teaching the class about: the age of jackson

Teaching the Class About: The Age Of Jackson By: David Schabdach, Quinn Aleardi, Tommy Maguire, Julia Stiebritz, Colin English, and Molly Hueston

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Teaching the Class About: The Age Of Jackson . By: David Schabdach , Quinn Aleardi , Tommy Maguire, Julia Stiebritz , Colin English, and Molly Hueston . Election of 1828. Voting rights were extended to all white males , no matter if they owned property or not. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Teaching the Class About:          The Age Of Jackson

Teaching the Class About:

The Age Of Jackson By: David Schabdach, Quinn Aleardi, Tommy Maguire, Julia Stiebritz, Colin English, and Molly Hueston

Page 2: Teaching the Class About:          The Age Of Jackson

Election of 1828•Voting rights were extended to all white

males , no matter if they owned property or not.

•The election candidates were John Quincy Adams vs. Andrew Jackson

•Andrew won and was able to win because of the new voting rights.

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First President of the West • The inauguration of Andrew Jackson, as the 7th

President of the United States, was the first time the US elected a President who was born outside of Virginia or Massachusetts.

• Jackson's Presidency is the beginning of the modern Presidency

• The voting rights were extended to white males who did not have to own property. Jackson wanted to help the "common men" to have the same rights as the elite. So, many of the men who were recently granted suffrage voted for him.

• He was considered the first popularly elected President

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Andrew Jackson’s Administration•Andrew Jackson was sworn in president

on March 4, 1829•He declared that government officials

should not be allowed to serve inefficiently for long periods of time.

•On April 13, 1830, Jackson threatened to deploy federal troops to occupy the state of South Carolina in the event of nullification.

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Spoils System • It won presidential candidate which

gave government jobs to supporters• · It was created by Andrew Jackson• Government remains responsive to the

people• Assured loyalty to the president• · Increases Party Support

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Nullification Process• Southern states were not happy due to the Tariff of

1832Jackson was opposed to all banks, because he

believed that only gold and silver could be money; it was applied on July 14, 1832

• In 1833, a bill (The Force Bill) authorized the president for usage of military forces against South Carolina was passed.

• Negotiations led to a tariff satisfactory to South Carolina

• Finally, South Carolina repealed its Nullification Ordinance in 1833

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Second Bank of the United States•The Second Bank was chartered in 1816. •The predominate reason the bank was

created was to finance the war of 1812. •President Andrew Jackson disliked the

Second Bank because of bad corruption.

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Second Bank of the United States Part 2•It lasted for 20 years, failed to have its

charter renewed and went bankrupt in 1841

•You can still see this bank on Chestnut Street in Philadelphia.

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Indian Removal Act 1830

•The Indian Removal Act was signed into a law by President Jackson on May 29, 1830.

•This act authorized the removal of Indians to a federal territory west of the Mississippi River.

•There were as many people in support of the act as there were against it.

•The act lead to many other acts and a war.

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The Rise of the Whig Party•The Whig Party was a political party

founded in 1833 to oppose Jackson’s democracy.

•It got its name from the Whigs of 1776 who fought for independence.

•Members of the Whig Party included Daniel Webster, William Henry Harrison, and Henry Clay of Kentucky.

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Specie Circular (Coinage Act)•The Specie Circular was an executive

order issued by President Jackson but carried out by President Van Buren

•It required all payments for land owned by the government be paid in silver and gold.

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Election of 1840 •This election like today had two parties

avaliable but this was Democrats vs. Whigs

•And again like today each party chose 1 elected person

•Martin Van Buren was trying for re-election

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Candidates for Election •Martin Van Buren- won to the citizen’s

dismay the Democrat party.•Henry Clay- wanted to win the Whigs

party, but eventually lost.•William Henry Harrison “Tippecanoe” –

won the Whigs party, was an older man but won support with many people up against Buren

•John Tyler- Was William Henry Harrison’s vice president.

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Election of William Henry Harrison •Harrison won the election against Buren

through his many Whig supporters. •Electoral Vote: 234•Popular Vote: 1,275,612•These results were way over Martin van

Buren’s •William Henry Harrison died a month

after inauguration

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Succession of John Tyler • Went on to be 10th president• Took over for William Henry Harrison after he

died• Said it was his constitutional rights that the vice

president would fill in for president if something happened to them, this set a precedent for vice presidents to come

• Many were hostile towards him because of this• Henry Clay tried to have him removed from Whig

Party and impeached• Lost re-election

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Administration of Martin Van Buren

•Andrew Jackson left office after two terms.

•Americans then elected Martin Van Buren for president.

•Although Van Buren did not have the popularity Jackson had he was clever and intelligent.

•As president, however, Van Buren needed more than sharp political instincts.

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The Panic of 1837•Two months after Martin Van Buren was

elected for president, he faced the worst economic crisis the nation had ever known.

•After the bank of the United states closed down state banks could print more and more paper money without limit.

•Often times they didn’t have the gold and silver to back the money up.

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The Trail of Tears•As white population expanded in the

north groups of Sauk and Fox native Americans from Illinois were forced from their homes across the Mississippi.

•This was called the trail of tears because it was sad for all of the native Americans who were forced from their homes.

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Henry Clay •Mentioned in the Election of 1840•One of the 4 candidates running for

president in the west against Andrew Jackson.

• He became speaker of the House of Representatives

•Skillful Negotiater

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Nick Biddie •President of Second Bank of USA

(mentioned by Quinn)•President of bank since 1823•Came from a wealthy family in

Philadelphia•Jackson felt Biddie only used the bank to

benefit the rich

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John C. Calhoun •Vice president of Andrew Jackson•He claimed the state had the right to

nullify•Nullify means a federal law on

constitution supported state’s rights

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Daniel Webster•He made a speech in 1830 before the

senate attack •Disagreed with the idea of nullification

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