tech map elections 2.0

ELECTIONS 2.0 The New Media Shift & Lessons from the Nenshi Campaign Brian F. Singh

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The New Media Shift & Lessons from the Nenshi Campaign

Brian F. Singh

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Canada in 2011

• Population: 34.03 million

• Under 30 years: 35.7%

• Corruption Perception Index (2010): 8.9 (6th least corrupt)

• Press Freedom Index (2010): 21st

• People Trustworthy? (2007): 71% Agree

• Internet Access: 78%

Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, International Data Base; Transparency International; Reporters Without Borders; Pew Foundation.

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Egypt in 2011

Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, International Data Base; Transparency International; Reporters Without Borders; Pew Foundation.

• Population: 82.08 million

• Under 30 years: 60.7%

• Corruption Perception Index (2010): 3.1 (98th least corrupt)

• Press Freedom Index (2010): 127th

• People Trustworthy? (2007): 58% Agree

• Internet Access: 21%

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1995 & The Reformation

Rise of Internet = Increased Mistrust

Reform of the Catholic Church (versus Corruption) + “Freewill versus Primacy”

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Elections 1.0 to 2.0?

• Disconnect with 21st century public.

• Exposure: “Always on/Never off.”

• “The Dialogue:” Social Media + Content Generation.

• Brand Communication.

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Elections 2.0 = Government 2.0

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Government 2.0…

The integration of new-generation digital media technologies into government structure and operations.

The expectation of more transparency & accountability.

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Necessary & Sufficient Conditions…

Democratic Institutions

Informed PublicFreedom of Expression

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Elections are about Stimulating Mass Action…

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The Rhythm of A Campaign.

From Preparation...

To Election Day...

To there is more to consider.

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The battle online is asimportant as in person and

the traditional media.

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The hyper-engaged are politically catholic and partisan.

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Network Effects.

From dialogue to public consciousness.

Influence & Quality of Connection.

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Social Media is THE Media…

But not the only media.

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Real-time Management/Core Strategy

• Issues Management.• Reputation.• False Information.

• Profiling Audiences.• Recalibration.

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The Revolution will be Branded.

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Google says who you are...

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Brand Personality Matters.

• Authenticity.

• Complexity.

• Differentiation.

• Evolution.

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Substance is important…

Then it is the perception and belief of substance.

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If you just realized what is happening, it is too late.

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Elections 2.0 is a more data-driven (and data intensive) process.

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The Data Literacy Pentagon

Engagement/Voter Identification

Social MediaMonitoring/


Traditional MediaMonitoring

Web Analytics

Polling & RidingIntelligence

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Does Polling Still Matter?

Conversion & Performance Benchmarks.

Gamification & Predictive Markets.

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Crowdsourced & Open-Sourced

Public Government

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Organized Chaos trumpsCommand & Control.

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Who is supporting you?

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“Change the Rules.”

Be Different.

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Where is this going?

• Campaigns will have a “Data Team.”

• Facebook evolves to include an authenticated environment.

• The Domino Effect… Africa?

• Youth engaged… but on own terms.

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Get Involved.

Open Data YYC. Government 2.0

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THANKS!Brian F. SinghZINC Research

Phone: [email protected]: @BFSingh