target audience aa 1

Target Audience Mutual Experiences Musical Tastes Other Interests In Types Of Media Fashion

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Post on 02-Dec-2014




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Research into target audience


Page 1: Target audience aa 1

Target Audience

Mutual Experiences

Musical Tastes

Other Interests In Types Of Media


Page 2: Target audience aa 1

Target Audience SurveyIn order to connect with my target audience a decided to utilise one of the most versatile accessible and universal forms of communication currently available today namely Facebook. I spooled through my friends list analysing posts that would indicate they where ‘’into’’ the musical genre I intend to base my music magazine around I also ensured that my candidates differed in terms of age and the educational institution they attend as this increases the probability of attaining varied results this screenshot taken from Facebook’s Messenger app gives the candidates a brief and courteous introduction to the concept and what is being asked of them should they choose to participate.

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QuestionsIf I can establish what existing products are enjoyed, appreciated and ultimately bought by my target market I can then analyse these products conventions, layout and content mirror these features ( whilst still remaining unique ) thus creating a viable product.

By identifying what my potential readership want at such an early stage I can constantly cater to there desires throughout the construction process.

Naturally relevance is key when designing a music magazine of a specific genre therefore the artists mentioned and artists befitting of the metal genre and its many sub genres will be the only music featured as that’s what my target audience want.

Establishing a price range when planning to develop any product is key when trying to avoid pricing yourself out of the market or making a loss therefore this information is arguably the most valuable information this survey has provided because knowing a customer's price range is priceless .

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Response 1Kerrang and Rocksound are both highly reputable names in the Alternative Scene therefore drawing inspiration from there house styles, layout etc. could prove beneficial.

The response ‘’good bands’’ is extremely vague and arguable a useless response as what is regarded as a ‘’good band’’ is completely subjective from one person to the next however who this candidate regards as good bands is revealed later in there response.

From this candidates response it is clear that this person has become acclimatised to the convention of a magazine being eye catching in terms of its colour scheme therefore this person and the rest of my audience expect nothing less from a professional magazine.

All of the artists mentioned by this candidate fit under the metal/metalcore umbrella in terms of musical genre this gives me an indication of the specifics type(s) of music my audience are interested in and therefore wish to read about.

From my own knowledge I am aware that £2.20 is the retail price of a copy of Kerrang therefore in order for my product to be competitive it should match the price of Kerrang or ideally beat it..

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Response 2Much like my first candidate, candidate 2 also enjoys the likes of Kerrang and Rocksound this further sways my decision to draw a great deal of inspiration from them as it seem to be what people who enjoy metal and meataleque music are reading. Candidate 2’s response of ‘’men’’ suggests that my target audience possesses a sense of humour consequently the use of tongue in cheek humour may be appropriate on the other hand this may be an indication that primarily content featuring male artists would be appreciated.

The suggestion of red and black could be a colour scheme very applicable to this magazine considering the genre it is based around (heavy metal) as the imagery that comes with heavy metal such as the deepest recesses of hell and the dark side of life etc. is heavily associated with this colour scheme.

Once again household names in the metalcore/screamo scene have been mentioned this consistent theme within my target audience’s specific musical interests will greatly influence the artists featured within the final product.

Similarly to Candidate 1 this candidate is willing to spend within the region of £2 on the magazine however this candidate demonstrates an element of flexibility this may be due to differing financial circumstances

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Response 3This candidate makes the third reference to Kerrang and Rocksound therefore with this in mind I am confident that utilising these magazines as my main source of inspiration will enhance the magazine in terms of suitability and quality.

Candidate 3’s response to Question 2 is the most useful response to that question by far as it provides me with extremely specific details regarding what she wants from the magazine i.e. album reviews and articles/information regarding her favourite artists which are in fact arguable conventions within music magazine content.

Once again the dark sinister combination of red and black seems to be a favourite amongst my target audience this may well once again be due to its relevance to the darker nature of heavy music however it may just be Candidate 3 not being able to think of anything for that particular question consequently she rephrased Candidate 2’s answer.

The music my target audience seem to favour shies away from the more traditional forms of metal and there respective artists i.e. Metallica , Iron Maiden or Pantera and instead focuses on more modern metal more specifically metalcore and screamo acts with British metalcore band Asking Alexandria being mentioned by all three candidates my target audience’s enthusiasm for new music is due to there age as they span from the age of 16-18.

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Audience StereotypeMeet Brian aged 17 Brian is a full time student studying for a diploma in Music, Music is his passion, Music is his life. Brian enjoys socialising with friends, jamming with his best mate Neil and above all else……. Listening to METAL! Brian feels an immense amount of pride to be part of his chosen scene and relishes the hate he and his friends receive for being different because metal stands for three things. Rebellion, long hair and freedom Brian's taste for freedom comes across in his style with his entire wardrobe consisting of black skinny jeans, band merch and biker jackets this guys so metal Slipknot wanna see him live! He’s a Dragonforce of nature and you better Bring Him His Horizon because he ain’t reading no Of Mice & Men why don’t you Ask Alexandria who the hell he is because he puts the B into Rock star and his last words will be probably be a power chord ………………. Its Brian ladies and gentlemen.