technical report a5

348 First European Survey on Language Competences: Technical Report Listening task type 5 (target level A1) EL532 Music Festival You will hear a teacher called Mrs Smith telling a group of students about a Music Festival their college is planning. For the next 6 questions, answer A, B or C. 1 What will be included for the first time at this year's festival? A Classial music B Jazz music C Rock music 2 When will the festival take place? A in May B in June C in July 3 Mrs Smith is very pleased that this year's prizes will be A sums of money B new instruments C cups 4 How does Mrs Smith feel about organising the food? A DQQR\HG WKDW WKH SL]]D UHVWDXUDQW FDQ¶W UXQ D VWDOO B ZRUULHG WKDW VKH ZRQ¶W KDYH HQRXJK SDUHQWV WR KHOS C anxious about whether there will be a lot of garbage 5 0UV 6PLWK VD\V WKH RUJDQLVHU¶V RIILFH ZLOO EH A in the English department B in a first-floor classroom C in the library 6 Mrs Smith says that the first thing students should start doing is A ordering tickets B writing letters

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Technical Report A5


Page 1: Technical Report A5

348 First European Survey on Language Competences: Technical Report Listening task type 5 (target level A1)

EL532 Music Festival

You will hear a teacher called Mrs Smith telling a group of students about a Music Festival their college is planning. For the next 6 questions, answer A, B or C.

1 What will be included for the first time at this year's festival?

A Classial music

B Jazz music

C Rock music

2 When will the festival take place?

A in May

B in June

C in July

3 Mrs Smith is very pleased that this year's prizes will be

A sums of money

B new instruments

C cups

4 How does Mrs Smith feel about organising the food?


C anxious about whether there will be a lot of garbage

5 0UV�6PLWK�VD\V�WKH�RUJDQLVHU¶V�RIILFH�ZLOO�EH� A in the English department

B in a first-floor classroom

C in the library

6 Mrs Smith says that the first thing students should start doing is

A ordering tickets

B writing letters

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349 First European Survey on Language Competences: Technical Report

C designing posters


Good morning. As you know, all students are invited to give their ideas about the Music Festival and are also expected to help with the organisation. Now, to make a change from WKH�XVXDO�FODVVLFDO�SLHFHV�SHUIRUPHG�E\�VFKRRO�RUFKHVWUDV��ZH¶UH�JRLQJ�WR�DOVR�KDYH�URFN�bands. I know that a few of you wanted to include jD]]�EXW�WKH�VWDII�IHHO�WKDW�WKHUH�ZRXOGQ¶W�be enough interest from other schools in that. There have been some problems with possible dates. Traditionally, the festival takes place in the first week in May, but, this year, exams will still be on, so it was decided to move it. We looked at two options: June and July and it was agreed the earlier date would be better for everyone, although some teachers preferred the later date. The principal has now confirmed the dates, which are the 21st to the 23rd, so please put that in your diary.

Now, the school usually gives the winning performance a silver cup but, last year, it was suggested that we ask local businesses if they would like to give something instead ± for H[DPSOH��QHZ�LQVWUXPHQWV��%XW�,¶P�GHOLJKWHG�to announce that the local travel agency has agreed to give a cash prize to each winner. The singer, Paul Dobson, will give out the prizes on the day. Now, we should think about food because we need to provide for possibly 300 people. :H¶YH�GHSHQGHG�RQ�SDUHQWV�WR�KHOS�LQ�WKH�SDVW��EXW�,¶P�FRQFHUQHG�WKDW�QRW�PDQ\�ZLOO�EH�ZLOOLQJ�WR�KHOS�DJDLQ�DV�LW¶V�D�ORW�WR�DVN��:H¶OO�KDYH�D�SL]]D�VWDOO�EXW�ZH¶OO�KDYH�WR�UXQ�LW�ourselves because the local restaurant is too busy - EXW�,¶P�VXUH�ZH¶OO�PDQDJH��7KHUH�ZLOO��RI course, be a lot of garbage to clear up - VR�ZH¶OO�KDYH�D�WHDP�RI�VWXGHQWV�GHDOLQJ�ZLWK�WKLV�� 1RZ��WKH�HYHQW�RUJDQLVHU¶V�RIILFH��/DVW�\HDU�ZH�XVHG�D�ILUVW-IORRU�FODVVURRP�EXW�WKDW¶V�QRW�DQ�option this year, so Dr Twining has kindly agreed that we can use the English department. The library will be closed. The performance areas, will, of course, be in the school hall and theatre. &RXOG�\RX�DOO�VLJQ�XS�IRU�ZKDW�\RX¶G�EH�LQWHUHVWHG�LQ�GRLQJ"�,¶OO�QHHG�SHRSOH�WR�PDNH�D�VWDUW�writing letters ± these need to go out next month. But the most urgent thing is designing posters ± these will be placed in shop windows all over town. The Principal has ordered the WLFNHWV��VR�ZH�GRQ¶W�KDYH�WR�ZRUU\�DERXW�WKDW�� Now, is there ... (fade)

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350 First European Survey on Language Competences: Technical Report


1 C

2 B

3 A

4 B

5 A

6 C