task 1, factual page layout

Factual Page layout Task 1 Savannah Hardwick

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Post on 14-May-2015




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Page 1: Task 1, factual page layout

Factual Page layout

Task 1Savannah Hardwick

Page 2: Task 1, factual page layout

Instruction Manual The images used on this instruction manual are hand-drawn instead of professional photos. I think they have chosen to use this type of image because it helps to make the overall product more relatable for its audience. The images are very simple which could relate to the instructions, which also seem to be very simple. Each section of text also has a diagram image to go along side it, having each instruction have a pictorial instruction with it as well.

Simple and muted colours used throughout

the product.

Bold, black capital lettering stand out from the coloured background, making the audience notice it more.

Each section of text is separated by an orange band, which helps to keep the entire product flowing.

Page 3: Task 1, factual page layout

Instruction Manual The colours in this instruction manual are very simple and limited, featuring black white and orange, with orange being the main focal colour. Orange is used because it is a bright and bold colour that stands out against both black and white. The orange varies in intensity, some places more dark and some places a lot paler to draw in the audience. The images are also all in orange, which makes the instruction manual consistent throughout. The text is primarily in black against a white background, which helps to make it stand out off of the page more. Important pieces of text such as the title and the main parts of instruction are in bold lettering, which further shows us how important they are on the product, they are sometimes in capital letters as apposed to being in lower case, which solidifies there importance further. The font used ensure that the text is easy to follow and is clear, the boxes around each of the instructions also help to maintain a flow, and the numbering tells the audience which instruction comes when. The text itself is very clear and easy to understand, which Is showing its clarity, and due to it being an instruction manual, as little as possible amount of words are used, to give clear and concise sentences that are easy to follow and accurate. We know that the instructions given must be accurate because if not, then the point of the product is useless, because if they weren’t accurate, then the instructions would not work. There is no room for interpretation of this text, it is very simple and clear what it is, they are instructions which present clear information. The register of this product is formal, it uses more professional language to get across its point, which helps to make the instructions seem more important, words such as ‘do not’ are used instead of ‘don’t’. This product does not break any codes of practice, it is a simple instruction manual, so this means that it also doesn’t have issues with libel or other legal issues.

Page 4: Task 1, factual page layout

Factual Journalism-Newspaper Article

Bold white text in a curved font, draws in the reader.

Well known children TV star in right hand corner, a way for children to be attracted to the newspaper- reaching a varying audience.

The large, capitalized and bold letters stand out and draw you in. The language used itself is very representative of the newspaper that the article is in. The text is very informal and the use of words such as ‘hookers’ and ‘sick’ show that the article is aimed at a specific type of person. This type of text and slang would not be found in newspaper such as the independent, which is showing the audience type for this newspaper, and for this article.

Smaller, less important articles are featured along the left hand side of the front page, showing varying stories for the audience.

Page 5: Task 1, factual page layout

Factual Journalism-Newspaper Article This is a newspaper front cover from the controversial, News Of The World. The main article on the front page is based around an event that was happening at the time. The main featured colour for this product is red, it is used at the very top of the page and is in a very large block, it immediately draws in the audience and captures their attention. The same red is then used throughout the pages in smaller areas, showing the importance of certain aspects of the front page, for example, ‘exclusive’ is in a red box whenever a new article begins on the page, helping to show is importance and showing its exclusivity. The typography of this product changes throughout the different articles, for example the main article in the center of the page in is large bold capital letters, which immediately draws in the audience and having the lettering in white against a black background further signifies the importance of the article, by having the opposing colours. Each of the areas of text are clear and easy to read, and mostly uses short, declarative sentences to keep the article simple and easy to follow. Because of the content of the article, the newspaper will have to ensure that the information given is correct and accurate, having no mistakes that could lead to legal action. Newspaper articles are usually bias towards one side of the story and you can usually tell from the article title which side it is in favor of. Due to the tone of the article, you can see how the writers of the article are biased, they do not agree with what happened. The register of the text on the page varies from formal to informal, using short sentences in a register that seems like the writer is trying to have a conversation with the reader. The article is showing information, but it is also showing evidence of an argument, it shows the reader the issues that are happening, whilst providing the different opinions given, I think that the small snippet of writing given for the main article shows this very well. The text shown on this page does not reference any sources, but I suspect that the article it self will do so. Tis newspaper faces legal constraints, especially because they name the person they are referring to in the article, and also show pictures. They mostly face action for issues of libel, due to them publishing something that could potentially do harm to this person.

Page 6: Task 1, factual page layout

LeafletBright green is a muted and neutral colour, that makes the person looking at it feel calmed and welcome. This is the colour choice for many different charities.

There is a distinct lack of imagery on this leaflet, but on the information page there are details which have been made more interesting by having them in dark green, bolded out circles. This makes the page seem more interesting and draws in the audience even more.

The only capital letters on the leaflet are there because it is the correct grammar, there is no extra bolding of letters or capital letters throughout this leaflet. The text on the page is also written in a very curved and smooth font, nothing to harsh and pointy, which is also representative of the charity itself.

This area has been separated from the rest of the leaflet by having it in a white block of colour, which makes the text stand out even more and shows its importance.

Page 7: Task 1, factual page layout

LeafletThis leaflet for the NSPCC features the main colours known and recognized as being the colours that this charity uses, green and white. Green is used for the entire leaflet, with white being used for the writing and the images on the page. Green and white are both very neutral colours, both are very calming colours that can both be found in charity logos and company logos. The typography choices for this leaflet are very simple but effective, having the writing in white throughout the leaflet, and having the sizes vary with importance, and the title and sub heading are in bold to make them stand out even more. The font choice and the colouring make the text very easy to read and clear, as well as the text being easy to follow. The leaflet uses few words and short sentences to help keep the leaflet flowing and easy to read. The information given on the leaflet will be accurate, we know this because they are talking about themselves, so the information will be as correct as it can be. This leaflet avoids ambiguity by making sure that all information is clear, concise and correct. The register of this leaflet is a mix between formal and informal. I think that have done this because the product needs to appear professional, but it also needs to be relatable to its audience. This leaflet will have certain codes of practice that they have to follow, and I think that this leaflet does that. The image used on the leaflet is there to further represent the charity, it is showing a white shower of a young adult messing about, seeming very happy and content with his actions, whih I also representing what the NSPCC do as a charity.

Page 8: Task 1, factual page layout

How To GuideThe images on this how to guide are very simple but effective, the placement of the images runs through the center of the product which helps to break up the areas of text and to make the product seem more interesting and better to look at. Each image has also has a grey paint-brush stroke like border, which makes them more bold and more of a focus of the guide.

There is very minimal text on the page, and that text has been written in a very informal register, which makes the product seem more relatable and easier to understand. The text is in a dark grey font which stands off of the page but also is easy to read and easy to follow.

Page 9: Task 1, factual page layout

How To GuideThis is a how to guide for making the ‘Perfect Paleo Pancake’. The guide itself is very simple, made up of both images and small pieces of text. The colour choices for the guide are very muted and simplistic, perhaps to insinuate how simple the recipe guide is. The main colour is a grey/silver colour that is used throughout, with the darkness of it changing to show more important aspects of the page. The text is written in two separate shades of grey, one pale and one darker, the darker text is the more important pieces of information, which have been capitalized- the title and the ingredients. The font for the text is very simple and easy to read, it is equally spaced and easy to read against the colour of the background. The images used are the main colours on the page, ranging from yellows and reds, they draw the audience in, getting them to see the transformation from ingredients to the final pancakes. The images are placed in the center of the page, which helps to space out the text and showcase the product more clearly. The text is very clear and it easy to understand, as well as being in short sentences which makes it easier to read and to go along with when using it for its purpose. The information given for this guide is bound to be accurate, as the recipe looks trustworthy an the images present each action that is happening in the guides. Although the guide has not tried t avoid ambiguity, I think that people will see the guide as just that, a guide, and will interpret the instructions as they wish to, even though what has been given is very clear and straight forward. The register of the guide has an informal tone, due to the colours and the layout, but the text itself is formal, using commanding language.