teaching in the red zone: how to increase academic engaged time during supplemental instruction 1st...

Teaching in the Red Zone: How to Increase Academic Engaged Time During Supplemental Instruction 1st Annual Louisiana PBS Conference Session 34A Gregory J. Benner, Ph.D. Associate Professor University of Washington-Tacoma (253) 692-4621 [email protected]

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Page 1: Teaching in the Red Zone: How to Increase Academic Engaged Time During Supplemental Instruction 1st Annual Louisiana PBS Conference Session 34A Gregory

Teaching in the Red Zone: How to Increase Academic

Engaged Time During Supplemental Instruction

1st Annual Louisiana PBS ConferenceSession 34A

Gregory J. Benner, Ph.D.Associate ProfessorUniversity of Washington-Tacoma(253) [email protected]

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The Road Ahead• Understanding the youth we serve

• The foundations of good instructional environments • Supplemental instruction matched to need

• Diagnosis, high quality instruction, daily monitoring• Good communication• Guidelines and expectations• Monitoring• Consequences

• Simple PBIS during supplemental instruction in the red zone

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Understanding• Have you ever been misunderstood?• In what ways are students with behavioral problems misunderstood?

• Key idea: Improving the engagement of students with behavioral problems starts with understanding these students.

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Think Functionally• Escape

– Does the kid have an academic skill deficit? (Can’t Do)

– Does the kid have the skills to do the task, but is just not doing it? (Won’t Do)

• Access– Peer attention– Adult attention

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Coercion Theory (Patterson, 1982;



Threat of Consequence


SurrenderThreat of Consequence



Parent, Teacher, or Therapist

Children become aware that if they continue to misbehave or respond to the parent’s coercive behavior with severe disruptive behavior they can shape parental (or teacher & therapists) behavior for their own benefit.

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Diagnose the Academic Issue

• In-depth information about students’ skills and instructional needs– Diagnostics

• Reading: DAR, WJ-III Broad Reading, GRADE• Math: GMADE, WJ-III Broad Math

• Homogenous groups based on instructional needs– Use placement test to help with grouping

• Begin with the most foundational skill in need of improvement

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Explicit Delivery of Supplementary Instruction• Accountability and group alerting

procedures • Effective error correction• Effect student questioning procedures

Model “My Turn …” Teacher Lead “Do it with

me …” Teacher and

Student Test “Your turn

…” Student

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School 3 (14 Teachers)Fidelity and Gain



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Broad Reading Gain



y P




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Table 2.

Means for Overall Fidelity of implementation and Five Teacher Action Scores

Average Effect _________________________

BRS ___________

PC ___________

Teacher Action/Overall ___________________________________

X ____

SD ____

SS _____

SE ____

SS _____

SE ___

Follows the lesson format







Uses specific praise statements and feedback







Monitors student responses







Re-teaches when needed







Uses established error correction procedures














Note. BRS = Basic Reading Skills cluster. PC = Passage Comprehension subtest. SS =

Standardized Standard Score. SE = Standard Error

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Decoding B1: Lessons 16-35Lesson Number

Fluency Progress

(wpm)Errors Aimline

Change Lines

Lesson 16 55 1 60

Lesson 17 56 2

Lesson 18 58 0

Lesson 19 60 2

Lesson 20 59 5 60

Lesson 21 61 7 65

Lesson 22 62 4

Lesson 23 60 2

Lesson 24 63 0

Lesson 25 65 1 65

Lesson 26 67 2 70

Lesson 27 70 4

Lesson 28

Lesson 29

Lesson 30 70

Lesson 31 75

Lesson 32

Lesson 33

Lesson 34

Lesson 35 75

R.O.I. 6.25

PrintingSet Up GraphEntering DataSaving the File

Words per MinuteStudent Name











d C






Fluency Progress (wpm)


Fluency ProgressTrendline










Number of ErrorsStudent Name




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Clear CommunicationCase 2: Students are working independently on awriting project. Ben is out of his seat disturbingtwo other students.

Teacher: "Ben, what do you need to do?"

Ben: "Sharpen my pencil."

Teacher: "You don't have a pencil."

Ben: "I was going to borrow one from him."

Teacher: "What is the rule about leaving your seat?"

Ben: "I have to put my hand up."

Teacher: "Well, go back to your seat and put up your hand."

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Clear Behavior Expectations

• Example: High School Remedial Math• Start of class

•Materials ready (Be responsible)– Pencils sharpened, book on desk, notebook under desk.

•Personal issues taken care of (Be responsible)– Bathroom, meds taken, enough food and drink.

•Hands and feet to self (Be safe)•Voice level at completely quiet (Be respectful)

•Ready to start CBM probe (Be respectful & responsible)– CBM packet open, pencil in hand, eyes on me.

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Behavior Matrix First Five

Minutes Large Group Discussion

Independent Work

Small Group Work

Last Five Minutes

Be Safe Keep Hands, Feet, and Objects to Self

Keep Hands, Feet, and Objects to Self

Keep Hands, Feet, and Objects to Self

Keep Hands, Feet, and Objects to Self

Keep Hands, Feet, and Objects to Self

Be Respectful

Voice Level 0 (quiet) Raise hand if you need help; wait quietly

Voice Level 0 Raise hand if you have a question; wait quietly

Voice Level 0 Signal for help; wait quietly

Voice Level 2 (conversation) Signal for help; wait quietly

Voice Level 0 Raise hand if you need help; wait quietly

Be Responsible

Be on time All needed materials with you

Be an active listener

Be an active listener

Be an active listener

Clean up after yourself and put away materials you used

Be Excellent

Do your best work

Do your best work

Do your best work

Do your best work

Do your best work

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Positive Behavioral Supports During Red Zone

Instruction• Student-Teacher Learning Game

• Good Behavior Game

• Think Time/Stop Time

• Behavior Report Cards

• Administrative Interventions

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the goals?

Teacher-Student Learning Game

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•To increase on-task behavior•Help students to manage their own behavior•Help students to support each other

•To redirect students

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What is needed

to implement

the game?

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–Set of positive and observable expectations to guide

student behavior

–Small accessible white board (or flip chart) and marker

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The Game

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• Establish and teach expectations for instructional situations– Positively worded and few in number

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Example Expectations: Large and Small Group

• Demonstrate learner position: Students’ backs are against the back of the chair, feet are on the floor in front of the chair, and hands are together on desk/lap.

• Look at the focus of instruction: Students’ eyes are on the instructional materials, teacher, or peer.

• Answer on signal: Students start and stop on teacher signal (group and individual).

• Responses are teacher-initiated and subject focused: Students’ responses are only teacher-initiated and subject focused.

• Use classroom voice: Students use six-inch voices.

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Playing The Game

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Teacher Students

15 pts. 30 pts.

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Good Behavior Game• Introduce the Game to the class.

– Divide class into two or more teams. – The team with the fewest points wins. – Both teams win if they earn no more than a certain number of points (e.g., 4 points maximum per day).

• Put the Game into effect.– Instruction as usual. – Instructor is also noting and publicly recording any negative points incurred by either team.

– Keep a weekly tally of points for each team.

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Primary Elements of Think Time

• Precision request• Antiseptic bounding condition• Debriefing

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Behavior Debriefing Form Name ___________________________________ Grade _________ Date ____________________ Sending Teacher ___________________________Debriefing Teacher _______________________ Arrival Time __________________ Departure Time _________________

What was your behavior?

What do you need to do? Can you do it? Y es No Comments: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

Be Respectful

Physical Aggression

Inappropriate language

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oFor exceeding a set frequency of

classroom management procedures

oBehavioral Expectations




Lunch time Intervention

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Behavioral Report Cards

• http://www.jimwrightonline.com/php/tbrc/tbrc.php

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Daily Behavior Report Card Student: _______________________ Date: __________________________

Teacher: _______________________ Classroom: _____________________

Parent/Guardian: ___________________________________ Comments:

Directions: Review each of the Behavior Report Card items below. For each item, rate the degree to which the student showed the behavior or met the behavior goal.

The student took all work materials home that were required for his or her homework assignments.

The student turned in his or her completed homework on time.

The student was prepared for class, with all necessary school materials (e.g., books, pencils, papers).

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Problem Solving Plan• Teaching students how to reach a successful conclusion to a problematic situation.

• Complete this when you and student are calm

• Five steps – Identify the problem (e.g., won’t do in-class work)

– Defining what the problem is– Generate alternatives without regard to consequences

– Decision-making—consider possible consequences of each solution

– Verification—determine if the alternative worked

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Performance Based In-School Suspension: Goal Setting Capstone Experience Student is to complete the first two steps and have them checked for completeness prior to meeting with the Alpha Administrator. The Alpha Administrator works with the student on the last three steps prior to the student returning to class. Student's Name: _______________________________ Date:_____/_____/_____ ______________________________________________________________________________

(Completed by Student) Step one: State the problem (i.e., why were you suspended). _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

Step two: Brainstorm at least three possible solutions (i.e., what can you do to avoid the problem in the future).

1. ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

(Completed by Administrator and Student) Step three: Evaluate the solutions (completed with the Alpha Administrator).

a. Can we agree to cross any solution off the list?

b. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each solution?

Step four: Pick a solution. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Step five: Monitor the effectiveness of the solution (how will you know if it is working?). ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

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Evidence-Based Behavioral Programs

• Blueprints for Violence Prevention– http://www.colorado.edu/cspv/blueprints/

• DOE: Safe, Disciplined and Drug Free Expert Panel Exemplary and Promising Programs– http://www.doe.state.in.us/sdfsc/pdf/

SDFSExemplaryPrograms.pdf• OJJDP Model Programs Guide

– http://www.dsgonline.com/mpg2.5/mpg_index.htm• Helping America’s Youth

– http://www.helpingamericasyouth.gov/• National Center for Mental Health Promotion and Youth

Violence Prevention– http://promoteprevent.org/resources/legacy_wheel/

• SAMHSA’s Registry of Evidence-Based Practices– http://www.nrepp.samhsa.gov/

• Youth Violence: A Report of the Surgeon General– http://www.surgeongeneral.gov/library/youthviolence/toc.html