teknik writing

set and model the following rules to my students: 1. Students must introduce their names before asking questions to their classmates. Rationale : To teach students to make friends and ask questions politely. 2. Students are only allowed to ask only 2 questions to a classmate. Rationale : To enable students to mingle with as many classmates as possible within the time given. 3. Girls must have at least 4 boys' names in their handout and vice versa. Rationale : To get students to mingle with classmates of opposite gender politely. 4. Students must ask questions in English. Rationale : To give them opportunity to communicate with their classmates in English. During this activity, I could hear some of my students asked questions in Malay ;< After the time was up, we discussed the questions as a whole class activity. This allow more opportunities for students to talk about their classmates. Here are the photos while doing the activity: For PMR Paper 2 - Section A, students are required to write an essay based on a series of pictures or notes.

Upload: azri-sha-adelia

Post on 17-May-2017




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set and model the following rules to my students:

1. Students must introduce their names before asking questions to their classmates. Rationale: To teach students to make friends and ask questions politely.

2. Students are only allowed to ask only 2 questions to a classmate. Rationale: To enable students to mingle with as many classmates as possible within the time given.

3. Girls must have at least 4 boys' names in their handout and vice versa. Rationale: To get students to mingle with classmates of opposite gender politely.

4. Students must ask questions in English. Rationale: To give them opportunity to communicate with their classmates in English. During this activity, I could hear some of my students asked questions in Malay ;<

After the time was up, we discussed the questions as a whole class activity. This allow more opportunities for students to talk about their classmates. Here are the photos while doing the activity:

For PMR Paper 2 - Section A, students are required to write an essay based on a series of pictures or notes.

An example of PMR-type question based on a series of notes. (Click on the picture to enlarge)

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A PMR 2006 question based on a series of pictures & notes. (Click on the picture to enlarge)

The basic steps to answer this type of question are:1. Read & understand the question.2. Brainstorm ideas.3. Write the essay in an organised paragraphs. Write at least 5

sentences for each paragraph.4. Re-read the essay to check on your grammar and spelling.

Although the pictures/notes are given, a lot of students still have difficulties of finding ideas on what to write in their essay.

How to find ideas? The answer is BRAINSTORMING!

In this post, I'll show you how brainstorming can be a great help in elaborating the points/information given to write an essay. 

Ways to brainstorm ideas are discussed as follows:

1. Find the words related to the given words .

Let's say the word given is "holiday". So, think of other words which could be related to the word "holiday". For example:

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(Click on the picture to enlarge)

Use the new words to write sentences for your essay. For example:

          School holidays came again. That means, there were no school and there will be a lot of free time. Students and teachers used this precious time to relax their mind. This was the time where most families planned some family activities such as going for a vacation or camping at any place of interest. 

2. Use "Mr. How & his 5 wives" technique.

This technique refers to the "wh questions" such as: Where? When? Who? Why? What? How?

By using the following picture, form as many questions as you can using the "wh questions".

(Click on the picture to enlarge)

Where did they travel to?

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When did they go? Who were in the car? Why did they go there? What were the children/mother/father doing in the car? How was the weather? How was the road condition?

The answer to each question will be the sentences that you can write for your essay.

Sample answer to each of the above question:

Where did they travel to? They travelled to Melaka.

When did they go? They went to Melaka during the school holidays.

Who were in the car? In the car, there were his father, Encik Jamil, his mother, Puan Sara, Johan and his younger sister, Lily.

Why did they go there?They went to Melaka to attend a wedding.

What were the children/mother/father doing in the car?Encik Jamil was driving while Puan Sara listening to the radio. Johan and Lily was chatting happily with each other. 

How was the weather?The weather was sunny and the sky was blue.

How was the road condition?The road was quite bumpy.

The paragraph will look like this:

          During the holidays, Johan and his family travelled to Melaka. They went to Melaka to attend a wedding. In the car, there were his father, Encik Jamil, his mother, Puan Sara, Johan and his younger sister, Lily. Encik Jamil was driving while Puan Sara was listening to the radio. Johan and Lily was chatting happily with each other. The weather was sunny and the sky was blue. The road was quite bumpy.             3. Observe the picture and list what you see.

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By using the same picture, list what you can see.

a car a boy  a girl  a family

Use the words to write sentences for your essay.

4. Utilise all the words and information given in the picture.

Write sentences by using all the notes given to write your essay.

Form sentences from the notes given to write your essay.

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I hope you'll find that it's not that difficult to find ideas to write an essay for PMR. You are advised to combine all the techniques which have discussed earlier when writing your essay. Nevertheless, it takes a lot of practice to write a good essay. 

In exam, spend about 10 minutes to brainstorm ideas for your essay. Don't forget to use your imagination and experience to write a well-elaborated composition.

I wish you all the best for the coming PMR :)

Resepi Puding Kastad Berkuah

Amaran Keras:Acik tidak bertanggung jawab jika pose korang kurus sebab terlalu banyak menelan air liur di entri ini ... Jika korang tahan iman, sila teruskan pembacaan! :)

Puding Kastad Berkuah ni sedap esp dimakan lepas berbuka. Dok santai-santai bersama

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keluarga selepas terawih, sambil tengok tv, kuarkan puding dari peti sejuk. Sejuk! Nyaman! Sedap!

Moh kita buat, senang aje:


Bahan kastad: 1 cawan custard (kalu rajin, ayak. Kalu over rajin cam Acik, tak yah pun tak apa)4 cawan air1/2 cawan atau 1/4 cawan gula pasir (Kalu nak lemak, pakai susu pekat manis)

Cara:1. Masukkan 4 cawan air dan 1/4 cawan gula ke dalam periuk2. Masak sehingga gula larut3. Masukkan pula 1 cawan custard4. Kacau sehingga pekat (ada bunyi blup2 macam nak meletop taw - don't worry, tak

meletop punye)5. Jika dah nampak berkilat cantik dan dah sangat pekat, masukkan ke dalam bekas6. Biarkan sejuk dan chill dalam peti ais.

 Perhatian: Jangan letak dalam freezer. Ko nak wat puding, bukan nak wat ketul ais ... :)

Bahan kuah:

1 cawan susu cair (Acik pakai susu Ideal sebab Ideal mahal .. ops, sebab Ideal sedappp!)1 tin cocktail (boley lebey kalu suka)2 cawan air1 sudu susu pekat manis atau gula

Cara:1. Masak air atas api (eh, takkan atas ais plak) dan biarkan mendidih2. Masukkan susu cair. Didihkan gak dan masukkan cocktail3. Masukkan 1 sudu susu pekat manis/gula dan biarkan seketika4. Kacau sekejap then tutup api 5. Bila sejuk, tuang ke dalam bekas dan masukkan ke dalam peti ais

Siapa Nak Bake Cup Cakes Paling Mudah

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 Yummy ... yum yum!

Acik ni hantu cupcakes. Uhhh ... Air liur dah berjurai-jurai menitis. Hish, tak senonoh! Excuse me ... it's just that cupcakes are too delicious. I can't resist ... Owh!

Baking cupcakes ni terlalu mudah. Ops, bukan niatku nak bangga diri or mengada. Cuma nak up-kan mood so that ada semangat nak wat cupcakes. Lama dah tak buat cupcakes ni .. Nak, nak, nakkkk jugak!

Jom terai resipi Acik nih! Member sesekolah yang kasi ... This recipe makes 12 cup cakes. Cukup ler tu, kan!

Batter mixing time: 10 minsBaking time per tray of 6 cup cakes: 15-20 mins at 160 degree Centigrade

CupCake Acik Comey:

125 gm butter125 gm gula125 gm tepung gandum (campurkan 1/2 tsp baking powder and 1/2 tsp bicarbonate soda)2 biji telur1 tsp esen vanilla2 tbsp susu (Acik guna susu tepung bancuh ngan air jer)12 casing cup cake (Beli yang lawa tu taw)Kalu suka – raisins, choc chips ... ikut kreativiti perut korang ler!

Memula pre-heat oven dulu ...

Pukul gula ngan butter. Acik guna butter fresh from farm. Kalu butter ko fresh from fridge, lembutkan dulu sebelum ko pukul dia. Pukul dan pukul lagi sampai jadi fluffy, kaler ala-ala kuning pucat macam orang demam kempunan cupcake. Then, boleh masukkan telur, sebiji sebiji. Jangan ko humban semua sekali gus. Gaulkan rata. Biar adil. Kasi betul-betul rata taw. Waih, pakai mixer elektrik lor. Tak derk ler lengan ko jadi kaku cam baru kuar dari freezer. Kalu ko tak ada mixer, hmmmm ... hokey, apa nak buat eh! Beli lar! Hih heheheeee ...

Tambah esen vanila. Campurkan separuh tepung gandum tu. Masukkan pulak separuh susu. Separuh jer, ada paham? Pastu baru habiskan tepung gandum yang tinggal. Akhir

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sekali, curahkan gak susu sampai abes. Onkan mixer kat medium speed and mix sampai semuanya sebati. Chef Wan kata sampai mesra. Sehati dan sejiwa ...

Last skali (tadi bukan ke Acik dah kata akhir sekali - abaikan yang itu, yang ini betul last, betul!) boleh ler letak raisins or choc chips or apa saje yang perut korang mintak, kan

Isikan casing ngan 3/4 adunan saje. Jangan penuh, nanti meleleh lak. Bakar dengan suhu sederhana selama 15 hingga 20 minit. Test ngan lidi. Cucuk lidi pada cake. Kalau lidi came out clean, dah masak ler tu.

Yeay, tepuk tangan sebab korang dah berjaya bake cupcake Acik Comey! Clap, clap, clapppp!

Untuk cream or frosting yang nak ditaruk kat atas cupcakes tu -Sila usaha sendiri sebab Acik tetiba kedekut nak kasi recipe nyer .. kahkahkahhhhhh! Hokey, korang cakap Acik dah tak comey lagi ... hiks, ada Acik kesah? Ops ...