teaching architectural design concepts -...

187 B U I L D I N G A C O M P U T E R A I D F O R Teaching Architectural Design Concepts by OSMAN A TAMAN College of Architecture Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia A B S T R A C T Building an aid for teaching architectural design concepts is the process of elaborating topics, defining problems and suggesting to the students strategies for solving those prob- lems. I believe students in Environment and Behavior (E&B) courses at Georgia Tech can benefit greatly from a computer based educational tool designed to provide them with experiences they currently do not possess. In particular, little time in the course (outside lectures) is devoted to applying concepts taught in the course to the studio projects. The tool I am proposing provides students with an opportunity to critique architectural envi- ronments (both simple examples and previous projects) using a single concept, “affor- dances”. This paper describes my current progress toward realizing the goal of designing a tool that will help the students to understand particular concepts and to integrate them into their designs. It is my claim that an integrative and interactive approach - creating a learning environment and making both the students and the environment mutually sup- portive- is fundamentally more powerful than traditional educational methods.

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Teaching Architectural Design Concepts



College of Architecture

Georgia Institute of Technology,

Atlanta, Georgia


Building an aid for teaching architectural design concepts is the process of elaborating

topics, defining problems and suggesting to the students strategies for solving those prob-

lems. I believe students in Environment and Behavior (E&B) courses at Georgia Tech can

benefit greatly from a computer based educational tool designed to provide them with

experiences they currently do not possess. In particular, little time in the course (outside

lectures) is devoted to applying concepts taught in the course to the studio projects. The

tool I am proposing provides students with an opportunity to critique architectural envi-

ronments (both simple examples and previous projects) using a single concept, “affor-

dances”. This paper describes my current progress toward realizing the goal of designing

a tool that will help the students to understand particular concepts and to integrate them

into their designs. It is my claim that an integrative and interactive approach - creating a

learning environment and making both the students and the environment mutually sup-

portive- is fundamentally more powerful than traditional educational methods.

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Architectural education requires that students understand concepts from a variety of

domains and utilize them in design. However, students sometimes do not learn these con-

cepts in a way that allows them to transfer and apply those concepts to architectural

design. For instance, educators dealing with E&B issues have long been concerned with

the “applicability gap.”1 Although there are many potential reasons for this failure, one

interpretation is that design studio education and E&B courses employ different peda-

gogical approaches. In studio, students structure their own problems and responses and

apply concepts in the context of actual design problems. Studio critics supply a rich mix-

ture of principles, concepts and rules of thumb [Schon D. A., 1987] . This approach has

been termed “constructivist” [Driver R. and Oldham V., 1986; Schon D. A., 1983; Schon

D. A., 1987]. By contrast, many E&B courses rely on what have been termed “instruc-

tionist” [Novak J. D. and Gowin D. B., 1984; Papert S., 1991] approaches that focus on

transmitting more general facts and principles, and use traditional methods of instruction

that rely on linear media, such as textbooks and lectures that support these goals.

Linearity of media is not a problem when the subject matter being taught is well struc-

tured, straightforward and fairly simple. However, as content increases in complexity,

information can be difficult to convey with linear approaches. The advent of computer

technologies enable new forms of nonlinear and multidimensional learning and instruc-

tion that are better suited to conveying complex E&B concepts in a way that they can

be applied to design.

Educational computing in architecture and the research that accompanies it are not real-

ly new. However, most programs developed focus on instruction in Computer Aided

Drafting and Design. While this represents a valuable and important application of com-

puters in design curricula, it should not be the only use of computers for design educa-

tion. Computing may also be used as a trigger, stimulant and opportunity for conceptual

development in architectural education.

This paper discusses some problems with learning concepts in architectural education that

can be transferred to design and particularly learning E&B concepts. It frames these prob-

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lems in terms of the current debate in educational research between constructivist and

instructionist approaches. Although this paper is primarily concerned with the application

of theoretical issues of concept learning in architecture, these issues will be demonstrated

within a specific context by utilizing a specific concept: the concept of “affordances” with-

in the field of E&B. Finally, I propose a computer program that may suggest some solu-

tions to the theoretical as well as practical issues that will be discussed in this paper.


A rc h i t e c t u re is defined as designing environments for people [Altman I., 1975;

Broadbent G., et al., 1980; Duerk D, 1993; Johnson P., 1994; Kaplan S. and Kaplan R.,

1978; Lang J., 1987; Lang J., et al., 1974; Perez-Gomez A., 1983; Rapoport A., 1982;

Rowe P. G., 1991; Sommer R., 1983; Zeisel J, 1981] . The architectural environment in

this context can be considered to consist of interrelated geographic, built, social, and cul-

tural components that affect certain behaviors in consistent ways. Fundamental concepts

of E&B are based on the assumption that people and their behaviors are part of a whole

system that includes space and environment, such that behavior and environment cannot

be empirically separated. According to E&B theory, human behavior cannot be evaluat-

ed without considering the environmental influence [Duerk D, 1993; Lang J., 1987] .

Nor can the environment be evaluated separate from human behavior. E&B concepts are

generally taught in lectures, but due to the complexity of environmental issues and the

continuous change in human needs, the necessity to teach such concepts through lab exer-

cises, lab discussions, and original field research has been gaining importance. However,

there are several identifiable problems with E&B teaching:

(1) Despite the problems, such as the short duration of the courses and the number of

students, E&B teaching is not supported by any external information technology aids to

help integrate course materials for either the students or the teaching group;

(2) The structure of traditional instruction, with large groups, projects that need to be

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graded and returned, etc., do not grant students as much individualized feedback as would

be best. This is related to the above issue. The current system does not allow interactive

learning at the students’ own pace;

(3) While the courses introduce ideas of behavior and environmental capabilities and lim-

itations in conjunction with examples in class, the students do not have the opportunity

to generate hypothesis about complex situations, and to test and refine those hypothesis.

The lack of this activity obstructs cohesive interpretation of facts, principles, and concepts

taught in lectures;

(4) When students have to use E&B concepts in studio for the first time they are doing

so without practice in applying them, and often without the help of their E&B instruc-

tor. Students report that this often makes transfer of ideas difficult and frustrating. Some

instructors do give design assignments that target such activity, but this does not seem to

be standard for such courses;

(5) A common problem in traditional architectural education in general, in E&B in par-

ticular, is compartmentalization. Conceptual areas that are highly related are presented in

separate chapters, lessons, classes, etc. As a result, knowledge ends up being represented as

if it were in separate compartments. When knowledge from across compartments needs

to be combined later, for use, the representational basis for the conceptual combination is


(6) Since architectural students tend to be visually oriented, they usually express their atti-

tudes, preferences, and even criticisms graphically. This form of expression may inhibit

verbalization which would make the comprehension of some concepts easier;

(7) Currently there is little opportunity for students to learn from the successes and fail-

ures of their and others’ previous design projects. A wealth of data is available in the form

of past design cases (both software and reports) nevertheless, very few attempts have been

made to make this information available to current students.

What do students need to learn? How, and Where?

In order to teach architectural students to transfer their knowledge into the design process,

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it is necessary to investigate the conceptions of how to learn, where to learn, and what to

learn. The first issue is how to learn: Should we focus on product by rewarding correct

answers or on process by asking the student to imitate a model? The classical pedagogical

approach emphasizes correct performance (i.e. errorless computations using geometric

laws), but recent cognitive theories reject this approach. As Lochhead argues, [Lochhead

J., 1979]: “We should be teaching students how to think; instead we are primarily teach-

ing them what to think.”2 Lochhead contends that instead of focusing on the product,

we should focus on the process. Another issue is where to learn : Should we teach in gen-

eral domain-independent courses or in the specific subject areas within which the student

will be tested? The classical approach is based on the idea of general transfer, that is, skills

learned in one area can be used in different areas. However, research evidence3 supports a

preponderance of specific transfer, that is, knowledge learned in one area can be success-

fully used mainly in that area [Singley M. K. and Anderson J. R., 1989] .

The third issue concerns what to learn : At the most optimistic level, students in the E&B

courses need to learn how to design architectural projects by taking appropriate knowl-

edge about human behaviors, capabilities and limitations into account. While many edu-

cational theorists would argue that this goal is best achieved by having students repeated-

ly design “behavior-conscious” environments, this is impractical due to the short dura-

tion of the courses, the number of students, and the resources available to support the

course. Recognizing these limitations, the objectives listed by current instructors of E&B

courses are more modest, such as: “The goal of the course is to give the student an appre-

ciation of how knowledge of human psychological and physiological capabilities can be

used to design effective environments” [Steinfeld E., 1992]; or “Introduction to princi-

ples and theories for the design of effective environments to human needs” [Zimring,

1994)]. A critical issue, though, is how to ensure that the principles and concepts intro-

duced in the course will be transferred to the design situations students encounter in the

future. In other words, they need to learn each concept in a manner that is comprehen-

sive enough so that their understanding is useful in design and that they learn how to use

that knowledge in design.

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Approach Justifications

My approach integrates ideas about learning by doing and constructivist notions of

learning. The constructivist theory of learning suggests that education is a creative

human endeavor, and that its knowledge claims are not absolute [Driver R. and

Oldham V., 1986]. Constructivism attempts to link teacher dominated instruction

(instructionism), the traditional didactic model of education, to student-led discovery

learning, the progressive model of education. Driver and Oldham describe constructivist

teaching as being characterized by a number of steps, such as orientation, elicitation,

and restructuring of ideas4. Constructivist methods emphasize the engagement of the

student in the learning process and the importance of prior knowledge or conceptualiza-

tion of new learning.

At an earlier time, educators and educational software designers assumed that they knew

what was best for the students, what the educational preferences and real-world constraints

were, and what the appropriate knowledge transmissions were in face of specific learning

environments. Accordingly, the students were only passively involved in the learning


The tool I am proposing is a means of permitting students (the actual users of the tool) to

participate more fully in the learning process that will have an effect on their comprehen-

sion of the concept. The underlying idea of my approach is learning by doing advocated by

Schon [Schon D. A., 1983; Schon D. A., 1987], and Soloway et al. [Soloway E., et al.,

1994]. I believe that the merit of my approach is that it carries user participation a step

further along the learning process. In particular, this approach permits users who are often

excluded from the active learning process to indicate their preferences. Through this form

of participation, the participants are un-self-consciously able to express through actions (as

well as words) their attitudes, preferences and criticisms, which they might find difficult

to verbalize in other circumstances. Moreover, active participation appears to overcome

most of the problems that have been experienced in using conventional learning environ-

ments, such as a lack of clarity of the goal, lack of motivation, the diversity of the users

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backgrounds and preferences, and new expectations of experienced users [Soloway E., et

al., 1994]. According to Schon [Schon D. A., 1987], architectural design “must be

learned by doing.”5 The student discovers that he or she is expected to learn, by doing.

“...only learning which significantly influences behavior is self-discovered, self-appropri-

ated learning.”6

Accepting constructivism as a theory of learning leads me to two conclusions that are rel-

evant for this study: students need opportunities to reflect in order to integrate their new

knowledge with existing knowledge and; misconceptions need to be overcome that exist

either prior to the formal introduction of the concept or develop as the student attempts

to make sense of the concept.7 Evaluation of existing designs with respect to the concepts

being taught targets the first conclusion. This should facilitate the “integration of new

knowledge” process. In addition, it should help motivate students. With respect to the

misconceptions, the hypothesis testing methodology, with its focus on explaining (neces-

sitating reflection) the reasoning behind a prediction, should help to highlight possible



The tool I build utilizes the general methodology presented in the previous section in

order to help students better understand the concept of affordances. This section provides

some background information about the concept and presents reasons why the concept

can help a designer.

The concept of affordances was first proposed by the ecological psychologist, Gibson

[Gibson J. J., 1979]. Reacting to approaches which describe human actions as the result

of cognitively intense activity based on simple perceptual cues from the environment, he

suggested that many actions are directly perceivable from the environment. In other

words, Gibson suggested that we can directly perceive opportunities for action in the envi-

ronment. For instance, we perceive stairways in terms of their “climbability,” a measur-

able property of the relationship between people and the stairs. The work required to

climb a flight of stairs can be described by a U-shaped function relating work to riser


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height and tread width. Warren showed that people’s visually-guided judgments of the

climbability of different staircases reflect this function with great accuracy; people perceive

the affordance of stairclimbing [Warren W. H., 1982] .

The concept of affordances is not a new one for design. Norman applied the concept to

everyday artifacts. For instance, thin vertical doorhandles afford pulling, while “panic

bars” afford pushing [Norman D., 1988] (Figure 1)

Figure 1. Different door handles suggest affordances for different actions

The interaction of an handle with the human motor system determines its affordances

[Norman D., 1988] . When grasping a vertical bar, the hand and arm are in a configura-

tion from which it is easy to pull; when contacting a panic bar pushing is easier. We can

perceive affordances of doorhandles because the attributes that are relevant for grasping

are perceptible . Furthermore, the course from perception to action seems to be a direct

one, implying an ease of learning desirable for artifacts. However, perceptual information

may suggest affordances that do not actually exist, while those that do exist may not be

perceivable [Gibson J. J., 1979] .

Two aspects of the affordances concept are particularly important for a designer: 1) what

creates an affordance and; (2) what makes the affordance perceptible to an actor. First,

affordances exist due to an interaction between an actor’s capabilities and characteristics

of the environment. For example, a doorbell may afford ringing for an adult, but a child

too short to reach it will not have the same opportunity for action. Similarly, a cat-door

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affords passage to a cat but not to me, while a doorway may afford passage to me but not

to somebody taller. Affordances, then, are properties of the world defined with respect to

people’s interaction with it. It is clearly important that a designer knows which affor-

dances exist for which users and be certain that all critical affordances are present for all

users. Second, affordances exist whether or not they are perceived but it is because they

are inherently about important properties that they need to be perceived [Gibson J. J.,


While the previous design point focused on ensuring that affordances will exist when the

actor needs them, this point focuses on ensuring that an actor will perceive appropriate

affordances. What makes an affordance perceptible (i.e. how to ensure that a user will

know what to do with the system) is an issue that a good designer will need to face.

Besides these issues is how a user will map affordances to desired functions. It should be

clear though, that, if the affordance cannot be perceived, then the function will not be

completed whatever it may be.

Kirlik [Kirlik A., 1993] explored Gibson’s concepts more deeply. He first showed that

human behavior in a complex navigation task could be modeled successfully based on the


Figure 2. Separating presence of affordances from perceptual information

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navigating “affordances” of the environment. Second, he presented a methodology called

ecological task analysis that formalizes the notion that a one-to-one mapping between

affordances in the environment and actions required by a user results in an ideal interface.

This methodology was recently used to critically evaluate a computer game and to suggest

improvements, most of which resulted in higher test subject scores [Kirlik A., 1993] .

According to Lang [Lang J., 1987; Lang J., 1994], distinguishing affordances from per-

ceptual information about them is useful in understanding “ease of use.” Common exam-

ples of affordances refer to perceptible affordances, in which there is perceptual informa-

tion available for an existing affordance. If there is no information available for an exist-

ing affordance, it is hidden and must be inferred from other evidence. For example, if in

hospitals, individual buildings and major entrances are not clearly identified by perceptu-

al cues, then exterior signs are vital to “direct, inform, identify, and define appropriate

behavior.”8 If information suggests a nonexistent affordance, a false affordance exists upon

which people may mistakenly try to act. For example, if the layout of a path is ill-designed,

then the message can be very confusing [Arthur P. and Passini R., 1992]. “ A wayfinding

study in Montreal found that people who entered a pavilion through what clearly

appeared to be a main public entrance found themselves in a corridor.”9 Finally, people

will usually not think of a given action when there is no affordance for it nor any percep-

tual information suggesting it. From this point of view, separating affordances from the

information available about them allows the distinction among correct, perceptible, hid-

den and false affordances (Figure 2).

Lang [Lang J., 1987] argues that the affordances of a physical setting are what it offers

for good or ill because of the characteristics of its configuration and the material of which

it is fabricated. “Architect Louis Kahn used the term “availabilities” and landscape archi-

tect Lancelot Brown “capabilities” in much the same way.” From the architectural point

of view, people make adaptations to their environments by structuring the surfaces of the

environment around them. According to Lang [Lang J., 1987] , this arrangement, a

result of their adaptation, affects all the interactions between them and the environment.

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Any change in the built environment also affects the affordances of the world. In short,

affordances exist in any built environment in various ways.

Gibson [Gibson J. J., 1979] focuses almost exclusively on affordances which may be

seen. But affordances may be perceived using other senses as well. We can hear some affor-

dances. Typical examples of affordances depend on attributes of the environment such as

the size and orientation of surfaces; such attributes are those about which vision provides

information. Sound conveys information for an affordance which can not be seen. From

the architectural wayfinding communication point of view, Arthur and Passini [Arthur P.

and Passini R., 1992] argue that entrances to certain buildings may be marked by a sound

source. “This directional cue can be very efficient as long as it is not drowned out by back-

ground noises.....the solution is the reasonable one for buildings that are frequently used

by the visually impaired population.”

Methodology - Design critiquing / hypothesis testing

What type of learning activities might be best suited for aiding the students in develop-

ing a deeper understanding of the E&B concepts and promoting their transfer to design?


Figure 3. Critical Evaluation Process

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Currently, the E&B course in Georgia Tech has many different components which focus

on concepts and a single component (the project) which focuses on design. The intro-

duction of a transitional component, critical evaluation of designs with respect to a single

or small set of concepts, seems well suited as an addition to this course. I believe that crit-

ical evaluation will result in stronger understanding of concepts as well as in increased flu-

idity in invoking knowledge of concepts in design situations. In addition, one can argue

that critical evaluation is a vehicle for the active participation of the students in the learn-

ing process. As Kozma [Kozma R. B., 1993] argues, learning is not a receptive response

to instruction’s presentation. Rather, learning is an active, constructive, cognitive and

social process by which the learner strategically manages available cognitive, physical, and

social resources to create new knowledge by interacting with information in the environ-

ment and integrating it with information already stored in memory [Shuell T., 1988] .

On a philosophical level, this approach to instruction derives from the noncontinuity the-

ory of concept learning which is based on an inductive reasoning method [Bruner J. S.,

et al., 1956; Trabasso T. R. and Bower G. H., 1968] . According to this view, concept

learning is a noncontinuous or discontinuous process of constructing and testing

Figure 4. Screen shot of different windows

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hypotheses until one works. Individuals at various points in time actively try to formulate

rules. Once they find one that seems to work they stick with it until it fails to work. Thus,

as seen in Figure 3, the user starts the critical evaluation process by making predictions

about how an architectural environment will work.

In this noncontinuity view, thinking involves making a hypothesis and keeping it until it

is disconfirmed rather than being a gradual learning of associations. Finding the correct

solution is an “all or none” process [Bruner J. S., et al., 1956] . Based on this view, my

Figure 5. Prompting window

Figure 6. Phases of prediction making.

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approach is to try to get students

into the hypothesis generation

mode. Ba c k g round knowledge is

available on demand but is not

forced on the user. In an effort to

maximize transfer to the immediate

design project, the designs to be cri-

tiqued will primarily be those from

previous courses. Before testing his

or her predictions, the user must describe his or her reasoning and explain the rationale

behind it. If the prediction is wrong, the user is forced to reconcile the mismatch. Either

he or she must revise the thinking that led up to the hypothesis or must recommend a

design solution that would improve the design.


The system is built in Hypercard 2.2. The user interface for this system is comprised of

three separate windows, each with a specialized purpose. The Information Window is

used to provide the user with an interactive tutorial session which describes affordances,

how to perceive affordances, and design principles to effectively use affordances. The

knowledge area that the user is being questioned about in the Prompting Window can be

linked to an affordance topic in the Information Window and supported by an illustra-

tive example in the Example Window. The power of the system lies in the fact that the

system does not operate as three individual programs; the programs are linked by com-

mand messages to function as a unit. This flow allows the entire system to cultivate the

user's areas of inquiry, to support the users trouble areas, or to challenge the user's knowl-

edge on the concept of affordances.

The underlying idea of my implementation is based on Software-Realized Scaffolding

[Guzdial M., 1994] , and Media Theory [Kozma R. B., 1993] . Scaffolding, which sup-

Figure 7. Case Window

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ports or helps a user accomplish a task that he/she would not otherwise be able to do

alone, is present in many forms in this implementation. More specifically, there are two

forms of scaffolding used in this study - process scaffolding and articulation/content scaf-

folding. While the process scaffolding is similar to that which Guzdial presents, the artic-

ulation scaffolding is somewhat different [Guzdial M., 1994] .

In this proposed system, as seen in figure 4, the user is allowed to move freely through dif-

ferent screens and gather information about affordances.

The Prompting Window gathers the user's responses to various questions provided dur-

ing the “prediction making” phase. See Figure 5.


Figure 8. Sample Flow Through Critical Evaluation Process

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Based on his/her prediction, the user is then asked to provide the reasoning behind his/her

prediction as well as to elaborate it. Figure 6 demonstrates the different stages of the pre-

diction making phase.

After the prediction is made, the user tests his/her predictions to determine the accuracy

of this prediction by using the Case Window. The Case Window (Figure 7) is used to pre-

sent the user with some plan examples that demonstrate effective or ineffective use of

affordances. This window can operate in two separate modes. In the evaluation mode, the

window’s responsiveness is controlled where the user engages in a hypothesis testing

process. In the case mode, on the other hand, the design projects selected in the

Information Window (e.g. examples of student projects which violate a design principle

that would otherwise have created a “good” design) are shown.

Figure 8 demonstrates the sequence of screens that guide the user through the predic-

tion/evaluation task.

Process scaffolding is embodied in a sequence of screens so that it does not need to involve

prompts (the questions) or separate screens (preventing premature closure on one stage of

the task). An alternative would be to have the user simply pace himself/herself and type

their answers directly into an answer form. The articulation/content scaffolding is

embodied in the context sensitive help. At each stage of the process, the user is asked to

articulate something about his/her understanding of the concept, "affordances". At each

stage, it is possible that the user will not be capable of responding, most likely due to an

insufficient understanding of what would constitute an answer. The context sensitive help

guides the user in the direction of concepts, phrases, or even specific answers.

Implementation Issues

The following are some implementation issues that I am facing as the system is being

developed and tested.

Feedback: When the program was first designed, it was based on asking the user to cri-

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tique a specific design problem. As the user answers, his/her answers are then stored to a

file for later evaluation. This method, while easy to implement, offers no feedback for the

student. There are many different ways of attempting to deal with this problem. These

are itemized below. In the end, I will probably use a combination of these approaches:

• Students could be allowed to work in groups where partners can provide the interac-

tion that the program lacks. While this is an easy solution (minor additions to code, if

any), it also comes with some problems. This method makes it harder to evaluate an indi-

vidual's progress. Also, it may be difficult to know whether students are performing bet-

ter because of the software or because of their groups. Finally, I am also faced with the

task of finding more students to participate (i.e. to evaluate four people you need four

people; to evaluate four groups, you need eight, twelve, sixteen or more people).

• The next option could be to allow the students to finish answering all the ques-

tions and then to show them the differences between their input and an "expert's" opin-

ion. This provides some response and self-evaluation for the user; but it's questionable

whether or not students would learn easier by simply comparing texts. Moreover, I need

to enlist some outside experts who can evaluate the content of the system prior to exper-

imentation with students.

• The system could infer information to provide to the user by parsing the input

and determining various measures to describe the correctness or allowableness of the

input. This method is good in encouraging and monitoring the user; however one has to

choose which statistics to monitor (i.e. length, time of response, match with answer). The

problem with this method is that all responses must be constrained in length or at least

in the type of parsing and analysis performed for the sake of parsimony.

• Having the system pose multiple choices, fill-in-the blank, and short answer ques-

tions to which it can immediately respond is the final method I am considering. This

method gives users immediate responses to their input. Then is the task of designing suit-

able questions at varying levels of difficulty.


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This study has two goals: to describe a learning tool for teaching architectural design con-

cepts, and to situate this particular study in a general theoretical framework called

Constructivism. It offers a comprehensive model for the constructivist vision of education

in general, and for the use of computers in education, in particular. It also offers a model

for the kinds of research I find insightful and beneficial to our understanding of learning

and development, thinking, teaching, education, and the use of computers to facilitate

these processes.

This study should not be viewed as a "controlled experiment". Pedagogical issues are

quite complex, and one could formulate innumerable conjectures about the “real” source

of students' learning. Nevertheless, I believe that this tool will allow the creation of a

learning environment in which some integrated learning will take place.

In my view, a more complete understanding of the learning process can come through an

integrative and accumulative process of experimentation and theory-building. This paper

is intended as a contribution to that process. One can hypothesize, for example, that

learning an architectural concept such as “affordances” and applying it to the design

process could have been affected by factors related to: the student’s constructivist involve-

ment ; the integrated learning principle; the learning by doing principle; and the design

critiquing/hypothesis testing methodology.

One important point I want to emphasize is that each one these conjectures, when con-

sidered alone, would give only partial information about this study. By considering them

together, and their interrelations, we can make use of an holistic approach, -knowledge,

cognition and transfer, and development of learning environments.

Reflecting on Kozma's media theory [Kozma R. B., 1993] , it seems that we need to be

able to answer the question "Why is this particular implementation dependent on the

media it uses?" The theory suggests that answers to this question should describe match-

es between the symbol systems, processes, and technology characteristics of the task to be

performed by the user to those of the media being used. In this case, the media of the

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learning environment and that of the subsequent transfer situations (the students' later

design projects) are identical. In addition, the computer allows certain processes (e.g. data

collection, scaffolding) to be utilized at a level that would be difficult if not impossible for

a human. Finally, decisions about whether to allocate some tasks to the computer or to

the experimenter/facilitator will be based on issues that are part of media theory.

This is an ongoing project, and I am working on making the program more reactive to

the user and designing a better system of feedback for all users. In addition, expert evalu-

ation is needed to either include explicitly in the system or to base subsequent decisions


I have not tested the viability of this approach, or of the tool in particular, yet. Although

the evaluation of the system has been considered all along, I have only just begun for-

malizing my evaluation approach. The methodologies for the evaluation include artifact

analysis, clinical before and after interviews, test scores on particular questions from final

exams, log file analysis, questionnaires and surveys. Once the parameters of the study are

finalized, the study can be assessed by using several factors such as: (1) What is the relia-

bility of this study? This can be achieved when errors and biases are eliminated and the

operation is repeated with the same general results; (2) What is the construct validity of

the research? Are correct operational measures established for the concepts being studied?

Is active participation the construct variable?, is it hypothesis testing, scaffolding, etc.?; (3)

What is the internal validity of this study? Does the information provided cause any effect

on the learning process? Does active participation cause any effect on concept learning? or

both?; (4) What is the external validity of this study? Are the findings and conclusions

generalizable to this particular research study or to other similar kinds of projects?

Lastly, there are two main issues involving design interaction that needs to be addressed.

The first is whether instructors will be part of the learning process or whether we will let

the tool stand by itself. Second, it is necessary to decide whether the subjects should be

tested before or after the session or at both times.

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While this effort deals only with a small part of the design education process, I believe it

does explore a number of significant issues concerning educators in architecture as well as

the development of computer-based teaching tools, and suggests a solution for addressing

some of these concerns.


Appreciation for comments and direction on this work go to the reviewers Craig Zimring

and Edward Steinfeld


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