technical quiz


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Technical Quiz

Technical Quiz

1The shape of clay particle is usually

1AngularFlaky* TubularRounded

2Principle involved in the relationship between submerged unit weight and saturated weight of a soil is based on

2Equilibrium of floating bodies2. Archimedes principle*3. Stokes Law4. Darcys law

3Cohesion in soil ..

31. Decreases active pressure and increases passive resistance*2. decreases both active pressure and passive resistance3. increases the active pressure and decreases the passive resistance4. increases both active pressure and passive resistance

4The possible location of shear centre of the channel section, shown below, is


5The action of negative skin friction on the pile is to

51. maintain the working load on the pile.2.reduce the allowable load on the pile.3.increase the ultimate load on the pile.4.reduce the settlement of the pile.

6The dimension for kinematic viscosity is

61. (L2/T)*2.(ML/T)3.(L/T2)4.(L/MT)

7A given cohesionless soil has emax= 0.85 and emin= 0.50. In the field, the soil is compacted to a mass density of 1800 kg/m3at a water content of 8%. Take the mass density of water as 1000 kg/m3and Gsas 2.7. The relative density (in %) of the soil is

8A conventional flow duration curve is a plot between

81.Duration of flooding and ground level elevation2.Duration of water supply in a city and proportion of area receiving supply exceeding this duration3.Flow and percentage time flow is exceeded4.Flow rate and duration of time taken to empty a reservoir at that flow rate

9For a saturated cohesive soil, a triaxial test yields the angle of internal friction () as zero. The conducted test is

91.Consolidated Drained (CD) test2.Consolidated Undrained (CU) test3.Unconsolidated Undrained (UU) test*4.Unconfined Compression (UC) test

10The potable water is prepared from turbid surface water by adopting the following treatment sequence

101.Turbid surface water Disinfection Flocculation Sedimentation Filtration Coagulation Storage & Supply2.Turbid surface water Coagulation Flocculation Sedimentation Filtration Disinfection Storage & Supply*3.Turbid surface water Filtration Sedimentation Disinfection Flocculation Coagulation Storage & Supply4.Turbid surface water Sedimentation Flocculation Coagulation Disinfection Filtration Storage & Supply

11In reservoirs with an uncontrolled spillway, the peak of the plotted outflow hydrograph

111.lies on the recession limb of the plotted inflow higher than the peak of the plotted inflow hydrograph3.lies outside the plotted inflow hydrograph4.lies on the peak of the inflow hydrograph

12*Accurate determination of water content, is made by

121.calcium carbide method2.sand bath method3.alcohol method4.oven-drying method*

13The coefficient of compressibility of soil, is the ratio of

131.strain to stress*2.stress to strain3.rate of loading to that of settlement4.stress to settlement

14 FM*A piezometer opening in pipes measures

141.static pressure*2.velocity pressure4.negative static pressure

15Reynold number is the ratio of initial force and

151.viscosity*2.elasticity3.gravitational force4.surface tension

16*In pipe lines, a surge tank is provided

161. to provide additional water relieve the pressure due to water hammer* remove the frictional loss in overflow the pipe line when suddenly closed

17The continuity equation

171.relates the momentum per unit volume between two points on a stream line2.expresses the relationship between work and energy3.relates mass rate of flow along a stream line*4.requires that Newton's second law of motion be satisfied at every point in fluid

18*Cavitation is caused by

181.High pressure2.Low pressure*3.High velocity4.Low velocity

19*From a nozzle exposed to atmosphere, the liquid jet traverses

191.a circular path2.a straight line3.a parabolic path* elliptical path

20*On an inclined plane, centre of pressure is located

201.anywhere.2.below the centroid*3.above the the centroid

21*If velocities of fluid particles vary from point to point in magnitude and direction, as well as from instant to instant, the flow is said to be

211.laminar2.uniform flow3.turbulent flow*4.non-uniform flow

22Shear stress is directly proportional to

221.the shear strain*2.the velocity3.the viscosity4.the density

23The best side slope for most economical trapezoidal section, is


24 SurThe station which is selected close to the main triangulation station, to avoid intervening obstruction, is not known as

241.eccentric station2.satellite station3.pivot station*4.false station

25 HydroThe standard height of a standard rain gauge, is


26Precipitation caused by lifting of an air mass due to the pressure difference, is called

261.orographic precipitation2.cyclonic precipitation*3.convective precipitation4.frontal precipitation

27The run off a drainage basin is

271. Precipitation - ground water accretion + initial recharge2. Initial recharge + ground water accretion + precipitation3.Precipitation + ground water accretion + initial recharge4.Precipitation - ground water accretion - initial recharge*

28The quantity of water retained by the sub-soil against gravity, is known

281.specific yield2.porosity3.yield4.specific retention*

29Isohytes are the imaginary lines joining the points of equal


30*The average mean velocity of a stream having depth h, may be obtained by taking the average of the readings of a current meter at a depth of

301.0.1 h and 0.9 h2.0.2 h and 0.8 h*3.0.3 h and 0.7 h4.0.4 h and 0.6 h.

31Hydrograph is a graphical representation of

311.ground water flow2.surface run off3.discharge flowing in the river*4.rain fall

32The earthen embankments constructed parallel to the river banks at some suitable distance for flood control, are known as

321.levees2.dikes3.both dikes and levees*4.river walls

33*Phytometer method is generally used for the measurement of


34 est & costPick up the item of work not included in the plinth area estimate

341.W.C. area2.Room area3.Verandah area4.Courtyard area*

35The damp proof course (D.P.C.) is measured in

351.Cub.m2.Metres3.None of these4.Sq m*

36 TE*For the movement of vehicles at an intersection of two roads, without any interference, the type of grade separator generally preferred to, is

361.delta2.trumpet3.diamond interchange4.clover leaf*

37The weaving length of a roadway is the distance

371.equal to total width of adjoining radial roads2.between the channelizing islands*3.equal to half circumference4.equal to diameter of rotary.

38On concrete roads, the camber generally provided, is

381.1 in 36 to 1 in 482.1 in 30 to 1 in 483.1 in 48 to 1 in 604.1 in 60 to 1 in 72*

39While calculating the sight distances, the drivers eye above road surface, is assumed

391.90 cm2.110 cm*3.100 cm4.120 cm

40*Minimum permissible speed on high speed roads, is decided on the basis of

401.30 percentile cumulative frequency2.15 percentile cumulative frequency*3.20 percentile cumulative frequency4.40 percentile cumulative frequency.

41In an ideal transition curve, the radius of curvature inversely proportional to the radius of main curve* directly proportional to the radius of main any point is directly proportional to its distance from the point of constant

42In India the modes of transportation, in the order of their importance, are

421.air transport, shipping, roads, railways2.shipping, roads, railways, air transport3.roads, railways, air transport, shipping4.railways, roads, shipping, air transport*

43*The shape of a vertical curve, is


44The first stage of deciding the alignment of a hill road, is

441.detailed survey2.trace-out3.preliminary survey.4.reconnaissance*

45 IRR*When a canal is carried over a natural drainage, the structure provided, is known as

451.syphon2.syphon-aqueduct.3.aqueduct*4.super passage

46*SI unit for the surface tension, is*

47100 kN/m2pressure is equal to

471.1 atm2.1 bar*3.1 mm Hg4.1 m bar