task a - multimedia product 1.doc

Unit GO50 Task A – Reviewing Existing Multimedia Products In this task I am going to be evaluating two existing multimedia products that I have found online. The first product that I am going to be evaluating is called Cross Talk. Cross Talk is a revision package created by CEA and is particularly aimed at those people who are studying Religious Education. The package is all based on churches, there are five different churches listed and in depth information on each one. The product also has page that shows exam questions that are to do with Religious Education so it can be used by pupils to help them prepare for examinations. This is the screen shot that appears when I first clicked on the Cross Talk app. As we can see this is a 3D image of there logo and the name of the package is clearly stated below. Rachel McCallum Candidate no: 0090 Centre no: 71570

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Unit GO50

Unit GO50

Task A Reviewing Existing Multimedia ProductsIn this task I am going to be evaluating two existing multimedia products that I have found online. The first product that I am going to be evaluating is called Cross Talk. Cross Talk is a revision package created by CEA and is particularly aimed at those people who are studying Religious Education. The package is all based on churches, there are five different churches listed and in depth information on each one. The product also has page that shows exam questions that are to do with Religious Education so it can be used by pupils to help them prepare for examinations.

This is the screen shot that appears when I first clicked on the Cross Talk app. As we can see this is a 3D image of there logo and the name of the package is clearly stated below.

This screen shot shows the home page of the product that I am evaluating which is cross talk.

AnimationsOn this page there is one animation which is the logo place on the right hand side of the website. The logo is large and in 3D but it also spins. I think that this is a good feature as it captures your attention.


The font on this page has been consistent throughout which give the product a professional image. The font has been put into bold in places to make the information stand out but all the text is the same size and the colour of the text which is navy stands out on the white background. I can see that there is bigger and bolder font on this page and this is because the bigger font is headings, this makes the headings stand out from the rest of the text that. The font that has been used is very easy to read as it is neither too small nor too large.

House styleThe house style that has been used on this page is two colours which are blue and white. These colour have been kept consistent throughout the page and make other features such as the colourful navigation bar and the navy font stand out. Quality of Images

The only pages that are on this page are finger nail images that are placed at the very bottom of the page. Therefore I cannot tell if the quality of the images is good or bad as they are too small. Although the images are small by looking at them you can tell that they are linked with the content of the product, they also enhance the image of this page.

Exit/help options

These three buttons are placed on the right bottom corner of the product. The buttons here are Help, Acknowledgements and Exit. To test if they worked I chose one to click on which was the help button.

This is the help page. As we can see this page is exactly the same as the welcome page which shows that they have used consistency in this product. On this page there are a few differences from the home page, the first difference is the written content of the page as this is a help page the aim of this is to help people whereas the welcome page is for introducing the product. The other difference is the buttons. Where there was a Help button there is now a Welcome button. I have highlighted the differences on this page with red. Baptist Church

This is the first church that is listed on the navigation bar. As we can see this page is coloured red which is the colour of this church on the navigation bar. I think this looks very well and gives a professional image, it also shows consistency of colour. I am now going to evaluate two of the sources that are on this Baptist church page. NavigationOn this page there is two sources of navigation, there is the navigation bar along the top that takes you to each page and there is also the menu bar down the side that shows us each feature of each church. I think having two ways of navigating works well as you can easily find what you are looking for. I also think that it looks well as it is consistent throughout the entire product. The Navigation bar is a different colour for all the pages that are listed, once you click on the page the menu bar along the side is then the same colour. I think that this is a very good feature to use as it shows consistency and looks well. The menu bar also has two buttons which are situated side by side at the bottom, these buttons are home and exit this is a good feature to use as the user can then decide if they want to continue on this page or not.

This image shows what I have been talking about. Here you can see that the Baptist church is red on the navigation bar and the menu bar for this page is also red. I have highlighted both of these features in purple to make them visible to see.

This is the first page that I am going to evaluate which is the Virtual Tour page. AnimationOn this page the image that is in the middle moves around the entire room so that you can see all the features of the church. I think that the image moves to quickly and should maybe be slower so that you can look at it properly as you cannot see anything because of the pace. Also on this page that menu bar on the left hand side has four options which are Windsor Baptist Church, Virtual tour, Main Features and Other Features. All four of them are buttons and each button has an image on it that spins depending on what page you are on E.g. if you are on the main features page then the M that is on this button spins. I think this is a good feature to use as it looks well.


The font that has been used on this page is consistent with the rest of the product. As there isnt any text on this page I am looking at the navigation bar and menu bar which are both the same therefore have been kept consistent.

House style The house style of this page is red and white. From what I have seen each page has a different background colour based on what colour they are on the navigation bar. I think this is a very positive feature of the website as it looks professional.

Quality of Images

On this page there is only one image. The image shown is an image of the church, although there is only the one image it rotates around and we can see the entire church from front to back. The image is of very good quality, it is not blurry or discoloured in any way. Below the image there are three options which are Hotspots, Zoom and Rest.

This screen shot shows the three options that are placed below the image. The first one is Hotspots, hotspots is the important parts of the church and you can decide if you would like to turn the hot spots on. I think that this is a good feature to use as it is interacting with the user and letting them decide whether they want them on or off. The zoom button is for getting a closer look at the image, this would be particularly useful for someone who cannot see the best as they may not be able to make out the image but with this feature they would be able to zoom in to see. The reset button is to put the image back to how it was when you entered the page. If you accidentally hit hotspots on and then hit the reset button they would then disappear to make the image the same as when you first saw it. Exit On this page there is an exit button placed below the menu bar. The exit button is red which keeps it consistent with the rest of the menu bar/navigation bar. Beside the exit button there is also a home button which takes you back to the home introduction page that appears when you first click onto the website. The exit button is helpful as it make it easy to leave the package.

This is the next page that I am evaluating which is the main features page.

AnimationsAs I am on the Main Features page the M that is situated on the menu bar spins to show that this is the page that is in use. I think this is a good feature to have on the website because it looks good.


The font on this page has been kept consistent with the rest of the package.

House styleOn this page the house style is still red and white which is consistent with the rest of the package. Although on this page they have used a background image of the church which fades into the white, I think this looks very well on this page and gives the package a professional image.

Quality of images There are six images on this page although they are not full size images they are small fingernail images that have been used to show what each button is. The quality of the images is very good, although they are small they are still visible and the look well how they have been lay out. The other image on this page is a background image, the image is the church that this page is based. I think that this looks very well as a background image and also the way it has been faded in with the white makes it fit in with the original red and white house style.

I am now going to evaluate one of the pages that was situated on the main features. The page that I am going to be evaluating is the Aisles/Pews page.


This is the first section of the Aisles/Pews page. The first thing that I noticed is that this page is split into four sections which are Picture, text, comparison and video. I think that this is a good layout to use as it splits up all of the information so that its not all on the same page.

Quality of imagesThe image on this page is an image of the isles that are in the church. The image is of very good quality and is very easy to see. Also there is an option to change the orientation of the image to landscape or portrait so you can choose which one suits you better. House style As we can see the house style has been kept consistent throughout this product. The colours that have been used here are red and white just like the previous pages this shows that the page is consistent in the house style that is being used.


Fonts This page is called text therefore it will be the font that I need to evaluate. The font that has been used here is the same as what was used on previous pages such as the homepage, therefore the font has been consistent throughout. As we can see features such as listing and bold have been used this make the font stand out and spaces it out so that it is not all huddled together.


This page is called comparison and it is made up of comparison images of all of the Aisles/Pews that are on the website.

Quality of images The images that have been used on this page are of good quality, they are visible and easy to see which is good as this is a comparison page therefore you want to be able to see the images clearly to compare them.

House StyleThe house style on this product has been consistent throughout which I think gives off a very professional image. Video

This page shows a video of a man sharing a story with the rest of the church.


The sound in this video was of very good quality! There wasnt any interruptions such as crackling noises or anything it was all very easily heard. I think that anyone wanting to watch this video would be happy with the quality of sound as it is very good.

VideoOverall the quality of this video is very good. From what you can see in the screen shot you can see that the image was of good quality, there wasnt any blurriness or anything that would disturb the video. The length of the video was just right, it wasnt too long nor too short which works well as when it is too long you tend to get bored of watching it.

This screen shot shows the next page that I am going to be evaluating which is the Other Features page.

AnimationsAs I am now on the Other Features page the O on the menu bar is spinning to show that this is the page that is in use. I think that this is a good feature to include because it looks well on the product and it also captures your attention. NavigationThe navigation on this product has remained consistent throughout, the navigation bar and the menu bar have not changed and they still have all the same features on them that they did when I first evaluated.

House Style Just as before the house style has remained consistent using the red and white colours although there is also a background image of the church that is faded into the white. This is consistent with the main features page as it also had a background image of the church. I think that using an image as the background can be too much but because it is faded into the white background I think it looks very well and gives a professional image.

Quality of imagesThe images that are on this page are finger nail images that list the other features. The images are small but are still visibly seen, also I think that using an image as a button is a good idea as it shows the user what it is that they are clicking into.

I am now going to evaluate one of the pages that was on the other features page.

The page that I am going to evaluate is the Collection Bags page.


Quality of imagesOn this page there is only one image. The image that is shown is a collection bag that gets passed around in the church to give donations. This image is very clear and easily seen, there isnt anything that makes this image difficult to see such as blurriness. The quality of this image is good. House Style The house style on this page has remained consistent throughout. This gives the product a professional image.


FontAs this page is called text I will be evaluating the font that has been used. As you can see there is very little text on this page but from what we can see the font has been kept consistent throughout this product. Again there has been bold used to make the heading stand out. The size used is appropriate as it isnt too small nor too big which makes it look good. The colour of font that has been used is black which makes it stand out on a white background. Video

Sound The quality of sound in this video is very good. There were no disturbances throughout the video and it was easily heard therefore I think that this is a positive feature to the website. VideoThis is a video that shows a man walking around with the collection bag to show how it is that they pass it around everyone. From this screenshot you can see that the quality of the video is very good. There wasnt any disturbances through the video it was all clearly seen. The length of this video was appropriate because it wasnt too long or too short.

Exam Questions and Answers

This page is for revision purposes for pupils who are doing Religious Education. This page gives exam questions and answers so that you can test yourself on what you have learnt throughout from the product. Fonts The font that has been used on this page is the same as the font that has been used on the rest of the product. The font has been kept consistent throughout the product which gives a professional image to the entire product.

NavigationAs I am now on the Exam Question and Answers page this is yellow on the navigation bar so the menu down the side is also yellow. I think this is a very positive feature of the website as it enhances the image and makes it look very professional. Rachel McCallum Candidate no: 0090 Centre no: 71570