terhi walamies / more than just

Children’s Media Barometer 2010: The Use of Media among 0-8-year-olds in Finland. Interviews and evaluations Researcher Terhi Walamies, Finnish Society on Media Education More Than Just Child’s Pl@y? 10.2.2011, Helsinki

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Children’s Media Barometer 2010:The Use of Media among 0-8-year-olds in Finland.

Interviews and evaluations

Researcher Terhi Walamies, Finnish Society on Media Education

More Than Just Child’s Pl@y? 10.2.2011, Helsinki

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10 places:

• Day care (4)

• Family day care group (1)

• School (1)

• Homes (4)

- 0-7 year old children (4 boys and 4 girls)


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• Small, medium and large cities included in the southern, western and northern parts of Finland

• A socio-economic aspect in choosing different kinds of areas (Pohjola & Jokinen 2009; Pohjola & Johnson 2009)

- low-, (3)

- middle- (4) and

- upper-income areas (3)


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Children’s age distribution in the survey

Age Boy Girl In all

Under 1 1 - 1

1 - 1 1

2 - 1 1

3 2 2 4

4 1 - 1

5 5 4 9

6 8 7 15

7 2 - 2

8 - 2 2

19 17 36


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The most suitable data collection methods in this survey:

1) Observation at home (0-3-year-olds) - digital camera, dictation machine, notes

2) Theme interviews with the 4-8-year-olds

- Answering questions seemed to be easiest for a child when they were allowed some meaningful activity (f.ex. drawing) during the interview.

- Interviews conducted most often with a goup of 2-4 children, the most suitable size was 2 children.

- Interviews were also made during some of the home observations.5

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3) Drawing a ”fantasy room” with the 3-6-year old children

• 23 children (8 girls ja 15 boys)

• In nine of the drawings there were things that had something to do with media.

• Television was most common in the drawings (also game consoles, and advertisement, a movieposter, a computer).

• One 6-year-old boy drew a media tool as well as media content.


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4) Questionnaire with the 5-7-year old children

- 6 children (4 boys and 2 girls)

- Fast and effective

- More formal than theme interviews

Writing notes about the observations, the interviews with the children and drawings as well as taking photos and filming with a digital camera


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Children’s media relations

• In this qualitative survey children’s media use is diverse and active.

• Parents’ activity and relationship with media seems to direct the child’s engagement as well.

• The use begins as a baby (television, music, books, internet with parents).

• Music, books, magazines and television programmes came up in children’s stories and in observations made at home.


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• The pleasure which media gave was meaningful to children in this survey.

• Enjoying with media:

- Gestures and facial expressions

- Movement and giving comments about media shows

- Children told about their experiences

(games, internet use and mobile phones)

• Rules:

- Rules concerning media were most often: restraining children’s playing or television watching.


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Negative experiences in children’s media relations

- Connected to children’s programmes on TV, films aimed at children, and some news items

- Coping-means (for example leaving the scary situation)

One nascent socio-economical difference was found in this survey:

Children interviewed in the upper-income areas mentioned more often rules concerning media.


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