task 1 work sheet 2 (1)

Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice Research of other photographers work (P1, M1, D1) Photographer: Steve Mayes Paste 6 images here include the name & date of image

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Page 1: Task 1 work sheet 2 (1)

Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice

Research of other photographers work (P1, M1, D1)

Photographer: Steve MayesPaste 6 images here include the name & date of image

Page 2: Task 1 work sheet 2 (1)
Page 3: Task 1 work sheet 2 (1)

Theme or focus of images All of the images above are taken of what the photographer sees as attractive buildings in architectural terms. The photographer intends to convey the beauty of the buildings to the audience by taking flattering photos of them. All of the photography is taken. All the photos are taken in a Work space, a living space or learning space e.g. college, schools. Which suggests the photographer is trying to convey the beauty of everyday life. All of the photographs are taken in 2014 as stated on his blog. The photographer also tries to include as much as the image as he can.

Page 4: Task 1 work sheet 2 (1)

CompositionThe photographer tries to include as much as building as possible. By standing further away and zooming out to fit it all in shot he also does it from a diagonal angle so he can get the length of the building in the shot also to show off the architecture of the building. In some of the shots the photographer includes the car park which I think is a bit unnecessary and he could exclude and crop out. Techniques used

Photo 2 looks pretty bright outside so the photographer would have used a reasonably fast shutter speed so the shot wouldn’t get to bright and ruin the shot. Photo 2 and 6 also pay close attention to the rule of thirds and you can see that because where all the lines would crossover there are main focal points for the photograph. This photographer hasn’t really used depth of field because he is showing off such a big are it wouldn’t really be necessary to out focus the background. The darker photos would have had to have the shutter speed open for a little bit longer such as photo 3 and 6.Strengths & WeaknessesI think the strengths of the shots are that he tries to frame the shot so everything is important is in shot and he doesn’t miss anything so i think i will try to replicate this in my work.I think the weaknesses are that when including all of the building he also includes things that aren’t needed such as the car park for the building which I think ruins the shot so when taking my own shots I will make sure everything in frame is needed.