telecommunication system for disaster relief and early warning june 25, 2012 masao kojima kddi

1 Telecommunication System for Disaster Relief and Early Warning June 25, 2012 Masao Kojima KDDI

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Telecommunication System for Disaster Relief and Early Warning June 25, 2012 Masao Kojima KDDI. Damaged Situation. Need for Disaster Relief & Early Warning. Disaster results in loss of human lives & displacement of millions of people - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Telecommunication System  for Disaster Relief and Early Warning June 25, 2012 Masao Kojima KDDI


Telecommunication System for Disaster Relief and Early Warning

June   25, 2012

Masao Kojima


Page 2: Telecommunication System  for Disaster Relief and Early Warning June 25, 2012 Masao Kojima KDDI


Damaged Situation

Page 3: Telecommunication System  for Disaster Relief and Early Warning June 25, 2012 Masao Kojima KDDI


Need forDisaster Relief & Early Warning

Disaster results in loss of human lives & displacement of millions of people

Communication system can play a great role to provide early warning and disaster relief

Early warning is a key element for disaster prevention and reducing loss of human lives from view point of victims

Disaster relief can make victims to capture the correct information on rescue parties, relief supplies, damage situation and safe confirmation. And also it can provide their friends and relatives with the situation of individual victim

Page 4: Telecommunication System  for Disaster Relief and Early Warning June 25, 2012 Masao Kojima KDDI


Disaster Relief & Early Warning System for Local residents in Japan (Present)

New Areavia Mobile




Extraction from the paper” Utilization of ICT for Disaster Management   Japan ” WS-DMC-22: Presentation material Mr.MORISHIT of MIC / APT Workshop on Disaster Management / Communications, October 2011

Page 5: Telecommunication System  for Disaster Relief and Early Warning June 25, 2012 Masao Kojima KDDI


Traditional System forDisaster Relief & Early Warning

TV broadcasting

Radio broadcasting (FM &AM)

Priority use of fixed telephone for local government, evacuation shelters and other public entities

Disaster Prevention Administrative Radio System

New trend is system via mobile

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Many victims run off with mobile terminal in hand after a disaster (e.g. Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, March 11, 2011)

Higher mobile penetration ratio than fixed telephone

Disaster warning also provided by conventional broadcasting services such as TV and Radio

TV & Radio to provide an information to general public but not to individual

Mobile to provide information not only to general public but also individual

Effectiveness of Mobile Systembased on our experience March 11, 2011

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1. Early Warning (To warn of a coming potential disaster or a occurred disaster )

2. Disaster Relief for general public (To notify latest support situation after disaster)

3. Disaster Relief for individual (To notify damage situation from victims to their relatives, friends, acquaintances, co-workers and boss)

4. Disaster Relief by guidance (To guide each victim a route to evacuation shelters and to his home )

Categories of Disaster Relief & Early Warning

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1. Early Warning(Earth quake)

2. Disaster Relief for public

3. Disaster Relief for individual (Text message board)

4. Disaster Relief by guidance(Graphical guidance)

KDDI’s Mobile Systems for Disaster Relief & Early Warning

1. Early Warning(Earth quake, Tsunami )

2. Disaster Relief for public (Disaster / Evacuation)

3. Disaster Relief for individual (Text & Audio message


4. Disaster Relief by guidance(Graphical guidance)

Additional request based on the experience of March 11, 2011

Before March 11, 2011 After April 1& June 4, 2012

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Instantly, customers tried to make voice calls to their relatives and friends for confirmation of safety. (First

preference was real time voice)  

⇒ After voice traffic was congested & controlled, customers’s request changed from voice call to messaging service. (Peaked at 15 minutes passed)

⇒ ・ The number of registration on “ Message board” had been increased . ( Peaked at 2 hours passed)

Instantly, customers tried to make voice calls to their relatives and friends for confirmation of safety. (First

preference was real time voice)  

⇒ After voice traffic was congested & controlled, customers’s request changed from voice call to messaging service. (Peaked at 15 minutes passed)

⇒ ・ The number of registration on “ Message board” had been increased . ( Peaked at 2 hours passed)

  Customer preference for real time voice


Voice Call

messageDisaster Message Board

15 mins passed

Peaked at 2 hour passed

Disaster Voice Mail Service 、 Skype au

Time History

< Transition of customer demand request>

Real time voice was hard to reach.But voice message is still preferred.

It is necessary to enhance this kind of service and to inform it to public

Tickers, bannerReal time voice was hard to reach

Message svc is second choice

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Earthquake Early Warning System What is the earthquake early warning system? (Started from Mar. 200

8 )Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) originated at Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) is

broadcasted to au mobile phones in areas around the seismic center, free from congestion.

An alert with a dedicated alarm tone, vibration, and display on a mobile phone screen.Only when a maximum Seismic Intensity” Scale 5” lower or more is estimated, the EEW is

broadcasted to the areas where a Scale 4 or more is foreseen.

Sense‘P’ wave



Analyze P waveTransmit EEW

DispatchEEW message

Broadcast EEWin areas 

around seismic center

au mobile phone

(alarm tone, vibration)

★ Penetration of au mobile phone applicable to EEW 26.8 million amongst 33.9 mil. (79%) (as of Oct. 2011)


〔 Actual screen 〕

How did EEW work on the Mar. 11 disaster? Effective to notify people of the earthquake Not useful to notify people of the tsunami, however

Currently, KDDI supports the tsunami warning.(2012.3.30~)    

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Emergency Rapid Mail (Disaster/Evacuation )

Nation ・ Municipalities(Publishing Disaster/

Evacuation Information)



Transmission Only Within the Related Regions

※Not Transmitting to Other Regions


[Emergency Rapid Mail “Tsunami Warning”, “Disaster/Evacuation Information”] ・ Simultaneous Transmission, like broadcasting ・ Transmission only within affected regions

• “Disaster/Evacuation Information” started from Jan. 2012. • “Tsunami Warning” started from Mar. 2012.

Disaster/Evacuation Information







Page 12: Telecommunication System  for Disaster Relief and Early Warning June 25, 2012 Masao Kojima KDDI


I can not come home ・・I want to contact my family ・・

It is hard to telephone to my home

「 notification mail 」 sending

Disaster MSG Board

~ register ~[Condition]

□ I am safe□ I am safe 。□ I am at home□I am at the evacuation center.□ See the comments



Disaster Message Board


Confirm the safety

Even through other mobile phone networks or Internet, you can access to the Disaster Message

board !Access

to ・・・

Even through other mobile phone networks or Internet, you can access to the Disaster Message

board !Access

to ・・・

Confirm the safety at receiving [notification mail]

To register the safety on “Disaster

Message Board”

Try to register on “Disaster

Message Board”

I am relieved to hear he is


Good !We are


Disaster Message Board Service

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After a disaster, Disaster Voice Mail Service is provided. The voice is packetized and to be stored & forwarded in Packet Network. This service has been launched since June 4, 2012

After a disaster, Disaster Voice Mail Service is provided. The voice is packetized and to be stored & forwarded in Packet Network. This service has been launched since June 4, 2012


I will inform my wife of my safety by voice.Let’s try to use “Disaster Voice Mail Service”

Voice is stored in Smart Phone. The Voice is transferred in Packet NW

Voice mail Server

I am relieved to hear he is safe.



Packet Network

Disaster Voice mail Service



Page 14: Telecommunication System  for Disaster Relief and Early Warning June 25, 2012 Masao Kojima KDDI


"Mobile evacuation tool supporting you safety"(1) Enabled for self positioning

(4) Still operate even if Mobile Phone radio signal is cut off

Evacuation shelter mapEvacuation shelter map

(2) Anti-disaster goods purchasable from sites

Get locations displayed, targeting wide-area evacuation shelters, railroads, main roads, administrative offices, railway stations, and emergency hospitals.

(3) Accessible to Disaster Message Board

Set your destination to know the direction and distance to that place.

Point your Sun Icon to the sun to determine the direction facing ahead.

Homecoming support mapHomecoming support map

Make use of downloadable map that tells you the route between two points you have specified in advance.Get information displayed, targeting the locations of evacuation shelters, emergency hospitals, disaster designated hospitals, convenience stores, toilets, among others.Also get information displayed, targeting dangerous/hazardous points such as a block wall.

Peace of mind service - you can still use it should major disaster cause Base Stations to suspend transmission.

Disaster Relief System by Guidance(1/2)

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Aerial photo mapAerial photo map

◆Disaster information such as evacuation shelters displayed on aerial map focusing on any specified area◆Supports your evacuation planning at disaster by showing you how the streets look now

3D disaster map3D disaster map

◆Displays the terrain of any specified area over a realistic image◆Helpful in predicting flooding risk level and planning an evacuation route bypassing heavy grades

Regional evacuation shelter map

Regional evacuation shelter map

◆Provides a detailed map and disaster information targeting a specified area◆Wide area coverage allows you to get disaster information on your residential and surrounding areas

Disaster Relief System by Guidance(2/2)

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Conclusion at CTO Meeting Geneva Communique, 25 October 2011

Emergency Communications: The year 2011 has been marked by a series of natural disasters, notably the tsunami and earthquake in Japan, so an essential item on the agenda was the role of ICT in disaster relief. Communication systems can play a key role to provide early warning and disaster relief and are a critical element of managing disaster prevention and reducing loss of human life. While ITU has a number of important activities to address disaster relief and prevention, the CTOs observed that two important areas have not been addressed:

(1) Disaster Relief for individuals (to notify the damage situation from victims to their relatives, friends, employers)

and (2) Disaster Relief Guidance (to show victims the routes to evacuation shelters, home, etc.) They called on ITU-T to urgently study the development of standards for disaster relief systems for individuals and for guidance and to establish a Focus Group to advance work on this critical subject, including the recovery and resilience of network infrastructure.

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Work Items for Disaster Relief & Early Warning<Extraction from CTO MEETING GENEVA COMMUNIQUÉ, 25 October 2011>

to identify all the possible use cases for Disaster Relief systems, especially Disaster Relief for individuals and Disaster Relief by guidance

to identify requirements based on the use cases, and to develop related ITU standards needed

to recognize that many victims run off with mobile terminal in hand after a disaster

to recognize convenience of graphical guidance on mobile devices from view point of victims

to consider scalable vector graphics (SVG) as a key technology for graphical maps on mobile devices.

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Cooperation with W3C on scalable vector graphics (SVG)

Map guidance to Evacuation shelter, Hospital etc is a powerful tool for Victims.

Map technology under disaster is required to satisfy: All mobile terminals to be interoperable (Open)①Multiple info. to be easily overlaid on one map②Map guidance to be operated without ③

communication with outside server (no radio signal )

SVG map as a part of HTML5 satisfies the above

SVG map is under development by W3C

  ⇒ Cooperation with W3C is required

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Annex-1(1/2) Damaged Situation)

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Annex-1 (2/2) Damaged Situation

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Never forget ! Let us go towards the future !