tc9 faq teamcenter licensing policy v1.5

Teamcenter 2012 New Licensing Policy Top FAQs Version 1.4 August 20, 2012

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Teamcenter Licensing Policy for Teamcenter 9.1 and beyond

Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions2012 Teamcenter License Policy

Teamcenter2012 New Licensing PolicyTop FAQsVersion 1.4August 20, 2012

ContentsTop Frequently Asked Questions3Summary3What licenses are available under the new policy?3Who to target with the new policy?3How are licenses configured?4New foundation seat: Occasional Author5Is the Occasional Author denied service if the time constraints are exceeded?7How is license conversion from existing license policy determined?7Can a customer trade in licenses they own for one application and acquire licenses for another application?7What other licenses are affected?8Can existing licenses/policies be mixed?8How will enforcement be accomplished?9What Application User license capability is available to Foundation Teamcenter Consumer users?9Are Application User licenses named users, i.e., one Application User license is tied to one named user and cant float as one license for all named authors in the system?12What about existing products?12When is a Change User license required and what can a Teamcenter Consumer do without a Change User license?12What capabilities are available to Teamcenter Author, Occasional Author and Consumer licenses?12Where to get help?12

Top Frequently Asked QuestionsSummaryWith the launch and release of Teamcenter 9.1 a new licensing policy has been established to address the voice of the customer and Global Sales and Services regarding the existing licensing of Teamcenter products. This policy replaces the Application Author/Access Licenses for most applications with a simpler single price point Application User license and introduces auditing of license usage to confirm compliance. The purpose of the new policy is to allow simpler configuration of software licenses, enable customers to incrementally add new capabilities for smaller portions of their user population, provide occasional author capability to users that require author functionality on a less than full time basis to reduce licensing costs, and enable licensing compliance.What licenses are available under the new policy? The policy removes the Application Author/Access licenses and replaces them with single Application User licenses. It also introduces the Occasional Author license. There are five types of licenses:

Foundation User Teamcenter Author (no change) Teamcenter Consumer (no change) Teamcenter Occasional Author (new)Application User (new) Optional modules previously sold as Application Author + Application Access now are sold as Application UserApplication User Extension (new) Some Applications provide a two tiered license where the base Application User license is extended with additional capabilities if necessary.Site and Server Site and server licenses remain unchanged

Note: New Teamcenter license levels are not mentioned by name in the Teamcenter Documentation. Nor does the documentation provide details about the specific functionalities provided by the different license levels. Customers will learn about their individual license types from their license agreement.

Who to target with the new policy?This new policy is effective only for Teamcenter 9.1 and beyond deployments. Do not sell Application User or Occasional Author licenses to a customer running an older version they will not work.

Because new customer quotes would deploy Teamcenter 9.1 or later, the new license policy must be used with all new Teamcenter customer software quotes.

The Application Author/Access model is not being discontinued for existing customers. Adding Application Author/Access licenses to their existing configuration as needed remains the recommended way to extend their environment. There is no need to convert an owned application to the new model to use the latest version.

Do not sell Application User licenses for use in an installation where the same application already is configured with Application Author/Access licenses. All licenses for a single application must be one model or the other and must not be mixed.

New applications must be purchased using the Application User model. The existing application with the old model may coexist in the same installation with no problem. For example, the new TC010231 Change Management User and the old TC10231 Change Management/TC10232 Change Management Access will not be allowed on the same installation. A customer with TC10231/TC10232 Change Management licenses can add TC030701 Product Configurator User under the new policy and use both applications on the same installation.

It is at the discretion of the individual account team to determine if the Application User model should be introduced to replace any specific application already owned by a customer. Though as stated, the customer must be deploying Teamcenter 9.1 or later to qualify.

For existing customers looking to transition legacy configurations (such as Teamcenter Enterprise, Teamcenter Engineering, Teamcenter Express, or Teamcenter with old license policy) to new Teamcenter deployments version 9.1 or beyond, please work with the GSS Teamcenter Transition Office to understand options for converting licenses or acquiring new licenses of new products as part of the transition plan.

How are licenses configured?Teamcenter software configuration requires each named user to have one of three Foundation license types: TC10101 Teamcenter Author TC10102 Teamcenter Consumer or TC10103 Teamcenter Occasional Author

To each of these foundation licenses appropriate Application User named-user licenses or Application User extension licenses may be added based on user need and prerequisites. Each foundation license requires the appropriate database license as well. Licenses provide the following capabilities to users:

Teamcenter Author Full author capabilities to core Teamcenter business objects and functionality. Teamcenter Consumer Provides a subset of Teamcenter capabilities targeted for consumer users to Query, View, Print core Teamcenter business objects and published data and functionality. Consumers may also subscribe to product data and create folders, saved queries, notes, create problem reports and related product data, markup documents and drawings, and create and execute reports. (Note: a Reporting and Analytics Application User license is required to use Reporting and Analytics capabilities. )A Consumer combined with an Application User license allows access to Application specific data and non-authoring functionality as documented below in What Application User license capability is available to Foundation Teamcenter Consumer users? Teamcenter Occasional Author Provides full author capabilities to core Teamcenter business objects and functionality on a reduced total time of20 hours per month and 5 days per month. Application User Provides access to application specific objects and functionality (e.g., Change Management, Reporting & Analytics, etc.) Application User Extensions Extends additional functionality to a specific Application User licenses.

Please review all product prerequisites in the price book.

New foundation seat: Occasional AuthorTeamcenter Occasional Author licenses permit the user full access to authoring capabilities of core Teamcenter and of the Applications licensed for up to 5 days AND 20 hours per month. When the user exceeds both criteria they are locked out of Teamcenter until the new month starts. See the example below.

Teamcenter Occasional Author seats should only be positioned for users whose role is not dependent on access Teamcenter. The usage time limits are simply to constrain its applicability to this role. Access is technically enforced. Do not take a chance overselling this seat to key users based solely on their expected login times. When the customers users are locked out from Teamcenter access and deadlines are looming you will be the first one they call!

Also, this is not an appropriate seat for Consumers who need to occasionally author data but are otherwise full time users. When the time limits are exceeded, the Occasional Author is not permitted to continue using Teamcenter in any fashion. Authoring Teamcenter data is a valuable capability even when performed on a limited basis. This value is cornerstone of Teamcenter revenue it must be defended.

Teamcenter Occasional Author seats may only be purchased with additional Author and/or Consumer seats on the same sales order. The maximum number to be purchased shall not exceed 20% of the total number of Foundation seats (Author, Consumer, and Occasional Author) on that same order.

Occasional Author seats may only be acquired by conversion when qualifying Teamcenter Engineering Concurrent Author seats are part of the transition. Contact the GSS Teamcenter Transition Office for details. Occasional Author seats are not available for conversation of Teamcenter Enterprise Author to Teamcenter (unified architecture).

The pricing, order policy, and time limits on Teamcenter Occasional Author licenses were set after detailed analysis of existing accounts, sales orders, and license usage. We are the only vendor to offer a full function author license for the occasional user at a reduced cost per seat and we do not restrict the ratio of author to consumer like many other vendors. The Teamcenter Occasional Author is meant to reduce the discounting of the standard Teamcenter Author license that was required in the past to meet the requirement for users that do not depend on Teamcenter on a daily basis to accomplish their job but do need a limited amount of authoring capability during the month to support business processes.

The Price Book and Quote descriptions will clearly state these restrictions.

Examples of Compliant Occasional Author Usage:1. Occasional Author who logs in for a short time several days a month: Date Usage HoursDays

October 4 15 minutes looking up product requirements 11

October 5 30 minute product review meeting 11

October 6 10 minute dashboard check 11

October 7 1 hour respond to change request 11

October 11 30 minute product review meeting 11

October 12 2 hours reviewing product details 21

October 13 15 minutes responding to workflow item 11

October 25 2 hour product review meeting 21

October 26 20 minute dashboard check 11


Compliant! Although over the allotted 5 days, the user is under 20 hours.

2. Occasional Author who logs in a few days per month for a long period: Date Usage HoursDays

October 4 6 hour program update 6.01

October 43 hour Review Meeting1.5(7.5 max per day)0 (Oct. 4 already counted)

October 5 6 hour program update and forgot to log out 7.51

October 12 8 hour program update 7.51

October 25 8 hour product review meeting 7.51


Compliant! Although over the allotted 20 hours, the user is under 5 days.

Once the Occasional Author exceeds both time restrictions the user is no longer allowed to access Teamcenter. This removal of access is technically enforced. Additional explanation of the above material can be found in the following presentation posted on Salescenter:

Is the Occasional Author denied service if the time constraints are exceeded?Yes. If the Occasional Author user exceeds the 5 days AND the 20 hours within a monthly time period, the user is denied access to Teamcenter. The user will have access reinstated on the first day of the next month or may be reassigned by the administrator to a full Teamcenter Author license if one is available.How is license conversion from existing license policy determined?When existing customers desire to convert their existing licenses, the policy for license conversion is NOT based on a one for one license. Conversion is based upon maintaining the same ME&S after conversion as for the currently owned software. The amount of ME&S they currently pay must equal the amount of ME&S they will pay for their newly granted licenses. This conversion may provide fewer or more licenses of the specific kind being converted. P-PMO-6 Global Pricing Policy on Upgrades & Trade-ins governs this conversion.

There is no case where an existing Teamcenter unified architecture customer MUST convert to the new license policy to use Teamcenter 9.1. This is at the customers discretion and must follow the conversion rules. The GSS Teamcenter Transition Office will help with specific conversion details.

Can a customer trade in licenses they own for one application and acquire licenses for another application? License conversion will allow the customer to convert an existing Application license type for another existing Application license type but not for a new Application license type not already owned. For example a customer owning Change Management and Schedule Manager may convert licenses (based on ME&S value) for Change Management and Schedule Manager Licenses and adjust the ratio of licenses trading some Change Management licenses for more Schedule Manager licenses. Customers may not convert to an Application User type that they do not currently own such as MRO Service Data Management.

The Transition Office will help with specific conversion details.

What other licenses are affected?Certain solutions have not been updated yet because of third party content: Environmental Compliance, Portfolio Management, Supplier Relationship Management, and Product Master Management.

With this policy Teamcenter Industry Vertical Solution seats (e.g. Aerospace & Defense) must not be configured with Teamcenter Core, Teamcenter Express or Customer Specific Bundle foundation licenses. To clarify customer sites will be required to utilize Teamcenter Industry Vertical Solutions (bundles) for all users within the installation and not purchase some industry vertical solution licenses and combine with separate Teamcenter Foundation licenses. This policy will ensure compliance with proper usage of product modules within the industry vertical solutions.

In addition, the mixing of Industry Vertical Solution Seats is only permitted for the SH&F and Grocery Solutions. The pricing model is compatible and SH&F and Grocery licenses are permitted to be sold to the same configuration (installations and connected installations).

Please review all product prerequisites in the price book.

Can existing licenses/policies be mixed?Not for the same application on the same install. A customer who owns Author/Access licenses of a specific application must not be allowed to purchase Application User licenses of that same application and mix them on the same installation.

Example: A customer who owns Change Management Author/Access may not be interested in changing existing licenses to the Application User model but they do want to buy additional Change Management with the Application User model. This is not permitted.

However, different applications on the same installation may have both the legacy and proposed license models. Example: A customer who owns Change Author/Access may not be interested in changing that to the Application User model but they do want to buy Context Management with the Application User model. This is permitted. If a customer is deploying the two license policies (pre-Teamcenter 9.1 and Teamcenter 9.1) they will need to upgrade to Teamcenter 9.1 and they may run their Author/Access licenses and Application User licenses within the same deployment provided they are for different applications as stated above. You cannot run Application User licenses on a Teamcenter deployment prior to Teamcenter 9.1

This will make it easier for the sales teams to introduce new products to the customer without complete conversion of existing licenses.

How will enforcement be accomplished?Teamcenter records usage of Teamcenter and its applications, both in the FlexNet log files and in the Teamcenter database. The logs cover the Foundation licenses of Author, Consumer, and Occasional Author as well as Application User licenses.

Teamcenter leverages the logged usage to enforce that an Occasional Author does not exceed the 20 hours and 5 days of usage per month. There is a report offered in Teamcenter to extract the usage by each user of foundation and application licenses.

When the limit is approached an email will be sent to the Sys Admin as well as the user notifying of the approaching limit. When exceeded, the user is no longer allowed to log in to Teamcenter. The Occasional Author user must wait until the new period (month) begins or be converted to a full Author foundation license to gain access to Teamcenter.

The FlexNet log provides information about users granted licenses as well as those denied licenses. For the FlexNet log Teamcenter provides a tool for extracting data for reporting Occasional Author overages and other feature errors.

To avoid attribution to specific named users as prohibited in certain countries, there is an option to obfuscate the users identity.

What Application User license capability is available to Foundation Teamcenter Consumer users?Teamcenter Consumers will have limited access to Application User license capabilities. Each application capability for the consumer varies by the application. These are outlined below.

TC010201 Content Management User Teamcenter Consumer without an Application User license may: View / read / markup of XML/SGML topics and publications does not require a Content Management license. View / read / markup of S1000D XML/SGML topics and publications does not require a Content Management license.

TC010231 Change ManagementTeamcenter Consumer without an Application User license may: View / read a PR, ECR or ECN Create, modify or save a PR

TC030101 Requirements UserTeamcenter Consumer without an Application User license may: View requirements objects Export Requirements specification Linking requirements objects to elements meeting those requirements

TC030301 Schedule Manager UserTeamcenter Consumer without an Application User license may: View a schedule View a schedule task View a program view

TC030401 Classification UserTeamcenter Consumer without an Application User license may: View or search classification hierarchy (includes finding classified objects and viewing associated attribute values)

TC030501 Context Management UserTeamcenter Consumer without an Application User license may: View saved context Retrieving data associated with an existing context including the ability to rerun the recipe to update the context with up-to-date data

TC030701 Product Configuration UserTeamcenter Consumer without an Application User license may: Viewing and selecting available Options and Option Values for a given structure Apply a set of option selections to obtain a filtered generic product structure Viewing a product architecture and its associated solutions Exercise Variant Expressions (rules which determine allowable Option combinations, rules which derive Option Values based on the value of another selected option, and conditions which control the content of the configured variant structure) Create Saved Variant Rule which is a valid set of Option Values for a particular Variant

TC030711 Multi-Structure Management UserTeamcenter Consumer without an Application User license may: Loading/viewing Collaboration Contexts / Structure Contexts Viewing multiple structures simultaneously Apply Configuration Rules (Revision Rules / Closure Rules) to configure these structures Perform accountability and alignment checks on two structures

TC031101 Embedded Software Management UserTeamcenter Consumer without an Application User license may: Viewing and reporting on E/E BOM and software/hardware dependencies and compatibility with other product parts in change management analysis process

TC032031 As-Built Management UserTeamcenter Consumer without an Application User license may: No access to As-Built data TC033401 Medical Devices UserUse Cases Requiring a Medical Devices User License: Any interaction with Medical Device data requires a User license

Brand Management UserUse Cases Requiring a Brand Management User License: Any interaction with Brand Management data requires a User license

TC033601 Apparel UserTC33601 Apparel Author and TC33602 Apparel Access are only available on the Teamcenter Enterprise deployment option today. It will not be offered with the proposed model which is for unified architecture only. It is superseded with the new SH&F Solution.

TC033701 Packaging and Artwork UserUse Cases Requiring a Packaging and Artwork User License: Any interaction with Packaging and Artwork data requires a User license

TC033801 Specification UserUse Cases Requiring a Specification User License: Any interaction with Specification data requires a User license

TC10315 Teamcenter Gateway for SAPTC10103 Occasional Author will be added as a prerequisite. TC10103 will also be required in the seat count to determine TC10315 quantities.

TC10316 Teamcenter Gateway for Oracle EBSTC10103 Occasional Author will be added as a prerequisite. TC10103 will also be required in the seat count to determine TC10316 quantities.Are Application User licenses named users, i.e., one Application User license is tied to one named user and cant float as one license for all named authors in the system?Most Teamcenter applications have been sold only with the Named User license type for many years and the new model does not change that. The new license usage report tool will enable customers to ensure self-compliance with the Named User entitlement and provide for accurate data if a customer audit is performed. As with Teamcenter foundation licenses, the Named User application license may be renamed once per calendar month. While the administrator is not required to specifically name the user today, this legal term of use is still enforceable. Technical license control of most Named User Applications today limits concurrent sessions to the number of licenses purchased this too does not invalidate the named entitlement restriction.

What about existing products?Existing Author/Access licenses will be set to P2 status in SAP and the price book. This will allow for additional license sales to expand currently owned applications for an existing customer. If there is a specific need to purchase these products for a new customer GSS must seek approval before quoting any opportunity.When is a Change User license required and what can a Teamcenter Consumer do without a Change User license?A Teamcenter Change User license is required to create, modify, or save an ECR or ECN and add or remove information (documents, etc.) from an existing ECR or ECN, in other words to create or modify change objects a Change User license is needed. A Change User license is not required to view change objects (ECR, ECN, etc.) A Teamcenter Consumer license is all that is required to sign-off, view or print change objects.

What capabilities are available to Teamcenter Author, Occasional Author and Consumer licenses?Because Teamcenter has many modules and capabilities within those modules a spreadsheet has been developed to help you understand which foundation license is required to utilize what capability. The link below provides access to the spreadsheet with explanation of how to read it. to get help?

Help can be requested based on need for your sales strategy with a specific account. Within the zones please contact the individuals below:

Matt Greene, Americas Eduard Marfa, EMEA Thorsten Elsen, Germany Ji Zheng Zhao, AP Quinn Lawrence, PMO HQ

The Transition office can help with configuration of software Mike Scott, GSS Phil Shirley, GSS Gary Urbanec, Americas Zone Paolo Zotti, EMEA Zone Jams Gowrishankar, AP ZoneCopyright 2011, Siemens PLM Software, Inc.Teamcenter 9Page 10Confidential For Internal and Reseller use only. Not to be distributed to customers.License ArchitecturePriceLicense CountServer/SiteAuthorConsumerOccasional AuthorLifecycle Visualization3 Named User Seat TypesAuthor Occasional AuthorFull function with time limited accessConsumerApplication UserSingle priced license for use by all foundation seatsRequired to:Author application specific dataParticipate in application specific workflowsView all application dataServer/Site licensing, Integrations and Lifecycle Visualization do not change from the current modelApplication User

Functional Extensions3rd Party ApplicationsIntegrations 2010. INTERNAL USE ONLY.Siemens PLM Software1