temple israel december 2011 bulletin

Kislev—Tevet 5772 PAGE 1 DECEMBER 2011 Temple Israel Bulletin Chanukah Activities—pages 1, 7, 12 Mojito Monday—page 5 Adult Education series—page 6 Youth Group News—page 6 PJ Havdallah—page 8 Tot Shabbat—page 8 Around the World Cooking Camp—page 9 Oneg Shabbat Signup Sheet—page 13 Wanna dance? - page 14 NEW! - Donation coupon—page 15 Chanukah Family Game Night—page 20 IN THIS ISSUE SCHEDULE OF SHABBAT SERVICES EREV SHABBAT, Dec. 2: 7:000 PM: Friday evening Shabbat ser- vice led by the Amitim class. Torah por- tion: Vayetze, Gen. 28:10-32:3; Hafta- rah: 12:13-14:10. EREV SHABBAT, Dec. 9: 7:30 PM: Friday Night Chai Shabbat evening service. Torah Portion: Vayshlach, Gen. 32:4- 36:43; Haftarah: Hosea 11:7-12:12 EREV SHABBAT, Dec. 16: 7:30 PM: Shabbat evening service Torah Portion: Vayeshev, Gen. 37:1- 40:23; Haftarah: Ezekiel 37:15-28 EREV SHABBAT, Dec. 23: 7:30 PM: Shabbat evening service with Torah reading and chanukiah-lighting. Torah Portion: Miketz, 41:1-44-17; Haftarah: I Kings3:15-4:1. EREV SHABBAT, Dec. 30: 7:30 PM: Shabbat evening service. Torah Portion: Vayigash, Gen. 44:18-47- 27; Haftarah: Ezek. 37:15-28.

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Bulletin of Temple Israel of Alameda, December 2011


Page 1: Temple Israel December 2011 Bulletin

Kislev—Tevet 5772 PAGE 1DECEMBER 2011

Temple Israel Bulletin

Chanukah Activities—pages 1, 7, 12

Mojito Monday—page 5

Adult Education series—page 6

Youth Group News—page 6

PJ Havdallah—page 8

Tot Shabbat—page 8

Around the World Cooking Camp—page 9

Oneg Shabbat Signup Sheet—page 13

Wanna dance? - page 14

NEW! - Donation coupon—page 15

Chanukah Family Game Night—page 20





7:000 PM: Friday evening Shabbat ser-vice led by the Amitim class. Torah por-tion: Vayetze, Gen. 28:10-32:3; Hafta-rah: 12:13-14:10.


7:30 PM: Friday Night Chai Shabbatevening service.Torah Portion: Vayshlach, Gen. 32:4-36:43; Haftarah: Hosea 11:7-12:12


7:30 PM: Shabbat evening serviceTorah Portion: Vayeshev, Gen. 37:1-40:23; Haftarah: Ezekiel 37:15-28


7:30 PM: Shabbat evening service withTorah reading and chanukiah-lighting.Torah Portion: Miketz, 41:1-44-17;Haftarah: I Kings3:15-4:1.


7:30 PM: Shabbat evening service.

Torah Portion: Vayigash, Gen. 44:18-47-27; Haftarah: Ezek. 37:15-28.

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I wrote this column on Vet-eran’s Day, 11/11/11. I hadbeen thinking about themen and women who hadserved or were still servingin our armed forces, won-dering how many of them

really knew what they were signing up for when theyjoined. How many understood what we are told to un-derstand: that they are writing a blank check to UncleSam in an amount up to and including their life, ifnecessary?

And I thought about all those veterans who had re-turned to the United States after serving their countryand wondered whether we had even begun to compen-sate them for their time, sacrifice, and efforts. Afterall, since we are kept relatively far from experiencingthe daily lives of our troops by the cushion of the me-dia between us and them, it’s sometimes hard to knowwhat we have really asked of them or what they havegone through when the information we get is oftenthird-hand, if that.

I thought about all those who had died fighting, oreven accidentally, in the service of their country, andwondered about who they would have become, orwho they already were, when their lives ended prema-turely. And I wondered if there really were anythingwe could have done to avoid the last decade of wars inIraq and Afghanistan. That, of course, led me to won-der what we were going to do to avoid going to war inthe future, especially if, as we have come to learn, thepretext for our going to war in Iraq was a false one.

Revolutions, uprisings, protests and social unrest havedotted the calendar this year all across the globe. Andwhile the reasons for these events are not always thesame, there does seem to be some very strong under-current of discontent practically everywhere. The re-sponses to this discontent differ depending on the con-texts in which they find themselves. And there arepeople who see the generalized unhappiness as an op-portunity to wreak havoc in society rather than to con-

struct workable solutions to local and global prob-lems.

The Arab Spring flowed into the Israeli Summerflowed into the American Autumn. The Occupy (WallStreet) Movement, while not a purely American phe-nomenon, has caught on around the world. Peoplewant change in the direction of equality of opportu-nity, justice, and peace. This sentiment is a bedrockvalue of our Jewish tradition, and should be a guidingprinciple for us Jews as we try to understand how wefit into the bigger picture. Virtually every kind of Jew-ish literature over the centuries has covered exten-sively how one ought to work to improve the world,not just for ourselves, but for everyone. Those thingswhich move us in that direction are the things weshould support, and those which do not are the thingswe should oppose. While it’s easy to say that, it’s notalways so easy to put it into practice. For us to knowwhat to do in our current circumstances, it behoovesus to be or become more mindful of many of thethings we take for granted, to challenge some of ourassumptions, and to work together to be able to speaktruth to power when circumstances call for it. None ofus is in this situation alone; we are, whether we like itor not, all in it together. Our tradition calls on us tolive in such a way that even in our darkest moments,we can live with hope in our hearts. That’s not a pas-sive proposal; it’s something we have to approach ac-tively, to live so that we exemplify the values welearn, teach and preach.

As we enter the darker days of winter, let us remem-ber that we are also moving toward the Festival ofLights, a time when we can both symbolically and lit-erally bring light to the darkness, a time for us to re-flect on how we can bring our Jewish values and tradi-tion to bear on the things that cast the darkest shadowsonto our lives and then cast our own light on them toillumine the way forward, upward, and inward, notonly for us, but for all humanity.

Shalom,Rabbi Allen B. Bennett

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As I write this we are just ap-proaching Thanksgiving and Iam thinking already 2 weekspast that to the URJ Biennialconvention being held in Wash-ington, DC in mid-December.Although our Thanksgiving willbe packed with travel and fam-ily and bat mitzvah and wed-ding celebrations, I am planning

my 3 days in Washington already. I know there willbe very little sleep and many, many hours of work-shops, schmoozing and beautiful worship services.

Suzi Scher and I are going on behalf of Temple Israel,and one of our hopes is that we gather enough infor-mation to bring back to the Temple by dividing up andconquering the heavy schedule. Some of the work-shops being offered are:

A Canopy for Peace: Engaging Respectfullyon Israel

Your Life is Torah: Spiritual Writing and theConnection to Torah

Shir Shabbat: New Music for Sabbath Worship After the Iron Curtain - Russian Jewry Con-

fronts a New Order and New Opportunities Conversion as a Community Building Tool in

your Congregation Raising the Bar: Realizing the Potential of Bar

and Bat Mitzvah Cultivating and Nurturing the Lay/Clergy Re-

lationship Engaging Teens Begins at Birth Who are the People in Your Neighborhood?

Finding Social Action Partners in Your Com-munity

Where Every Person Counts: Worship in aSmall Congregation

And that is just the first afternoon!!!

Having participated in local biennials over the years, Iknow how uplifting and engaging a biennial confer-ence can be. Here in the Bay Area, the event is heldin Santa Clara and has drawn an average of over 400people. It is a beautiful experience to spend a week-end of living and learning with so many Jews of everypersuasion. Just imagine what the National will belike with over 5000 people in attendance. I have beentrying to get to a national event for over 10 years now.Washington, DC is where I was born, and have fam-ily still. This provided an extra incentive for me togo this time but the real icing on the cake is that Presi-dent Obama will be the keynote speaker.

At this Biennial, Suzi and I also hope to meet some ofour Rabbinic candidates. Our Rabbi Search commit-tee has been putting in extra hours and just finishedour first round of interviews. We have such an excel-lent pool of candidates it will be hard now to narrow itdown to a few to hold second and third interviewswith.

So stay tuned for some tweets and some Facebookpostings while we are there. Did you know you canfollow Temple Israel on Twitter @templeisraelala?You can follow my adventures in Washington DC@cindyyogamom

I hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, sur-rounded by loved ones who nurtured your spirit, yourmind and your body.


Cindy Berk


Due to low attendance, Bruchas and Bagels has been discontinued. Thanks to those of you who did attend!

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Dear Temple Israel Kehilla:

How do you instill life-longlove for Judaism?

One way is by planting positive seeds when a child isgrowing up: making Shabbat meaningful, celebratingthe holidays in a joyful way, attending services andfeeling spiritually fulfilled, connecting to a rich his-tory and tradition, making Jewish friends. While themajority of those positive messages can be passed onat home, religious school is also a place where love forJudaism can grow and flourish.

This year I invited the Amitim class, the b’nai mitzvahclass, to my home for a two-day retreat. There were 13students – 2 boys and 11 girls -- and lots of energy.

The retreat began with a mock trial, “Should 13 BeConsidered an Adult?” The outcome was: NO, 13 isstill 13. Students decided they are not yet responsibleenough to take on the harder life changes that adult-hood poses. We saw the film “Mitzvah Machine” anddiscussed the difference between having a bar mitzvahand being bar mitzvah; we talked about fears and con-cerns on the bimah; we had havdallah services underthe redwoods and stars; we studied prayers; and weworked 6 hours over two days on the class gift-to-the-Temple project: With the help of Jerri Kaplan, eachchild is making their own Tree of Life quilt squarewhich will be sewn together and line the inside of theark doors.

And there was downtime: a nature hike (we heardowls), the students played a lot of air hockey and Wii,and the laughter was resounding. We ate a lot; weschmoozed a lot; they slept together and whispered ‘tildawn, then dozed off. I imagine they will not forgetthis weekend.

It is my belief that through experiences like this andothers, they are building beautiful memories and atrove of life-long love for Judaism.

The Religious School Chanukah celebration is SundayDecember 11th at 10:30. Everyone in the congregationis welcome to attend. You won’t want to miss the deli-cious latkes and applesauce! And Yoav Azaria,Amitim teacher, will be performing with the a capellagroup, “Kol Ha Dov,” Voice of the Bear.

Following the festivities there will be a Children’sHoliday Fair from 12:30 – 1:30. Students have beenmaking lots of wonderful things to sell – potholders,wallets, jewelry, crafts – and they make wonderfulholiday gifts. Please stop by and support our students.


Mindy Myers, Director of Congregational Learning,

[email protected]; 510-593-5285

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It's the "Battle of the Bartenders" at one of the hottest event in town: Mojito Mondays at Angela's. Swingby Angela's on Monday, December 12, any time between 5:30-7:30 p.m. for a mojito or other drink/food ofyour choice and whatever you place in the tip jar at the bar, 100% of your tip will go directly to Temple Is-rael! Yep, it's all about the tip jar at this good-time fundraiser. Our Celebrity Bartenders and their shifts are:

Ed Kofman, 5:30-6:00 p.m.Gretel Gates, 6:00-6:30 p.m.Cindy Berk, 6:30-7:00 p.m.

Mel Waldorf, 7:30-7:30 p.m.

Support one or all of our bartenders as they battle it out trying to bring in the most tips. Angela's is located atthe corner of Central Avenue & Oak Street and is adjacent to the large parking garage. Great way to supportTemple Israel and a local business. Celebrate Chanukkah early with your friends at Angela's. No purchasenecessary, but do come support your favorite bartender. They look forward to serving you a drink and pryinga tip out of your wallet. Cheers.

Are you a partner in an interfaith relationship? Doyou have family or friends who have non-Jewish part-ners? Do you love Temple Israel and wish you couldhelp everyone to feel as good about our synagogue asyou do? Here’s your chance! We are startingan Interfaith Outreach Committee the better to supportour interfaith families who are giving us the gift ofraising their children Jewish.

More than half of our member families are interfaithones. Often, these families have special needs thatcan cause stress in the home. The committee will dis-cuss possible programming and what participants be-lieve to be the questions and concerns of our interfaithfamilies such as: Do you wonder how other Catholic

parents manage the parents and in-laws? Are you anatheist uncertain of how to talk about God to thekids? How can I teach Jewish rituals and customswhen I don't know them myself? Will dying Eastereggs or going to a friend's Easter Egg Hunt underminethe kids’ Jewish identity?

Together we’ll brainstorm program ideas and gather-ings as we prepare for the arrival of the next rabbi.Should you be interested in starting this committee,contact board member Kimberlee MacVicarat [email protected] or 510-299-0450. Kimber-lee is not chairing the committee, but is merely bring-ing people together to get us started, so if you are in-terested in chairing, please let her know. Thank you.

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One of the burning passions of my adult life has been mylove for, and fascination with, almost all things Israeli. I tryto visit the country every year, I find both ancient and mod-ern Israeli history not only interesting, but also deeply per-sonal, and the more I experience of the country and its cul-ture, cuisine, ethnic and religious mix, worldview, and ahost of other things, the more I want to know and under-stand. Part of my retirement plans include making aliyahand working there as a volunteer as much of the time as Ican.

But before any of that happens, I wanted to share my loveof Israel with you to the greatest extent possible in this, mylast year as rabbi of Temple Israel. Fortunately, our ownTemple member, Howard Sidorsky, in his capacity as amember of the East Bay Jewish Community RelationsCouncil, brought to my attention the possibility of havingsome very high quality Israel-focused programming here atthe Temple over the course of the coming year. I jumped atthe opportunity and wanted to share with you the first fruitsof the collaboration with the Jewish Community Federationof the East Bay, the Jewish Community Relations Council,and Temple Israel.

Temple Israel has been hosting a five-session adult educa-

tion program on the third Wednesday of five months, be-ginning September 21, continuing through February 15,2012. Under the general heading of “Momentous Momentsin Israeli History,” the series will feature Riva Gambert,well-known, highly-respected, and beloved member of theEast Bay Jewish Federation’s staff, speaking on these sub-jects:

December 21: “From Garibaldi Street to Jerusalem:The Hunt for Adolph Eichmann”

January 18: “Saving the Lost Tribe: The Rescue ofEthiopian Jewry”

February 15: “Exodus 1947: How One Ship Changedthe Course of History”

All lectures are free and open to the public. Programsbegin at 7:30 p.m. and will include time for questions andanswers.

Even if you believe that you are well-versed in these mo-ments in Israeli history, it will be worth your time to hearRiva’s perspective on them. She is an undisputed expert onthese subjects, is one of the most knowledgeable and affa-ble speakers in the Bay Area, and her profound love andrespect for Israel is unmatched. Please mark your calendarsnow and bring your friends with you.



On Sunday afternoon, November 13, the Temple Israel 5th

& 6th Grade Youth Group went to Mel’s Bowl for an after-noon of bowling. We had 3 bowlers join in. The all-starbowlers included Danny Charney, SamanthaMcDonough and her younger brother Liam.

After a picnic in Leydecker Park directly following reli-gious school, we went to Mel’s Bowl for some serious fun.The competition was fierce, and while none of the bowlersbroke 100, they were very evenly matched throughout.Liam got two spares and a strike, and Danny got a spare.All of the bowlers improved from game one to game two.

There are no events planned for December, as there is al-ready enough going on. The next event planned is asleep over at the Temple on a Saturday night in lateJanuary or early February. More information is forth-coming, but this will be an event where we will need someparent involvement to make breakfast for the kids and at

least one to sleep over with the kids and me.

We will be going to the Alameda Food Bank on the firstSaturday of every month, no matter what else we haveplanned.

Remember, anytime a parent helpsout with a youthgroup event, anyadditional childrenin that family arewelcome to joinin the event.

For more informa-tion, call Skip Soskin at 510-521-9651.

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Was the last time you read from the Torah on your bar or bat mitzvah? Have you ever thought it would benice to be able to do a parsha during one of our Torah reading services, or to give a d'var Torah? Youcan! A limited number of slots are available over the next year for congregants to work with the Rabbi and doa Torah reading or d'var Torah at one of our Shabbat evening services! Believe it or not, it is not terribly dif-ficult and it's very educational and satisfying!

Call or send an email to [email protected] and we will work with you to schedule a time for youto perform this mitzvah.

This message brought to you by the Ritual Practices Committee.

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Tot Shabbat Services at Temple Israel

Friday, December 16th, from 6:30 – 7 pm

followed by a Tot Shabbat Oneg Shabbat from 7 – 7:30pm

Welcome Shabbat with music, singing, prayer, and joy!

Introduce your child to Shabbat through prayer services designed especially for children ages 2 – 8

Older children are invited to help lead the service.

Services are led by Sam Chelouche

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Cooking Round the World CampWinter Break Week: December 26 –

30, 9am – 1pm

Cooking ‘Round the World camp gives boys & girls ages 7 – 13 theopportunity to learn about countries ‘round the world by cooking….and eating!

From appetizers to entrees to desserts, children learn cooking skillswhile experiencing a country’s culi-

nary flavors.

Countries focused on Dec 26 – 30, 2011:

France, Denmark, Jamaica, Korea, Argentina

Daily Schedule:

9 – 10 am: Slide presentation about the day’s country,

play a game from that country, learn a few words

from that country’s language.

10 – 12 noon: Cook/bake 4-7 different foods

12 – 1pm: Eat and clean up; 1:00 pick up

Camp Location: Temple Israel’s kitchen: 3183 Mecartney Road, Alameda (on Bay Farm).

Cost: $165 for apron, recipe binder, and lunch. □ Pre-care (8 – 9 a.m.) is $30. (Check box)

Child(ren)’s names and ages______________________________________________________________

Parent’s name ___________________________________ Phone________________________________


Email_____________________________________ Food allergies_______________________________

Mail your completed winter camp registration form plus check made payable to “Cooking Round the World”

to: Cooking Round the World Camp, Temple Israel, 3183 Mecartney Road, Alameda, CA 94502.

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18:00 AM SeedlingChild

5:30 PM I ni C

28:45 AM Jazzercise

5:15 PM Jazzercise

6:30 PM Student-ledFriday Night FamilyShabbat service

36:30 PM GameNight

49:00 AM HebrewSchool

10:15 AM ReligiousSchool

3:00 PM I ni C

58:45 AM Jazzercise

5:15 PM AA meet-ing

5:15 PM Jazzercise

7:00 PM RabbiSearch Committeemeeting

68:45 AM Jazzercise

5:15 PM Jazzercise

8:00 PM Band re-hearsal

78:45 AM Jazzer-cise

4:00 PM HebrewSchool

5:15 PM Jazzercise

7:00 PM RitualCommittee

88:00 AM SeedlingChild

5:30 PM I ni C

98:45 AM Jazzercise

5:15 PM Jazzercise

7:30 PM FridayNight Chai Shabbatevening service


119:00 AM HebrewSchool

10:15 AM ReligiousSchool

12:30 PM Childrens’Craft Fair

3:00 PM I ni C

128:45 AM Jazzercise

5:15 PM AA meet-ing

5:15 PM Jazzercise

5:30 PM MojitoMonday Fundraiserat Angela’s

138:45 AM Jazzercise

8:00 PM Band re-hearsal

148:45 AM Jazzer-cise

4:00 PM HebrewSchool

5:15 PM Jazzercise

6:30 PM EducationCommittee

7:00PM Board ofDirectors

158:00 AM SeedlingChild

5:30 PM I ni C

168:45 AM Jazzercise

5:15 PM Jazzercise

6:30 PM Tot Shabbat

7:30 PM Shabbatevening service

176:00 PM Kids’ NightOut

189:00 AM HebrewSchool

10:15 AM ReligiousSchool

3:00 PM I ni C

198:45 AM Jazzercise

5:15 PM AA meet-ing

5:15 PM Jazzercise

7:00 PM RabbiSearch Comm. meet-ing

20First Night of Cha-nukkah

8:45 AM Jazzercise

5:15 PM Jazzercise

8:00 PM Band re-hearsal

218:45 AM Jazzer-cise

10:00 AM Mid-way Shelter Cook-ing

No Hebrew School

5:15 PM Jazzercise

7:30 PM Adult Edprogram

228:00 AM SeedlingChild

10:30 AM LittleLatkes Playgroup

5:30 PM I ni C

238:45 AM Jazzercise

5:15 PM Jazzercise

7:30 PM Shabbatevening service withchanukkiah lighting


25No Religious orHebrew School

3:00 PM I ni C

268:45 AM Jazzercise

5:15 PM AA meet-ing

5:15 PM Jazzercise

27Last Night of Cha-nukkah

8:45 AM Jazzercise

5:15 PM Jazzercise

8:00 PM Band re-hearsal

288:45 AM Jazzer-cise

No Hebrew School

5:15 PM Jazzercise

8:00 PM Bandrehearsal withdancing

298:00 AM SeedlingChild

5:30 PM I ni C

308:45 AM Jazzercise

5:15 PM Jazzercise

7:30 PM Shabbatevening service withTorah reading



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New Year’s Day

No Religious orHebrew School

3:00 PM I ni C

28:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM AAmeeting

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise


8:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

8:00 PM Bandrehearsal


8:45 AM Jazzercise

4:00 PM HebrewSchool

5:15 PM Jazzercise

7:00 PM RitualCommittee Meeting


8:00 AM SeedlingChild

5:30 PM I ni C


8:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

6:30 PM FamilyShabbat eveningservice.


6:00 PM Kids’Night Out

89:00 AM HebrewSchool

10:15 AM Reli-gious School

10:30 AM PJHavdallah

3:00 PM I ni C

98:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM AAmeeting

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

108:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

8:00 PM Bandrehearsal

118:45 AM Jazzer-cise

4:00 PM HebrewSchool

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

7:00 PM Board ofDirectors meeting

128:00 AM SeedlingChild

5:30 PM I ni C

138:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

7:30 PM FridayNight Chai Shab-bat service withmusic.. Carl Pen-ney becomes barmitzvah.

1410:00 AM Shabbatmorning service.Carl Penney iscalled to the Torahas a bar mitzvah.

15No Hebrew or

Religious School

3:00 PM I ni C

16Martin LutherKing, Jr. Day

Office closed

8:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM AAmeeting

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

7:00 PM RabbiSearch Comm.

178:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

8:00 PM Bandrehearsal

188:45 AM Jazzercise

10:00 AM MidwayShelter Cooking

4:00 PM HebrewSchool

5:15 PM Jazzercise

6:30 PM EducationCommittee

7:30 PM Adult EdProgram

198:00 AM SeedlingChild

5:30 PM I ni C

208:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

6:30 PM Tot Shab-bat

7:30 PM Shabbatevening service


229:00 AM HebrewSchool

10:15 AM Reli-gious School

3:00 PM I ni C

238:45 AM Jazzercise

5:15 PM AA meet-ing

5:15 PM Jazzercise

248:45 AM Jazzer-cise

8:00 PM Bandrehearsal

258:45 AM Jazzer-cise

N o H e b r e wSchool

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

268:00 AM SeedlingChild

5:30 PM I ni C

278:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

7:30 PM Shabbatevening servicewith Torah reading

286:30 PM GameNight

29No Hebrew orReligious School

9:30 AM: Minyan& Bagel Breakfast

3:00 PM I ni C

308:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM AAmeeting

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

318:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise


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THE MIDWAY SHELTER COOKING PROJECTThe Temple Israel Dinner Cooks are proud to have beenpreparing dinner once a month for the residents of the Mid-way Shelter for the past several years. Many religious andcommunity organizations in Alameda take part in this ac-tivity, so that the women and children who are putting theirlives back together at the Shelter get a nourishing, healthydinner each day.

Please note that there are several ways you can help withthis mitzvah. if you’d like to participate We need shoppers,cooks, and someone to deliver the meal to the Shelter. Themeal always includes protein, one or more vegetablesand/or fruits, a starch, and juice or milk. In November,Bev Blatt, Nancy Freed, Mary Gold, Alison Harris, Rob

Kaplan, and Doris Weiner-Gluckman shopped for, pre-pared, and delivered BBQ meatball sandwiches, greensalad, roasted vegetables, cookies, and juice to the Shelter.Thanks to Gretel Gates for donating the barbecue sauceand salad dressing for this meal.

We cook on the third Wednesday of each month. Our nextcooking session will be on December 21. Four or five vol-unteers are needed, and if you’d like to help, please contactAlison Harris at 521-3375 or [email protected].

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Nov. 11:Josie Schwartz

Nov. 18:Mark & KimberleeMacVicar

Nov. 25: Dec. 2:Amitim Class

Dec. 9:Barbara Sayre

Dec. 16:Skip Soskin & JerryRabinovitz

Dec. 23: Chanukah

Suzi Scher, RitzCohen, Gretel Gates

Dec. 30ElaineKofman

Jan. 6Karyn Ogorzalek

Jan. 13: Carl Penneybar mitzvah

Jan. 20:Dorie & HerbBehrstock

Jan. 27:Rita DiamondCohen

Feb. 3:6th grade religiousschool class

Feb. 10:Ken Kofman

Feb. 17:Lee & AlisonHarris

Feb. 24:Pauline & KenSchindler

March 2:Religious School

March 9: March 16: March 23:Felice & WayneZensius

March 30:George & SvetlanaLozovik

April 6: First night ofPesach – no service atTI

April 13: Pesach April 20: AleezaZinn bat mitzvah

April 27: MayaCardenas-Berkowitzbat mitzvah

May 4:Religious School

May 11:Steven FritschRudser

May 18: May 25: Board ofDirectors in honorof the rabbi’sretirement

June 1: Max Haberbar mitzvah

June 8: June 15: JackieCulajay bat mitzvah

June 22: ElizabethMcDonough batmitzvah

June 29: Eden Moorebat mitzvah

July 6: Sam Skinnerbar mitzvah

July 13: July 20: July 27:Margie Gates

August 3: August 10:

August 17: Hannah& Ellie Kruglikov andSophia Susssmanb’not mitzvah

August 24: HelenMontell-Weiland batmitzvah

August 31:George & SvetlanaLozovik

Sept. 7: Sept. 14:

Sept. 21: Sept. 28:

ONEG SHABBAT SIGNUPThis is the new oneg Shabbat calendar for the upcoming year. Please sign up to host an oneg Shabbat on oneor more dates. You may co-host with another family if you desire. Remember, if we have no hosts on a par-ticular Shabbat, the Oneg Shabbat Committee will provide grape juice and challah that evening. If you haveany questions, or to sign up to host, please contact Alison Harris at [email protected], or 521-3375.

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Big Band Concert/Dance

in Alameda the Last Wednesday of Every Month

Come and listen/dance to Dave’s Swingtime Big Band playing the hits from the 30’s to the


18 piece big band plus a female vocalist performs east and west coast swing, rumbas,

waltzes, cha chas, tangos, night club two-step and a few surprises!

The last Wednesday of every month

Temple Israel 3183 Mecartney Road

8:00 pm to 10:00 pm

$5.00 donation requested

For further details call Dave at 510-521-1349 or Email: [email protected]


Jazzercise on Bay Farm Island would like to offer any Temple Israel member a 25% EFT discount on ourmonthly membership. Jazzercise does not offer this discount to anyone else because our prices are so low.This is a special offer for Temple members only.

Normally Jazzercise is $40.00 per month, which is already a great value. At 25% off, Temple members arebeing offered an extraordinary fitness value. Jazzercise hopes you will take advantage of it.

Please let Karen Park know if you have any questions. The Temple office cannot answer any questions youmay have.





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Elise Goldwasser December 1 2nd birthdayPeter Burrows December 2Patti Stein December 2Annalise Elle Burrows December 4 8th birthdayPierluigi Serrano December 4Evan Ackiron December 5Anna Elefant December 5Haley Cohn December 6 9th birthdayScott Benson December 7CJ Kingsley December 8Nicholas Sauter December 8Julie Fertig December 10 28th birthdayTerri Lutz December 10Miles Adler December 11Marcy Carnerie December 11Michael Waldman December 12 11th birthdayJoyce Saad December 14Skip Soskin December 14Tom Miller December 16Larry Sussman December 16Andre Kruglikov December 17Yale Kofman December 18

Pamela Wain December 21Alexandra Cohn December 23Laura Levy December 23Sonya Lustig December 23 12th birthdayCarrie Green-Zinn December 24Katie Mandell December 24 18th birthdayNatividad Rabinovitz December 24Charles Rafalaf December 24Robyn Young December 24Wayne Zensius December 27Jennifer Rendel December 28 23rd birthday




David & Melodie Graber December 7 15th anniversaryMikhail & Svetlana Partsuf December 7 14th anniversarySteve & Marlene Kofman December 22 20th anniversaryBeverly Blatt & Dave Filipek December 28 24th anniversary

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Robert & Jerrilyn Kaplan

Paul Albert In memory of George Albert

Helen Kutin In memory of David Ellman & Solomon Kutin


Dan Kaplan


Dom C. Dicolen Judy Weiss Joan Gerard

Judy Gerard Merle Barkan


Ken Kofman



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December 2Kathleen Blumberg 12/1Martin Hoffman 12/1Hal Stehman 12/2December 9Betty Harris 12/3Carl Mandeltort 12/3Benjamin Crosby 12/4Fannie Pels 12/4Sophie Zolot 12/4Annette Carlow 12/5Freida Cohen 12/5Laurette Patchefsky 12/5David Rendel 12/5 Kislev 9Robert Dehaan 12/6Billee Weiss Hardy 12/6Fannie Skigen 12/6 Kislev 10Louis Zupan 12/7Sheryl Churchwell 12/8Selma Merris Young 12/8 Kislev 12Simon Blatt 12/9 Kislev 13Joseph Chadow 12/9Michael Kamby 12/9 Kislev 13Laura Rosenthal 12/9 Kislev 13December 16Eric Nagel 12/10 Kislev 14James Andrew Rollins 12/10Maxwell Ellick 12/11Murray Leon Friedling 12/11Milton Adler 12/14Hanah Finberg 12/14Gerson Hochstadt 12/15 Kislev 19Max Kobran 12/15Martin Rabinovitz 12/15David Garfinkle 12/16Pauline Kusiel 12/16John Parker 12/16Eva Barlas Wendell 12/16December 23Alice Rosenthal Behrstock 12/17Louis Pels 12/17Evelyn Mandelbaum 12/18Samuel Fuhr 12/19 Kislev 23Phillip Silver 12/19Bessie Steinberg 12/19Marilyn Blaushild 12/20 Kislev 24Dorothy Stern 12/20

Karen Jenkins 12/21Herman Cohen 12/22Rose Golbert 12/22 Kislev 26Fred Marquez 12/23December 30Sarose Birenbaum 12/24 Kislev 28Simeon Mack 12/24Evelyn Gavrich 12/25 Kislev 29Joseph Nebel 12/25 Kislev 29Susan Ackiron 12/26 Kislev 30Joseph Gurski 12/26Manuel Padway 12/26Esther Cohen 12/27Charles Gluck 12/27Mary Nagel 12/27 Tevet 1Dr. Edward Gershanov 12/28Lynn Zucker 12/28 Tevet 2Betty McIntosh 12/30Arthur Mihalovich 12/30Michelena Quaccia 12/30January 6Sanford Harris 12/31Lyndon Peterson 12/31Albert Charles Ricksecker 12/31

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20 1 0

The 90th Anniversary Cookbook is available in the Temple of-fice, or, you can contact Alison Harris at [email protected] 510-521-3375 and we will arrange to get you your copy at amutually convenient time. The cookbook is just $18.00 andcontains many of Temple Israel’s favorite recipes from “Fiddlerin the Kitchen” as well as new dishes submitted by our mem-bers.


Rabbi Allen B. Bennett is generally in the office:

10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Wednesdays,

9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Thursdays,

9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Fridays,

and Sundays during Hebrew and ReligiousSchool hours.

The office is open from 9:00—Noon on Monday, Tues-day, Thursday, and Friday.



President - Cindy BerkTreasurer—Karyn Ogorzalek

Fundraising— Kimberlee MacVicar & JenWhatley

Operations – Eric StrimlingRitual— Suzi Scher

Membership—Charley Weiland

Heather Dutton

Mike Riback

Ron Soltz

Larry Sussman

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The Temple Israel Bulletin is a monthly periodical.Deadline for articles is the 10th of the month for thefollowing month’s issue. Comments can be directedto the Temple office: 3183 Mecartney Rd., Alameda,CA 94502-6912, Phone 510-522-9355, Fax 510-522-9356, email: [email protected].

RABBI: Allen B. Bennett,

[email protected]


Mindy Myers

[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]

The TI Times is a weekly email publication sent tothe Temple Israel membership with email addresses.If you would like to receive the TI Times please con-t a c t t h e T e m p l e o f f i c e a t : o f [email protected]


Name ________________________________________ Amount Enclosed $ ________________

Address ______________________________________ Phone _________________________

Email ________________________________________


[ ] Dues Payment [ ] Religious School Tuition


[ ] Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund [ ] Annual Giving Campaign [ ] High Holy Day Fund

[ ] Gunther Gates Memorial Fund [ ] Campership Fund [ ] Children's’ Fund

[ ] Library Fund [ ] Temple Israel Foundation

[ ] Other. Please specify: ____________________________________

In Honor/Memory of _______________________________________

[ ] Please call me to discuss a Temple Israel Foundation endowment.

Please fill out and returnto:

Temple Israel Alameda

3183 Mecartney Road

Alameda, CA 94502-6912

Page 20: Temple Israel December 2011 Bulletin



STUDENT-LED SHABBAT SERVICEDec. 2, 6:30 PM: Mark your calendars! The Amitim class will kick off this year's series of Student-Led Shabbat ser-vices. The B'nai Mitzvah students have been working hard preparing a wonderful Erev Shabbat service that will delightmembers of the congregation both young and young-at-heart! Come show your support for the Religious School and thecommunity. The parents of the Amitim class will host an Oneg immediately following the service

FAMILY GAME NIGHTDec. 3, 6:30 PM: Family fun with a Chanukah twist! Bring your Chanukah-themed games and a snack to share, and, ofcourse, there will be dreidls!

TOT SHABBATDec. 16, 6:30 PM: See page 8 for more information.

ADULT EDUCATION PROGRAMDec. 21 , 7:30 PM: See page 6 for more information.

WANNA DANCE?Nov. 30, 8:00 PM: Dance to the Big Band sound of Dave Altschuler’s Swingtime Band. A $5.00 donation at the dooris requested. See page 14 for information.

Gift cards will be sold after Religious School on Sundays, and by pre-ordering. Contact Ronnie Blumenthal (523-3223)or Nancy Freed (864-4877).