techniques for developing efficient petascale applications

Techniques for Developing Efficient Petascale Applications Laxmikant (Sanjay) Kale http://charm.cs.uiuc.e du Parallel Programming Laboratory Department of Computer Science

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Techniques for Developing Efficient Petascale Applications. Laxmikant (Sanjay) Kale Parallel Programming Laboratory Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. Outline. Basic Techniques for attaining good performance - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Techniques for Developing Efficient Petascale Applications

Techniques for Developing Efficient Petascale Applications

Laxmikant (Sanjay) Kale

http://charm.cs.uiuc.eduParallel Programming Laboratory

Department of Computer Science

University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

Page 2: Techniques for Developing Efficient Petascale Applications


Outline• Basic Techniques for attaining good performance

• Scalability analysis of Algorithms

• Measurements and Tools

• Communication optimizations:– Communication basic– Overlapping communication and computation– Alpha-beta optimizations

• Combining and pipelining– (topology-awareness)

• Sequential optimizations

• (Load balancing)04/21/23 2Performance Techniques04/21/23

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Parallel Objects,

Adaptive Runtime System

Libraries and Tools

Examples based on multiple applications:

Molecular Dynamics

Crack Propagation

Space-time meshes

Computational Cosmology

Rocket Simulation

Protein Folding

Dendritic Growth

Quantum Chemistry (QM/MM)

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Analyze Performance with both: Simple as well as

Sophisticated Tools

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Simple techniques• Timers: wall timer (time.h)

• Counters: Use papi library raw counters, ..– Esp. useful:

• number of floating point operations,

• cache misses (L2, L1, ..)

• Memory accesses

• Output method:– “printf” (or cout) can be expensive

– Store timer values into an array or buffer, and print at the end

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Sophisticated Tools• Many tools exist• Have some learning curve, but can be beneficial• Example tools:

– Jumpshot


– Scalasca

– Projections

– Vampir ($$)

• PMPI interface: – Allows you to intercept MPI calls

• So you can write your own tools

– PMPI interface for projections:

• git://

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Example: Projections Performance Analysis Tool

• Automatic instrumentation via runtime

• Graphical visualizations• More insightful feedback

– because runtime understands application events better

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Exploit sophisticated Performance analysis tools

• We use a tool called “Projections”

• Many other tools exist

• Need for scalable analysis

• A not-so-recent example:– Trying to identify the next performance obstacle for NAMD

• Running on 8192 processors, with 92,000 atom simulation

• Test scenario: without PME

• Time is 3 ms per step, but lower bound is 1.6ms or so..

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Performance Tuning withPatience and Perseverance

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Performance Tuning with Perseverance

• Recognize multi-dimensional nature of the performance space

• Don’t stop optimizing until you know for sure why it cannot be speeded up further– Measure, measure, measure ...

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Shallow valleys, high peaks, nicely overlapped PME

green: communication

Red: integration Blue/Purple: electrostatics

turquoise: angle/dihedral

Orange: PME

94% efficiency

Apo-A1, on BlueGene/L, 1024 procs

Charm++’s “Projections” Analysis too

Time intervals on x axis, activity added across processors on Y axisl

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Cray XT3, 512 processors: Initial runs

Clearly, needed further tuning, especially PME.

But, had more potential (much faster processors)

76% efficiency

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On Cray XT3, 512 processors: after optimizations

96% efficiency

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Communication Issues

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Recap: Communication Basics: Point-to-point

Sending processorSending co-processor


Receiving co-processor

Receiving processor

Each component has a per-message cost, and per byte cost

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Each cost, for a n-byte message = ά + n β

Important metrics: Overhead at processor, co-processor Network latency Network bandwidth consumed

Number of hops traversed

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Communication Basics

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• Message Latency: time between the application sending the message and receiving it on the other processor

• Send overhead: time for which the sending processor was “occupied” with the message

• Receive overhead: the time for which the receiving processor was “occupied” with the message

• Network latency

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Communication: Diagnostic Techniques

• A simple technique: (find “grainsize”)– Count the number of messages per second of computation per processor!

(max, average)– Count number of bytes– Calculate: computation per message (and per byte)

• Use profiling tools:– Identify time spent in different communication operations– Classified by modules

• Examine idle time using time-line displays– On important processors– Determine the causes

• Be careful with “synchronization overhead”– May be load balancing masquerading as sync overhead. – Common mistake.

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Communication: Problems and Issues• Too small a Grainsize

– Total Computation time / total number of messages

– Separated by phases, modules, etc.

• Too many, but short messages– vs. tradeoff

• Processors wait too long

• Later: – Locality of communication

• Local vs. non-local

• How far is non-local? (Does that matter?)

– Synchronization

– Global (Collective) operations• All-to-all operations, gather, scatter

• We will focus on communication cost (grainsize)

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Communication: Solution Techniques• Overview:

– Overlap with Computation

• Manual

• Automatic and adaptive, using virtualization

– Increasing grainsize

– -reducing optimizations

• Message combining

• communication patterns

– Controlled Pipelining

– Locality enhancement: decomposition control

• Local-remote and bw reduction

– Asynchronous reductions

– Improved Collective-operation implementations

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• Problem: – Processors wait for too long at “receive” statements

• Idea: – Instead of waiting for data, do useful work

– Issue: How to create such work?

• Can’t depend on the data to be received

• Routine communication optimizations in MPI– Move sends up and receives down

• Keep data dependencies in mind..

– Moving receive down has a cost: system needs to buffer message

• Use irecvs, but be careful

• irecv allows you to post a buffer for a recv, but not wait for it

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Overlapping Communication-Computation

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Major analytical/theoretical techniques• Typically involves simple algebraic formulas, and ratios

– Typical variables are:

• data size (N), number of processors (P), machine constants

– Model performance of individual operations, components, algorithms in terms of the above

• Be careful to characterize variations across processors, and model them with (typically) max operators

– E.g. max{Load I}

– Remember that constants are important in practical parallel computing

• Be wary of asymptotic analysis: use it, but carefully

• Scalability analysis:– Isoefficiency

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Analyze Scalability of the Algorithm(say via the iso-efficiency metric)

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Scalability• The Program should scale up to use a large

number of processors. – But what does that mean?

• An individual simulation isn’t truly scalable

• Better definition of scalability:– If I double the number of processors, I should be able to retain

parallel efficiency by increasing the problem size

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Isoefficiency Analysis• An algorithm (*) is scalable if

– If you double the number of processors available to it, it can retain the same parallel efficiency by increasing the size of the problem by some amount

– Not all algorithms are scalable in this sense..

– Isoefficiency is the rate at which the problem size must be increased, as a function of number of processors, to keep the same efficiency

– Use η(p,N) = η(x.p, y.N) to get this equation

Parallel efficiency= T1/(Tp*P)

T1 : Time on one processor

Tp: Time on P processors




Equal efficiency curves

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Gauss-Jacobi Relaxation

while (maxError > Threshold) {

Re-apply Boundary conditions

maxError = 0;

for i = 0 to N-1 {

for j = 0 to N-1 {

B[i,j] = 0.2 * (A[i,j] + A[i,j-1] +

A[i,j+1] + A[i+1, j] + A[i-1,j]) ;

if (|B[i,j]- A[i,j]| > maxError)

maxError = |B[i,j]- A[i,j]|



swap B and A


Sequential Pseudocode: Decomposition by:



Or Column

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Isoefficiency of Jacobi Relaxation

Row decomposition• Computation per proc:

• Communication:

• Ratio:

• Efficiency:

• Isoefficiency:

Block decomposition• Computation per proc:

• Communication:

• Ratio

• Efficiency

• Isoefficiency

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Isoefficiency of Jacobi Relaxation

Row decomposition• Computation per PE:

– A * N * (N/P)

• Communication– 16 * N

• Comm-to-comp Ratio:– (16 * P) / (A * N) = γ

• Efficiency:– 1 / (1 + γ)

• Isoefficiency: – N4

– problem-size = N2

– = (problem-size)^2

Block decomposition• Computation per PE:

– A * N * (N/P)

• Communication:– 32 * N / P1/2

• Comm-to-comp Ratio– (32 * P1/2) / (A * N)

• Efficiency

• Isoefficiency– N2

– Linear in problem size

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NAMD: A Production MD program

NAMD• Fully featured program

• NIH-funded development

• Distributed free of charge (~20,000 registered users)

• Binaries and source code

• Installed at NSF centers

• User training and support

• Large published simulations

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Molecular Dynamics in NAMD• Collection of [charged] atoms, with bonds

– Newtonian mechanics

– Thousands of atoms (10,000 – 5,000,000)

• At each time-step– Calculate forces on each atom

• Bonds:

• Non-bonded: electrostatic and van der Waal’s– Short-distance: every timestep

– Long-distance: using PME (3D FFT)

– Multiple Time Stepping : PME every 4 timesteps

– Calculate velocities and advance positions

• Challenge: femtosecond time-step, millions needed!

Collaboration with K. Schulten, R. Skeel, and coworkersPerformance Techniques04/21/23

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Traditional Approaches: non isoefficient

• Replicated Data:– All atom coordinates stored on each processor

• Communication/Computation ratio: P log P

• Partition the Atoms array across processors– Nearby atoms may not be on the same processor

– C/C ratio: O(P)

• Distribute force matrix to processors– Matrix is sparse, non uniform,

– C/C Ratio: sqrt(P)

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Spatial Decomposition Via Charm

•Atoms distributed to cubes based on their location

• Size of each cube :

•Just a bit larger than cut-off radius

•Communicate only with neighbors

•Work: for each pair of nbr objects

•C/C ratio: O(1)


•Load Imbalance

•Limited Parallelism

Cells, Cubes or“Patches”

Charm++ is useful to handle this

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Object Based Parallelization for MD:

Force Decomposition + Spatial Decomposition

•Now, we have many objects to load balance:

•Each diamond can be assigned to any proc.

• Number of diamonds (3D):

–14·Number of Patches

–2-away variation:

–Half-size cubes

–5x5x5 interactions

–3-away interactions: 7x7x7Performance Techniques04/21/23

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Strong Scaling on JaguarPF

6,720 cores

53,760 cores

107,520 cores

224,076 cores

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Gauss-Seidel Relaxation

While (maxError > Threshold) {

Re-apply Boundary conditions

maxError = 0;

for i = 0 to N-1 {

for j = 0 to N-1 {

old = A[i, j]

A[i, j] = 0.2 * (A[i,j] + A[i,j-1] +A[i,j+1]

+ A[i+1,j] + A[i-1,j]) ;

if (|A[i,j]-old| > maxError)

maxError = |A[i,j]-old|




Sequential Pseudocode: No old-new arrays..

Sequentially, how well does this work?

It works much better!

How to parallelize this?

Spring 2009 CS420: Parallel Algorithms

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How do we parallelize Gauss-Seidel?

• Visualize the flow of values

• Not the control flow:– That goes row-by-row

• Flow of dependences: which values depend on which values

• Does that give us a clue on how to parallelize?

Spring 2009 CS420: Parallel Algorithms

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Parallelizing Gauss Seidel

• Some ideas– Row decomposition, with pipelining

– Square over-decomposition

• Assign many squares to a processor (essentially same?)

Spring 2009 CS420: Parallel Algorithms

PE 0PE 1PE 2

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# Columns = N/W# Rows = P













P# Of Phases




P ... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...





N + 1W N + 1W

...N + 1W N + 1W

...N + 1W N + 1W



+ P (-1)

Row decomposition, with pipelining

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# ProcsUsed


0 P NW

N + P -1W

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Red-Black Squares Method

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• Red squares calculate values based on the black squares– Then black squares use values from red squares

– Now red ones can be done in parallel and then black ones can be done in parallel Each square locally can do Gauss-

Seidel computation

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Communication : alpha reducing optimizations• When you are sending too many tiny messages:

– Alpha cost is high (a microsecond per msg, for example)

– How to reduce it?

• Simple combining: – Combine messages going to the same destination

– Cost: delay (lesser pipelining)

• More complex scenario:– AllToAll: everyone wants to send a short message to everyone


– Direct method: . (P-1) +.(P-1).m

– For small m, the cost dominates

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All to all via Mesh

Organize processors in a 2D (virtual) grid

Phase 1:

Each processor sends messages within its row

Phase 2:

Each processor sends messages within its column

Message from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) goes via (x1,y2)

2. messages instead of P-1 1P

For us: 26 messages instead of 192



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16 32 64 96 128 192 256 512 1024 1280 1536 2048Processors


e (






3d Grid

All to all on Lemieux for 76 byte Msg.

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All to all on Lemieux 1024 processors











76 276 476 876 1276 1676 2076 3076 4076 6076 8076Message Size (Bytes)


e (




Mesh Compute

Bigger benefit: CPU is occupied for a much shorter time!

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Namd Performance on Lemieux

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Impact on Application Performance









Step Time

256 512 1024



Namd Performance on Lemieux, with the transpose step implemented using different all-to-all algorithms

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Sequential Performance Issues

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Example program

• Imagine a sequential program running using a large array, A• For each I, A[i] = A[i] + A[some other index]• How long should the program take, if each addition is a ns• What is the performance difference you expect, depending on how

the other index is chosen?

for (i=0, index2=0; i<size; i++) { index2 += SOME_NUMBER; // smaller than size if (index2 > size) index2 -= size; A[i] += A[index2];}

Spring 2009 50CS420: Cache Hierarchies

for (i=0; i<size-1; i++) { A[i] += A[i+1];}

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Caches and Cache Performance

Spring 2009 CS420: Cache Hierarchies 51

• Remember the von Neumann model






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Why and how does a cache help?• Only because of the principle of locality

– Programs tend to access the same and/or nearby data repeatedly

– Temporal and spatial locality

• Size of cache

• Multiple levels of cache

• Performance impact of caches– Designing programs for good sequential performance

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Reality today: multi-level caches

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• Remember the von Neumann model







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Example: Intel’s Nehalem

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• Nehalem architecture, core i7 chip:– 64 KB L1 instruction and 64 KB L1 data cache per core

– 256 KB L2 cache (combined instruction and data) per core

– 8 MB L3 (combined instruction and data) "inclusive", shared by all cores

• Still, even L1 cache is several cycles – (reportedly 4 cycles, inreased from 3 before)

– L2: 10 cycles

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A little bit about microprocessor architecture

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• Architecture over the last 2-3 decades was driven by the need to make clock cycle go faster and faster– Pipelining developed as an essential technique early on.

– Each instruction execution is pipelinesd:

• Fetch, decode, execute, stages at least

• In addition, floating point operations, which take longer to calculate, have their own separate pipeline

• L1 cache accesses in Nehalem are pipelined – so even though it takes 4 cycles to get the result, you can keep issuing a new load every cycle, and you wouldn’t notice a difference (almost) if they are all found in L1 cache (i.e. are “hit”s)

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Another issue: SIMD vectors• Hardware is capable of executing multiple

floting point instructions per cycle– Need to enable that, by using SIMD vector instructions

– Example: Intel’s SSE and IBM’s AltiVec

• Compilers try to automate it, – but are not always successful

• Learn manual vectorization– Or use libraries that help

04/21/23 Performance Techniques 56

movaps xmm0, [v1] ;xmm0 = v1.w | v1.z | v1.y | v1.x addps xmm0, [v2] ;xmm0 = v1.w+v2.w | v1.z+v2.z | v1.y+v2.y | v1.x+v2.x movaps [vec_res], xmm0

Example from Wikipedia:

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Broad Approach To Performance Tuning• Understand (for a given appliction)

– Fraction of peak performance

• (10% is good for many apps!)

– Parallel efficiency:

• Speedup plots

• Strong scaling: keep problem size fixed

• Weak scaling: increase problem size with processors

– These help you decide where to focus

• Sequential optimizations => fraction of peak– Use right compiler flags (basic: -O3)

• Parallel inefficiency: – Grainsize, Communication costs, idle time, critical paths,

– load imbalances

• One way to recognize it: wait time at barriers!

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Decouple decomposition from Physical Processors

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Migratable Objects (aka Processor Virtualization)

User View

System implementation

Programmer: [Over] decomposition into virtual processors

Runtime: Assigns VPs to processors

Enables adaptive runtime strategies

Implementations: Charm++, AMPI

• Software engineering– Number of virtual processors can be

independently controlled– Separate VPs for different modules

• Message driven execution– Adaptive overlap of communication– Predictability :

• Automatic out-of-core– Asynchronous reductions

• Dynamic mapping– Heterogeneous clusters

• Vacate, adjust to speed, share– Automatic checkpointing– Change set of processors used– Automatic dynamic load balancing– Communication optimization


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Migratable Objects (aka Processor Virtualization)

• Software engineering– Number of virtual processors can be

independently controlled– Separate VPs for different modules

• Message driven execution– Adaptive overlap of communication– Predictability :

• Automatic out-of-core– Asynchronous reductions

• Dynamic mapping– Heterogeneous clusters

• Vacate, adjust to speed, share– Automatic checkpointing– Change set of processors used– Automatic dynamic load balancing– Communication optimization


Real Processors

MPI processes

Virtual Processors (user-level migratable threads)

Programmer: [Over] decomposition into virtual processors

Runtime: Assigns VPs to processors

Enables adaptive runtime strategies

Implementations: Charm++, AMPI

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Parallel Decomposition and Processors

• MPI-style encourages– Decomposition into P pieces, where P is the number of physical

processors available

– If your natural decomposition is a cube, then the number of processors must be a cube

– …

• Charm++/AMPI style “virtual processors”– Decompose into natural objects of the application

– Let the runtime map them to processors

– Decouple decomposition from load balancing

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Decomposition independent of numCores

• Rocket simulation example under traditional MPI vs. Charm++/AMPI framework

– Benefit: load balance, communication optimizations, modularity






Fluid. . .

1 2 P






Fluidm. . .

Solid3. . .

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OpenAtomCar-Parinello ab initio MD

Collabrative IT project with: R. Car, M. Klein, M. Tuckerman, Glenn Martyna, N. Nystrom, ..

Specific software project (leanCP): Glenn Martyna, Mark Tuckerman, L.V. Kale and co-workers (E. Bohm, Yan Shi, Ramkumar Vadali)

Funding : NSF-CHE, NSF-CS, NSF-ITR, IBMFunding : NSF-CHE, NSF-CS, NSF-ITR, IBMPerformance Techniques04/21/23

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New OpenAtom Collaboration

• Principle Investigators – M. Tuckerman (NYU)– L.V. Kale (UIUC)– G. Martyna (IBM TJ Watson)– K. Schulten (UIUC)– J. Dongarra (UTK/ORNL)

• Current effort is focused on – QMMM via integration with NAMD2– ORNL Cray XT4 Jaguar (31,328 cores) – ALCF IBM Blue Gene/P (163,840 cores)

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Ab initio Molecular Dynamics, electronic structure simulation enables the study of many important systems

Molecular Clusters : Nanowires:

Semiconductor Surfaces: 3D-Solids/Liquids:

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Quantum Chemistry

• Car-Parinello Molecular Dynamics– High precision: AIMD molecular dynamics uses

quantum mechanical descriptions of electronic structure to determine forces between atoms. Thereby permitting accurate atomistic descriptions of chemical reactions.

– PPL's OpenAtom project features a unique parallel decomposition of the Car-Parinello method. Using Charm++ virtualization we can efficiently scale small (32 molecule) systems to thousands of processors.

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Computation Flow

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Torus Aware Object Mapping

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OpenAtom Performance

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Benefits of Topology Mapping

Watson Blue Gene/L(CO mode)

PSC BigBen (XT3)(SN and VN mode)

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Use Dynamic Load BalancingBased on the

Principle of Persistence

Principle of persistence

Computational loads and communication patterns tend to persist, even in dynamic computations

So, recent past is a good predictor or near future

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Load Balancing Steps

Regular Timesteps

Instrumented Timesteps

Detailed, aggressive Load Balancing

Refinement Load Balancing

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Processor Utilization against Time on 128 and 1024 processors

On 128 processor, a single load balancing step suffices, but

On 1024 processors, we need a “refinement” step.

Load Balancing

Aggressive Load Balancing

Refinement Load


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ChaNGa: Parallel Gravity

• Collaborative project (NSF ITR)– with Prof. Tom Quinn, Univ. of Washington

• Components: gravity, gas dynamics• Barnes-Hut tree codes

– Oct tree is natural decomposition:• Geometry has better aspect ratios, and so you “open” fewer

nodes up.• But is not used because it leads to bad load balance• Assumption: one-to-one map between sub-trees and

processors• Binary trees are considered better load balanced

– With Charm++: Use Oct-Tree, and let Charm++ map subtrees to processors

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Load balancing with GreedyLB

dwarf 5M on 1,024 BlueGene/L processors

5.6s 6.1s

Messages x1000 Bytes transferred (MB)








Main title

Before LB

After LB

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Load balancing with OrbRefineLB

dwarf 5M on 1,024 BlueGene/L processors

5.6s 5.0s

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ChaNGa: Parallel Gravity Code

Developed in Collaboration with Tom Quinn (Univ. Washington) using Charm++

ChaNGa Preliminary Performance

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• Exciting times ahead• Petascale computers

– unprecedented opportunities for progress in science and engg.– Petascale Applications will require a large toolbox, with

• Algorithms, Adaptive Runtime System, Performance tools, …• Object-based decomposition• Dynamic Load balancing• Scalable Performance analysis

• Early performance development via BigSim

My Research:

Blue Waters:

Performance Techniques04/21/23