tenses of verbs

The simple present tense Verb to be (am, is, are)-Ser o estar. Affirmative Negative Interrogative I am He is She is It is We are You are They are I’m not He isn’t She isn’t It isn’t We aren’t You aren’t They aren’t Am I ……..? Is he………? Is she……...? Is it………..? Are we…….? Are you……? Are they……? Verb to have got (have got, has got) – Tener Affirmative Negative Interrogative I You have got We (‘ve got) They He has got She (‘s got) It I You haven’t got We They He She hasn’t got It I Have You got …….? We They He Has She got…….? It Verb go (go, goes) Auxiliary verbs(do, does) Ir * Live (lie, lives) vivir Affirmative Negative Interrogative I You go / live We They He She goes / lives It I You don’t go / live We They He She doesn’t go / live It I Do you go / live? we they he Does she go/ live? it 1

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Tenses of verbs (Secondary school)


Page 1: Tenses of Verbs

The simple present tense Verb to be (am, is, are)-Ser o estar.

Affirmative Negative InterrogativeI am

He isShe isIt is

We areYou areThey are

I’m not

He isn’t She isn’tIt isn’t

We aren’tYou aren’tThey aren’t

Am I ……..?

Is he………?Is she……...?Is it………..?

Are we…….?Are you……?Are they……?

Verb to have got (have got, has got) – Tener

Affirmative Negative InterrogativeIYou have gotWe (‘ve got)They

He has gotShe (‘s got)It

IYou haven’t gotWeThey

HeShe hasn’t got It

IHave You got …….? We They

HeHas She got…….? It

Verb go (go, goes) Auxiliary verbs(do, does) Ir * Live (lie, lives) vivir

Affirmative Negative InterrogativeIYou go / liveWeThey

HeShe goes / livesIt

IYou don’t go / liveWe They

HeShe doesn’t go / liveIt

IDo you go / live? we they

heDoes she go/ live? it

Functions (Funciones)Este tiempo verbal se usa para: Hablar de situaciones permanentes, ej: ‘I live in Rosario’ Hablar de costumbres, ej: ‘In Britain we have dinner at six o’clock in the evening’ Hablar de hábitos, ej: ‘She writes in her diary every day’ Hablar de rutinas, ej: ‘She gets up very early every day’ ‘He swims before lunch’


Page 2: Tenses of Verbs

Hablar y preguntar de lo que gusta y no gusta, ej: ‘I like sports’ ‘Do you like music?’ ‘Yes, I do’ ‘She doesn’t like meat’

Useful words (palabras o frases útiles)

Frequency adverbsAlways, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never, etcTime prepositional phrases

Once a day Twice a weekThree times a monthFour times a yearEtc……Every day /morning / afternoon / eveningAt weekendsOn Mondays / TuesdaysDuring the dayIn the evenings, afternoons, etcHow often………?

The Present Continuous TenseTo play -- (am-is-are playing) -- jugarAffirmative Negative InterrogativeI am playing

He is playingShe is playingIt is playing

We are playingYou are playingThey are playing

I’m not playing

He isn’t playingShe isn’t playingIt isn’t playing

We aren’t playingYou aren’t playingThey aren’t playing

Am I playing……?

Is he playing……….?Is she playing……….?Is it playing…………?

Are you playing……..?Are we playing……...?Are they playing…….?

Functions (funciones)Este tiempo verbal se usa para: Describir algo que esta pasando en el momento de hablar, ej: ‘I’m writing’. ‘You are

reading’. Preguntar a cerca de algo que está pasando, ej: ‘What are you doing?’ Hablar a cerca de planes futuros, ej: ‘We are playing tennis tomorrow’ Preguntar acerca de planes, ej: ‘What are you doing next week-end?’

Useful words(Para hablar del momento o periodo de tiempo en el que se está hablando) Now (ahora)At the moment (en este momento)This week /month/year (esta semana/mes/año)Today (hoy)(Para futuros planes) Tomorrow (mañana)Next week/month/year/etc (la proxima semana/mes/año/etc)At the weekend, On Monday, Saturday, etc


Page 3: Tenses of Verbs

The Past simple tense

Verb to be - was / were - (ser o estar)Affirmative Negative InterrogativeI wasHe wasShe wasIt was

We wereYou wereThey were

I wasn’tHe wasn’tShe wasn’tIt wasn’t

We weren’tYou weren’tThey weren’t

Was I………?Was he………?Was she……?Was it…….?

Were we……?Were you……..?Were they……..?

Verb to go (went) auxiliary verb ‘did’ (ir) * to live (vivir)Affirmative Negative InterrogativeIYouHeShe went/livedItWeThey

IYouHeShe didn’t go/liveItWeThey

I you he Did she go/live…? it we they

*de esta forma se puede conjugar cualquier otro verbo menos el ‘to be’, y los ‘modales’: ‘can, may, could, might, must, should, would, etc’ los cuales no llevan auxiliar al preguntar o negar pues lo hacen por si mismos.Functions (funciones)Este tiempo verbal se usa para: Hablar de eventos del pasado, ej: ‘We had a great time, yesterday’ Preguntar por eventos del pasado, ej: ‘What did Teresa do at the weekend?’ Hablar de acciones que pasaron en un periodo de tiempo en el pasado. Ej: ‘I lived

in Mendoza for ten years’ Contar historias del pasado, ej: ‘Last Saturday I went downtown with my family.

First, we did some shopping, and then…’

Useful wordsYesterday (ayer)Yesterday night, morning, etc (ayer a la noche, a la mañana, etc)Last week, month, year (la semana pasada, el mes pasado, el año pasado, etc)Ago (atrás) Ten years ago (diez años atrás)In 1989, in the summer, in March (en 1989, en el verano, en Marzo)This morning, evening, etc (esta mañana, tarde, etc)On Monday morning, on Tuesday evening, etc (lunes a la mañana,martes a la tarde, etc)

The Past Continuous tense


Page 4: Tenses of Verbs

Affirmative Negative InterrogativeI was playingHe was playingShe was playingIt was playing

We were playingYou were playingThey were playing

I wasn’t playingHe wasn’t playingShe wasn’t playingIt wasn’t playing

We weren’t playingYou weren’t playingThey weren’t playing

Was I playing ?Was he playing?Was she playing?Was it playing …….?

Were we playing …….?Were you playing …….?Were they playing …….?

Functions (funciones)Este tiempo verbal se usa para:

describir acciones que estaban siendo realizadas en un momento del pasado The future tense‘going to’ to be +going to+verb = (ir a) (voy a tabajar)

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I am going to work I’m not going to work Am I going to work?

HeShe is going to workIt

HeShe isn’t going to workIt

heIs she going to work? it

YouWe are going to workThey

YouWe aren’t going to workThey

youAre we going to work? they

Functions (funciones) Este tiempo verbal se usa para: Hablar de intensiones o planes para el futuro ej: ‘I’m going to learn to drive.’ Hablar de predicciones basadas en algo real ej: ‘It’s cloudy. It’s going to rain.’

Will go (iré)

Affirmative Negative InterrogativeIYouHeShe will go (‘ll go)ItWeYouThey

IYouHeShe will not go (won’t go)ItWeYouThey

I you heWill she go ? it you we they

Functions: (funciones)Este tiempo verbal se usa para: Hablar de predicciones sin fundamento ej: ‘You’ll get married with a tall man and

rich.’ Hacer promesas ej: ‘I’ll send you a postcard from Spain.’ Hablar de hechos reales ej: ‘If it is made of wood, it will float.’ Dar ordenens ej: ‘You’ll do it this minute.’


Page 5: Tenses of Verbs

The present perfect tenseTo buy * bought (paticipio pasado)Affirmative Negative InterrogativeIYouWe have boughtThey

IYouWe haven’t boughtYou

I youhave we bought? they

HeShe has boughtIt

HeShe hasn’t boughtIt

heHas she bought? it

Functions (funciones) se usa para hablar de cosas que han sucedido en el pasado pero que tienen que

ver con el presente e.g. I have lived in Tres Arroyos since 1978 se usa para hablar de experiencias personales sin ubicarlas en el tiempo exacto

sino hablando desde cuando está ocurriendo o por cuanto tiempo ha sucedido e.g. I have studied English since 1999

Useful wordsSince (desde) For (por)Already (ya) Still (aun) Yet (aún) para negative y pregunta Just (recién)

Past Perfect Verb Tense To buy * bought (paticipio pasado)Affirmative Negative InterrogativeIHeShe had boughtItYouWe They

IHeShe hadn’t boughtItYouWe They

I heHad she bought? it you we they

Es un tiempo verbal que expresa acciones que han tenido lugar en el pasado, pero en un pasado menos reciente que el que se expresa en el Present Perfect. Es lo que se denomina el pasado del pasado (past in the past). Se forma con el verbo (to) have en pasado, had + el participio del verbo de la acción: Regular (Infinitivo + ed) o Irregular (tercera columna de la lista de verbos irregulares).


What? Que / Cual *What time? Que hora / A que horaWhat colour? Que colorWhat nationality? Que nacionalidadWhat …………like? Como (para describir algo a alguien)What …………for? Para queWhat …………with? Con queWhere? DondeWhere………..from? De dondeWhen? CuandoWhich? Cual *How? Como (generalmente para salud o estado de ánimo)How old? Como de viejo (para la edad)


Page 6: Tenses of Verbs

How much? Cuanto/aHow many? Cuantos/asHow often? Con que frecuenciaHow long? Como de largoHow long? Cuanto tiempoHow far? Como de lejosWho? QuienWho…………for? Para quienWho…………with? Con quienWhose? De quienWhy? Por que (se responde con because…..)* What / Which? significan cual o cuales pero usamos “what” cuando tenemos muchas opciones para elegir y “which” cuando el número de elecciones es limitado o pequeño.



Page 7: Tenses of Verbs

What’s this?What’s your name?What time is it?What time do you get up?What colour is your car?What nationality are you?What is Tres Arroyos like?What is a screwdriver for?Where are the children?Where do you come from?When is your birthday?Which colour do you like red or blue?How are you today?How old is your mother?

How much does a sweater cost?How many books are there on the floor?How often do you go to church?How long is the River Nile?How long are you going to stay in Buenos Aires?How far is your house from the city centre?Who is that man?Who do you work for?Who do you live with?Whose jeans are these?Why do you study English?

Comparatives and superlatives

Adjective Comparative SuperlativeOne syllable Young

ColdYounger thanColder than

The youngestThe coldest

One syllable ending in -e


Nicer thanLater than

The nicestThe latest

One syllable Short vowel +one consonant


Wetter thanThinner thanBigger than

The wettestThe thinnestThe biggest

Two syllablesConsonant + y


Heavier thanSunnier than

The heaviestThe sunniest

Two or more syllables

Attractive Interesting

More attractive thanMore interesting than

The most attractiveThe most interesting


Better thanWorse thanFarther than

The bestThe worstThe farthest







I me my mine myself


Page 8: Tenses of Verbs

you you your yours yourself

he him his his himself

she her her hers herself

it it its -- itself

we us our ours ourselves

you you your yours yourselves

they them their theirs themselves

Pronombres Indefinidos

everybody nobody somebody


everyone no one someone anyone

everything nothing something


Pronombres Relativos

who which that whom whose

Pronombres Recíprocos

each other / one another