technology committee minutes - 11/14/2013 google groupsnov 14, 2013  · technology committee...

EMPIRIA. Revista de Metodología de Ciencias Sociales. N. o 26, julio-diciembre, 2013, pp. 89-116. ISSN: 1139-5737, DOI: 10.5944/empiria.26.7154 Aplicaciones de los métodos mixtos al análisis de las redes personales de la población inmigrada 1 Mixing methods in Social Network Analysis: Applications to the analysis of migrants’ personal networks. Mireia Bolíbar, Joel Martí, Carlos Lozares Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball (QUIT) Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona [email protected] (ESPAÑA) Recibido: 13.01 2012 Aceptado: 28.04.2013 RESUMEN Este artículo muestra los beneficios del uso de métodos mixtos en el análisis de redes sociales. Para ello, en primer lugar, se identifican los diferentes objeti- vos, diseños y supuestos de dicha combinación metodológica. En segundo lugar, se ejemplifica el potencial de los diseños mixtos presentando una investigación empírica que analiza el impacto y vinculación entre la participación en asocia- ciones y el proceso de integración de la población inmigrada en Cataluña (visto a través de sus redes sociales). Dicha vinculación es especialmente fructífera mediante el uso de métodos mixtos; concretamente, el estudio combina el aná- lisis de las estructuras de las redes personales con sus significados y dinámica, lo que permite explicar los diferentes procesos de asentamiento de la población inmigrada y el papel que juega en ellos la participación en asociaciones. PALABRAS CLAVE Redes sociales, métodos mixtos, inmigración, integración, participación. 1 Este artículo proviene de una investigación que tiene como referencia CSO2008-01470, financiada por el MiCINN dentro del marco del VI Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica 2008-2011.

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Page 1: Technology Committee Minutes - 11/14/2013 Google GroupsNov 14, 2013  · Technology Committee Minutes - 11/14/2013 Attending: Craig Schroer, Blake Adams, Kathy Kral, Janet Gubbins,

Technology Committee Minutes - 11/14/2013 Attending: Craig Schroer, Blake Adams, Kathy Kral, Janet Gubbins, Brian Henderson, Lisa Robinson, David Nickel, Kevin Shunn, An Yun-Jo, Dean Sullivan, Randy Kath, John Blair, Jack Yensen (via internet) Google Groups - eCore has been turning in requests for hundreds of students additions, Distance Learning has been adding thousands. Kathy confirms that ITS can upload lists, if you post D2L 10.2 upgrade in Jan. - Cleaner look and feel but not too different from existing version. One possible issue is that it’s an “in place” upgrade. This means that on Dec 19th the server goes down and should come back up on Dec 26th. All roles, permissions and branding will be done by Distance Learning over the break. No need for faculty to relearn system (changes not that dramatic) but several new functions are quite handy (e.g., Binder function). Grading will be doable via mobile devices with new version. Website has more details: Tech Fee Proposals - tech fee site now works with main UWG ID. New funding procedure involves sending quote to ITS and then they populate the account with necessary funds. TechQual+ - TechQUAL provides a means to benchmark ITS service in comparison to similar universities. 3,000 original sampling surveys we sent to UWG members (reduced to 2771 after removing ITS staff, etc.) 44% and 45% participation from faculty and staff. Students only 8% completion. Overall response rate 12%. This is a good response rate as weighed against comparator universities. Two biggest issues were challenges with wireless, connection speed and how websites render on different devices. Steps taken: Increased total campus bandwidth (225mb to 300mb = 33%increase), per subscriber limit (wired 3mb to 5mb = 66% increase - wireless 2 - 5mb = 150% increase). Tuesdays and Thursdays are busiest days (often averages 90% usage) Predictive survey (ran for 4-6 weeks) was done to determine infrastructure needs for campus.It took into consideration the size and material of the building. ITS is partnering with SGA to propose a significant Tech Fee proposal. SGA is ranking student desires for most important wireless coverage in campus buildings - Carlye Williams, SGA leader for tech and libraries, has survey not returned yet Partnering with AEC (facilities) to request appropriate budget for complete coverage in FY15 Proof of concept with Cisco Meraki to see about switching out hardware. Support and Training focus groups will be November 19th and 20th. March of 2014 will be another TechQual survey. The intention is to have one every year. The one we just did is to establish a baseline. We expect to see the adequacy gap shrink with subsequent iterations. Content Filtering - ITS auditor did an audit of public computer labs. Currently users can go to any website without restriction. Auditors are suggesting that we employ content filtering. Final audit report is out and is not expected to require content filtering (devices cost between $50-100k) Cost is determined by bandwidth. No specific problem areas have been identified in auditor’s report. No one else (aside from auditing) has been requesting the idea of content filtering. What is our liability? We could probably be civilly sued. Dean Sullivan: “Because we are a federal repository public library we are prohibited from filtering content.”

Page 2: Technology Committee Minutes - 11/14/2013 Google GroupsNov 14, 2013  · Technology Committee Minutes - 11/14/2013 Attending: Craig Schroer, Blake Adams, Kathy Kral, Janet Gubbins,

Scheduling tech committee - Craig will set up a Doodle poll for our January meeting where people can indicate their availability. We will decide on future scheduling in our meeting next January. Additional questions: Janet Gubbins: “Any SACS requirements of tech comm?” Kathy Kral: none known Meeting adjourned 10:20 a.m. ===== Previously submitted responses from Kathy Kral to other agenda items given below ===== Website planning and CMS tools I think to have a meaningful conversation about the CMS (OpenText or RedDot to most of us) and the campus websites we need to invite UCM to attend the meeting. Single sign-on update Both CourseDen and myUWG have transitioned to the UWG ID. This is the list of services now using the UWG ID- Email Calendaring Groups CourseDen myUWG Windows and file server access Parking VPN Wireless GradesFirst (in progress) TerraDotta (in progress) Web applications developed by the ITS Web Innovations group A major system that has not been converted is Banner. There are significant security concerns about moving Banner to the UWG ID, and at this time there are no plans to convert it. Peoplesoft and ADP are managed by the University System Office, and can not be converted to the UWG ID. Update on Gmail and Google Docs implementation We've completed the migration of all email accounts, listservs, and the campus chat server to Google. Google Docs and Google Drive are available for all faculty, staff, & students to use. We will migrate any remaining Oracle calendar users by the end of fall semester. Our contract with Google which maintains data privacy and FERPA covers the core Google Apps: Email, Calendar, Docs, Drive, and Sites. Wireless coverage on campus We had a site survey completed at the end of last year that details what is needed to provide complete interior building coverage for wireless. We did not receive any year end funding for the campus wireless network. However, Dr Marrero has indicated a strong interest in improving the wireless network, and we (ITS) have have been meeting regularly with Facilities to determine the full scope of work needed to complete the wireless network.

Page 3: Technology Committee Minutes - 11/14/2013 Google GroupsNov 14, 2013  · Technology Committee Minutes - 11/14/2013 Attending: Craig Schroer, Blake Adams, Kathy Kral, Janet Gubbins,

Wireless sign-on and Java issues We had a recent conversation with CloudPath, the company that provides the connectWest on-ramping product. They are aware that the use of Java in their application is a problem, but currently the only workaround is to manually download the client & install it. We have a contract with Cloudpath until spring of 2014.