ten commandments – can they be applied to corporate behaviours


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Page 1: Ten Commandments – Can They Be Applied To Corporate Behaviours

12/02/09 1

Ten Commandments – can they apply to Corporate World ? Can we create code of coduct or employment terms based on these

Note: Against each commandment there is an attempt to explain the corporate behaviour / code of conduct

Nelson Cordeiro

Page 2: Ten Commandments – Can They Be Applied To Corporate Behaviours

12/02/09 2

1. Thou shalt have no other God Before Me

Thou shall work fully commited and you will not chase any other goal . You will contribute whole heartedly with all your energies focussed to meet the organisational objectives.

Page 3: Ten Commandments – Can They Be Applied To Corporate Behaviours

12/02/09 3

You shall not make for yourself an idol

You will not make a glorified image of your organisation and keep on glorifying the same instead you will work & deliver results. You will not be judged by your glorification of the organisation but by effectiveness and efficiency.

Page 4: Ten Commandments – Can They Be Applied To Corporate Behaviours

12/02/09 4

You shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God

You will not spoil the organisational image, you will be conscious in all your dealings internally and externally that you are a member of this organisation and all your conduct is to protect and enhance the organisational name

Page 5: Ten Commandments – Can They Be Applied To Corporate Behaviours

12/02/09 5

Remember the Sabbath day & Keep it holy

You will not work on the official holidays, remember you need to rest once a week to rejuvenate, to charge up, to keep your productivity. Once a week you need to relax your mind and body.

Page 6: Ten Commandments – Can They Be Applied To Corporate Behaviours

12/02/09 6

Honour your father & mother

You will respect all your seniors, managers & all stake holders. You may disagree with them , but you are not allowed to disrespect them.

Page 7: Ten Commandments – Can They Be Applied To Corporate Behaviours

12/02/09 7

You shall not kill

You shall not kill the competitive spirit of the organisation, you will not harm your customers & other stake holders such as investors, society & employees.

Page 8: Ten Commandments – Can They Be Applied To Corporate Behaviours

12/02/09 8

You shall not commit adultery

You will be commited to the organisation 100%, while during your employment you will not admire competitors , nor you will communicate any of our confidential information to competitors.

Page 9: Ten Commandments – Can They Be Applied To Corporate Behaviours

12/02/09 9

You shall not steal !

At all times you will be honest to your employer, you will not claim not genuine expenses, neither you will speak lies or behave in an unbecoming of an employee in any of your dealings.

Page 10: Ten Commandments – Can They Be Applied To Corporate Behaviours

12/02/09 10

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour

You shall not involve , initiate or deal in character assasination of any of the employees, ex, current or future.

You will not deface any of your competitors, customers or stake holders

You will not involve in back biting, finger pointing excercises

Page 11: Ten Commandments – Can They Be Applied To Corporate Behaviours

12/02/09 11

You shall not covet your neighbours wife

You will not covet the job of your boss, or your colleagues , you will always work diligently to prove your worth for higher order responsibilities.

Have a nice working relations

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