technical evaluation in cpv systems

Technical evaluation in CPV systems Johana Trujillo, Jose Muñoz and Victor Martinez 4 th Concentrated Photovoltaics Conference and Expo. 21 - 22 March 2013

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Technical evaluation in CPV systems

Johana Trujillo, Jose Muñoz and Victor Martinez

4th Concentrated Photovoltaics Conference and Expo. 21 - 22 March 2013

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0 - Introduction to Mott MacDonald

1 - Independent Engineer role

2 – Technical Due Diligence

3 – Standard PV module Bankability

4 – CPV specifics - System Bankability

5 – Conclusions

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Who is Mott MacDonald?

One of the world’s largest management, engineering and development consultancies

We work in over 140 countries

From 200 permanent offices

On some 16,000 projects

Over 14,000 staff

Turnover of ~ $1.5bn

Employee owned

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Renewable Energy Expertise

• Solar PV &CPV

• Solar CSP

• Onshore Wind

• Offshore Wind

• Biomass and Bio-energy

• Due diligence (technical, contractualand financial aspects)

• Owner’s and lender’s engineering services

• Market & Regulatory Support

• Feasibility and optimisation studies

• Resource assessment and energy yield analysis

• Environmental, Planning and Permitting

• Technical Specification, Conceptual designs

• Project development and management

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The Independent Engineer Role

• Provide an objective view on a project or a technology for the benefit of investors and/or lenders

• Project due diligence and/or technology bankabilityassessment

• Identify any project risk and potential mitigants

• Identify areas for improvement – technical

• Identify areas for improvement – commercial

• Provide support with commissioning and testing

• Provide independent reporting

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Technical Due Diligence

Aim of the TDD:

• To understand project risks

• To assess technology choice, project design and site layout

• To assess plant performance over the debt finance term

• To assess permitting and project delivery timetables

Provide Comfort and Security to the Lenders

Help developers to improve the project

Healthy CPV Project

-technically and economically-

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Technical Due Diligence

TDD standard SoW:

• Review of the project participants

• Review of the proposed technology and project design

• Independent energy yield assessments

• EPC and O&M contracts review

• Project schedule

• Review permitting status and environmental issues

• Review of the technical inputs to the financial model

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• Technical specifications

• Certifications

• Warranties

• Track record

• Operational data

• Technical specifications

• Certifications

• Warranties

• Track record

• Operational data

Technical Due Diligence

Review of the proposed technology:






Review and analysis

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Standard PV Module Bankability

1. Factory Quality Management

2. Manufacturing Process

3. Quality control and Testing

1. Factory Quality Management

2. Manufacturing Process

3. Quality control and Testing

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Standard PV Module Bankability

1. Factory Quality Management

2. Manufacturing Process

3. Quality control and Testing

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1. Factory Quality Management

2. Manufacturing Process

3. Quality control and Testing

Due to CPV specific characteristics both the

Bankability Assessment and the Technical Due Diligence

processes should be extended to a CPV system level

Standard PV Module Bankability

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CPV Specifics � System Level

• Bankability Assessment

– Factory Quality Management

– CPV module Manufacturing Process

– Quality Control and Testing

• Technical Due Diligence

– Technology Review

– Project Design Review

– Independent energy yield assessments

– EPC and O&M contracts review

– Project schedule

– Review permitting status and environmental issues

– Review of the technical inputs to the financial model

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CPV System Bankability

• Critical system components’ integration

– Cell // Optic elements

– Primary // Secondary optics design

– Thermal disipation

– Module // tracker � Achieve a single in-plane surface

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CPV System Bankability

• High accuracy tracking system

– Deformation analysis

– CPV module acceptance angle

– Open // Close loop control System

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CPV System Bankability

• MPP tracking System

– Inverter MPP tracking system

– Reduction of the connection time

– Integration MPP tracking // mechanical tracking

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CPV System Bankability

• Humidity Control System

• Long Term Degradation

– Lack of long term operational data � Rely on tests

– Tests under IEC 62108 simulate long term performance

– Perform harder tests than the ones defined under IEC standard provides extra comfort (as flat PV manufacturers)

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• Although CPV is not a new technology is still hard for it to achieve a ‘bankable’ status

• Prototype or CPV plants operational data helps its bankability process

• Data from different locations provide confidence

• The quality standards of the manufacturing facility of the CPV modules will play an important role at this stage of development for CPV.

• The individual quality certifications of the CPV system components is very important

• Compliance with International standards is a must.

• Independent 3rd party analysis provide comfort to lenders

• CPV technology has strong development possibilities and could have advantages where innovation solutions are Sought.

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Victor Martinez

[email protected]