
8/10/2019 tarackbuza http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/tarackbuza 1/2 Ínségeledel példák: a tarackbúza (Agropyron Repens) couch grass or quack grass (Dog Grass Root) Rapidly spreading grass (Agropyron repens) with flat, somewhat hairy leaves and erect flower spikes, native to Europe and introduced into other northern temperate areas for forage or erosion control. In cultivated land, it is considered a weed because of its persistence. Its long, yellowish-white rhizomes must be completely dug up to eradicate the plant because broken rhizomes generate new plants. Couch grass has been used in various home remedies in Europe, and the rhizomes have been eaten during periods of famine . The grass family is highly significant as they provide cereals and few other food staples. The roots of the grass family members have great medicinal values. The botanical name ‘Agropyron’ is derived from a pair of Greek words meaning “wheat fields” and “wheat grasses.” Dog grass root grows well in moist, sandy, loose and well-drained soils. This herb prefers full sun and can also tolerate partial shade. This weed has become invasive mainly because of its roots and seeds which have plenty of medicinal benefits. Ecology: The foliage is an important forage grass for many grazing mammals.The seeds are eaten by several species of grassland birds, particularly buntings and finches.The caterpillars of some Lepidoptera use it as a foodplant, e.g. the Essex Skipper (Thymelicus lineola). Cultivation and uses: Couch Grass has become naturalised throughout much of the world, and often listed as an invasive weed.It is very difficult to remove from garden environments, as each piece of rhizome can develop into a new plant. One method is to dig deep into the ground in order to remove as much of the grass as possible. The area should then be covered with a thick layer of woodchips. To further prevent re-growth cardboard can be placed underneath the woodchips. The long, white rhizomes will, however, dry out and die if left on the surface. Many herbicides will also control it. Couch Grass has been used in herbal medicine since the Classical Greek period. Sick dogs are known to dig up and eat the root, and mediaeval herbalists used it to treat inflamed bladders, painful urination and water retention. It also has antiseptic properties. This herb contains carbohydrates, silica, acid malates, iron, mucilage, sugar, saponins, mannitol, inosite, zinc, calcium, fiber, proteins, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, manganese, potassium, selenium, salicylic acid, vitamins A and B. Dog grass root has demulcent and diuretic properties. Medicinal benefits: Dog Grass herb has been proved effective in treating urinary disorders. This plant aids the urinary system, soothes the mucous membranes that are inflamed. It helps in promoting the flow of urine and cures irritation of the urinary passages. Excessive bladder irritation is often treated with the soothing properties of this plant. The catarrhal diseases affecting the urinary bladder are also treated with Dog Grass root. Sore throats, bronchial congestion and laryngitis. Dog grass root is an effective expectorant which helps with easing laryngitis. This herb helps in easing the accumulation of phlegm and makes the phlegm more slippery. The ancient tribes used Dog Grass root for expelling gravel and worms. Painful urination, discharge of mucus and sore back is also treated with the effects of Dog grass root. Forms Available: Tincture, infusion, rhizome, seeds, decoction, root, capsule, essential oil. Other uses: The dried rhizomes of couch grass were broken up and used as incense in mediaeval Northern Europe where other resin-based types of incense were unavailable.

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8/10/2019 tarackbuza

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Ínségeledel példák:

a tarackbúza (Agropyron Repens)

couch grass or quack grass (Dog Grass Root)Rapidly spreading grass (Agropyron repens) with flat, somewhat hairy leaves and erect flower spikes, nativeto Europe and introduced into other northern temperate areas for forage or erosion control. In cultivated land,it is considered a weed because of its persistence. Its long, yellowish-white rhizomes must be completelydug up to eradicate the plant because broken rhizomes generate new plants. Couch grass has been used invarious home remedies in Europe, andthe rhizomes have been eaten during periods of famine .

The grass family is highly significant as they provide cereals and few other food staples. The roots of thegrass family members have great medicinal values. The botanical name ‘Agropyron’ is derived from a pair ofGreek words meaning “wheat fields” and “wheat grasses.”

Dog grass root grows well in moist, sandy, loose and well-drained soils. This herb prefers full sun and canalso tolerate partial shade. This weed has become invasive mainly because of its roots and seeds whichhave plenty of medicinal benefits.

Ecology: The foliage is an important forage grass for many grazing mammals.The seeds are eaten byseveral species of grassland birds, particularly buntings and finches.The caterpillars of some Lepidopterause it as a foodplant, e.g. the Essex Skipper (Thymelicus lineola).

Cultivation and uses: Couch Grass has become naturalised throughout much of the world, and often listedas an invasive weed.It is very difficult to remove from garden environments, as each piece of rhizome candevelop into a new plant. One method is to dig deep into the ground in order to remove as much of the grassas possible. The area should then be covered with a thick layer of woodchips. To further prevent re-growthcardboard can be placed underneath the woodchips. The long, white rhizomes will, however, dry out and dieif left on the surface. Many herbicides will also control it.

Couch Grass has been used inherbal medicine since the Classical Greek period. Sick dogs are known todig up and eat the root, and mediaeval herbalists used it to treat inflamed bladders, painful urination andwater retention. It also has antiseptic properties.

This herb contains carbohydrates, silica, acid malates, iron, mucilage, sugar, saponins, mannitol, inosite,zinc, calcium, fiber, proteins, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, manganese, potassium, selenium, salicylicacid, vitamins A and B. Dog grass root has demulcent and diuretic properties.

Medicinal benefits: Dog Grass herb has been proved effective in treating urinary disorders. This plant aidsthe urinary system, soothes the mucous membranes that are inflamed. It helps in promoting the flow of urineand cures irritation of the urinary passages. Excessive bladder irritation is often treated with the soothingproperties of this plant. The catarrhal diseases affecting the urinary bladder are also treated with Dog Grassroot. Sore throats, bronchial congestion and laryngitis. Dog grass root is an effective expectorant whichhelps with easing laryngitis. This herb helps in easing the accumulation of phlegm and makes the phlegmmore slippery. The ancient tribes used Dog Grass root for expelling gravel and worms. Painful urination,discharge of mucus and sore back is also treated with the effects of Dog grass root.

Forms Available: Tincture, infusion, rhizome, seeds, decoction, root, capsule, essential oil.

Other uses: The dried rhizomes of couch grass were broken up and used asincense in mediaeval NorthernEurope where other resin-based types of incense were unavailable.

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Fontos táplálék ínség idején a tarack ( Agropiron repens ) gyökerének lisztje.

A közönséges tarackbúza (Agropyron repens) – (tarackbúza, ebgyógyítófű ), pázsitfű félék családjábatartozó, Európában, Ázsia mérsékelt éghajlatú részein, Észak-Afrikábangyom-, és gyógynövény . Népiesnevei: tarackbúza, ebgyógyítófű , tarackfű , tarack.

A tarackbúza mérsékelt égövi területeken gyakori. Magyarországon felhagyott kultúrák, erdő területek és

szántók gyomtársulásainak tömegesen elő forduló, társulásalkotó gyomnövénye. A tarackbúza legelő kön,réteken, kopár területeken igen gyakori. Gyakori és kifejezetten terhes gyomnövény. Közismertek a földalatti, világos színű tarackjai, amelynek minden darabja újból teljes értékű növényt képes kihajtani

A tarackbúza évelő szálfű , töve messze kúszó tarackokkal terjed. Magas növésű , részben nem virágzó hajtásaival nagy csoportokatképez. Egy-egy tő nek 10-200 hajtása van. Minél idő sebb, hajtásai annál sű rű bbek. A szárak 20-250 centiméter magasak, felállók, alulolykor hajlottak, simák. Levelei a szárral együtt tompazöldek, néha kékesszürke deres bevonattal, ami letörölhető . A hegyeslevélfülecskék röviden pillásak körülölelik a szárat. A nyelvecske 1 mm-nél kisebb, hártyás szegély alakjában fejlő dik ki. A levélhüvelyhengeres, kopasz vagy sző rös. A levéllemez kihegyesedő , 6-18 centiméter hosszú, 3-10 milliméter széles, felül rövid sző rös, ezért kisséérdes. A levélerek áteső fényben fehér csíkok. Kalásza 8-12 centiméter hosszú, felálló vagy elhajló, ritkábban bókoló. A kalásztengelyenkét oldalon ülnek a füzérkék, ezek lazák, vagy tömöttebben állóak, 10-20 mm hosszúak, 3-8 virágúak, többé-kevésbé elliptikusak,laposan összenyomottak. A füzérke szélesebbik oldala néz a szár felé. A pelyvák 12 mm hosszúra is kifejlő dhetnek, lándzsásak,ormósak, az ormók a csúcsuk felé érdesek is lehetnek, ereik száma 3-7. Csúcsuk szálkaszerű csúcsba fut ki. A külső toklász elérheti a13 mm hosszúságot, ereinek száma 5, gyakran rövid szálkaszerű csúcsa van. A belső toklásznak két ormója érdes.


jtése: Több méter hosszú és elágazó tarackjait, virágzás (Agropyri repentis flos) idején (június-augusztus) gyű jtik, rendszerint gyomos területekrő l szántás után boronával szedik össze. A tarackosgyökértörzset (Agropyri repentis rhizoma), a levélmaradványoktól és gyökerektő l megtisztítva naponszárítják. (beszáradás 2,5:1).

Hatóanyagai: 3-8% polifruktán (inulinszerű triticin), 10% nyálka-poliszacharid, szaponin, 2-3% cukoralkohol(mannitol, inozitol), 0,01-0,05% illóolaj, agropyren poliin, vanillosid, fenilkarbonsavak, kovasav, szilikátok.

Alkalmazás: A népgyógyászatban is használt vizelethajtó, vizeletképzést fokozó szer (diureticum)hólyaghurut, hólyag- és vesekő megbetegedések valamint köhögés és légcső hurut ellen. Külső leg hámosító,fő leg pattanásos bő r kezelésére használják.

Egyéb felhasználás: kiszárított gyökerefüstölő ként is használatos volt a középkori Észak-Európában.