taxpayer manual - national board of revenue · government of the people’s republic of bangladesh...


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Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

National Board of Revenue

Segunbagicha, Dhaka








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1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 3

1.1. Definition of Terminologies Used ............................................................................. 3

2. INSTRUCTION FOR SUBMISSION OF WITHHOLDING RETURN .................................... 4

2.1 Login TPOS .............................................................................................................. 4

2.2 Save Draft Tax Return form ..................................................................................... 6

(a) Inf: Interface ................................................................................................ 9

(b) Main Return ................................................................................................. 13

2.3 Process Draft Tax Return form ................................................................................ 17

2.4 Submit return ............................................................................................................ 20

2.5 View and print confirmation ...................................................................................... 21

2.6 View filing history...................................................................................................... 23

2.7 Print return ................................................................................................................ 25

2.8 View/Print Certificate ................................................................................................ 25

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1.1. Definition of Terminologies Used

Terminologies Used Description

TIN Taxpayer’s Identification Number

UTIN Unified Taxpayer’s Identification Number

TCAN Tax Collectable Amount Number

BP Business Partner

FBN Form Bundle Number

CA Contract Account

CO Contract Object

FBT Form Bundle Type

CoCode Company Code

Ast year Assessment Year

NBR National Board of Revenue

CT Commissioner of Tax

DCT Deputy Commissioner of Tax

VAT Value Added Tax

TPOS Taxpayer Online Service

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2.1 Login TPOS

This section allows Taxpayer to log in TPOS system by inputting his username and password.

Step 1: Taxpayer accesses the address

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Step 2: Taxpayer opens Online Filing Tab to see overview of this Tab and clicks “Click here” to

go to TPOS screen.

Step 3: Taxpayer inputs username and password

Taxpayer inputs username and password, which is registered before.

Example: User: 325886932997

Password: 123456a@

Then, Taxpayer inputs captcha code, which is displayed on the screen in the “Enter the code

above” box.

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Finally, click Log in button or press Enter

For more security, at the first time login, Taxpayer has to change password, which is generated

by the system.

Change password:

After clicking “Login”, the system will require taxpayer to change password as screenshot below.

Taxpayer inputs required information:

Old password: Input password which was said in Taxpayer’s Online Account Certificate

New Password: Input new password, which satisfies 3 conditions below:

Different from old password

Between 8 and 20 characters

Has at least one character, one number and one special character (!, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *)

Confirm Password: Input new password again

Then, Taxpayer clicks “Change” to change password.

2.2 Save Draft Tax Return form

This section shows Taxpayer how to file a tax return and save it as a draft into TPOS system

without submitting it to Tax officer.

Step 1: Choose a tax return

There are two ways for Taxpayer to choose a tax return:

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Option 1: As soon as Taxpayer logs in TPOS system, a list containing all tax filing obligations of

Taxpayer is displayed in “Task Overview” tab.

Taxpayer chooses a tax return to process by clicking on “Filing” as description on the screen


Option 2: User chooses “Filing” tab then click “File a new tax return”.

After that, user inputs Tax Type, Tax Form and Period as description below:

- Tax Type: Taxpayer chooses “Withholding form”

- Tax Form: The information is displayed automatically by the system based on selected tax


- Period: Taxpayer chooses Deduction/collection Period of return.

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Finally, Taxpayer chooses Next button, then system displays all forms of a tax return

including detail of return and statements.

Step 2: Input data on tax return

Taxpayer clicks on the form they needs to input data.

Any Taxpayer may need to fill one main form as follows:

1. Inf: Interface

After inputting Inf: Interface, Main return will be automatically filled up

2. Main Return

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(a) Inf: Interface

This interface includes information about basic information of Taxpayer, particulars of tax

deducted and collected and verification. Taxpayer is required to input information about contact

person and verification.

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Name Description

[01] Name of the Company Display name of Company.

[02] TIN/UTIN Display TIN/UTIN number of Taxpayer.

[03] TCAN Allow Taxpayer to input TCAN number of Taxpayer.

[04a] Circle Display automatically only name of Circle

[04b] Taxes Zone Display automatically Taxes Zone.

[05]Deduction/Collection Display automatically the deduction/collection period of

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Name Description

Period company.

[06a] Address Display automatically the address of company.

[06b] Phone Display automatically phone of company.

[06c] Fax No. Display automatically fax no. of company.

[06d] E-mail Display automatically email address of company.

[06e] Web address Allow Taxpayer to input web address of company.

[07] Contact person

[07a] Name Allow Taxpayer to input name of contact person.

Note: This is mandatory field.

[07b] Designation Allow Taxpayer to input designation of contact person.

Note: This is mandatory field.

[07c] Phone Allow Taxpayer to input phone number of contact person.

Note: This is mandatory field.

[07d] Mobile Allow Taxpayer to input mobile number of contact person.

Note: This is mandatory field.

[07e] E-mail Allow Taxpayer to input e-mail address of contact person.

Note: This is mandatory field.

[08] Particulars of tax deducted or collected:

No. Display order of type of payment.

Heads of expenses/Sources

of deduction

Allow Taxpayer to choose value in list of income heads in

respect of which Tax payable shall be deducted or collected at


Expenses claimed amount


Allow Taxpayer to input the amount.

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Name Description

Section System automatically shows the section.

Withholding tax authority Allow Taxpayer to input the name of withholding tax authority.

Date of payment Allow Taxpayer to input the date of payment.

Name of Bank Allow Taxpayer to choose a value from list.

Name of Branch Allow Taxpayer to choose a value from list.

Challan no. Allow Taxpayer to input challan number.

Amount on which tax


Allow Taxpayer to input the amount.

Rate Allow Taxpayer to input the rate.

Tax deducted at sources


Allow Taxpayer to input the amount.


I…… Allow Taxpayer to input the name of person who submits this


Note: This is mandatory field

Designation Allow Taxpayer to input designation of person who submits this


Note: This is mandatory field

Place Allow Taxpayer to input the location from which the return is


Date Allow Taxpayer to input the date when the return is submitted.

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After inputting all information Taxpayer clicks Check and Calculate button for

automatic calculation and error checking of Withholding return.

In this step, Taxpayer clicks save draft button to save tax return as a draft. Taxpayer

can save draft of Withholding return without processing all forms of a Withholding tax return.

(b) Main Return

This form contains the basic information of Taxpayer, particulars of tax deducted and collected

and verification. All information in this form is automatically extracted from interface. However,

Taxpayer still has to open it and then click "Apply and Close" button.

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2.3 Process Draft Tax Return form

This section allows Taxpayer to search tax return which was saved as draft to continue


Step 1: Search for draft tax return

There are two ways for Taxpayer to find out a draft return:

Option 1: Open “Task Overview” tab and click draft return which need processing.

Option 2: In “Filing” tab, choose “Process draft tax return”. Next, input selection criteria on the

screen to find out draft return:

Tax type: Taxpayer chooses type of return

Tax Form: This information is displayed automatically based on tax type.

Date Taxpayer inputs the time period in which Taxpayer saved the return as


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Finally, click “Search” button to start searching. System will display all forms of return.

Or Taxpayer can search by inputting submission ID as on the screen below and click Find

button. Then, system displays result in “Draft tax return” table. To open return, click Next


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Step 2: Process a draft tax return

This step allows Taxpayer to choose draft tax return in order to continue processing.

After Taxpayer presses Next button, system displays main return and interfaces of return

as on the screen below. Choose main return or an interface and press Open to input data

in it.

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2.4 Submit return

This section guides Taxpayer how to submit a tax return after processing all forms included in

that return.

Step 1: Check status of forms

In order to submit a tax return, Taxpayer has to process all forms of that tax return. If any form is

still not processed, Taxpayer has to open the form and click “Apply and close”

Step 2: Add attached document (if any)

This step allows user to attach supporting documents with a tax return (if any). User can choose

to attach document before or after processing forms of return. In order to upload file, user follows

these steps below:

- User chooses Add button, then system displays screen as follow:

Click button to choose file from Taxpayer’s computer (Note: The maximum

upload file size is 2 MB each time and Taxpayer can choose various types of file such as

word, excel, pdf, xml...)

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Enter name of file in title

Choose Upload button to upload supporting document with return

Step 3: Submit a tax return

Click Submit button to submit a tax return. As soon as Taxpayer submits a tax return

successfully, system displays confirmation as below:

2.5 View and print confirmation

This function allows Taxpayer to print confirmation, which is displayed automatically by system

after user submits a tax return successfully.

To print this confirmation, user follows these steps below:

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Step 1: Choose Print Confirmation button

After Taxpayer chooses Print Confirmation , system displays the following screen

for Taxpayer to preview confirmation before printing:

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Step 2: Choose Print button

After user chooses Print button, system displays the following screen, which allows user to

choose appropriate printing machine, number of copies and pages to print:

Step 3: Choose Print button to print confirmation.

2.6 View filing history

This section allows Taxpayer to find out a tax return submitted successfully in system.

In tab “Filing”, user chooses “Filing History”.

To view history of submission, user may choose one of the following options:

Option 1: Search by Tax type, Tax Form and Date from…to…

- Input information as below:

Tax type: Taxpayer chooses type of return

Tax form: This information is displayed automatically based on tax type.

Date Taxpayer inputs the time period in which Taxpayer submitted the return

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- Click Search button to find out the expected return.

Option 2: Search by submission ID

Input submission ID got from confirmation after the return is submitted.

Choose Find button. The system will display tax return in table below.

Click Open button to view return.

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2.7 Print return

This section allows Taxpayer to print forms of a tax return. Taxpayer can print out return before

or after submitting it.

Step 1: Open form

Taxpayer opens form which needs to be printed.

Step 2: Print form

Taxpayer clicks to choose the form that needs to be printed and then presses Print or

to print out the form.

2.8 View/Print Certificate

Withholding return has no Certificate.