
EVALUATION 6: What have you leant about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Upload: hollyclaire

Post on 22-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Technologies


What have you leant about technologies from the process of constructing

this product?

Page 2: Technologies


When I first started this project, the only soft ware I had used before was adobe

Photoshop. Personally I feel like this gave me a huge advantage when constructing

my magazine, as it made it a lot quicker and easier to edit my photos and add them

into my magazine. I also used Photoshop to construct my magazine as a whole.

Again I found this easier as I was better at using Photoshop than any other

software. I used my own SLR camera to take my images with. I did this because I

knew how my own camera works, so this saved me a lot of time by knowing how to

use my camera. I also didn’t have to worry about when I could borrow a camera; I

could take my images when I wanted to.

Page 3: Technologies


Before I began to create my magazine, I had never used a blog before,

or created a blog on line, so this was the first time I had used this

software. To learn how to use this software, I just worked my way around

the software, and if I really found myself struggling, then I would have a

look into the examples that the exam board posted on line. I found this

very helpful as it gave me ideas on how to design my blog, and how to

make it work as simple as possible. Personally I feel that my blog works

well along side my magazine and they compliment each other.

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Again before I started my magazine I had never used InDesign. I first used this product

when I designed my preliminary task. I struggled with using it at first, but the father in to the

task I went, the more I understood the software. I used you tube clips and websites to show me

how to use InDesign. When it came to creating my final product. I constructed the whole thing

on photoshop. I did this because I am much better at using photoshop than InDesign. After I

have finished the three pages on Photoshop I transferred these on to InDesign. I did this

because it made sure that all my pages were the same size, and the correct size for a magazine. It

also helped me to make sure that all the writing and photos were evenly placed. Finally it helped

me to ensure that I had borders an correct spacing between the text and images. By using

InDesign it gave the magazine a more professional look. I am glad I used InDesign to put my

magazine together.

Page 5: Technologies


I also used online materials such as ‘Prezi’ ‘Slide share’ and ‘Bubblus’.

These are all online software, which I used to present my work on my

blog. I had never used any of these before I had done my blog. On of my

favorites to uses was ‘Prezi’ this is like an online presentation. I liked this

because it was simple and easy to use. It also looks very affective. If I

were to do anything like this again I would most defiantly use this

software again, along with the other technologies I have used.