technical note of eu fp7 monica project: mobility prediction as a service of telecom cloud

H. Xiong 1 , D. Zhang 1 , D. Zhang 1 , V. Gauthier 1 , K. Yang 2 , M. Becker 1 1. Institut Mines-Telecom, TELECOM SudParis 2. Network Convergence Laboratory, University of Essex MPaaS: Mobility Prediction as a Service of Telecom Cloud

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Page 1: Technical Note of EU FP7 MONICA Project: Mobility Prediction as a Service of Telecom Cloud

Institut Mines-Télécom

H. Xiong1, D. Zhang1, D. Zhang1, V. Gauthier1, K. Yang2, M. Becker1

1.  Institut Mines-Telecom, TELECOM SudParis 2.  Network Convergence Laboratory, University of Essex

MPaaS: Mobility Prediction as a Service of Telecom Cloud

Page 2: Technical Note of EU FP7 MONICA Project: Mobility Prediction as a Service of Telecom Cloud

Institut Mines-Télécom


1.  Introduction

2.  MPaaS System Overview

3.  Problem Formulation; Empirical Observations on Mobility Trajectories and MPaaS Prediction Algorithms Design

4.  Evaluation Result

5.  Discussion

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Objectives and Motivation

■ Overall Research Objectives: ●  In order to improve the performance of mobile services, ●  Predicting the future locations of each mobile user by

leveraging the telecommunication system and the cloud computing facility.

■  Our research is motivated by three observations: 1.  Mobility prediction service 2.  Telecommunication System 3.  Telecommunication cloud

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Observation 1

■ Mobility Prediction Service

● Predicting users’ future locations can help to improve the performance of many mobile services

− E.g.,: an user watching the online video in a fast-moving train èpredicting the user’s next cell towers èbuffering the video content on the next cell towers in advance, in order to provide seamless handoff.

● Mobility prediction should be a fundamental service for many mobile services.

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Observation 2

■ Telecom System ● The telecommunication system is promising to

continuously track users’ location trajectories, which could be used to predict users’ future locations: − When a user appears in a cell tower, the telecom

system would leave a signaling log (user id, time-stamp) in the cell tower.

− Given the stream of signaling logs from each cell tower, it is possible to track the continuous location trajectory (e.g., cell tower id sequence) of each mobile user

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Observation 3

■ Telecom Cloud ●  Telcos in nowadays establish their own cloud computing

platform to facilitate the mobile service deployment.

●  The telecom cloud combining telecommunication/cloud computing facilities:

− Continuously tracks each mobile user’s location in real-time.

− Provides the computational power to enable large-scale real-time data mining/machine learning for mobility prediction.

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Motivating Examples

•  Predictive Telecom Resource Management •  Using users’ future locations to dynamically manage the resource

(e.g., power, bandwidth and storage) of communication systems •  Mobility-based Service Personalization

•  Using users’ future locations to personalize the telecom services (e.g., location-aware recommendation, and location-based advertising )

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Research Assumptions & Objectives

Given the stream of signaling logs real-timely-generated by each cell tower; Given a set of mobile users; For each mobile user, Predicting the cell towers that the user would pass-by in next few hours of each mobile user.

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Research Issues

■  Given the stream of signaling logs in each cell tower, querying the cell traces of each individual mobile user

■  Given the each user’s cell traces, extracting the mobility trajectory (the sequence of locations)

■  Given each user’s historical trajectory, predicting the user’s future locations ●  The low accuracy of predicting each user’s future locations

using the individual user’s mobility trajectory ●  Using the social interplay between mobile users to enhance

the mobility prediction.

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■  Investigating the research issues of mobility prediction leveraging the telecom cloud; Proposing MPaaS system.

■  Formulating the mobility prediction problem of the MPaaS system; Proposing the mobility prediction algorithm using the individual/collective mobility patterns.

■  Evaluating the mobility prediction algorithms using the real-world data traces.

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1.  Introduction

2.  MPaaS System Overview

3.  Problem Formulation; Empirical Observations on Cellular Mobility Trace and MPaaS Prediction Algorithms Design

4.  Evaluation Result

5.  Discussion

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MPaaS System Overview

Signaling Logs of each cell tower

Cellular traces of each user

Mobility Trajectory of each user

Future Mobility Traje-ctory of each user

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Cellular Trace Query from Telecom Sys.

Querying each user’s cellular traces from each cell tower using a Publisher/Subscriber system

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Example of Cellular Traces

•  Ping-Pong Noise in cellular traces (overlapped area)

•  Example of cellular traces

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Mapping Cellular Traces (with Ping-Pong Noise) to Mobility Trajectory

■ Two Steps ●  Splitting the overlapped area among multiple cell

towers into the unoverlapped subregions

●  Mapping the cell tower id sequence (with ping-pong noise) into the sequence of unoverlapped subregions (mobility trajectories).

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Mapping Cellular Traces to Mobility Trajectory

■  Splitting the overlapped regions between cell towers into subareas

E.g., three cell towers A, B and C

1.  A,B,C 2.  AB, BC, AC 3.  ABC

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Mapping Cellular Traces to Mobility Trajectory

■  Given the cellular traces (with ping-pong noise) of each individual user; e.g.,:

■  Finding the subregion where the user is most

likely to receive the cell tower id sequence

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1.  Introduction

2.  MPaaS System Overview

3.  Problem Formulation; Empirical Observations on Cellular Mobility Trace; and MPaaS Prediction Algorithms Design

4.  Evaluation Result

5.  Discussion

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MPaaS Problem Formulation

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Data Analysis

■  Before introducing our algorithms, we first pay a glance on our mobility dataset

■  We select 13 users’ 3-month cellular traces from the dataset, and extract the mobility trajectories (sequence of regions) of these 13 users from the cellular traces (using the aforementioned algorithm).

■  Putting 13 users’ trajectories together, we observe the collective behavior patterns.

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Data Analysis: Observing Collective Behaviors in Cellular Mobility Traces


Time slots


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MPaaS Predictor Design

•  Markov-based Predictor using each individual’s historical trajectories. •  CBP-based Predictor using other users’ current locations by leveraging

collective behavior pattern mining.

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MPaaS Prediction Algorithms—Markov-based Predictor

■ Markov-based Predictor ●  Given the region sequence of each user’s historical


●  Given the current region, and finding the list of neighboring region (including current subregion)

●  For each neighboring region, Calculating the probability of the user moving to the region using Markov-Chain and historical region sequence

The highest probability region is the result

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MPaaS Prediction Algorithms—CBP-based Predictor

■ CBP-based Predictor ● Learning Phase 1.  Given the historical trajectories of all mobile users 2.  For each user and each time-slot (in history), learning

the association pattern from all rest users’ regions in the time-slot to the user’s region in the next time-slot.

● Predicting Phase 1.  Given a user, and the current regions of all users;

Finding the list of the user’s neighboring regions; 2.  For each neighboring region, Calculating the

probability of the user appearing in the region in next time-slot.(using the association patterns)

3.  Finding the highest probability region as the prediction result.

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MPaaS Prediction Algorithms—Predictor Fusion

■ Predictor Fusion ● Using DS-Evidence theory to fuse two

predictors; − Combining the probability distributions

(probability on each region) from two predictors è the joint probability distribution

− Finding the highest joint probability region as the prediction result

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1.  Introduction

2.  MPaaS System Overview

3.  Problem Formulation; Empirical Observations on Cellular Mobility Trace; and MPaaS Prediction Algorithms Design

4.  Evaluation Result

5.  Discussion

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■  The realistic deployment on the telecom cloud is required. ●  Will deploy a prototype system in SFR network…

■  Need large dataset to evaluate the mobility prediction algorithms ●  The current evaluation dataset is acquired from a small

group of mobile users, where collective behavioral patterns could be easily observed/extracted.

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Many Thanks!