ten foods1f17a907ca45b23d43d9-0cc1aa4fb084889af1c493e378db4de3.r71.cf2.r… · ten foods you should...


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Page 2: TEN FOODS1f17a907ca45b23d43d9-0cc1aa4fb084889af1c493e378db4de3.r71.cf2.r… · Ten Foods You Should NEVER ... soda is doing to your stomach lining each time you take a big gulp of

10 Foods You Should NEVER Eat Again

Ten Foods You Should NEVER Eat Again

If you really want to get on top of your diet, the place where you should actually be placing the emphasis on is the things that you should never eat. Forget about all the foods you can eat because there’s a lot more of them, and in order to eat to remain healthy, you need to pay attention to the foods you should never eat. Plus, you probably already know why spinach is good for you. You watched Popeye as a kid, right? As for that delicious s’mores you’re wanting to devour, you probably need a bit more push towards deterring it and that’s what this Ebook is for. The foods that you should never eat again is a much smaller list than the foods that you can eat, and that’s not to mention that the foods you should absolutely never eat again are on this very list for reasons that you certainly don’t want to igno-re. You may feel a little down in the dumps upon first reading the ten foods you should never eat again, but once you know why, you’ll be a happy and much healthier human.

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Page 3: TEN FOODS1f17a907ca45b23d43d9-0cc1aa4fb084889af1c493e378db4de3.r71.cf2.r… · Ten Foods You Should NEVER ... soda is doing to your stomach lining each time you take a big gulp of

10 Foods You Should NEVER Eat Again

With the summer season around the corn and the thought of a buttery piece of corn

on the cob coming hot off of the BBQ, you may find this food item really pulling at

your taste buds. No one wants to get rid of the foods they favor, but corn needs

to go. Aside from it being genetically modified (GMO) which is discussed in No. 10,

there are a variety of things that should deter you from ever eating it again.  It’s the

culprit to the national obesity epidemic, or so it’s believed to be one of the main

culprits. Since corn is in everything everywhere, always check the ingredient list. If

it says corn, get rid of it. It’s been shown that with so many corn-derived products,

you are literally a walking corn kernel. Your hair is even being made of corn. It’s ab-

solutely terrifying when you think about it.

If you really want to be scared out of your corn obsession, or rather, know the detai-

led truth of those tasty kernels, you should watch the award-winning documentary

called Corn King. Proceed with caution though because your relationship with corn

will forever be damaged.

1. Corn, the CulpritIt’s in everything...

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Page 4: TEN FOODS1f17a907ca45b23d43d9-0cc1aa4fb084889af1c493e378db4de3.r71.cf2.r… · Ten Foods You Should NEVER ... soda is doing to your stomach lining each time you take a big gulp of

10 Foods You Should NEVER Eat Again

Oh, soda. You really don’t need an ebook to tell you about the damage that soda

does to your body. All you need to do is place a penny in a bottle of soda and watch

it dissolve away. True story! It actually happens. Now can you imagine what that

soda is doing to your stomach lining each time you take a big gulp of this acid,

cancer-causing and sugar filled liquid?

Soda is one giant can of death. Okay, so that may be a little dramatic but in all ho-

nest, it’s the bleach of drinks. Would you drink bleach? Probably not. The ingredients

in soda give you a large intake of things that you certainly shouldn’t be taking, and

have also been directly linked to fatal diseases, such as cancer, and other illnesses

that are far from enjoyable. Symptoms of gastro-esophageal reflux disease have

been associated with soda, as has stomach leakage, and ulcer symptoms flaring up.

Is that burning esophagus of carbonated fizz worth it?

2. Rot Away With SodaYea... It’s bad for you

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10 Foods You Should NEVER Eat Again

Although bread has only recently been added to the bad list of foods, research has

shown that it has deserved to be avoided long before discovering just that. It may

seem like a harmless staple, but don’t let that bland bread fool you.

Bread is made of wheat, and wheat contains a molecule called amylopectin A which

converts carbs into blood sugar. What does this mean? Within two hours of eating

bread, it sends your blood sugar on a sky rocket high while also sending your appe-

tite on a need to be satisfied yet again which has you overeating and certainly that’s

something no one wants to do. Aside from causing high blood pressure, bread also

causes mucus to form while providing you with a nutrient deficiency, all the while

giving your digestive system one hell of a time trying to digest it.

Long story short, bread is much more unhealthy than you think it is healthy. The

nutrients aren’t in there that you believe there to be. In fact, bread is the exact op-


3. Bread is the Bad GuyIt’s not good for you...

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10 Foods You Should NEVER Eat Again

Sunday bacon-me-crazy. Everyone loves a good piece of bacon, right? It’s no secret

that it’s not good for you, and super fattening with it’s high sodium and saturated

fats, but bacon filled with nitrates is what puts this unhealthy food on the “Never Eat

Again” list. Your breakfasts will never be the same. They’ll be much better.

So what’s the down low on this nitrate stuff? Sodium nitrates are similar to trans

fats, only nitrates are a derivative of nitric acid. Do you really want to be eating an-

ything that is linked with the word, “acid”? It’s probably not the best idea for your

health and diet, right?  That’s also not to mention that when sodium nitrate comes

in contact with other ingredients, it can cause a fire. It puts a whole new perspective

on heartburn! Inhaling sodium nitrates will encourage respiratory problems, and if it

gets on your skin, you’re bound to get a nasty irritation. Now, think about it for just

a moment. You’re eating this stuff. You might as well take a chemical from under

the sink and marinate your foods with it because bacon with nitrates is pretty much

exactly that.

4. No Sunday Bacon with NitratesBacon is Good, Nitrates is Bad

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10 Foods You Should NEVER Eat Again

Soy is often seen as an alternative to dairy, or a type of bean or sauce, but it’s ac-

tually in a lot more products than you may immediately know of, and those foods

should be avoided.  Soy is most known for having high levels of phytic acid which

causes an absorption of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc. Thus, you’re not

getting those things. Soy is also known to cause digestion problems and has even be

linked to pancreatic disorders and growth problems in children.

That’s not all though. Soy has also been linked to thyroid cancer and autoimmune

thyroid disease in children who had soy in their formula. It can also encourage infer-

tility and has been linked to increased breast cancer in women.

It’s safe to say that soy is just a big no, no.

5.Say No To SoyNo more Soy milk please...

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10 Foods You Should NEVER Eat Again

Rice is bland and boring, and since it’s refined grains, it pretty much does absolutely

nothing for you as soon as it hits your tongue. It actually immediately turns into

sugar, so it’s not even a filler because you’ll be hungry in a couple hours. Phytate,

an active mineral in rice actually absorbs the nutrients, so again, you’re not getting

much from this food item.

You’re eating nothing and getting nothing. Just think about that for a second. Why

not switch out your rice for some vegetables and actually get what you’re looking

for from eating. After all, you don’t chow down to get no nutrients and to still be

hungry, right?

6. Getting Nothing From RiceYes it’s a grain too...

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10 Foods You Should NEVER Eat Again

Popcorn may be one of those snacks that you feel no movie will be complete without,

but this seemingly healthy snack is anything but that, even without the loads of

butter splattered on top because popcorn contains a lot of trans fats, oils, sodium

and msg that are all culprits of bad health. Even if you opt for organic kernels or the

plainest, “healthiest” popcorn you can find, it’s still packed with all the nonsense

that comes with corn which you learned about in No. 1. That’s not to mention that

popcorn also contains a variety of chemicals, including Diacetyl which causes severe

respiratory diseases when breathed in, and you get a big waft of it every time you

open that popcorn bag fresh out of the microwave. Gross!

Just because it may seem like the healthier option for a snack doesn’t mean that it

is. If you recall from No. 1.?

7. Popcorn Is No Healthy OptionIt’s still corn...

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10 Foods You Should NEVER Eat Again

First of all, it’s a well known fact that anything that isn’t natural isn’t good for you,

and processed foods is far from being natural. The main procedure of making a

products “processed” is with a variety of cooling and heating processes which im-

mediately diminishes any nutrients that may have been in those once-natural foods.

Flavors are also removed during the excessive cooling and heating processes of

processing foods, so chemicals are then added to put the flavor back in, only in a

fake manner. These non-nutrient processed foods are then packed with chemicals

to help deter the natural process of an item going bad. One of those chemicals also

happens to be nitrates which you read about in No. 4 and ammonium hydroxide

which can be found in your cleaning cupboard right now. Ew! It doesn’t end there,

though. Preservatives such as BHT are also added which are also responsible for

causing stomach tumors, and to top it off, fake coloring is the icing on the cake.

Oh, that’s also not to mention that any processed meats are unwanted animal parts

grinded up. You don’t even want to let your imagination or taste buds go there.

8. Processed Foods...Does This Really Need To Be Elaborated?

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10 Foods You Should NEVER Eat Again

Since margarine is made of oils extracted from seeds such as rapeseed, sunflowers

and safflowers, it’s easily understandable how it can be mistaken as a healthy alter-

native to the artery-clogger of butter. However, don’t be mistaken because these

oils can only be extracted from their seeds through a chemical process, and anyti-

me your food has chemicals linked to it, that’s a tad bit scary. The process actually

leaves the oil with high amounts of toxic erucic acid which is poisonous. Yes. Poiso-

nous. Some processes even add an extra dose of poison with a blast of pesticides

added to the taste. Sounds delicious, doesn’t it?

The oils that are now wax due to the blast of initial chemicals are then treated with

more chemicals to make it become the silky, smooth, creamy margarine that you

enjoy today. Let’s change that.

9. Margarine Really Isn’t The Healthy OilIt’s not real...

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10 Foods You Should NEVER Eat Again

If the sounds of eating “genetically modified organisms (foods)” doesn’t immedia-

tely turn you off, facts about them certainly will.  A study showed that rats who ate

genetically modified potatoes had signs of chronic waste, and even more shocking,

the females gave birth to stunted or still birth pups. This also happened to the pigs,

cows, and bulls who contained GMO foods. If that’s not enough to deter you from

GMO foods, you should also know that   they require massive amounts of poiso-

nous chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. How’s that for a some

added flavor? Would you like some bleach with that pesticide?

Of course, there are plenty of more foods that you should probably think twice

about, but these ten are definitely items you want to cut out of your diet yesterday!

Try to always keep your foods natural and if you’re finding it difficult to get all the

nutrients you need to remain a healthy lifestyle.

10. A Rat In a Science Project With GMO Foods It’s not real...

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