telaga sweet muyang

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  • 7/29/2019 Telaga Sweet Muyang


    Telaga sweet Muyang

    elage Muyang Sweet - In the Southeast District Membalong there exists a rather large

    bay, the bay Balok.Ke in this bay empties a river is fairly large and the length according

    to the size of the local population, which is recognized as Kembiri River.

    TThat said, at one point, before Islam entered the Pacific Islands, is anchored in the river on a boat.

    Previous perahhu has a few days to go up a river far upstream to arrive at a lemon (the curve of the

    river where the water is deeper, red), where the river is divided dua.Aliran Kemibiri from the left

    rather than the water in the water next to kanan.Ke left The boat is moving.

    After days go up a river, the boat finally arrived at a place they think is good as a

    pemukiman.Setelah landing, the crew perahuh immediately prepare to make a place for

    bermukim.Mereka cutting down forests and open fields.

    In farming newcomer is so diligent, so do not be surprised if their efforts are very berhasil.Tanaman

    being planted grew subur.Keberhasilan encourages people first came and lived not far from the new

    settlement to get closer, until then developed into friendship .

    Newcomers in the lead man called his wife on the call Tuk Pancor.Dan Nek Pancor.Kagum

    Remove fruit with a child's success in farming Pancor Tuk, residents living in the surrounding area

    began to move closer Kelekak Tuk Pancor.Daerah eventually evolved rapidly and became known as

    Tuk Kelekak Pancor.Dan of history where it began.

    One when the 'western green' (a very long dry season that came sooner than is generally dry, red.)

    Attacked the Pacific Islands, including kelekak Tuk Pancor.Akibat streams and wells of drinking

    water sources dry faster population, making the occupants kelekak Tuk Pancor his trouble air.Satu-

    one remaining source of water located between two hills, dozens of kilometers away from Tuk

    kelekak Pancor.Namanya Selangan Libot.Selangan in the local language means in between and

    Libot means bukit.Secarah literally means Selangat Libot between two hills.

    Throughout the western green, every day Tuk Pancor and locals walk to Selangan Libot to take

    air.Dari early morning until dark night they turn to a source of water.

    One day, in the heat of the sun, children Tuk Pancor, called Sweet, was cool to play around

    home.Having long play, Sweet kehausan.Ia back home, to minum.Namun all the water has drained

    melompong.Tak find water home, sweet home even for water tetangga.Namun, they're not taking

    water rumah.Semuanya selangan can libot.Tak water, sugar roared back to his house.

    Seeing Sweet bawl, Tuk Pancor rushed and tried to soothe him to stop crying and promised to find

    her in the water minum.Meski been coaxed, not stop, the cries became even more sweet-

    jadi.bahkan, louder than ever. Pancor Tuk Tuk that was panik.Dalam panic Pancor soon take the

    place of water and immediately rushed to selangan libot to fetch drinking water.

  • 7/29/2019 Telaga Sweet Muyang


    While Sweet menangis.Sambil kept crying at the foot of the staircase, he beat his foot stomping-

    ground where he eventually tanah.Lama menghentakan feet deeper and lebar.Saat his thirst peak,

    looking down to the ground where he beat his foot-stomping, Sweet also lamented, "I agik Kaluk

    the diberik life, aik remove from this place"

    Oddly, the will of the Almighty, as it is also crystal clear water out of the place was cheering

    kegirangan.Sekejap tersebut.Manis then he drank the water to your heart's content lost his thirst.

    Not lan later, breathlessly, Tuk Pancor back of his hand clutching selangan libot.Kuduan gerebog

    (water spots, red) filled air.Namun, what does he see? Tuk amazed Pancor find sweet look fit and

    was playing with a thrill, even with air.Padahal, when he was on leave, Manis was bawl.

    Finding that sweet sound condition, Tuk Pancor immediately asked how his story until he obtained

    the water. Tuk Pancor also trying to ban sugar continued to play with the water, remember the water

    is so difficult in the current can also telling particulars itu.Manis water coming tersebut.Sejak thatlocals never again have trouble water for daily use.

    Wells or ponds, with a diameter of about 1 meter 60 centimeters deep, up to now there are local and

    known by the name of Sweet Telage Muyang.

    Usually the ceremony Nirok Nanggok, ceremonial fishing in the dry season, from where the water

    first for all participants of the ceremony was in the water taking diambil.Upacara led a shaman aik

    (herbalists water, red) and begin by placing offerings usually consist of flowers setaman and

    incense in hand emapat sumur.Setelah Mentera read slowly, from the side of the well, which had

    been dried, the water out to fill penuh.Dalam Nanggok Nirok ceremony, all participants of the

    ceremony is the well to get water to drink.

    These wells can be fairly full mistis.Sebab prerequisite religious ceremony participants should

    islam.Pernah, one event, around the early 1970s, without being previously known, there is a

    Chinese participated in the ceremony of his tersebut.Kedatangan to play gambling to that location .

    the water Telage instant Muyang Sweet kering.Setelah in the know there is a Chinese at that

    location, indigenous head immediately mengusirnya.Sekejap then the well was runny again.

    This sweet Muyang Telage site, until now there and sakaral considered by the local community, and

    has always been a location of Ceremonies Nirok Nanggok.Sumber Telage Muyang This sweet story

    from Story Book Village People Belitung by Bule Sahib