tech innovation s5_intelligence

ATOA Scientific Technologies Engineering Simulation For Innovation Technology and Innovation Management: S5 Technology Intelligence and Competition Raj C Thiagarajan, PhD To SIBM SIII MBA Students

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process of gathering technology intelligence for making strategic decisions .Analyze the influence of technology on competition


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ATOA Scientific Technologies Engineering Simulation For Innovation

Technology and Innovation Management: S5 Technology Intelligence and Competition Raj C Thiagarajan, PhD



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ATOA Scientific Technologies Pvt Ltd | SIBM , III Semester MBA| Technology and Innovation Management

Technology Intelligence and Competition


• What is Technology intelligence?

• How we collect intelligence?

• The methods and Tools

• Future Technology (Eng services, Renewable Energy)

• Competitive Advantage

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ATOA Scientific Technologies Pvt Ltd | SIBM , III Semester MBA| Technology and Innovation Management

Technology Intelligence


• CIA Definition: Intelligence is knowledge and foreknowledge of the world around us - the prelude to Presidential decision and action”

• Technology related knowledge and foreknowledge that is used for strategic decision making.

• By which, how, when and by whom the Technology meets markets demands.

• Data, information, to Technology knowledge intelligence is a challenge.

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Technology Intelligence analogy

• The business behaves like an organism in an ecosystem

• Technical intelligence enables the organism to sense its environment.

• Respond to increase the probability of survival.

• Higher business performance

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The intelligence Function


• To Gain a Competitive Advantage

• The process of ethically collecting, analyzing, and disseminating accurate, relevant, specific, timely, foresighted and actionable intelligence regarding the implications of the business environment, competitors, and the organization itself.

• The Intelligence Process is NOT:

– Industrial Espionage

– Insider trading

– Corporate Spying

– Searching the Web

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TI Advantages


• Monitors research and development issues

• Reduces risky decision making

• Reduces Uncertainty

• Broadens awareness of competitive situation

• Identifies business alternatives

• Improves the reliability of business plans

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Who is Doing?


• Almost all in some form.

• 90% of Fortune 500 firms in the U.S.

• Chemical and telecommunications firms

• Firms with high R&D expenditures

• Firms that own many patents

• leading innovative product manufacturers

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Components of TI


• Early identification of technologies, technological trends and technological shocks

• Raising the attention for the threats and opportunities of technological development

• Provision of relevant knowledge on technology and the evaluation of their impact on the firm.

• Used for decision making Technology and organizational strategy

• Exploit future growth opportunities and avoid risks.

Technology intelligence source

Process of mapping

Tools for analysis

Mechanism for data collection


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TI Strategic Questions ?


• What is driving competition in the industry segment?

• What are the risks?

• What shall we do concerning the promising emerging technology, buy (acquisition, license-in) or build (own competencies) or cooperate (joint venture; joint research and development with universities/research institutes)?

• How will the industry evolve?

• What actions are competitors likely to take, what are the options to respond?

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Tactical Questions?


• Strategic patent?

• Can we block technical developments for the rival’s product line by a “tactical” patent?

• Shall we complete our line of offerings by a product “imitation” of an existing successful competitive product?

• How do we respond to the new regulations at the horizon in new green protocal concerning our product line?

• What is the best mode to protect our recent innovation (patents, trade secrets)?

• How do we react after detecting infringement of a patent which is of “minor” importance for us?

• How do we gain competitive edge with our patents?

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Technology Intelligence?


• Covers also market and business information

• Links Technology and corporate strategy

• Links Organizational functions

• Liaison role between various industries for co-evolution.

• Effective on the strategic, tactical and operational level.

• Used for critical decision making in the invention, innovation and NPI tool gate process

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TI Process


• The process consists of gathering, assessing and communicating technological opportunities and threats.

Identification Selection Assessment Dissemination

Technology Organizational



R&D and Marketing

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First step: what information is needed?

Depends, industry, current and future plan

Four principle search modes

• Trawling: making in-house information explicit, particularly information that is not known to be there.

• Mining: extracting explicit intelligence information from internal resources such as libraries and databases.

• Targeting: focusing on new technologies outside the company and monitoring their development.

• Scanning: keeping abreast of any unforeseen developments beyond the firm that could have an impact on the business.



Internal External





en E



Examples of Search Method

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• Narrow your Scope

• Use convergence and divergence approach

• Select based on the priority

• Use both Technology and market metrics



Heterogeneity of organization frame

of reference

Time Period of the assessment

Uncertainty of the selection situation

Industry specific technology


Perception of the importance

Function of the intelligence

Corporate Culture

Resource restriction


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Source of info


• Internal experts, customers, and suppliers

• Marketplace surveys

• Industry analysts

• Associations

• Observations

• Unpublished documents

• Patents

• Publications

• Search engines

• Industry database

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• dasdd


Implementation risk Value

Market size Cost savings Disruptive Potential

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Assessment Methods

• Publication, Patent frequency analysis

• Publication, Patent citation analysis

• S-curve Analysis

• Benchmarking studies

• Portfolios

• Delphi Studies, Expert panel

• Technology, Product Road maps

• What if scenario analyses



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Function of the assessment Extrapolative information

Explorative information

Normative information

Organizational Learning

Individual Learning

Publication, Patent frequency analysis

Publication, Patent citation analysis

S-curve Analysis

Benchmarking studies


Delphi Studies, Expert panel

Technology, Product Road maps

What if scenario analyses



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Time Horizon 0- 5 years 10 years 15 years 20 Years 25 Years

Publication, Patent frequency analysis

Publication, Patent citation analysis

S-curve Analysis

Benchmarking studies


Delphi Studies, Expert panel

Technology, Product Road maps

What if scenario analyses



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The Information Challenge


• Insight from information

• Translating industry insights into action for innovation and growth.

• The challenge today is how to manage and use the data for competitive edge.

• Data – info – Knowledge – Competitive advantage

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Attributes of TI : DA&4P


• Descriptive:

• what is done (in the firm’s “environment”)

• Anticipative:

• what will be done (in the firm’s “environment”)

• Prospective: what may be done (by the firm);

• Proscriptive: what cannot be done (by the firm);

• Prescriptive: what should be done (by the firm);

• Prohibitive: what must not be done (by the firm).

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Technology and Competition


• Technology environment

• Technological process

• Consequences -> Competitive Dynamics

• Technology acquisition vs market deployment


Competitive Dynamics

Competitive Advantage

Value Creation

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Technology and Competition


• Changes in Value chain

– New technology

– Automation

– Superior process

• Competitive Rivalry

– Barrier to entry

– Substitution

– Refine the rule of competition

• Environmental trends

– Globalization, Time compression, Integration

• Strategic competitive advantage

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TI summary


• Begins with an understanding compnay (culture, IP, competency”) and the factors that impact the industry and company.

• Focuses on current and future situations, competitors, technologies, opportunities and threats of complementary and substitutive technologies and offerings.

• Targets a “Big picture”

• Is basically comparative (SWOT)

• Anticipates your future actions and reactions and actions/trends of competitors, customers, suppliers, government and society.

• Foundation for Strategic Decision making.

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• Negative Refraction

• Clocking

• Unusual properties and applications

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• Patent

• Vs

• Google

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Technology Development


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Meta applicaitons


Antennas 19

Lens Structures 3

Cloaking 1

Negative Refractive Index 8

Fliters 7

General 29

Waveguides 8

Photonic Crystals 4

Fabrication 7

Radome 5

High Efficiency Devices 8

Transmission Line Approach 3

Distribution of PatentsAntennas

Lens Structures


Negative Refractive Index




Photonic Crystals



High Efficiency Devices

Transmission Line Approach

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ATOA Scientific Technologies Pvt Ltd | SIBM , III Semester MBA| Technology and Innovation Management

Technology intelligence


• Technology intelligence definition

• Collecting intelligence

• The methods and Tools

• Competitive Advantage

• Metamaterial example.