team work makes the dreams work!!

Genesis 11:1-6 11 Now the whole earth had one language and one speech. 2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there. 3 Then they said to one another, “Come, let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They had brick for stone, and they had asphalt for mortar.

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Page 1: Team work makes the dreams work!!

Genesis 11:1-6

11 Now the whole earth had onelanguage and one speech. 2 And it cameto pass, as they journeyed from theeast, that they found a plain in theland of Shinar, and they dweltthere. 3 Then they said to oneanother, “Come, let us make bricksand bake them thoroughly.” They hadbrick for stone, and they had asphaltfor mortar.

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4 And they said, “Come, let usbuild ourselves a city, and atower whose top is in the heavens;let us make a name for ourselves,lest we be scattered abroad overthe face of the whole earth.” 5 Butthe LORD came down to see the cityand the tower which the sons of menhad built. 6 And the LORD said,“Indeed the people are one and theyall have one language, and this iswhat they begin to do; now nothingthat they propose to do will bewithheld from them.

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Team Work

Title: Team works Make The Dream


Turn to you seat mate & say it!

(Team works make your dream works)

Page 4: Team work makes the dreams work!!

People says, “Find a good people and

leave the bad ones”, but it should be,

“Find the good in people, and ignore the

bad in them.

In every team No one is perfect!

If you want to go FAST, go alone. If you

want to go FAR, go together

African proverbs

Page 5: Team work makes the dreams work!!

IBCGI is exist to honor and Glorify God by

individually reaching our community through

dynamic cell groupings, Preaching, crusade,

and mentoring, so that those in (Family

Members) and outside (Neighbors and

Relatives) of our circle of influence will hear

the gospel and be baptized and be part of the

local church as Christ body.

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In the Bible!

Throughout the Bible we read stories aboutpeople working together as a team to achievetheir mission.

1: The first man-

Genesis 2:18 The LORD God said, “It is notgood for the man to be alone. I will make ahelper suitable for him.”

Mission- Cultivate and manage the Creation ofGod!

Note: What happened when they didn’t workas a team (only Eve picked the fruit)? Both ofthem suffer of the consequences of their sin!

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2: Noah & his family- without the help of hisfamily he can’t finish the building of the ark.

Family members must be part of our team.Families can accomplish much and survivehardest trials in life when they will work togetheras a team!

3: Nehemiah- Without the Help of the Israeliteshe can’t build and accomplish the walls in 52days.

4: Moses- He make his self wear out withoutchoosing leaders to be part of his team.

5: Jesus- He Choose 12 leaders and Disciplethem

6: Etc….

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The tower of Babel gives us a picture about teamwork!

When all of us will work together & put our faithinto practice Sky’s the limit of what we canaccomplish!

Just think how many souls will save (In and outsideof our circle of influence? How many projects willbe accomplish?

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1.) The team members must Care For OneAnother.

Uncaring people on a team remind me of two guysin a sinking boat, sitting together at one end doingnothing. As the people at the other end are bailingfuriously, one says, ’Thank God that hole isn’t inour end of the boat.’

Without Sacrifice there can be no Success!Sometimes we are called to sacrifice: time, effort,own desires for the sake of the team. We shouldadapt the Musketeers motto ‘All for One & One forAll!’

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2) The team members must


What happened when the people who

build the tower of Babel can’t

understand each other? (They never

accomplish building the tower)

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3) In a team sometimes ’Your rights’ must takesecond place.

Consider a veteran basketball player, He chooseto submit to the instruction of his coach than tofollow his own game play!

The team’s success must always be of greatervalue than your own individual interests.

Selfish Attitude, robs others of the opportunity toparticipate.

Avoid playing safe then you will see the membersof your team into danger!

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Jesus Himself said!

John 10:11

11 “I am the good shepherd.

The good shepherd gives His

life for the sheep.

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The word team!!

T.E.A.M = Together Everyone Achieves


T.E.A.M.W.O.R.K = Together Enjoying A

Ministry Worshiping Our Righteous King

- note: ’Enjoy’ not just Endure

There’s no ‘I’ in Team

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Church examples of a Team


No fellowship and projects, could ever

be succeed without the dedication and

commitment of our Church leaders.

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This is a story about four people: Everybody,Somebody, Anybody and Nobody.

There was an important job to be done andEverybody was asked to do it.

Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did.Somebody got angry (about that) because it wasEverybody’s job.

Everybody knew that Anybody could do it, but Nobodyrealized that Somebody wouldn’t do it.And (It ended up that) Everybody blamed Somebodybecause (when) Nobody did what Anybody couldhave done.

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In a horse-pulling contest at a county I fair thefirst-place horse moved a sled weighing 4,500pounds. The runner-up pulled 4,000 pounds.The owners of the two horses wondered howmuch the animals could pull if they workedtogether. So they hitched them up and loadedthe sled. To everyone’s surprise, the horseswere able to pull 12,000 pounds that’s 3,500pounds more than if they had gone solo!!

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If person A alone is too short to reach an

apple on a tree and person B is too short

as well. Once person B sits on the

shoulders of person A, they are more than

tall enough to reach the apple.

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There’s a famous quote that says "A

dwarf standing on the shoulders of a

giant may see farther than the giant

himself." As a TEAM we can exceed our


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The Mouse trap

One sunny morning something caught the mouse’seye through a crack in the wall. It was a package thefarmer’s wife was opening. The mouse wonderedwhat kind of delicious food it might contain. To hissurprise it wasn’t food, but a mouse trap!

As the mouse scurried out to the yard he shouted aloud warning to all. “Watch out for the mousetrap inthe house! Watch out for the mousetrap in thehouse!”

The chicken raised his head and said, “I can tell myfriend that this causes you great worry, but it is of noworry to me. Please don’t bother me with it!”

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The mouse then turned to the pig who said,“Sorry Mr. Mouse, it has no consequence to meeither.” The mouse then turned to the bull whosaid, “Sounds like you have a problem friend,but it really doesn’t concern me… sorry, I willkeep you in my thoughts and prayers.”

The mouse went back to the house to face themousetrap alone. He felt down and dejected.

That night the sound of the trap was heardthroughout the house – Snap! The farmer’s wiferushed to see what was caught, but couldn’tsee in the darkness that it was a venomoussnake. She was bitten!

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After rushing his wife to the hospital, thefarmer returned home with her. She had quitea fever. The farmer knew the best way to treather fever was with chicken soup so he tookhis hatchet to the farmyard to get his mainingredient.

The wife grew sicker by the day and friendskept visiting her throughout the days andaround the clock. The farmer felt he had tofeed them so he slaughtered the pig.

The farmer’s wife unfortunately didn’t getbetter and eventually died. There were many,many people who came to pay their finalrespects. The farmer had the cow butcheredso he could feed them all.

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Each member of the team plays an

important role in the team’s success. You

may think that because someone on the

team is struggling that it doesn’t concern

you, but it does. When everyone pulls

together the team wins.

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There was two houses was carried by

people to take it to other place!

One House was carried by 20 peoples

and the other was carried by 10!

The twenty people was un able to carry

it. But the 10 carried it easily!

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What are the possible causes?

A: The ten carried the House as a team!

One leader, they place their self

according to their capacity, they applied

their strength in unison!

B: While the twenty carried the House

without team work.

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In Ephesians 4 v16 (NLT) we read ‘the whole body (symbolical of church, metaphor) is fitted TOGETHER perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts to grow, so that the WHOLE BODY (team) is healthy and growing and full of love.’

From this we learn that united as a team we, each contributing our bit – we can help the church to GROW HEALTHY & STRONG, FULL of love.

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6 And the LORD said, “Indeed the

people are one and they all

have one language, and this is

what they begin to do; now

nothing that they propose to do

will be withheld from them.

Genesis 11:6

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If you want to see revival in your church, if youwant to have a successful & happy family, if youdream of seeing your community transformed, ifyou dream of being more productive than everbefore in your place of work I want to encourageyou to become a team player with the ‘can do’mentality.

If your not involved in a team, I want toencourage you to become a part. & if you are, Iwant to encourage you to keep on keeping on &grow to become an even greater member of theteam! Decide today to be a CONTRIBUTOR inlife rather than just a CONSUMER & begin toexperience


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This message was a compilation of

Rev. Juanito D. Samillano Jr.

Resident Minister of Independent Baptist Church of Gredu Inc.

Purok Sili, Gredu, Panabo City.

Email add:

[email protected]!!

Face book account: Ibcp greduand Juanito D. Samillano
