teaching in a virtual classroom 10-2012

Teaching in the Virtual Classroom Kathryn Cremeans EDU 697 Dr. Lisa Marie Johnson October 7, 2012

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  • 1. Kathryn Cremeans EDU 697Dr. Lisa Marie JohnsonOctober 7, 2012

2. Teaching a synchronous virtual class is more than justdelivering facts to students at one time. There are guidelinesto follow to ensure students obtain and retain the informationthey are being presented. When teaching a class of this type, each instructor should befamiliar with what information is included and how it willdelivered to the students. Just-in-Time instruction is vital to the student or staff memberto progress, therefore, complete understanding of the materialis necessary. The following presentation will touch on some of the keyfactors each instructor should include in their lessons. 3. Synchronous learning occurs in real time and isfacilitated by an instructor through e-Learningtechnologies such as video conferencing or webinars. Itis similar to a traditional classroom environment becausethe class occurs at a set time and instructors andstudents are able to interact and communicatethroughout the duration of the class. Synchronouslearning allows instructors to facilitate and engage theclass, encourage discussion, call on students and ask oranswer questions(Tannahill, 2009). 4. Procedures Principles Progresses Facts Concepts 5. Proceduraltasks are best taught by step- by-step demonstration of how to perform the task, followed by guided hands-on practice with feedback (Clark & Kwinn, 2007, p. 71). 6. The instructor should first demonstrate the procedure thenprovide a step-by-step guideline to the class. As each step isdone the instructor should provide feedback to any questionsthe students may have.o Direction to students: highlight all instances of feedback on this slide Examples can be provided or the step can be shown to thestudents upon completion. This allows the student to see ifthey were correct in that particular step before moving on tothe next. Each student can be called upon to demonstrate the step tothe entire class and receive feedback through directmessaging. 7. Principle-based or far-transfer tasks require adifferent instructional approach than proceduraltasks. Since the guidelines of far-transfer tasksmust be adapted uniquely to each worksituation, learners need to see demonstrationsof how far-transfer tasks are performed indiverse circumstances (Clark & Kwinn, 2007, p.73). 8. Once the task has been demonstrated, students shouldthen be divided up into small groups to perform sometype of research on the topic before beginning the task. Discussing the topic among themselves via directmessaging or breakout rooms will show how eachstudents views may be different. This type of activity would be good when assigning roleplaying tasks. 9. A processis a flow of activities among differentindividuals, business units, or equipmentcomponents (Clark & Kwinn, 2007, p. 75). 10. Processes should show the students how something is doneand who would be responsible for each part of the process. Show students visuals in the correct order and explainingwhat each should or should not do then have each studentdetermine what task is needed to correct any existing problemwill assist them in the learning the proper process to follow. Asking students What if? scenario questions will assist themin using critical thinking to determine the correct solution. 11. Facts are unique, specific information neededto perform a task (Clark & Kwinn, 2007, p. 78). 12. Facts are facts. True in nature Cannot be edited or changed Cannot be disproved Can be memorized or presented in referencematerial More of a proper name or description 13. Incontrast, concepts are single words thatrepresent classes of items-all of which sharecommon core features but differ on irrelevantfeatures (Clark & Kwinn, 2007, p. 78) 14. Concepts should be taught separately fromtasks or other activities Instructors should define each concept beforeassigning a task and include examples Visuals such as graphs and pictures can helpthe student to understand the concept beforeproceeding with the assignment 15. Concepts FactsCars Prius/ColtTrucks Ram/F150Rugs Shag/PlushFlowersRose/TulipsStones Ruby/Emerald 16. Nomatter what medium you are using, the methods for teaching the five common content types of facts, concepts, processes, procedures, or principles are the same (Clark & Kwinn, 2007, p. 81). 17. Clark, R. C. & Kwinn, A. (2007). The new virtual classroom: Evidence-based guidelines for synchronous e-learning. San Francisco, CA:Pfeiffer & Company. Clark, R. C. & Kwinn, A. (2007). Accompanying CD to The new virtualclassroom: Evidence-based guidelines for synchronous e-learning.San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer & Company. Tannahill, K. (2009). Methods of facilitation for online learning. An overview of asynchronous, synchronous and blended learning, Retrieved April 9, 2012 from http://kristatannahill.suite101.com/methods-of-facilitation-for-online- learning-a150017