temperature, heat, and laws of thermodynamics

Temperature, Heat, and Laws of Thermodynamics

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Temperature, Heat, and Laws of Thermodynamics. Kinetic Energy Tie In. There were 4 main types of kinetic energy that we went over. Translational KE Rotational KE Mechanical KE Vibrational KE. Translational KE is when an object is moving forward. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Temperature, Heat, and Laws of Thermodynamics

Temperature, Heat, and Laws of Thermodynamics

Page 2: Temperature, Heat, and Laws of Thermodynamics

Kinetic Energy Tie In• There were 4 main types of kinetic

energy that we went over. • Translational KE• Rotational KE• Mechanical KE• Vibrational KE

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• Translational KE is when an object is moving forward. • Rotational KE is when an object is

spinning. • Mechanical KE is when the parts of

something are moving together.• Vibrational KE is when an object is

moving in a repetitive back and forth motion, like shaking.

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• Translational and rotational KE happen on a larger scale. • The large object moves from point A to

point B. We covered most of that in the first half of the unit. • Mechanical KE happens on a smaller

scale. • Vibrational KE happens mostly on a

microscopic or molecular level.

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• We’ll mostly be looking at Vibrational KE for the rest of the unit.

• Temperature is the measure of average kinetic energy of matter.

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Temperature• We can say temperature is a

measure of an object’s hotness or coldness.• It is NOT a measure of heat. But it

can be used as an indicator of heat or internal energy.

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• The faster the molecules are vibrating and moving, the hotter the object feels. • This gives it a higher temperature. • The slower the molecules are vibrating

and moving, the colder the object feels. • This gives it a lower temperature. • TL;DR – The faster the molecules are

moving, the higher the temperature.

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Page 9: Temperature, Heat, and Laws of Thermodynamics

• Another factor for temperature is how crowded the molecules are together.

• Think about what happens during a fire or bomb drill here at the school, or in your cramped classrooms.

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• The closer the molecules, the more they’ll bump into each other. • That increased molecular friction

and makes the temperature rise. • The further away the molecules, the less they’ll touch. • That decreases molecular friction,

and makes the temperature lower.

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States of Matter• Gases have the most KE. They move

freely and randomly. • Because they have more space to move,

these molecules move with 100% translational KE. • Liquids are in between solids and gases.• Solids have the least KE. The molecules

are crammed very close together. • Solid molecules move with 100% vibrational KE.

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Page 13: Temperature, Heat, and Laws of Thermodynamics

Measuring Temperature• We measure temperature with 3

different scales• Fahrenheit• Celsius• Kelvin

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Fahrenheit• ºF is the English Standard unit for

measuring temperature. • Began by filling the thermometer

with mercury.• ºF can be positive or negative.• Freezing point of water: 32ºF.• Boiling point of water: 212ºF.

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Celsius• ºC is the metric unit of measuring

temperature. • Based off of thermometers filled with ethanol.• ºC can be positive or negative.• Freezing point of water: 0ºC.• Boiling point of water: 100ºC.

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Kelvin• K (NEVER ºK) is the scientific unit of

measuring temperature. • K uses the same increments as celsius.• K measures the movement/energy of

the molecules.• Absolute zero- no molecular vibration.

This is 0 K. • Nothing has ever hit absolute zero.

Even the blackness of space has 2.3 K.

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Examples of Temperature

Kelvin Celsius Fahrenheit

Surface of temp of Sun 5800 K 5537ºC 9,999ºF

Boiling point temp of H2O 373 K 100ºC 212ºFHuman body temp 310 K 37ºC 98.6ºFMelting point temp of H2O 273 K 0ºC 32ºFZero Fahrenheit 255 K -18ºC 0ºFAbsolute Zero 0 K -273ºC -459ºF

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Conversions!• Celsius and

Fahrenheit• Celsius to Kelvin

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Heat• The transfer of internal energy from

one object to another. • CANNOT be directly measured. • Indicates temperature changes.• Temperature going down? Losing

energy = loss in heat. • Temperature going up? Gaining

energy = rise/gain in heat.

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Internal Energy• Internal Energy = the energy within

the molecules of the matter in the object. • Examples: •Chemical PE that could be released during reaction.•KE of individual molecules moving.

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Heat and Energy Transfer• When objects interact, there are 3

types of heat transfer that can occur. • Conduction• Convection• Radiation

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Conduction• Conduction – transfer of energy/heat

by touch or contact.• This energy passes through matter

because of molecule to molecule vibration.• Most affective through solid.

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Radiation• Transfer of energy from light passing

through air or space.• All light has energy.• We cannot see all forms of light. We

can’t see gamma, x-ray, UV, infrared, microwave, or radiowaves.

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Convection• Transfer of energy that

happens in circular columns.• Occurs in liquids and

gases. • Warm air is less dense

than cold air, and this makes the warm air rise. As it gives off energy, it becomes more dense and sinks. • Think about tornados.

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Insulators• Materials that Slow or prevent

transfer of energy. • Examples!•Plastics and Rubber•Water and Air•Glass•Wood•Styrafoam

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Conductors• Materials that quickly transfer

energy easily. • Examples!•Metals•Salts

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Thermodynamic Equilibrium• If two or more objects are touching

and are the same temperature, the energy transfer between them is equal.

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Laws of Thermodynamics• There are 4 laws of thermodynamics.• The laws explain how energy will

move. They do not explain why the energy moves.

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0th Law of Thermodynamics• If two or more objects are in contact

with each other and are the same temperature, they are at thermodynamic equilibrium.

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1st Law of Thermodynamics• When heat energy is added to

matter, the total heat added to the matter equals the internal energy of the matter minus the work it preformed.

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2nd Law of Thermodynamics• Energy moves down the energy

gradient. So energy will move toward where there is less energy: i.e., heat energy will move toward the cold

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3rd Law of Thermodynamics• Absolute zero is a real number. If

anything is found at it, it will be a crystaline solid and will have NO energy transfer.

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Entropy • A measure of disorder or randomness in molecules. • The more KE something has, the more entropy it has.