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Tenth Edition HUMAN RELATIONS Interpersonal Job-Oriented Skills n Andrew J. DuBrin College of Business Rochester Institute of Technology PEARSON Prentice Hall Pearson Education International

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Tenth Edition


Interpersonal Job-Oriented Skills


Andrew J. DuBrinCollege of Business

Rochester Institute of Technology



Pearson Education International


Preface xvii

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

A Framework for Interpersonal Skill Development 2Plan of the Book 3A Model for Improving Interpersonal Skills 5

Goal or Desired State of Affairs 5Assessing Reality 6

An Action Plan 6Feedback on Actions 6Frequent Practice 7

Identification of Developmental Needs 8Universal Needs for Improving Interpersonal Relations 8Developing Interpersonal Skills on the Job 11

Informal Learning 12Specific Developmental Experiences 13Self-Assessment Quiz in Overview 14

Concept Review and Reinforcement 15Key Terms 15Summary of Key Concepts 15Check Your Understanding 15The Web Corner 16Developing Your Human Relations Skills 17Interpersonal Relations Case 1.1: Nobody Likes Me 17Interpersonal Relations Case 1.2: How Do You Say No

to Girl Scout Cookies? 17Interpersonal Skills Role-Play 1.1: Selling at the Office 18

Understanding Individual Differences 20Personality 21

Eight Major Personality Factors and Traits 21The Eight Factors and Traits and Job Performance 23Personality Types and Cognitive Styles 26Guidelines for Dealing with Different Personality Types 28

Mental Ability 29Components of Traditional Intelligence 30Practical Intelligence 30Multiple Intelligences 31Emotional Intelligence 32

Guidelines for Relating to People of Different Labels and Typesof Intelligence 34


Values as a Source of Individual Differences 35How Values Are Learned 35Clarifying Your Values 37The Mesh between Individual and Job Values 37Guidelines for Using Values to Enhance Interpersonal

Relations 38Self-Assessment Quizzes in Overview 39

Concept Review and Reinforcement 40Key Terms 40Summary of Key Concepts 40Check Your Understanding 41The Web Corner 41Developing Your Human Relations Skills 42Interpersonal Relations Case 2.1: Capitalizing on Hidden Talent at

Westmont Center 42Interpersonal Relations Case 2.2: "We've Got to Make Our

Numbers" 43Interpersonal Skills Role-Play 2.1: The "Making the Numbers"

Conundrum 43

Chapter 3 Building Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence 44The Meaning of Self-Esteem and Its Development-and

Consequences 45How Self-Esteem Develops 45The Consequences of Self-Esteem 48

Enhancing Self-Esteem 49Attain Legitimate Accomplishments 50Be Aware of Personal Strengths 50Rebut the Inner Critic 51Practice Self-Nurturing 52Minimize Settings and Interactions That Detract from Your

Feelings of Competence 52Get Help from Others 52Model the Behavior of People with High Self-Esteem 53Create a High Self-Esteem Living Space 53

The Importance of Self-Confidence and Self-Efficacy 53Techniques for Developing and Enhancing Your Self-Confidence 54

Develop a Solid Knowledge Base 54Use Positive Self-Talk 56Avoid Negative Self-Talk 56

Use Positive Visual Imagery 56

Set High Expectations for Yourself (the Galeta Effect) 57Develop the Explanatory Style of Optimists 57Strive for Peak Performance 57Bounce Back from Setbacks and Embarrassments 58Self-Assessment Quizzes in Overview 59

Concept Review and Reinforcement 60Key Terms 60Summary of Key Concepts 60Check Your Understanding 61



The Web Corner 61Developing Your Human Relations Skills 62Interpersonal Relations Case 3.1: The Confetti Man 62Interpersonal Relations Case 3.2: Building Up Kristina 62

Chapter 4 Interpersonal Communication 64Steps in the Communication Process 65Relationship Building and Interpersonal Communication 67Nonverbal Communication in Organizations 68

Modes of Transmission of Nonverbal Communication 69Guidelines for Improving Nonverbal Communication 71

Guidelines for Overcoming Communication Problemsand Barriers 72Understand the Receiver 73Minimize Defensive Communication 74Repeat Your Message Using Multiple Channels 74Check Comprehension and Feelings via Verbal and Nonverbal

Feedback 74Display a Positive Attitude 75Communicate Persuasively 75Engage in Active Listening 77Prepare for Stressful. Conversations 79Engage in Metacommunication 80Recognize Gender Differences in Communication Style 80Self-Assessment Quizzes in Overview 82

Concept Review and Reinforcement 83Key Terms 83Summary of Key Concepts 83Check Your Understanding 83The Web Corner 84Developing Your Human Relations Skills 85Interpersonal Relations Case 4.1: Karl Walks Around 85Interpersonal Relations Case 4.2: The Dental Floss Communication

Challenge 85Interpersonal Skills Role-Play 4.1: The Dental Hygienist and Dental

Patient Role-Play 86

Chapter 5 Developing Teamwork Skills 88Types of Teams 89

Self-Managing Work Teams 89Cross-Functional Teams 91Virtual Teams 92Crews 93

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Teams and Teamwork 93Advantages of Group Work and Teamwork 93Disadvantages of Group Work and Teamwork 94

Team Member Roles 97Guidelines for the Interpersonal Aspects of Team Play 99

Trust Team Members 101Display a High Level of Cooperation and Collaboration 101


Recognize the Interests and Achievements of Others 101Give and Receive Helpful Criticism 102Share the Glory 102Take Care Not to Rain on Another Person's Parade 102

Guidelines for the Task Aspects of Team Play 103Provide Technical Expertise (or Knowledge of the Task) 103Assume Responsibility for Problems 103See the Big Picture 103Believe in Consensus 104Focus on Deadlines 104Help Team Members Do Their Jobs Better 104Be a Good Organizational Citizen 104Self-Assessment Quizzes in Overview 105

Concept Review and Reinforcement 106Key Terms 106Summary of Key Concepts 106Check Your Understanding 106The Web Corner 107Developing Your Human Relations Skills 108Interpersonal Relations Case 5.1: Mark Wants to

Look Good 108Interpersonal Relations Case 5.2: Ruth Waves a Red Flag 108

Chapter 6 Group Problem Solving and Decision Making 110Rational Versus Political Decision Making in Groups 111Guidelines for Using General Problem-Solving Groups 112

Working through the Group Problem-Solving Steps 113Managing Disagreement about Group

Decision Making 115Aiming for Inquiry versus Advocacy in Group

Decision Making 116Guidelines for Brainstorming 116Guidelines for the Nominal Group Technique 118Using Standup Meetings to Facilitate Problem Solving 121Using E-Mail and Groupware to Facilitate Group Decision

Making 122Using E-Mail to Facilitate Meetings 122Using Groupware to Facilitate Group Problem Solving 122

Suggestions for Being an Effective Meeting Participant 123Self-Assessment Quiz in Overview 124

Concept Review and Reinforcement 125Key Terms 125Summary of Key Concepts 125Check Your Understanding 126The Web Corner 126Developing Your Human Relations Skills 127Interpersonal Relations Case 6.1: Struggling to Make a

Decision at BMI 127Interpersonal Relations Case 6.2: The Picnic Committee

Brainstorms 128


Chapter 7 Cross-Cultural Relations and Diversity 130The Diversity Umbrella 131Understanding Cultural Differences 133

Cultural Sensitivity and Political Correctness 133Cultural Intelligence 134Respect for All Workers and Cultures 135Cultural Fluency 136Dimensions of Differences in Cultural Values 137Cultural Bloopers 138

Overcoming Cross-Cultural Communication Barriers 139Techniques for Improving Cross-Cultural Relations 141

Cultural Training 141Cultural Intelligence Training 142Language Training 143Diversity Training 144Cross-Cultural and Cross-Gender Mentoring Programs 145Self-Assessment Quizzes in Overview 145

Concept Review and Reinforcement 146Key Terms 146Summary of Key Concepts 146Check Your Understanding 147The Web Corner 1 4 7 °Developing Your Human Relations Skills 148Interpersonal Relations Case 7.1: The Multicultural Dealership 148Interpersonal Relations Case 7.2: Akiak Wants to Fit in 149Interpersonal Skills Role-Play 7.1: Building a Relationship with an

Eskimo Electronic Technician 150 %

Chapter 8 Resolving Conflicts with Others 152Sources of Interpersonal Conflict in Organizations 153

Competition for Limited Resources 153Role Conflict 154Competing Work and Family Demands 155Personality Clashes 156Aggressive Personalities, Including Bullies 157Incivility and Rudeness 158

Conflict-Management Styles 158Competitive Style 158Accommodative Style 158Sharing Style 159Collaborative Style 159Avoidant Style 160

Guidelines and Techniques for Resolving Conflicts 160Confrontation and Problem Solving 161Constructive Handling of Criticism 161Reframing 163Negotiating and Bargaining 164Understand the Other Party's Perspective 164

Combating Sexual Harassment: A Special Type of Conflict 168Types and Frequency of Harassment 168


The Adverse Effects of Sexual Harassment 169Guidelines for Preventing and Dealing with Sexual Harassment 170Self-Assessment Quizzes in Overview 171

Concept Review and Reinforcement 172Key Terms 172Summary of Key Concepts 172Check Your Understanding 173The Web Corner 173Developing Your Human Relations Skills 174Interpersonal Relations Case 8.1: The Refrigerator Caper 174An Interpersonal Relations Case 8.2: Caught in a Squeeze 174Interpersonal Skills Role-Play 8.1: Conflict Resolution Role-Play 175

Chapter 9 Becoming an Effective Leader 176Key Leadership Traits to Develop 178

Self-Confidence 178Assertiveness 179

Trustworthiness and Morality 181Emotional Stability 181Sense of Humor 182Self-Awareness and Self-Objectivity 182Cognitive Skills and Clarity 183Emotional Intelligence 184Passion and Enthusiasm 185

Suggestions for Developing Charisma 185Developing Team Leadership Skills 187

Build a Mission Statement 189

Show Your Team Members That They Are Trusted 189Establish a Sense of Urgency and High Performance

Standards 190Hold Question-and-Answer Sessions with the Team 190Encourage Team Members to Recognize Each Other's

Accomplishments 190Encourage Honest Criticism 190Use Team Symbols 191Use Peer Evaluations 191Help Team Members See the Big Picture 191Minimize Formation of In-Groups and Out-Groups 192

Developing Your Leadership Potential 192Self-Assessment Quizzes in Overview 193

Concept Review and Reinforcement 195Key Terms 195Summary of Key Concepts 195Check Your Understanding 196The Web Corner 196Developing Your Human Relations Skills 197Interpersonal Relations Case 9.1: Jim Press Wants to Steer Chrysler

in the Right Direction 197Interpersonal Relations Case 9.2: So Is This How You Learn

Leadership? 198


Chapter 10 Motivating Others 200Motivation Skill Based on the Principle of "What's In It For Me?" 202Using Positive Reinforcement to Motivate Others 204Using Recognition to Motivate Others 207Using Expectancy Theory to Motivate Others 209

Capsule Overview of Expectancy Theory 209Basic Components of Expectancy Theory 209How Moods Influence Expectancy Theory 210Diagnosing Motivation with Expectancy Theory 211Guidelines for Applying Expectancy Theory 212Self-Assessment Quiz in Overview 214

Concept Review and Reinforcement 214Key Terms 214Summary of Key Concepts 214Check Your Understanding 215The Web Corner 215Developing Your Human Relations Skills 216Interpersonal Relations Case 10.1: Motivating the Kitchen Staff

at the Blue Gardenia 216An Interpersonal Relations Case 10.2: On Time at Prime Time 217

Chapter 11 Helping Others Develop and Grow 218Being a Nurturing, Positive Person 219Being a Mentor to Coworkers 221Coaching and Training Others 225

Coaching Skills and Techniques 225 i((

Training Others 227Helping Difficult People 230

Types of Difficult People 231Tactics for Dealing with Difficult People 232Self-Assessment Quizzes in Overview 235

Concept Review and Reinforcement 236Key Terms 236Summary of Key Concepts 236Check Your Understanding 237The Web Corner 237Developing Your Human Relations Skills 238Interpersonal Relations Case 11.1: The Demanding Protege 238Interpersonal Relations Case 11.2: What to Do About Brian? 239

Chapter 12 Positive Political Skills 242Political Skill and Social Intelligence 245Impression Management and Etiquette 246

Tactics of Impression Management 247Business Etiquette 248

Building Relationships with Managers and Other Key People 253Network with Influential People 253Help Your Manager Succeed 255


Understand Unwritten Boundaries 255Volunteer for Assignments 256Flatter Influential People Sensibly 256Use Information Power 256Appear Cool under Pressure 257Laugh at Your Manager's Humor 257Express Constructive Disagreement 257

Building Relationships with Coworkers and Other WorkAssociates 258

Maintain Honest and Open Relationships 258Make Others Feel Important 259Be Diplomatic 259Exchange Favors 259Ask for Advice 260Share Constructive Gossip 261Minimize Microinequities 261Follow Group Norms 261

Avoiding Political Blunders 262Self-Assessment Quizzes in Overview 264

Concept Review and Reinforcement 265Key Terms 265Summary of Key Concepts 265 oCheck Your Understanding 265The Web Corner 266Developing Your Human Relations Skills 267Interpersonal Relations Case 12.1: What Do My Table Manners

Have to Do with the Job? 267Interpersonal Relations Case 12.2: Lunch 2.0 for Free 268

Chapter 13 Customer Satisfaction Skills 270The Three Components of Customer Experience (Service) 272Following the General Principles of Customer Satisfaction 273

Be Satisfied So You Can Provide Better Customer Service 274Receive Emotional Support from Coworkers and Management

to Give Better Customer Service 275Understand Customer Needs and Put Them First 276Focus on Solving Problems, Not Just Taking Orders 276Respond Positively to Moments of Truth 277Be Ready to Accept Empowerment 277Enhance Customer Service through IT 278Avoid Rudeness and Hostility toward Customers 279

Creating A Bond with Your Customer 281Create a Welcoming Attitude, Including a Smile 281Provide Exceptional Service (or Customer Experience) 281Show Care and Concern 282Make the Buyer Feel Good 282Build a Personal Relationship through Interaction with

Customers 282Invite the Customer Back 284

Dealing with Customer Dissatisfaction 285


Deal Constructively with Customer Complaints and Anger 286Involve the Customer in Working Out the Problem 287Anticipate How to Handle an Unreasonable Request 287Maintain a Realistic Customer Retention Attitude 288Self-Assessment Quizzes in Overview 288

Concept Review and Reinforcement 289Key Terms 289Summary of Key Concepts 289Check Your Understanding 290The Web Corner 290Developing Your Human Relations Skills 291Interpersonal Relations Case 13.1: Making Nice at Home Depot 291Interpersonal Relations Case 13.2: Repeat Business at

Whopper Wash 292

Chapter 14 Enhancing Ethical Behavior 294Why Be Concerned about Business Ethics? 296Why We Have So Many Ethical Problems 297

Why Being Ethical Isn't Easy 297A Survey of the Extent of Ethical Problems 297Frequent Ethical Dilemmas 297Choosing between Two Rights: Dealing with Defining

Moments 303Guidelines for Behaving Ethically 304

Developing Virtuousness 304Following a Guide to Ethical Decision Making 305Developing Strong Relationships with Work Associates 307Using Corporate Ethics Programs 308Being Environmentally Conscious 309Following an Applicable Professional Code of Conduct 309Being Ready to Exert Upward Leadership 311Self-Assessment Quiz in Overview 312

Concept Review and Reinforcement 313Key Terms 313Summary of Key Concepts 313Check Your Understanding 314The Web Corner 314Developing Your Human Relations Skills 315Interpersonal Relations Casel4.1: "Where Does

My Loyalty Lie?" 315An Interpersonal Relations Case 14.2: The Highly Rated,

But Expendable Marsha 315Interpersonal Skills Role-Play 14.1: Confronting the Ethical Deviant 316

Chapter 15


Stress Management and Personal Productivity 318Understanding and Managing Stress 319

Symptoms and Consequences of Stress 320Personality and Job Factors Contributing to Stress 322Methods and Techniques for Stress Management 326

Improving Personal Productivity 330Dealing with Procrastination 330Enhancing Personal Productivity through Attitudes and

Values 331Enhancing Personal Productivity through Work Habits

and Skills 335Overcoming Time Wasters 337Self-Assessment Quizzes in Overview 340

Concept Review and Reinforcement 341Key Terms 341Summary of Key Concepts 341Check Your UnderstandingChec 342The Web Corner 342Developing Your Human Relations Skills 344Interpersonal Relations Case 15.1: Rachel Runs the Treadmill 344An Interpersonal Relations Case 15.2: The Extreme Job Firefighter 345

Chapter 16 Job Search and Career Management Skills 346Conducting a Job Search 347

Job-Hunting Tactics 347The Job Resume and Cover Letter 352Performing Well in a Job Interview 356

The Vertical and Horizontal Career Paths 359The Vertical (Traditional) Career Path 360The Horizontal Career Path 361

Career Advancement Strategies and Tactics 362Capitalize on Your Strengths and Build Your

Personal Brand 362Be Passionate about and Proud of Your Work 363Develop a Code of Professional Ethics 363Develop a Proactive Personality 364Keep Growing through Continuous Learning and

Self-Development 365Document Your Accomplishments 365Project a Professional Image 366Perceive Yourself as a Provider of Services 366Develop Depth and Breadth 367Rely on a Network of Successful People 367Work with a Mentor 368Find a Good Person-Organization Fit 369Take Sensible Risks 369Emphasize Relationships to Combat

Being Outsourced 370Self-Assessment Quizzes in Overview 370

Concept Review and Reinforcement 371Key Terms 371Summary of Key Concepts 371Check Your Understanding 372The Web Corner 372Developing Your Human Relations Skills 373


An Interpersonal Relations Case 16.1: Why Isn't My ResumeGetting Results? 373

Interpersonal Skills Role-Play 16.1: Helping Billy Joe with hisResume 374

Interpersonal Relations Case 16.2: The Brand Called Brandy 374

Glossary 375References 379Index 395