taos sustainable assessment and recommendationswaterfocussuz11pm


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Page 1: Taos Sustainable Assessment and RecommendationsWaterFocusSuz11pm


Page 2: Taos Sustainable Assessment and RecommendationsWaterFocusSuz11pm

2SMU-in-Taos Campus Sustainability Plan

Introduction – Water Management

WaterNet zero water projects must reduce demand for water first. Low and no-flow fixtures, xeriscaping, and closed loop process water reduce the need for supply. Next, matching use to source reduces the need for potable water. Greywater can be used for irrigation and most wet-cleaning purposes. Reduced demand can be met with captured rainwater. Waste water is not all black water, and streams with no human waste should be captured for re-use. Even black water can be treated in living machines and used for non potable purposes such as irrigation.

Identify Inefficiencies

Reduce DemandAppropriate




Baseline Campus Wide Water UsageTotal Gallons Used 2014

2,220,000 gal

Equivalent Barrels55 Gallon 40,000 bls



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Page 3: Taos Sustainable Assessment and RecommendationsWaterFocusSuz11pm

Goal 1:

Effective Water Recovery & ReuseWhen feasible, treat water that has been used once, for secondary use and reduce demand for aquifer water supply.

Strategy1. Rainwater Harvesting2. Capture Greywater

Maximize Water ReductionInstall low flow and no-flow fixtures and water efficient appliances as well as implement water conservation practices.

Strategy1. Low-Flow Fixtures2. Water Efficient Appliances3. Xeriscaping

3SMU-in-Taos Campus Sustainability Plan

Introduction – Water Vision for Water Use:Maximize efficiency of water use across SMU-in-Taos through identifying inefficiencies, water use reduction and effective water recovery & reuse.

Identify Inefficiencies Identify the main uses of water to provide adequate feedback to establish a hierarchal action plan and feedback loop.

Strategy1. Metered Faucets2. Electronic Smart Metering3. Efficient Irrigation Systems

Goal 2: Goal 3:

Page 4: Taos Sustainable Assessment and RecommendationsWaterFocusSuz11pm

Opportunities for Improvement F








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• De-centralized metering (water) – no centralized approach.• Multiple facilities associated to a single meter – difficult to establish baselines at individual building

level.• Lack of knowledge from operations crew regarding facilities mapping to meters.• No current monitoring in place on campus – impossible to understand usage against baselines and

predictability of future use.

• Kitchen appliances are outdated, not water efficient.• Some kitchen fixtures drip continuously.• Manual water faucets run and/or drip while not in use.• Showerheads, toilets and faucets are not low-flow.

• Real-time monitoring for each smart meter allows for data analysis to improve efficiencies.• Provides a method to check for leaks and unwanted usage.• When dashboards are placed in high traffic areas, students, faculty, and staff are educated and

influenced regarding water usage and "sustainability" remains top of mind.







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• Rainwater can be utilized for non-potable, large use functions such as washing dishes, clothes.• Can be used for irrigation at new student center or Fort Burgwin.• Can be a decentralized alternative water source when cleaning.• Overflow can be plumbed to infiltration wells, providing localized aquifer recharge.• Can serve as primary water source for all toilets in future construction.

• Can serve as primary water source for all toilets in future construction.• Advanced systems can be filtered and used for irrigation.

SMU-in-Taos Campus Sustainability Plan 4

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Synergies and Constraints:The marginal increase in cost for installing metered faucets can often be recovered through the reduction in both potable water demand and waste water treatment. Reduction in demand reduces waste water, and makes onsite waste and greywater treatment facilities more feasible.

5SMU-in-Taos Campus Sustainability Plan

Water – Identify InefficienciesElectronic Smart MeteringMeter large buildings and specific uses that require a significant amount of water use. Metering provides detailed information about where and when water is used. This information can be used to identify leaks as well as which buildings are using more water than average for their type. They also allow personnel to track the success of water efficiency measures.

Smart Meters provide data at regular intervals remotely, eliminating the need for personnel to constantly check individual buildings.

Automated Faucets

Metered FaucetsMetered faucets ensure that water only runs when it is needed. Traditional metered faucets run for a specific duration once activated. Newer metered faucets use infrared (IR) sensors to activate the flow of water only while hands are directly under the tap. Existing faucets can have lever “smart faucet” meters that perform the same role as IR sensors with a physical mechanism.

Smart Meters

Efficient Irrigation SystemsTraditional spray irrigation systems waste large amounts of water due to overspray, evaporation, and unnecessary operation. Sensors, timers, and drip or sub-surface delivery can significantly reduce irrigation demands.

Strive for 100% of drip irrigation water stemming from reclaimed rainwater and/or filtrated greywater reuse.

Drip Irrigation

Synergies and Constraints:Ideally, buildings and large users should be metered before any water efficiency strategies are implemented. The success of water reduction strategies cannot be measured without first establishing a baseline through metering. Smart meters report data automatically, but older meters require personnel to read meters, which adds an additional cost in man hours.

Synergies and Constraints:The cost of high efficiency irrigation systems may be offset by the reduced need for personnel through automation. Only those areas that will always require large amounts of supplemental irrigation, such as turf grass, are likely to be life cycle cost effective.

Xeriscaping can work in conjunction with rainwater drip irrigation to drastically reduce water usage.

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Synergies and Constraints:Careful attention to species selection can save a great deal of money in maintenance and irrigation costs over the life of the landscaped area. Native landscaping that requires minimal attention and watering to thrive will make the installation beautiful and connect it to the surrounding tradition and natural setting of Taos. Specifying native species also supports the health of natural habitats.

6SMU-in-Taos Campus Sustainability Plan

Water – Strategies for ReductionLow-Flow FixturesMetered Low flow fixtures, especially toilets and urinals, reduce the demand for potable water and the generation of waste water simultaneously. Low flow fixtures should be a top priority for any water conservation program.

XeriscapingLandscaping irrigation accounts for roughly half of domestic water use in the US. Specifying only native or adaptive species can eliminate the need for irrigation once plants are established. All ornamental landscaping can be planted with species that do not require additional watering. Species can be further selected for ease of maintenance.

Synergies and Constraints:Toilets and urinals can also utilize captured rainwater or greywater reuse.

Water Efficient AppliancesWater efficient appliances use less water for the same task, while reducing the volume of generated waste water for treatment. Although implementing appliances such as dual-flush toilets and/or front loaded wash machines throughout the campus will be relatively expensive, the water savings for years to come will be undeniable.

Synergies and Constraints:

Low-Flow Showerhead

Dual Flush Toilet

Xeriscaped Courtyard

Most major appliances are able to do the same job while using much less water to achieve the same goal. Front loaded washing machines and dual flush toilets can be implemented to help reduce indoor water use by at least 450 gal/month.

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Synergies and Constraints: Rainwater is easier to use for more purposes than greywater or treated blackwater, and should therefore be considered before water re-use and recycling systems. Not all roofing is suitable for catchment – some contain fungicides or other chemicals that could leech into rainwater. Underground tanks must be fastened to keep from floating when empty. Angled roofs work better for recapture.

7SMU-in-Taos Campus Sustainability Plan

Water – Recovery & Reuse

Capture Greywater Greywater sources should be drained separately from blackwater sources. Blackwater is waste water that has a high biological load and risk of carrying human pathogens, primarily from toilets and kitchen sinks. Greywater is drain-water from most other sources: water which has never come into contact with human effluent or biological risks associated with kitchen sink or dishwasher water. Greywater is significantly lower risk than blackwater, and can be reused for non-potable uses with minimal treatment. Primary sources are showers, lavatory faucets, and clothes washers. Captured greywater requires storage tanks and filtration.

Metering Software

Rainwater Harvesting Captured rainwater can be used with minimal treatment for flushing toilets, running dish and clothes washers, and irrigation. Precipitation can be captured from any hard surface. Rooftop systems are most common due to proximity, ease of storage, and quality. For potable uses, rainwater must be passed through a fine filter and sterilized with chlorine or ultra-violet light. Timing of rainfall does not match use, so storage tank sizing is critical. In areas with little surface space, underground tanks can be considered.

Synergies and Constraints: Greywater re-used for irrigation may contain soaps and salts that are harmful to plant life. Buildings with greywater collection systems should use soaps that are biodegradable, and building occupants should be educated about the greywater and how their behavior impacts these systems. Unlike treated blackwater, which has had contact with human effluent, greywater collected at the site of use does not have additional pharmaceuticals or hormones, and is therefore easier and safer to reuse.

Water cisterns: above ground (pictured top) and below ground (pictured here)

Page 8: Taos Sustainable Assessment and RecommendationsWaterFocusSuz11pm

8SMU-in-Taos Campus Sustainability Plan

Phasing Approach & RecommendationsA strategic phased approach is the most practical implementation option for SMU-in-Taos. This methodology is highly recommended and addresses two key objectives: 1.Establishes foundational knowledge and baselines that will be leveraged to further prioritize and define a tactical implementation roadmap for water efficiencies.2.Encourages the Lyle School of Engineering to define a continual learning experience and incorporate the living educational laboratory that provides practical skillsets to students.



Establish Foundation

Quick Wins: Low Cost Improvements

Implement and Retrofit

Future Development

Policies and Standards


• Water Audits Campus WidePhase 1• Metering & Sub-


Phase 2

• Facility Water Baseline

• Prioritization Reassessment

• Rain Barrel Placement Plan

• Water Sense Appliances

• Funding Plan and Implementation

• Retrofitting Fixtures/Appliances

Phase 3• Vending Machine Replacement

• New Fixtures• Water Refill Stations

• Rain Barrel Execution

• Greywater reuse

• Community Outreach• Campus Education

Phase 4

Phase 5

• Define Policies• Implementation

• Training • Future




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• Dining Hall Dashboard and Cistern

• Rainwater reuse for laundry

Page 9: Taos Sustainable Assessment and RecommendationsWaterFocusSuz11pm

9SMU-in-Taos Campus Sustainability Plan

Water – Policy ConsiderationsCorrecting Inefficiencies Policies

1. Once baseline known and measured, installing water meters will meter usage on all buildings with smart meters that can be read remotely to ensure continued accountability and measurement of water usage

2. Automated faucets will decrease unnecessary water usage in bathrooms

3. Drip irrigation coupled with rain sensors will only irrigate landscape during times of low precipitation - where needed.

4. Maintenance team to provide an acceptable response time for repairing leaky fixtures as well as scheduled routine maintenance.

5. Funding plan necessary to implement education and water recapture/recovery (rain barrels and cisterns).

Water Reduction Policies

1. Introduce low flow toilets (dual-flush), showerheads and faucets in all new and renovated facilities. Utilize Watersense approved appliances and washers.

2. Develop an approved species list for landscaping and stormwater projects focused on native or adaptive drought-tolerant plants in an effort to use less potable for irrigation

3. Informing tenants of their specific water usage by monthly mock bills to encourage water saving practices

4. Shower timers in the dorms will establish a time limit on showers.

5. Campus will implement a purchasing program to ensure that biodegradable cleaning products and soaps are used, to prevent issues with septic systems. Evaluate products with Green Seal, Environmental Choice, Greenguard

6. Campus will implement a water pollution prevention education program.

7. Policies will include towel and linen reuse plan for guests.

8. Staff, who can be the best advocates for water conservation, will have green practices and conservation curriculum and receive training in relation to roles as appropriate, annual.

9. Marketing and communications will reflect water conservation priorities and campus signage will be placed in highly visible locations to encourage conservation.

Water Recovery & Reuse Policies

1. Ensuring rain water is captured and used for irrigation, HVAC cooling towers, wash rack water and other non-potable needs

2. Implement rainwater harvesting in the form of a rain barrel catchment system from all sloped roofs - water to be used for cleaning at a minimum.

3. Install district scale rainwater harvesting systems for tightly clustered small buildings (e.g., Fort Bergwin) when preferable to individual systems in life-cycle cost analysis

4. Aggressively encourage grey water programs by requiring all new and existing buildings to be purple-pipe ready and provide infrastructure and storage for reclaimed water

Campus teams provide vital input.

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SMU-in-Taos Campus Sustainability Plan 10

Water – MetricsBase CaseThe base case represents the total water consumption of the campus based on current usage patterns. The population of the installation is projected using Department of Defense averages for personnel per square foot (derived from the “Base Structure Report”), and the current water consumption per person on installation is then applied to projected population.

Total Water Consumption 2014: 2,220,000 gallons

Better CaseThe better case represents the total water consumption of the campus if the reduction and recovery strategies are applied. Low flow fixtures and efficient irrigation requires significantly less potable water demand.

Total Water Consumption: by 10%

Best CaseThe best case represents the total water consumption of the campus if all of the strategies and policies in this are adopted. Water reuse in the form of greywater capture in addition to the reduction and recovery strategies, and comprehensive policies on water conservation make this case feasible.

Total Water Consumption: by 25%

2.2 Mil. Gal/Yr (Base)

1.9 Mil Gal/Yr (Better)

1.6 Mil. Gal/Yr (Best)

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11SMU-in-Taos Campus Sustainability Plan

Introduction – Stormwater

Stormwater The stormwater strategies to be used are primarily for erosion reduction. Runoff can be diverted, absorbed by trees, planted strips, and more aggressive strategies like constructed wetlands or engineered bioswales. Rainwater harvesting reduces runoff while providing a renewable source of usable water. Using captured stormwater instead of potable water for most appliances and toilets should be a high priority; all stormwater can be captured or infiltrated where it falls.

Reduce Runoff

Preserve Trees

Bio- Filtration Features

Rainwater Harvesting


Taos is an arid climate at an altitude of 7,000 feet. Water is vital, rainfall ~12 in per year, 2015 ~20 in of rain. Snowfall is 29 in per year and also has potential to

be recaptured.

Page 12: Taos Sustainable Assessment and RecommendationsWaterFocusSuz11pm

Goal 1:

Efficient Stormwater Recovery Capturing rainwater for human use directly reduces runoff from roofs. Overflow from storage tanks must be mitigated.

Strategy1. Rainwater Harvesting (Overflow)

12SMU-in-Taos Campus Sustainability Plan

Introduction – Stormwater Vision for Stormwater Management:Reduce runoff from impervious surfaces and utilize natural on-site resources through efficient stormwater and snow recovery.

Reduction of RunoffReduce soil erosion by controlling runoff.

Strategy1. Compact Development 2. Planting Strips3. Infiltration Wells 4. Green Roofs 5. Engineered Wetlands and


Goal 2: Goal 3:

Efficient Snow Recovery Capturing snowmelt for human use directly reduces runoff from roofs. Overflow from storage tanks must be mitigated.

Strategy1. Snowmelt Harvesting (Overflow)

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Synergies and Constraints:A focus on compact, clustered development within walkable distances supports numerous strategies. It reduces vehicle miles travelled and enhances the health of personnel on campus by encouraging walking and cycling over driving.

13SMU-in-Taos Campus Sustainability Plan

Stormwater – Strategies for ReductionCompact DevelopmentReduces the impact on natural stormwater flows. Stormwater can be redirected and slowed to mitigate erosion.

Planting StripsPlanting strips and vegetated swales along roads and sidewalks can serve multiple purposes. They can absorb some of the runoff from the adjacent hardscape and can further be used to create buffers between pedestrian and vehicular rights of way.

Synergies and Constraints:Once the space is allocated for a planted strip between rights of way, trees can be added at a later date. Planting strips coupled with bio swales on the side of roads or porous pavement in parking lots help reduce runoff.

Synergies and Constraints:Infiltration wells not only have a positive impact on the local groundwater conditions, they also are an asset to have during water shortages and water savings long-term.

Infiltration WellsInfiltration wells can serve to recharge local aquifers as well as increase the quantity of local groundwater. Stormwater can be redirected to infiltration wells as well as service as overflow for rainwater capture.

Compact Development

Planting Strips

Infiltration Wells

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14SMU-in-Taos Campus Sustainability Plan

Stormwater – Strategies for ReductionGreen RoofsRoofs represent as much as 50% of impervious surfaces in developed areas. Green roofs can slow and absorb much of the stormwater load. Plants on green roofs absorb stormwater through their roots, and the planting medium can hold a certain volume of water like a sponge. Stormwater is still discharged from green roofs, but in significantly reduced volume, temperature, and rate of flow.

Synergies and Constraints:Green roofs actively cool their surroundings through evapotranspiration. They absorb sunlight and convert it into chemical energy through photosynthesis instead of heat energy. In this way, they can significantly reduce the cooling loads of buildings on which they are installed.

Engineered Wetlands/BioswalesProperly designed and constructed, engineered bio-filtration features such as constructed wetlands and bioswales can be used to mitigate stormwater runoff from areas of impervious surface 20 times their size. These engineered features have minimum dimensions of area, depth and slope, and require engineered soils. They should be designed by landscape professionals and civil engineers with experience in design of low impact development features.

Synergies and Constraints:These features require much larger contiguous area and more careful planning than planting strips to function properly. Furthermore, although they may provide habitat and enhance a park environment they should not be used directly for recreation. Flow and drawdown time should be optimized to ensure that there is never standing water for any significant period of time.

Green Roof

Engineered Wetlands

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Synergies and Constraints:Increased area of collection and multiple uses go hand in hand, and small systems are often not able to scale up. In denser neighborhoods, district rainwater harvesting may be substantially cheaper per square foot than individual building systems with varied uses. Shade trees near buildings and landscaped setbacks can absorb the excess water from stormwater tanks.

15SMU-in-Taos Campus Sustainability Plan

Stormwater – Efficient RecoveryRainwater Harvesting (Overflow)Properly designed and installed rainwater harvesting systems should capture water from as large an area as possible, and use rainwater for as many uses as possible. Systems which gather stormwater and treat it at the district or community scale can be much more cost effective than redundant systems on each individual building. In areas with high and/ or seasonal rainfall, the rate of capture may be greater than the rate of use for long periods. In these cases, storage tanks can overflow. Overflow from rainwater storage tanks should be properly managed: diverted into a rain garden or infiltration feature to rapidly absorb excess stormwater discharge.Rain Garden

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16SMU-in-Taos Campus Sustainability Plan

Stormwater – Policy ConsiderationsStormwater Reduction Policies

1. Installation will mandate compliance with EISA Section 438 and Low Impact Development (LID) strategies

2. Installation will require planting strips on all new and upgraded road or parking projects

3. Campus will develop an approved species list for landscaping and stormwater projects focused on native or adaptive drought tolerant plants with minimal maintenance needs

4. Campus will institute a tree preservation plan to protect existing trees and require appropriate fencing around primary root area of trees during construction

Stormwater Management Policies

1. Campus will implement a stormwater maintenance plan to include an integrated pest management strategy to minimize storm water pollutants

Stormwater and Snow Recovery Policies

1. Campus will include rainwater harvesting on all new buildings, or at minimum plan for future systems if not installed at time of construction

2. Campus will require that all rainwater harvesting systems include on-site infiltration of overflow from storage tanks

Water on gravel drive near SMU in Taos casita following a storm.

Page 17: Taos Sustainable Assessment and RecommendationsWaterFocusSuz11pm

New Mexico Water Rights/Restrictions

• Rights are appropriated by priority

• "First in time, first in line"

• No formal laws in regards to ownership rainwater

• 1907 a Territorial Water Code was created which enables water rights to be severed from the land

• Water rights in New Mexico are already claimed, which means all developers must procure existing rights before they can expand on existing sites

• This causes developers to put a fair amount of emphasis into water conservation and other sustainable practices, and in some cases the incorporation of rainwater harvesting and filtered greywater reuse systems for outside watering purposes into new developments.

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Taos Water Priorities and Cultural Importance Taos County Water Rights and Legal Agreements• Pueblo and acequia rights and water use pre-date US

and guaranteed by treaty. Unique in American history.

• Water users of Taos County comply with Rio Grande and Rio Castilla Interstate River Compacts

• Dictates use of two river systems while in Taos County

• National Forest public lands were established and justified to “secure favorable water flow”

• Majority of Taos County watersheds managed by Carson in the Ten Year Forest Plan

Taos County’s private land outside of municipalities• Under jurisdiction of the following…• New Mexico Subdivision Act• Taos County Land Use Regulations• Taos County Subdivision Regulations

Taos County Comprehensive Vision Plan and Goals reflects the community’s priorities-respect for land and historical traditions• Open space and acceptance for differences• Agricultural land-based rural culture with strong

water and land traditions• Rich cultural heritage and maintaining such• It is advised for SMU-in-Taos to be cognizant and

respectful toward the comprehensive plan’s efforts

SMU-in-Taos Campus Sustainability Plan 18