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Student expectations, engagement & the changing landscape of higher education Aaron Porter [email protected] Higher Education Consultant President, NUS 2010-11 Swansea University, July 2012

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  • 1. Student expectations, engagement & the changinglandscape of higher educationAaron [email protected] Education ConsultantPresident, NUS 2010-11 Swansea University, July 2012

2. Who is going into HE? 3. Changing Demographics 4. Student Numbers 2006: Top-up fees350000 introduced1992 HE Act: 44 1998: First300000tuition fees"new" Universities in250000England 1970s: Post-200000 Robbins 1990: First Expansion ofstudent loans150000 HE Sector100000500000 19 4 19 66 19 68 19 0 19 72 19 4 19 76 19 8 19 80 19 2 19 84 19 6 19 88 19 90 19 2 19 94 19 6 19 98 20 0 20 02 20 4066777889900 63 65 69 71 73 75 79 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 03 67 77 81 01 05 19 5. What are they going into? 6. Income & Expenditure 7. Asian - Chinese White and AsianAsian - OtherAsian - IndianWhiteWhite/Black AfricanWhite/Black Caribbn Asian - PakistaniAsian - Bangladeshi Black - AfricanBlack - OtherBlack - Caribbean 0% 20%40%60%80%100%Russell Group university Other old (pre-1992) universityNew (1992) university Other HEI 8. Independent school (fee-paying)Selective - academic abilityMale single-sex school Female single-sex schoolSelective - on aptitudes Secondary school (other)* Faith/Denominational school Independent school (other) State school Student at FE college 0% 20%40% 60%80% 100% *EU and other overseas students (14% of all accepted students) represented 46% of theseRussell GroupOther old (pre-1992) university New (post-1992) university Other HEI 9. Char t 2: St udent s t h at f all int o t he low est socio - econom ic gr oup,DE, m ost lik ely t o be m ot ivat ed t o choose a univer sit y t hat isclose t o hom eQ3. What w er e t he m ai n reasons f or choosing your univer sit y? Please indicat e your t op t hr ee r easonsBase: All first year students (630), A (100), B (157), C1 (132), C2 (68* ) DE (68* )* small base 10. Chart 1: Reasons f or w ant ing t o go t o universit y inf luenced byinst it ut ion t ypeQ1. W hat w er e t he m ain r easons for w ant ing t o go t o univer sit y? Please indicat e your t op t hr ee r easonsBase: All first year students (630), Russell Group (143), pre 1992 (161), post 1992 (287), other institutions (38) 11. Chart 3: Reasons f or choosing universit y influenced by inst it ut i ont ypeQ3. What w ere t he m ain reasons f or choosing your universit y? Please indicat e your t op t hree r easonsBase: All first year students (630), Russell Group (143), pre 1992 (161), post 1992 (287), other institutions (38) 12. Outcomes 13. All subjects Medicine & Dentistry Languages Hist & Philosophical studies Linguistics and Classics Physical SciencesEngineering, Technologies Social Science combined with artsArchitecture, Build & PlanInterdisciplinary, other combined subjectsBiology, Vet Sci,Ag & related Social StudiesLaw Creative Arts & Design Science combined with social scienceMass communication and DocumentationMathematical & Comp Sci Business & Admin studies Subjects allied to MedicineEducation0 10 2030 40 506070 8090Managerial and Professional Occupations Intermediate Occupations Routine and manual Occupations 14. 65% of students believe that if they are expected to pay more for theiruniversity experience they wouldhave higher expectations NUS/HSBC Student Experience Report (2010) 15. If students are to pay hugely increasedfees, then they must have increased rightsand increased power. If we face into thecold and unforgiving winds of asubstantially free market, I will not allow students to be let down by weak regulation, permissive of misbehaviour and unfair practices.Aaron Porter, (Student Experience Conference, 11thNovember 2010) 16. School st udent s are lik ely t o t hink universit yw ill be very dif f er ent f r om school94%Being organised and u sing m y t ime 11 712 02562efficient ly w ill b e key t o u niversit y 1%82%I w ill have a w hole new lifest yle at21 3 4 7 1 1928 35 uni ver sit y79% Doi ng w ell at universit y w ill require 312 4 10122 30 27learn ing t o t hink dif fer ent ly75%Most of th e t ime at univ er sit y, t here w il lbe a l ect urer or tut or available t h at I can 41 5 8 6 220 3322go t o for ad vice or in form ation 65%I w ill see an academ ic t ut or, lect ur e et c., 8 22 5 5143021 14regu larly and really get t o k now t hemDon t knowNo exp erience ofBase: All school1 - Tot all y disagree 2leavers (300) 34 - Neither agree nor di sagree567 - Tot all y agree 17. Char t 2: St udent s t h at f all int o t he low est socio - econom ic gr oup,DE, m ost lik ely t o be m ot ivat ed t o choose a univer sit y t hat isclose t o hom eQ3. What w er e t he m ai n reasons f or choosing your univer sit y? Please indicat e your t op t hr ee r easonsBase: All first year students (630), A (100), B (157), C1 (132), C2 (68* ) DE (68* )* small base 18. Chart 5: I nform at ion st udent s received befor e st art ingcour seQ 8. What inform at ion did you receive from your universit y before st art ing your cour se? Please select all t hat apply Base: All first year students (630) 19. Chart 8: I nt ernat ional st udent s w ere significant ly m or elik ely t o say t hey f elt int egrat ed w it h dom est ic st udent sQ65. How int egrat ed do you f eel w it h dom est ic st udent s?Q68. How int egrat ed do you f eel w it h int er nat ional st udent s?55% 29%Base: All international students (204); All domestic students (804) 20. Char t 9: I nt er nat ional st udent s w ere significant ly m or elikely t o t hink t hat int egr at ion w it h dom est ic st udent sw as im port antQ66. How im port ant do you t hink t hat int egrat ion w it h dom est ic st udent s is?Q69. How im por t ant do you t hink t hat int egr at ion w it h int ernat io nal st udent s is?70%58% Base: All international students (204); All domestic students (804) 21. [email protected]