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  • About Technopedia

    It is said that success is founded on twenty percent inspiration and eighty percent perspiration. It

    is also said that you become what you eat. The technical equivalent is that "You become what

    you surround yourself with".

    In this 21st century while many advanced technology has been emerging day by day, this is

    important that we should stay connect with latest news headlines for having regular tech news

    updates. Well, nowadays it is very vital that we should stay connected with these sorts of news

    articles because this could lead us for better technical understanding.

    In this world while we are using mobile phones, laptops and many other technologies for making

    our life even better, simultaneously it is also important that we should stay aware of its potential

    and its functionality so that we could use it for better things. Well, if you look deeply into this then

    you can realize it that these news updates are very vital, so if you are wondering to stay acquainted

    with tech news updates then head on to our TECHNOPEDIA for headlines for technical stuffs. You

    can find many gadget reviews, app reviews and services information etc from this website.

    In today's high tech world it is unsurprising that so many areas of commerce and life depend upon

    technology and subsequently, any news in these fields is of vital importance to even the lay reader.

    Technology news is so important that many news websites have created dedicated pages purely to

    report on technological developments.

    A well thought out and regularly published newsletter will give our College the unique experience

    of getting to expand the students Technical knowledge and, more importantly, give people a chance

    to get to know our College. Thus TECHNOPEDIA, is a combination of a Technical E-Newsletter &

    our Student Activities Forum of Computer/IT Department.

    The importance of technology in communications is probably where news is most important. As one

    of the fastest developing industries in the world, communications has the potential to change our

    lives unimaginably. Already the mobile phone has revolutionized the way we live and communicate

    and hence many want to be well informed when a new technology arrives. If you believe all the

    news stories have to say, in the future we will be living in a world without manual labor.


    Advise: We help analyze the challenges Students face and develop appropriate responses.

    Implement: We implement and manage technological, organizational, and management solutions, often based

    on the results of our organizational services.

    Improve: We help Students increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their activities through program

    evaluation, continuous improvement initiatives, performance management, benchmarking, and

    other analyses.

  • Our Editorial Board

    From the HODs Pen:-

    Chhotubhai Gopalbhai Institute of Technology (CGPIT) ,Uka Tarsadia University (UTU) has excelled in all directions due to endless efforts of Management, The Director, Faculty

    Members, Supporting Staff and most important the students.

    We, the faculty members and students of Computer Engineering and Information Technology

    department have decided many milestones to accomplish. By preparing newsletter of department

    we reached at first milestone, still many to reach. We are sure that with better planning and

    sincere efforts we will achieve all.

    This is possible due to the team work and genuine efforts by one and all. I, on behalf of

    Computer and IT Departments heartily congratulate all the team members who directly and

    indirectly involved in this effort. I hoped such participation from all will be continued also in

    the future.

    Devendra Thakor HOD, Computer-IT Department


    From the Chief Editors Pen:-

    A journey of thousand miles begins with a single step. The budding new generation of CGPITians has very rightly justified this saying. CGPIT comes out with new innovations all through the year.

    We all are aware of the varied co-curricular that are held from time to time in this prestigious

    college. Adding one more feather to its crown is the combination of Technical Newsletter &

    Student Activities Forum of Computer & IT Department, TECHNOPEDIA. The Newsletter is a matter of pride for all of us & we hope this tradition will be followed in following years for all the

    department of CGPIT.

    CGPIT has started flourishing in real senses these following years. Im pleased to observe the tremendous growth that the college is making & I hope that the College First Newsletter has been

    able to bring all the students of CGPIT on a common platform where they can put across their talents

    & realize their ambitions. I congratulate the team of Technopedia & everyone who has contributed

    towards the making of the Newsletter. Hope you all relish this Newsletter. Im delighted to be a part of CGPIT which is flooded with enthusiastic activities all year round. Be it academics, sports or

    cultural events, Im proud to say that CGPIT always has had a lead. The students have been able to demonstrate their super qualities in out of National events. It feels great to see the Colleges Technical Newsletter coming out first time this year. Im happy & congratulate for such a marvelous work done.

    I am really very happy that the CESA has decided to publish the Newsletter. It basically acts as a

    mirror for CGPIT & helps us in looking at the images created by us during the year. It is a medium

    through which the students of CE/IT bring on to surface their hidden expressions & literary skills &

    reveal achievements of the students & faculty members. It will also motivate the students &

    Teachers of various departments. It will increase interaction between the students of various

    departments, thereby uniting to communicate with the city. Best wishes to all the students in

    successfully bringing out their thoughts & appreciations through this magazine. Nikunj C Gamit

    Asst. Prof. CGPIT

  • From the Student team of Technopedia ..

    We, the members of the team are delighted as we present Technopedia to you. CGPIT is rich with tradition & achievements. Its less of a place & more of a culture of which we are the basic elements. We bring excitement, share dreams & ideas, explore new ventures & thus help expand the horizons of

    our own & everyones perception. And basically Technopedia has tried to reflect all of it. This was the prime motive of our team & we were at pinnacle of our Endeavour. We dont know how far we succeed in our attempt, but this newsletter in your hand is our sincere effort to ensure that it represents a

    panorama of all activities of the CE/IT department & that it brings to the imagination of the reader

    our culture & multidimensional activities.

    One of the greatest joys in creating this was been working with people, as a team. And this is an

    unbiased opinion of all team members. Without the unfettered, unhindered support, without the

    graciousness, inspiration and wisdom of one & all in team, this newsletter would not have been

    possible. This newsletter has been a essentially labor of will & strong passion. More than our duty, it

    is love for our college and a spirit of team work that has propelled us into putting our all into it. We

    are thankful to all our colleagues for overwhelming us with their meticulous news articles & specially

    designing was a clear indication of the interest level. Unfortunately constraints of space & due to our

    striving to maintain a high quality of writing, many students efforts had to be over looked. But this is our sincere urge to keep up the outstanding work in the coming future. We, as a team, have

    thoroughly enjoyed bringing out this magazine. We hope you as much pleasure reading it as we had

    bringing to you.

    Setting ambitious goals & realizing them are different things. But we, as a team have indeed realized

    the ambitious goal that it had set for itself. 3 years in this institute equips us not only with specific

    knowledge but also with a truer ethical compass, a deeper sense of social responsibility, and a more

    passionate engagement in the multi-faceted world around us.

    As the Newsletter editor it was a dream come true, to see the first copy of Newsletter out of the

    printing Machine. A deep sigh & a thank you note to the almighty, for paying us generously for the

    hard work undertaken by us. I would like to thank & congratulate our team for the ravishing work

    done. I hope that readers have a good time reading this.

    Its not just a newsletter. It is the result of weeks of selfless dedication, hard work, sleepless nights, and tireless efforts of each & every member of the team. Without their valuable help this would be not

    possible. I hope each & everyone savors the flavors of technews

    Technopedia Team


    Special Thanks to Following Students Participated in Technopedia ..

    Vaghani Dharmesh

    Chovatiya Mayur

    Sonani Kaushik

    Nakum Chetan

    Shankar Ritesh

    Vashi Smit

    Modi Devang

    Patel Chaitali

    Desai Sunny

    Patel Jaimik

    Popatia Aftab

    Mistry Priyank

    Parmar Abhijit

    Desai Drushti

    Shah Ishani

    Champaneria Pooja

    Chodavadiya Jaydeep

    Mistry Bhavin

    Sakhareleeya Kalpesh

    Jalodara Yogesh

  • About our College

    Surat is the most industrialized city in the state of

    Gujarat today. It is well known all over the world

    for its diamonds, jari and manmade textiles.

    Situated on the banks of the river Tapi, it is the

    fastest growing industrial city in the country.

    Besides this, it is also fast emerging as the source of

    dyes, chemicals and intermediates, textile

    machinery, plastic technology as well as agro-based

    industries. This attracts skilled, semiskilled and

    unskilled workmen from all over the country. The

    demand for facilities of higher education grew


    Chhotubhai Gopalbhai Patel Institute of

    Technology is one among the self financed college &

    is a leading institute offering multi disciplinary

    undergraduate programmes in engineering. The institute was GTU affiliated and was established

    during June 2009.The institute was affiliated to Gujarat Technology University till 2011. Thereafter,

    it has become a constituent of the Uka Tarsadia University. Our college has successfully ventured

    into the establishment of deemed university. At Chhotubhai Gopalbhai Patel Institute of Technology,

    quality education is more than a philosophy; it is the very essence of its existence.

    CGPITs motto (dhyan mantra) Gyanam Vignan Sahitam is part of the first sloka (stanza) of the ninth Adhyaya (Chapter) of Srimad Bhagwat Gita. Dr. S Radhakrishnan, the philosopher president

    of India had suggested that this could be the aim of education. It can be translated as Knowledge with Wisdom- knowledge is acquired while wisdom is experiential and intuitive. CGPIT aim to prepare students who will acquire the requisite knowledge in a specific discipline, but temper its

    application with wisdom.

    CGPIT foresight to get talented engineers in field of Computer engineering, Information technology,

    Electronics and communication, Civil engineering, Mechanical engineering, Automobile engineering

    Faculties are dedicated to provide the students global business capabilities required for success. The

    learning experience will be influenced by the most recent developments in the field and delivered by

    experienced teachers and experts from the field.

    Apart from regular lectures and practicals, CGPIT arranges various seminars and guest lectures in the respective disciplines to fill the gap between the Industry and the Education. Foundation's

    activities include working closely with communities to promote local culture and social upliftment

    through education aimed at enhancing the sound development of the students through Qualitative

    Education. The Foundation ensures that the students have every opportunity to grow up sound and

    strong both in mind and body through the skillful training during the course of studies. As a result, a

    student can establish himself/herself in the society and the country with aiming to have

    business/service etc. in his/her life.

    CGPITS holistic development policy-

    1. To develop a spirit of inquiry and achieve Academic Excellence.

    2. To inculcate a sense of discipline and character.

    3. To develop a spirit of Social Commitment.

    4. To promote a Culture of Peace in the society.

    5. To build a strong Industry-Institute Interface.

  • Higher education stands for humanism and for adventure of ideas

    through constant research. If these functions are performed well,

    then it is well with the nation and the people. Students of CGPIT

    are well equipped with the necessary tools required for expanding

    their knowledge and have practical implementations. Various

    faculties have specialization in field like networking, network

    security, image processing, privacy preserving, remote sensing, etc.

    Also some of the lecturers are pursuing their M.Tech degree. The

    entire faculty is kind hearted and very supportive to the students to

    help them clear their queries and help to complete their projects.

    Industry Relations Industry relation is one of the most vibrant activities at Institute.

    For strengthening the said purpose and to establish to provide close

    links with industries, Placement Cell was started. The purpose of

    the cell is to find out the gap between need of the industry and end

    product of the institute. The cell is the bridge between the industry,

    the real world and the institute. One of the objectives is also to offer

    programmes fulfilling the needs of continuing education of the

    industrial personnel. The cell is also focused to provide the real time

    experience to the students vide continuously supporting them in

    placing them for industrial trainings & projects.

    We believe in developing programmes, which provides solutions to

    real world problems with a strong desire of forging innovative

    alliance with industry to achieve synergy. The Cell imparts benefits

    to all components like students, faculty, institute and industry by

    interacting closely with the industries. Students are exposed to the

    real world and learn the needs of their future career. Industry

    exposure of faculty is very much helpful to guide students about

    latest industrial practices.

    Industries are able to know recent developments and inventions in

    their fields and implement projects for technologically driven


  • About Shrimad Rajchandra

    Raychandbhaiv Ravajibhai Mehta, popularly known as Shrimad Rajchandra by his followers, was a

    prominent Jain philosopher. His full name was Shri Raichandbhai Ravjibhai Mehta, and he belonged

    to a well-known merchant community. His father's name was Ravjibhai, and his mother's was

    Devabai. He was brought up in Jain religious traditions. In his short life span he had entertained all

    the thought-forms of powerful saints and philosophers. He was born on November 9, 1867 in Vavania

    Bandar, India, and left His body on April 9, 1901

    in Rajkot, India. He is especially notable for

    being "a guide and helper" to Mahatma Gandhi.

    Shrimad Rajchandra played alone. He always

    had a strong desire to be victorious, but he had

    no attachment to wearing clothes, selection of

    good food, and etc. Also in his early childhood, he

    was a pet student of his school as well as of his

    village. Then from ages seven to eleven Shrimad

    Rajchandra had devoted his life to studies. But

    before his studies, he possessed all the knowledge

    of his previous births, which is called

    JatiSmaranaGnan. It is at this time that he was

    full of affection and natural sympathy towards

    all around him. He also began to indulge in the

    Jain scriptures. Then within two years of school,

    at the age of nine and half, he had already

    mastered the study of seven standers. During

    these two years, at age eight he wrote five

    thousand stanzas, and then at age nine he

    composed Ramayana and Mahabharata in verse.

    In 33 years of life, He not only attained liberation

    Himself, but was also instrumental in the liberation of many others. His preachings have been compiled in an invaluable text titled, Shrimad Rajchandra, which even today, continues to quench

    the thirst of true seekers.

    Mahatma Gandhi Gandhiji was introduced to Shrimad Rajchandra by Dr. Pranjivandas Mehta. Gandhiji was amazed

    to see Shrimads extraordinary powers and used to meet him often. In his autobiography, Gandhiji writes -

    I never saw him lose his state of equipoise. There was no business or other selfish tie that bound him to me and yet I enjoyed the closest association with him. Whenever I saw him, he would engage me in

    conversation of a seriously religious nature. Though I was then groping and could not have said to

    have any serious interest in serious discussion, still I found his talk of absorbing interest. I have

    since met many a religious leader or teacher. I have tried to meet the heads of various faiths and I

    must say that no one else has ever made on me the impression that Raichandbhai did. His words

    went straight home to me. His intellect compelled as great a regard from me as his moral earnestness

    and deep down in me was the conviction that he would never willingly lead me astray and would

    always confide to me his innermost thoughts. In my moment of spiritual crisis, therefore, he was my


  • About our Group CESA


    The Computer Engineering Students Association (CESA) is a collaboration of all the Computer Engineering students of the

    college. It unites all the students to participate and contribute

    towards the activities organized by the all three year students

    of the Computer Engineering field.

    Computer engineering is a discipline that combines both

    electronics engineering and computer science. A Computer

    engineer usually trains in electronics engineering, software

    design and hardware-software integration instead of only

    software engineering or electronics engineering. He is involved

    in many aspects of computing, from the design of individual

    microprocessors, personal computers, and supercomputers, to

    circuit design. This field of engineering not only focuses on how

    computer systems themselves work, but also how they integrate

    into the larger picture. The Computer Society of India is a non-Profit professional meet to exchange

    views and information learn and share ideas. The wide spectrum of members is committed to the

    advancement of the theory and practice of Computer Engineering and Technology Systems, Science

    and Engineering, Information Processing and related Arts and Sciences. The Society also encourages

    and assists professionals to maintain the integrity and competence of the profession and fosters a

    sense of partnership amongst members. Besides the activities held at the Chapters and Student

    Branches, the Society also conducts periodic conferences, seminars, etc.


    The Association strives to advance the theory, practice, and application of computer and information

    processing science and technology and maintains a high professional standard among its members. It

    promotes cooperation and exchange of technical information among its members, and to this end, holds

    various seminars and workshops, and, through its organization and other appropriate means, provides

    for the needs of its members.

    The students societies are the pivot around which the extra-curricular activities of the Institute revolve and play a significant role in the Institute life of the students. They serve as an important

    adjunct to course work also since it sponsors lectures by eminent engineers, debates, competitions,

    general knowledge quiz, essay competitions and various programmes and, in general, stimulate

    interest in the diverse spheres of a students life including games and sports. It provides ample opportunities for the students to develop their abilities in fine arts by conducting music competitions,

    dramatics, etc. This encourages emotional integration amongst students to a very great extent.

    Main Aims and Objectives

    To promote disciplined corporate, intellectual, civic and cultural life amongst students.

    To foster activities to bring out the creative talent of the students.

    To promote study (including discussion) of subjects of national and international importance.

    To encourage amongst students, awareness of the responsibilities of an individual in democratic


    To promote social service activities.

    To know the latest developments.

  • Student Development Programmes

    To equip students with 21st century skills, our Institute is organizing various Personality

    Development Programmes which are conducted by Globarena. Also seminars were held on

    Personality Development conducted by Himanshu Joshi which was beneficial to students for

    developing their self confidence and helped to improved their communication skills and discard the

    phobia of failure. Seminar based on personality development was conducted by Tathastu to discard

    phobia and to be courageous to face the difficult and challenging situation.

    Training and placement talks were held in campus by director Jatin Desai which helped the

    students to clear out the dilemma about their carrier. Also a Placement Committee had been

    formed to keep track of various Industries for placements for a brighter carrier of students.

    Seminar on Training and placement was held by AVIVA Life Insurance Pvt Ltd. Various Industrial

    Visits in various Departments like CE/IT, Automobile, Civil was conducted & many other is been


    In order to achieve the expectations of society not only producing good engineer to produce Good &

    valuable citizen a variety of tools are adopted for teaching & learning. They include Lectures,

    Laboratory work, Tutorials, Home Assignments, Seminars, Workshops, Guest Lectures, Field

    visits, & Project Work.

    The Institute uses a host of pedagogic tools ranging from lectures, discussions, seminars, industrial

    visits, etc. to enhance the effectiveness of the total teaching learning process. The highlights of the

    approach adopted, Rigorous coaching & continuous evaluation. Integrated approach to functional

    areas through assignments and presentations. Academic rigour and innovative pedagogical tools.

    Emphasis on field based projects and interaction with practitioners. Faculty guidance and advisory

    system with Faculty as Counselors to students. Continues enhancement of Communication Skills.

    Computer training. Continuous upgradation of state of the art knowledge and skills of technical

    education. Active participation of students in creative co-curricular activities.

    A glance at various Student Development Programmes:-

    MIND POWER WORKSHOP conducted by TATHASTU Personality Development Programme conducted by HIMANSHU JOSHI Training & Placement Programme conducted by GLOBARENA Training & Placement Seminar conducted by Branch Manager of AVIVA LIFE INSURANCE

    PVT. LTD.

    Seminar on JAVA conducted by TOPS Technologies. Spoken Tutorial Workshop on LINUX, LATEX, & PYTHON conducted by IIT-Bombay. ETHICAL HACKING workshop conducted by SUNNY VAGHELA. SOCIAL MEDIA WORKSHOP conducted by LINUX & OPEN SOURCE TECHNOLOGY workshop conducted by ETHICAL HACKING seminar conducted by ANKIT FADIA. We had our College Cultural Festival namely AKS. We had our College Technical Festival namely SCICLONE

  • Lets Explore The World

    Smartphone Shipments Overtake Client PCs in 2011 For The First Time Ever

    The year 2011 marked a beginning of an important trend in mobile computing. Smartphone

    shipments topped PCs for the first time ever last year, by 73 million units, according to figures

    published by research firm Canalys. The total global shipments of smart phones for the whole of

    2011 were 487.7 million units, up 63% on the 299.7 million smart phones shipped throughout 2010.

    By comparison, the global client PC market grew 15% in 2011 to 414.6 million units, with 274%

    growth in pad shipments. Pads accounted for 15% of all clients PC shipments in 2011.

    The Text SMS Turns 19 Years Old

    According to Wikipedia, the first SMS text message was sent over the Vodafone

    GSM network in the United Kingdom on 3 December 1992, from a man named

    Neil Papworth using a personal computer to Richard Jarvis of Vodafone using

    an Orbitel 901 handset. The text of the message was Merry Christmas. The technology behind the SMS text is 27-years old, having first been developed in

    the Franco-German GSM cooperation in 1984 by Friedhelm Hillebrand and

    Bernard Ghillebaert. It was then, eight years later, that the Merry Christmas text was sent.

    Pulse rate as Password!!!!!

    Now, security system that uses your pulse rate as password. Researchers have come up with a

    security system, which recognizes a persons heartbeat as a password. The new technology offers hope of electronics, which people could simply pick up to unlock them. Human heartbeats never quite

    repeat themselves, and each persons heartbeat is unique. Chinese researchers have discovered a way to mathematically identify a persons beat in an instant and use it as a password.Because electrocardiogram signals vary from person to person, and can be used as a new tool for biometric

    recognition, the Daily Mail quoted researchers at the National Chung Hsing University in Taichung, Taiwan. Lead researcher Chun-Liang Lin used two ECG readings from peoples palms to determine the distinctive mathematical properties of their heartbeat. They found that the number could be used

    as a password and that the system is extremely secure.

    Touchphones in pockets

    Soon, touchscreen that works inside your pockets.

    Researchers have developed a prototype for a touch screen

    that can allow its users to send text messages even when it

    is kept inside a jacket or pants pocket. The stealthy screen

    works when it is touched through the fabric, whether it is

    silk, cotton or even thick fleece. In classes on meetings of the

    future, with your hands tucked underneath the conference

    table or desk, the user may rest a fingertip tactfully on the

    pocket that holds the touch screen and handle a call by tracing a message like Running late. The technology, called PocketTouch, is the brainchild of Microsoft researchers Scott Saponas and

    HrvojeBenko with Chris Harrison, a PhD student at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh,

    Pennsylvania. The prototype uses sensors similar to those used in most touch screens, and is

    mounted on the back of a smartphone case. Its a way to send short messages when it is not socially appropriate to fish out your device, he said, or in many other instances when people simply don''t want to go to the trouble of removing a device from a pocket. On the contrary, PocketTouch calibrates

    continuously, adapting to different kinds of fabrics.

  • Samsung Vs Apple

    The Steve Jobs Death impacts on Samsung and Apple war

    Opportunities for Samsung after death of Steve Jobs The death of Apple founder Steve Jobs was very influential in

    making the iPhone, iPod and iPad. This is a tremendous

    opportunity for its main rivals, especially Samsung to beat

    Apple. Intelligence and creativity influence the fate of

    Apples Steve Jobs. Death of the inspiration of Apple at the age of 56 years raises a lot of speculation about

    Appleschances in the competition for the gadget. As a technology analyst, Im sorry for his death. This is the Jobs of Apple, not Apples Jobs, said Kim Young-chan, an analyst at Shinhan Investment, Seoul, as stated by Yahoo News, Friday on October 10th 2011. The CEO of Apples rivals, such as, Amazon, Sony, Google and even Samsung Electronics offered condolences over the death of their most

    powerful rival.

    Apple no further has an inventive and striving person similar to Jobs and they always entice on it, said Simon Liu, deputy investment officer of Polaris Groups finance section. In Asia, even in the world, sales of Samsung are strongly related to Apples sales. They compete with each other. Analysts said Samsung is one of Apples competitors that very tough, they both dominate the tablet market. Samsung manufactures Galaxy Tab, and we know that the Galaxy is the closest competitor of the

    iPad in terms of technology and sales. But there are things that are less known to the general public,

    that Apple has always been the largest customer through the salesof Samsungs mobile chip and the display screen. This show the two brands are also working behind the scenes. Cooperation and

    competition has made the two into a global brand in the last decade. But this cooperation has also

    produced a prolonged dispute. Lee Seung-woo, technology Shinyoung Securities analyst, said Apple

    has transformed the diligence, but its market diffusion will be diminished in the absence of Jobs as a

    source of corporate creativity. Without Jobs, Apples rivals now have some opportunity for more advanced and companies like Google, Samsung, Microsoft and Facebook will try to fill that market, concluded Lee. This war was started by Steve Jobs, after sued to Samsung But unfortunately;

    initiator is no more with Apple now. Samsung has chance to improve in absent of Steve Jobs. Time

    will tell us about who is loser and who gainer is. Important thing is that during this war, both would

    lose so many things in corporate level and business market.

    10 Dangerous Viruses in Computer History

    Computer viruses have a relatively short history, but the damages caused by some of them pushed

    cyber-experts to opening a new chapter on computer viruses. Some viruses led to serious damages

    and affected a large number of companies, universities and even governments.

    Here are some of the most dangerous computer viruses in history:

    (1) Jerusalem - 1987

    This is one of the first MS-DOS viruses in history that caused enormous destructions, affecting

    many countries, universities and companies worldwide. On Friday 13, 1988the computer virus

    managed to infect a number of institutions in Europe, America and the Middle East.

    (2) Morris (a.k.a. Internet Worm) -November 1988

    This computer virus infected over 6,000computer systems in the United States, including the

    famous NASA research Institute, which for some time remained completely paralyzed. Due to

    erratic code, the worm managed to send millions of copies of itself to different network computers,

    being able to entirely paralyze all network resources. The virus could also pick user passwords.

    (3) Solar Sunrise - 1998

    (4) Melissa - 1999

    For the first time computers got acknowledged with Melissa computer virus on March 26, 1999,

    when the virus shutdown the Internet mail system , which got blocked with e-mails infected by the


  • (5) I Love You - May 2000

    Using a similar method as the Melissa, the computer virus dubbed "I Love You" managed to infect

    millions of computers around the world overnight. Just like Melissa this computer virus sent passwords

    and usernames, which were stored on the attacked computers, back to the developer of the virus. After

    authorities traced the virus they found that a young Filipino student was behind the attack.

    (6) The Code Red worm - July 2001

    This 21st century computer virus managed to penetrate tens of thousands of systems that ran Microsoft

    Windows NT and Windows 2000 server software

    (7) Nimda - 2001

    Shortly after the September 11 tragedy this computer virus infected hundreds of thousands of computers

    worldwide. Nimda was considered to be one of the most complicated viruses, having 5 different methods

    of infecting computers systems and being able to duplicate it.

    (8) Downadup - 2009

    The latest and most dangerous virus is the "downadup" worm, which was also called "Conficker. The computer security company F-Secure stated that the computer virus has infected 3.5 million computers

    worldwide. This malicious program was able to spread using a patched Windows flaw.

    MIT Genius Stuffs 100 Processors Into Single Chip

    Forget dual-core and quad-core processors: A semiconductor

    company promises to pack 100 cores into a processor that can be

    used in applications that require hefty computing punch, like video

    conferencing, wireless base stations and networking. By

    comparison, Intels latest chips are expected to have just eight cores.

    With a revolutionary new chip architecture and programming tool

    set, Anant Agarwal of Tilera embedded the processing power of

    hundreds of cores on a single chip. Tileras technology addresses the three biggest challenges in todays semiconductor market, offering a processor that is high-performance, power-efficient, and easy to

    program. Agarwal directs the Massachusetts Institute of Technologys vaunted Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, or CSAIL. The lab is housed in the universitys Stata Center, a Dr. Seussian hodgepodge of forms and angles that nicely reflects the unhindered-by-reality visionary

    research that goes on inside.

    Tileras revolutionary architecture provides superior performance because it eliminates the on-chip bus

    interconnect, a centralized intersection that information

    must flow through between processor cores or between

    cores and the memory and I/O. As manufacturers have

    added more cores to chips, the bus (or ring) has created an

    information traffic jam because all data from these

    additional cores must travel through a single one-

    dimensional path.

    Tileras architecture eliminates the dependence on a bus, and instead puts a non-blocking, cut-through switch on

    each processor core, which connects it to a two

    dimensional on-chip mesh network called iMesh (Intelligent Mesh). This combination of the switch and a

    processor is called a tile. The iMesh provides each tile with more than a terabit/sec of interconnect bandwidth, creating a more efficient distributed

    architecture and eliminating on-chip data congestion. Multiple parallel meshes are used in order to

    separate different transaction types and provide more deterministic interconnect throughput.

  • 3G and 4G Features

    3G Services With the help of 3G, we can access many new services too. One such service

    is the GLOBAL ROAMING. Another thing to be noted in case of 3G is that

    Wide Band Voice Channel that is by this the world has been contracted to a

    little village because a person can contact with other person located in any

    part of the world and can even send messages too. Then the point to be noted

    is that 3G gives clarity of voice as well can talk without any disturbance. Not

    only these but also have entertainments such as Fast Communication,

    Internet, Mobile T.V, Video Conferencing, Video Calls, Multi Media

    Messaging Service (MMS), 3D gaming, Multi-Gaming etc are also available with 3G phones.

    4G Features When It is still to estimate as to how many number of people have moved on from 2G to 3G , technology

    has come up with the latest of its type namely 4G.A successor of 2G and 3G, 4G promises a downloading

    speed of 100Mbps and is yet to shower its wonders on. then with the case of Fourth Generation that is 4G

    in addition to that of the services of 3G some additional features such as Multi-Media Newspapers, also to

    watch T.V programs with the clarity as to that of an ordinary T.V. In addition, we can send Data much

    faster than that of the previous generations.

    What is the reason for delay in implementing 3G and 4G Mobile services? It is very sad to say that the 3G services had only reached with in some towns of china, so that it may take

    time to reach to other countries. Another major defect of this is that Wide Band Frequency Spectrum,

    which is needed for 3G, is lacking. Another reason for this is that it a cost bearing item especially for

    sending data. So for us it is a higher one which could be used only by upper classes. If it should be

    accepted among all customers, firstly it should be availed at a lower rate, for which the rate of spectrum

    should be declined

    Harvesting Electricity from Cockroaches ..!!!!!!!

    The key to converting the chemical energy is using enzymes in series at the

    anode. The first enzyme breaks the sugar, trehalose, which a cockroach

    constantly produces from its food, into two simpler sugars, called

    monosaccharides. The second enzyme oxidizes the monosaccharides, releasing

    electrons. The current flows as electrons are drawn to the cathode, where

    oxygen from air takes up the electrons and is reduced to water.

    After testing the system using trehalose solutions, prototype electrodes were

    inserted in a blood sinus in the abdomen of a female cockroach, away from

    critical internal organs.

    The researchers found the cockroaches suffered no long-term damage, which

    bodes well for long-term use. To determine the output of the fuel cell, the

    group used an instrument called a potentiostat. Maximum power density reached nearly 100 microwatts per square

    centimeter at 0.2 volts. Maximum current density was about 450 microamps per square centimeter.

    The study was five years in the making. Progress stalled for nearly a year due to difficulties with trehalase the first enzyme used in the series. Lee said. The new enzyme led to success.

    USB stick can sequence DNA in seconds

    It may look like an ordinary USB memory stick, but a little gadget that can sequence DNA while

    plugged into your laptop could have far-reaching effects on medicine and genetic research. The UK firm

    Oxford Nanopore built the device, called MinION, and claims it can sequence simple genomes like those of some viruses and bacteria in a matter of seconds. More complex genomes would take longer, but MinION could also be useful for obtaining quick results in sequencing DNA from cells in a biopsy to

    look for cancer, for example, or to determine the genetic identity of bone fragments at an archaeological

    dig. The company demonstrated today at the Advances in Genome Biology and Technology (AGBT)

    conference in Marco Island, Florida, that MinION has sequenced a simple virus called Phi X, which

    contains 5000 genetic base pairs.

  • IPv6: Are You Ready???

    IPv6 is an IP address standard designed to replace the current IPv4

    protocol, which has been in use since the 1980s for routing Internet

    traffic. The new protocol has been available for several years now and

    supports several magnitudes more address spaces than IPv4, while also

    providing better security and reliability.

    For more than 30 years, 32-bit addresses have served us well, but the

    growth of the Internet has mandated a need for more addresses than is

    possible with IPv4. IPv6 allows for vastly more addresses. IPv6 is the only long-term solution; it has

    not yet been widely deployed. With IPv4 addresses expected to run out in 2011, only 0.2% of Internet

    users have native IPv6 connectivity.

    Decomposition of an IPv6 address into its binary form

    While IPv4 allows 32 bits for an Internet Protocol address,

    and can therefore support 232 (4,294,967,296) addresses,

    IPv6 uses 128-bit addresses, so the new address space

    supports 2128 (approximately 340 undecillion or 3.41038)

    addresses. This expansion allows for many more devices and

    users on the internet as well as extra flexibility in allocating

    addresses and efficiency for routing traffic. It also eliminates

    the primary need for network address translation (NAT),

    which gained widespread deployment as an effort to alleviate

    IPv4 address exhaustion.

    On 8 June, 2011, top websites and Internet service providers around the world, including Google,

    Facebook, Yahoo!, Akamai and Limelight Networks joined together with more than 1000 other

    participating websites in World IPv6 Day for a successful global-scale trial of the new Internet

    Protocol, IPv6. By providing a coordinated 24-hour test flight, the event helped demonstrate that major websites around the world are well-positioned for the move to a global IPv6-enabled Internet,

    enabling its continued exponential growth.

    Microsoft Calls Google a Cookie Monster!!!!!

    Google is tracking users of the Internet Explorer Web browser without their knowledge, Microsoft has

    asserted. After news emerged last week that Google had bypassed the privacy settings of Apple's Safari

    browser, Microsoft researchers began looking into whether the search giant was also playing fast and

    loose with IE's settings.

    However, IE 9 has an additional privacy feature called "Tracking Protection" that blocks the method

    Google is using, Microsoft said. Users without IE 9 or who have the feature turned off may be


    Google "basically hacked IE differently than they hacked Safari, but the result is pretty much the same

    - they overrode the browsers' capability to block cookies and prevent reporting," Rob Enderle, principal

    analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. Google "appears to be intentionally violating the

    privacy rights of users of third party products."

    Google's actions are "concerning at any level, being misleading to consumers who expect these privacy

    controls to be honored and working," Chris Babel, CEO of TrustE, told TechNewsWorld.

    However, Google spokesperson Rachel Whetstone contended that Microsoft's policy "is widely non-


  • From Facultys Pen

    Computer/IT Engineers a Boon to Industries

    The computing world has gone quite a distance. The future of computer engineers is very

    bright. We are in all the parts of the world and have touched every aspect of modern life. We

    help all the other engineering disciplines do their work faster and efficiently. We have helped

    the world to automate thousands of activities. We have already started playing with artificial

    intelligence. Through Artificial Intelligence, we shall be automating human thought process...

    i.e. the highest level of human activity, imagine!!!!

    "The world is now addicted to the computers...and we see no escape in near future." :)

    Nikunj C Gamit

    Asst. Prof.

    CGPIT .


    "A man is great by deeds, not by birth."

    "Learn from the mistakes of others... you can't live

    long enough to make them all yourselves!!

    "A person should not be too honest. Straight trees

    are cut first and honest people are screwed first."

    "Even if a snake is not poisonous, it should pretend

    to be venomous."

    "There is some self-interest behind every friendship. There is no friendship without self-

    interests. This is a bitter truth."

    Before you start some work, always ask yourself three questions - Why am I doing it, what the results might be and will I be successful. Only when you think deeply and find satisfactory

    answers to these questions, go ahead."

    "As soon as the fear approaches near, attack and destroy it."

    "The world's biggest power is the youth and beauty of a woman."

    "Once you start a working on something, don't be afraid of failure and don't abandon it. People

    who work sincerely are the happiest."

    "The fragrance of flowers spreads only in the direction of the wind. But the goodness of a person

    spreads in all direction."

    "Books are as useful to a stupid person as a mirror is useful to a blind person."

    "Education is the best friend. An educated person is respected everywhere. Education beats the

    beauty and the youth."

    Mahendra B Mendapara


    CGPIT .

  • Moments of Inspiration

    The secret of happiness is to work on yourself so that you may give to others." The most beautiful prayers are those who ask for nothing but give everything in return. Saints are only, accomplished Saints. We are all Saints in the making and will get there,

    eventually "

    True cosmic justice always takes place first ... in the human heart. When a being learns to love all creatures, he becomes invulnerable. The people who are joyful and positive never are by chance. It is a great Teaching that they are

    following either consciously or unconsciously. "

    If there are so many obscurities in this world, it is perhaps only because we do not live according to the laws of light.

    It is not Life that is wrongly made; it is humans that don't live right!

    Wherever we are, that is where our work is. The harder the winter, the Greater the spring. " To complain without working to better a situation is not noble and

    certainly not very useful ... "

    By criticizing, our conscience levels itself with the problems. By putting solutions into practice, it surpasses them. "

    When we have surpassed a situation, we become able to laugh about it. That is perhaps why the great sages have such a sense of

    humor. : ) "

    Live each day well, and you will have an extraordinary life! Men need to believe and aspire towards something bigger than him, not because he is so small,

    but really because he is much greater then he knows himself to be! " The search for God often has but one reason, remembrance ... "

    Life is a gift, an absolutely free gesture which is only up to us to honor. Illumination is the ultimate synthesis of things.

    Pranita Sadgir


    CGPIT .

    Preachings of Swami Vivekananda

    Soon Enjoyment lies not in physical development, but in the culture of the mind and the


    Happiness is the art of making a bouquet of flowers within reach.

    Don't be afraid to admit you don't understand.

    Every great achievement is done slowly.

    Education is the chief defense of a nation.

    Life is not just being alive, but being well.

    Don't take that vacation if you didn't finish your work.

    Real Education is that which enables one to stand on one's own legs.

    Charity is the life of a nation.

    Hatred is the thing which greatly impedes the course of progress.

    Rachna Patel


    CGPIT .

  • Optical Finger Mouse The Optical Finger Mouse is created by Logisys. The innovative way of browsing your computer via

    this optical mouse is just so tremendous. It seems so easy to use. Just strap the mouse on to your

    middle finger or index finger and find a flat surface and you can maneuver the cursor on the screen

    with your hand free to do what you want with only slight finger or hand movement. Dont worry about the typing as, this mouse allows you to type while using it and much more. It is connected to

    the CPU via USB cord and can be used with mobile laptops as well.. The price range for this mouse is

    determined anywhere from $16.73 to $23.24 at 4 sellers


    Specifications: Strap it on your index finger with the sensor tip in

    alignment with your index finger tip or slightly higher

    depends on your own comfort level.

    Provide support by using your middle finger to hold the

    finger mouse against your index finger when you are


    Point the cursor with your index finger while your

    thumb to control the left button (lower button), right

    button (upper button) and scroll wheel.

    Features: Simple and easy mouse cursor control.

    Comfortable 3 foot 8 inch cloth USB cord.

    Works on virtually any surface except reflective glass.

    Dual mouse buttons and scroll wheel for easy navigation.

    Maitry Noticewala



    Top 3 Pirate Sites:

    1. Napster Napster is a legitimate music service now, but it was not always. When it

    started out in 1999 it was a P2P filesharing service that was used mostly to share hard to find or

    independent material.It was very easy to use and let downloaders grab MP3 files. Wikipedia reckons

    that it had around 25 million users and 80 million songs on its servers.All was not smooth however,

    since some music recording artists do not like people downloading their material for free. Enter

    Metallica, which in 2000 filed a lawsuit against Napster. DrDre joined in this legal action, as we

    knew it, was shut down.

    2. The Pirate Bay The Pirate Bay (TPB), which started up back in 2003, has been involved in

    one of the longest filesharing legal battles of all our entries.It was back in

    May 2006 that the organisation was raided by the Swedish police, who

    seized control of a number of servers. In January 2008, the web site's

    operators were charged with contributing to copyright infringement and in

    April 2009 Fredrik Neij, GottfridSvartholmWarg, Peter Sunde and Carl Lundstrm were sentenced

    to one year in prison and a 2.4m fine for copyright infringement.

  • 3. Newzbin2 Newzbin2 is a members-only web site that allows users to share links to

    copyrighted films, music and computer games. The web site made headlines last

    year when the film industry asked the UK courts to force internet service

    providers (ISPs) to block Newzbin2 in order to protect the creative industries

    from 'piracy. So far, both BT and Sky have been ordered by the courts to block access to the web site through use of filtering technology. The court orders have

    been hailed as victories for the creative industries and represent the first times

    UK ISPs have been forced to block access to a web site. Internet rights groups

    have warned that the courts could have set a dangerous precedent and that granting such court

    orders could lead to internet censorship. Talktalk and Virgin Media have been asked by the Motion

    Picture Association to follow suit and block Newzbin2 but have not been slapped with court orders


    Kinjal Mistree

    Asst. Prof.



    SAP was founded in 1972 in Walldorf, Germany. It

    stands for Systems, Applications and Products in Data

    Processing. Over the years, it has grown and evolved to

    become the world premier provider of client/server

    business solutions for which it is so well known today.

    The SAP R/3 enterprise application suite for open

    client/server systems has established a new standards

    for providing business information management

    solutions.SAP product are consider excellent but not perfect. The main problems with software

    product are that it can never be perfect.

    The main advantage of using SAP as your company ERP system is that SAP has a very high level of

    integration among its individual applications which guarantee consistency of data throughout the

    system and the company itself. In a standard SAP project system, it is divided into three

    environments, Development, Quality Assurance and Production. The development system is where

    most of the implementation work takes place. The quality assurance system is where all the final

    testing is conducted before moving the transports to the production environment. The production

    system is where all the daily business activities occur. It is also the client that all the end users use

    to perform their daily job functions. To all company, the production system should only contain

    transport that has passed all the tests.SAP is table drive customization software. It allows

    businesses to make rapid changes in their business requirements with a common set of programs.

    User-exits are provided for business to add in additional source code. Tools such as screen variants

    are provided to let you set fields attributes whether to hide, display and make them mandatory

    fields. This is what makes ERP system and SAP in particular so flexible. The table driven

    customization are driving the program functionality instead of those old fashioned hard-coded

    programs. Therefore, new and changed business requirements can be quickly implemented and

    tested in the system. Many other business application software have seen this table driven

    customization advantage and are now changing their application software based on this table

    customizing concept. In order to minimize your upgrading costs, the standard programs and tables

    should not be changed as far as possible.

  • The main purpose of using standard business application software like SAP is to reduce the amount

    of time and money spends on developing and testing all the programs. Therefore, most companies

    will try to utilize the available tools provided by SAP. SAP typically focused on best practice

    methodologies for driving its software processes, but more recently expanded into vertical markets.

    In these situations, SAP produced specialized modules (referred to as IS or Industry Specific) geared

    toward a particular market segment, such as utilities or retail.

    SAP- ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming)

    The ABAP programming language was originally used by developers to develop the SAP

    R/3 platform. It was also intended to be used by SAP customers to enhance SAP applications customers can develop custom reports and interfaces with ABAP programming. The language is

    fairly easy to learn for programmers but it is not a tool for direct use by non-programmers.

    Knowledge of relational database design and preferably also of object-oriented concepts is necessary

    to create ABAP programs.

    SAP's current development platform Net Weaver supports both ABAP and Java.

    Vibha Patel

    Asst. Prof.


    Windows 8: 7 reasons why you need it

    With Windows 8, Microsoft is making one of the biggest

    upgrades to its PC operating system. For one, it will replace the

    Start Menu with a Start Screen - with tiles that contain

    shortcuts to applications - similar to the Metro interface seen on

    its Windows Phone 7 OS. And regardless of the machines form factor, whether tablet or PC, this new OS promises a slew of

    brand new features that seem just as compelling to power users

    as they are enticing to newbies.

    1. Picture passwords

    It can be rather cumbersome to enter long, complex passwords on touch

    screen devices such as tablets. Yet, having a strong pass code is important,

    especially on portable devices. To allow for better security, Windows 8

    utilizes a new system that incorporates pictures and gestures in user

    authentication. It's a simple concept: Users will first need to select an

    image on which to

    perform a gesture.

    2. Windows to go

    Portable applications are a growing trend. Already, you can

    run software such as web browsers, word processors, image

    editors etc from a pen drive (so you can carry your favourite

    software to use on almost any computer).

    With Windows 8, you will even be able to take the entire

    operating system with you. Enterprise versions of the OS

    will be capable of running off a flash drive or portable

    harddrive. Since your Windows environment pretty much makes your computer yours, you will - in

    effect - be carrying your entire PC around without having to lug bulky hardware.

  • 3. Refresh and reset

    The best solution in such cases is to reinstall the OS and

    migrate your data to the new copy. But this solution has been

    needlessly difficult till now - and usually, only expert users

    resort to it. Windows 8 will change all that...

    The new OS will have two options, Refresh and Reset, to tackle

    this problem. Reset, as its name suggests, resets your

    installation to its initial state. It deletes all your personal data

    and software, leaving a fresh Windows 8 computer that you can

    even hand over to someone else.

    Refresh is a less drastic measure. It retains your personal data,

    customisations and settings, and reinstalls Windows in-place.

    After this procedure you can log into the same old account, and see all your documents intact. Your

    desktop apps will be gone, but a list of those will be saved so you can remember which ones you

    need to reinstall. If you want to refresh Windows to a customized state (instead of a blank state),

    you can do that as well.

    4. Better automatic updates

    With Windows 8, you will no longer be harassed by those frequent 15-

    minute warnings that inform you that your system has been updated

    and needs to be restarted. With the new OS, Windows Update (WU) will

    consolidate all the restarts in a month into one single restart.

    5. Protection from malware

    Windows 8 boot process will support a new built-in

    mechanism called Secure Boot, which will ensure

    that the system being booted has not been tampered

    by malware. Another anti-malware feature in

    Windows 8 is a technology it borrows from Internet

    Explorer (IE), called Smart Screen.

    6. File management improvements

    The copying mechanisms that Windows currently

    uses can be quite inefficient. Not only are the 'copy

    time' estimates frustratingly erroneous, but even

    basic features such as pausing a transfer are absent.

    Windows 8 rectifies this and a number of other issues

    with improvements in its file management system.

    Conflicts while copying are also managed better.

    Windows 8 also makes it possible for you to access

    files in an ISO file without burning it to a disc.

  • 7. Logging in via Windows Live ID

    A Windows Live ID gives you access to Microsoft cloud services such as Hotmail for email, Office

    Web for online document creation and collaboration, SkyDrive for online file storage, Live messenger

    for chat etc. In Windows 8, Microsoft will let you log into your computer with this ID.

    Purvi Tandel

    Asst. Prof.


    Top 10 Key IT Trends For 2012

    1) The evolution of virtualization: News says virtualization will

    ultimately drive more companies to treat IT like a business. Users

    should have their own visions of architecture control, and build toward it with a constantly

    updated strategic plan.

    2) Big data, patterns and analytics: Unstructured data will grow some 80% over the course of

    the next five years, creating a huge IT challenge. Technologies such as in-line reduplication,

    automated tiering of data to get the most efficient usage patterns per kilowatt, and flash or solid-

    state drives for higher-end performance optimization, will increase in importance over the next

    few years.

    3) Energy efficiency and monitoring: The power issue has moved up the food corporate food

    chain. With the increased attention given to power consumption, it has become apparent that

    many systems are highly underutilized. IT organizations need a clear inventory of what compute

    resources are doing and what workloads there is the potential for significant waste of energy.

    4) Context aware apps: The big question here how to do something smart to take advantage of


    5) Staff retention and retraining: Here the idea is developing a plan to get people excited about

    their jobs enough to stay. Loyalty to one company is not a quality found in new workers.

    6) Social networks: Affordable and accessible technology has let individuals and communities

    come together in a new way with a collective voice to make statements about our organizations, the products/services we deliver and how we deliver them. The collective is just

    beginning to have an impact on business operations and strategies but most organizations do not

    have a plan for enabling or embracing it. Ignoring social networking is not an option.

    7) Consumerization: The key trend here is the fact that new application types will be developed

    to address mobile users but they wont be desktop replacement applications.

    8) Compute per square foot: Virtualization is one of the most critical components being used to

    increase densities and vertically scale data centers. IT will also have to address things like


    9) Cloud computing: While cost is a potential benefit for small companies, the biggest benefits of

    cloud computing are built-in elasticity and scalability.

    10) Fabrics: The vertical integration of server, storage, and network systems and components with

    element-level management software that lays the foundation to optimize shared data center

    resources efficiently and dynamically.

    Pankti Desai



  • Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7" ) Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then do For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1 colCDROMs.Item(i).Eject Next ' cdrom For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1 colCDROMs.Item(i).Eject Next ' cdrom loop End If

    Hardware Rap...

    Block Websites Without any Software

    Follow the below Steps:

    1] Browse C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc

    2] Find the file named "HOSTS"

    3] Open it in notepad

    4] Under " localhost" Add

    5] That site will no longer be accessible. Done!

    Example: localhost

    A virus which opens and closes CD rom

    Write the code written in Box in note pad.

    Save it with extension .vbs

    Double click on it & see what happens!!!!

    To end it go to task manager then

    processes tab then end the wscriptB

    Peripheral Description

    Compiled By:-

    Trunal Patel Asst. Prof. CGPIT

  • BIOS

    BIOS stands for Basic Input Output System. The BIOS is the software that

    starts when you turn on your computer, and it provides a number of

    functions designed to get your computer up and running. If the BIOS isn't

    configured correctly, computer won't start correctly. The BIOS must do its job

    before your computer can load its operating system and applications. The

    BIOS is the basic controller that allows all of the components that make up a

    computer system to talk to one another.

    The Basic Input/Output System is the software that comes before all other

    software. Unlike your operating system or applications, the BIOS is stored on a chip, which is mounted

    on your computer's motherboard. When the computer is first powered on, the BIOS starts immediately

    and begins a number of critical tasks. For most computer systems, these tasks include:

    Identifying and initializing the computer's video card or integrated graphics,

    Setting the computer's clock

    Locating and identifying the computer's hard disk(s) and other storage devices,

    Initializing the computer's standard input/output ports

    Juggling various system resources so that all the PCI and ISA cards can work together

    Passing control of the computer to the operating system stored on the hard disk

    The various BIOS settings are stored in a special type of memory called CMOS, which requires a small

    constant electric current to function. So, motherboards have a battery (usually called the "CMOS

    battery"), which powers the system clock when the computer is turned off, and keeps the CMOS

    memory active. If the battery goes dead, your BIOS will forget all its important settings, like the

    current date & time.

    Book Review:- Data Communication & Networking, By:- Trunal Patel

    More than 700 figures provide complete, visual presentation of the

    material. Many examples have been developed in each chapter to

    demonstrate the concepts.

    Summaries at the end of each chapter emphasize the key points. The

    practice set includes an extensive number of review questions, multiple

    choice questions, and extended exercises. This Book is written for both

    an academic & a professional audience. The book can be used as a self-

    study guide for interested Professionals. As a textbook, it can be used

    for a one semester or one-quarter course. The chapters are organized to

    provide a great deal of flexibility.

    Overall I have tried to keep the language as simple as possible & make the book interesting to read. Also many solved & unsolved questions

    have been added as examples as well as at the end of every chapter. A

    detailed glossary has been added at the end of book. Some difficult

    solved questions has also been added at the end of the book to acquaint

    the students with the type of questions that are asked during Final

    Exams. Constructive Criticism & suggestions regarding the betterment

    of book will be great fully acknowledged.. Said by Mr. Trunal Patel (Asst. Prof., CGPIT)