technologies used for my magazine

The masthead I have used I particularly like as I think it is conventional for a magazine masthead. I used the software font space to find this font. By typing in sans serif in the search bar at the top of the page, I was able to filter my search immediately. I changed the colour to black and altered the size so that I could see exactly what my font was going to look like. After deciding on a few, I placed them at the head of a word document to see what I used Adobe Photo shop to edit my image and put it together. The first thing I did when creating my magazine was cut the image so that the character’s heads were in front of the masthead as this is conventional for a well known magazine to do. This looks really effective and it was easy to do by using the lasso tool on photo shop. Using the mouse, I was able To create this white fade around the edges of the image, I used photo shop to do this. By using a colour tool I filled in the sides using white and then using another tool, I was able to slide a button along to gently fade the white into the image. This I thought looked effective as it created a focus I used another soft ware online called Pixlr editor to photo shop and eliminate any blemishes on the character’s faces so that the magazine looked totally flawless and beautiful. I wanted to achieve a really pure image which is reflected by the light clothing and high key lighting. I was able to insert the image and then use a blemish tool which I then clicked on the icon and clicked on any blemishes on the couple’s faces which eliminated them. This worked really well and looked completely natural. I To create the cover lines, I used font space. I knew I wanted to keep the cover lines all in sans serif font. Additionally, I thought of changing each cover line to a different font so that they are separated and individual which creates structure. By scrolling through various styles of sans serif fonts, I chose my fonts that I have here, and saved them as images. I then placed these images onto Adobe Photoshop and edited the sizes etc. and placed them in the positions you see now.

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Post on 04-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Technologies used for my magazine

The masthead I have used I particularly like as I think it is conventional for a magazine masthead. I used the software font space to find this font. By typing in sans serif in the search bar at the top of the page, I was able to filter my search immediately. I changed the colour to black and altered the size so that I could see exactly what my font was going to look like. After deciding on a few, I placed them at the head of a word document to see what they look like as a masthead and then I decided on this final font.

I used Adobe Photo shop to edit my image and put it together. The first thing I did when creating my magazine was cut the image so that the character’s heads were in front of the masthead as this is conventional for a well known magazine to do. This looks really effective and it was easy to do by using the lasso tool on photo shop. Using the mouse, I was able to cut around the area I wanted to eliminate which was the negative space around their heads.

To create this white fade around the edges of the image, I used photo shop to do this. By using a colour tool I filled in the sides using white and then using another tool, I was able to slide a button along to gently fade the white into the image. This I thought looked effective as it created a focus pull on the couple’s faces and this draws attention to the character’s which aids promoting the film.

I used another soft ware online called Pixlr editor to photo shop and eliminate any blemishes on the character’s faces so that the magazine looked totally flawless and beautiful. I wanted to achieve a really pure image which is reflected by the light clothing and high key lighting. I was able to insert the image and then use a blemish tool which I then clicked on the icon and clicked on any blemishes on the couple’s faces which eliminated them. This worked really well and looked completely natural. I already knew how to use Pixlr Editor so this was quick for me.

To create the cover lines, I used font space. I knew I wanted to keep the cover lines all in sans serif font. Additionally, I thought of changing each cover line to a different font so that they are separated and individual which creates structure. By scrolling through various styles of sans serif fonts, I chose my fonts that I have here, and saved them as images. I then placed these images onto Adobe Photoshop and edited the sizes etc. and placed them in the positions you see now. This worked really well and I like the final product of my magazine as I think I have worked with conventions of genre really well.