task 6 magazine advert

Task 6 – Magazine Advert - This is my first design for a magazine ad, it is very basic and it was a basic mock up as I was going to edit by using my own photos but I decided it was a good enough idea to continue with the best part I felt was the can and bolt as they were the only things that collaborated together well. My second design I felt looked better and had a better theme to it as I spent a lot more time adding in the key features that were necessary for it to be used as an actual poster such as the barr logo but then having catchy slogans and, for this poster I wanted for them to be a joke as that is what irn-bru tend to do and the picture is quite fitting with the text and that why I choose it, if I was to redo it I would use my own photo that a took to make it, I would also make sure I get the right orange that is the same colour as I wasn’t able to get the right shade of orange but always looks different on a computer screen to print.

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Post on 16-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Task 6 magazine advert

Task 6 – Magazine Advert -

This is my first design for a magazine ad, it is very basic and it was a basic mock up as I was going to edit by using my own photos but I decided it was a good enough idea to continue with the best part I felt was the can and bolt as they were the only things that collaborated together well.

My second design I felt looked better and had a better theme to it as I spent a lot more time adding in the key features that were necessary for it to be used as an actual poster such as the barr logo but then having catchy slogans and, for this poster I wanted for them to be a joke as that is what irn-bru tend to do and the picture is quite fitting with the text and that why I choose it, if I was to redo it I would use my own photo that a took to make it, I would also make sure I get the right orange that is the same colour as I wasn’t able to get the right shade of orange but always looks different on a computer screen to print.

I have stuck to the same theme with the same Idea behind it…it was to have a joke which is why I used a man at his peek of fitness running for ‘gold’ as I have put as the first line but with the help of irn-bru 32! But with ‘(abs sold separately)’ which is the joke part of this advert, I’m still not entirely happy with the font that I have used and the colours don’t look all that great. And so intend to redo the colouring and the fonts to a more professional standard.

Page 2: Task 6 magazine advert

I have changed the colour from the first design of this advert to make the colours more relatable to the actual maker of irn-bru, I have also changed the font to something I feel a lot more fitting and looks a lot more professional than the original.