unless it is organized in a way that allows efficient browsing,

searching, and retrieval. Traditional methods of indexing images in databases rely on a

number of descriptive keywords, associated with each image. However, this manual

annotation approach is subjective and recently, due to the rapidly growing database sizes,

it is becoming outdated. To overcome these difficulties in the early 1990s, Content-Based

Image Retrieval (CBIR) emerged as a promising means for describing and retrieving

images. According to its objective, instead of being manually annotated by text-based

keywords, images are indexed by their visual content, such as color, texture, shape, and

spatial layout.

The importance of content-based retrieval for many applications, ranging from art

galleries and museum archives to picture collections, criminal investigation, medical and

geographic databases, makes the visual information retrieval one of the fastest growing

research fields in information technology. Therefore, many content-based retrieval

applications have been created for both research and commercial purposes. In the late

1990s – with the vast introduction of digital images and video to the market – the

necessity for interoperability among different applications that deal with AV content

description arose. For this purpose, in 1997 the ISO MPEG Group initiated the “MPEG-7

Multimedia Description Language” work item. As a goal of this activity, an international


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1 Introduction


MPEG-7 standard was issued in July 2001, defining standardized descriptions and

description systems that allow users or agents to search, identify, filter, and browse

audiovisual content.

The MUVIS system [32], developed at TUT extracts the low level features, such as color,

texture, and shape. It evaluates similarity between a query image and all the other images

in the database specified by the user, and returns the most similar images as best matches.

There exist several systems and applications similar to MUVIS, such as QBIC [12], NeTra

[45], VisualSEEK (color&texture) [23], SQUID [19] and Photobook [6].

The aim of TUT MuVi is to develop a fast, real-time and reliable audio/video (AV)

browsing and indexing framework, which is also capable of extracting well-defined key

features of the AV media. This thesis concentrates on describing shape and texture

attributes, which are now applied on still images. Later, after efficient segmentation, they

should be applied also on video sequences.

Shape is one of the most important visual attributes in an image. In fact, the human visual

system is able to extract and abstract shapes from very complex scenes. The concept of

shape is invariant to translations, rotations, and scaling, the shape of an object is a binary

image representing the extent of the object. Due to these considerations shape presentation

is one of the most challenging aspects of computer vision. Shape representations can be

roughly classified in two major categories: boundary-based and region-based. The former

represents shape by its outline, while the latter considers shape being formed of a set of

two-dimensional regions. The human visual system itself focuses on edges and ignores

uniform regions. Therefore, this thesis is mostly concentrated on boundary-based

representations. On the other hand, feature vectors extracted from boundary-based

representations provide a richer description of a shape allowing the development of multi-

resolution shape description. In this thesis, we give short introduction to most well known

region-based, boundary-based and multi-resolution techniques. In addition, a recently

developed boundary-based approach on shape similarity estimation based on ordinal

correlation is presented.

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1 Introduction


Texture is another important visual attribute, since it is present almost everywhere in

nature. Textures may be described according to their spatial, frequency or perceptual

properties. This thesis describes briefly several approaches to texture representation and

gives a more detailed view on one spatial representation method (co-occurrence matrices)

and one frequency based method (gabor filter). There is a multi-resolution approach

available for the former, but the latter is a multi-resolution approach by its nature.

In experiments using texture attributes we provide a constrained retrieval application in

which the database contains a set of rock images. In this application, we apply a technique

based on Gray-Level Co-occurrence matrices (GLCM) and compare the results with a

well-known method from the literature. Evaluation of the results is also provided.

This thesis is organized as follows. Chapter 2 reviews the idea behind content-based

retrieval. Chapter 3 gives an overview of the human visual system characteristics, which

play an important role in similarity assessment. Chapters 4 and 5 represent the core of this

thesis. Chapter 4 begins by introducing different shape attributes. It continues by

presenting a novel boundary-based method using distance transformation and ordinal

correlation. The chapter ends by providing some experimental results. Chapter 5 presents

different texture attributes used in content-based image retrieval. The chapter is concluded

by a constrained application in which gray-level co-occurrence matrices are applied to

retrieval of rock images. Chapter 6 provides the conclusions of this thesis.

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2 Content-based Image Retrieval (CBIR)

2.1 The Problem of Content-based Retrieval

The idea behind content-based retrieval is to retrieve, from a database, media items (such

as images, video and audio) that are relevant to a given query. Relevancy is judged based

on the content of media items. Several steps are needed for this. First, the features from

the media items are extracted and their values and indices are saved in the database. Then

the index structure is used to ideally filter out all irrelevant items by checking attributes

with the user’s query. Finally, attributes of the relevant items are compared according to

some similarity measure to the attributes of the query and retrieved items are ranked in

order of similarity. This chapter provides a short introduction to each of the steps

mentioned above, which are also shown in Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1 Block diagram of the content-based retrieval system


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2.2 Feature Extraction


2.2 Feature Extraction

Feature extraction is one of the most important components in a content-based retrieval

system. Since a human is usually judging the results of the query, extracted features

should mimic the human visual perception as much as possible. In broad sense, features

may be divided into low-level features (such as color, texture, shape, and spatial layout)

and high-level semantics (such as concepts and keywords). Use of only low-level features

might not always give satisfactory results, and therefore, high-level semantics should be

added to improve the query whenever possible. High-level semantics can be either

annotated manually or constructed automatically from low-level features. In this chapter

the general low-level visual features are described.

2.2.1 Color

Color is one of the most widely used visual attributes in image retrieval. In fact, most

existing image retrieval systems such as QBIC [12], Netra [45], and VisualSEEK[23] are

most efficient in color retrieval. Retrieval by color similarity requires using such models

of color stimuli that distances in color space correspond to human perceptual distances

between colors. Studies by psychologists and artists have demonstrated that the presence

and distribution of colors induce sensations and convey meaning to the observer,

according to specific rules, which are explained in more detail in [3].

Color histogram is the most commonly used presentation. The histogram reflects the

statistical distribution, or the joint probability of the intensities of the three color channels.

The color histogram is computed by discretizing the colors within the image and counting

the number of pixels of each color. Chromatic similarity between the query histogram and

the histograms of the database images can be evaluated by computing the L1 and L2

distances [3]. L1 distance is a measure of histogram intersection, whereas a L2-related

metric takes into account the similarities between similar but not necessarily identical

colors [46].

Color stimuli are commonly represented as points in three-dimensional color spaces.

Before building the histogram the hardware-oriented (RGB) color space is usually

converted into some perceptually uniform color space, such as the HSV (hue, saturation,

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2.2 Feature Extraction


value) space. Hue describes the actual wavelength of the color percept, saturation indicates

the amount of white light present in the color and brightness (value) represents the

intensity of the color.

2.2.2 Shape

The shape of an object is a binary image representing the extent of the object. Since the

human perception and understanding of objects and visual forms relies heavily on their

shape properties, shape features play a very important role in CBIR. In general the useful

shape features can be divided into two categories, boundary-based and region-based.

These representations will be introduced in Chapter 4, where two additional extensions for

boundary-based representations, multi-resolution approach and similarity evaluation based

on ordinal correlation, are presented.

2.2.3 Texture

Although no single formal definition for texture exists [33], we refer to texture as an area

containing variations of intensities, which form repeated patterns. Those patterns can be

caused by physical surface properties, such as roughness, or they could result from

reflectance differences, such as the color on a surface. Differences observed by visual

inspection are difficult to define in quantitative manner, which leads to the necessity of

defining texture using some features. In this thesis textural attributes are divided into three

categories: spatial, frequency and moment-based attributes [3]. Those properties will be

discussed in more detail in Chapter 5.

2.2.4 Spatial layout

Spatial relationships between entities often capture the most relevant information in an

image. However, defining similarity according to spatial relationships is generally

complex because relations are not represented by a single crisp statement but rather by a

set of contrasting conditions, which are concurrently satisfied with different degrees. In [3]

spatial relationships are divided into two categories: object-based and relational structures.

In object-based structures spatial relationships are not explicitly stored but visual

information is included in the representation. In this case images are retrieved using object

coordinates. Object-based structures are based on a space partitioning technique that

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2.2 Feature Extraction


allows a spatial entity to be located in the space it occupies. Therefore, in image retrieval

systems, they can be employed in spatial queries concerned with finding a spatial entity

within the image space.

Relation based structures do not include visual information and preserve only a set of

spatial relationships discarding all uninteresting relationships. Objects are represented

symbolically and spatial relationships explicitly. In image retrieval systems, relation based

structures are suited for finding all images with objects in similar relationships as a query


2.3 Similarity models

2.3.1 The metric model

In the metric model, it is assumed that a set of features models the properties of the input

object (stimulus) so that it can be presented as a point in a suitable feature space. If d is a

distance function and s1, s2, s3 are generic stimuli the following metric axioms must be


• constancy of self-similarity: ( ) ;3,2,10, == iforssd ii

• minimality: ;0),( jiforssd ji ≠≥

• symmetry property: ( ) ( ) ;3,2,1,,, == jiforssdssd ijji

• triangle inequality property: ( ) ( ) ( ) .3,2,1,,,,, =≥+ kjiforssdssdssd kikjji

Most commonly used distance functions are:

• the Euclidean distance: ( ) ( ) ;),( 212

21221 yyxxssd −+−=

• the city-block distance: ;),( 121221 yyxxssd −+−=

where s1=(x1 , y1) and s2=(x2 , y2).

The metric model has several advantages for similarity measurement. First, it is well

suited to very large image databases since an index can be build for the feature vectors to

speed up the retrieval response. Second, it is consistent with feature-based description.

However, many studies in psychology have pointed out certain inadequacies of the feature

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2.3 Similarity models


vector model and metric distances to establish a reliable approach to mimic human

judgement of similarity [3].

2.3.2 Transformational distances

This approach is based on the idea that, in order to evaluate the similarity between shapes,

one shape is transformed into the other through a deformation process. Similarity between

shapes is then measured through the amount of deformation needed to make the two

shapes coincide. Two different models exist. Elastic models use either a discrete set of

parameters to model the deformation, or a continuous contour undergoing a continuous

deformation. Evolutionary models consider shapes as the result of a process in which, at

every step, forces are applied at specific points of the contour. Elastic models for retrieval

by shape similarity have been employed for example in Photobook [6].

2.3.3 Tversky’s model

Tversky’s model characterizes stimuli as a set of features but defines similarity according

to set-theoretic considerations. Similarity ordering is obtained as a linear combination of a

function of two types of features: features common to both stimuli and features belonging

to one stimulus and not to the other. The following theorem holds [3]: if p is a similarity

function, there is a similarity function P and a non-negative function f, so that for all

stimuli si and their respective set of features Si:

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )43214321 ,,,, sspsspssPssP >⇔> (2.1)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )12212121 , SSfSSfSSfssP −−−−∩= βα (2.2)

The Tversky’s model assumes binary features, which act as predicates for certain stimulus.

The model accounts for several aspects of human similarity that are not covered by the

metric approach. However, this approach does not allow for easy indexing [3].

2.4 Indexing

When the number of images in the database is very large, there is a need for indexing

visual information to avoid sequential scanning. Index structures ideally filter out all

irrelevant images by checking image attributes with the user’s query. Therefore, only

relevant images have to be analyzed more carefully. Some examples of indexing methods

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2.4 Indexing


used in content-based image retrieval are given in [3]. They include k-d Trees, different

types of R-Trees and SS-Trees. K-d Trees are binary trees in which during searching, the

value of one of the k features is checked at each node, to determine the appropriate

subtree. Different types of R-Trees are suitable for feature vectors of higher dimensions

than k-d Trees, since they partition feature space in higher dimensional rectangles.

Insertion in SS-Trees is more effective than in R-Trees. Even more effective queries for

high-dimensional data can be performed using the Pyramid Technique, which is

introduced in [41].

2.5 Example CBIR system: MUVIS

In 1998, first MUVIS system [32] has been implemented for indexing and retrieval in

large image databases using search and query techniques based on semantic and visual

features. Recently, based on the experience and feedback from this first query system,

MUVIS project has been reformed to become a PC-based system [28], which supports

indexing, browsing, and querying various multimedia types such as image, video and

audio. Furthermore, the system allows real-time audio and video capturing, and if needed

encoding by last generation codecs such as MPEG-4 or H.263+.

The proposed MUVIS system, which is shown in Figure 2-2, is based upon several

objectives and ideas. First of all it is intended to support real time video indexing (with or

without audio), and therefore, it has AVDatabase application specially designed for

creating audio/video databases. Corresponding application for images, IDatabase, is

developed to handle all image indexing capabilities. Second, the system is further intended

to index existing video clips regardless of their formats. DbsEditor is the application for

appending such existing video clips into an existing database. Features such as color,

texture and, shape are extracted off-line by DbsEditor. Moreover, DbsEditor can also add

and remove features to/from any type of database since MUVIS system is now being

improved to support querying based on multiple features. Finally, there is an application

called MBrowser, which is the main media retrieval and browser terminal. It has a built-in

search and query engine, which is capable of finding media primitives in any database and

for any media type that is similar with the queried media source. Retrieval results for the

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2.5 Example CBIR system: MUVIS



Database Creation




DbsEditorConvertingEncodingDecodingDB Editing

FeX Management


DisplayDatabase Creation




Real TimeVideo

Stored Video






Video Clip

Indexing Querying

Figure 2-2 Block Diagram of the MUVIS system

queried source are produced by comparing its feature vector(s) with the feature vectors of

the media primitives available in the database. Euclidean distance is used as a similarity

measure between two feature vectors and minimum Euclidean distance yields the best

similarity. Accordingly, all media primitives are sorted and afterwards the query results

are shown in the user interface of MBrowser.

Our efforts within MUVIS are closely connected to the MPEG-7 standardization, whose

aim is to offer a standard description of the content of multimedia description. Figure 2-3

illustrates this fact. More detailed description of MPEG-7 is given in Chapter 2.6.

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2.5 Example CBIR system: MUVIS


Figure 2-3 The role of MPEG-7 in MUVI

2.6 MPEG-7

MPEG-7 is an ISO/IEC standard developed by MPEG (Moving Picture Experts

Group)[17], formally named as “Multimedia Content Description Interface” which aims to

create a standard for describing content of multimedia data. The rapid increase in audio-

visual information has created a demand for representation that goes beyond the simple

waveform or sample-based, compression-based (such as MPEG-1 and MPEG-2) or even

object-based (such as MPEG-4) representations. MPEG-7 focuses on the interpretation of

meaning and content of information. Therefore, MPEG-7 has a key role in content-based

retrieval. In this chapter different steps of multimedia description are described. In

addition, since this thesis concentrates on shape and texture retrieval, short introduction to

these descriptors is provided. For more detailed description of these and other descriptors

in MPEG-7 the reader is referred to [10, 17, 26].

2.6.1 Overview of MPEG-7

The goal of the MPEG-7 standard is to allow interoperable searching, indexing, filtering

and access of AV content by enabling interoperability among devices and applications that

deal with AV content description. MPEG-7 describes specific features of AV content as

well as information related to AV content management. A set of methods and tools for the

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2.6 MPEG-7


different steps of multimedia description, are described below and also presented in Figure


• Descriptors (D) to define the syntax and the semantics of each feature.

• Description Schemes (DS) to specify the structure and semantics of the

relationships between their components that may be both Ds and DSs.

• Description Definition Language (DDL) to specify description schemes (and

possibly descriptors) to ensure extensibility of the standard.

Figure 2-4 Main elements of MPEG-7

2.6.2 Shape features

Shape information can be 2D or 3D in nature, depending on the application. The three

shape descriptors adopted by MPEG-7 are: Region Shape, Contour Shape and Shape 3D.

2D shape descriptors, the Region Shape and Contour Shape descriptors are intended for

shape matching. They do not provide enough information to reconstruct the shape nor to

define its position in an image. These two shape descriptors have been defined because of

the two major interpretations of shape similarity, which are contour-based and region-

based. Region Shape and Contour Shape descriptors as well as the Shape 3D descriptor

are described in more detail below.

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2.6 MPEG-7


Region Shape

The shape of an object may consist of a single region or a set of regions as well as some

holes in the object. Since the Region Shape descriptor, based on the moment invariants

[26], makes use of all pixels constituting the shape within a frame, it can describe any

shape. The shape considered does not have to be a simple shape with a single connected

region, but it can also be a complex shape consisting of holes in the object or several

disjoint regions. The advantages of the Region Shape descriptor are that in addition to its

ability to describe diverse shapes efficiently it is also robust to minor deformations along

the boundary of the object. The descriptor is also characterized by its small size, fast

extraction time and matching. The feature extraction and matching processes are

straightforward. Since they have low order of computational complexities they are suitable

for shape tracking in the video sequences [17].

Contour Shape

The Contour Shape descriptor captures characteristics of a shape based on its contour. It

relies on the so-called Curvature Scale-Space (CSS) [15] representation, which captures

perceptually meaningful features of the shape. The descriptor essentially represents the

points of high curvature along the contour (position of the point and value of the

curvature). This representation has a number of important properties, namely, it captures

characteristic features of the shape, enabling efficient similarity-based retrieval. It is also

robust to non-rigid motion [17, 26].

Shape 3D

Due to the continuous development of multimedia technologies and virtual worlds, 3D

contents become a common feature in today’s information systems. The MPEG-7 Shape

3D descriptor is based on the shape spectrum concept. Shape spectrum is defined as the

histogram of the shape index, computed over the entire 3D surface [26]. The Shape 3D

descriptor provides an intrinsic shape description of 3D mesh models. It exploits some

local attributes of the 3D surface. The main applications targeted by this descriptor are

search, retrieval, and browsing of 3D model databases [17].

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2.6 MPEG-7


2.6.3 Texture features

The three texture descriptors in MPEG-7 are [10]: Texture Browsing, Homogeneous

Texture, and Edge Histogram. Homogeneous Texture descriptor has emerged as an

important visual primitive for searching and browsing through large collections of similar

looking patterns. The Texture Browsing descriptor characterizes perceptual attributes such

as directionality, regularity, and coarseness of the texture. The Edge Histogram descriptor

represents the histogram of five possible types of edges. This descriptor is useful when the

underlying region is not homogeneous in nature. Each of these three texture descriptors is

described in more detail below.

Homogenous Texture Description

The Homogeneous Texture descriptor (HTD) [10, 17] provides a quantitative

representation that is useful for similarity retrieval. The feature extraction is done as

follows. Image is first filtered with a bank of orientation and scale turned filters (modeled

using Gabor functions). The first and second moments of energy in the frequency bands

are then used as the components of the descriptor. The number of filters used is 5x6=30

where 5 is the number of scales and 6 is the number of orientations used in the multi-

resolution decomposition using Gabor functions. The HTD feature vector is then given by:

[ 30213021, ,...,,,,...,,, dddeeeffTD SDDC= ] (2.3)

The first two components are the mean intensity and the standard deviation of the image

texture. The first and second moments of energy are denoted by ei and di.

Texture Browsing

The Texture Browsing descriptor is useful for representing homogeneous texture for

browsing type of applications. It provides a perceptual characterization of texture, similar

to human characterization, in terms of regularity, coarseness, and directionality. The

computation of this descriptor proceeds similarly as the HTD. The image is filtered using

a bank of scale and orientation selective band-bass filters and the filtered outputs are then

used to compute the texture browsing descriptor components, regularity, coarseness, and

directionality. In similarity retrieval, the Texture Browsing descriptor can be used to find a

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2.6 MPEG-7


set of candidates with similar perceptual properties and then use the HTD to get a precise

similarity match list among the candidate images [10, 17].

Edge Histogram

The Edge Histogram descriptor represents the spatial distribution of five types of edges,

namely four directional edges and one non-directional edge. The computation of this

descriptor is done in a block-wise manner [10]. Since edges play an important role for

image perception, the Edge Histogram descriptor can retrieve images with similar

semantic meaning. Thus, it primarily targets image-to-image matching, especially for

natural images with a non-uniform edge distribution. In this context, the image retrieval

accuracy can be significantly improved if the Edge Histogram descriptor is combined with

other descriptors such as color histogram [17].

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3 Human Visual Perception

Human visual perception is an important concept in the development of image retrieval

applications. Since the goal of most CBIR systems is to retrieve similar images for a given

query image corresponding to human visual system, visual perception should be taken into

consideration when selecting features and similarity measures. The detailed review of

theories of visual perception is outside the scope of this thesis. However, some of the most

important aspects related to shape and texture perception are shortly described in this

section. First we recall the useful property of human visual system, namely the lateral

inhibition. Then we consider how human visual system observes texture. Finally we relate

human similarity judgement and the similarity models used in CBIR systems.

3.1 Anatomy of the human eye

To understand the way humans perceive images, one needs to know the basics about the

anatomy of the eye, optics and the initial neural signals of the eye. Figure 3-1 shows the

main parts of a human eye. When light comes to an eye it first passes through the cornea,

then the lens, followed by the vitreous, and finally reaches the retina. The retina contains

millions of photoreceptors that capture light rays and convert them into electrical

impulses. These impulses travel along the optic nerve to the brain where they are turned

into images. At the processing step each photoreceptor on the retina generates a signal

related to the intensity of light coming from a corresponding point of the observed object.

Photoreceptors corresponding to brighter arrays of the object receive more light and

generate larger signals than those corresponding to darker areas.


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3.1 Anatomy of the human eye


Figure 3-1 Anatomy of the Human Eye

3.2 Lateral Inhibition

Signals resulting from light falling on the photoreceptors are not sent directly to the brain

in the optic nerve but are instead first processed in several ways by a variety of

interactions among neurons within the retina, of which the lateral inhibition network is an

instance. Figure 3-2 gives a simplified description of the lateral inhibition network, since

humans have three layers of neurons in the retina, rather than the two shown in Figure 3-2,

but the functional outcome is the same.

Figure 3-2 The Lateral Inhibition Network

The lateral inhibition network can be characterized by a high-pass filter, which enhances

edges and intensity transitions. The schematic in Figure 3-2 illustrates a small portion of

the retina, one of those at which the overlying light pattern changes from darker to lighter,

as shown at the top of the figure. The rectangles represent photoreceptors, each generating

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3.2 Lateral Inhibition


a signal appropriate for the amount of light falling on it. The circles represent the output

neurons of the retina, whose signals will go to the brain through the optic nerve. Each

output neuron is shown as receiving excitatory input from an overlying photoreceptor

(vertical lines) as well as inhibitory input from adjacent photoreceptors (angled lines). It is

this laterally spread inhibition that gives “lateral inhibition” networks their name. At the

bottom of the schematic is a representation of the signals in the output neurons. Output

neurons well to the right of dark/light border are excited by an overlying photoreceptor but

also inhibited by adjacent, similarly illuminated photoreceptors. The same is true far to the

left of dark/light border. Hence, assuming that the network is organized so that equal

illumination of exciting and inhibiting photoreceptors balances out, output neurons far

from the edge in either direction will have the same output signals. Only output neurons

near the dark/light border will have different output signals. As one approaches the

dark/light border from the left, the signals will decrease, because inhibition from more

brightly lit photoreceptors to the right will outweigh the excitation from the overlying

dimly lit photoreceptors. When approaching to the other direction, the signals will increase

because excitation from brightly lit photoreceptors is not completely offset by inhibition

from the dimly lit photoreceptors to the left [18].

3.3 Perception of Shape

3.3.1 Classical theories of shape perception

In [42] several classical theories of visual perception are discussed. In this chapter we

provide a short introduction to them. First of all, the Gestalt school of psychology has

played a revolutionary role with its novel approach to visual form, by producing a list of

laws for visual forms. In all of those laws visual form is considered as a whole. As

opposed to the Gestalt school, Hebb argues that form is not perceived as a whole but

consists of parts. Therefore, learning and combining aspect of perception has a key role in

Hebb’s theory. Another theory of visual perception, developed by Gibson, is centered on

perceiving real 3D objects, not their 2D projections. However, due to the non-

computational nature of these classical approaches, they are not very useful in practical

engineering approaches.

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3.3 Perception of Shape


3.3.2 Modern theories of shape perception

In most modern theories of shape perception authors agree on the significance of high

curvature points (HCP) for visual perception [42]. The techniques used to extract those

points of interest can be roughly classified into two major categories: the ones that

perform HCP’s extraction at one scale and those that make use of different scales.

However, techniques using only one level of resolution might have several disadvantages.

In addition to finding many unimportant details, those techniques might also miss large

rounded corners. Furthermore, multi-resolution techniques do not only avoid these

problems, but also provide additional information about the “structural” importance of the

high curvature points [31].

According to [14] it is shown in several papers that the human visual system focuses on

edges and ignores uniform regions. This capability is hardwired into the retina, where two

layers of neurons perform an operation similar to Laplacian. This operation is called

lateral inhibition [see Chapter 3.2] and it helps us to extract boundaries and edges.

3.4 Perception of Texture

Texture perception, which is an important part of human visual perception, can be roughly

divided into two main approaches: feature approach and frequency approach [7]. In the

rest of this chapter both of those approaches are shortly presented.

3.4.1 Feature approach

Visual perception operates in two modes, attentive and preattentive. The preattentive

mode is a parallel, instantaneous process for extraction of features. It is independent of the

number of features and covers a large visual field. The attentive mode is a serial process,

which integrates initially separable features into unitary objects. The search area in the

attentive mode is limited to a small aperture as in form recognition. Here features mean

textons, which can be for example rectangles, ellipses or line segments with specific

colors, angular orientations, widths and lengths. According to texton theory, the

preattentive vision directs attentive vision to the locations where differences in the density

of textons occur, but ignores the positional relationships between textons [7].

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3.4 Perception of Texture


3.4.2 Frequency approach

The human visual cortex has separate cells that respond to different frequencies and

orientations. The Gabor filter bank is a commonly applied method of texture

representation, since being able to localize the energy simultaneously both in spatial and

frequency domains Gabor functions model well the visual cortex [44]. Therefore, Gabor

decomposition is also adopted into MPEG-7 [see Chapter 2.6] where it is used both in

Homogeneous Texture Descriptor and Texture Browsing Descriptor. The latter descriptor

makes also use of two of those features Tamura et al. [16] showed to be perceptually


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4 Shape Analysis

This chapter provides introduction to shape and presents three types of shape attributes:

region-based, boundary-based and multi-resolution methods. At the end of this chapter,

we introduce a novel boundary based approach to shape similarity estimation based on

distance transformation and ordinal correlation. Experiments using this algorithm for

shape-based image retrieval are also provided.

4.1 Introduction to Shape

The shape of an object is a binary image representing the extent of objects. Shape

representations techniques used in similarity retrieval are generally characterized as being

region-based and boundary-based. The former considers the shape being composed of a

set of two-dimensional regions, while the latter presents the shape by its outline. Region-

based feature vectors often result in shorter feature vectors and simpler matching

algorithms. However, generally they fail to produce efficient similarity retrieval. On the

other hand, feature vectors extracted from boundary-based representations provide a richer

description of the shape. This scheme has led to the development of the multi-resolution

shape presentations, which proved very useful in similarity assessment [31]. The idea in

multi-resolution techniques is to decompose a planar curve contour into components at

different scales so that the coarsest scale components carry the global approximation

information while the finer scale components contain the local detail information.


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4.2 Shape Attributes


4.2 Shape Attributes

4.2.1 Region-based attributes

Simple geometric attributes

Description of the geometric properties of a region can be obtained measuring properties

of points belonging to the region. Those properties are for example [3, 31]:

• area : can be measured as the count of internal pixels.

• bounding rectangle : is the minimum rectangle enclosing the object.

• aspect ratio: is invariant to the scale of the object, since it is computed as the radio

of the width and length of the rectangle.

• roundness (also called circularity) is defined as:



π41 2

== (4.1)

where P is the perimeter of a contour and A is the area of the enclosed region.

• compactness : is very similar to roundness defined above. It is defined as the ratio

of the perimeter of a circle with an area equal to the area of the original object, i.e.



comp circle π2== (4.2)

• elongation : is defined as the ratio between the squared perimeter and area.

• convexity : a convex hull is the minimal cover able to encase the object. It can be

thought as an elastic ribbon stretched around the contour of an object. Convexity

can be thus be defined as the ratio of perimeters of the convex hull and the original





conv = (4.3)

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4.2 Shape Attributes


• ratio of principal axes : principal axes are defined uniquely as the segments of

lines crossing each other orthogonally in the centroid of the object representing the

directions with zero correlation. The lengths of the principal axes are equal to the

eigenvalues λ1,2 of the covariance matrix C [31].

• circular variance : describes how close a shape is to a circle. The proportional

mean square error with respect to a solid circle or circular variance is defined as:

( )∑ −−=i



c 22

1var µµµ


where ∑ −==

i ir pN µµ /1 is the mean radius, pi = (xi, yi) is the ith contour

point, µ is the centroid of the region and N is the number of contour points.

• elliptic variance : is an extension to the circular variance measure, which allows

the elongation of the shape, i.e. fitting an ellipse that has an equal covariance

matrix C and measuring the mapping error evar:

( ) ( )( )∑ −−−= −





1'1var µµµµ

C (4.5)

, where ( ) ( )∑ −−= −i iirc ppN µµµ 1'/1 C .

The simple geometric attributes are widely used in image retrieval. Simple descriptors,

such as area and eccentricity, with (weighted) Euclidean distance function are used in

QBIQ [12]. Simple geometric descriptors are robust to noise and mostly also robust to

scale, rotation, and orientation. Moreover, these shape attributes are often very easily

calculated and result in short feature vectors. However, these descriptors are not stable,

since perceptually insignificant variations in the shapes may result in significant variations

in some of the descriptors [31].

Invariant moments

For a 2D continuous function f(x,y), the moment of order (p+q) can be defined as [36]:

∫ ∫∞



= dxdyyxfyxm qppq ),( (4.6)

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4.2 Shape Attributes


Moments mpq are uniquely defined by the shape function f(x,y), and the moments mpq are

sufficient to reconstruct the original region function f(x,y). In other words, moment-based

shape description is information preserving. The central moments are defined as:

∫ ∫∞



−−= dxdyyxfyyxxM qc

pcpq ),()()( (4.7)

where xc=M10(R)/M00(R) and yc=M01(R)/M00(R) define the center of mass (centroid) and R is

the region of interest.

If f(x,y) is a digital image, then Mpq becomes

( ) ( )∑∑ −−=




ycpq yxfyyxxM ),( (4.8)

It is important for shape descriptors to be invariant to scaling, translation, and rotation.

Therefore, a normalized definition of moments ηnq is needed.

( ) ...,3,212/,00

=+++== qpforqpwhereMM pq

pq γη γ (4.9)

A set of seven invariant moments can be derived from the second and third order

normalized moments [36]:

02201 ηηφ += (4.10)


202202 4)( ηηηφ ++= (4.11)


212303 )3()3( ηηηηφ −+−= (4.12)


212304 )()( ηηηηφ +++= (4.13)

[ ][ ]2










++−++−= (4.14)

[ ] ))((4)()()( 03211230112


123002206 ηηηηηηηηηηηφ ++++−++= (4.15)

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4.2 Shape Attributes


[ ][ 2











] (4.16)

These moments are invariant to translation, rotation, and scale change [36]. Another major

advantage of this method is that the images do not need to be segmented in order to obtain

the shape description of images. The invariant moments can be obtained by integrating

directly over the actual intensity values of the image (f(x,y)) [31]. Because of these

attractive properties invariant moments have been used in some CBIR system such as the

QBIC system [12]. However, this approach fails to provide enough information to account

for inter-class variations.

4.2.2 Boundary-based attributes

This chapter introduces shortly three boundary-based representations of an object.

Typically boundary-based representations include two major steps. First, a 1D function is

constructed from a 2D shape boundary parametrizing the contour. Then the constructed

1D function is used to extract a feature vector describing the shape of the object.

Chain code

Chain codes are used to represent a boundary by a connected sequence of straight-line

segments of specified length and direction. Usually this representation is based on 4- or 8-

connectivity of the segments. Some examples of chain codes can be found in [36].

Producing the chain code using all the pixel pairs in the image would lead to two major

disadvantages. First the resulting chain code would be long, and secondly any disturbances

along the boundary could cause changes in the code. Therefore, a common approach to

avoid these problems is to resample the boundary by selecting a larger grid spacing.

The chain code of a boundary depends on the starting point. However, the code can be

normalized easily using the following procedure. The chain code is treaded as a circular

sequence of direction numbers and the starting point is redefined so that the resulting

sequence forms an integer of minimum magnitude. However, the normalization is exact

only if the boundary is invariant to rotation and scale change [36].

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4.2 Shape Attributes


Fourier Descriptors (FD)

The boundary of an object can be represented as the sequence of the coordinates

u(k)=[x(k), y(k)], for k = 0, 1, 2, … , K-1. Moreover, each coordinate pair can be treated as

a complex number so that

( ) ( ) ( ).kjykxku += (4.17)

The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of u(k) and its inverse is given as in [31]:

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 10,2exp1



⎢⎣⎡−= ∑





kfθπ (4.18)

( ) ( ) 10,2exp1 1


⎤⎢⎣⎡= ∑






π (4.19)

where K is the number of boundary samples and M(n) is the magnitude of the Fourier


The complex coefficients F(n) are called the Fourier Descriptors (FD) of the boundary.

Let’s suppose, however, that instead of all the F(n)’s, only the first M coefficients are

used. This leads to the following approximation:

( ) ( )∑−








KnkjnFku π (4.20)

Although only M terms are used to obtain each component of û(k), k still ranges from 0 to

K-1. This means that same amount of points exists in the approximate contour, but fewer

points are needed in the reconstruction of each point. Due to the fact that high frequency

components account for finer details and low frequency components determine global

shape, the smaller M becomes, the more details are lost on the contour.

The major advantage of FD is that it is easy to implement. In addition, it is also robust to

noise and invariant to geometric transformations. However, according to [31] Fourier

Descriptor method performs rather poorly on similarity retrieval. Reason for this might be

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4.2 Shape Attributes


that the frequency terms have no obvious counter-part in human vision. Another difficulty

with the FD is that the used basis functions are global sinusoids, which fail to provide a

special localization of the coefficients. Therefore, problems occur when performing query

using occluded images [31].

Polygonal Approximation

As mentioned in Chapter 3.3.2, human visual system decomposes objects using points of

high negative curvature. Therefore, approximating curves by straight lines joining these

high curvature points (HCP) preserve enough information necessary for successful shape

recognition. Thus the polygonal approximation of contours at high curvature points

compresses effectively the shape information in a sequence of few vertices [31]. As can be

seen in Chapter 4.2.3 polygonal approximation can be utilized in a shape recognition

technique base on Wavelet-Transform Modulus Maxima.

4.2.3 Multi-resolution attributes

This chapter utilizes contour representations based on multi-resolution decomposition.

Multi-resolution techniques have several advantages: they neglect unimportant details, but

provide also additional information about the “structural” importance of high curvature

points [31]. We present here two methods using this approach. First is the CSS technique,

which is based on the scale space smoothing of the curvature function. Second, the

wavelet transform, which decomposes the orientation profile of the contour, was utilized

to extract high curvature points at multiple scales. Both of these techniques are presented

in more detail below.

The Curvature Scale Space (CSS)

A CSS is a multi-scale organization of the inflection points (or curvature zero-crossing

points) of the contour as it evolves. Intuitively, curvature is a local measure of how fast a

planar contour is turning. Therefore, it can be defined as the derivative of the tangent

angle to the curve. If we consider a parametrized contour:

( ) ( ) ( )( ) [ ]{ 1,0, ∈=Γ uuyuxu } (4.21)

where u is the normalized arc length parameter.

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4.2 Shape Attributes


The formula for computing the curvature function (for any parametrized curve) can be

expressed as [31]:

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) 2/322 uyux


=κ (4.22)

The heart of the CSS technique is based on curve evolution, which basically studies the

shape properties while deforming in time. The evolution process can be achieved by

Gaussian smoothing and computing the curvature at various levels of detail. Let g(u,σ) be

a 1D Gaussian kernel of width σ :

( ) ⎟⎟⎠


⎛−= 2




σσπσ uug (4.23)

where σ is also referred to as scale parameter. Let X(u,σ) and Y(u,σ) represent the components of the evolved curve:

( ) ( ) ( )σσ ,, uguxuX ∗= ( ) ( ) ( )σσ ,, uguyuY ∗= (4.24)

where (*) is the convolution operation. The derivative for each component can be

calculated easily:

( ) ( ) ( )σσ ,, uguxuX uu ∗= ( ) ( ) ( )σσ ,, uguxuX uuuu ∗= (4.25)

where gu(u,σ) and guu(u,σ) are the first and second derivative of the Gaussian filter,

respectively. The same formulas apply for computing Yu(u,σ) and Yuu(u,σ). Using the

above equations the curvature of an evolved curve contour can be computed using the

following formula:

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) 2/322 ,,








−= (4.26)

Now the function defined implicitly by κ(u,σ)=0 is the CSS image of Γ. This is a two

dimensional map of the inflection points or zero curvature points detected at different

scales. In practice, to obtain the CSS image, the smoothing process is started with σ=1,

which is increased at each level until a convex contour is obtained. The CSS image is then

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4.2 Shape Attributes


the plot of these points in the (u,σ) plane. The corresponding feature vector summarizes

the CSS image into just few maxima of significant lobes in the CSS image. If (ui,,σi) are

the maxima points of the significant lobes, then the shape feature vector is given by:

( ) ( ) ({ NNii uuu ) }σσσ ,...,,...,, 11 (4.27)

This CSS technique is used for example in SQUID system and when compared against

moments and Fourier descriptors, it outperformed both of them. The CSS technique is also

adopted as MPEG-7 Contour Shape descriptor [26].

Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima (WTMM)

Many authors agree on the significance of high curvature points (HCP) for visual

perception [42]. Since, in CSS technique planar curves smoothed using Gaussian kernel

suffer from shrinkage [31], the tracking and correct localization of high curvature points

becomes more difficult. However, the wavelet decomposition avoids this problem due to

the spatial and frequency localization property of wavelet spaces, and is therefore a very

useful method for detecting local features of a curve [31].

Since biquadratic wavelets perform better than other wavelets for corner detection

applications [43], their usage is introduced here. First, the boundary is tracked and the

orientation profile is calculated as in [24]. To obtain the same number of points for each

contour, the orientation profile for each shape is sampled and interpolated. The Wavelet

transform of the orientation profile is calculated for dyadic scales from 21 to 26. For the

purpose of extracting few important high curvature points useful for polygonal

approximation, we select the WTMM maxima above a certain threshold in each level at

scale s = 2j (j = 1,2, ...,6), track them down to lower scales and determine the exact

location of these HCP on the contour. The feature vector of the given shape will contain

the location and magnitude of the WT at each HCP. Similarity scores are then estimated at

each level of the decomposition independently. Finally, the overall similarity score is

computed as the maximum value of the single level similarity scores [13].

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4.2 Shape Attributes


The WTMM approach is effective since the exact location of the HCP is determined with

high precision by tracking the WTMM through the decomposition levels until the original

contour. Due to the use of dyadic scales this technique is much faster than CSS, in which

the full continuous scale decomposition is required. Furthermore, since the WTMM

approach keeps most of the shape information, the object contour can be accurately

reconstructed from its WTMM [34].

4.3 Shape Correspondence using Ordinal Measures

In this chapter we introduce a novel boundary-based approach to shape similarity

estimation [14]. The proposed method operates in three steps: alignment, boundary to

multi-level transformation, and similarity evaluation. Once the boundaries are aligned, the

binary images containing the boundaries are transformed into multilevel images using a

distance transformation [35]. The transformed images are then compared using the ordinal

correlation measure introduced in [8, 21]. In this chapter we give a detailed description of

each one of the steps mentioned above.

4.3.1 Object alignment based on universal axes

The alignment of the shapes is performed by first detecting the three universal axes [22]

for each shape, then aligning each object using their axes in a standard way. The steps of

the alignment algorithm are given below.

Step 1. Translate the coordinate system so that the origin becomes the center of gravity of

the shape S.

Step 2. Compute

( ) ( ) ( )∫ ∫ ∫ ∫=⎟⎟





illll dxdyerdxdyyx

iyxyxyx θµµµµ 22

22 (4.28)

using the normalized counterpart (called Universal Axes (UA) )

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4.3 Shape Correspondence using Ordinal Measures


( )( ) ( )

( ) .3,2,1,~~22


+=+∫ ∫






µµµµ (4.29)

Step 3. Compute the polar angle Θµ ∈ [0, 2π] so that

( ) ( )11 lli yxeR µµµ

µ +=Θ (4.30)

where l1 is the number of axes needed to align an object.

Step 4. Compute the directional angles of the l1 universal axes of the shape S as follows:

( ) 111

...,,2,1,21 ljforl

jlj =−+Θ

=πθ µ (4.31)

In our implementation we used l1=3, since only two axes cannot be used alone to

determine if an object is flipped around the direction they define or not.

Step 5. Once the tree universal axes are determined, rotate the contour so that the most

dominant UA (UA with the largest magnitude) will be aligned with the positive x-axis.

Step 6. Then, if the y-component of the second most dominant UA is positive, flip the

contour around the x-axis.

The performance of the alignment procedure is illustrated by applying it to the set of

contours shown in Figure 4-1. The results of the alignment are presented in Figure 4-2. It

can be noticed that this alignment scheme is able to solve both problems of rotation and


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4.3 Shape Correspondence using Ordinal Measures


Figure 4-1 Bird contours from the MPEG-7 shape test set B

Figure 4-2 The birds contours after alignment

4.3.2 Boundary to multilevel image transformation

Let shape S be represented by its contour C in a binary image. The binary image is

transformed into a multilevel image G using a mapping function φ, such that the pixel

values in G, {G1, G2,…, Gn}, depend on their relative position to the contour pixels C1, C2,

…, Cp:

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4.3 Shape Correspondence using Ordinal Measures


( ) niforpkCG ki ...,,2,1,...,,2,1: === φ (4.32)

where Ck is the position of the contour pixel k in the image G.

Resulting form this mapping the shape boundary information will be spread throughout all

the pixels of the image. An example of the distance map can be seen in Figure 4-3.

Computing the similarity in the transform domain will benefit from the rearrangement of

the boundary information in the new image. We assume that no single optimal mapping

exists: different mappings will emphasize different features of the contour.

In this work we implemented the distance mapping based on the geodesic distance. The

metric is integer and the mapping is done using an iterative wave propagation process

[20]. The contour points are considered as seeds during the construction of the distance

map. The distance map can be generated inside and/or outside the contour. The values can

increase or decrease starting from the contour and can be limited. Therefore, the pixel

values in the distance map can be written as follows:

,...,,2,1,),(0 niforCPdVG ii =±= (4.33)

where V0 is the value on the contour and d(Pi , C) is the distance from any point Pi in the

image contour C.

Figure 4-3 The distance map generated for the "bird-01"

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4.3 Shape Correspondence using Ordinal Measures


4.3.3 Similarity evaluation

The image similarity evaluation is based on the framework for ordinal-based image

correspondence introduced in [21]. Figure 4-4 gives a general overview of this region-

based approach.

Suppose we have two equal sized images, X and Y. In a practical setting images are resized

into a common size. Let {X1, X2, …, Xn} and {Y1, Y2, …,Yn} be the pixels of images X and

Y, respectively. We select a number of areas {R1, R2, …, Rn}and extract from both images

the pixels belonging to these areas. Let RjX and Rj

Y be the pixels from images X and Y,

which belong to areas Rj, with j = 1, 2, …, m.

Figure 4-4 The general framework for ordinal correlation of images

The idea is to compare the two images using a region-based approach. To achieve this, we

will be comparing RjX and Rj

Y for each j = 1, 2, …, m. Thus, each block in image X is

compared to the corresponding block in image Y in an ordinal fashion. The ordinal

comparison of the two regions means that only the ranks of the pixels are utilized. For

every pixel Xk, we construct a so-called slice SkX = { Sk,l:l = 1, 2, …,n }, where

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4.3 Shape Correspondence using Ordinal Measures


⎩⎨⎧ <


XXifS lkX

lk ,0,1

, (4.34)

As can be seen, slice Sk

X corresponds to pixel Xk and is a binary image of size equal to

image X. Slices are built similarly for image Y as well.

To compare the regions RjX and Rj

Y, we first combine the slices from image X,

corresponding to all the pixels belonging to region RjX. The slices are combined into a so-

called metaslice MjX using the operation OP1(.), which is chosen to be a component-wise

summation operation. Therefore, metaslice MjX is the summation of all slides

corresponding to the pixels in block j in image X. More formally this can be written:

{ }( ) ∑

==∈=jk RXk




:1 ....,,2,1,: (4.35)

Similarly, we combine the slices from image Y to form Mj

Y for j = 1, 2, …, m. It should be

noted that the metaslices are equal in size to the original images and could be multivalued,

depending on the operation OP1(.). Each metaslice represents the relation between the

region it corresponds to and the entire image.

The following step is a comparison between all pairs of metaslices MjX and Mj

X using the

operation OP2, which is chosen to be the squared Euclidean distance. This results in the

metadifference Dj, which is defined as:

( ) ....,,2,1,,2

22 mjforMMMMOPD Yj



Xjj =−== (4.36)

Then we construct a set of metadifferences D = {D1, D2, …, Dm}. The final step is to

extract a scalar measure of correspondence from set D, using operation OP3(.), which sums

together all metadifferences. In other words,

....,,2,1,)(3 mjforDDOP

jj === ∑λ (4.37)

Small values of λ mean similar objects. As it was shown in [21], this structure could be

used to model the well-known Kendall’s τ and Spearman’s ρ measures.

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4.3 Shape Correspondence using Ordinal Measures


One advantage of this approach over classical ordinal correlation measures is its capability

to take into account differences between images as a scale related to the chosen block size.

4.4 Experiments using Ordinal Correlation

This chapter provides an important application for the proposed technique: content-based

shape retrieval. First the used dataset is introduced and parameters are selected. Then the

obtained results are presented and analyzed.

4.4.1 Introducing dataset and selected parameters

The experiments for shape similarity evaluation were performed on two sets of 20 images.

These two sets are taken from the MPEG-7 CE test set B containing 1400 images grouped

in 70 categories. The test sets were chosen in such a way as to assess the performance of

our technique both within a single category (intra-category) and between contours from

different categories (inter-category). Therefore, the first test set contains all the samples in

bird category of the MPEG-7 Shape test set B, which are shown in Figure 4-1. The second

test set consisting of 20 objects taken from four different categories can be seen in Figure


Figure 4-5 Contours of test set 2 after alignment

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4.4 Experiments using Ordinal Correlation


In both experiments, the similarity score λ is computed for all the pairs of shapes in the

set. The distance maps were generated inside the objects with V0 = 50, since this setting

emphasizes the skeleton and gives less importance to the contour pixels. The transformed

images are resized to 32x32 pixels and blocks of size 4x4 were used. If more precision is

needed, large images can be used, but this implies creation of more slides, and therefore,

the need for computational power increases.

4.4.2 Results and their evaluation

Figure 4-6 presents a surface plot of the similarity scores for the test set 1. It shows that

within the same category, the scores have small values, meaning that the corresponding

images are quite similar according to our measure. It is also worth noticing that the scores

on the diagonal are zero meaning that each object is identical to itself, so there is no bias

in the similarity scores. Blue, especially dark blue, regions in Figure 4-6 represent very

low scores (close to zero), which shows that there are quite many objects in this category

which are very similar or even identical.

To find out most similar contours to a given contour in Figure 4-5 we sort the scores

corresponding to this contour. From Figure 4-6 and Figure 4-7 one can easily estimate

which are the most similar objects for each object, based on the clustered dark blue cells.

Figure 4-7 shows that similarity scores between subjects from the same category are low,

while those obtained from subjects from different categories are relatively high. Therefore,

sorting the scores in ascending order will yield the most similar objects first.

Generally, the inter-category scores obtained by our similarity estimation technique are

larger than the intra-category ones. Thus, this technique can be used in shape

classification. Moreover, due to its sensitivity to intra-category variations it can be used in

content-based retrieval system. In addition, the developed technique can also be used in

objective performance evaluation of segmentation algorithms [1, 14, 27].

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4.4 Experiments using Ordinal Correlation


Figure 4-6 The similarity scores for the test set 1

Figure 4-7 The similarity scores for the test set 2

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5 Texture Analysis

This chapter provides first an introduction to texture. Following three different types of

texture attributes are presented: spatial, frequency, and moment-based attributes. At the

end of the chapter an application for rock texture retrieval using gray level co-occurrence

matrix is provided. Results obtained are also compared to those of Gabor wavelet features.

5.1 Introduction to Texture

Although no formal definition to texture exists, there are several of intuitive properties of

texture, which are generally assumed to be true [33]. Texture is a property of area, and

therefore, its definition must involve gray values in a spatial neighborhood. The size of the

neighborhood depends on the texture type, or the size of the primitives defining the

texture. Texture involves also the spatial distribution of gray levels and therefore two-

dimensional histograms or co-occurrence matrices are reasonable texture analysis tools.

There are several properties, such as coarseness, contrast, and directionality, which play an

important role in describing texture. Coarseness measures texture scale (average size of

regions that have the same intensity), contrast measure vividness of the texture (depends

on the variance of the gray-level histogram), and directionality gives the eventual main

direction of the image texture. Formulas to calculate these attributes can be found in [3].

Texture analysis is important, since texture is useful in various applications such as

automated inspection, medical image processing, remote sensing, defect detection and,

similarity evaluation.


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5.2 Texture Attributes


5.2 Texture Attributes

5.2.1 Spatial Methods

Co-occurrence matrix

Gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM), originally introduced by Haralick [38]

estimates image properties related to second-order statistics taking into account the spatial

arrangement of gray-level primitives. Each entry (i,j) in GLCM corresponds to the number

of occurrences of the pair of gray levels i and j which are a distance d apart in original

image. Well-known statistics of the co-occurrence probabilities have been used to

characterize properties of a textured region. More detailed description of the method will

be provided in Chapter 5.3.

Auto-correlation function

An important property of many textures is the repetitive nature of the placement of texture

elements. The auto-correlation function of an image can be used to assess the amount of

regularity as well as the fineness and coarseness of the texture. If the texture is coarse,

then the auto-correlation function will drop slowly with distance; otherwise it will drop

very rapidly. Formally, the autocorrelation function of an image I(x,y) is defined as

follows [33]:



= =

= =

++= M










0 0


0 0


),(),(),(ρ (5.1)

where x, y is the position difference in u, v direction, and M, N are the image dimensions.

Fractal dimension

The fractal dimension gives a measure of the roughness of a surface. First we define a

deterministic fractal in order to introduce some of the fundamental concepts. Self-

similarity across scales in fractal geometry is a crucial concept. A deterministic fractal is

defined using this concept as follows. If A is a bounded set in an Euclidean n-space, the set

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5.2 Texture Attributes


A is said to self-similar when A is the union of N distinct copies of itself, each of which

have been scaled down by a ratio of r. The fractal dimension D is related to the number N

and the ratio of r as follows:


rND = (5.2)

There are several methods proposed for estimating the fractal dimension D. In [33] two of

them are presented and here we describe the other improved version. Let us assume that

we are estimating the fractal dimension of an image A. Let P(m, L) be the probability that

there are m points within a box of side length L centered at an arbitrary point on a surface

A. Let M be the total number of points in the image. When one covers the image with

boxes of side length L, then the (M/m)P(m,L) is the expected number of boxes with m

points inside. The expected number of boxes needed to cover the whole image is

( )[ ] ( ) (∑=



1,/1 ) (5.3)

The expected value of N(L) is proportional to L-D and thus it can be used to estimate the

fractal dimension D. However, the fractal dimension itself is not sufficient to capture all

textural properties. Therefore, another measure, called lacunarity is suggested to

discriminate between fine and coarse textures having same fractal dimension [33].

5.2.2 Frequency-based methods

Power spectrum

For the frequency-based approach a good solution is to partition the image into a set of

non-overlapping nxn blocks and compute the power spectrum separately for each block.

Maxima of the spectrum can be used as parameters for modeling texture properties. Each

periodical pattern in the original spatial domain is represented by a peak in the power

spectrum. Respectively, images including non-periodical or random patterns have a power

spectrum in which peaks are not easy to detect.

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5.2 Texture Attributes


Wavelet transform

Gabor wavelet decomposition enables simultaneous localization of energy in both spatial

and frequency domains. This localization has been shown to be optimal in the sense of

minimizing the joint two-dimensional uncertainty in space and frequency. The Gabor

representation is also an essential part of the MPEG-7 standard, where it is used in Texture

Browsing Descriptor and Homogeneous Texture Descriptor. More detailed description of

the Gabor wavelet decomposition will be given in Chapter 5.4.

5.2.3 Moment-based methods

This chapter introduces moment-based texture attributes. First the feature extraction for

textured images using moments is explained. Then two sets of orthogonal moments,

Zernike moments and Fourier-Mellon moments are described.

Texture feature extraction using moments

In the moment-based method the texture features are obtained directly from the gray-level

image f(x,y) by computing the moments of the image in local regions. The (p+q)th order

moments of a function of two variables f(x,y) with respect to the origin is defined as in

Equation 4-6. Let (i,j) be the pixel coordinates for which the moments are computed.

Given a window width W, the coordinates are normalized to the range [-1,1] and the

normalized coordinates (xm, yn) are given by:


,2/ W


imx nm−


= (5.4)

The moments within a window centered at pixel (i,j) are computed by a discrete sum

approximation which uses normalized coordinates (xm, yn) [29]:

( )∑ ∑− −










pmm yxnmfx (5.5)

Since this discrete computation of the set of moments for a given pixel over a finite

rectangular window corresponds to a neighborhood operation, it can be interpreted as

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5.2 Texture Attributes


convolution with a mask. Following are the masks corresponding to the moments up to

three with a window size of three.











⎡ −−−=





















⎡ −−=



Before calculating the moments the scale should be selected by choosing the size of the

window. As the window size gets larger, more global features are detected. The image

with larger texture tokens would require larger window size whereas finer textures would

benefit from smaller windows.

The set of values for each moment over the entire image can be regarded as a new feature

image. However, moments alone are not sufficient to obtain good texture features in

certain images. In [29] it was suggested to use a nonlinear transducer that maps moments

to texture features. For example hyperbolic tangent function could be used for the

nonlinear transformation, which transforms the moment images Mk with mean to

corresponding texture feature images. The transformation can be written as follows:

( ) ( )( )( )( )∑∈


kk MbaMN


,tanh1, σ (5.6)

where N is the number of pixels in the window Wi,j, (i,j) is the center of window and σ

controls the shape of the logistic function.

Zernike moments

Using Zernike basis function to replace the non-orthogonal basis function we get the

definition for the orthogonal Zernike moments of order n and repetition l [29]:

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5.2 Texture Attributes


( ) ( )∫∫ ∗+



Dnlnl dxdyyxVyxf

nnA (5.7)

where Vnl(x,y) is the Zernike basis function of order n and repetition l:

( ) ( ) ( ) θρθρθρ il

nlnlnl eRVyxV == sin,cos, (5.8)

., nlevenln ≤=−

where (ρ,θ) is the radial-polar form of (x,y), n = 0, 1, 2, …, ∞, and l takes positive and

negative values subject to the condition The radial polynomial Rnl

is given by:

( ) ( )

( )( ) ( )( )( )










nl slnslnssnR ρ (5.9)

When extracting textural features, instead of computing the features for the whole image,

the Zernike moments are calculated in a small window. The center of the window is taken

as the origin and pixel coordinates are mapped on a unit circle. To obtain the feature

images the nonlinear transformation is performed using the function (5.6).

Orthogonal Fourier – Mellon Moments

Changing the basis function xpyq in geometric moments definition to Fourier-Mellon basis

function, we obtain the definition of Orthogonal Fourier-Mellon moments. The OFM basis

function of order p and repetition q is

( ) ( ) ( )θρθρ iqQU ppq exp, = (5.10)

where p is positive integer or zero and q is an integer. (ρ, θ) is the radial polar form of (x,

y) [29]. The radial polynomial Qp(σ) is given by:

( ) ( ) ( )∑=





p spspsspQ

0 !)1(!)(!!121 ρρ (5.11)

Then the Orthogonal Fourier-Mellon moment for order p and repetition q is defined as:

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5.2 Texture Attributes


( ) ( )∫∫+



Dpqpq dxdyyxUyxfpM

π (5.12)

where p is positive integer or zero and q is an integer. D2 is the unit disk and symbol *

denotes the complex conjugate. A nonlinear transformation in Equation 5.6 is used to get

the feature images.

5.3 Co-occurrence matrix

5.3.1 Introduction

Gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) [38], one of the most known texture analysis

methods, estimates image properties related to second-order statistics. Each entry (i,j) in

GLCM corresponds to the number of occurrences of the pair of gray levels i and j which

are a distance d apart in original image. Formally, it is given as [33]:

( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ){ }jvtIisrIvtsrjiP === ),(,,:,,,,d (5.13)

where ( r, s ), ( t, v ) ∈ NxN, ( t, v )=( r+ dx, s+dy ), and | . | is the cardinality of a set.

In order to estimate the similarity between different gray level co-occurrence matrices,

Haralick [38] proposed 14 statistical features extracted from them. To reduce the

computational complexity, only some of these features were selected. The description of 4

most relevant features that are widely used in literature [2, 36, 37] is given in Table 5-1.

5.3.2 Description of the Selected Features

Energy, also called Angular Second Moment in [38] and Uniformity in [36], is a measure

of textural uniformity of an image. Energy reaches its highest value when gray level

distribution has either a constant or a periodic form. A homogenous image contains very

few dominant gray tone transitions, and therefore, the P matrix for this image will have

fewer entries of larger magnitude resulting in large value for the energy feature. In

contrast, if the P matrix contains a large number of small entries, the energy feature will

have smaller value. Entropy measures the disorder of an image and it achieves its largest

value when all elements in P matrix are equal [36]. When the image is not texturally

uniform many GLCM elements have very small values, which implies that entropy is very

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5.3 Co-occurrence matrix


large. Therefore, entropy is inversely proportional to GLCM energy. Contrast is a

difference moment of the P matrix and it measures the amount of local variations in an

image [38]. Inverse difference moment measures image homogeneity. This parameter

achieves its largest value when most of the occurrences in GLCM are concentrated near

the main diagonal. IDM is inversely proportional to GLCM contrast [2, 25].







( )∑∑i j

d jiP ,2

( )∑∑−i j

dd jiPjiP ),(log,

( )∑∑ −i j

d jiPji ,)( 2

( )∑∑ ≠−i j

d jijijiP



Table 5-1 Features extracted from gray level co-occurrence matrix

5.4 Gabor filters

As the psychological results indicated [see Chapter 3.4], the human visual system analyzes

the textural images by decomposing the image into a number of filtered images, each of

which contains intensity variations over a narrow range of frequency and orientation.

Therefore, the multi-channel filtering approach is intuitively appealing, because it allows

us to exploit differences in dominant sizes and orientations in texture [4]. Gabor filters

have been used in several image analysis applications including texture segmentation [4],

defect detection [5], face recognition, motion tracking [9], and image retrieval [11].

5.4.1 Gabor function

The Gabor function is a complex exponential modulated by a Gaussian function. In its

general form, the 2D Gabor function g(x,y) and its Fourier transform G(u,v) can be written

as [5]:

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5.4 Gabor filters


( jWxyxyxgyxyx



21),( 2








⎛+−= ) (5.14)

( ) ( )⎪⎭







−−= 2








where W denotes the radial frequency of the Gabor function. The space constants σx and σy

define the Gaussian envelope along the x and y axes. Further can be defined that σu

=1/(2πσx) and σv=1/(2πσy). A class of self similar-functions, referred to as Gabor

wavelets, which have been used for image retrieval [11], will be considered next. Let

(5.14) be the mother wavelet, then this self-similar filter bank can be obtained by

appropriate dilation and rotation of g(x,y) through the generating function:

( ) ( ) ,1,',', >= − ayxGayxg m

mn m, n = integer (5.16)

( ),sincos' θθ yxax m += − and ( )θθ cossin' yxay m +−= − , (5.17)

where θ=nπ/K and K is the number of orientations. The scale factor a-m in (5.17) is meant

to ensure that the energy is independent of m.

5.4.2 Gabor filter bank desing

Due to the nonorthogonality of the Gabor wavelets, there is redundant information in the

filtered images, and the following strategy is used to reduce this redundancy. Let Ul and Uh

denote the lower and upper center frequencies of interest. Let K be the number of

orientations and S be the number of scales in the multiresolution decomposition. As

illustrated in [11], the following formulas ensure that the half-peak magnitude responses

of adjacent asymmetric filters touch each other:









a , ( )

( ) 2ln211



aUa h

uσ , (5.18)

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5.4 Gabor filters


( ) 21


222 2ln22ln2ln2















uhv UU


σσπσ , (5.19)

where Uh=W and m= 0, 1, …, S-1.

5.4.3 Feature Representation

The following feature representation is used in Netra image retrieval system [11]. Given

an image I(x,y), its Gabor wavelet transform is then defined to be:

( ) ( ) ( )∫ −−∗= 111111 ,,, dydxyyxxgyxIyxW mnmn , (5.20)

where * indicates the complex conjugate. Assuming that the local texture regions are

spatially homogeneous, and the mean µmn and the standard deviation σmn of the magnitude

of the transform coefficients are used to represent the region for retrieval purposes:

( )∫∫= dxdyyxWmnmn ,µ , and ( )( ) dxdyyxW mnmnmn

2,∫∫ −= µσ . (5.21)

A feature vector can be constructed using µmn and σmn as feature components.

5.5 Experiments

This chapter presents an application of gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) to

texture-based similarity evaluation of rock images [30]. Retrieval results were evaluated

for two databases, one consisting of the whole images and the other with blocks obtained

by splitting the original images. The retrieval results for both databases were obtained by

calculating distance between the feature vector of the query image and other feature

vectors in the database. The performance of the co-occurrence matrices was also

compared to that of Gabor wavelet features. This similarity evaluation application could

reduce the cost of geological investigations by allowing improved accuracy in automatic

rock sample selection.

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5.5 Experiments


5.5.1 Testing Database

Description of the Testing Database

The original testing material consists of 168 rock texture images from the collection of

Insinööri-toimisto Saanio&Riekkola Oy. The images in the database are divided into 7

different categories, each containing 24 distinct images. One image from each class can be

seen in Figure 5-1. Apparently some of the images do not contain only one texture

(especially class 4). Therefore, each of the original images is divided into 9 sub images

resulting in a database, which consists of 1512 images (216 images from each class).

Retrieval results were produced for both original and split database.

Figure 5-1 Rock Texture Classes

Normalization of the Testing Database

Before computing the co-occurrence matrices the images in the database are normalized.

The idea is to overcome the effects of monotonic transformations of the true image gray

levels caused by variations of lightning, lens, film and digitizers. Normalization is done

for all the images in the database by setting mean and standard deviation to common


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5.5 Experiments


5.5.2 Retrieval Procedure

This CBIR system used here consists of two major parts. The first one is feature

extraction, where a set of features is generated to represent the content of each image in

the database. The second task is similarity measurement, where a distance between the

query image and each image in the database is computed using their feature vectors so that

the N most similar images can be retrieved. The block diagram of the system is presented

in Figure 5-2.

Co-occurrence matrices are calculated for all the images in the normalized database.

GLCM is build by incrementing locations, where certain gray levels i and j occur at

distance d apart from each other. To normalize GLCM, its values are divided by the total

number of increments.

Features energy, entropy, contrast, and inverse difference moment are calculated from

each co-occurrence matrix and their values are saved in the feature vector of the

corresponding image. In order to avoid features with larger values having more influence

in the cost function (Euclidean distance) than features with smaller values, feature values

inside each feature class are normalized to be in the range [0,1].

The similarity between images is estimated by summing up Euclidean distances between

corresponding features in their feature vectors. Images having feature vectors closest to

feature vector of the query image are returned as best matches.

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5.5 Experiments


Figure 5-2 Block Diagram of the Retrieval Procedure

5.5.3 Retrieval Results

The distance parameter can be optimized for each texture type based on the size of textural

elements [6]. However, our testing database consists of images having different sized

textural elements, and therefore, a common distance parameter is rather difficult to find.

The retrieval results shown in this section are produced using a distance vector d=[1,1].

The distance vector has been selected such as to take better into consideration also textures

containing small textural elements.

The experiments described in this section were conducted as follows: each image is

extracted from the database and considered as a query image. For each query image 20

best matches were retrieved from the database. Ideally the goal is to have all the retrieved

query images belonging to the same class as the query. The overall percentage of best

matches coming from certain class is shown in Table 5-2 and Table 5-3. Table 5-2 shows

the results for normalized whole rock images, while Table 5-3 presents the results for

normalized split rock images.

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5.5 Experiments


C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7


41.7% 5.4% 21.9% 16.2% 10.2% 4.6%

10.0% 64.6% 20.0% 5.4%

19.8% 16.3% 29.4% 3.9% 30.6%

16.3% 73.9% 9.8%

9.8% 1.0% 3.8% 15.4% 70.0%

0.2% 12.7% 87.1%

Table 5-2 Retrieval results for whole rock images

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7


48.3% 4.1% 19.6% 8.5% 12.6% 6.9%

3.3% 82.7% 13.9% 0.1%

19.8% 15.4% 47.1% 2.6% 15.1%

9.9% 78.1% 12.0%

11.8% 0.4% 2.4% 13.4% 71.9% 0.1%

6.1% 6.2% 87.7%

Table 5-3 Retrieval results for split rock images

5.5.4 Evaluation of the Results

As can be seen from Table 5-2 the retrieval results especially for class 1, but also for

classes 3, 5, 6 and 7 are quite reasonable. However, problems occur when considering

classes 2, and particularly class 4. Main reason for this might be that some images inside

these classes contain large areas of some other texture. To reduce this problem original

images are divided into 9 blocks and the retrieval procedure is applied for them. Since

these blocks usually consist of one texture, visual appearance of the retrieval results is

better. Retrieval results for block 03_15_05 can be seen in Figure 5-5. Table 5-3 suggests

that overall percentages of retrieval results from the correct class are slightly better for

blocks than for the whole images.

5.5.5 Comparison with Gabor Results

The performance of co-occurrence matrices was compared to that of Gabor wavelet

features [11], which enable simultaneous localization of energy in both spatial and

frequency domains. Although the upper and lower central frequency parameters Uh and Ul

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5.5 Experiments


as well as the number of scales and orientations of the Gabor filter were chosen to be

suitable for the rock image database, retrieval percentages (Table 5-4) were considerably

lower than those for co-occurrence matrices (Table 5-3).

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7

48.4% 14.4% 11.0% 13.3% 12.7% 0.2%

13.1% 29.8% 17.7% 11.7% 9.8% 6.2% 11.7%

9.8% 22.5% 30.9% 8.7% 8.5% 9.6% 10.0%

0.4% 13.9% 8.8% 65.4% 1.7% 0.4% 9.4%

12.9% 10.3% 6.0% 1.0% 40.2% 29.6%

12.7% 6.0% 6.9% 0.2% 33.1% 41.1%

0.4% 11.9% 9.8% 4.6% 0.2% 73.1%

Table 5-4 Retrieval results for split rock using Gabor features

The impropriety of the Gabor filters for this particular application might result from the

fact that frequency characteristics of different rock classes were quite similar and no

significant directionality exists in the rock samples. Figure 5-3 shows the FFT of the gabor

filter using parameters chosen to be suitable for rock images. From Figure 5-4 can be seen

that the FFTs of the images from class 1 and class 3 are not very clearly distinguishable.

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5.5 Experiments


Figure 5-3 FFT of the Gabor filter, using Ul=0.02, Uh=0.2, 3 scales and 2 orientations

Figure 5-4 FFTs of the images 01_01_01.tif and 03_01_01.tif

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5.5 Experiments


Query 03_15_05.tif

Figure 5-5 Retrieval results for image 03_15_05.tif

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6 Conclusions

The goal of this thesis has been to give an overview of the content-based retrieval process

while focusing mainly on shape and texture attributes. In the thesis two contributions have

been presented: the first one is related to shape attributes and the second one to texture

attributes used in content-based retrieval.

The first contribution of the thesis concerns shape analysis and retrieval. Shape attributes

can be roughly divided into two main categories: boundary-based and region-based. Since

the human visual system itself focuses on edges and ignores uniform regions, this thesis

concentrates on boundary-based representations. A novel boundary-based method using

distance transformation and ordinal correlation has been developed in this thesis.

Simulation results showed that the proposed technique produces encouraging results when

using the MPEG-7 shape test database. When applying this technique for evaluation of

segmentation algorithms, it was noticed that the results obtained correspond to visual


The second contribution is a constrained application in which the database contains a set

of rock images. In this application, a technique using Gray-Level Co-occurrence matrices

(GLCM) was applied and the results were compared with a well-known method from the

literature. It was found that GLCM outperforms Gabor Wavelet features when considering

retrieval time and visual quality of the results. The impropriety of the Gabor filters for this

particular application might result from the fact that frequency characteristics of different

rock classes were quite similar and no significant directionality exists in the rock samples.


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6 Conclusions


In this thesis shape and texture features have been used for content-based image retrieval

separately. However, many applications, for example searching a certain disease from a

medical image database, would benefit from using both of the features simultaneously. In

such cases both the shape of the tumor area and texture inside it play an important role.

Therefore, an efficient combination of these features into multimodal descriptors of the

AV content should be considered in more detail in future work. Especially the

development of a flexible and dynamically adjustable similarity measure based on

relevance feedback obtained from the end-user should be taken into account.

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Page 71: TAMPERE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGYdownload.xuebalib.com/32f9lEt83rka.pdf · Preface This Thesis has been carried out in the Institute of Signal Processing, Tampere University of Technology,



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